University Llhroryi uvausti, oittf, rri 'fe f&tyt 3?u etttttg Iterato Today9 b Nt Do It Today Member of the Associated Press. Fifteen! h Vitiir No. fltHMI KLAMATH FALLB, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL Iff, J0S1 PIUOB F1VH CENTS LONE HER ROUTS BANDIT GANG; 1 KILLED , CHICAGO. April IK H. II. Wll lownkl, cnshlcr of thu statu bnnk nl Clcoro, engaged In ii Kun hntllo Willi U nutomulillo linnilltM today nnd do foattid llioni, killing odd, wounding two und capturing two unwouudud. Only tin) driver of tho car. who ro mnlnod oiltnldo tho hank, escaped. Oct Worllllrnn I'nlwr Hlx liandltH, who hold up two hank monnongor on tlm IIIIiioIm Cuntrnl train oarly today, escaped with two satchels filled with cancullud cliockn Tim robbery wan elaborately plan ned, Two robber followed tho mm anngors when thoy boarded tho train nt Itandolph street nnd tho nthur four Jolnod thrm nt Vnn Duron -street, half n mlln furthnr south. Tho robbora escaped with tholr worthless souvenirs nt Twonty-suc-ond street. MAN OUT FOR STATE POST, James Httiphvni, president of the I Central Labor council of Klamath j Falls, U tho latest candldatn put ' forth for the nfflco of state organltor I for tho Oregon Dtuto Federation of Labor. Mr, Hlephons' nomination was nnounced Tuesday by W. E. Klinsey, socrotary of tho Oregon Stnto Fedora tlon of -Labor, Klamath Falls han become an Im portant geographical point ns far us tho Oregon Stnto Fodorntlon of Lab or Is concerned. W. II. Klucknor, a mombor of car pontorn Union No UOfi, has been named for tho position. About n doz on nominations have been previously announced. April 25 has boon sot as tho dale for closing of tho ballot list. Tho state federation plans to put on an extensive organlratlon cam paign this year Tor capita tax wag raised to 7 cents a member by tho fodorntlon nt Its convention nt Pen dleton Inst fall. Otto It. Ilartwlg. nt l In. fmlnrittlnn. nxnectn to mnko a trip through tho ntato shortly to visit nil unions ntflllntcd with tho organization. , A substnnlla! Increase In tho num ber of unions outsldo of Portlati I has beon marked tho past year. Hood nivor. Tho nolle. Corvallls. Eugene, j nnd Klamath Falls nil hnvo ndded to tho number of labor organizations ex isting n year ngo. Labor Nows dep't; Portland Tologrnm. Frank Lee, 14, Dies; Relatives Allege Whipping As Cause Frank l,oo, 14, dlod In a Los ,Angulcs hospital Tuesday of spinal raonlngltlB which, according to throo nttondlng specialists, was brought on by a whipping said to havo boon ndmlnlBtorod him "oarly In Fobrunry by n toachor In Las Vegas, Nov., grammar school for a minor Infraction of rulos." Tho boy woh confined to tho hos pital ton woolen. At Las Vegas, denials woro mndo recently by tho school board that tho boy was lnjurod by tho whip ping ndmlnUtorod by Profossor Btowart. According to tho state mont, Stowart punished tho hoy with a strap In his prosonco nnd on tho request of a woman toachor and. tlfat tho punishment was not brutal and tho boy played with oth 'or pupils In tho yard afterward. H Many rcsldonts of, Po Valloy.rp- .LBymi?erltbo,Le famlly;lfp,'- Dora Let mother of tho ded boy, and Br bfdther, Earls F. Egllngton lived In Poo Valloy for several years. I Seeking Background Here For Filming Lumbering Drama With a view to securing a location suitable to tho production of a mo tion plcturn play, thu plot of which In laid In mills nnd lumber rumps, M F. Murphy, of Universal City, rupru nunthiK I'rlViclllii Dean, widely known atnr, arid compnuy, In horu looklni; over local woods and ml I In. Tho coining of tho motion plcturo producer shown that Klamath In got tlnK n reputation an n lumbering con tor outsldo tho Immodlato lumbering clrclos, Hliould thin territory bo chos en (or tho filming of tho play thin nummor n company of CO or 80 poo pla will he brought In to taka part In the locking nnd milling scones. In company with officers of tho chnmber of commorco Mr. Murphy started on n trip about tho country thib morning, looking fur suitable background for tho play. LIST CALL FOR C. OF G. Practically nil tickets for tho Greater Klamath dinner have cither boon obtained or spoken for, and ttioso who hao not already paid for tholr tlckotn are asked by tho dinner committee-) to call at chamber of commerco without delay as unclaim ed reservations will bo sold. It Is an nounced that many who have defer red getting tholr tlckotn until tho "elovorvth hour" will be disappointed In finding there are nonn loft. Owing to thu limited sealing cupaclty of tho Whltn Pollcan Hotel dining room on ly 27C cover.