The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 16, 1921, Image 1

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    lEuimma Hratb
A Class Ad Will
Do It
Today ' JVi&a
Member of, the Associated Press.
I-'Iflocnlli YiMir-Nn. 5007
rmoK five crams
LITTLE HOHK, Ark., April 10. -A
rapidly mounting iloutli tint Unit may
exceed fifty dozens of portions Injun
pi, nnit property dnmngo yot linos
tliimtint u ro llio results of it tornado
that cut u wlilo stretch across purls
of Mllliir nml Hempstead count Irs In
Arkansns nml Ciish county, Tnxim,
Appnrnntly tlin heaviest loss of llfn
nml property wan In the two Arknm
itnn counties, In thu rural sections of
upper Millar county nonr Toxnrknna,
Eighteen porsons nro known to hnvo
l)iiui kill oil anil a largo numbor In
Jurod. Nnnr Hupo, In Hompstond
1County flftmin to twenty worn kllli'il
nml scores lnjurml nitys ttio proa tlin
BIRMINGHAM, Aln., April 16
Tlin towns of rtnlpli In Tuxcato coun
ty nnj Hulllgent In I.nmnr rounty, nrn
reported to havo been wiped out In a
cyclono onrly toilny.
HATTiKHBUHO. April 16. Ono
woman wait killed ami 12 persons
Injuroil whon n tornnilo ntrtick Hon
ing, nnnr hero. Ton liomea woro
portions wnro klllail, over 100 Injur
ed and scores of homes destroyed In
storms In northern Alnliumn tndny.
LAUREL, Minn. Apr, l(i. Onn
man wan killed and several persons
Injured when n southern railroad
train plunged Into n crook south of
hern, following n henvy rnln thati
wnnhed tlin rond bnnkn.
CHICAGO, April 16. Telegraphic
roiiimunlriitlon In tin- went and south
In prnctlrully paralyzed as tho results
of storms,
DENVER, April 16 Itocky moun
tain sections nrn (lowly recovering
from ttio worst storm of tin yenr
which yesterday covered the district
with snow to a depth or from l, to
14 Inchon, blockading tiny rullroadi
nnd jiaralyzlng wlro service,
NEW HUICK automeiiili:
Jerry Slxemoro of Ft. ICInniatti to
day purchannd n ! 2 1 flvo.passongnr
Ilulck from tho llulck Kales nml Sen
vice ngoncv rnndurtod by Louis
Hnnglnnd Thin In Mr Hlsomoro'n net
cond Jlulck Ho recently sold tho
car that ho purchased two yeurn nro
rAuto Electrical
Expert Opens Shop
An automobile nlectrlctnl nnrvlco
station linn been established with tlin
Link Illver llnttnrv cnmimny, corner
of Keventh nml Klnmiith. hv J. II
1'rowllt Of rortliind Tho Link Illver
Ilnttory Htntlon wan recently purchas
ed from H. J. Hheetn hv W 11 nml A.
W. Htuvonn .ami In looking nlmut for
nn export to takn charge of tli" elec
trical service for motorists, tl''v de
cided tinon Mr I'rewltt, who In xnld
to he one of the hent auto nlactrlcnl
exports on tho 1'nclflc const
Mr Prowltt's lirnnch of the service
will lie completely equipped to give
eff'lnnt nll to tlin enr owner.
Tlin family of Mr Prowltt nro hero
to locate permanently.
Tho newlv orKimlrcd union of hod
rnrrlern nml roment workeni present
ed credentials nt tho meotlne of the
central labor council !ant nlcht. Thn
rumored propnxnl of nn nilvnncod
wnRo xcnln for enmont wnrkors wns
not presented, Bald offlrera of tho
Tho chamber of commerce has n
ztonded nn Invitation to ornnnlrod la
bor to attend n mootlns; In tho cham
ber of commorco rooms TueHilny
nlRht. 1'lnnn for tho representation
of Inbor In tho chamber will bo dis
cussed. Two unions, tho culinary al
liance and carpenters hnvo nccoptod
thn Invltntlnn nnd others may do so,
Tho plnn, It Is understood, In for col
lective membership for each union.
