The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 18, 1921, Image 1

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    lmlornlty Llbrnr
WaiiM, pn j
1&ht lEWnituj Itoali.
Today? m News
A Clou Ad WW
Do It
Member of the Associated Press,
KlfNMitli Venn No. noilH.
, pnsi inrou yon. nn mm uuiui imsiur
II llm proposed cumpulgii for of tm, ntl,e congregation at llosn-
funds for tho Chamber of Com- I)llrK, T, tioaltli of IiIh Hon, who l1
mcrco moots with absoluto success afflicted with asthma, Im a loading
ami tlm full iota of $17,1)00 U rain. ronson for necoptliiK tho locul pulpit,
Pit, It will not provide monoy on- it ,K ,opod that tlm higher nlll-,
oukIi to moot tho iloflclt and ovor- tu,)n wm nu,, r,mtorn tho hoy to I
I....I nwnnnMMu fni Ifin nnft 12 I 1,1.
months. This statement will doubt- Tho' Hnv !. L, Hall, statu mlssln
lens roimi as u surprise, for tho nnry, w,o )Uh been supplying the lo-
1 t. . uluan f IIHlIll. a . . a ... . . ..
purine nan imoii u " m...".-
stand that tho sum demanded wiin
...mipmi nni nnlv tt timet Ihn over-
i..r.i iml in enrrv nn thu extensive
program that has boon mappod out
by tho Amorlcan City lluroau.
This condition Is brought about
by tho heavy dobt that tho chain-
her owes. It utiiouuls, as ueur as 'llm
ff... I.I .-. .i.iivlnln In Im liitfwiimil
!'":"" '"". '...a a ;. Xu" .i,.i
I37UU nun oouu. ii ihu vi
000 quota In roachod, only about
19000 will remain uuor uouutiiiis
tho dobt now owod, tho commission
to tho American City lluroau and
tho costs or tho cumpaign, placing
tho latter at tho lowost posslblo
minimum Out of llm remaining
lliilOO It has been tentatively plan-
ned to doducl $4000 for tho trof-
fc bureau, as tlm ImslnenM men
who havo contributed to iho bud-
ret fund havo boon given to tin-
dcrstand that thoy would no longor
bo called upon to pay tho quartor-
ly assessments thoy havo signed
up for This reduces the avail
ablo funds for tho next 12 months
to 16000. Deducting tlm socro-
tary's salary of $3000 only $2000
remains. If tho secretary's salary
Is Increasod lo $4800, as has boon
suggested and as some Inllmato It
will be. there would remain ouly
1200 for all other oxponsos con-
nected with Iho operation of tho
chamber. If It remains whoro It ts.
then tho $2000 that would ho left
wuold cut a sorry flguro lu carrying
u .i. .....!.,. nrmrrnm ntiout
which so much hus been said dur-
lni ihn nast three wrens or mien
slvo preparation for tho drlvo.
Tho public ban hocn left under
tho Improsslon tnai mo proposou
117,000 fund was for futnro work.
tnl AP TkAAt ATfMinSiUI. It WOUld
soom tho people havo been accord
ed tho ssmo treatment In tho mat
tor of the Indohtedncss that thoy
wero In tho signing of tho con
tract with tho Amorlcan City llur
oau. Tho statement had boon ro-
peatodly mode that this Immonso
sum wos nocdod to carry forward of 101g nna j9i9 havo b00n ro.
tho "groat program" that Is to bo corw, from ,jm , a roport
mappod out by tho next reprosenta- f thnro rm ,B n nctIon
tlvo of the Amorlcan City lluroau. whch t WM forocast Inst woolc
As a mattor of fact It tho rhambor wou), bo takcn n caa0 Qormony
accomplishes no mora In tho next rofUBOd to moot her roparatlona
12 months than It has under tho ,mymont.
present secretary, It will meet tlm Tho Kronch mnistor of war to
second year with n deficit as great, ,,ny ,cCrPj that tho roport from
of groator. than It now has. pro- ,,,, wn hat00Kn that no call
tiding, of course, that every dollar ' toT n ,0blIlxatlon of troopa for
subscribed Is paid. This expectancy nny reMon had boon Issuod.