- will bo laid for tho dinner that Is to bo served Monday utonlng. AH persons obtaining tlck ets oio requested to bo In tholr places prom.itly nt 6:30 p. m.. as tho pro gram will begin nt that tlroo, norol's orchestra han beon ougag cd to play nt tho dinner. Tho musical program will ntso provide for com munity singing, led by K. P. Law renco, nnd tho Women's Quartet, composed of Mlrn Ilond, Mrs. Molby, Miss Calkins and Miss Morodlth, will bo foaturod. Dr. George M. Mnllotto Is nlso on tho program for a solo. Tho Sorvlco Fund Commltteo hold Itn flnnl meeting following n lunch eon at tho chambor of commerco to day. A number of subscriptions to tho servlco fund nlrendy subscribed woro roported, and tbo totnl amount of such plodges slgncd'bnforo tho nctual drlvo boglns. will bo announced iA tho dinner Mondny evening. Bnocinl automobile wlndHhlold stlckors Advertising tho campaign, nl so, window cards, hnvo hocn distribu ted by tho Publicity Commltteo nnd nro In evidence In tho downtown district. A number of local morchnnta havo given notice of tholr Intontlrtn of providing special show window dis plays calling attention to the mem bership drlvo next week. At tho meeting of tho team work ers nnd tholr cnptnlns and majors yostorday nftornoon, cards of pros pective members to bo solicited dur ing tho drlvo, woro allotou. MWARY TO ASK DUTY UPON 1XIGS IN TARIFF. WASHINGTON, April 15. Sona tor McNary has arranged to present tho demand for tho Oregon co-opora-tlvo poultry producors for a duty on eggs to tho ways nnd moans commit too for consideration In connection with tho pormanont tariff. TIUO PAY PENALTY FOR MURDER OK COUNTRYMAN CHICAGO, April 15. Sam Car dlnolla, master mind of a robbory gang that oporntod horo, aud Joooph Costlnn nnd Snlvatoro Forrnru, con victed of murdering a follow coun tryman, woro hanged hero today. m LU.MIIIUIMKN TO UUILl) MII.l! AT BONANZA. A. D. Mooro of Merlin, Orogon, was In tho city yesterday front Bon anza, near wboro, with associates, ho own,s qulto a tract of tlmbor.' Ho' c'amo over for tho jmrposo of Inspect ing his holdings and 'to loam Just wbst.progroEo vas being insdo with' VallrdVd -cot'rutitroijiys'.n Is. bis 'la tentlmfto's'iact a small jnlll uYa'th property Just as soon as shpplog facilities aro available Ho loft today for his homo In Morlln. N 250 MILLION iSYHTRETIC FOR WESTERN STRIKE OROER 10 LANDS IS CANCELLED Herald WiimIiIiikIoii Bureau WASHINGTON, April IE. Twon ty million acres of land In tho arid nnd somL-arld states of the West will bo reclalmod and mndo productive, If Unltod States Sonator Chorion L. Mc Nary ' bill ndvnnclng $'250,000,000 to tho reclamation fund la enacted. Tho bill han been carefully drawn no as to avoid objections mado In tho past to similar legislation, nnd Sena' tor McNary bollovoa that It .contains tho dilution of tho reclamation prob lorn of tho West. It Is roported that tho mcasuro will bo roportod out favorably soon from tho commlttoo on reclamation nnd Irrigation, of which tho senator Is tho chairman. Choice To Sen loo Men "This bill." said Sonator McNary today, "Is donlgnod to promote tht agricultural dovolopment of tho six teen arid and soml arid ntntos of the wont. A nroforonco Is riven to all et- sorvlco men on 'nil the public land ' In oach of tho projocts contemplated, and also on oxcess land, whleb moans that acrosgo beyond which any ono Individual Is permitted to enter Into a contract with tho secretary of tho Intorlor to soil nt nn agreed valuo itufAFn wnrlr nn th nrnlnel Is started. Tho maximum farm unit In tho rec lamation projects under