The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 15, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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WIIIIAY, AI'KJtli 13, nai
The Office Cat I
Bargains m Rubber Goods
Hot Water
PAon TimKH
rgassgggPMBaggaBMMBBggi -xmjt&mBBm waimmr.A
llul Him Wnii Htyllsli
Mary woro n viiry low cm wnlst,
Blio woru it very high cut skirt ml
Tlio men nil thought alio looked llko
tlin mlicliluf.
V Public dlnnors nrn no longer rofor
red to ab bnnquots.
H,o you nuk us what wo nru living
onT Wnll, nomo of ua nrn Junl living
on that's all.
The following special prices will be
in effect for one week only. Remember
these are all the high grade Fauntless
Wcarever goods moulded 'in one piece
can't leak
2 qt. Wearcver bottle No. 25. Special
Regular Price $2.00 $1.35
2 qt. Wearever bottle No. 40 Special
Regular Price $2.75 $1.84
ni(jerwootf5 Pharmacy
r' nuvnAin ryiia uirLuuniri
All of our rubber goods are made of
fresh live rubber and are guaranteed to
give good service. Any that are found
defective will be replaced by a new
one. Remember there are no seams to
leak. Bottles and syringes are mould
ed in one piece.
2 qt. Fountain Syringe No. 24. Special
Regular price $2.50 $1.67
2 qt. Fountain Syringe No. 25. Special
Regular Price $1.75 $1.17
Our Idea of no iiorl of Joli In.. Hint
or bolng husband of n lady cop.
Tlio movies hnyo iiolrcd tbo prob
lorn of perpetual emotion
Poets arn born but nobody has
ever found out why.
'Hnlrtght, Hut Koinn nf Tlio IVnpli
Will ll Wlit-m Tlio Plini.n Wlr.c
Will Mrll.
From an undortakni'a advertise-
mnt In n Wabash (Iru.l.) I'api rl
In --n. of death, ri'l tin on tbo
'phono, no matter wliti-o )oii may bo.
Mesqultoo, ulrplanes and motor
blkea alwayi travol wltb tbo muf flora,
cut out.
Wo wantn know why does a girl
with a pretty facn think that ahn
baa to nxpom Juat na much of bur
chosl aa a homely girl?
Oh, You Rcnutlful Doll
Ho beautiful alio aeoinrd to mo,
t wlnhnit Wn might bi) wed,
Iter nock wan Juat llko Ivory
AUa! Ho wan her head.
Special !
A 2 qt. Fountain Syringe.
A 2 qt. Water Bottle.
Regular price $3.50.
We are offering our en
tire stock of high grade
rubber goods at
We carry only the best
This is your chance to
get a fountain syringe or a
water bottle at absolute
bargain figures.
Mail orders filled at
same prices.
A 2 qt. Fountain Syringe.
A 2 qt. Hot Water Bottle.
Regular Price $5.50.
Highest Grade Made.
floorgo Stephenson aaya n man ox
pecta hla wlfo to atlck nround tho
kltclien nil day nnd cook him n bin
auppor. Hut If ahn lan't aa frcah look
Ing aa some of tho stria ho see down
town ho wanta n soul mate
Willi Duo Apologies
Tho hours I'vo tolled o'er thco, doar
'Havo almost mado n wreck of mo;
And ovory tlmo 1 try, thou icota little
Hum poetry! Hum poetry!
Breast Pumps
Rubber Sheeting
Jlnfant Syringes
I'opulnr Klrllon
No, Ma'am, I ain't boon smoktn'
th' amell muata got on my clothca
from boln' around paw ao much.
When a pretty llttlo baby haa a
dog-faced father and a hatchoC-faced
mother tho eugenics argument aooma
What haa become of tho old-faah-loned
alitoeryyoar-old girl who not
a good spanking If aho wasn't homo
by 9 o'clock at night?
A Yrokn. Cal woman -whoso hue
band dlod about a week ago has nl
ready toned hor hat Into tho ring
tor a aocond mnto. It la rumored that
nn abaent-mlndod person who attend"
od tho funeral ahook hnnda with tho
boreaved womon nnd wlahoil hor
many retuma of tho dny.
UlLlMLI'IMlA 11 lSU-iiLO VJlVJUUV11 rPf57 '
Face Bottles
Rubber Gloves
Ice Bags.
nOIUUS. Cat., April IS. After
apondlng a fow weoka In Han Francis
co on account of III health. Dr. A. A.
