The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 07, 1921, Image 1

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"l-lllv . . "
i$lj lEwtttng liratti
A Clan Ad Will
o It
Today? a Newa
Member of the Associated Press,
Flftooiilli Yen. No. rOW.
A movomont Hint may mnko Klam
ath county n real dairying district,
.,.. .., . .,. i..., m.Miny '"r'"nM
Ing nlfalfn l,y crop In profll.Mo
way fitnneii last nluhL nl thn monc
, '' nl""" '" niKiu hi i mi moni
Ini: of representatives of thn mor-
chnnta human, chamber of commerro
and fnrm bureau, whnii thn farm
bureau Inld Information beforo thn
mooting that the Mnlln dlntrlct alone
wanted 100 dairy cown Imported
Tho farm bureau found thn flnnti
clal problem too big for It. Hankers
who addressed thn mooting mid tho
banks nlnno could not flnancn tho bin
plan that In contcmplntod, but they
wonfd Ko n far as possible.
Tho only altornntlvo sootni Incor
poration or a community organize
tlon with capital groat enough to
handlo tho project
County Agent Thomait nald today
that to arijuit (ho alfalfa hay nurpluii
It would be klili to Import from f00
to 1,000 cown In tho next three yearn,
In other wordn to lay tho foundation
thin year for a long term project,
mm t t
, . . , .. . .... .. v uuiuu DUIMUIIH, uo nun III ill uuu I1UIII-
Th Is year ho thought It mlghv be
,.. . . ,wi n borod sections, Involved In tho prl-
pom bin to bring In 100 cows. i .. ' '
,. i. ' .-. i mary limits of tho general routo of
Tho alfa fa acreage and production ., '.. .. , .. . ,
L i' .i i . . .....tho Northern Pacific railroad from
has grown greatly In tho past four ...... ... ..
vnfir. n lh Kt.miilli llrnlnM nlnno I
.1 ,. . i iVt Z
the alfalfa ucrnago In 192C was e-
tlmatod at 8,100 acres, yielding 17,
800 tons Yoarly since there has been
n progressive Incronse, rnnglng from
ISO to 300 ncnii a )car, and a yield
Increase running from f.,000 to 6.
000 tons
In 1920 there were 14,350 ncrrs
In alfalfa on thn projoct, with an es
timated yield or 41.C00 tons.
Fifteen thousand tons last year's
crop am still In tho hands or thn
grow era uiiukui in aigni.
, ,i . , .. . .. ,,. I
II) (llBCunniiip; uu )iruui('ltl air.
Thomas pointed out that nvon with n
most favorable freight rate, the Kin-1
ninth alfalfa men can not compete
with othor growers In tho coast mar
ket. Thn Klamath farmer has a long
haul from tho furm to thn railroad
against him, that no rutn reduction
will overcome
Tho largest local consumers or hay
havo purchased their onn ranches In
thn last year or two, anil all stock
men aru reducing consumption ot
teed as. tho first step in a gonarnl
retrenchment, policy.
With a growing production nnd
dwindling consumption tho dairy
cow offers n profitable solution to
thn farmers' problem. Tho dairy cow
Is n consistent producer of oulth,
and a thousand cows working tho
farmers' surplus hay Into monthly
rronm checks would moan a big In
croaso In tho community's cash
A commltteo of nlno, thrcu each
from tho merchants' buroau, tho farm
bureau nnd tho chamber of com- -
morco. will moot Tuesday to llicui ;
ino ponniuniiy u incuri-uruniiK. ", .,. i- ,hn mlnos to rostimo
farm bureau roprcsontatlves aro L.
A. West, Jamva Kzoll nnd Harry Tel
ford. In last nlght'a discussion, It was
decided If this projoct could bo put
over It would moan rar more to tho
community than tho prosperity week
obsorvanco that bad beon tentatively
planned nnd thn prosperity wook
Idea was abandoned.
Oil Rig Builders
Arrive From Taft
II. L. Stltzlngor, L. It. Uuchanan,
K. C. Lemort and Charlos Illy, tho
, rig builders who will erect tho Cra
ter Lake Oil & Gas company's der
rick noar Merrill, arrived today and
will start work tomorrow morning.
They drovo horo from Toft, Cali
fornia, In an automobllo. Thoy loft
Taft Mondaay, TIiIh afternoon thoy
wont to tho woll tilto at Merrill.
