Uulvuwlty l.llmiri &v lEutttttg literals 4 Ca i4 MM Do It Todaf a News Today Member of the Associated Press. Flftitf'ntli Ywir. N. noin KLAMATH FALLH, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1IKS1 PRICE HVK CENTS HKIT : EDUCATIONAL END OF DRIVE Women of tlm community who uro to assist In thn city nnil county ilrlvo for iiiomliiimlilpH ami service fund pledges for tho Klamath County Chamber of Coinniurco, mat at hood quartern yesterday ufturnoon anil completed thn organization of tliu four tvutns of workers, snloctod ranis of prospective women mnmhorn thoy nro to solicit next week, nnil rncelv ml Instructions us to tjiulr dutlos from L, W. Dupuy, compalgn d I roc tor. Ttio captains of tliu twniity teams of mon nro toiluy compIotltiK thu work of llnliiK up tlinlr workorn, Tim rntlro loum organization will moot nt luncliuon nt thn Chamber of Com merce nt noon tomorrow, Tlio personnel of tlio women tuami I in follews: Green Division- Cnptnln, Mm. K H. Henry; Mm. J. T. Perkins, Mm. It. N. Moo, Mrs. K. 11. Hull and Mrs W. C. Davenport. Whlto Ulvlsloni-r-Captaln. Mrs. Vbobn BOlmm for 1321 will open Mrs. II. W. Henderson. Mrs. A. T. wwinun. mim ftiiHiuau ."'"" nun .iiisi . .iicaiauwu. Oold DIvUlou. Captain, Mrs l'aul llogardus; Miss Maude llnldwln, Miss Clara Calkins. Mrs. Fred Mur phy. Mrs. William McNcaly. Mrs Charlos Collier, Mrs. Charles Mar tin. Illuo Divisien: Captain, Miss Allco McCourt; Mrs. Walter Helfor. Mrs. unaruon, Airs. n. . nram. Mrs. W. 0 llncklcr, and llam'Oannng. Mrs. W.l- Tin. campAlp.il arrangements rom- mmeo lieiun inoiinginisniiBrmmn,Now York nl ,,M,ailulph1a. mi. to go over thn details nt thn program for tho Greater Klamath dinner to bo CM w,,u n tho Amorlcan . nl I. Y". nK " ""lfW Cleveland plays nt St. Whlto Pollwn hotul.Tho Isrgo numL cbrcag0 t .Dotro. rhlIa. bor o applications for reservations) ha nl Nw york nnd Boston ftt already received mukes It very vU wh, t0B dent, tho cnmml toe says, that hero Efteh wUbn tho momory will ho many citizens who will ho)of tho royr BoaoratlonB ,,,. IlinaillNJlllllMl III llUi K1IIII1JH D-u.n tonus., of tho necessity of limiting n of t,io)r hrM tho total sale to S7B tickets. It a.op ., nnd today bnaoba)1 been ascertained that oulng to thn limited capacity of tho hotel dining room It will tin Imponsllilo to nccom modatn a larger number of persons. Itoservatlons nm being madn In tho ordnr they nrn received, and tho pub lic Is urged to call at headquarters and obtain tickets without delay. Tho' final malting, thn campaign prospectus, a four-pago circular. Is being ruollod out to prospoctlvo mom,-1 .. . . - t . .-.-- ..!. ri.i.l,"n' nan irnm ui..H.... - .M.n circular contains nn upponl to the public to co-operatn In tho movement for tho expansion of tho local organl-,. .. sui.on, a iiiuc ,.ruK,... .. " - vltles that will bo suggested to tho now mnmhorshlp for consideration In. building Its program of work after tho campaign, a brief outllno of tho general plan of tho campaign, and n statement showing what other com munities nro doing In tho way of sup porting tholr chambers of commerce. ri.NIHII DP.ItltlCK AND OO HUNTING FOH HAINHOWH. Having comploted work on tho der rick of tho Crator Lake Oil and Oas company tho craw of rig bulldors, un dor tho clcoronago of Francis Olds, havo Jolntod up tholr fishing tacklo and gono forth to luro n fow rain bows from local stroamu wlillo nwalt Ing for moro mntorlal to nrrlvo. Aftor instiilllng tho bolter, onglno nnd ninchlnory for tho Crutor I-ako rig tho crow still havo tho Northern Callfomln compuny's rig to build. Weather Probabilities Tho low barometric prossuro rocordod by tho Cyclo-Storma'-graph at Underwood's Phar macy, and roportod In yostor day's Herald, was succoodod by a slight rise, followed by n steady pressure until about noon today wbon it comraoncod to fall again, Tho throatoqod - storm paesod to tile North of us, and wo received but a ' slight flurry last evening". Indications are .favorable for tnoret wind, petslbly accompanied by snow. Forecast for noxt 24 hours Contlnuod cool, with cloudy un