MALIN, April 16. A weddlnR
xhowor woh given In honor of Miss
Mnrln nnjnun Wodnondny afternoon,
by Mrs. Louis Holdlsclinr. Tlio brldo-to-bo
rocolvod many presents from
tho lading who attondod. Ilofrosh
ments wero Horvod by tho hostess.
Tho Riiosts wero thn Tfosdames
Iloldlchnr, najnus, Hnralok, Crnn
dall, Khllnn, Plaall. Dobry, Smith.
Wlldo, Holmes, J4 Ottoman, F. Otto
man, Lamplot. Totraeek nnd tho
jWlwes Carrlo finolok, Anna Spolok.
Rose Cacks. Mv.ra Turnbull. and'
.Mr! Itajnus,
1 Wles Tlajnus will bo married Sat
urday to James Ottoman, of Klnmnth
Kails, who la nt urosent omploynd by
tho Hawkins Dairy,
Judge Lindsey Asks
Suspended Sentence
fn Alleged Contempt
DENVER. Apprll 10. Jtiditn lion
II. Llndsny of ttm Jlnnvor Juviinlln
'court today miwlo an oral plea for
tho romlsslon oi tho lino and bus
pension of tho Jail nonimco I in pou
nd upon him In 19 IK for contempt
of court. Judiio MmLnoy'H offense
consisted of refusal to divulge con
fidential Informntlon glvon In tho
Juvonllo court by n hoy whoso
mother wan tried for inured snvoral
'ynarn ngo,
Following tlin dafonilnnl'ii plea,
his nttornoyn woro granted throo
dayu In which to fllu n motion for
mally asking for tho. nusponHlon of
I m
Tomorrow afternoon at 2:30
o'clock tho local huxulmll xenxon
opens with n union at tint Modoc
I'arlc diamond hotwoan tho Ilnrhors
and the. California OrnRon l'ower
company teamn, Ilort McDonald will
rcfureo thu affair, which promises
to ho a thrllltiiR fontest.
The opponlnR lonniK nro memhoni of
tho city Iiioruo, which no far coiv
slnta of tho powur company toam,
tuirbers, culinary nltlnuco and clorlts,
KollowInK nro Uin llnnuw
lliirlmrn: Thrashor, C ; Ilost
wick, nad Cross, I; Crawl rd, 1st II;
I'atn, 2nd II; Random, flpnrks,
H. H,; Alexander. It. P,: nortlcker,
C. K.i Iloxx, Iki nnd Wall, substl
Copce: Curloy Wirt, C; Klahn
and Hutchinson. 1'; McCliIrn, 1 II:
Wlr. 3 II: Allen, 2 II: Charters Bfl-I-eivltt,
Walker nnd Dabnny, I'lold;
Itpdkey, pinch hltior.
,'irk Thompstsn, MannRer of the
C O. I Co. tmun. nnnnuncex ho If
out to clean up thu world. Inrludlnr
Klamath Knits nnd vicinity. It wll'
bo worth .whlto for nny player to
mnkn third basil. Ho In ndvlned that
the Whisker Amputntors bnvn been
train IS. on plo and clRnrettes, but
that ('oexn'tJ worry his team a onrll
clo. "'very member of tbn Copco
tnnm will be charreil with 20. one
oltn of electric lulco Jimt bfo. th
Knme. Fred FiKllnh will ofrirlnto n
bnl boy This featnrn nlnno wll'
make tho nmr worth whllo Johr
Kosler will nlso 1o there In tho enpn?
city of mibntltuto wator carrier.
I'OIITI.ANI). April 10 Dave
Khnde. California wolterwelKht. wor
n ten round decision from llarrv
Kcltumnn of Denver, horo Inst nlcbt
Hchumnn wns RrncKy ninny times
durlnR thn bout
KlllM)lt IN rilMill-M
ThroiiRli error yeitenlav the Her
uld stnted Hint under the hlKhwnv
nrbltrntlou snttloment the count"
would nav "nniiroxlmntolv HS.nno"
to tho Innd owiinm. Tho writer rnenn'
to Hay npproxlmntelv (12 500. The
exnet sum total In 112.890. 00.
