a a 'MB I fif ff 3 FIUIMY, APRIL in, iai Th Evening Herald THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON l'AOM TWO a j.- McnnAY.. fJlKD houlu ,.. .,....Kdltor ..City lMltor Published Jaily eicopt Sunday. by I rhe Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, nt 119 Eighth Stroot. Entered at tho pottof f Ico at Kta- math Falls, Ore, for transmission through tho malls as second-class matter. UEMDER OF THR ASSOCIATED fti AaanMafjtA PrflM Is ATfltlllrnlV fiHHnf in tfiA iTaA fnr mnfiMIratlnn of all news) dispatches credited to It, or not omorwiso croaueu in mis papor, and also the local nows pub- usner nerein. JERSEY JUSTICE T ID SURE 1 THURSDAY, APRIL 14, IIW1 " "VSIl Vn HA A)r ft-S jv Ve Scribe and The Pelican Cr.vau-auk- Kor-ewooshI With our usual presence of mind wo dlrcd headfirst under tho desk, but our precaution was needless. When we peered forth nothing moro dangerous had en'tered tho sanctum than our friend of yoro, tho Old Pell can, who sat calmly In his farorlto perch on tho rim of the waste basket and vlcrwod us meditatively. "Too wicked flea hops from be neath the clumsy thumb nail," he misquoted, as usual. "What you been up to slnco I been away, son, to mako you so shy of visitors? Crawl out of your kennel and unbosom your woos." Wo accordingly emerged and In Testlgated. The extent of the casual ties seemed to be confined to a con siderable expansion of an atready over-developed bump of caution, due to brisk contact with the most re moto and starboard leg Of the desk, and a rent Inflicted by a pendent nail In the southeastern extremity of our seven-day-a-weok trousers. Tho first Injury we passed lightly over, leav ing thn remedy to Father Time and the healing touch of Nature Having no speedyor ndequato remedy for tho other, as tho lawyers say, wo sat dlgnlfledly down. "What do you mean by such sud den and boisterous Intrusion"? wo Inquired wratblly, and would have carried our Justifiable reproach fur ther, but tho Old Pelican raised a placating wing. "Now seo hero, sonny," ho bogan apologetically. "How could I know that whllo I been away on my win ter vacation, you'd been raisin' such a lot of boll with folks' feelings that a little- friendly demonstration like tthot would set you to diving for your 'hole llko a chipmunk. I didn't mean nothing, and " "Say no moro, say no moro?" wo countered, touched and soothed by this abject apology from tho auto cratic old bird. "Well, I ain't got much moro to say," responded tho feathored sage. "I ain't been homo long and I ain't limbered up In ray vocal chords. Hut community activity seems to bo at fever beat In tho old burg and I may be ablo to get onto something and wise you up Intor on. By tho way, oro you' going to Join the chamber of commorco?" "Wo were until ton minutes ago," we responded sadly, "but recent oc currences havo made It neccessary that we patronize a tailor Instead, thanks to you." "You're welcome," he countered cheerfully. "You needed a new .pair of pants anyway nnd you'll be koO ting something dof Inlto for your mon ey. Olad to've helped you." "By the way, If It Interests you," ho contlnuod, "I hear thut there was , a big noise at tho corner of Fifth and Main Wednesday night und close obsorvera thought that Cap. Blomons bad tapped bis gusher. But Investi gation showod It was a concerted roar from somo of tho leading citizens who'd Just found out tho slzo of their assossmonts to tho chamber of com morco budget. You can look It up It you wont to. I gotta got back to the lake. JJjo gq'nta plant an ocro of Shasta jlalslos this spring and watch tho rush of settlors." So saying ho .left us to pursue an uninterrupted search for safety pins, so that we might hopte to Journey homeward without molestation by Jim Hilton. .... m nave You Seen Kelley today? TRENTON, April 16. TntcrostUiK light has bcrai thrown on. tho opixrn tlon and spend of "Jorsoy Justice" iih a result of recent convictions for murder and otJior crimen, Whllo mis demeanors nnd felonies ham Incroas! cd In Now Jorscv" as olsowliwro In tho country In tho iwat year cvr so, stnto records show that there hnvo been few disagreement of Juries mul pris on sentences havo been extended to maximum limits In order to discour age violators of tho law. Ono fcaturo of 2Cow Jorsoy law that fow. It any, of tho other states have, nnd which Jn satd to hnvo been a prima factor In giving tho stato Its traditional reputation for llghtenlng-llko court procedure Is a provision that a Jury In a first dii greo murder trial may