n THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON I'AOK MX THURSDAY, AI'IUI. 14, IIWI t U f! Exeptional Values in llll New Spring Clothes WE CAN GIVE YOU AN EXCELLENT SUIT AT ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING PRICES $30 - $35 and $40 ,-1 Li An offering made possible by our securing tho Agency of CUltl.UK CLOTHES n medium priced Hue, with nil tho good features of tho highest grndo clothes. They nro mndo In beau tiful patterns nil wool fabrics, excellent lin ings,, nnd fit and vorknuuuhlp equal to any on tho market. Tlio suits priced $40 carry with them an almost unconditional guarantee (reproduced In this nd) that they will giro you tho scrrlrc, satisfaction nnd every thug else that good rlothcs ought to, you to bo tho Judge. Could anyono ask more. Wo are enthusiastic, about this Uno of clothing as n medium priced line, and U given tho opportunity can convince you that wo aro right. If you are In the market for a suit and don't want to spend much money, these clothes, wlU appeal to you. Ito member tho price CURLEE TRADE MARK ' LOTHES auAATKi:i To glvo Hatlfnctry Wear It material, lining or tailoring Joes not woar to your ontlro latlsfactlon, you may roturn this garmont to tho mer chant from whom you bought It; ho Is nutborlicd to glvo you a now garmont froo. Tho only ttmo limit is your own good Judgment. Kill In your namo and dnto of purchase nnd keep this tic kot us your guarantoo. Lot ' Slio mo , t Dnto ,-. curlkk ciiOniiNa co. MANUFACTURERS $30 - $35 and $40 K. K. K. Store - Leading Cloiiiers AUTOMOUILE ASSOCIATION' REPRESENTATIVES VISIT W. O. Wllklns, representing tho American Automobllo association, nnd J. S. Slado of tho Portland Au tomobllo association, loft this morning for Dend. They had boon horo placing association road maps with local organizations. They aro traveling by automo bllo. Mr. Williams is well-known in automobile trado circles. He Is tho oriclnator of tbo plan for annual registration of automobile sales of various makes of cars and an overflowing fountain of useful automobllo Information. ' A malL carrier in Kowance, Illin ois, entered tho government sorvico twenty years ago, and has not failed to riinko his regular trip for a single, day in all that timo. Weather Probabilities Tho barometric pressure, ns recorded by tbo Cyclo-Storm-agraph nt Underwood's Phar macy, has remained practical ly unchanged slnco yesterday's report. Whllo It is qulto low, no sudden chango Is indicated and it Is qulto probable, that present wcathor conditions will prevail for a number of hours. Forecast for next 24 heurs: Cloudy, contlnuod cool, un settled weather. Rowing qtf bhe ' -Q1LC Have You Se"n Kelley today' Swansen's Barber Shop C25 MAIN ST. Wilt bo open until 7 p. April 18, 1921 m. after J. B. SWANSEN "THRIFT." IS THE WAY TO FI NANCIAL INDEPENDENCE START NOW UNION SAYINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION FIRST STATE & 8AVIN0S DANK DL'DO. Phono EEO-W. H. E. WOOD Local Managor PHOTO TO-DJIY TONIGHT AND THURSDAY Tho musical department of tho Klamath County High Sduwd srosonts The Operetta, "THE GYPSY ROVER" PRICES 76c FRIDAY "THE RIGHT TO LOVE" Featuring Mao Murray. A companion plcturo to "On 100 PER CENT UNION MONDALE THEATRE Arthur Roan Musical Director Ted Whuo Managor Ed. T. Crawford Chief Operator The Best for the Best THE WORKINGMAN'S THEATRE 'TONIGHT Get your peanuts and red lemonade The Circus is here. Let's go. BESSIELOVE The sensational Circus picture "SAWDUST RING" Showing Colo Drcs. circus from tho uldo show to tho big top,, and Rosslo Love. In sensational bareback riding, also all tho clowns and animals and everything that goes with a circus. ' -ALSO A COMEDY THAT WILL MAKE YOU LAUOH TWO SHOWS 6:45 and 8MB ADMISSION ADULTS -28c CHILDREN 06c This Is postlvoly a wonderful picture, as evory scene of this pic ture was taken while traveling with the circus, and sboAvs hov thoy llvo In the big top. COMING SUNDAY DOROTHY DAMON IN THE "VAMPIRE" With tba Danco." At The Liberty The House of Personal Service TODAY WILLIAM FARNUM IN HIS LATEST PICTURE "THE SCUTTLERS" A wondor ntory of tho soa and ships A roal "Farnum" plcturo SATURDAY SESSUB HAYAKAWA ' IN "LI TING LANG" reo ' How IlnynVuwa p.b a Prince, makes Ipvo to an American coclely boauty and Is ncceptod, only to loso tho girl after a Borion of thrilling adventurer. THI8 IS HAYAKAWA'S BEST PICTURU COMING SjUNDAY Hotlse Peters and Jane NoVak JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD'S "ISOBEL" or "THE TRAIL'S END" Do You Remember When some of the older residents of Klamath Falls used to .look wise and wink when they told about J. Frank Adams selling his land holdings to suckers (?) for $30 an acre? You all know how that turned out. The "suckers" proved to be the "wise ones." The "suckers" who bought Klamath Basin Land have made more money out of it than the sup posedly "wise ones" ewer dreamed it would be worth. Did the old-time reaidents of IS years ago make the big profits in Klamath Basin Land? No. They overlooked the big opportunity and let some of the best land in the world lie undeveloped and unpro ductive and waited for the golden opportunity to sell it to the Bohem ians and the easterners have made, and will continue to make the big profits, because they had the nerve to bet their njoncy and back tiich judgment. Those same wise ones (?) wink and smile Chat same old pessimistic smile when anyone talks ujaut oil beneath the Klamath Basin. And they will pass up the wonderful pos sibilities for profits in oil, just as they passed up the possibilities for profits in timber and saw-mills and alfalfa land. Did you, make the profits you might have made from an invest ment a few years ago in Klamath land or Klamath timber? Are you going to make the pro fit you should make if oil is struck in Klamath Valley this summer? Isn't it better to be a wide awake "sucker" and sec the oppor tunities, and make a bet and take a chance, than to be a sleepy, pessimis tic old "wise-one" and deny that there is an opportunity and say there is no chance? SEE KLL Y TODAY Mail all checks and direct all inquiries to Crater Oil & Gas Co. Officei-6'22 Main Street Open Evenings.