I Personal Mention I
W. O. West la In tho city from
thn nrency.
D. D. T.lHkey of Mnlln was In
thn city today. '
Miss I.oretta Hololr wns In tho
citv today from Merrill.
Ilennln KlnK. mnnnpor of tho
Dunsmulr bnnoball club and nn onR'
Inner for tho H. V. wan In tho city
yesterday with n chin on his
shoulder that looked llko n base
mil lint Ho declares thnt his eluh
Ik RolnR to clean up ovory bnsoball
eluh In this territory thin yenr nnd
thnt ho Is rondy to take on nil Com
oro. '
R. W. flqwan of Chtlonuln Is
retrlsterpd nt tho Hotol Hall.
Mrs. Charles Hnll, accompanied
by hor son "Hill." loft this momlnic
for Itosoburg whoro thoy will moot
Mr. Hnll win Is iiri..i. her own
car otop from MnshfloUl. From
TlosoburB thoy will drlvo to this
J. C. Thompson, local mnnnRor of
the California OreRon Power com
pany wont to Bnn Frnnclsco thin
mnrnlnR whoro ho will spend tho next
flvn dnvn In consultation with offi
cial of thn comnnnv.
W. W. FordnoV of Merrill Is roR
Istered nt ten If nil.
James Wilson of Portlnnd, Is horo
looking nftor his rnnch near Pnlrv
Mr. Wilson purchased tho nronortv
from tho parents of tho loo hoy who
died thin week In Los Aneeles ns the
nllnroi! result of, n whlpnlnR adminis
tered bv a school teacher In ,Lne
Veess, Nnvnda,
Mlsn KMIn Orenn loft this mornlnK
for Fresno, California, whero sho
will visit hor cousin, Mrs. C. W.
Krnost McCollum left this mornlns;
for Portlnnd, wbro he will spend thu
noxt week attondinRito business mat
'ters, ... '
"J R. Stcamora o'r fcVt Klamjtn Is
refrlstered at tho Whltn Pelican '
Pnv HlcVmnn, tho fort Tciimnth
Htockmnn, In In thu city lodny on
m n nil irnnmiii Inni i rpTinm nr
ulu uflurumiin iuulllu uiur
Fifty-six jfoara hro yestorday tho
entire American nation wns plunged
In mournliiR for tho death of tho
country's president, Abruham Mn
coln. From coast to coast tho wires
quickly flashed tho nows of tho death
of Ilooth'a victim.
On tho writer's dosk In n copy of
tho Dally Alta California, of Han
Francisco, Issued Hunday moraine,
April 10, lnon, Its four pages given
over to nov.8 of tho procodlnc day's
assassination and editorial comment
theroon. Tho paper Is ownod by dux
Johnson, of this city, And highly
prized as n souvenir.
Tho first California newspaper was
n different stylo of Journal from to
day's pnpers, In the first place It had
but four paRos, but they wero largo
paRos, nine columns wldo and some
40 Inchon deep. It carried no larRO
headlines, even to announca tho
Rrontost tniRody thnt had over bo
fallen the nation. It sold nt fifty
centn n wook. or ten rents a copy. Ily
mnll tho price wns $18 a yenr.
Though differing from tho modern
newspaper In alio and dross, It l'"d
this In common It "covorcd I'm
story," and It must hnvo been a hlc
achievement In tho days whon nil
typo wns sot by hand and tologrnph
tolls worn high.
All tho column rules throughout
tho paper wero reversed, giving each
column a mourning bordor nn nlghth
of an Inch wldo. Tho first column nnd
a hnlf was Riven over to editorial
comment on thn assassination of the
president and tho nttack upon nnd
wounding of Secretary of State Ho
ward. Then followed two and a half col
umns of city news, which with tho
exception of a few Items on general
nubjects, doalt with thn effect of tho
issnsslnntlnn In San Frnnelsco.
Onn paragraph under tho heading,
"SproodlnR tho News," snys:
As soon ns thn compositors or
the Altu could ho aroused from
their sleep nftor their nlRht of
toll, and Fathered nt tho office,
tho work of Rottlngout tho oxtrn
Alta rommonced,.and nt 12 12
p. m.. tho sheet commenced fly
ing from tho windows among
the crowd outside, tho news bo
Ihr of too terrible moment to be
withhold for nn Instant; ns fast
as tho papors could bo thrown
from the press, thoy woro flung
to tho peoplo freo of charge.
