The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 12, 1921, Image 1

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    iJimui-Mliy lAhrurr.
uvausH, oiiu.
i&tyv wnht
A Class Ad Will
Do It
Today's News
Member of the Associated Press.
Fifteenth Year. Ni. WWII.
i'c HB b 4Bik
pme costs
Dull rou 1 1 no mnrliod th.i session
of tlio city council Inst night Thn
Mills mlilll Inn Hnwur nouns nun ins
position of tlio city garbngo woro
ngnln hiiIiJocIh of Ioiik discussion.
Councilman lfnwklns ropnrlml thnt
Mills nililltlnn rosldentH worn willing
to tiimr thn $3600 nttnrnoy's fees ami
nxpensos, nocenfnry to tho Hiiln of lint
bonds, by pro-rata iinsossii.eiit Tlio
luRnllty of Niirh assessment wan din
rtimicil nt length.
In thn onil tho council concluded to
nitk Durknn, Nllnn anil I'nmpnny of
Toloilo, Ohio', to ronow thnlr lilil for
I tin honiU, and to ndvortlsn for hlilit
for construction, subject to itnlii of
thn $62,000 Issue imil ulna to tlio
npprovnl of tho sower plnnn by tho
statu honlth board.
O. W. Kalor npplled for tho gnr
bagn contrnct, nrs'irlng tho council
ho had plonty of Kround for a dump
silo. Another nlto north of tho city
was niportnd ndvorsely by nn Invim
tlKBtlon coinmlttnn im bnlng too nonr
n KrowInK rtiRldnnco district Tim
wholo mattor of garbage disposal wan
laid over n week for furthor con
aldnrntlon. Delinquency In mooting unnes
monti on at rent Improvement U n
serious inonnrn to further paving
plnnn. It dovolopod In illncuniilon. On
thn first, Hi'cond and third units,
said the pollen Judgo, ho had unnt
out notices and collected about
$1000. It wan nnld thnt $17,000 inunt
bo colloctod by tho flrnt of May. Tho
pollen Judgo wan Instructed to notify
delinquents by nownpnpor publica
tion thnt thoy would barn to pay up.
Councilman Wont suggi'Meil n )ow
ItiK up In tho pavlnR proKram until
thn arrears on present puvlnR wero
Permit oro granted an follow n
Woolworlli company, roniodnllni
Morn, $2000; filar Tlmatrn, tompor
arry structure for dressing room
purposes In Ihn rear of tho thentrn;
John Thomon. brick bulldlnR at
Seventh and Klnmalh for nutomohllo
Mien room. $8000; M. H Wont, ntono
retnlnlng wall In front of bin resi
dence on Third ntrnct.
m ,
Bonanza Sewing
Club Is Active
Tho llonnnzn nowlng club girls
nro planning to glvo n play In a
fow week for tho purpono of rain
ing itufflrlont funiln to pay tbo nx
pensen of two mombnrn at thn O.
A. u. Biinn cuurnii iiiuv -uu.i.
rZ'jr, '".. ", "7.,:
.ll ffl VYaAaI ViftM Vjsn
vorr kind, lending ovory nsslslnnco
and nlso Inviting tho two girls who
may bo solocted to go to Corral
lo visit himself nnd family nt tholr
homo thoro.
A sl.ort program wilt bo given
by the Miwlng club Friday April IS
"Tin Storv of VJ" ' I? ,M,,0r' Y",llod ,h HC,,0',,!, "l 8Wa"
Hnlch r'",ln.'5 'yJ-J'Hn tho IntoreHts cf dub work.
II urns;
Hatch principal nnd n piano solo
by Illrdlo Hnmnkir.
Two Meat Markets
Are Consolidated
Tho moat mnrkets, Peoples and
Palace, havn been consolidated In Ihn
Pnlnco mnrkot, and thn Peoples mar
ket has been closed. Iloduced cost of
operation In said to be tho aim of tho
consolidation, resulting from elimin
ation of douhlo rental, double book!
kuplng nnd tho additional help nec
essary to run two establishments.