In not reneniblo. nnd overv dollsr j
SSf'dnflcir"1 "aT l b" addC1 l- WNDON. April 18.-IloporU of
if ii . crnnier financial muni.KO. -drastic action against (lermuny. to Iw
been shown .luring the past eight J'U8n,?"hcJ"Mh"?,P8nhB0CUI
months, then by no possible stretch " wn said, wero based ot
keeltrhamrolr1 XSo? " JUZXt aSSu&rtfiE
A'i.'o ! "houMhave Intends to pay P-tlH.
been placed beforo tho member "J" t0"0-r narob?. 80,ul,on or ,B0
months ago. Itjwns nnlv after ll'o?"?" ftoorm-nr does not or-
retary. who has Ignored tho members wun r ranK"- t
ami inueii in inuiiw unu ini m;
all ranis on tho tabin.
Thlrf 1. Itin uftftnml limn llm Pltnttl.
bor has been financially wrecked by
turning looso n visionary socrotary.
and It looks ns If Iho saino program
of rodomptlon will Imvo to bo fol
lowed now that was followod then.
Kred Fleet wbh called In nnd. after
ovor n year of the most humlllntlng
begging nnd Indefatlgahlo labor, ho
pain off tho debt and accomplished
somn constructive work.
That thero has been nn uttor fin
nrlclal failure must ho admitted. That
granted, tho next best thing to do Is
to -cast nbout for a plan of rehabili
tation. Thin can only ho nccomplslh
od hv a now personnel and tho most
caroful nnd conservallvo nnd con
structlyo mnnngomnnt. If this change
cannot bo nssured, then It Is folly to
pour fundK Into tho rat holo. It can
not bo filled up.
John Cablor, farmer on tho Mid
' land rond. rocolvod a dlslocatod
knoo and bruises and gashes at tho
foco, whon his loam ran away Sat
urday nttornoon. Ho Is In n lo
cal hospital nnd roportod to bo do
ing woll.
OREGON Tonight nnd Sunday,
fnlr; hoavy frost In onst In tho morn
' A five passenger Ford automo
bile was stolen from Ai Fu, Gross
flld Ssturdsy night somotlme be
fvusn 9 n'd 11 o'clocV.-'Tho cjr
"was lcftprltd between Fifth and
Sixth streot by young Mr. Gross
field. As yet no trace has boon
found of tho thief.
Emmanuel Baptists
To Have Resident
Pastor After May IS
After May 15 tlm Emmanuel llnp
tint church of Klimiatli I'nllH will
luivo it resident pastor, IiiivImk b
tulnntt tlm serviced of tho Itnv J II
Dickson, proHunt pastor at Itoxnlmrg
Tlm ltav. Mr. Dickson Im ii forceful
anil experienced prciiciinr inir wo
rni puipil uniii n regular pasiur t
roU,i )m fiinU, will remain until I
tt.... t r. (
nil II 11 lift
unninnw i n
Tlm llarberit toiim trimmed, slug-
oil, massaged and double scraped the
Copco horschlde tosser on tlm local
grounds yesterdav afternoon, the
final scorn being lli lo 7 Tlm llnr-
hers gathered 22 tills during tho
session, to their opponents U The
sides split flfty-MOy on errors. 3 and
Mtolen bases. 8. Ilostwlck. on the
mound for the scissors squad tallied
five strikeouts, a iwrformonee equal-
ed by Klahn for t'opco. Hharkey,
pitching the last Innings for tlm lat-
ter, nlso showed thu same big league
form, as the ollmr two tossors, rotlr-
Ing four of tho opposing slickers,
Denplto the raw wind am) cold
weather, a largo and enthusiastic
crowd of fans or both suxoi was
present. McDonald and How den, urn-
plri. performed rrcdllnhly
PI "is ror forming a r tv league,
rem -ting of perhaps half a dozen
tramii. will ho ronsldiired at n meet-
Ing of local runs and players Wed-
nevlnv otmlliK It Is believed that
niiiUdnrnblo locul lalotit can bo do
rAUiSt April 18. Orders calling
, ,h .,. lhn mmtnry clsssoa
, , t
On National Staff
Patriarchs Militant
W. A. Wlost, local attorney, hns
been .nppolntod dopartmont alda for
tho dopartmont of Oregon, Patriarchs
Militant, I. O. O. V., with tho rank
nf llmitminnt rnlnnnl. Thin ltf cnnsld-
orod very much of nn honor by mem-
uors or mo organization.
