Friday, Ai'nu, in, m2i THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FA1LS, OREGON paor rocn SINKER SPREADS MM 1 Tlio spring business sap is begin ning to run In Klamath county, ac cording to Charles Hall of tlio First National bank of Klamath Kails, who Is president of tho Orogon Stato 'Chambor of Commorco, on his ar rival In Portland, Bays tho Portland Journal. Hall went by stngo through Klamath Hot Springs and Agor to llornbrook. Cat., vrhero ho took the trafn. Lumber mills nro beginning to op erate, soma on full tlmo, and ninny box factories 'nro running nt ca pacity, said Hall. Others nro run ning 75 per cent capacity. Farm ers wlfo still hold a good part of their last year's produco nro tak ing their losses and putting In new crops, Duslncss in goncral is wak ing up. Moro than 150,000,000 fcot of overproduction in lumber from last fall has been moved and now profitable contracts are In , sight. . I Tho federal government Is begin ning preliminary woVk on tho Kla math Irrigation project with $1, 000,000 as a starter. This will mako 150,000 acros of now land nvallablo and will fit In nlcoly with tho stato chamber's program to at tract sottlers from tho central west, Hall asserts. Tho California-Oregon Power company Is also starting to spend 11,000,000 in power de velopment on the Link river, con necting Tipper Klamath and Wanna lakes. ' "The last two wooks has seen tho boom start and It is realty surpris ing. The district seems to bo taking a now leaso on llfo," Hall declares. "Tho claim that tho Kla math Irrigation project will wator California arid lands with Oregon Wator is trno, but Klamath Falls controlr tho business of tho dis trict and tho portion of 'California watered from Klamath tako will benefit Oregon." AAAMMMkMMMWWWVWWWVWVWWVMAAMAAMAMAAMAAMMMMMAMVM OASSIFIEDMWIENTS AAAAMAAAAAAAAAMVMMWVWA'WWVW' WANTED MISCELLANEOUS To Into to plnnt trees this Spring i - Will pay top price ror furnished house six rooms or Inrgor must bo first-class ront no object. Respon sible tonnnnts. Address Herald "Fur- ulshed Houso", 1 L'-l & 113 TANLAG NOTICE TO DELINQUENTS ON FIRST THREE UNITS OF PAVING w Am now planting. 14-16 taking ordera for future V. H. Hale, 1014 Main. Usod Pianos, rensonablo prices and lowest of terms, KnrnShophord Co. IStt 4 room furnished houso for ront, closo in. V. H. Hydo at Chnrloy'a Place. 12-13 FOR SALE Ono Cnso horliontnl ! horscpowor englno and boiler on truck for $650 cash. Address (Iron non, Dox 92 City. 14-1C Sleeping rooms, furnished, for ront In Swanscn Uulldlng. Stonm hent, hat and cold water. Swanscn's, G25 Main St. 14-17 ' FOU SALE 5 room houso with 2 I screened In porches, hot and cold water, furnlturo, 2 lota each 50' x 182, ga'rage, woodhousc, chicken house, barn, chickens and cow. l'l.ico foncod woven wire. Prlco $3700. 1S05 Johnson Ave. 13-19 I FOH SALE Good pnylng laundry business. Will stand Investigation. Inquire Herald offico. Box P. F. 13-19 Sleoplng rooms for ront, 920 Klm math Avo. Home Iloomlng Houso. 12-18 Hnvo You Seen Kolley today? FOU KENT Two gentlemen 413 phono 405. furnished rooms. High St. Tolo- 11-16 One Seven Pnssoiigor Hudson, guar anteed A-l mechanical condition, t new tires. One ll20 Chandler Dispatch looks like now, guaranteed. nricK s.Li:s hkiivich I'hono 170W O-tf FOH SALE Timber, chonp if takon soon Address "Timber Herald 31 POUTLANII WOMAN HKCLAItEH TANIiAO HKMKVi: OF TROUIILKS OF in YIJAHH' KTANlMNtl HAH HPLKNIHl) Al' l'lTTITH NOW FOR SALE Uy owner, 6-room house, modern, on pavement. Hot Q. H. Herald. 11-16 DRESSMAKINO First-class work guaranteed. Mrs. Jefferson, No. 2, Main St. 11-23 FOR SALE: Hero In town, 100 tons baled hay In any quantity. Sao us at 1126 Main. Phono 402J. 13-lS'FOR JtENT One sleeping room for Lightning struck a powder plant containing six tons of powder In Nashville, Tennessee. Tho plant burned without explosions until con sumed with its contents. WANTED TO nUY Second-hand cook stovo and heater. Also other household goods. James M. Watklns, Jr. Phono 636R. 13-15 Want location to sot sawmill with about fifteen million ft. o! tlmbor Olvo full particulars, address R M K. Herald office. 13-15 i FOR SALE Modorn 5 room house. 13,000, 620 Washington St. bo- tweon 6th and 7th. $500 cash, bal. ! torms. Enqulro of H. A. Thledo. 2039 ! LISTEN! Let us toll you now to pay 1 or 2 gentlemen. 