HOLD heutim: MKKTI.NO.
Directors of tho Crater I.ako Oil
nnd (las compuny mot last night and
dlnausscd pIiiuh of operation, It was
, reported that thu derrick nonr Merrill
was up and holler nnd onulno shlpiod
from Tnft. California, yeiteulay.
J. II. Kulloy, Hales mnuagnr, report
ed Increasing Interest In tho stock
and continually growing Hales. Tho
only othor mntlor taken up, It wus
roporlod, wns tho propnctlvc pur
chnuo of n motor truck,
nini:ti:i:.v mihhixo in
IIUAUMONT. ToxnH. April 12.
Tho Htenmnr, Colouol Howie, with 22
porsons iihroad, foundered In tho
gulf of Mexico Mondny nlgbt. Throo
survivors worn plckod up by thn Drlt
Ish stonmor, Cissy. Nlnoteon nro still
missing. '
J, S. Elliott, local contractor. Is In
stalling thn now boiler for Ihn Klam
ath Croamary In tho tiulldlng former
ly occuplod by tho Wftlto Pollcan
"-gorago hut no,v In, processtof reraod
ollng for croamory purposes.
' QREQON-Tonlsjn andtVedxtps
day rain; strong southwest gales,;
storms warnings flying- from Co
lumbia rtvor north along Orogon
and Washington coasts,
League of Nations
Fur,, spedai
inbaaugc iu uungicoa
WASHINGTON, April 12.--PrHl-limit
Harding thin morning culled'
Urn 'republican mnmliori of tho Hon-t
uto foreign rolntloriH committee to1
(ho wlilto hoiinii to jiroHont (o tliom '
cnrtnln ntntnment In litn inossngo to'
congress regarding forolgn roln-j
lions. Tho longuti of nations op-,
ponnntn among tho sonatorn worn
sntlnflod with what thn messago
contained on Mint subject
MIm Vloln Bantamau, ilntightoniof
Mr. and Mr. A, J. Hnntnmnii, beenmu
tho hrldn of Clnudo Loslln Plymnlo at
7 o'clock thin morning. Tho mnrrlngo
coromony wns performed by tho Itov.
Knthor Marshall.
Thn hrldo woro a nuvy hlun tnlloit
od null and currlud n homiuot of
pink Cecil Ilrounor rosebuds, film
wnii attonded by hor slntttr. Mian
Ironn Hnntnmnii, wlilto thn bride
groom was attended by Arthur Iiav-
Tim families of both contracting
parties worn In iittondnnca and aftor
tho wedding n breakfast wan sorv
ed to all at Dm homo of tho brldo'n
pnrentn on Wordun nvonuo. Later
tho nowlywedn left by train for finn
Francisco whnro limy plan to spend
a Inn dnyn' honeymoon, ruturnlnR lo
mnkn their homo horn.
Doth contracting partlcn lire of woll
known local fumllles, nnd linvo
hosts of friend In tho community
who will oxtnnd felicitations
Tho bridegroom In n mnmber of thn
engineering stnff of tho Ciillfornla
OrnRon I'ownr company llo In tho
on of Mrs. J. (1 (lolile of thin city
Personal Mention
Arthur I'olk, tho five year old son
of Mr. ami Mr Perry I'olk of Mills
nddll'on. fell from tho porch nt his
homo yesterday and brnk two bones
In hbr'ariil.
Dr. J l llowmnn, of Uorrls, wan n
business visitor In thn city ytittTiUy.
O, A. lllnRcnholmer. I'rmluuiit and
Trensiiror of thn Diamond Iron
Workn, who has been In tho city for
thn pant two dayn on n visit with F.
Hill Hunter, returned to bin homo In
Minneapolis thin morning
Mr. nnd Mm, V. J Frank, newly
weds, nro hero from Ktigeno to nmko
their homo In Klnntnth county Mm.