Canton Crater No. 7, tho local
branch of tho Patriarchs Militant. Is
showing a honlthy growth. At tho
Inst mooting tho following offlcors
worn olectod: W. O. Wolls, comman
dant, with rank of captain; Louis J.
McCluro, lieutenant; J. V. llrowba
kor. ensign; W. D. qofor, clerk;
Frod Uuosslng. accountant,
Mooting nights hnvo boon changed
from nvory Thursday to ovory Wed
nesday night.
'ni - . jimv niuvr fn
Thu grand Jury mot this morning
nt 10 o'clock. Thoio sorvlng on
tho Jury nro Jacob Jtouck, Paul
Itogardus, Cluvton Cornish. T II.
Wiiltcrs, T. C. Morkwordt, Henry
rur;by and G. W. Lewis. Sixteen
irlmlnnl mattors uro beforo tbo
Jur for Investigation.
Mr, and 'Mrs. R. A. Sootb, Mr.
and Mrs. .R. R Bqoth -and Miss
BarbarasAootQ. all"oiSujpc. pfipa
In" Saturday 'night and left Sunday
morning, R. ,A. Booth 1s president
or tho uootn-Koiioy unmoor, com
nnny nt Eugene nnd chairman of
i tho utato highway commission.
MKDKOItl). April 18. Through
u settlement rouchod hero Thuru-
day by thu spoclal commlttoa oi
thu Portland Chamber of Commerce
n conjunction wiin repruauuwiiiuia
or tlm Medford Chambor oi com-
morco, with Alfred h. l'arkhurnt of
Portland, owner of tho Crater Loko
niitlonnl park concessions, hotol and
sUigo lino, Crutor Lake will soon
coma inio us own.
Tho members of tho Portland
chambor commlttoo hero wero Eric
V Hauser (cialrman.) It. W.
Chllds. Holand Qllsan. It. W. Prlco,
I,. It. Wheeler. by proxy through
David Itazon, I-enllo Hood of Itoguo
Illvor and Vernon II Vawter or
Medford. Tho Medford .ehamuor
was represented by George T. Col
lins, William F. Isaacs nnd Ver
non II. Vawter. Govornor Olcott
wus present at tho sessions.
Tho agreement reached with Park
hurst, which was proposed by him.
Is- that lu consideration or mo com
mlttno raising for him $20,000 to
bo expended In pormanont Improve-
inonta this sooson, Parkhnrst will
glvo a purchaso option on his Cm-
ter Lake properties and conciw -
slons to tbo commlttoo until Marco,
1. 1922. at 180.000.
This agreomont will bo ombracod
In a contract which will bo slgnod
today by tho commlttoo and M. F.
