I'AQM F1VJ3 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Thursday, An in. j, iB2I MINT FOR SERVICE U Ti provide tho noodod employment next winter. ' Tim third Important fnctnr In unemployment, wn bullovo, In tliu delay of atntn nrul municipal con trnctorit, who hid for highway. street ami sower contracts at n 'rather high flguro, basing thnlr higher figures upon extra cohI of I ( oporatloii iliirlm; tho rainy xoimon. iwhllo lit Ih iiililltlonal cost Js rocog-1 Inlzod (ih li);ltlmntu liy slnto nnd , inunlclpiil offlclnln, nnd tho con- (Iny II. IlooKiir, Imro In tho ln ' trnctn aro lot on that linnlo, tho toront of omjiloymoiit for nx-sor- contractors do not perform tho vlco inon who Imvo taken tho rn- work during tho oxponslvo lahor hnhllllntlon run run of vocational period. TIiiih tho contractor ronl trulnliiR nt tho 0. A. 0. loft for ' I"" greater profit on It In hid, lint Medford yesterday During bin I tho hrtiad wlnnor nnd his fnmlly local work Mr. Ilookor found Kin- nro deprived of tholr honofltH wH' ' math Falls employe very willing woro flKurnd In tho original con to co-opornto. I'romlnonl linen In tract. Thin condition, too, wn bo tho O. A. C. vocntlonnl training nro Hovn, will ho vory mntorlnlly cluing engineering, nt:rlniHurn, auto mo- d hoforo tho winter notn In. rhnnlm and forestry. I Murh work "could nnd should ; Louis K I'nrtnr. local contractor, avo been performod by crotaln ban offored the imo of his offlro oil public utllltloii throughout thu win-. uppor Main ntreot for liitiiiliiiiarlurn "f months, particularly ih tho j for nx-niirvlrii men who nro out of "Into public Horvlco commission . imiploymeiit. anil promises all po- Krantod tlionn utllltloii Incronnod slbln aid Inward securing John for "tea for the vnry purpose of fl- j thorn. It Im said that many nutMldo nancliiK such work; but nflor n -. men Imvo come hero In retpinno lo reiving nuthorlty to Increniio tholr ! rumom that Kovitrnment land wns rates tho corporations jenmed to opon to soldier sotllomoiit nnd, forgot tho purposofor which tho finding tho reports proniiituro. nro sought tho Incronso'. remnlnliiK to find work During tho month of robrunry Tho Amorlcnn Legion on April tho Unomployinent committee found 1 brondonnd tho ncopo of Uh un- employmiint for 2,211 men and employment commlttco to tnko In 113 women, a total of 2,324. Dur- VARIETY SHOPS ONE-DAY CROCKERY SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 16th ONLY White and Gold Patterns tli ii entire ntnto Instead of confin ing tbo work to Portland. A lengthy report has boon Ixsuod by tho committed for Kebrunry and March, from which the following la extractud: ' While thuro wero many minor causes for tho vust army of pen niless unemployed In Portland, our survoy showed that tbo condition 1'OUK Ni:V HUILDINOH Ing March omploymont was pro vided for 1,708 men nnd G82 wom en In co-operation with tho wom en's division, a total of 2,390. In I tbo two months, tbrounh tho ef fort of tho committee In Portland nnd Multnomah county, 4,714 men and women found work. I was dun primarily to tho lack of a definite Industrial program which nhould and would more evenly din tribute Induntrlal activities over tho entire year. This committee hopes to prenent a program to tbo city, county nnd ntatn officials, whereby, through co-operation with tho Hlnte Chamber of Commorco nnd tho various local commercial organizations, tbo critical unem ployment nltuntlon of tbo past win ter wilt be averted throughout tho entlro ntnto In tho future. Next to tho lack of a definite In dtutrlul program, tho greatest cause for unemployment