I'Aoia thrum THE EVENING HERALD. KIIAMATH FALLS, OREGON jwhuy, avjuuj s, iuai. mmmmm " 1vjru.i'Aj-uTru-uruTjl CLMIEDMWIENTS AAAAAIAAAAAS'MMVWWMWVMMWWMVM r WANTED MISCELLANEOUS KOll HAI.IC-7Tlmbor, cheap If tnkon oon AddroiiB "Timber" Herald. 31 farm machinery nt a bargain nt llnwlo (Inrago. 7-13 FOR BAMS--Thn following goeds: Cook itnvo, Iron bods, nprlncn, mntlroMiis, rockors, Dining rlntlrn. Dining Ulilo, Mhrnry tnhln, Couch, Hug anil plllowH, Commode und kIahh etc. 33C Hauth Hlxtli Ht. 7-9 IJarirnlns In Used Cant Klamath Fnlls Auto Co. 224 Main. a 1-4 Spring In coming on und you lmvo the house clearing litis. Wall. I lmvo Kit It, tool ImVh got together. I'KIIKINH rilltMTimi? H01IHI4 "Tint funilfdicr of Ifuppy Hium-n" FOR HUNT Ono InrKO furnished hounokooplng room. Apt. 10 Me MllilVn Apts. 7-8 Ntirmi w Uli in niatornlty casus. At 812 Oak Ht. l'hono 283. 7-S1 Domountablo whools In Htock (or Ford and Uhavrolot car. Klamath Fnlls Auto Co. 224 Main. 31-U Ilnvn You 8 Krlly todny? KOIl HAI.K Modem 4 room nnd hath, all now plumbing, gnrago, Frost proof out soller -Hco ownur ut 1021 Manzunltn Ht, Hot Springs addition. 7-11. Farm machinery nt a hnrgnln nt Howie flnrngo. 7-13 for bam: oh hunt 12 hwui work horses. Weight 13G0 to 1G00 pound, ago 6 to 7 yrs. Inqulro L. H llolllirook, Mnlln, Oro. 7-12 KOIl HKNT or will let on Hhnrus, no to 100 ncron Reed farmltiK land about 2 mlloB from town at the En terprise ranch Land uiidtir now Kn torprlsn Irrlgnllon district ditch I'or Information call 2G3J 4-9 KOIl HAI.B OH THAD13 For piano, cor. lot 13 Illock 30 Mot Springs Addition. l'hono 478J. 15-8 Mr. Klnhnrman. Fishing rods mailn to ardor, old rod rupalrod. SutUflod customers all over tho U B. all work, ntmnlutoly guaranteed ir you rmn or evor nxpoct tn flnti wrltn for prlres on repair work and built to oritur rods. Ilnrry I. Ifohson, Lyons, Ore gon. T-18 MBTIJNt I,ot iib toll you how to pay tho mortgage off tho cow, to huy n i car, to gnt a homo, to mako hair grow on your bnrn dome IIOWT Oritur now Homn of ttiono flno llarron-Tnnnrnd whlto Leghorn rhlcks, $12.00 por 100; delivery May li to July 1 8 weekn old pul lots $12.00 por dozen, dcllverlni: June 1 to August 1. MAYWOOD I'OmniY KAHM, Al-Ml Corning. Cullf. llnvo Yoti Horn Kelly tixliiy? KOH HAI.U Chuap, ratigo. kitchen rublnot, and round dining tubln. Cull after G 30 p. m 1232 Main Bt IlelniB Apis. Downstair. 7-9 Fnrmors ran navo mouoy on farm ing machinery at tho llowln Oarngo. 7-13 KOH BA1. I'aylng huslnnsii, must sell owning to other business. Hon Dick & Co., Cth & Klamath Avu. 7-9 Ifnvo You Hrrn Kelly lKlity? CAItH KOH HIKti Without drlvors, Klamath Palls Auto Co. 224 Main Bt. 31-9 Hayo You Hem Kelly today? I WANT TO DEI'OHK OP TIIH furniture aepnrtmnnt of my buul num. Will give good deal to right party. Btoro 25xGO feet on Main. A good chance tn get a wall os tabllshod, going business at a masonnble price W II Ross. Don Main Btreet. 1-tt WANTKD To borrow 11200. for 1 year. Residence proporly n secur ity X. Y rnre Herald 2-8 KOH HAI.lv 1 truck, 1 Btudeliakor, 1 Huiiabout and other cars Boo Dick, filh and Klamath Ao 7-9 KOH HAI.i: Shingles. No. 1. I'liie. lout 20 years and that's lo:ig! enough. I4.B0 per M. Peoples Warn I house, Cth. Bt. 228W 7-9 B A . Spring Is coming on nnd you hsro tho homo clearing bug Well, I baro got It. tan' let's get together itrkinr FimviTimn iiormn "Tim Fnrnlttinr of Ilnppy Hoinr" 17tf CAP. KOR IIIR Without drivers Klamath Kails Auto Co 224 Mnln Bt. 31-9 CITY OARRAOK When too want garbage removed call 10P-23. Partners enn save money on farm ing machine nt tho Howlo Oarage' -13 Bmall amount of short tlma mon ey, for loans or discounts, Ooo II 7-8' KOH BAM', Mocks Phono 483M J. V Outhrlo. 