Albright, Hold assistant to tho
superintendent of national parks,
and Alfred L. ParVburat. Should
tho commlttco ilccldo not to mako
tho purchase at tho expiration of
Its optnlon, tbo $20,000 raised for
Crater Lake thin sooson will bo
owod tn tho commlttoo by Park
hurst. Ily this sottlomont tbo operation
of tho Crator Lake hotol and oth
er concessions this season will bo
In full cbargo of an oxocutlvo com
mlttoo of soven of tho general
conmlttco, with a right to employ
nny manager It chooses, nnd ewry
cent of tho $20,000 to bo oxponded
fo.a permanent betterments mid Im
piovoments this season will, bo di
rected by tho, laocullro ctimmltlfe."
Ihu raising of tbo' $20,000 l ni
poi tinned through tho staU as fol fel fol
eows: Portland 110.000. MeJfc:l
$3(00, Klamath Falls $2000 and
tho rest to bo raised In ot'JC O ro
ot Crater Lake will consist of Vor
gon soctlons that benefit from Ora
tor lako travol.
Tho oxocutlvo commlttoo In charge
non Vawter of Medford, cashier of
tho Jackson County bank; Chairman
It. W. Chllda, manager of tho Ho
tol Pertland: Krlc V. Hauser, mana
ger of thu Multnomah hotol, Port
land; 11. W. Prlco, manager of tho
Mallory hotol, Portland; George T.
Collins, wholesale grocer of Mod
ford; John Slomons Jr. of Klamath
Falls and Alfred L. Parkhurst of
gene, April 18. Two prlzos In tho
art department have been awarded
to studonts taking that work, ac
cording to an announcement made
by yl'rofcssor Bchroff, head or tho
art department,
Beatrice Morrow of Portland, won
tho first prlzo In design nnd color
work. Luclllo U. Gnrbcr, o! Klamath
Falls, rocolvod tho Hrst award ror n
modol nnulu In life class. This prlz.i
wns orforod by John McGulru, graJ
uato studont of tho school ot nrchl
tocturo, who -wished to reward tho
person who mado tho most progrens
In this work.
'Tho Conrilct," a play In wnlch
PrUcllla Doan will star, will bo
filmed In or . noar Portland, ac
cording to a Portland papor. F. M.
Murphy, roprosontlng tho Universal
Film company, was In Klamath Falls
last wook looking ovor poRslblo lo
cations for producing tho play
which Is a story ot lumbor. As tho
plot calls for n log Jam, ho was un
successful. If is estimated that tho
filming ot tho plcturo will bring
SG0.000 to Portland.
o .
' Protestant churches of tho city
staged a largo parado horo yostor
day nttornoon. Automobiles and
mnrchors took part. Thoro woro
G.18 porsonH In tho procession, 318
of whom woro adults.
Lynn Skllllngton, Western Union
messongor, wbo was badly injurod
when his bicycle and aa automo
bile collldod rocontly", Toturnod to
bis work this morning, qulto recov
ered, i
To .assombly dance at -the Sesn
diuivlan hall tonight will sWvt nt
0:.'0 o clock. It -viaa- announced t.v
rifc). on account of the bsnquot at
tbo Whlto Pollcan. Dancing will
continue until 13:30.
ort U. Htrawhoni, president of tho
Oregon, California & eastern rail-
road, has applied to the Interstate I
commerco commissiiiii mr iieriuinniuu
for the road to Issuo $38C,000 in
bonds to complete construction work I
botween Dairy and Hprnguo river I
Htrahorn, who has been Kasl sov
oral weeks to complete urrungoments
iior iinancing, says inai upon turn- i
plotlon of formalities ho will bo able
to market tho bonds.
"i havo found n wicket through
which theso bonds can be sold," said .