Frank In n sister of Jnmes Wntklnn,
Jr., mnnnger of thn I'nclflc Const
.,,, . ., Mr i.vnnU will
f"rf --
employed on I ho rnmpa
any's mint
farm nn Ihn Caledonia maroli
Construction of tbo entrance lo
,no K,nmnUl Htnln ,,nnk , nilor wny
The plans, drawn liv O. It Wright,
call fur n terra roitn entrance and
hardwood door
Frank W. Soxton. countv club
Mrs. Qoorgo Ilrookfleld, of 318
Ninth street, left on this morning's
trnln for Weed whoro sho wns call-
od by Ihn denlh of hor sister, Mrs.
A. H. Mlllott. Mrs. Mlllott wns for-
in.irijr ivbiuviii ui rwmniHiii runn.
Bho Ilrcd horo sovornl yoars. Sho
wns S3 yoars old nnd lenvos threo
chlldron, flvo brothers and throo
ulsters to mourn hor loss. '
Work wns commenced today on tho
second homo to be built by tho Home
Ilulldora' association. It Is lining
erected for II. II. Hooves In tho Hit-
enn Vlstn addition nnd will cost ap
proximately I2R00.
KTitiui: Di:i-i:imi:D
LONDON, April 12. Tho sym
pathetic strlko, thrantonod by tho
rrlplo nlllnncn, Is doforrod ponding
further negotiations.
MAL1N, April 12. A now Htoro
oporatod by A. Plasll and Hob Kelt
nor, oponcd horo todny, Tho Htoro
will bo n grocery storo nnd u butch
er shop combined.
Tho building thu ntoro Is In Ih own
oil by V. ltuJmuH, it fanner living u
Hliort dlstnncQ wost of horn.
It, K. OlaBCo, of Michigan nvonuo,
ropnrted tho loss of hla enr to thn
police Inst night. It wns found this
morning on Klnmnth nvonuo. Joy
riders uro supposedly responsible.
Weather Probabilities
Tho barometric proestiro, as
indicated by tho Cyclo-Storma-graph
nt Underwood's Phnrmoqy
has bcon Bloodily falling slnco
midnight, and elnco noon today
thn tall baa been, qutto- rapid.
Tbis condition favors a change
.4n, wcathe cqndjtioas. tndlcaV
'Ine,' .winds, or'fatn, .pes
'slbly both.
Forecast for next 21 hours;
Cloudy, contlnuod wnrm, follow
i ud by unsottlod woathor.
111 r 17 1
No roreign Entanglements
Declares President Firmly,
In First Message to Congress
WAHHINOTON', "April 12. Ircal
dent Harding, In Ills flrnt mennago to
ConRrcBH today, announced that ho
would approvo a declaratory resolu
tion by congress "with qualifications
essential to protect all our right"
which would nnd tho "technical statu
of wnr ngnlnst tho central poworn."
Ho objected, however, to a noparato
peaco troaty In vlow of "our Involved
peace onKaRnmontn.
Tho prcsldont'g discussion of tho
poaco question opened with a deflnltn
declaration against tho existing
Innguo of Nations, In which, ho sold,
"Thin Republic will hnvo no port."
"Thoro can bo no misinterpreta
tion, and thero will bo no betrayal of
tho deliberate expression of tho Am
orlcnn people In tho recent election,
which MQttlod our decision for our
solves. It Is only fair to say to the wHch approves a commission of rei
world that tho league covenant enn resentntlvcs of tho white nnd black
havo no sanction by us, tacen to study and report on lynch-
Although declaring ngnlnst t1 e lug.
"oxlstlng Icnguo of nntlons," the Kllmlnntlon of tho heavy burdens
President said tho wiser conr-n 0f nrmnment Is favored In theso
would seem to bo nn acceptance 'f werds: "Wo aro roady to co-operato
tho confirmation of our rights audi with other nations to approximate
Intorosts as already provided for and j disarmament but moro prudence for-
to engage under tho nxlnttng troaty,
nnsumlng. of course, that this can bo
satisfactorily achieved by such expli
cit reservations and modifications as
will securo our absolutn freedom
from Inndvlsabln commlttnnts nnd
safeguard all our osnontlal Interests."