this dim is 100 acres. Tho secretary of tho In- IMJU-m-h-h- ' ' (Contlnuod to Page 2) Personal Mention Ooorgo Porlor, connected with tho Modoc Lumber company, la In tho city today. Mrs. Portor accom panied him and thoy are guoata nl tho White Pollcan. V. T. King nnd W. O. Chand ler, who havo bocn In tho city on business connected with tho South ern Pacific company, returned to Dunsmulr 'this morning. Frank D. Leo, ono of tho woll known lumber buyers of tho north west, accompanied by Mrs. Leo, ar rlvod "hero last night from Ilond Ho comes for tho purposo of visit ing local dealers and,, If conditions aro right, to placo somo ordors. Tho roads, Mr. Loo said, woro nboralnal In placoa. while eomo stretches v,oro flno. ' A. E. Kruso, owner of tho Do Armond mill In tho Swan lako soc- tlon. arrived hero last evening from Portland, having mado tho trip by nuto, coming in by way of tho. Top- soy grado. Dr. Pnttorson of Merrill Is In tho city from Morrll. Tho doctor, It is said ,1s planning on making this city his homo and oponlng otflcos horo. Mr. nnd Mrs. D. F. Lawton wont to Wood this morning to meet G. A- HalUwoll, who Is returning from Hoddlng with his car. Mr. and Mrs. Lawton had novor onjoyod the privilege of soolng tho wonderful ly beautiful sconcry In tho vicinity of Topsy and took ndvantngo of this opportunity to do so. y n "- left this morning for Medford, where bo will visit for tho next ton days. Mrs. Allco Grey roturnod to San Francisco this morning after n hrlof visit with hor atstor, Mr. H. H. Ed monds, who rosldos at 813 Llncolu street. I J -j f Mrs. E. M. Holmes, accompan tod by hor two children, loft this morning for her homo In Junction City, Orogon, aftor a Bhort visit with Mr. nnd Mrs. L. K. Portor of this city. Oscar Allstrom wont to Wood this morning, where ho will ontor tho omploy of tho Wood Lumber company. ' Guy Merrill waB In tho city from, Merrill today attending to buslnoss affairs. Robort Griffin of Chjloquln Is in tho city on a brief business trip. ,Jvan CartwTlgnt was among the P9avOB U( liuupquiu -wild ( IU the city ysteVdV-' ' 'R. C. 'Brink. he'Spriaic Creek tr.JI nhto, Is In tho city In tho Interest Of his fa'mout fishing resort. LONDON, April ln.-Announco-niont that tho rnllwaymons nnd tran sport workers ntrlkc, called for 10 o'clock tonight, had boon cnncellod, wan mado at 4 o'clock thin afternoon by J. II. Thomas, gonornl secretary of the rallwoymens' union. falling a conferonco of roprcsen tatlvoH of minors from all roil fields, nl u dato which will bo fixed tomor row, was decided upon this evening by tho executlvo commlttoo of tho minors fodorntlon, after tho ratlwny mon and transport workers had can celled tho sympathetic strlko. Frank Hodges, tho mlno workers I secretary, said that this nctlon meant tbst tho strike would continue. Premlor Lloyd Ooorgo announced In tho houso of commons this aftor mm thnt tho coal minors had rofus rd to reopen negotiations for tho set tlement of their strlko on tho basis suggested by tho government. Eagle Ridge Tavern Will Be Reopened in answor to tho general wish of a largo numbor of thu pcoplo of thu county, Dr. Gaddla announces that ho hat decided to once more open Eagle nldgo Tavern to tho public. This fa mous resort has remained closed since ho purchased It from Mr. and Mrs. Griffith, who erected It. With a vlow to making tho resort ono that will moot domands of tho most exact ing guest. Dr. Gaddls has secured tho sorvlcos of Frank D. Fletcher, of Berkeley, Calflornla. Mr. Flotchor has had wldo experi ence catering to tho needs of tho tourist and will make n special effort to make Eagle Itldgo so attractive that Its reputation will becorao wido- )prcad. Ho arrived hero last ovenlng nd loft this morning for tho Tavern and will begin Immediate prepara tions for tho oponlng. Ho hopes to be ablo within n few days to hnvo hos tolry In condition to accommodate smalt outing parties. WI-VrUKUKKPOIlT OKEGON Tonight nnd Saturday, fnlr; hoavy to killing frosts in tho mornlnc. M'-V'"''" " nun Johnson, woll-known among tho tlmbor pcoplo of tho district, went