settled woathor, Hildebrand Mill Starts For Season With New Owner B, C. WrlKlit. who wiui supurlnton dent of tlio 'Crnuo imw mill willed liii mod In Hwnn Lnko vnlluy lust season linn purchased tun Weston mill nt Hlldnbrntiil nnd started opo rutlonn yesterday with it full crow. Tlio mill will average twonty times nnd dally nnd tho lumlior In conlnict ml to thu Crntnr Lake Ilox company, of limy, Cnllfoniln. lloforo coming to tho Crnno will. Mr. Wright hod yours of lumbering nxporlonco In tho fir holt of thu up per Wlllamolto vnlloy. BIG LEhGUE BALL SEISl OPEN TODAY NEW YOIIK. April 13. Amid r.vnmnnlni mill il nrnrn t tf nit u'hlpti f . fcaluro of tbo ....! vnt thn mnJoir Iookuo afternoon on tho circuits of e"in. u is onsicr ror country awoi National nnd American longuos. I '"" bou '" tho Cnrnoglo IncompBMed by tbo blurn of tho bands, tho snapping of flags and tho wlord toss by city or govern ment officials, sotoctod to- throw out tbo first ball of tho year, tho play ers of 16 teams will flash awuy on tbolr six month pursuit of pon nnnts tho winning fo which en titles tho victors to battlo tho tho p,nnac,0 o bM0. ball. Weather permitting, tho sebodul i.h wilt lirlnr together In tho Na- Uoli, i,onKU0. n,oklyn nt Iloston; burgh at Cincinnati and Ht. Louis lar scenos bnva hoen enacted with- n.rb. will . hrnn.rml with hn Bamo typo Qf onthu8lniltlc fon8 wbo havo witnessed the opunlng games lD" "" woro n KBmnK ,no sor 'of past years. Following tho world vlco ,0 whlch tho)p woro entitled and war tho popularity of baseball np- tnnt Klomnlh county was a black Imiarnd to loon forward with a fer- Pot """ tho UhraT' maI' of 0r(V i vor. Ilttlo anticipated by either pl player or magnate and tboro Is lit tle Indication that tho national gamo has reached tho zenith of Its UK league baseball has becomo ,,., nn ln ,h, pnnlrv fnr ,lho blMory Qf tho Naonn eaBU0 . ... ,, ,. . ..,. . iimiun uubik vu aoiu ...in iuiiu a . , w, mBrk tho opening of tho 46th consecutlvo season for tho sonlor mnjor loaguo. Ualslng Its first pennant In 1900 tho Amorlcan loaguo contests will Inaugurato tho Junior association 22nd soason. During tho period of 45 yoars In which various teams havo fought for National Loaguo pennanta thoso representing oaatorn cities still Identified with tho organization havo won 23 championships whtlo westorn clubs havo capturod 17 Chicago coda with 11 ponnants, Hoaton Is socond with nlno nnd Now York third with olght. In the , Amorlcan Loaguo Doston nnd Phlla dolphin have . each won elx pen nants giving tho oast n ,totnl of 12 whllo tho western clubs have ac cumulated nlno, flvo for Chicago, throo for Dotrolt and ono for Clove land. Dorris Ball Club Ready to Start DOnniS, Cnl., April 13. Tho Dor ris Uasobnll club camo Into oxlstonco last night whon a group of mon mot nnd organized for tho purposa.of put ting this town on an oqual basts with Klamath Falls, Wood, Dray and oth or neighboring towns In tho lino of sport. Training for tho coming seas on will bocln as soon as grounds aro eecurod. Organization, was affocted by tbo olocUon of C. H, Norjnaa, "manager and.C.W. SaVtts, scpr'eti'ry-treasurcr. Roy TabBr-wflJ. aet-aB' temporary cap tain of 'the team. Atldo from the .sun- ply of local tnlent the club Intends to aocuro playora from tho outside. A EFFGEN T LIBRARY SERVICE WOULD BE BENEFIT TO EVERY TM Within a fow wookn schools throughout tbo county will closo for summer vacation, During tho vaca tion period tho young folk novo re laxation from tho routlan course of study, hut properly d I roc tod nnd with good hooka available, vacation road Inn would law foundation for many n bettor and broader career. Tho Iwr turo of Klamath county will ho Its present In a vory few yuan and tho gonoratlon of today will ho In control of It government and guiding Its destinies within a fow short yoari. It In bard to concolro of any ono Influenco that would aid to bettor citizenship than a public library, ac cessible throughout tho day to Indiv idual book borrowers and undor tin control of n trained librarian during tho months that the I chools of