deslgnnto llfo Imprisonment liuitcad of thu death penalty for tho ronvlptod person. This has rcsultod in many quick convictions for llfo fan prison men t. whoro otherwise there might have been Jury dlsagroemunls. Cases like that of tho Union Coun ty bandits, Charles and John Krcbs nnd Martin Shannon, who wuro sen toncod to servo from 56 to 75 years each and who woro tried, convicted and wcro beginning to serve1 their sentences within -18 hours of their capture, aro occurring almost dally i In New Jersey, tho present so-called "criwo wave" apparently furnishing an excellent test for tho efficiency of Its courts. "Jersey Justice" famed from Malno to Florida, from tho Atlantic to tho Pacific and even ovorscas, not only because of Its speed, Its accur acy and Its relontlcssness but al because of Its fairness and efficiency, was not established overnight It Is scarcely a tanglblo thing. It may bo best described as "a stato of mind," tho people demanding that their law officers bo efficient abovo everything; olso. Thus prosecutors, grand Jur les, Judges, petit Juries and nil othur branches of the administration of Justice, which lead tho criminal to prison and tho murdered to tho doath chair, aro Just so many wheols and gears and belts In an nlmost perfectly-working "machlno," whoso motive powor is tho people. Tradition has had much to do with making "Jersey Justico.'V Beginning with tho early days of thn; settlement of the state when many crimes wero punlshablo by death the Calvlnlsts brough Into East Jersey distinctive views of religious and civil mutters which probably wero tho roots of "Jorsoy Justice." Through the ante revolutionary period, when organized efforts woro put forth to suppress piracy in tho Delaware and Now York bays, down to tho present time, tho speed with which penalties have bcon metod out to tho evil-doer has been exemplified and emphasized hero moro, perhaps, than in nny oth or section of tho United States. Now Jertcy differs In no great re spect from othor states as to thu genoral legal procoduro for tho pun ishment of crime. Lynchlngs and crlmos against accused persons, how over, are rare. Officers of tho law, from tho highest Judges out of tho courts. At present thero aro moro than threo score llfo prisoners In tho stato prison hero and olght out of ovory ten convicts aro In for long torms. Whllo "Jorsoy Justlco" Is awltt, tho Innocent aro safeguarded through a uystciu of appoals, reprieves nnd stays, and latter sometlnios operat ing to save convicted persons from tho denth chnlr. Thn case of Frank 1' James and Raymond W. Schuck, convicted of killing David S. Paul, n Cnimlon bank messcngor, Is an Illus tration. After thotr arrest tho trials of tho murderers woro expedited and thu snmo day thoy wero sontenced they were In tho deathhouso hero "candidates" for tho chair. Tholr ap peals nro now pending before thn Court of Errors nnd Appoals, tho highest stato court and will bo deter mined within n month or two. In July 1904, thrco young negroos, Aaron Timbers, William Austin, nnd Jonns Slmms, entered tho homo of a farmer named Blddlo, near Burling ton, bound Mrs. Blddlo nnd attacked her. Within a taw days nil thrco wore raptured, tried, convicted and had begun sentences of 49 years each In stato prison. "Hill" Frnmor, n Cnmdcn hold-up man who torrorlzod womon, "was re cently captured and tried and con victed tho noxt day. The evening of- that day he was on his way to pris on to begin a long term. Frank Qui dara, a young motorcycle bandit, who hold up a Public Sorvlco Corporation paymaster, stole 34, 000 and was shot 12 times In tho body, was tnkon from a hospital to tho Mount Holly court houso and after being sentenc ed to 28 years was brought to prison tho samo day on a strotchor. Two companions recelvod a llko sentonco. Richard Hammock, a Paterson youth who hold up and killed the driver of a silk truck received a life sentenco and commenced serving It within a day of his trial. At the Theaters THU STAR 0 If you saw "On With tho Dance," you know what appealing and artis tic pictures (leorgo Fltzmaurlco can mako. ills second production, "The Right to Love," Is coming to the Star theatre tonight and Saturday Pretty Mae Murray and David Pow ell are tho featured players. Tho story's about tho young Amer ican wlfo of a rich Britisher. She loads a wretched exlstenco undor the samo root with her husband and "the othor woman." Then tho man sho loves comos back Into her llfo. Under the warm Turkish moon takes place tho dramatic event that