to Bray this morning, whore ho haa a lumbor piling contract with tho Bray Lumbor and Box company. ' Mrs. O. W. Burdick left this morn ing tor a ten days visit In Portland. Sldnoy Smythe. connected with tho Warren Construction compsny, wont to Orants Pass this morning on busl noss for his company. Ho will bo nway about a week. A. D. Hnmakor of BIy was In tho city yostorday on business. Churlos 11. Howard, tho Ashland stago man, arrived In tho city last ovenlng. Dee Alexander of Chlloquln Is reg istered at tha Hall. Charlos Zumbrura nnd E. W. Brow or, rosldonts of Fort Klamath wore attending to business In tho city yos torday. A. C. Glongor mndo a flying visit from Chlloquln to tho city yosterdny J. D. Waltz, presldont, nnd William O. Hagolsteln, cashier, of tho Butto Valloy bank nt Dorrfs, woro horo yos(erday on buslnoss for tholr finan cial Institution. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Fannan, who havo beon residents of this city slnco last Novombor, loft this morn ing for Ashland, where thoy will rosldo In tho future. Fred Martin loft this morning for bis homo In Soattlo, aftor a briof visit with his frlond, II. Barrett. Mrs. F. C. King wont to Wood this morning to moot hor husband who haa boon spending tho past ten days In San Francisco on buslnoss. Mr. King is news agent on tho run botwoon this city and Wood. G. D. Hoffman, representing Hall Luhrs & Co., of Sacramento, left this mdrnlng for the south after klelUng his customers In this sec tion. ' - 5 ,- t. r rvRpl-!. visa ya' been" la'1 Ri Pluff Ior.'.tbe rst (fevers! Months retutned horo last evening to stay for a whtlo. Lawn and Garden Owners Complain Of Poultry Pests .Numerous complaints that poultry running at largo Is again becoming a nuisance nro being received at police headquarters, said Chief Wilson to day. Householders who havo fatlon In lino with tho city bcautlfltailon pro gram and planted lawns nnd flower beds, aro bowalllng tho ruthlesn rav ages of tholr neighbors' chickens, nnd nsklng tho pollco protection for their garden plots. Chlot Wilson assured tho Herald InterTlower that tho protection would ho forthcoming. Thora Is an ordin ance, ho said, compelling nil poultry, fanciers within tho city llmltn to keep their stock penned and tho law will bo enforced without oxcopllon. LODGE FORMED Tho Scandinavian Fratornlty of Amorlca was organized here last night with 73 chartor members, mak ing It, according to A. J Dorven of Tacoma, northwest district represen tative of the fratornlty who organiz ed tho Iodgo, tho largest lodgo In the northwest district, comprising Orogon, Washington, Idaho, Mon tana and British Columbia. With the flying start that it has, Mr. Bcrvcn predicted a bright future for tho local lodgo, which will be called Scandla. Initiation ceremonies will bo hold next Thursday night nt which time fifty members will bo ob Heated. Following are tho officers elected: Tom Eldc. president; John Thorson, vlco presldont; A. M. Melby, record ing secretary; John Vale, financial secretary; Tod Shredor, treasurer. Lars Hcdluod, chaplain; Eater Vale, marshal; Nols Nelson, assistant mar shal; Algot Westman, Inner guard; Axel Bcckstrom, outer guard; Soa rort Wnldon, CnrI Youngren nnd Louis Stoln, trustees. LIST OF 111' Tho circuit court has Instructed Sheriff Low to stAumon tho follow ing Jury panol to appear Monday Ap ril 25, and from tho list will bo sol octod Jurors to try tho cases set for trial during tho term following that date: Otto Holdrlch, James Blnlr, P. 8. Puckott, J. W. Lindsay, A. M. Sut ton. Potor Hour, W. S. Slough. T. M. Cunningham. Goo. Burton, I7d Jao obson, Ed Smith, Herb Philips. C. K. Buckman, II. P. Dow, Henry Grimes. G. B. Cozad nnd H. Brady. 