The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 14, 1921, Image 1

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    UulHimily Uinurr.
A Class Ad Will
Do It
Today's News
Member of the Associated Press.
rifUMtitii Vwir N. noun
price five cents
Uhlcnn iliillniiiinnt llun dobtorn on
tho flrnt Ihroo paving unllH pny tholr
colnc(lvi) deficiency of 1R,033 CI
linforu Mhy 1, the city wilt ho tinnliln
to redeem $ 17,81 0,03 -worth of bondn
ttmt maturo on Unit iliitu nnd Itn fin
nnclnl Integrity will suffer u Hiirlnun
Mot, according to n notlcu published
today liy onlur of the city council.
Thorn hiu boat) paid on tlio pav
ing nnsossmontn 131,1 85.02. Thin In
tho only money Hint cnn ho applied
to tho bond radomptlon and tho only
courso open to tlm city ndmlnlstrn
tlon In mooting thn payment In to
collect tlm outntnntmig f 10,633.
Tim iltuutlon li norlauN, Thn city
council nt Itit inoetiiiK Monday night
discussed tlm matter at length. In thn
discussion It developed that largo de
linquency nxlitcd on latur Improve
ments and tho council wn of the
opinion thnt It would bo wolt to go
nlowly In ordering nuw paving, until
tho streets thut tiavu boon completed
uro paid for.
"It In Imperatively nocoiiary,"
nays tho notlca published olsowhorn
In thin lanuo, "that delinquent linn
ilolitorn awakon to tho facts, and
coma forward at onco with thn bat
nnco duo on thulr nsnossmontH In ac
cordance with tho notlco thereof ro
conlly received by thum " (Thin ro
tors to n notlco mulled all delinquents
by thn police Judge noma tlmn ago,
which resulted In tho payment Innt
weak or two or three thousand dol
Inm.) Tho flrnt throo pavlnic unltn com
print tho following ntreatn:
Flrnt unit: Main ntroot, from tho
bridge to Eleventh itrcat.
Second unit Main and Spring,
from Klovunth to tho southern pacific
Third unit: Sixth ntroot, from
Main to Klnloch avenue
Married Twice to
Make Knot Sure
An ununuul marrlugo ruremony
wan porformod In thin city Wodnrs
day afternoon, when Juntlco of tho
Peace Gngbngen mnrrlod llnlph K
Ilodgnon and Mrs. Hnxol Hugo About
a year und n hnlf ago Mrn. Hugo wan
grantnd a dlvorco from her husband
by Judgo Kuykundall. Immodlatoly
following nho and Mr., Ilodgnon went
to California and worn marrlod, re
turning to thin county to lho, taking
up thefr rosldonco near Hlldobrnnd.
Itecently they learned that thuro wan
a technical quontlon an to tho legality
of tholr marriage, an undor tho On
gon law tho dlvorco did not liecnmo
offoctlvo until nix monthn had olap
nod. Tho defect In a purely technical
ono, but to ollmlnnto any doubt and
to euro any defoct that might oxlnt,
tho ceremony of yesterday -wan docld
TACOMA, April 14. Luuronco Ho
gart and Kvorott Impyn, Camp Lewis
soldiers, have confessed to an assault
tyondny night upon Miss Eloauor
Shoyor, civilian nurso, tho camp au
thorities announcod today. Thoy will
bo turnod ovor to tho fodernl author
ltlos. Tho ponnlty for thu offense un
dor tho fodoral statutes Is tiniiKlm;.
Tho men nro sold to Iiavo admitted
that thoy bound thi nun.M soldier
oscort to a troo and cnrrioa hor off.
.WEBTWOOD, April 14. An
nouncomont of a third cut In tho
prices of various grados of lumbor
Is made horo by tho managomont
of tho Hod Itlvor Lumbor company.
Tbo cut Is from 110 to $15 por
1000 foot on tho higher grades of
lumbor and smaller cuts on tho
common grados.
' Tho announcement applies specif
ically to lumber sod for local con
sumption, but tbo roductlon Is ex
pected to bo oxtendod to shipping
orders also.' ',
OrtEdON Tonight and Friday,
fair; heavy frost In tho morning.
No Cheaper Shaves
Or Haircuts For
At Least 6 Months
Priced of Imlr-cutH, nhavon nnd
tho trimmings Hint ro thorowlth
will rotnoln tho nnmn for anothor
nix monthn, undor on ngruomont
modioli by tho omploylnB barbers
and local union. Tho wuko ncalo
remains I ho namn. Tho hour of
closing, howovor, will bo oxtondod
from 6:30 to 7 o'clock. Tho ngroo
liiont bocomon offoctlvo Monday.