sets her freo. Mr. Fltzmaurlco's ability to blend startling action with oxqulsltcly beautiful sotting! was never hotter demonstrated than In "The Right to Love." It's a Paramount picture. THE LIBERTY "Tho Scuttlers." In which William Farnum stars, and which Is showing at tho Liberty Theatre tonight, will havo San Franrlsco harbor, Catallna Island nnd Hollywood for Its loca tions. A bark 250 feet in length was chartered tor tho ship scenes, as was also a prlvato yacht which takes tho shipwrecked persons from a dosort Island. Many of tho scones aro In tho gal ley and tho bold of tho boat. Tbo "Nlppor Cast's" Saloon, a famous place on tho Barbary coast, also Is reproduced In tho picture. Many Interesting and colorful scones of tho Orient, as well as the We have opened a nice grocery and del"1 icatessen. Our canned goods are the well known Del Monte Brand. Everything we carry is a standard brand, as are our teas and coffees. We handle spiced and smoked fish; domestic cheese, domestic and import ed limburger, Swiss hand..kase, sausages, imported Cevelat,. Swedish Holstein and Kosher sausages; pumpernikel fresh rye bread always on hand. Also fruits and vege tables. PRI'CES RIGHT WE DELIVER OUR SERVICE WHITE THE WHITE GROCERY AND DELICATESSEN C. SCHUBERT, Manager 1018 Main St. Zfatiftacfeto 337 MAIN ST. FOR SATURDAY ONLY 20 lllUBHH. VRIIY BEAUTIFUL AND OF EXQUISITE QUALITY. NO TWO ALIKE. EXCLUSIVE DK8IHNB. WORTH 10.00 T THEY WILL HH HUl.ll AT ur. 1 iwv,n. $12.60. $6.95. Occident, will bo scon In "I.I Ting Lang," with Sesmo Hnyoknwa, the noted Japanese actor. In the stel lar rolo. at tho Llborty Theatre, tin morrow. in the picture Huyakawa plays the rolo of nn Americanized Chinese who Is familiarly known to. his college chums as "Old Tlng-u-Llng." This latest vehicle for tho Nipponese star Is a tromondoiiH drama full of heart Interest nnd appeal. AIDS BABIES EEEEk fc. JEEEEbS Ieeea , LiEfffffffffl EEEEEk ?tf"PEEBvEa beeeeee tSjeJ Esssssssssss f Pl1 NOTK'i: TO IIIMIKIIH Sealed propniiils will ho received up tu noon Monday, April 2f. 1921 for furnishing school district No. R3, ' F O. II. enrs Klamath Falls, ore. ". , not) morn or less selected common ! brick and CO.OOO mtiro or less com mon brick for ilelhory as desired I llltU must bo accompanied by two 1 (2) selected common brick samples 1 showing the range of bricks to bn nirnisiieu nun nun in avuniK 1 'mi llion brick sample and t n certified check to thn nmount of (i per crnt of the hid for thn totnl of nbovn made payable to William Hknon, clerk of said district to bo returned tn bidder It unsuccessful and to bn forfeited If bidder Is awarded contract and falls to take name In accordance with tils bid School board reserve thn right 1 I to nrcept or reject nny or nil bids. i Dntod at Chlloquln this lMh day of April. A. I). 1921. . Signed Wllllnm Skoen, School clerk. I 1S-1X The Aspirin Situation Don't Be Deceived by Aspirin ndvortlsnmonls bolng run by those who seek to discredit nit Aspirin Tnblots excopt thoso mndu by them. The Facts Aro that wo regularly hnndlo largo qnnntlllos of Aspirin U. I). Co. Tab lets Hint wn know nro I'uro and (lonulno nnd- full sttnngth. Thoy are rigidly tostnd by flrst-clnss chemists, ami urn put out by n firm of tho very hlghnht standing, tho United Drug company of Boston. Wo, ns Uoxnll Druggists, are tholr excluslvo ngunts In Klamnth Fntls. Thu Aspirin patent nxplrod In IV 17, nnd nnyonn cun now mako I Aspirin and soil It undor that name. I Aspirin U. D. Co. Tablo are put up In pnekagon of I2's 2s and I 100's. Thn prlcn Is moderate, for I there Is no profiteering In United , Drug company business methods. STAR DRUG CO. FIFTH AND MAIN HTHKKTM Klnninth Falls Oregon. Advertising brings efficiency. Countejs Wllllnmowltx-Moelleu- ' riorff of Sweden It touring U. 8. In European child relief work. ; Many mothers bear two-pound ( babies and consldsr them, normal. she says. . Ilorald classified ads pay yon. GOOD PRINTING Costs no more than the other kind, but it is worth more. W. 0. SMITH PRINTING CO. Phone 93. .' 119 S. Fourth Street. UOHN KELLY SHOES FOR LADIES u Shoes We Are Proud to Sell THE REPUTATION OF A SHOE MERCHANT DEPENDS ON THE KIND HE SELLS AND THE SATISFACTION THEY GIVE THEIR PURCHASERS. WE COULD NOT AFFORD TO RECOMMEND A SHOE UNLESS WE COULD STAND BACK OF IT, CONFIDENT THAT IT WILL PROVE WORTH THE PRICE WE ASK. ABOVE ALL WE RECOMMEND, AND GUAR ANTEE. RALSTON SHOES FOR MEN r H DRESS SHOES $8.00 TO $14.00 WORK SHOES $2.90 TO $g.oo ' J j Ct ? 0 ff WE CARRY CHILDREN'S SHOES