Atkinson. Burgeon at tho Dorrla hos
pital, Is again In town nnd nctlvo In
hla practlco fooling much rojuvlnat- j
C. II. Norman drovo to Klamath
Falls Wodnosday to attend to busi
ness matter. Mr. Norman has aold
hla Interest In a pool hall horo to
Ifonry Jaoskto from Dunsmulr.
Gcorgo Vochatior, n Malln farm or,
spent yesterday In Dorrla on busi
ness. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Mitchell, who
rcsldo on a largo stock ranch In tbo
Oklahoma country, drovo to town
yostorday tor n abort business visit.
Karl Adams, who opnratoa a dairy
In Macdool, en mo to Dorrla yesterday
to attend to mattors In connection I
with hla now croamory. Mr. Adams
has studied creamery operation nnd
dairying at tho Oregon Agricultural
Collcgo and Is woll equipped with In
formation and training to mako a
success of his venture. ,
U. O. Illssoll, ono of tho leading
business men at Macdool, spent yes
terday In Dorrls on business. Mr. Ills-
sell Is ono of tho diroctors of the
nowly organlzod Irrigation project In
that Iocalty.
William Hagolstoln and J. D.
Wnltx drove to Klamath Falls lost
ovonlng whero thoy wore called on
matters portalnlng to business. They
returned this morning and reported
tho roads In very good condition moat
of tho way by Kcno.
Dr. J. P. Dowmnn mado n trip to
Chlloquln by nuto ono day this week
to attend to matters portnlnlng to
tho erection of a hospital thoro thla
spring, Ho la n member of tho staff
of tbo Dorrla hospital.
IImvd Yoa Hoon Kelloy todnyT
Can of Rattlers
Gift to Zoology
Department, O. A. C.
I.KOB, Corvnllls, April K.. Six largo
rattlosnnkoH ara now on exhibition by
tho department of zoology. C. h, wll
kins, former student, sont thorn to
II. M. Wight, assistant professor of
xoology, In n flvo gallon oil can punc
turod full of holoB to admit nlr. Thoy
wero caught nt Cohurg near Kugeno
while In a atato or coma.
To got them Into tho can for ship
ment It was necessary to put them
in through tho filling holo. Thoy are
kept In a glaim observation cago in
a sunny window of the zoology lab1
oratory. After they woro ln-the,wnrm
joom and sunlight for a short time
thoy woke up and are ready to rattle
and strike on the slightest provoca
tlon. Zoology students are Interested.
Is their new and unpetted mascots
as tbete are the first rattlers many
of tbonvhave seen,
Ilerald olasslflod nds par you,
Have Yon fWn Kelfey fodnv?
Paea, Xeelc and Anna Easfly Made
fhnaoth, Saa Sprdaiict
Any breaking out of the ikla, even
fiery, itching eczema, ca be enlekly
overeome by applying a little Meathe
Sulphur, declares a aoted akla ape
elallst. Because of ita gem destroy
ing properties, this sulphur prepara
tion begins at once to soothe Irrita
ted skin and hoal eruptions such as
rash, plmplos and ring worm.
It seldom falls to remove the fer
ment and disfigurement, and you do
not have to wait for relief from om
barraisment. Improvement qulekly
shows. Sufferers from skin trouble
should obtain a small Jar of Mentbo
Sulphur from any good druoelst and
uso it like cold cream. Adv.
Concentrated Ilent I'enolr.itrw In-
atantly and HrlngM Qulckcat
Relief Known
nhoumatlsm, lumbago, neuritis,
bactfacho, stiff nock, sore muscles,
strains, aching Joints. When you nro
sufforlng so you can hardly got
around, Just try "Ited I'oppor Itub,"
and you will havo tho quickest relief
Nothing has sueh concentrated, pon
tratlng heat as red peppers. Instant
relief. Just as soon as you apply
ned Pepper Rub you fool the tingling
heat. In three minutes It warms the
sore spot through and through.
Frees the blood circulation, breaks
up the congestion and pain is gone.