1137 Mont-Clalrr St. 9-15 Hnvo You Seen Kelley today? Mr. Flshorman. Fishing rods made to order, old rods rcpalrod. Satlstlod customors nil over tho U. S. all work nbsolutoly guaranteed. If you fish or over oxpoct to flnh write for price on repair work and built to ordor rods. Harry D Hobson, Lyons, Oro gon. 7 IS "T.inlac has cortnlnly been n bless ing to mo, for It has relieved inn of troubles that lmd been pulling me down for fifteen yours," declared Mrs. Jelsemlno Concl, of'307 Sliorr dnn street, Portland, Oro. "1 suffered dreadfully from a ho vero caso of stomach trouble, every thing I ato scorned to llu In my stom ach undigested, causing a heavy foot ing of depression and Intonso pain I would bloat up with gas and at times becamo so nauseated I could scarcely retain a thing I had eaten. I didn't dnro oat Any fruit or starchy foods at nil, and frequently had such nwful hendnchos 1 would bocomo qulto dizzy. 1 was so nervous I didn't know what it wns to got n good night's rest. "My son hnd takon' Tanlnc nnd It had holpod him so much I began tak ing It mysolf, and It has given mo n splendid nppotlto and rollovcd mo of all my troubles. I never hnvo a pain of any kind. I sleep flno and sound every night nnd am simply fooling good In ovory way " Oregon Avo. 13-15 WANTED by rcllablo peoplo a mod em furnished houso. References furnished. Inqulro Central Darbor Shop, 620 Main. 13-15 Gentleman wishes to socuro room with bath connections If posslblo or apartment Heat and hot wator very essential. No camouflage, but honest to goodness heat. It you havo any thing that will glvo mo a home cheer within walking dlstanco of business section anBwor in caro of Box M. Herald office. 13-15 I FOR SALE Drlseod 5 passenger car MOO. Ford Sod&n now, $850. Phone 91W or coll at 832 Main. Frank M. Upp. Vi-U Hto You Seen Kelley today? Jazz Furniture Craze In London LONDON, March 28, By Moll). "Ja" furnlturo, clothing and wall paper were decried by Sir Charles C. Allen In an address before tho first National Furnishing Trades conven tion hero. English furnlturo has ranked so Mtddlo aged lady,, first-class cook high In tho estimation of tho world wishes position In camp. Call 421 that ono wondora how It comes that , Mlct"saa nve In It at this moment a disease Is de- tho mortgago oft tho cow, to buy n car, to get a homo, to mako hair grow on your baro domo. HOW? Order now somo of those tine Barron-Tancred whlto Leghorn chicks, $12 50 per 100; dellvoty May 5 to July 1 8 weeks old pul lets $12.00 per dozen, delivering Juno 1 to August 1. MAYWOOD POULTRY FARM. Al-Ml Corning, Cnllf. I WANT TO DISPOSE OF THE furniture aepartment of my busi ness. Will glvo good deal to right party. Storo 25x50 feet on Main. A good cbanco to get a well es tablished, going business at a reasonable prlco. W. H. Ross, 90tt Main Street. 1-tf UJrwH Used Standard Phonographs, lib eral reductions, lower torms. Earl Shepherd Co. 507 Main St. 12tf Spring Is coming on and you bnvo the home rlcnrlng bug. Well, I havo got It, toot lot's get together. I'KItKINB FUIlNITUnE HOUSE "Tho Furnisher of Happy Home)" 17tf Hare You Scon Kelley today? CITY GARBAGE When yon want garbage removed call 10F-28. Toll your troubles In the Furniture lino to PERKINS "THE FURNISH ER OF HAPPY HOMES." 17tf voloplng of the Jazz typo," he said. "Will tho public buy tho Jazr types ! T or doming material wo see offered for sale, and tho far worso things ono finds printed and In wall papers In the wholesale stores I Jazz of all kinds is llko rubbish of all kinds; it ' Is not likely to last long." I "I havo recently beon shown groat quantities of materials of most un harmonious color and crudo design," he said, "things which might suitab ly be exhibited in a very dark collar I rathor than In the light of day or in our homes. I was assured drcssmak ors woro buying them largely. What a home should be llko to match such clothing I do not caro to think. "It makes mo devoutly trust that Bklrts of such materials will be noth ing like so long as they are today. Tho human form will certainly oc casionally be hotter to look upon than these monstrosities. Thoy are products of a dangerously decadent movement." florin? In rnmlni, in nni ,,, i.b.m 12-18 I tho houso clearing bug. Well. I have " t?ft It tn T J1I Ivor tni a ! mnkifi M,pfrants P8lt1l0n, '" I'KHKINH FUKXITUnK HOUSE camp. 343 N. 9th St. 12-lfi ' t1i Fnrnl.hf. r ir.nn. w Phone 531-R W. E. and J. E. PATTERSON CONTRACTING PAINTERS We glyo all our work porsonal attontlon. Use nothing but first class material. Let us glvo you figures on your painting. 