Tho scenes outsldn beggars de
scription, Sacramento stroot was
blockod from I.oldcsdorff to
Montgomery, and men crowded,
struggled and fought for possesr
slon of tho sheets llko so many
mnd men.
Tho remaining flvo columns of tho
first pugn worn given over to tolo-
gniPhlc nows from Wnshlngton. do-
trnuiiiK inu etiTiiti tn in" ,-.onn.ii.-
lon nnd nnnonnclng tho president's
death on tho following morning, the
announcement ovor tho signature of
K. M. Stanton, secretary of war.
From Yrnkn, Plncervllle. Sacra
mento, Stockton nnd other of the old
mining towns woro dispatches toll
ing of tho offoct of tho nows thoro.
Opposing Teams of
Elks Will Compete
For Bowling Honors
A championship game will bo roll
ed on tho Klks" alloys tomorrow by
tho crack bowlers of tho Medford and
Klnmnth Fnlls Klks lodges, nnd the
nffnlr Is stirring tho sporting blood
of Klkdom. A largo crowd of Med
ford supportars Is expected to accom
pany tho toam horo nnd n social pro
gram has boon arranged for both to
morrow nftornoon and evening at tho
Klks tomplo In honor of tho visitors.
Tho Medford bowlers nro C. How
man. George Itoborts, F. Smith, F.
Wold and Fay Darmond. Tho local
chnmplnns arn C. A. Hayden, O, 11.
Jostor, T. H. Wnttors, M. P I,avonlk
nnd L. O. Vnn Ilollon, with llurgo
Mason, Hnrry Ackloy and Paul Noel
ns Hiibstltutes.
o'dowd and zrom.KK
Paul T. O'Dowd nnd Frod Zleglor
nnnounco tho formation of a partner
ship to conduct a genorul advertising
ogoncy. Thoy wiy furnish copy for
all kinds of advertising, and consult
with advortlsors on publicity cam
paigns, either furnishing: publicity
for tho ontlro campaign or carrying
out tho Instructions of tho cllont.
Tho firm at prosont Is without an
oftlco location, but oxpoct to havo
quartors In tho Emma block whon
tho romodollng Is completed.
rosxroxED fob a meek
Owing to conflicting arrangements,
tcoAnrU committee at St. Paul's
Enlscoral guild will Tiontrone tse
scheduled card party at tho Whit '
Poucnn hotol from noxt Wednesday
to tho following Wodnosdny, April
27, It was announced today.
Today marks tho closo of tho eduv
catlonal nnd preparatory period that
In to procedo tho week of Intensive
onrollinont of memberships and
pledges to the sorvlco fund for tho
expnnxlon movement launched by tho
Klamntli County Chambor of Com-
mnrco. CnmpalgnMnnngnr V. W Dc-
puy authorized tho statement today
that the cnmiiulen in running Oil
schedulnd time, and everything Is In
readiness for tho drlvo. In comment-
jng upon tho progress mndo thus far,
Mr. Depuy said:
"In nil my campaign experience I
havo never encountorcd n flnor com
munity spirit than that nvldencod by
tho peoplo of Klamath oCunty. Prac
tically every man approached nnd
asked to assist In the expansion cam
paign has accepted with n gracious
willingness that prexsages a moBt
successful campaign. It Is particular-
1 gratifying to notn tho splendid
snlrlt evidenced by tho womon of tho
city to get In nnd do their part to
wards bettering local rlvlc condi
tions, Thn plan ngreed upon by thn
women of tbo different churches to
prepnro nnd servo tho Greater Klam
ath Dinner should carry far In bring
ing about n closer relationship be
tween thn churches, nnd stimulate
sentiment looking towards tho devel
opment of tho higher Ideals of tho
community. The local press boa been
generous In giving Its space to thn
promulgation of publicity, nnd I wish
to takn advantage of this opportun
ity to express my pnmonnl thanks
to tho Horald and thn Record for
their snlnndld nnslstnncn.