Tho aKroomniit ropromintn n com
promlno. ISraployorn flrnt dnnlrod to
roduca wagon and prlcan, hut ovont
imlly ugrood to lot them Bland In
ordor to got tho added hnlf hour
on tho working day.
According to un nmployor Hpo
kano and othor northern cities aro
ntlll maintaining thn namo prices an
j Klnmath, and havo had them In ef
fect much longor. Tho local prlcos,
1 75 contn for haircut and 35 conU
for a shnvo, went Into effect about
a yoar ago.
I llend harbors had tho namo
'charges In offect, but roccntly low
, erod them to OC cents for a haircut
and 25 cunts for a nhavo.
California cltlon aro dropping
back to tho 60 com haircut and
20 cent nhavo. Bona ntlll main
I tnlns tho war prlcan.
Ilulldlng development will bo re
tarded It tho newly organized hod
cnrrlrrn nnd cement workers union
Innlstn upon Itn wago demands, nald
l.ouln Portnr, camont contractor to
day, In discussing tho proponed
wage scale of tho union, which ho
said wan 8 n ilrfy for hod carriers
and $0 CO for other building trndo
Kmployers cannot afford to pay
tho wages, said Mr. Porter, and ho
Indicated that stops would bo taken
to resist tho enforcement of any
such ncalo . Ho said thnt ho had
rcducod his building prlcos, an ono
lnntnnco $3. CO per cubic yard on
comont work, and could no mora
than break nvan at prenont wagon.
Contractors hoped, ho fu'd that
lower costs would stimulate demand
for building and provide an abund
ance of work at a small margin of
profit later In tho season.
Ho pointed out that tho building
trndo labor that Is Remanding $6. CO
a day In tho samo sort of labor
that In othor construction work In
drawing around 4 a day. Ho said
tho wago scale fixed by tho now
union Is much higher than proticnt
pay. Tho men asking 8.00 uro
now getting about SG, ho said.
Tho hod carrlors and comont
workors organltod their local Mon
day night with about 25 chartor
Merrill High school sonlors will
present tho play, "Tho'Io Clod
Hoppor," at tho Merrill high school
Frldny night, undor tho direction of
MnOCurrln, assistant to tho prlnd
pal, Tho cast Includos Gladys Wot
skar, Florence DllUr.l, Harriot Law
ronc.i, Margarot Tollnrm. Vera Of
flold and May Slmtnluut. Admlssinn
Is 2G and CO contn, tho proceeds to
bo ucd for tho honollt nt tho senior
Mrs. J. P. McAullffo was oper
ated upon In San Francisco yostor
day for goltro, according to u tel
egram rocolyud by hor husband.
Sho Is doing woll, said tbo men.
sago. Two-yoar-old Norn, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. McAullffo, who
undorwont an operation to romovo
a raotal substanco from hor lung,
Is progressing nlcoly said tbo tola
P. O. Crawford, chief engineer of
tVo CaUfoioU On'gon 'IfoVer, com
TpV. and Tbobs5 K, KtetnB,.coaalt
Iog englnor, of Pan Franrlteo, sro
horo. Tholr visit, It was announced nt
tho local engineering otflco Is In con-
roply of Franco to Hocrotary Hugh
on nolo, regarding tho Japancno man
date ovor tho Inland of Yap, In In
terpreted In official clrclon horn an
tantamount to tho uccoptancn of tho
principle Inld down In tho note liy tho
American gorornmonl that tho
tnltcd Htaton linn surrendered nono
of Its rlghtn In tho ovorsoas ponton
nlonn formorly controlled by Gor
many. PARIS, April H. Premier
Rrland has dispatched to Washing
ton a nolo acknowledging tho ro
colpt of tho American communica
tion regarding tha'tnandato of oror
Pacific Inlands north of tho oquator
by Japan.
Tho nota nnyn that tho represent
ative of Franco will tako up th
quontlon hoforo tho supremo allied
council "with tho most ardeqt do
nlro to find a solution that will g1 'n
satisfaction to tho United States "
Harvesting Machinery
Reduced 10 Per Cent
CHICAOO, April 14. Honing Its
action on tho recent reduction of
ntcol prices announced by tho
Unltod Htaton Stool corporation, tho
International Harvester company. to
day announced a roductlon of ton por
cent on all products In which steel Is
tho principal raw material.