133 N. 4th St. Res. Phone 531-R I WEATHER RECORD I o- Hereafter The Heratd will publish the mean and maximum tempera tures and precipitation record aa tak en by the U. 8. Reclamation service tatlon. Publication will cover the day previous to the paper's Issue, up w o o ciock oi ine day. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. 4..... 5... 6. 7 Max. 43 GO 51 61 Min. 23 23 23 19 Precipitation Apr. 8 6G 33 Apr. 9 66 36 Apr. 10 66 42 Apr. 11 61 35 Apr. 12 58 34 Apr, r13...... 53 22 Apr 14 50 17 Safety and Service A 'nationalized' bank acoount such as you can start here at tho First National brings tho handling .of one's monoy under Government Supervision. It also af fords tho depositor tbo constructive and co-operative servlco of tho Fodoral Ilosorvo Systora. Wo do not stop at tho encouraging of OPENINO ac counts; wo also holp them grow up. Just because it's better tea your enjoyment in partaking of it is complete MfSBI3ll94lm The attention of Oolinquent Lien Debtor on the first three pavimg units is called to the urgency of the situation confronting the Com mon Council on May First, next. On that dato the principal of the remaining outstanding bonds on those un'ts, amounting to $47,818.53, will be due and pfliyablc; and the bonds them selves will be presented for payment to the city treasurer on that daite. There is in the hands of the city treasurer applicable to' that purpose $31,185.02, the dif ference or $16,633.51 represents the delinquent principal that must be met besides the accrued interest if the financial integrity of the city is to be maintained. There is no other source than the delinquent Lien Debtors from which the necessary funds can be secured to meet this liability. It is therefore imperatively necessary that the delinquent Lden Debtors awake to that fact and come forward at once with the bal ance due on his or hier assessments in accord ance with notice thereof recently received by them. The Common Coulncil has noted also the amount of delinquencips existing on other pav ing units, including the first installments on the more recent street improvements and it causes the council to hesitate in ordering new im provements petitioned fcr until these latter de linquencies are approximately paid up. By order of the Common Council. Dated April 11th, 1921. A. L. LEAVITT, 14-16 Police Judge. PAINTING Practical pnlntlng, gliding, bronz-j Ing, anamollng, knlaomlnlng, wall-. I paper cleaning and general con- trading. j I'hono 18.1 II. O. TUTHILIi 525 Oak St. MM'lt'i: Notice Is hereby given Hint there will bo a called mooting of tlin land ownori of tho Kniiinth Drnlnngo Din I trlct hold at tho officii of tlio Secre tary In Klunmlh Falls. Ornuon. on 'Saturday, April 23rd. 1921. for the purposo of voting on whuthor or not wo shnll enter Into n contract with tho Unltod Stntas for a water right for tbo Irrigation of tho lands within tho boundaries of tho District All 1 land owners aro urged to nttond this I mooting whom ponslblo to do so, Ily ordor of tho Hoard of Super- visors, 11-21 C. R, DELAP. Socrotary. 7-Passenger HUDSON CARS FOR HIRE The cars that go and get back. Phono 77 REX CAFE If aro Von Neon Krllojr t04lity7 Palace Market In More than Name Only a rMt National Bank rpTTW KLAMATH FALLS OREOON We feel that we would not be justified in using the name, "Palace Market," if we did not conduct our market in accordance with all the demand's of sanita tion, and service. We place great stress upon sanita tion, or cleanliness, if you prefer to term it that way, and we feel that our efforts to preserve this cleanliness is thoroughly appreciated by our patrons, the list of whom grows larger every day. The item of service should not be overlooked we insist that our represen tatives shall be courteous all the time, and that prompt ness in giving this service shall be an ever-present shop feature. OF COURSE OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT Palace Market Lawn and Garden Seed Murphey's Seed Store PHONE 87 124 So. Sixth St. f