Htrahorn. "because of tho way tho
now administration and the railway)
board aro taking hold. Tho boniw
will havo to bo sold at a low prlco
but It Is advantageous to sell them
now, In order to firmly establish tho
first unit of tho road nnd to protect
Industries which may havo been dc
vleped In ontlclpotlon of tho con
itructlon." Ilulldlng of this link will nlso en-
nblo tlm railroad to fill Its contract
wltli Klamath Falls to toko over tho
municipal rood from Klamath Falls
to Dairy, which Involve a transfer of
1 bands, for which approval Is also
. asked
Authority Is also sought to com
plete tho transfer of $!fin.onn worth
of stock to Strahorn In return for
Strnhorn's conveyance to tho om
pany of rlghta of way. fruirhlMii and
tormlnal arrangements wl'h Kliu.iath
Falls. Ilcnd nnd Lnkevlpw llv Inml
verlenco. It Is stated, tr-msfe was
not completed before 'ait June, when
tho transport it on net mado approv
al by tho commSidon nooemury
Strahorn expr "' confldf nro that
tho situation Is brightening and tlit
further construction will 'ie possible
when tho first unit li built. Tho
purposo now Is to market bonds for
tho best prlco poU.K build to
Sprnguo rver nnd comply with tho
contract with Him, city of Klamath
Falls. '
Tho barometric pressuro, ns ro
ccrdod by tho Cyclo-Stormagrnph nt
Undorwood'n Pharmacy, continues to
hover In tho vicinity of 30.20, n po
sltlon from which It has varied little
In tbo last three days Owing to tho
steadiness or tho riguro. no chnngo Is
looked fpr. at least In tho Immediate
Forecast for next 24 heurs: Con
tlnuatlcn of present conditions.
Suit to quiet tltlo In tho caso of
John Dugan ngalnst J O Patterson.
Carrlo Patterson and W. A. Wolf, has
been decided by Judgo Kuykondnl! In
favor ot thu plaintiff.
WEED. Cal.. April 18. In a gun
duol In tho negro sottlomont horo
Friday. Loroy Forguson was klllod
and Clarenco Foot was so bady hurt
that ho ts not expoctod to recover,
Both men aro negroes. Officers aro
Investigating tho nffrny, which Is
said to havo started In a quarrel over
With tho roads In good condition,
n trip to tho scene or oil activities
south ot horo has become a pleasur
able pastlmo tor motorists, and many
mako tho trip oach Sunday. A num
ber of persons, dcsplto a rathor raw
day, yostorday mado tho drlvo, stop
ping to Inspect tho Klamath Oil
company's woll on tho Manning
ranch, which Is down 1C00 foot and
casod for 1300 foot.
When tho Herald party visited tho
woll yostorday, operations had cens
od for tho day.' Tho reamer Is still
bolng used nnd It Is oxpoctcd a cou
plo hundred foot moro of casing must
bo Installed to shut off tho wntor
From tho Klamath company's
woll, tho tourist naturally goes on
to !tho Cruter Oil company's
property, half a mile north of Mer
111, whoro tho now derrick is eroded
nnd only tho nrrlvnl nniUnstallntlon
of machinery Is awaited to begin
actlvo operations.
Tho 83 foot dorrlck Is a.landmark
that guides tho visitor for mllos. Ono
who has, seen derricks boforo Is Im
pressed with tho solidity of tho
structure. It was ovldontly built by
men who know tholr business and Is
a substantial affair that will stand
tho heavy strain put upon It If tho
woll goes to great depth.
For porsons unfomlllar with ol.
Booking activities, tho trip to both
sites is well worth whilo. For those
who "know oil. ' and have tsKnn pari .
,- ..-- --W..JAI KI'Ia1Hb thA
m inn acwvium i . ". , j-L,Lit-ri.- n tv
slrht nf tho local wolls Is interest nc SO DrV"EW)FMTIS N
vsrniff TlTe inieresuos man ""
' . .- - .... i ,k.. aV.UaI
rt.,,r en account of too
realization of tho great woa th It will
bring Klamnth county It tho pros-
i poctors nro successful.