Herman K. Wood, representing tho
Union Savings and Loan association
of Portland, Is'boro to open a Klam
ath Falls branch office ot tho asso
ciation. Tho progross that Klamath
.)m ' jFJl.Js naWng has attracted the
comrtny. says Mr. Wood, and they
ptart'tbe local oftlro after morn than
a year's Investigation and oxpoct to
AU Counties Will
Get $150,000 From
Road Commission
, PORTLAND, April 7 Tho high
way commission at tho mooting
which ondod last night established
n policy of allowing each county
$160,000 for tho nozt two yonro
from tho 15,000,000 fund nvallablo
to tho rom mission for tho Mennlum.
Tho northorn part of Tho Dados-Call-
fornln highway from Thn Dalles vlo
Dufiir, Tygh Vnlloy, MrJp1n and
- - "'"" ""'' --?.-
''"' to Mdr was aid out nd
miu mu iuuu iruui irjiuriuii via
. ,,,,. . . ...
hanlko and Monro to connect with
th" Columbia highway nt lllggs
Herald Wnxliliigloii lluirau
WAHIIINOTON, April 7 - Itopro
ncntatlvo Hlnnott haa boon notified by
tho commissioner of tho general land
office that a rofunf of II 26 pur aero
will bo mado to purchaser who paid
12. GO por aero for land In oven num
bered soctlons, as well as In odd num-
"- "v..u.., """wl l
.Portland, Oregon, forfeited by net of
congress In 1890 Two dollars and
fifty cents per acre was charged In
stead of the regular prlco of $1.26 on
the theory that tho building of tho
railroad would enhanco tho vnluo of
tho land.
Tho road wag not built and tho su
premo court or the United States, In
91P. decided Hint n rotund should
be made to purchasers or land In odd
sections Tho commissioner ruled that
this decision or tho supremo court
,,, , .. .. , ,
did not cover tho oven sections, bat
tho secretary ot tho Interior bus re-
! enntly held that tho refund should
likewise upply to thn even soctlons
as well us to tho odd.
Tho lands Involved aro ombracod
In a strip forty miles wide on each
aldo of thn proposed linn ot tho Nor-
thorn I'acltlc along tho Columbia
river from Wnllula Junction, Wash
ington to Portland. Oregon, which
was forfolted on account or thn rail
uro of tho railroad company to con
struct tho road
Applicants will havo until Decem
ber 11. 1921, to file applications for
repayment and mny obtain applica
tion blanks by writing to Uepresontu
tlvo Slnnott.
Arbitration Plans
Fail n Strike
LONDON. April 7. A comploto
brenkup or conferences for eettlo
numt nf the coal strlkn has been nil-
nouncud ,,y lll0 prom0r. Tho union
loailora havo rofuit0(, to ordor tho
work ponding negotiations.
Tho National union or ralUuy mon
today decided to unnnlmously sup-
. ,h . . . k
C,ICA00, April 7. Tho railroad
,ab(Jr board hng rorugoll 10 Now
yorR Contra, pormllls,on t0 raako
provisional reductions In tho wages
of unBklllod labor.
May Use Park Site
For Camp Ground
Tho city park board Is considering
plans for equipping a part ot tho
nowly acquired park slta on tho west
sldo ot tho rlvor ns an auto camp
ground, until n bettor slto can ba
procured. City wator is nvallablo, and
n good tompornry camp silo can bo
madn thoro, It Is bollovod.
Judgo D. V. Kuykondall bnB sug
gested tho iiso of tho burnod-ovor
district on Main stroot, or a part of
It, as tho public play ground. It this
slto can bo socurod, tho dobris will bo
cloared away at onco, and tbo work
of putting It In shapo will bogtn. Tbo
park hoard also pefltlonod tho Klam
ath Development company to dodlcato
block 303 for park purposes, that be
ing tbo block, designated by tho com-,
yany an their 'donation. an a school
site. -The school ohas been built in
another block. Tho biggest obstaclo
confronting tbeso projocta Is tho lack
of funds.
Klamath County Chamber of Com
morco offlclalii and comralttocs as
sisting In tho expansion movomont
recontly launched, gavo out tho ilnto-
mont that lnajcaloDS t
, . . ... ,.
a largo crowd at tho commun ty con
. . ... ...... . ... ...'....
foronco to bo hold at tho tabcrnaclo
this evening, boglnnlng at 8 o'clock
Advices received from different com
munities throughout tho couutv are
to tbo effect that thoro will bo a
largo out-of-town attondanco, ai well
as a big turn out from among the
rnnk of local cltlzona.