Thin principally affects harvesting
Groat thlngn aro nboad for the
tourists nnd othor visitors at Crator
I.ako this season according to an in
terview with Alfred Parkhurst In tho
Hosoburg News Ilovlow, which says:
"Alfred Parkhurst, managor of the
hotel and transportation system for
Crator I-ako National-park, with his
sou, Asa !-. Parkhurst, wero tho
guoats at tho Hotel Umpqua Satur
day, onrouto from Medford to Port
land. Mr. Parkhurst announces that
K. K. I.arrlmore. ono of tho best botol
men on tho coaat will bo managor of
Crator I.ako Ixdgo this noason.
"Tho accommodations at tho rim
of Crater Lake for 1921 will bo threo
times as oxtonslvo as thoso usod In
the 1920 season, and -will consist of
fifty tont houses, six eight-room cot
tngos, a comfort station with baths
and hot and cold running water Tho
Indications aro that tho tuurUt fav
ol to Crator I.ako will bo bouvlor than
In any previous year and Mr. Park
burst Is making plans to meet tho
situation fully and satisfactorily.
"A botol with a store and automo
bllo service station, Is to bo establish
ed nt Roguo lllvor Oorgo twenty
mllos below Crator Lake. This station
as soon ns It Is In opemtlou will
onablo tourists to roach Crator Lake
ovor tho snow ns oarly ns May first
nnd "winter sports In summer" will
bo tho featuro of tho early part of
tho season, making Crator I.nko a
flvo months Baason, instoad of tho
prosont throe months undor the pre
sent B)-stem.
"Mr. Parkhurst report tho roads
In excellent condition from Medford
north for this tlmo of year, Thoro
Is still 12 foot of snow nt tho rim of
Crator Lake, and tho soasnn will op
en this yoar "as usual on July first."
Mrs. John Taylor, and daugbtor
Dee and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Jin
notto camo up from Merrill yostor
day. noctlon with the proposed diking of
Indian lands .on . tho uppor lake,
wfclcb worb leased -laste'sr by the
rower, 7 visiting r ns-'s-eero
will go ovor tho plans'-njth tb
local staff nnd giro Instructions and
suggestions In rogard to tho work.
1 1
m to
A now top In being placed on tho
humor at tho Klamath Manufactur
ing company's plant at Hhlpplngton
nnd now lining Installed. Thin In tho
lant of tho genornl overhauling of
tho plant and -when It In done. It wan
stated today, tho sawmill will prob
ably ntnrt. Tho burner will In- com
pleted some tlmo next week.
At tho Pcllcun Hay Lumber com
pany's offlccn It wan ntated today
thnt thn lumber market had picked
up In tho past two weeks. No dcflnlto
dato had been fixed for starting tho
big plant. It wan nald, but It was
hoped that conditions would pormlt
operations to begin about May 1.
Ilcportod salo of half tho yard stock,
an noma 14 million feet, to dato, was
denied. Tho figures would not run
uoarly so high, It wan said
All operators, however, aro begin
ning to sonno a firmer tono In tho
lumbor situation and a brlskonlng
market nnd tholr statements aro
pitched to nn Increasingly optimistic
Shipments romaln at an avorago of
16 cars dolly, It In reported. Tho Poll-
can Day yards outgoing avorago Is
about flvo corn a day.
i.v tiik
nUENQS AIRES, March, 21, (Dy
Mall) Tho first rail has Just boon
placed on tho now International
railway that Is eventually to con
noct tho Argentina city of Salta
with tho scacoast of Clilla, thus
realigning to a certain oxtent tho
trade routes of Argentina nnd
Chile. Tho Argcntlno section of thq
rofj-ls bolng built from Salta. to
liuntlqulna, a place In tho Andes
nn tho frontier of Chllo. whllo tbo
Chilean section probably will bo
constructed cither to Antofogasta
or Mojllloncs. In Argentina con
struction Is being dono by the stato
Tallways. Construction in Chllo Is
not yet doflnltcly provided for.
Tho Argcntlno half of tho road Is
approximately 47C kilometers long.
As a part of tbo work 6,000 meters of
hard rock tunneling will have to bo
J. H. Wise, who arovo down from
Ft. Klamath Wednesday morning.
states that tho ferry sorvlco between
Dnrclay Springs and Lamm's mill, do
touring tho road construction work
in progress botween tho two points,
Is working woll.