1 Japan Holds U. S.
I Must Prove Council
! Ratified Yap Stand
WASHINGTON, April 18. To
maintain Its ponltlon regarding tho
Island of Yap, tho American govorn
mont would have "to provo not mere
ly tho fact" that President Wilson
made reservations concerning It, but
also, that "tho supremo council do
i cldccl In favor of thoio vlows," says
tho Japanese government In a note
dated February 26, mado public to- i
,iar bv tho state' department In con-i
ccton wjth other corrospondonco
rni-nnllnr Mm mandate of Ynn.
iipiti-' i-'itfiM ioutiI1
.r.,",,'h' , wnrHnn li here
, ' '.".r. ".i .,i.i.i. .it .. l,i
',,'" ,.,"' , iM mniinn I
ncnuing to hubioim maiium.
Indications ore that many men and
womon of tho community who de
layed getting tickets for tho Oreator
Klamath I) nner at tho White Pelican
hotol this evening will bn disappoint
ed in finding that tho entire 27S
places havo been sold, according to
on announcement mado at Chamber
of Commerce headquarters today.
Every available place han been sold,
and practically all who hnvo mado
reservations over tolcphono or mall
had procured their tlckots boforo
noon today.
Tho program for the dinner .will
consist of speaking, music and en
tcrtalnmont features. Thero will be
no solicitations of memberships oi
money made at tho dlnnor.
It was also announced mat every'
thing Is In readiness for tho four-day
.i.i.," ...hi.i. win n,. innnphn.i for
lllllll nil vii - -.- ..-- - -
membership and servlro fund pled
ges lor tho expansion or tho Cham
ber or Commerce, tomorrow morning
at 0 o'clock. Tho entire team organl
zntlon of men and women, who will
mnko tho canvass. Is to assemble at-
headquarters at 9 a. m. tomorrow
and a, group photograph will bo made
oi the workers. At that time nil will
receive, rinol Instructions, cards ror
solicitation, supplies, etc. The ser
vlco fund committee will have o re
port to, make at the dlnnor this
evening which will show, It Is said,
that sevoral thousand dollars have
beon pledged to the Chamber ot
Commerco In advanco of tho cam
paign. Roports from dirrerent nolnts In
tho county are. to the effect thnt
tho rural residents of Klamath coun
tv aro Interested In tho success of
the campaign, nnd will be well rep
resented In tho newly enrolled mem
bership list.
Chairman A. J. Vove. of tho cam
paign committee, nnd other mem
bers of tho committee express the
cnlnlon that the gonl will bo reach
ed within tho tlmo limit allotted.
Campaign Director L. W Dopuy.
also predicts a success for the cam
Tho nrrnngomonts committee an
nounces thnt team luncheons during
tho ensuing four days will bo sorved
nt Chamber or Commerco hendnunrt
ers nt which tho teams will ronort nt
12-15 o'clock tho.rosult or each day'n
A speclnl meeting or union nnd
non-union men nnd wnn"n ot th
city Is to bo held nt tbo Chnhor nt
Commerco tomorrow evening, nt
which a program or speaking will
bo hoard
Klamdtfi Elks Take
Three Straight From
Medford Bowlers
Klamath Falls bowlers took three
gamos straight Irom Medford mnplo
artists on tho Elks alloys last night.
Tonight three more games will bo
rollod horo. Noxt Sunday tho local
Elks go to Modrord and bowl six
games thoro Sunday night. The
highest number or pins ror tho six
gamos determines tho championship.
Following nro last nlghfo sceres:
a Medford
Smith 182
Wold 160
Roborta 148
Bowman 147
Diamond 169
Klaiualli Fnlli.
Hoydon 169
Jestor 17S
Wntlors 183
Lavonlck 167
Van Hellon 146
177 191 550
149 159 458
137 140 425
110 159 416
151 167 487
724 810 2336
149 195 C13
195 174 544
210 183 576
187 189 543
116 189 151
Harry AewSVE, STi
Dr. Paul Noel will f;lm '
loet squad to Medford. as subst.
tutes- ,.