Associations of Nations, tho Pre
sident snld, could not be founded un
til tho world In nt pence.
Other recommendntlonn woro rc
ndjtistnient of Internnl taxes nnd tho
roponl or revision of thoso thnt have
beromo unproductive nnd burden
some: nn Instant tariff enactment
"emergency In character." nnd the
efficient onorntlon of rnllroads "nt
a cost which tho traffic can bear."
Kallrond rnte nnd costs of opera
tion must bo reduced, said tho mes
sage. Rtrpngthenlng of tho laws Govern
Ing federal nli for roads was ndvo-
Use Guns In Drive '
Against Rabbits
DO It U 18, Cnl.. April 12. A now
method of rabbit driving en mo Into
oxlstenco horo Sunday when n num
bor of mon, armed with shotguns,
formed n lino nnd covored a largo
niece of territory killing in tho neigh-
I borbood of 300 rabbits. Tho advan
tage of this system over tho old ono
Is that pracllctlly ovory rabbit Is kill
ed. Formerly, nnmorous animals e
enped by running tho guntlot of fly
ing clubs nnd stone.
Joseph Konop, of Klamath Falls,
who In with tho Cudahy Packing
Compnny, was n visitor In Dorrls yes
lorday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo Otey spent
yesterday afternoon In town from tho
Mrs. J. P. Howman Is leaving to-
dav for Sacramento whom shi will
spend a few days with a friend who
.- -..i-.-.i iii
" V VX ii.
J D. Waltz and Wllllnm Hngel-
stoln drovo to Merrill yostordny af
lomoon on business.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Leroy Sly spent Sim
ilar nt thnlr rosldenco In town after
being on their fnrm In tho Oklahoma
country for thn pnst two weeks.
Thn Chelsea Sowing club gnro an
entertainment April C, nnd had an
oxhlbltlon of tho former lessons.
Thoso attending wero Frank Sox
ton, county club leader, Mr. R. F.
Satzor, Miss Ruby Wostlako, Mrs.
Yocco, Mrs. Maud Chrlstonsen, Mrs.
E. F. Jonos nnd Mrs. C. F. I'elo.
bosldos tho club mombors, tho Club
Lender. Mrs. Chas. Darnell: Presi
dent, Stolln 8otzor; Vlco-Prosldont,
Anna botxor; uocromry, uinuyn
Doloj Nottlo Dole, Efflo Forroy,
Pansy Washington nnd Margaret
Tho club rondorcd n short pro
gram consisting of recitations by
Nottlo Do)o, Anna Sotzor and Juno
Sotzor, after which Mr. Soxton talk
ed. Tho progrma closod by pll sing
ing Amorlca and thon lunch was
sorvod, i
OREAT FALLS, Mont., April 12
Tho Conrnd Circle Cntllo Co., which
-10 years ago ran thousands of head
of stock over tho plains of northorn
Montana and numbered hundreds of
cow boys 6n Its pay rolls, Is going out
of oxlstanco.
Thn last of the old grazing land
owned by tbo. concern in Montana
and an.imoea;o .sroa. In Canada );.
to, tie placed on tbe markot for
Doclslon to' disincorporate th "''
company was mado at tho annual
stockholders mooting In Oroat Fnlls
early this month,
cntnd. Tho President sold tho I'nlted
HtnteH Intends to establish nnd main
tain n merchant marlno,
Tho prosldnnl uald government fa
cilities should bo mada available for
nrlvato usage, without unduly Intor
ffirlm. with firlvntn nntortirtfte. In thn I
encouragement and regulation of
Goncroitn and practical oxproBslon
of gratltildo to nx-servlco men by
congress In expected by tho American
people, said tho message, nnd urged
tho nxtcnslon of hospital facilities,
nnd tho co-ordination of various gov
ernment agencies for tho public wel
fare It ondorsod tho ponding maternity
"Congress should wlpo out stain of
bnrbarlc lynching," says ono section
bids thnt wo disarm alone.'