I)r .Thomas II. Heed, or tho politi
cal sclenco department or tho Univer
sity or California at Uorkeloy, last
night wlrod that he would reach tho
city at 7 o'clock this evening to ap
near as tho nrlnclnnl soaaker on the
program. Ills subject will bo "Tho'
Modorn Chamber ot Commorce '
Tboso who bavo heard Dr. Itocd de
liver this addross pronounco It n mas
tor oratorical effort, characters i
by sound logic and practical thought
Ilrlof talks will bo mado by Mayor
W. 8. Wlloy on "Tbo Future City and
County," and Campaign Manager U.
W. Dopuy on "Tbo Plan of tho Cam
pulgn." Tho Klamath County Cham
bor of Commorco will rondor cholco
. . ..
soiocuons and more win do commun-
ity singing, from specially preparod
song shoots,
Chambor of Commorco officials re
iterate tho announcement that tho
public at largo Is cordially Invited to
como out to tho conforenco and ac
quaint Itself with tho magnltudo and
scopo or tho movomont that Is Intend
ed to unify nil of tho different com
munity interests In making Klamath
County a busier, bigger and bettor
place In which Jojlve and do -business.
Ther-wni'beuo solicitations of
funds or memberships.
The arTarfgemonU committee
vrhlrh la Innklnr nftfr ffin ilMnl! nf
it.. mni., n, i. nmn.A
nf M. A. Pnllnhnn. rh.lrmnnr A I
Wlshnrd. Jimmy Swanson.T. U.Wat-1
tors. W. T. Loo. J. T. Perkins. George
Forgo. L. K Phelps, Leo Houston,
W. A. Dolzoll. Lou Arons. Mrs. E.
S. Henry. Mrs. J. J. Keller, and Mrs.
IT V UnmVflP
ill AMWUlaTUIt
This commltteo, also, Is now work'
ing out tho arrangement, for tho1'?.0 ,on.Bor H"oiJ to parallel
civic dinner, which will bo sorrod nt
tho Pelican Hotel on tho evening of
Monday, April 18.
Police KeCOVer Halt
Million Mail Loot
CHICAGO, April 7. Hotwoon
$600,000 nnd $760,000 atolon In the
mall robbery nt tho Dearhorn stroot
railway station haa boon round by
police. Tho money was round in wrap-
pers In n dlscardod mall pouch-lndlca-
ting tho nmount taken. One story was i
that four robbers playing ball In a boautios widoly throughout tuts dls
lot noarby, suddonly rushed to thoitrlct.
B tat Ion, hold up tho truck employees, I ""
demanded a partlcnlar mail pouch, fJifnn Will Pitch
uuu cscaiiou in an uuiomouuu in u
mlnuto und a hair. Ono robbor flrud
a shot supposedly at ono ot big fol
lows, in tbo oxcltomont.
Tho regular monthly mooting of
tho Woman's Library club will bo
hold tomorrow afternoon In tho lib
rary club rooms, Tbo life or tho lato
John Burroughs, tho famous natural
ist, will bo discussed, and nnyono
knowing anything of Intorest about
him is asked to take part in tho les
sons. A Tow of his poems and essays
will bo Toad, and stories ot his llto
will bo welcomod. All visitors are
A mooting of tho Btudy department
will bo hold Monday afternoon at tbo
usual time, and tho book to bo dla
cusHod is "Tho Hescuo," by Joseph
WASHINGTON, April 7. Chair-
man. Dawos of the soldier relief in
vestigation cojnmlttte Jus recotn
mended to the president the organi
zation of a "veterans' sorvlce admin
istration, consolidating tbo existing
buroau caring for disabled mon.
t ra
Representatives or tho traffic do
pnrtmonta ot tho Portland. Sacram
onto, nnd San Francisco chambers or Intend to harass business but Intend
commerce, nnd or tho Orogon rail- J "d to enrorco tho law. Though profl
road commission will moet hero to ' toerlng soctlons of tho kovcr act havo
discuss tho possibility of an adequate e"n doclarod unconstitutional tbo
readjustment of frolght rates within department of Justlco can proceed
tho nonr future, ir tho plans ot tho under tho Sherman anti-trust law.
morebants buroau ot the Klamath Daughorty announced that an lnvos
Falls chambor ot commerce can bo t ligation or IWognl practleea In build
carrlod out as outlined at a mnetlng I Ing matorlol trades would bo under-
hold hero lant night.