tho rural districts nro is Horary nero than during tbo vacation porlod. Ilorrowors I noacb district Hit tholr desires and when onough nro listed to mako It worth while, the school library makes a request on tbo public library, socurcs tbo books and distributes them. Naturally It Is harder to koop up Interest and form a pool of book bor rowers during ho vacation period, but that Is tho vory tlmo when tho young minds cun ho easiest molded so that iovo for good books and tho 1 hablt of reading bocomes a natural pari or llieir lives, Tho tux payers of Klamath county rnlso $1,000 a year to support tho Carncglo library, and many persona feel that tho library Is not giving Ubo reprice It should, or could. ' Jamas Bertram, secretary of tho Carnegie corporation of Now York says tho situation Is "qulto discred itable," Miss Cornolla Marvin, stato lib j rarlan, In a letter to tho editor of "IS paper Says 1001 8110 DOS pOiniOU out tho citizens of Klamath, county Kn bocauso u bad not llved UP t0 u' obligation." Miss Marvin bollovos that a chango for tho bettor will bo brought about through tho prlda of Klamath coun ty and Its noods for library eorvlco, "which nro very groat and very pressing." Sho avldontly bollovos that wbon tho poonlo of Klamath coun unaorsiana mat moy aro eniiueu to havo a library board appointed by tho county court, to havo tbo ser vices of a tralnod librarian, and to havo access to tho library nt least eight hours n day, with individual borrowing privileges, that thoy will Jury Disagrees In Drainage Suit Trial After bolng out stneo S o'clock Jyo5torda3r """noon tho Jury In tho tuou ul uou, x"""""1" b " N0W0" nna "co v- icuatzor reported latiuro to roacn i nn agreomont ut 2:20 this morning and woro discharged. Plaintiff asked damages for in Jury to horsoa which ho allegod wore frightened nnd stampeded through a barbod wlro fenco by defendants' nutomobtlo. Tho Jurors -woro J. W. Llnsay, C. K. Uuchanan, James Ulalno, K. M. Cunningham, A. M. Sutton, Ed. Smith, Horb Phillips, H. P. Dow, Otto Holdrlck, C. D. Co sad, Ed. Jacobson, and George Uonton. i MAUINH ENGINEERS KEFUSK TO TAKE WAGE .REDUCTION NEW YORK. April 13. Tbo mar lno onglneera' association of tbo At lantic and gulf coasts, claiming a momborehtp of 15,000 today roject odv the 'wage reduction proposed by tho American Steamship Owners' as sociation. Tho cut averaged from 2 J fm n ww dint V 7 WVVasWjHMlH tfc-,.,.,,... . good start hns nlready'been made to-' 'ward financing tho club LIT IT demand tho sorvico for which thoy aro paying nnd to which thoy nro rightfully entitled. A largo part of thn puhMc appar ently has labored under tho delusion that because tho library conditions havo existed sinro tho building -wns eroded ten years ago that they could not bo changed. liut If a general de mand for groator nfflclcncy and ser vlco Is made, they can bo changed. It Is a question ol woollier tho peoplo of Klamath county dcslro tho great service thut a modern, woll managed library can glvo, or not. It Is a question that affects ovory rcsld ont of thn county. Tho establishment of a co-operative and comprebensivo library system moans this: To over) body in tho county All tho property of tho county bo hind this oducatlonal effort. Equal book privileges to city homo and farm homo. Uooks tor tho wholo family. Hooks that will help with tbo work. Story books for tbo cbildron. Uooks about things that nro hap pening In tbo world. Uooks Just for fun. To the country roildcnt A librarian In town who Is oager to soloct and send tho very book you want. A collection of choice books for each farm homo reading tablo. To the, email toivn dueller A contral library ln which city and county sharo allko. A local brancli with moro books at loss oxpenso than by local mainten ance. A small town library run without bogging or subscription. A changing and constantly fresh ened local book supply. Tho prlvllogo of borrowing any new book from tho contral library. To tlu) rural M-houL An Interchangeable county system. A sultablo collodion of books In oacb room. School library cared for