Tho staggering burden o war debt
must bo cared for by a process of
gradual liquidation, proclaims tho
message It favors a national budget
system and efficient managements
and sa)- that the tax burdens of the
nation can be lifted by striking at
tho national expenditures.
It declares for n policy of less gov
ernment In" business nnd morn busr
ness In government. No rhnllongn Is
Intended for lawful business. Is Indi
cated, hut nny comblnntlon In re
straint of trndo will not bo tolernted.
Tho message says that thn high
cost of living has not yielded In pro
portion to the reduced costs of pro
duction, nnd favors n concresslonnl
lnnulrv to speed price readjustment.
Republicans apnlauded vigorously
when Hnrdlng's declaration against
the League of Nations was read.
Knights of Pythias
Reinstate Lodge
Klamath Lodge, No, 90, Knights of
Pythias, received a new start last
night, when many members woro re
instated and officers for thn remain
der of tho term elected and Install
ed. Grand Chancellor Commander
Clark of Portland assisted tho local
mombars In tho work of reorganiza
tion nnd conductod the Installation
Much onthuslnsm developed nnd
thosn present promised to do their
shnrn to make the lodge a growing
Institution. A vigorous membership
campaign will bo started
Officers olocted for thn remainder
of thn term, which expires Juno 1,
nre: Charles DeLan. chancellor com
maniler1 William Mnrx. vleo chancel
lor; M. It. Dotv prelate; It K. Itrad
bury, master of work; Oeorgo Met-
, keonor of record1 nnd seals: F It
jouio, mnsior nr unnncn: ran yn,
lock, master of thn exchenner: Fred
Orennou, master nt arms: II. I Win
tors, Inner guard; Jnspor Dennett,
outer gunrd.
riiANS to pufsi:nt prav
Tho Fort Klamath high school 1
arranging for thoprcscntatlon of a
play, "Safety First." next Saturday
ovenlng, April 1G, indor tho di
rection of Miss Ida llrlscoo.
Contractors Lower
Engineers Figures
On Highway Bids
VISUALIA, Cal April 12. For
tho first tlmo In moro than two years
tho Ciillfornla Highway Commission
1b rocolvlng bids lower than tbo. en
gineers' estlmntcs on road work,
Chnrles A. Whltmoro, Vlsunlla, mem
ber of tho commission, snld recently.
Tho low bids show, Mr. Wbltmor
doclarod, that prices' must ho fulling
in material:), that contractors nro
nnxlous to got tho work, nml thnt
building activities) must soon return
to normal.
Tho highway commission Is taking
ovory advantage of tho rovlvnl of
compotltlvo conditions nnd Is pro
ceodlng with hlghwny construction
at a rato as rapid ns its finances will
permit, tho commissioner asserted.
In ono roccnt Instance a San Fran
Cisco firm bid $02.oon below tho en
gineers' estlmnto of $249,717 on a
big brldgo across tho Feather River.
A dozen other bids ranged from thn
estlmatn downward In the last npoo
Ing of bids, ennjractors offered to do
work'under thn estlmatn on rod
'divisions In Amador, Sacramento,
HumJwJdt. an .Tulare counties
sven hundred Chinese nave sailed
from Hnwall to work on Cuban sugar'
No Foundation For
I Talk of Closing Two
I Lakes to Fishing
After Investigation tho Klamath
County Sportsmen's association finds
no foundation for tho report that
I Jo ml sportsmen woro seeking to
huvo Lakes Odell and Crescent, In
tho Northorn part of Klamath coun
ty, closed to fishing.
Correspondence with Btato Wnrden i
Ilurghduff, M. A Lynch, tho lied
mond member of tho state fish and
commission, nnd others, shows no ,
request hoforo tho commission for
such closing.