"The ministers of tho different
rhurchen. too. have nered to ob
servo Civic Sundav tomorrow nnd
preach sermons thnt will rail to the
attention of the congregations the
value of personnl co-oeeratlon and
unified effort In building a better
"Urban ns wpII ns rnrnl business
men. quick to renllrn thn vnlue of
building n blreer nnd stronenr clvlo
commerclnl ortenlrntlon. bnvn fallen
In linn with thn'r moml and flnnn
clnl nlfnnc- Pome of tfce huntnes
men hnvn even conn so fr tin to
voluntnrllv rnlse tbo amount of their
own quoins, romlnr In with n lnrger
amount thnn they wero asked tor by
tho rating commltteo.
"Organized Inbor. too. Is evidenc
ing nn Interest In the cnmnnlgn. and
thin fnrt should be particularly grat
ifying to tho community at large, ns
a successful Chnmbor of Commerce
should bo thoroughly representntlve
of nil thn community Interests.
"Everything In In readiness now
for the Greater Klnmnth Dinner
Mondnv evening, which event will
formally open the drive next week
Tho general spirit of ontlmlsm nnd
thn evidence of wllllninien to co
opernte. lends mo to predict n suc
cessful rfimnnlim After thn conclu
sion of th cnmnnlcn wo enn nromlsn
to Klnmnth County nn orgnnl.ntl6n
thnt will i erond to none for com
munities of lt pnnnHtlon In thn on
tlro country It -vlll be nn nrcnnltn
tlon onnrnted nlnng the Infest nnd
most nonroved nlnn. n-wl I f"l co
tnln th" nil v--o have pd n bnnd In
Its mnVltiir w'll be tustlv u-nud o'
the pnr ttmv hnvo tnken In Its con
summation." Crater Lake Hotel
Project Discussed
Preliminary conforouccs for tho
betterment of conditions nt Crator
Laku this season woro bogun nt a
meeting of Gov. Olcott's commltteo
at tho Medford Hotol today .says
Tuesdays Mnll Tribune. Tho dotnlls
of tho tlnanco nnd management of
tho lodgo for the Inst ton years woro
dlscussod botwoon A. h. Pnrkhurst,
ownor of tho concosslon and tho com
mittee Mr. Parkhurst was questioned at
groat length regarding tho operation
of tho lodge, nnd nttrlbuted "90 per
cont of tho criticism to mnllco nnd
Ignornnco, nnd said ono of tho chief
difficulties "was tho unwarranted nt
tack of n government official."
In tho aftornoon tho commltteo
wont for an nuto rldo ovor tho city
and Talloy, ns tho guests of Medford
membors of tho committee, nnd met
ngaln nt 2:30 o'clock. Nothing dofla
Ito was renchod n tho sessions.
Attending thn conference wore:
Governor Oloott. Eric V. Hnuser. It,
W. Chllds, It. W. Price. Holand Gils,
nn and Davo Hazen of Portlnnd nnd
Geo. T. Collins, Vernon H Vnwtof
nnd W. F. Isnncs of Medford.
Klnmnth Falls wan not represented
nt tho meeting. This was due. said
Secretary Stanley of tho c.hnmbor of
commerce, to thn nrrlvnl of Governor
"Oleott In Medford, beforo schedule
Tho governor was not to arrive un
til evening and a local delegation in
tended to attend "tnn. btnouet. apd
conference, said Stanley, but the gov-rnri-
erae on a.n.earller .trsjn. and
fornlnr niaMIng-.-waiB held. Thn
ehnnen In nlins wkr telonnned in,
Klnmnth Falls nnd tho local mon
abandoned the trip, I
California Man Is
Nominated Head of
Federal Mine Bureau
WASHINGTON, April 16. Mary
Anderson was today nominated by
President Harding dlroctor of tho
Woman's Ilureau of tho Depart
ment of Labor. H. Foster Bain, of
California, was nominated as dIroc-
tor of tho buroau of mines. Tho
sonato confirmed tho nominations.