20-8 ChamlMirlln, 62G 8th. Tell yourttrnubles In tho Furniture linn to PHRKINB "TUB FURNISH KH OP HAPPY IIOMK3" 17tf While they luit, U B I, Htorago llatterles $27.50 Al Howlo Oarage 7-13 FOH BALI-: Bpcedsier or racing type seats Mao 20 gnl. gniollne tonks. Klamath Palls Auto t'o 324 Msln St. C-9 POIl HAUB 1 Ford Delivery rnr. good condition, new motor. Klam ath Pulls Auto Co. 224 Main Bt C-9 CHUN FILES IT THUCK FOK HinH Por light nnd heavy trucking, also block wood. $10.60 per load, one nnd one hnlf rord. Phono 178J 014 Mnln Bt. 0-12 KOH BALK 6 head of good work horses and ono 3 yr. old colt P. W Ooorgo on the old Ky Taylor nlnre. Keno road, C-12 FOH BALK Now itnil used marine engine. SAn Hay Telford, at thn boat shop. 120 Conger Ave. 5-9 KOH HKNT 8 room houso furnish ed, 39 Main St. C-9' Hnvo You Been Kidly today? POH BALB in II. V. Single Phnso Motor, nearly now, also 4 Inch Jackson Pump and about 126 ft. pipe. Write li. P. Ooortson, Klnmath Pnlls-Merrll! Itouto. n-9 Expert typewriter repairman, bost local raforencoa. Hotel llnll, Hoom 239. Call mornings. C-12 FOH BALB Ily Ownor, G room house, modorn, on pnvemont, Ilox 0. T). Herald offlco. n-9 FOH HALP) 1 10 H x 12 Center crank Ajar Rnglne. 1 40 H. P. locomotive, Type Holler, both In good eondltlon. Inquire I.elsnd lumber Co. O ranis rasa, re. 4-9 FOR 8AM9 Oood ranch In Hoguo Hlver Valley. Knqnlre 133 N. 4th St. French Hand Laundry. 4-9 FOR 8ALI3 Oood paying 'business. Box P. P. Horald offlco. 4-9 WANTBT) All round womnn. for Pronch Hand Laundry. 123 N. 4th St. 4-9 WANTKD About 400 hoad of bucks to pasture nt 65 cents per head por month. John 3, Hunan, Merrill, Oro. 4-0 FOR SALE Two Kentucky six foot slnglo disc drills, with pross whoola nttachod. Only used two wooks, Choap. Inqulro DoLnp and Hnydon's office. 31-13 WABHINtlTON. April 8 flint tho remedy for tho scarcity ota mil- I lion homes In tho United States llos , In providing bettor transportation, abundance of fuel, credit for loans, nnd full Information on tho .beat I mothods of construction, Is contend- 'od by Sonator William M. Caldor'ot Now York, chairman of tho sonato commlttoo on reconstruction, In a report mado public Monday. To accomplish tho doslrod ends, Sonntor Caldor has rocommondod to congress ton loglslatlvo lnenaurosj I' they nro as follews: A bill to establish In tho depart ment of commoreo a division for tho gatborliiE nnd dlssomlnntlon of In formation as to tho bost construction practices and mothods, technical nnd . cobI data, and mattora rotating to city planning, etc., In order to en courago standardisation and Improv ed building prnctlcos throughout the country. A bill to provldo for tho gathortng and publication by oxlstlne; govorn mental ngonclos of current facta aa to production, distribution, avail able suppllos, standards of quality, coats and realization of coal. An nmondmbnt to tho transporta tion act dlroctlng tho Intorstato com moreo commission not to doclnro without hearings an mnorgency which will glvo proforonco of priority in transportation, An amondmont to tho fodoral ro Horvo net to'pormlt tho fodoral ro sorvo board to direct tho uso of snv IngH nnd (Imo iloposlts of national banks for long-tliha loans, tnus gtv InR such deposits grentor socurlty nnd supplying a sourco ot'long-torm money for homo building. A homo loan bank bill to provido for district homo loan banks which may soil, undor fodoral supervision,' bonds socurod by tho nggrogatod loans doposltod by tho member banks. An amondmont, limited to flvf years, to tho rovenuo act of 1918, to We Can't Regulate Crop Prices-but We Are Regulating Clothes Prices The new models are here! Double-breasted, half belts, pleat pockets. We'll be glad to show you your favorite color $32.50 $35.00 and $40.00 You'll Like the Style - You'll Like the Ouality You'll Like the Price K. SUGARMAN "J Ain't Mai at Nobody" provide for tho oxomptlon from ox cess profits and Income taxes of tho profits on tho sales of dwelling houso construction. An amondment to tho rovenuo act of 1918 to exempt from taxation in terest on lonns up to $40,000 on Im proved ronl estate usad for dwelling purposes, when such loans nro hold by an Individual. . An amondmont to tho rovenuo act of 1918 limiting tho taxation of pro fits from tHo salo of cnnltnl asset .by providing for tholr taxation as J of tho yoara of 'accrual rathor than as of tho yoar of tholr salo. An amondmont to tho rovenuo act or mis to liraiL tho surtax upon saved Income to an amount not In oxcoss of 20 per cont ot such in como. An amondmont to the postal sav ings law Increasing tho limitation on doposlts as to amount and tlmo and authorising tho rate of tntorost to bo chnnged from tlmo to tlmo and pro viding for compensation ot postmas ters for tho extra dutlos. Tho report rocognlzos tho presont systom of taxation as an Important factor but takcB a firm stand against national, stato or local govornmonts nttomptlng to rollovo tho housing sit uation by tho granting ot subsidies or by tho oroctlon ot structures at govornmontal oxponso, Tho housing shortage alroady Is untlon-wldo and Is increasing, tho roport Bays. Spoolflc situations In llaltlmoro, Boston, Now Bodford, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Now Or loans, Cleveland, Detroit, Omaha, Dcnvor, Now York, and other cltios nro dealt with. No attempt is mado to dotormino tho oxact amount of i nionoy that will bo required to bring. about complete reconstruction, but a need for approximately S1G,000, 000,000.00 is shown. This Includes six billion for railroads, fivo billion for houses, two billion for public utlltlos, and "sovoral billions moro" for highways, watorways, and so forth. Tho commlttco holds out hope tor tho avorago cltlzon in two rogpocts. It says that tho cost of building can be brought down substantially and that tho cost to tho government ot trying Its recommendations would bo small. In addition to Sonator Caldor, the signers ot tho roport nro Senators Wm. S. Konyon, of Iowa, and Wal ter R. Edgo, ot Now Jorsoy. Phone 531-R W. E. and J. E. PATTERSON CONTRACTING PAINTERS We give all oar work personal attention. Use nothing; but tint class material. Jt us q(ve yon figure oa yoar painting. 133 N. 4th St. i Rm. Phone 531-R 14tlt&titttAM.ytAM1f MT. LAKI NKWB. Mrs. C. N. Case spent Sunday at tornoon at tho Morrison homo. Tho farmers nro vory busy plow ing and getting ready for seodlng. , Kenneth Case 1b homo for a tow days visit. Ho is attending high school in Klamath Fulls. Mrs. Mary Choyno, Mrs. Hurt Daw son, Mrs. Scott Johnson called on Mrs. K. D. Morrison Wodncsdny af tornoon. Mr. Robert Choyno Is hauling his balled hay to Midland. Mr. John Stewart Is hauling hny to town. . Mr. and Mrs. Charllo Steoman camo In Thursday from California, tor a Bhort stay, after which thoy will return to tho homo thoy havo lately purcftasod noar Santa Ana. Mrs. H. D. Morrison called on Mrs. John Koontz and Mrs. Cbas. Stboman .Monday afternoon. It Can't Be Dene! BUT- It Was Done Thoy used U My tkea waa ae etker area like Mother utet to mice. Ykat vu true ketera BAKE niTH waa put en the Market. BAXjIRlTB OVENS AND BAKJIJtlTB UBTHOM did tka buaineaa and today you can get a Wat of bread poeaeaainc tbat delielous, lasting, appetlstnjr davr JUaetoter found only la bread made at home. Thin krwl in toU ewlaalveiy nt the Rex Cate and The Unit. U fj Ue Mire exclusively in Thn Sex CnB. Lia Wri and Garden Seed Murphey V Seed Store PH&NE 87 124 Se: Sixth St.