Thoro Is a widespread and gen
eral Interest In the expansion move
ment launchod by tho Chamber of
Commcrco and numorous Inquiries
aro being received at headquar
ters from tho rural towns and
neighborhoods, according to a
statement authorized by tho cam
paign officials today. It was also
saltl that many reservations for
plntcs nt tho Creator Klamath Din
ner, to bo served nt tho Wlilto Pell
can hotel next Monday ovenlng nt
6:30 o'clock, nro being received from
out-of-town persons.
It Is tho purposo of the Chnmber
of Commerco to create a genoral
Intorest as posilblo among residents
of tho smaller towns of tho county,
farmers, ranchers and othors. In tho
movoment. Sovoral hundred names
of rural residents havo been In
cluded on tho prospoct list, nnd i
committee has been named to glvo
special attention to this phaso of th,e
work. Tho personnel of tho county
comrnltteo Is as follews: A. L, Wish
nrd. chairman, Klamath Falls: Uco.
L. Walton, Merrill; A. Kallna, Malln;
W. Fordroy, Lorella; O. L. Sparre
ton, llonanza; Iloss Sutton. Dairy;
Charles Flackus, Hlldebrand; C. R
Dowman, Chlloquln; Oua Page, Fort
Klamath: Ben Martin, Klamath
Ageney: W. E. Lamm, Modoc Point;
Harry Mcssner. Algema: Roy Nel
son, Kcno; A. L. Marshall, Olene
Arthur Hnmakor, Dly: Frank J.
tfichmltz, Realty and Thoo. Young,
Tho ijervlco fund comrnltteo met
nt a luncheon nt tho cbnmber of
commcrco nt noon todny, and tho
publicity committee wjll meet nt 4
p. m. A meeting of tho women tenm
captains and workers was held nt
hondquartcrs at 3 p. m.
Water In Canals
May 1st., Announced
Announcement was mado today
by A. L. Wishard,. aocrotary of tho
Klamath Irrigation district, that tho
reclamation service would turn tho
wator Into tho main canal May 1.
During tbo winter months tho ser
vleo has been engaged in cleaning
tho canals and laterals, repairing
nnd replacing bridges nnd flumes,
whorover needed, and when tho
wntcr stnrts through tho canal ev
erything will be rendy.
Fails to Unite
Farmers; Dies lof
A Broken Heart
OREAT FALLS. Mont.. April 12.
With his fortuno spent In his ef
forts to perfect a nation wldo farm
ers' cooperative organization, and do
clarod heart broken because of tho
failure of tho rurnllsts of tho west
to adopt bis plan on tho scalo ha bad
dreamed of, Flndlay A, Rennott, ori
ginator .of tho American Society of
Equity, died recently In Wlllornlo,
Minnesota, according to word receiv
ed horo.
Co-operntlvo distribution of farm
and manufactured products was tho
basic Idoa In tho organization Mr.
Dennett croatcd, Uy IS months en
thusiastic work, during 1915 nnd
1916, Mr. Donnctt, thon a resident
of Croat Fnlls, signed about 15,000
farmors In Montana for tho "Society
of Equity," giving It tho largest mem
bership of farm organization In the
state. Lator ho constructed for tho
society 85 grain oIova,tors and found
ed 30 equity co-oporatlvo stores, all
In Montana.
Tho Immense wheat crop In Mon
tana In 191G Is credited with having
wrecked tho olovator system, It be
ing declared that tho credit of tho
equity was strained to handle It.
Dissatisfaction on thn part of tbo
mombors took from Mr. Denuott Ihn
management of tho wldo spreading
organization and ho removed to St.
Paul and began organizing a nation
wide association along Identical lines.
Mr. Bnnnott was 50 years old at tho
time of his death.
A? .a wlpe-ar:alicr lie , Sraaiard
,sat8?tSpace.4tlt. fy' average' or pS;
gallons' a year, leiiirir the French-
man by 4 gallbns and the Italian bv.
A baro start has been made In tho
development of Klamath county's
possibilities as a center of fish pro
pagation, Is tbo belief of M. L.
Ryckman, stato superintendent of
fish hatcheries, who left for Port
land this morning after sovoral days'
Inspection of tho local hatchery and
egg-taking stations.