1H1HH rAIUIKHK BUFFER FOR OTIU-Ut MKV.S CRIMES NEW YORK. April 15. Irish far- mors havo suffered heavy lotisos thru tho destruction to tholr co-operatlvo croamorlos by Drltlsh forces, E. M. Nowman, travol lecturer, says an nr tldo on "Ireland Today" In tho Ap ril Issue of Tho Mentor Magazine. Co operative creameries, Introduc ed and organized by Sir Horace Plunkott are an Important factor In tho now prosperity of tho rural dis tricts. More than titty of these creameries have boon destroyed by British gov ornmont agents In reprisal for alleg ed Sinn Foln outrages, Nowman says. Most o'f tho farmers are ad mittedly innocent of wrongdoing tho writer 'doclares. MEDFORD FRUIT GROWERS RATTLE WITH THE FROST MEDFORD, April 15 Smudging to, protect tho fruit crop from frost effects was general this morning In the Rogue River valley. Tho mercury dorpped to.26.6 at tbo coldost period. SqMSTJSR TO RUMANIA. ViOHINqTQVt JMPrtli IS.T-Potcr X jfsv: orRhodsrlfUad. eov elali- ter tb 6lytfe.,'Bta.'!beea fleeted Vy President Jtarawg as nnniaior 10 nu- I moula SCANDINAVIANS JURORS CHOSEN rim in ninniiTr, nufw uiDru 1 1. SETTLED f An arbitrators' agreement In tha stnto highway right-of-way litiga tion, filed last night with tho county clerk marks tho settlement of tha legal controversy that has been pond ing for a year. By Its terms the coun ty Is obligated to pay Mrs. Sophia Henley, Con Curtln and Robert Cbcyno, throe of tho ranchers who opposed tho light-ot-way condemna tion suits and sskod largo damages for alleged trespass and damago, ap proximately F18, COO. Tho rancher's, under the settle ment, agree to drop all litigation In opposition to tho highway, waive all claims for trespass and damage, and to assume the responsibility of build- tug, ndoquato right of way fences and connecting culverts and ditches for Irrigation. One suit only remains, the action of C. Bowman against the county and other dofondants.-In which plaintiff Is roprosonted by a different attor ney. Bowman .It In understood, will probably follow the example of his neighbors and arbltrato his differ ences. Charles Lodmls represented the plaintiffs on tho arbitration board and Fred Bueslng the defendants. The two wero empowered to choose a third momber, but were able to roach agreomont without doing so. ,Ha'd the cases gone' to trial, U Is understood that an affidavit ot.pre Judlco would have been filed' against Judge Kuykendall and a cbaaga .of vonue to Jackson, or some adjoin ing county, asked. In the llkely.evwt that the change of venue was grant ed It would have meant the expMse of transportation of numerous wit nesses to the other county and ex penses of their raaratenance- for couple of weeks. In' the settlement Robert Cheyne Is granted a total of $2,914. SO. against $5,134.80 aslced In bis com plaint. The award Is as follews: Land value of tho right of way, $150; $1,- 764.80 damages; $500 to each at torney for fees. Mrs. Henley asked $0,010.40 and Is awarded $257. land valuo; $1,9G7.- 30 damages, and $500 fees to each attornoy, a total award of $3214.80. Con Curtln nskod $10,1G4.60 and was awarded $6,767 of which $412. 50 Is land value; $'5,354.50 damages. and $500 to each' of the opposing atr torncys. Progressives Attack Colombian Trmity WASHINGTON. April 15. Repub llcan sonotors of tho progressiva group, headed by Sonator Johnson of California, today renewed tbolr at tack on tho pending Colombian trea ty, but administration leadora sent word to President nardlng that rati fication of tbo treaty was assured whon tho vote was taken nott Wod nosday. Prohibition of the shipment of arms and ammunition to any coun try, where thoy might bo used for revolutionary purposes, has bocn ask ed of congress'by tho state depart ment. MAXUFACTUIirj STEEL PRODUCTS PRICE DROPS NEW YORK, April 16. The Am erican Sheet and Tin Plato company, n subsidiary of tho IJnlted Btatos Steel corporation, has announced re ductions of from $7 to $14 a ton on various products. Weather Probabilities o o The Cyclo-Stormagraph at Underwood's Pharmacy show that tho barometric pressure has boon rlBln,r slnco yester day's report, although since ' npon today the tendency baa been eUgbtly downward. No particular change Is ex pected In. wealber conditions but the. Indications are more fsvorable for 4,talr, warmer .weitlr. , than, taey bare been 'rtV'a aumbir. ef days. Fcreet(or ntt 01 hours Fair weather, wjtb brisk winds which "will diminish. ARBITRITION