Is tbo lack of an Intelligent, consistent, iill-lhe-yonr-'round advertising cam paign of Oregon products, to create n pormanont nnd grnulng demand for homo products by Orcgonlan and further, ndvortlslng of Oregon product oiitsldo tho ntato. Had Oregon ' produrtn boon glvon tbo propor advertising last year, we bollnvo that Oregon factories would havo employed more than 20 per cent of tbo broad winners who were Idle nnd prnnlless nt tho tlmu of our nurvey. This com mittee utso ban n plan of action to present to Oregon commercial org anizations which, wn bollnvo, will remedy that condition In Unto to :oMi'Mrri:i at wi:i:i Tea Cups and Saucers 30 Coffee Cups and Saucers 35c After Dinner Coffees 30c Dinner Plates 25c Soup Plates , 25c Mush Dishes 25c Fruit Dishes 12c rnw Bowls (Round) --350 Small Vegetable Dish (Round). ...v 35c Medium Vegetable Dish (Round) 50c ' prtre Vegetable Dish (Round) 75 C Medium Vegetable Dish (Oblong) 50c Large Vegetable Dish (Oblong) 7fC Small Platters 3SC Large Platters 75c i White Ware Tea Cups and Saucers 25c Tea Cups (Only) ..A 20c Dinner Plates 20c Mush Dishes 20c Fruit Dishes lie Soup Plates 20c Gravy Boats 15c Medium, Vegetable Dish (Round) 60c Small Vegetable Dish (Round) 35c Medium Platters 50c Large Platters 75c 4 Large Plates 12c 5 Large Plates 15c Sugar Bowls 50c Creamers 35c VKi:i. April 14. Tho Wcud Lumber compnny boarding hotixo has been moved Into tho now building roconlly complotcd. Tho building Is ono of a group of four buildings which tho company has recently built for tho uso of Its unmarried employes. Tho other three buildings are modern room- Ing houses. Tbo lionrdlng bouno Is a three ttory structure., Tho roontn for tho ' help nro on tbo first floor. Tho dlnli.n rooms and kitchens, with all tito modern conveniences fnrj cooking for largo numbers of men, nro on tho nocoml floor. On tho khlrd floor am situated tho quar ters for directors, genornl offices of tbo compnny and visiting lum bermen. ' Havo You Srn Kolloy today? m A classified Ad wl!i noil tt. xotiei: Notlcn Is hereby glvon that thoro will bo n called mooting of the Innd owners of tho Kamuth Drainage Dis trict bold a( tbo office of tbo Secre tary In Klnmuth Knlls, Oregon, on Bnturdny. April 23rd. 192.1, for tho purpose of voting on whether or not wo shall entor Into n contract with NOTICE TO DELINQUENTS ON FIRST THREE UNITS OF PAVING The attention of Delinquent Lien Debtors on the first three paving units is called to the urgency of the situation confronting the Com i mon Council on May First, next. On that date the principal of the remaining outstanding bonds on those units, amounting to $47,818.53, will be due and payable; and the bonds them selves wilf be presented for. payment to the city treasurer on that date. There is in the hands of the city treasurer applicable to that purpose $31,185.02, the dif ference or $16,633.51 represents the delinquent . principal that must be met besides the accrued interest if the financial integrity of the city is to be maintained. There is no other source than the delinquent Lien Debtors from which the necessary funds can be secured to meet this liability. ' It is therefore imperatively . necessary that the delinquent Lien Debtors awake to that fact and come forward at once with the bal ance due on his or her assessments in accord ance with notice thereof recently received by them. The Common Council has noted also the amount of delinquencies existing on -other pav ing units, including the first installments on the more recent street improvements and it causes the council to hesitate in ordering new im provements