Mr. Ryckman met with tho oxecu
tlvo comrnltteo of tho local sports
men's association last night to dlav
cuss mattors. Among other things
ho stated that his department would
supply 100,000 eastorn brook trout
this fall for planting above tho Lost
Rlvor dam. Ifo also said that tho
Crooked creek hatchery capacity
would bo moro than doubled. Ono
hundred troughs will be tho slzo of
tho Increased plant which now has
-40 troughs.
Klamath county will produco be
tween olght and nlna million trout
eggs this year, and about throo mil
lion eggs will bo hatched and liber
ated In tho county. The remainder
will bo distributed throughout the
It thas also been decided to ralso
BOO, 000 fish nt the Crooked Creok
hatchery until thoy aro yoarllngs.
Then thoy will bo liberated. 8portii
men estimate that one yearling fish
Is worth tivo flngcrllngs to tlw
sportsman, as at tho year-old stage'
they nro well able to tako cans of
themselves and do not fall pray to
Jarger fish. On account of tho num
ber of largo fish In LaKo-o-tno-woous,
It Is uphill work to restock It, but
by feeding fish at tho hatchery un
til they nro a year-old tho loss by
predatory attacks of the big fish Is
After inspection of tho county
streams and hatcheries, Mr. Ryck
man wan convinced that the possi
bilities of propagation are unlimited.
Twenty million eggs can be produced
In Diamond Lake alone, each year,
It Is said.
Additional fund would, of course,
bo needed ns tho development pro
gresses, but some additional money
will be forthcoming from the license
fund, the prices of fishing and hunt-Ing-Ilcensea
having beon raised from
$1.50 each to $3 thin year, or IS
for a comblnntlon license. If this
revenue In not sufficient legislative
npproprlatlon might bo secured.
Dredger Starts to
Clean Drain Canal
Tho big caterpillar drodgo belong
ing to tho government today com
menced operations at tho corner of
Washburn nnd Shasta Way. In the
Mills addition, from which point
It will clean out tho old drain ditch
that extends through tho addition
to near tho slaughter house. This
drain has been practically closod
bv weeds nnd rubbish for two or
thrco years, nnd has been responsi
ble for tho flooding of many acres
of vnluablo land ns well nn rais
ing tho wator tnblo throughout a
largo section of Mills addition. The
work will result In much benefit to
that section of tho city.
As CasinfpGoes Down
Gas Flow Increases
At Klamath Co's. Well
Tho gas flow nt tho Klamath Oil
company's woll on tho Manning
ranch grows stronger as tho casing
goes deeper, said Noll Campbell In
conversation horo last night. Mr.
Campbell Is In charge of the drilling.
Tho casing is now down about 1280
feet, leaving some ICO foet to go.
As tho casing Is lowered streams of
water nro shut out at different levels,
resulting In constantly Increasing gas
flow. Tho gas pressuro is so strong, It
Is snld, that it lifted n board weight
ed with a number of mechanic's tools
from Its plnco on top of the casing,
nnd it drives the dust frpm tho floor
nround .tho well mouth back for sev
eral feot, leaving tho floor as clean
as If It had been swept with a broom.
H. It. Cunningham, vice-president
nnd genoral manager of tho Mon
tana Llfo Insurance company, Is in
tho city in tho intorest of bis com
pany and In response to tho urgent
appeals of tho local representative
Oeorgo L, Forgo. Mr. Forgo has beon
singing tho praises of Klamath coun
ty so loudly nnd so Incessantly, that
Mr. Cunningham has coma to sco
for hlmsolf.
Testimony In the' case of George
Courtwrlght against IL P. Newell
and Clarence Votchatier, on trial for
the raet three" days "In the circuit
epurt, uas'-fjairhed iH th' mornlpc
session" Motj8ffRif!tUd8 by, dates-'
rlnnt'r. rnnnl. thiL .th court dlraet
the Jury to, f,lpd' for tbp .defendants,
following d'snnil, of rMi ""Otlon the
case will ho submitted to tho jury