by a traln od librarian. School library books bound and mended. School libraries accounted for growing Instoad of decreasing. Holps for tho tcachor. To each workor It brings through books tho advlco and help of tho ex pert. Yo nevd tho county library been it so Tho kind of rocroatlon afforded by books Is ono of tho most ploasant and la tho cheapest wbon gained through libraries. Chlldron of thn country communl tlos should havo tho same privileges onjoyod by thoso of tho city. Moro peoplo nro attracted to com' munlty which offers such advantages, Henley School to Give Play Saturday The community of Henley will pre gont ..An OIl, Maj.8 wooing", Satur- aay, April ltitn. Ttie cast is s rot lews: "Sally Ann." Ituth Dixon; "Mrs. Perkins," Mrs. Trlplett; "Mrs, Jonos," Mrs. Jim Dixon; "Stovo Muchmoro," Marshall McCIay; "John Hopkins," Harry Tolford; "Lawyer Dunn," Richard Urndbury; "Dan Jof fors," Ulys Roedor, nnd "Mrs. Jof tors," Mrs. Hesoltlno. HOYS I'AKOLKl) ON CONDITION THEY MEND THE1K IlKILWIOIt. Jdbnroo Ball, 16, nnd Hugh Knight. 17, Indian boys, woro placod upon pa rolo ponding good bohnvlor by Coun ty Judgo nunnoll, sitting ln tho Ju venile court yesterday ntternoon. Tho boys confossod to having entered tho Martin Lotches homo on tho reserva tion, during tho absonco of tbo fam ily from March 13 to 21. Thoy took various articles. Knight wss rarolod to tbo custody of Joo Kirk and Dall to tho custody of Drummer David. , YOUNG .COUPLE MARRIED, Robert Leo Rowo and Miss Elsie Jointoa' were narrled lyestorday af- .. kit Yn4t. 'Mf'ttisk Ya-A flc iyWU -J UPV4VW w two w-w o hagen, They aro building ft homo'on tho' Shlpplngton rotid, Attempted Robbery Of Gold Hill Bank Foiled By Guard Medford, April 13. Two robbers who brokn Into tbo (lold Hill bank nt 1 o'clock this morning woro routed by William WIso, tho watchman, who sleeps In tho building. WIso opened flro with nn automatic rovolror and tho robbers fled, loavlng tbolr tools behind them. U. S. IS GETTING "Get bohlnd this Chamber of Com mcrco movement; don't stop because times aro dull and business Isn't Just what It should be. If you wait until ovorytblng Is Just as you would havo it, you will never mako a start, and besides, you might not want to, It you facod a perfect situation." This was the advlco given to citizens of Klamath county today at the Cham ber of Commorco Forum lunchoon by Harry It. Cunningham of Holonn, formor Stato auditor of Montana. Mr. Cunningham camo to Klamath Fatls on a buslnoss trip this week and ac cepted an Invitation to sposk at tho forum. During tho courso of bis talk, Mr. Cunningham said: "With Klamath's wondorfu Ire sources, natural and acquired, with tho forest and best hotel ln any city of Us size, there aro two outsandlng things for tho community to consider as needful and which must be ao- compll.hed before the community will start on Its real march towards progress and presperity: v hlghwars nnd lmprovod transportation faclll- Int m "t& ntk Mt al . .i. . ... T mi li . other to tho east will enable you to WW- 'ur I'0"1 "uuui"' u"u I !.. .... u ... l. .,! placo you In direct toucn vritn tno. ... .. ... uuiaiuu wuuu. "Klamath Falls has the spirit that Is necossary to ovontually mako a splendid city, and It Is this spirit, my frlonds, that Is absolutely lndlspen slblo. Your Cbambor of Commcrco will help you to the thing your com munity would do. In my town of 12. 000 wo havo & splendid organization and don't overlook this fact, a com munity Is Just as big and progressiva as Its people want it to bo. "Our present business depression is destinod to become short-lived. I actually believe It Is Improving day by day, and Just as sure as we are hero today, my friends, the United States will be back to tbo old-Umo rogular schedule within six months tlmo. All Indications point In that direction. The resourcos are ours, and tho entire world Is calling on us for help. Thoro la no way to hold Lack this roturn of normal conditions; this is tho tlmo when there must bo no failure; when thoro will bo no failure" A largo number of visitors at tended tho forum today. Commun ity singing was led by E. S. Veatch. W. A. Wlest presided. PANAMA MUST ACCEPT ' WIITTK BOUNDARY AAVARD WASHINGTON, April 13. The stato department has Indicated that the American government was dis posed to Insist upon Its original posi tion, thnt Panama settle Its bound ary dispute with Costa Rica on tho basis of the White award, dosplto tho protost contalnod In Panama's reply, which was received today In answor to tho noto recently sent by Secre tary Hughos. 