petitioned for until these latter de linquencies are approximately paid up. By order of tho Common Council. Dated April 11th, 1921. A. L. LEAVITT, 14-16 Police Judge. Best grade Crockery We carry no SECONDS. Sets made-up of any number of pieces. In. addition we' have EIGHT patterns to select from For camps, boarding houses, restaurants, etc., we are prepared to furnish HOTEL ware. We boast of the largest and best Crockery assortment in Klamath Falls. Just received, some beautiful patterns in genuine ENGLISH WARE suitable for Wedding Gifts, etc. If in need of dishes see us: We can save you money. Klamath Variety ShoP k.in.15 nA 9tL. store HKRVKYOU J1BTTEK HAVK YOU MOHK ODD FEIXOWB BUILDING KLAMAT H FALLS OREGON tho Unltod Statos for a water right for tho Irrigation of tho lands within tbo boundaries ot the District. All land ownors uro urgod to attond this meeting whoro possiblo to do no. II y ordor ot tho Hoard ot Super visors, 11-21 C. It. DKLAP. Secretary. m NOTICH FOlt PUiUjICATIO.V (I'lIllI.lHHKU) Swedish railroads aro using peat as fuel. c WEATHER RECORD I o o Horeatter Tho Heratd will publish tbs mean and maximum tempera tures and precipitation record asvtak- I on by tbo U. S. Itoclamatlon service tntion. ruDiicauon win cover me Department of tbo Interior :.?; '.To-m nt ,vk.0y!'w;, lr,,'i U? Previous to tbo paper's Issuo. up April 11, ll)l!t. .Not Conl Land jto 5 o'clock ot tbo day. NOTICE Is horoby given that Jninea K. Caldwell, ot Klamath Knlls, Oregon, who, on Juno 23, 19Ui, made Homestead Kntry, No. 0S7GG, tor Lots 3-4, Soctlou 17, Township 41 S, llango 10 L Wll lamotto Meridian, has fllod notlco of Intention to muko final tbreo-ycar Proof, to establish claim to tho land nliovo duscrlbod, before C, II, DoLap, Clork of tho County Court, at KIs math Pnlls, Oregon, on tho 20th day at Mny, 1921. Claimants names as wltncsses: Carl Howlo, S. V. Lewis, both of KInmnth Falls, Oregon. Prank Onb rial, John Totton, both ot Merrill, Oregon. Notlco will bo publlshod for tlvo consocutlvo wooka In tho Klamnth Hornld. JAS. P. nunaKss H-21-28-tM2 neglstor. 7-Passenger HUDSON CARS FOR HIRE The cars that go and get back. Phone 77 REX CAFE Apr. 4.... Apr. r.... Apr. C... Apr. 7...., Apr. 8...., Apr. 9...., Apr. 10. Apr. 11.. Apr. 12.. Apr. 13.. Max. .43 50 SI 61 OC CC 6G 01 58 G3 Mln. 23 23 23 19 33 30 42 35 34 Precipitation MWMMWMMMWWWWWM'WWWMWVMWWWMWWMWMWtfWWVMWWWWWWWMAAArMAMAAAAAA ATTENTION! Timberworkers. Open Meeting Friday Evening April 15th. at v 8 o'clock. We have a message for you. Good News Charter Open All Workers Welcome Bscement T. O. O. F, Bids Mam and 5th, .-H"-K"K"V Free Dinner Set With Every Toledo Standard Range Tho Standard needs no description, no pralso. It speaks and stands for Itself and Is so unlTorsally known that when you say Standard Range It Is like saying 18-karat gold. For a short time wo will give to every purchaser ot a Standard Range ono 26-plece dlnnor sot ot Bluebird china, either in gold or blue band. A white enamel base goes with each rango. ' A white enamel Standard Range $79.90 A plain black Standard Range $70.00 am closing out my furniture stock, AT 910 MAIN STREET and you can get some fine bargains. I also have other new and second hand articles. Just drop in and take a look. You will save money. W. H. ROSS 906 MAIN STREET FqxjxrxriinftniratvrrnTiri'rirrinn''vii-irririr nrnninnn ni-nnfnn nnririninnrirvi.injf Phone 531-R W. E. and J. E. PATTERSON CONTRACTING PAINTERS We give all cur work personal attention. Use nothing but flret elite taatetUl. Let us give you figures on your palatine. 133 N. 4th St. Res. Phone 531-R