of Ooorgo Harvoy na ambassador to
Groat Uritaln and Myron T. Horrlck1
as ambassador to Franco. Throo'
i vacancies on tho railway labor
'board woro flllod by tho president
nominating Waltor h. McMonlmon
, of Massachusetts, representing tho
labor group; Samuel Hlgglns of
'Now York, roproscntlng tho man-
.ngemont group, nnd Bon W. Hoop -
nr. former eovnrnnr of Tnnnniunn-
.representing tho public,
Matorlal for tho Nortliorn Califor
nia Oil company's derrick will prob
ably bo on tho ground In tlmo for
tho rig builders to start construction
Monday, according to a stntomont Is
sued from the local offices of tho
company. Tho dorrlck will bo erected
about six miles south of Merrill and
will bo built by tbn same crow that
completed tho Crater tako Oil and
Can company's derrick In threo days
last week.
fllnco tho first of tho week tho rig
builders hnvo had nothing to do nnd
havo spent tho tlmo In seeing soma
of tho county's scenic spots. The boil
er nnd onglno for tho Crater Lake
company's rig aro en route from Taft,
Operations of both rigs will bo di
rected from Merrill, whom W. C.
Lehman, manager, will havo his of
fice. Spring Training
Starts at Dorris
DORBIS. Cal., April 16. Spring
training will begin tomorrow after
noon nt tho Dorris baseball club
grpunrbi. The first workout will ba
simply-a JTOtlogotlwr; affair in ordorlclsco the party will proceed to .Reno,
to asccrta what mntcrfal Is at hand'lNi
with which to build a team. After a
tentative lineup Is secured tho club
will go nbcad with Improvement of
grounds, purchasing of equipment
and actlvo training for the season.
Tbcro nro a number of local play
ers who can bo depended upon to give
material strength to tho aggregation.
Theso arn Roy Tabor, Joe Shelley,
Scotty Jncobson, Claudo Normnn, Joe,
Walton, Frank Harr, S. 8. McMcCoJ
lum. J. F. Ethrldge. Earl Stanlake
and H. J. Goff. Mr. Gotf has done
some good twirling In bygone dnys
nnd la dopendod upon for mainstay
In tho box.
Tho players havo bohlnd them nn
organization recently formed which
will give all tho support needed. This
club' has a charter membcrshln of
somo twont)-flvo membors. Mer
chants and other business men havo
plodged their support to tho club
hoping io sen the Dorris team bring
homo tho bacon.
Keno Woman Is
Called By Death
Miss Clara May Vnn Meter, 35
years old, died nt hor homo at Keno
at 0 o'clock this morning. Typhoid
fover wns reported to havo caused
her death. Tho funeral will tnko plaeo
tomorrow at Merrill, services being
hold at tho Merrill cemetery nt 1
o'clock p. m. The docedent hnd lived
nt Merrill for h number of yenrs. Sho
Is survived by hor mother. Mrs. Mai'
garot Vnn Motor, brother. Roy L. Van
Meter, nnd sister. Mrs. Gertrudo Mc
Cormlck, nil of Keno.
Movie Man Says
Company May Come
Martin F. Murphy, who has been
hero Investigating this locality as to
Its availability tor tho making of
moving pictures In which tho lumber
ing Industry playB a part, loft this
morning for tho south, Heforn lea
ing .ho said that nothing dofinltn
could bo stated ot this time, hut ho
thought It posslblo that something
might develop as n, result of his vis
It. Ho bollQved that, onn picture could
bo rewritten so ns to fit Into thh
locality and it this courso Is follow
ed It would mean tho production of
n plcturo In which botwoen fifty and
sixty peoplo would participate.
Weather Probabilities
r o
Tho Cyclo-Stormagraph at
Underwood's Pharmacy has
recorded a steady barometric
prcssuro for tho last 36 hours,
tberofore a bright and ptoasant
Sunday Is probable. A slight
drop' in pressure took place
about'. noon t6day, nut the
krnovemeat ria tint sufficiently
change. ' ...
Forecast 'for-next 24 heurs:
qontinualjon , ot prosont !
woathor conditions.
,. ....,,
"osnmption of tho cltys paving
VTKTam whoro It was stoppod last
wmi0'" by tho Warren Construction
p02Pna w'" B,aJl ,,?