ORBGON Tonight and Tuesday,
fair: heavy trost In tho morning in
tho east.
I .. OOTWr ! .-. I. W
r e P?tt"' V 'Z "Lt, "irldav when the
the coal strlkouutll Friday when tnc
, minors' loaders meet.
With three homes building and
approximately 20 applications undor
consideration, tho Home Ilulldon,
Inc., Is facing a busy season, accord-
mg u jamos iiouanu, manager, ine
applications now on file Will bo
handled as fast as posslblo. Tho
'Home Uulldors corporation Is backed
Dr local capital and officered by
local residents and was orgsnlrcd,
following Investigation by tho cham
ber of commerce to moot tho housing
needs here.
Tho first homo started was a flvn
room bungalow for -'. II. Lnndls m
FAlrvlow addition. Tho contract cost
Is $4,100 and tho building hni been
under construction for nearly two
Tho second home In a four room
bungalow for B. D. Reovm In tluona
Vista addition, to cost $2700. It was
started tho first of last weok,
Tho third home Is fqr Dr. T. C.
Campbell, on Plnj steot, between
Fourth and Fifth. Excavation for
this building started Saturday It
will bo a seven room, modern bunga
low, of extra fine construction, fac
ing south to afford a vlev of the
lako and valley. Tho coit of thli
building will bo In the neighborhood
of $6,000. ,
Judge Kuykendall has appointed
J. W. Siemens receiver for cattle
"i 7'' and HaS ert E Smith
.f wattor o. ana iiaioert b. twain.
property Involved In the suit
against W. II. Johns, the Montague
Banking company and A. W. KIto,
pending decision of tho case. .
NEW YORK. April 18- Elbert H.
Gary, chairman ot the United States
Steel corporation, told tho stock
holders at tho annual mooting today
that he favored regulation and reas
onable control of business through
government agency as "a possible so
lution of, or antidote to, tho labor
He suggested that decisions bo
mado by government commissions,
subjoct to review by the highest
court, and that clear laws be passed
applicable to both organlzod capital
and organized labor. He said that la
bor unionism produced "Inefficien
cy and high costs" and that complete
unionization of tho country's Indus
tries would be tho beginning ot in
dustrial decay.
Judgo Gary forecast the shorten
ing of hours of labor for stool work
ers. m
Tho peanut party at Sacred Heart
academy last Saturday night was a
novel and' delightful affnlrr Thirty
two young folk In costumes appro
priately trlmmod with peanuts con
tested for prizes which wero given
for skill and doftness. Tho highest
score was made by Ada Ball.
Big Crowd Sees
Play At Henley
A largo nudlonco. Including manv
Klamath Falls residents, witnessed
tho performance of "Tho Old Mald'i
Wooing." staged Saturday evening
at tho Henley school under tho nu
spices of tho Hnnley Parent Teach
ers association. Thoro woro 150 peo
plo presont. It wns roportod. Tho
proceeds of tlm entertainment go
to tho fund for paying expenses of
tho two club work leadors ot tho O.
A. C. short courso this summor.
Those who took part In tho play
woro Miss Ruth Dixon. Harry Tol
ford, Mrs. Haseltlno, Mr. Blackman.
Mrs. J. R. Dixon. Mrs. Trlplntt, Ulus
Boeder and It. K. Bradbury
r '
Miss Helen Cowglll of CerraUls.
SB, .SSWW'ift SS
S i Wl Fratlt Soxton.
I ournkt0yr9c,ub i she todajt
,cd schools In the vicinity of KU-
math Falls. Tomorrow Merrill.
." p, 0 8nd neighboring schools
-w Vslted and Thursday the
Bonant ci0 m receive a -Islt.
Finally Fort Klamath and schools
'north oi nere wiuoo iui.iou.
I ., Av-rr- nmnr
T " , imrcb..e4
'from- the ' Bulck' Service-; Bales
1921 Duick.
.company, u H