An Impression has gained ground,
in tbo Ft. Kulmath suction, says Mr.
Wloo, that the road from llarclay
Springs to Klamath Falls Is closed
and travolors must tuko the west sldo
road or tbo routo via Dairy nnd Clill
oquln. Tho Btato highway engineer's of
flea today stated that tbo road to
Algoma, via Pelican Hay Is closed,
but that tratflo Is using tho old Ft.
Klamath road, which entora tbo high--way
just north of Algoma.
With tho forry sorvlco In oporntlon
nround tho strotch under construc
tion .this mnkos tho oast sldo of tbo
lako road available
Mr. Wlso said ho found tho forry
sorvlco vory satisfactory and tho trip
usuully comfortable Tbo forry runs
ovory hour, loovlng from tho south
on tho ovon hour nnd from tho north
on tho odd hour.
WASHINGTON, April 14 Sonator
McNary has boon In conforonco with
Chairman Slnnott, of tho houso comr
mltteo on public lands, commissioner
of tho General Land Office Spry and
H, F. Blalno of Seattle, representing
the WoB(on Reclamation association,
a! to tlio details of, tie reclamation
bill b'PB Senator McNary bopes to
bo able to Inlroduco In tho sonnto
within a day or two.
Ulsterman Is Shot,
Residence Burned;
Police Ambushed
DUBLIN, April 14 Sir Arthur Ed
ward Vicars, former Ulster king of
arms, wan shot dead today nt LUtow
ol and his residence wuh burned
Flvo pollcomon woro umbuih-d
lant night at Fodamoro, County Llm
crick, and ono wan killed. Tlmo oth
ers worn wounded.
A Sinn Fein shoo factory horo used
as an assembling placo for bombs,
was raided and two persons found In
tho building wore arrested
Says Sales Tax Is
Big Interests' Plan
WASHINGTON, April 14. A do
mand for n congressional Investiga
tion to dlscloso tho Interests that are
trying to put through a sules tax wan
mado In tho houso today by Ropro
scntatlvo Frcar, republican, of Wis
consin, a member of tho ways and
means committee.
Ho mentioned Jules Unch and Mey
or Rothschild, of Now York, as prlmo
movers In tho campaign and charged
that a hugo fund had been raised to
"shovo thu big man's tax onto tbo
poor man "
At tbo homo of Mr. ana Mrs. D. F
Lawton, 626 North Ninth street, at
8 o'clock this morning, Miss Beatrice
Maudino Wise, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. H Wise, well known Fort
Klamath residents, and George W
Conrad of Oakland, California, were
married by tho Rov. O. L. Hall, of tbp
Baptist church.
Tho bride is a popular and accom
plished Klamath county girl, whose
pleasant'' porsonnllty has mado her
many friends In Klamath Falls. Tho
bridegroom Is an cmployo of tho
Southorn Pacific. They will resldo In
The wedding was a quiet nfalr, wit
nessed by tho brldo's parents and
sister, Miss Tholma, Mr. and Mrs
Lawton, Miss Bertha Pitman and G.
A. Halllwcll. Mrs. Lawton and Miss
Pitman aro cousins of Mr. Conrad.
Thcro -were no attendants. The brldo
was tastefully gowned In navy bluo
traveling costumo and carried a bou
quet of Cecil Breunor rosos and whlto
sweat peas.
Aftor tho ccromony a wedding
broakfast was served and tho happy
couplo left on tho train to spond a
brief honeymoon. They am attended
by tho best wishes of all who know
WASHINGTON, April 14. Con
grojsmnn Slnnott has Introduced In
tho houso tho followlug bills:
To authorlzo tho president to con
solidate tha offices of register and re
ceiver In United States district land
To add certain lands to govern
ment national forest, Oregon. (It
adds 30,803 acres and Is approved
by tho forest service.)
Authorizing tho postmnster gonor
a'l to lnvostlgato conditions arising
from contracts In star routo, screen
wagon nnd othor vehicle sorvlco prior
to Juno 30, 1918. (For roltot of star
routo moll contractors facing trom
endous losses through onhnncod cost
In carrying out contracts. Was lntro
dured last session, but disapproved
hy Burleson).