Tho first work will bo tho flnlshr
'ng of Washington street and Conger
nvonuo pnvlng, portly completed last
''cai: " " " l" ".'"" wal" ,n l" " ,n"'
on Washington, botwoen First and
Third streets, nnd on Conger avenue
tho paving remains to bo finished and
aldewnlks laid.
Grading will start Monday on Plnn
stroot, from Eighth to Eleventh and
on Klamath avenue from Ninth to
Eleventh, the next sections to be pav
ed. The Warren Construction company
has contracts to pave Washington
street from First to Ewauna boule
vard, ono block; High from Sixth
to Eighth; Blxth from Pine to High.
nnd Seventh from Pine to Washing
ton, This concludes tho work con
tracted for, but other paving Is on
tier consideration by tbn city council.
Including tho city hall unit, Jnfforeon
street unit and Main street cast ot
tbo railway.
Big Deal Pending
In Gov't Timber
RED BLUFF, Cal., April 16, A
big doal In which tho United States
government may soil a largo amount
of timber In Bupcrlor, California, Is
expected to bo consummated shortly.
Tho timber Is In tho eastern part ot
tho I.asson National Forest and trib
utary to Busanvllle. Tbo Fruit Orow
ors' Supply Company, a subsidiary
organization ot tho California Fruit
Growers' Exchange, Is expected to be
the buyer.
C. E. Dunston of this city. Super
visor of Lasson National Forest, has
left for San Francisco, where' he will
meet F. B. Hutchens. manager of tbn
Fruit Growers' Supply Company, and
directors of the -California Fruit
Growers' Exchange. From Saa Fran-
Nevada. a-.dHh'OuD to Snt-nvtlle;
where they will Hook over the hlr
sawmill and box -factory owned by
tbe Frntt Growers' Supply Company.
Officials ot tho two companies and
Supervisor Dunston also will go over
the proposition of purchasing vast
tracts of standing timber. This tim
ber would be converted Into fruit
MOLING, 111. April 16 Jno. Deere
and company today announceed a
ten per cont reduction on farm Im
plements. m '
ABERDEEN, Wash.,' April 16.
Tho tug Bear sank early this morning
In tbo Pacific between Tillamook Bay
and tho Columbia river, according to
word received horo. Tho tngn scams
nre reported to have parted. Tho
crow was rescued.
Soldier Slayer Says
He acted on Orders
TACOMA. April 16. noland P.
Pothlor, charged with tho slaying ot
Major Alexander Conklto nt Camp
Lewis In October, 1918 has confess
ed to tho fcdernl authorities that ho
was ordered by his superior officer,
Captnln Robert Rosenbluth, to bring
out n loadod gun nnd "get" Cronk
hlte, It was nnnounced today by
Prosecutor J. W. Selden. Tho prose
cutor disclosed flvo alleged confes
sions mndo by Pothlor.
Additional Society
Mrs. William McNealoy, assisted
by Mrs. Fred Hneslng, 'gave' a birth
day party in honor ot her eight
year old daughter,- Ruth, at the
Mclfcaloy borae. .238 Third, street.
Monday. Tho decorations wero In
yellow. Ice cream was served In
orange cups .and yollow and white
cako and candles- adorned tbe
tables. Tho guests ,were:, Yvonne
and June Sotzor, Eleanor Magulre,
Margaret Dunnlngton, Lola Soule,
Katherlno Brewbalcer, Alice Bow
man ot Ohtloquln. Roger Earlo De
weose, Jr., Keith Ruconlcb, and the
small, guest 'of honor. !
. Meedames H. L. D. Stewart. Byron
Hardonbrook, Charles Martin, Er
nest Bubb. Charles Moore. Tom
Watters. Hardin Carter. B. D.
Lamb, John' Enders and Goldle Lin
coln, mombers ot a recently orga
nized "500" club, met at tbe home
ot Mrs. -Letter, jrorwllllgr on Shrib
street Wednesday and spent an en
joyable., afteroopni Jrt&h. cards. He
freshmentswere served.. The, club
has, not,,ceJved a same, but
hits Tieldi several4 pleasant meetings.
All .tbo mombers were; nob present