Bowles Red Pepper Rub, made
frtfm rod peppera, costs little at any
drug store. Get a Jar at once. Al
tn'o'stjostant relist awaits you. tlse it
for colds In chest. No matter what
vou have used for pain or congestion,
don't fall to try Rod Pepper Rub.
r Lii rULIvu Unit Horaw c,tts8ifid au p8y y"
I nniiinsinsmiu
about four ounce of Jad Salts from
any pharmacy; tako a tablesroonful
In a glaaa of water before break
fast and l a few days your kidneys
will act tine. This famous aalta Is
made from tse acid et grapes and
lomon Juice, combined with llthla,
and has been used for generations to
nusn ana aumuiaie mo aianoya, aisoj
to neutralise the acids In urlno ao If
no longer causes Irritation, thua end
ing bladder weakness.
Jad Salta la Inexpensive and caa
not Injure; makes a delightful ef
fervescent llthla-water drink which
everyone should take now and then
to keep the kidneys clean aad ac
tivo and tho blood pure, thereby
avoiding serious kidney complica
tions. Adv.
Hot Water Each Morning
Puts Roses in Your Cheeks
" V2r
m -
z sr .
s w
Druggist Suys Lndlos Aro Using Ito-
clpo or Hngo Tea and
Hair that loses Its color and lustro,
or whon It fades, turns gray, dull nnd
llfoless Is causod by a lack of sul
phur In tho hair. Our grandmoth
er mado up a mJxturo of Sago Tea
nnd Sulphur to keep her locks dark
and beautiful dark shado of hair
which is so attractive, use only this
old-time recipe.
Nowadays wo get this famous mix
turo Improved by tho addition of oth
er Ingrodlents by asking at any drug
store for a bottle of "Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound," which dark
ens the hair so naturally, so even
ly, that nobody can tiosslbly tell it
has been applied, You Just dampen
& epongo or soft brush wjto it and
draw this through your balr, taking
one small ttrand at a time, By morn
ing tho gray hair disappears; but
whnt ilollghts tho Indlos with Wy-
oth's Sago and Sulphur Compound
Is that, beajdoa beautifully, darkon-J
Take m Glass of Salts If Yonr
Beck Hurt or IHaddrr
Troubled Yon
No man or woman wno eats meat
regularly can mako a mlstako by
flushing the kidneys occasionally,
ears a well-known authority. Meat
forms urle ncld which oxcltes the
kidneys, they become over-worked
with the strain, get sluggish and tail
to tutor the waste and poisons from
the blood, then wo get sick, Noarly
all rheumatism, hpadacbos, liver
trouble nervousness, dizziness,
Blieplessness and urinary disorders
com from eluggls'h kidneys.
The moment you feel a dull ache
In the kidneys or your back hurts
or If tho urine la cloudy offensive,
full of sediment, irregular og pas
sage or attended by a sensation of
scalding, atop eatlug meat and get
To look one's best and feet one's best
is to enjoy an inside bath each morning
to flush from the system the previous
day's waste, sour fermentations and Poi
sonou toxins before it is absorbed into
the blood. Just as coal, when it burns,
leaves behind a certain amount of in
combustible material in tho form of
ashta, so the food and drink taken each
day Iravo In the alimentary organs a
certain amount of indigestible material,
which if not eliminated, form toxins and
roisone which are then sucked into the
blood through the very duets which are
intended to suck in only nourlsnment to
sustain the body. ,
If you wiat (o ut. the glow of healthy
bloom ia your cbaeltt, to tee your skis
get clearer and clearer, you are told to
drink every morning upon arising, a
glass of hot water with a teupoonful
of limestone phosphate in it, which ia a
harmleae weans of washing the waste
material and toxlua from the stomach,
liver, kidneys and bowels, thus cleana
lag, sweetening and purifying the entire
alimentary tract, beforo putting more
food into tho stomach.
Girls and women with fallow skins,
liver epota. plmplea or pallid complex
ion, also those who wako up with a
coated tongue, bad taste, nasty breath,
others who are lwthercd with headaches,
bilious spells, acid stomach or constipa
tion should begin this phosphated hot
water drinking and nre assured of very
pronounced results In one or two week.
A quarter pound of limestone plioa
phato costs very little at the drug store
but is sufficient to demonstrate that lust
as soap and hot water cleanios, purifies
and freshens the ikin on the outside, so
hot water and limestone phosphate act
on the inside organs. We must alwayi
consider that internal sanitation ia vast
ly mora Important than ouUld cleanli
ness, because the akin pores do not ab
sorb impurities into the blood, while the
bowel pores do.
Women who desire to enhance the
beauty of their complexion should just
try thla for a weak and notice rssulu.