Amondlng Joint resolution giving
1a Jlaa1tnnn,1 Bnl.llnKci anllnpa nYlrl f
in Hiotimikuil Bumiuin, ruui'in """ i,. 11 JJI!
marines a preferred right of home- J beRUn 8U,t ,0
!." ?.1S arPrV? ,n'nr) lh I collect S2.109.75 from Gustavo Mel
1920. (This amondmont Increase i , ,. ..,., fnr ,hrli.
period of proforonco right from two
to ton days.)
B. S. Orr and Claudo E. Ellis of
tho Yroka National bank aro bus!-
ness visitors horo, Mossrs. Orr and
Ellis aro brothers.'tn-law and tlio'W. W. members who wero convici
banking interests. thoy roprosent In cd of second degroq murder in con
Slskivou county nava been in thoinoction with, the t Armistice Day
hands of one fimlly for t-vo genera-
Ubns. - .
Jeromo ChuKWU of Dorrjs. weU
known California land owner. Is here
with Mossrs. Orr nnd Ellis.
I LONDON, April 14, A confor
lonco was held today bolwoon Pro-
mlor Lloyd-Gcorgo and officials of
tho triple labor alliance Which has
callod a strlko that will affect four
million workers for Friday at mid
night. Tho conforonco was concluded
within tv.o hours una Hi conclusion
was apparently without any pros
pects of adjustment of tho differ
ences between tbo nnlons and tbo
government and employers.
Promler. Lloyd-Gcorgo mado a long
statement In which ho appealed to
tbo workors to ox;rdia restraint
adn ntrlvo to avert tbo proclplta
tlon of a crisis.
It rornalns doubtful whothor tbo
call for a general strlko will bo uni
versally obsorved by all tho mom
born of tho labor organizations af
filiated. Tho federation of gonoral workers,
representing 1,600,000 persons In
moro than 100 Industries outsldo.tbo
trlplo alliance, decided today to sup
I port tho trlplo alllanco in tho strlko,
I tbo leadors announcod.
Hi School Operetta
Pleases Big Crowd
A packed houso shook the raftors
In praise of tho Klamath county high
high school musical comody, "Tho
Oypsy Rover," produced under tho
direction of Miss Evelyn Applegata
at tho Star theater last night,
A protty lovo romance between the
daughter of an English noblomen nnd
tbo leader of a band of gypsies forms
n tbemo around which a wholo even
ing of melody Is wound. Miss Doro
thy EHJotf. its' (Lady Constanceand
Konneth Mater1, as Kpb, tho gypsy
rover' took tbo leading parts In a
way that would do credit to far
moro experienced persons. Miss El
liott's splendid voice could bo board
with great distinctness In tho farthest
cornor of tho hall.
An especially anluslng featuro of
tbo ovonlng win the scono In the
second act betweon Delos Milts as
Marto and Robert Gootz as Slnfo.
Tho Misses Katborlno and Jo Upp In
their portrayals of gypsy womon wore
cxccllont, as wero James Manning,
Robert Milam, Irwin McCall, Kennoth
Caso and .William Vale in their re
spective roles.
Tho perfonnanco is to be given
at tho Star again this evening.
Circuit Court Trials
Postponed a Week
Trials of John O'Connor, MIko
Daly, O. D. Williams and Noalt N'y
bart, which wero set for next wook,
havo boon postponed for ono wctk.
und tho first of tho four or llvn cases,
all of which grow out of an alleged
situation that contr butod to tho do
llnquoncy of a 16 year old alrl. baa
bcon sot for trial Monday, May 25.
Tho postponement wn secured by
District Attorney Brower, with tho
consent of H. M. Manning, detenso
nttornoy. In order 'that tho district
nttornoy could glvo moro tlmo to(tho
grand Jury, which will conveno next
Monday to inquire into pepijlnc crim
inal matters. There aro 16 cases for
Investigation, says tbo district attor
ney. Judgment was entered In the cir
cuit court yesterday in favor jf
plaintiff In tho suit of MIko Pudoff
against Nick and Mary Hozln to col.
I UU9U UIU4 tlUltl .vwfcOMW... w. v.T-
Ing. nllogod to havo bcon dono on
tho Molhaso ranch near Algoma and
not paid tor.
OLYMPIA. WastJ.. April H. mo
state supremo court today upheld
tho conviction of seven alleged, I.
slaying at Contrallav jTbo men
wjll be transferred ' from tne.Mon-
tano" county Jail, to tha-stste Pn-
Hentlary to negin seanaccB o
from 25 to 40 years: