The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 09, 1921, Image 1

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&ty Eximhxa Herald
-A Class Ad Will
Do It
Today? New
Member of the Associated Press.
riricnitii Vnir. No. miit i
Ilarvny Mlllor of thu Bncrnmonto
.Clinmbor of Commorco, concodod
to lia ono of tlin moat Klflod
npoaknra In thu nncramcnto valley
by thoso who have hoard him talk,
ha accepted nn Invltiitlon from (ho
Klamath county Chamhor of Com
mnrco to ronio to KUmnth Falls
as tho principal speakor for tho
Groatnr Ktamntti illnnor. Thin
event In scheduled to tnko placo nt
tho Whlto Pelican hold, begin
ning at 8:30 p. m., Monday April
18. It will mark tho finish of tho
educational and preparatory period
that will precudn tho Intcnslro nn
' rollmont of memberships and sign
InK of subscriptions for tho Cham
hor of Comtniircn, tho campaign tor
which will hn launched Tuesday
morning, April 19, at 9 o'clock and
rontlnuo during tho forenoon of
four dnyn. i
Owing to tho limited scaling ra
pacity of the hotel dining room,
only 275 reservations will bo mado.
The chargn will ho $1 per plate.
More than 2300 ItivltntloiiH to the
dlnnor, containing nolP-addrnod
Cherokecs Claim
14 Million Acres
WASHINGTON, Apr. Claims to
H, 000,000 ncros of land In Texan
and Oklahoma, including tho olden
of Tulsa and Oklahoma City and tho
HurkMirnott oil field, were filed In
tho supremo court todny hy the Cher
okoo Indian nation. Thoy support
tholr Claim with u Kovernmont patent
Issuod by President Van Huron and
certified an authentic hy tho depart
ment of tho Interior.
40,000 ACRES !
Balloon's Crew IrifTU PTnilrnn
Apparently Lo.tYY M HuhM
mm over
Taxes aro the most common topic
of discussion nownilayn among all
citizens who hold In foo nny portion
of tho earth that lien within the geo
graphical houndurlen of Klamath
county. Nawspapor nccountn would
Indicate that them In considerable
convernatlon on tho nuhjoct In other
countlen, ntnten mid nntlonn.
Land ownorn In tho Irrlguted din
trlcln, wlioro because of tho Increased
operation and maintenance churgo,
the tax blow falln heavlent, take
mall comfort In comparliionn. That
other commuultlon In America and
PANAMA CIT7, Kla., April 9.
Tho naval balloon, which loft Ponns
cola March 22 with five men and
has alnco boon miming, wag picked
up In tho gulf yenterday by a fishing!
boat nnd brought hero. No trace of
tho crow wan found.
nliroud aro an bad off than they U no
nnd stamped acceptance rardn. havn ' consolation. It would appear from
been mailed out to prospective "" Knoral outcry.
membern. although the dinner w
iwi a publlr affair and all are In
vited, a formal Invitation not being
II. W. Ilarton, who has 240 iicrcn
In tho Mlllor I tilt district, recently
cited h In cano an nn oxamplo lost
necessary. Thono who receive tho i 'onr uo Iml" toinl tax, water us
Invltntlonn will be tho citizens , "' "tnto ""'I county, school, road
whoso namon have thim far hnen nni1 personal, or $774.36.
listed nn the prospect list. Thin v ben he asked for Ills statement
list In at yet Incomplete mid .mMl- Hla yeur ho was handed a total of
(tonal nainea am being added eucti 11,013.22., nn Increiisu of I23K.KC.
day. The reservations will b made The bulk of tho tux, 1891. Ml, Is
In tho ordor thuy are received, und thy Water users' charge, and the In
those who make them will bo re- cms e Is effected by tho raise In tho
quired to call nt Chamber of Com- rate from ll.Sfi to 12.00 por aero for
merer- tido,Hiirt-rs and procoro two. ncre-foet of water. This means
their tickets hy S p. m Saturday, , extra taxation of $180 on Mr. Ilur-
April 10. ton'it ncreago.
Speaker for tho areator Klamath The romnlnlng Increase Is In local
Dinner am being lined up by tho taxutlon, which Mr. Ilarton Is Inclln
campaign speakorn committee, head- ed to ascribe to poor business policy
cd by W. O. Hmlth. and assisted nnd wasteful methods In ndmlnlstrn
by W. A. Wlost. Cnpt. J. W. Hie- Ion of county nffalrs.
mons, Charles Ferguson. Mayor W. . All ownorn In the project aro said
H. Wiley. A. C. Ynilen and It. V to m, tM0 Bamo fX ail tho ono own.
Kuykondall. Tho other letalln for or instanced, nnd It Is sulci residents
the ovont are In tho hands of tho of Ml, .k wlj gnorty hold n meet
campaign nrrungnmentn committee. nR , , ,f HOmothng cnn., bc
Tho field organization, which li;onn nt,0ui It "
will he composed of mom thun 200 ' Tll0 u,0 ; coniI11llonfir. It Is
men ami women of Klamath Falls understood, I, of tho opinion that the
nnd Klamath county, and which. , , , ,rr,Klllon imrM ratn
will bo made up of 34 city teams. , ft vloIntlon of tll0 conMllt,ona,
a service fund committee team and iroh,hUloil of moro ,nnn alx ,,or
various county teams Is now being , conl ,ncroniH1 , , , ,,
built. Tho city of Klamath Falls , , no.slllly n ,
"in mi ,iuunnvi vy ujur hiiiHn '
DOltltlH, Cal., April 9lrrlgatlon, LONDON, April 9 Recruiting of
tho boon of modern-day agricultural volunteer workers and safety units
progress, In tho untlclpnllon and will was begun onorgotlcnlly by tho gov-
soon become the realization of a eminent today and plans nro being
large number of farmers In this val
ley If plans under way for a forty
thousand ncm project materialize.
An Irrigation project has boon orj
gnnlzod nt Macdool with J. I). Ham
mond of that placo as Its president
and a group of responsible cltlzons
us directors. C. T. Darloy, of Klamath
Falls will survey und lay out tho pro
ject which will encompass a tract of
fortlln, sandy loam torrltory requir
ing only tho presence of wator to pro
duco abundant crops.
Wator will bo dorlvod from a num
ber of crcokn to tho oast of Macdool,
perfected to meet tho threatened
xtrllio of two million laborers In thu
triple nlllanco of raJnors, tronsport
nnd rullwny workers If It materializes
Thu giant strlko threatens to grow
out of the coal minors strlko, In
Which tho two other labor organiza
tions aro preparing to act In sym
pathy. Meanwhile, reports from various
parts of England, Scotland nnd Wales
carao reports today that locals of tho
railway mens' union waro challeng
ing the right of tho national execu
doferrcd until Tuosday night so that
It might bo posslblo to bring nbout
a resumption of negotiations look
ing toward settlement.
Premier Lloyd George is report
ed today to havo mado now peaco
proposals to tho trlplo alliance.
teams, each representing n division
hooded by a major, and designated
by a color. Tho four majors and
Jho colors asnlgnod their divisions
aro an follews:
hfoijj as.llnmyc xoarwlll ocono
Major W. K, Hoohorn O recti Di
vision, (Tho Hhamrockn.)
Major A. M. Collier Gold Divi
sion, (Tho Ilacon Rqund.) '
Major Frtid A. llakor Whlto Dl
vision, (Tho Purity Hqund.)
Major J, C, Thompson llluo Di
vision, (Tho Wlnnors.)
Kach Major will command six
of a contost basod on that ground.
Including Antelope, which stream-" ; t'vo body to call a gcnornl strlko
will bo controlled by n systom of without balloting by tho mombors.
dams to hold tho spring run-off. TIi.i I It was stated In some fjunrterirthat
principal Horn of cxponso in ongin-. tho actual calling of tho strlko was
ocring tho project, It Is understood,
will bo In tho construction of t!ico
duma and mains lending to tbo Irri
gated territory,
llonds wilt bo floated by tho or
ganization to flnanco tho proposition,
tho projoct having been officially ap-
proved by state authorities.
f, i.. ,.... , i.
i nun ,Uyii uuwi cunmuoreu im-lni .. r,
pcrntlvo that this valloy. vast In uren "lay OV ill OCtlOOl
nnd fertile In soil but lacking necca- Musical Department
nnij iiiumiwru, suuuiu securo irrign-
lion from ono of tho uvollablo ad- Tho Klamath county hlgh'scbool
Jncent sources. Tho Klamath Rlvur ' musical department will present tho
wan once considered a posslblo sourco i oporctta, "Tho Gypsy Hovor." at tho
but for tho present tbo wator of that ' star thcator. Wednesday and Thurs
slrooni will not be touched. ay ovonlngs, April 13 nnd 14. The
Aside from, tho forty thousand production Is n romantic, musical
acres to come under tho new Irrlga-1 comody nnd tho cast has been prac
Hon system, this valloy possesses tldnir hard for its nresentntlen. Thlr-
1 200 FEET OF
cm fir
WEED, Cal., April . Following
strlko agitation here, tho Weed Lum
ber company discharged about fifty
employes at tho closo of work Tues
day ovonlng.
Thoso Includod men who woro con-
sldorod most active In trying to bavo
. tho strlko called. While tho majority
nn ..1-iii.iiuiiauon oi mo casing, or mo mon discharged nro Italians.
of tho Klamath Oil company's well
on the Manning ranch Is progressing
steadily, 1200 fet of It having been
replaced. This leaves about 260 moro
foot to bo Installed, and aftor the
casing has been concretod to prevent
a blowout, drilling operations wilt be
"I am cortaln that wo will strlko
It," said Captain Siemens recently,"
and I am anxious to sco the drill
started again. I am relying on the
tho number Included Ival Whitney,
Prosldont of tho Wocd local of the
Timber Workers' Union, and B. W.
Coxo, tho Secretary.
Tho strlko agitation followod an
nouncements of cuts In wagon and
complaint by employes that tbo com
pany had fallod to rcduco prlcos of
groceries and had In soma Insttncuj
Incrcasod tho prlcos.
Tho company put on a number of
extra guards Tuesday night to foro-
oplnlon of exports when I express tho , stall trouble So overt acts woro ro
bellof that wo aro not far from the ported.
oil body." nay Cantorberry of Seattle and C
Six companies havo now been or- J. Kelly of Eureka, national officer''
ganized for prospoctlng tho Klamath of tho Timber Workers' Union, lef
field for oil nnd gas, nnd two or threo Weed Tuesday. Before going thov
other organizations aro
being at'
thousands of acrcn of fortllo soil
which requlrcH only tbo addition of
water to mako it nn agricultural par
adise. Although following winters of
unusual precipitation crops uro
grown here In abundance, arid seas
ons Invariably causa difficulty.
Tho fact that tho land under the
ty'mumbcrs of tho glee club, IS boys
and 1G girls will tako part In tho
chorus, besides tho principal parts,
Tickets will bo on salo at tho Star
theater, beginning Monday.
California Crow Win
OAKLAND, Cal., April 9. Tho
proposed project Is almost entirely University of California crew won.
lovol, with a gradual Incllno toward tho varsity raco from tho Unlvcrstly
tho south tor dratnago, makes tho, or Washington today by about fivo
preparation of forms for Irrigation feet. Washington won tho frosh
compnratlvely easy I men raco.
Personal Mention
J. F. Loosley, tho Fort Klamath
rancher, Is In town on business.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Itamsdclt of
Fort Klnmnth aro tho pareutH of a
baby son, born April 6, roports Dr.
It, II. Crave r.
Mr. und Mm. Charles Collier will
go to Illy today to upend tho week
end with Mrs. Collier's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Wurron. Mr.
Colllor will return tomorrow or Mon-
captains, fivo men nnd ono woman. , llny( btt Mr Co,or w, romnln for
Each captain will direct a team
of at loast four workers to bo so-
ubout a week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Cotton, of
lectod from a list of moro than 200 ., ,, , ,., ... ,
cltlzons who hnvo nlroody nlgnod tm who , on0 of tho oymm ot
cards agreeing to work for threo ,no Ponpors.Cotlon mlllt , horo on
hours a day. during tho four-duy i)UB,n08a connoeted with his milling
"M- ' Interests.
Tho following rnptalns havo boon . Mr nnd Mrg wmtain curroll
assigned to tho four.dlvHllens: huvo Keno t0 i,ortlan(1 t0 VB,t.
llluo division Captains W. A. M1 FIov Klrkhnm. of Chllo-
Wlost. F. h. Evans. J. E. Swan- , , a guoat nt , whUo Po.
Hon, v. a. woizoii anil aiish aiico c hotol. '
wcuouri, nmi ono captain yoi 10 . Mrg Cora Jol,v ,. rolurilurt ,rnm
Editor Evening Herald:
In your Issuo of Wodnosday you published a contract betwoen
tho Chamber ot Commorco and tho American Cltv Human nt Km
York. According to your pnpor it was signed November 29, 1920,
Why did you not publish It boforo? Why did you keep your resdors
In Ignoroncfl of this contrnct nnd Its terms until tho last mlnuto?
Will you also toll them NOW how much this sorvlco Is to cost, whom
tho monoy goes to and how much stays horct and how It Is to bo ox
pondedT I think nn I havo had somo cxporlonco In dovoloplng American In
dustries and commorco, I may be ablo to form an opinion ns to
methods and results, and what succoss la llkoly to bo tho outcorao
of tho movoment outlined by tho contract In question.
Opening statements ot tho op
posing aldos In the damage suit of
George W. Cpurtwrlght, ranchor.
against It. D. Newell and Clarenco
Vochatzer occupied tho day In tho
circuit court. Plaintiff alleges that
his horses woro frightened by de
fendant's automobllo while 'being
driven along tho highway near Ma
lta and bolted through a wire fonco.
Injuring several badly.
II. M. Manning ia tho p(a!ytf'a
attorney. As Mr. Newell, project
manager, was on official business
for tho reclamation sorvlco at tho
tlmo, it Is alleged, ho Is bolng do-
fondod by Austin Flegel and Harry
Holgato, reclamation scrvlco coun
sel. I
bo named.
Whito division Captains L.
hur homo iioar Merrill whom sho
spoilt a couplo ot days looking at-
Hoogland. F. M. Clnrlch, J. R. Kol-'(or hor farmln8 lntor08tB,
oy, a. ii. uoiiins, nori 'i nomas ana
Mra. M. A. Cullaghan. '
Gold division Captains II. K.
Smith, R. R. Dunbar, II. C. Merry
man, J. T. Porklns, George Forgo
and Mrs. Paul Dogardua.
Green division Captains J. H.
Driacoll,M. P. Evans, G. C. Lor
onz, E. T. Ludden, Fred L. Hous
ton, and Mrs. E. S. Henry.
j; Ttje captalns nava , already so
,Iocta "their team workers', 'anbVa.s
Soon job formal written ateeptanea
Miss Illaucho Goodnor from Chllo
quln Is In town for thu woek cud.
Mrs. Jomoa Jory, of Midland, Is
rogistorod at tbo Hall hotol.
N. E. Woodbouso Is iu from
Merrill, and Is rogistorod at tho Hall
John Traverse Is conflnod to his
homo at Fourth and Oak efroots
with lllnesa.
(Tho Herald would havo boon, of tor Its accoptanco. For nono of
glad to havo publlshod Information ; this can Tho Herald In tho Blight
bearing on tho contract If It had It. ost dogroo bo held responsible, for
Tho first wo know of tho contract (w0 madJ a ,l,ocW rfort t0 lnform
...T . I ur readors after wo loarnod about
was Into In January or oarly in the conlract( but cou)d nQt s
Fobruary. Wo thon trlod to ascor-. spoclflo Information from tho socre
taln tho terms ana conditions. No ' tary ot tho chambor.
ono connactod with tho chambor I According to Mr. Dopuy, ropro
know what thoy wflro. or It thoy oontntlvo of the Amorlcan City
did, would not toll thorn. Thoso "roau, tho cost will bo ton and a
conditions oxiatod until last Thurs- fraction per cent of tho entlro ro
day, whon for tho first tlmo Tho "Ipts of tho chambor for tho next
Herald was ablo to boo a copy ot ,throo years. This figure Is roachod by
tho contract. Evon today thero spreading the cost ovor tho
la n dltforonco "of opinion as to ' ontlro period. Space will- not
Just what tho contract contains. Ono pormlt of a detailed description in
thlUK cortaln, tho Intorosts of tho this artlclo ot tho method followod.
Amorlcnu City Bureau aro fully pro- To strip tho contract ot everything
toctod. It is this attltudo of cen-,ut tho ham facts, tho cost will bo
sorshlp and suppression ot Inforran-' 35 of tho momborslilp foo for tho
(Ion of vital Intorost to tho pooplo first year, and 20 ot tho budget
ot this community by tho secretary fund, or 22VJ of all monoy for
of tho Chambor of Commorco that tho first year. Thirty days aftor tho
has producod a condition that Is closo of tho campaign, u compu-
anything but fuvorablo to tho tatlon of all monoy paid and fall
Telegrapher fi Error
Made Big Difference
A tow days ago the Herald pub
lished an Associated Press despatch
In which tho statement was made
that tho practice of Christian Science
had been "penalized" In tho State of
This was an error In transmission
and tho word was "legalized" mak
ing an entirely different meaning to
tho Item. Tho correct version of tho
messago appears belew:
LINCOLN, (Nob).. April 7.
A bill legalizing the practice of
Christian Sclcnco was passed by
tho Nobraska Houso today by a
vote of 63 to 38. Tho bill sub
jects Christian Science practlco
to Stato quarantlno laws. An
amendment 'to mako tho prac
tice subject to public health laws
'of tho Stato railed. Tho bill now
goes to Governor McKolvIe for
approval or rejection.
aro credited with having advised the
workmen nt Wped that fow lum
ber plants on tho Pacific coast wore
oporatlng, and that conditions at
Wood woro ns good ns thoy wore at
nny lumber concern which had como
undor tholr observation. Their coun
sol was against a strlko.