23 NEW GENERALS APPROVF.D BY HARDING WASHINGTON, April 13. Presl dont Harding today approvod tho Hat of twolvo new major gonerals and 26 new brigadler-genorala prepared by Secretary Weeks. Clarcnro R. Ed wards who commanded tho Now Eng land National guard division ln France heads the list es Major Gen eral, GTJTTjD MKliTLS'G. The Tegular monthly meeting of St, Tiui'8 EbJsxop1 tul.ld will bo held'tomorrbV attersoon' at 3:38 o'cleck: In the parlors of the Presbv terlan church. 1 X 1 II BEFORE PEACE WASHING-TON, April 13. Presi dent Harding today told a delegation which callod upon him to urgo the rolonso of Kugone V. Debs, and all other prlsonersjconvlcted undor the osplonago act, 'that he would take no action looking toward a gonoral nn nesty until a state of pcaco with tho contral powers bad boon doclarod. A dologatlon of moro than 200 rep resentatives of organized labor and political and civic organizations was here to present to congress a petition signed by tbo citizens of 41 states asking amnesty for such prisoners. Peace Hcnolution Senator Knox today Introduced a resolution to end the stato of war with Germany. Tho mcasuro Is simi lar to the one passed by the last con gress and vetoed by President Wil son. Senator Knox also Introduced a re solution that would end tho state of war with Austria, carrying with It tho provision for tho preservation of all American rights under the Ver sailles troaty. It was referred to the Foreign Relations commlttoe with out discussion. Launching a fight against the Col ombia treaty, which carries with It a provision for tho payment to the country of $25,000,000, Senator Kol logg of Minnesota told tho senate that tho ratification of the pact would "place a stain upon the name of Thoodore Roosevelt and acknow- i ledge that tho United States has wronged Colombia and violated her . ,,, mako rratjon .. ( A rMo!utlon tatroducAl by Sonator Borah, authorizing President i Harding to open negotiations with ,,Mn. iooVln to I ---- .-. --- . la reduction of tho'iiaval building pro- '2.- - -., - t 6'""'. ALLIANCE SETS APRIL 19 FOR STRIKE DATE LONDON, April 13. The trlplo al liance of labor has callod a atrlko Friday night at 10 o'clock, following the inability of tho minora to rgrco with tho mlno owners and tho gov ernment for n settlement of tho min ers' strike which begun April I It tbo strlko occurs four million workors will be Idle. LONDON, April 13. Tbo miners havo decided there can bo no renew- ' al of negotiations looking to a set tlement of tho strike. Premlor Lloyd George today told tho House of Com mons that the situation was Increas ingly grave, but that ho hopod wiser counsel would prevail. REPULSE ATTACK ON PRISON AT CORK LONDON, April 13. Armed men attacked tho eastern wing of the prison la Cork last night says a dispatch. A military guard sent up lights to nllumlnate the vicin ity and soldiers on the ramparts used machine guns on the assail ants. Tbo strikers withdrew aftor ten mlnutos. ' FOREIGN BODY REMOVED FROM CHILD'S LUNG. Word recolvod from 8an Francisco says that tho operation performod on Nora, two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McAuliffe, to remove an automobile curtain fastener which had lodgod ln tbo lung, was a suc cess. For. a tlmo It was foared pnou monla might develop but a message received by. MV. McAuliffe today -was very reassuring. r JAPANESE DlfiSHSSED . ON SMUGGLING' CHARGE SEATTLE, .April- 13.i Charges' o conspiracy tasmuggjo is .alions-"wore dlnlssedin the case's oteven" of 13 Japanese'"! trial In the federal'rourt here. Five-romaln on trial. TOD A