The policy ot the Wood Lumber
company has been unaffected by tho
threatened strike. Neither rent, fuel
nor tho prices In the company storo
have been reducod. The company
takes the stand that the wago re
duction was an absoluto necessity on
account of lower lumber prices pro
Tailing at thoprcBont tlmo. and thoy
daTm iVmberJiTnot' moving. "5. 4
Klamath county tlraberworkers
held a meeting here last night to
strengthen tholr organization. C. J.
Kelly, of Eureka, vice-president ot
the national union and organizer for
this district, stated today that tho
union would combat Importation
this year ot cheap labor to compete
against local ttmberworkcrs on con
tract work, such as piling.
Other tlmberworkers said that the
union would also resist any wage re
duction In this territory.
7en Year Sentence
For Wm. H. Johnson
MEDFOnD, April 9. William H.
Johnson, former cashlor of tho do
funct bank of Jacksonville pleaded
guilty today to four of thirty Indict
ments charging the wrecking ot that
Institution nnd was ticntcnccd to nn
Indotormlnato scntonco of ten years. portunlty.
Henley P. T. A. Holds
interesting Meeting
The P.irent-Teachors association of
tbo Henley district held an Interest
ing meeting last night, featured with
talks by Frank Sexton, county club
leader, and Mlsa Lydla Frlcke, coun
ty nurso. At the, close ot tho meeting
coffee and sandwiches wero served. ,
MIbs Frlcke talked on health stan
dards In tho schools. She urged the
Importance ot full co-operation by
tbo parents In raising the level ot
chlldrons' health. She rocommonded
that schools provldo faculties for giv
ing tho pupils dally hot lunches, and
that, tho menu be varied from day
to day. Tho talk Includod a descrip
tion ot first aid troatmont for com
mon accldonts.
Mr. Sexton explalnod the noccMlty
for support ot club work. He said
that it Interested tho young folk In
homo life and kept them on tho farm.
He declared the child' should havo tho
samo opportunities nffordod his eld
ers In tho spread ot collcgo extension
work, nnd that tho county club sys
tem, was Intended to provldo such op-
fCmBlmJOE Director1 L. "W. De-
puy'hss ' accepted an Invitation". -to
to serve has been obtained, the port ( outline the expansion campaign1
sonnel of each team will bo pub-'plan to tho members of the Mills
ljshod. I I Addition Improvomont club tonight.
chamber. The Horald has contend
ed that tho mombors of tho cham
ber should havo teon fully Inform
ed boforo tho contract was cntorcd
Into. As tho records' show that
thia contract was 'agreed -Jo aKa
dtreqtoYa .meeting at which, tb,e,re
monoy paid and all promises to pay
will bo mado and 22 of this
will bo paid to tbo Amorlcan City
Bureau. Thirteen months after tho
clo'se o( Jh,e 'campaign. 10. ot
the estimated membership fee for
the Beit ...year wjll be .paid. The
William Sparrow
William H. Sparrow died thli
morning at tho local detontlon hos
pital, whom bo was ta,kon yesterday;
following his refusal to remain at tho
county hospital. Dlood poisoning
caused his doath. Somo timo ago the
decedent mot with an accident which
causod partial loss of muscular con
trol and bis affliction caused bim to
OUT PORTLAND BUILDING 'walk with a haHIng glt that made
' TRADES TEN PER CENT I him an objwt ot general sympathy.
POHTLANfV April ! -Arbiters ' : He nas 36 ym'6ld, His father
SALEM. April 9. Rehoaring of
tho tolophono rato case Is assured ns
tho result ot expression ot opinion
by H. H. Corey, public, sorvlco com
missioner, who said, on returning to
day from a trip through oastorn Ore
gon, that bo agreed with tho other
two mombors of the commission In
favoring a rehoaring.
:?vJn'a 'tTUorum present it' "me wlllJb'; dene' if months later- jlsr-t";t1rb.t 'announced a tenpefetat U-ie ?Mr tRoy3er,Miniesti
lot appear that suffj-iont If the Bureau If overpaid', 'an ad-.waiaTsa'urtjon fer i bulldlcr tradej hn b9B notified".
wculd -not appear that suffl-Iont If the Bureau Is. overpaid', an ad- ,waiaT4ueon fer ill bulldlcr trades hn bsea notified ana, imaerai sr
publicity waa givon before Its adop-'Justracnt will be made at th end except plumbers. Nin6t4en unions are raneem'eritj aait'in answer iron
tlon, during its consideration nor of each year.) ' , affected, . him.
I4 '