Local buslnoss mon aro making no
socrot or tholr bollof that tho South
ern I'acltlc railroad company through
tho head of Its traffic department, O.
W. Luce, gavo them vory little hope
fof tho roller thoy need, and that the
efforts to socuro a downward rovl
slon, especially on Incoming frolght
"f tho third, fourth, and rifth classes,
should not bo abated.
Tho chambor ot commerce has beon
Informed that representatives of tho
organizations namod wilt attond tbo
conforenco, which may be hold horo.
No lino or action was suggested last
night, as It was thought beat to watt
until tho different organizations can
gdi togather with reliable data to
work upon.
At tho eloso ot the msetlng a com
mittee was appointed to Investigate
the entlro rato question as It applies
locally and gather data and Infor
mation. Tho committee consists or
Charles Hall, H. N. Moo. W. C.
Thompson. H. W. Honderson and M.
A. Callaghan.
Y "round Is now being broken at
tn0 COrnor 0t Soonth and Klamath
for tno cu1ntru1e1!'oa ot a ot! Kffry
. GarJaK0 whlch wl" bo on ot 8 raoat
I odorn ,n tUo tte th. Erratma
,oto "nipany. now located at 123
S,ulh Four,h 1 J108 ,,ar,led
' uu UUltabl. iU W UUU 111UIOUU
The garago will be 28 x 136 fset,
Klamath avonue, and wilt be built
, of rc8,od brlck' ,n " tyle- A
modorn show room, with tbo offlco,
will occupy tbo front ot tho building.
Motors comnanv intends to oouln to
a Point that will mako it socond to
nono In this district will occupy the
"ar ot tho building. Tbo garaga will
bo ready tor occupancy In about 40
' days. Tho Ewauna Motors compnny
I has addod thn Hupmobllo, tho Over-
'and, and tho Wills-Overland to its
"rat agoncy, tho Scrlpps-Ilooth. nnd
anticipates Introducing this string ot
For Vancouver Club
Earl Hilton, local pitching prldo,
haa boon farmod to tho Vancouver
club ot tbo Pacific International
Loague, but tho Oakland club, with
which ho tlnlshod tho stoason Inst
year, and with which he has boon
training this year, has attached a
string to him, and may pull tho string
any tlmo. Sports writers In Califor
nia ngreo that Hilton haa tbo ability,
but noods moro oxperienco, and thoro
Is no doubt that Dob Drown, a man
who knows basoball Insldo out and
upsldo down, can do him a world ot
good In Vancouver. Hilton Is expect
ed to go up again noxt year, if not
boforo the closo ot this season.
Mrs. Jack McAullffe was a passen
gor to San Francisco this morning,
taking with her her two-year-old
daughter, Nora, who swallowed sojge
small ' article, probab'ly ot metal,
which has lodged In her lung. An
X-ray Tamtnatjon nt a. local hospital
eoalpd the location, aid s-vlslt tn a
spocialUt waa recommended. The lt
tlo girl does not soora to be oxperS
tenclng much pain from her mishap, i
Attorney General
Lays Down Policy
Of Law Enforcement
WASHINGTON, April 7. A gen
eral warning to buslnosa that tho
govornmont Intonds to countonanco
no violation of law was sounded by
Attornoy General Dangborty today.
He doclarod that thoso guilty of Il
legal practices should "not closo
tbolr eyos"; also that bo doon not
takon throughout tho country.
A voluminous docomont, consti
tuting tho answer of tbo county
commissioners to tho complaint ot
Frank Ward against Klamath
county, tho assussor, sheriff, and
county clerk. In tho tax lory in
junction suit, was fllod with tho
clerk of court yesterday fatornoon,
by the defendants' attorneys, F. H.
Mills, J. Dowerman, O'Neill aand
Irwin, and E. L. Elliott. The' an
swer, sifted down to a few words;
denies every allegation mado Id
Mr. Ward's complaint, allege 'that
tbo county wob mado defendant in
the suit as part of tho general
scheme to cheat, wrong, and, ,.di
rraud tho county, oaks hat Mr;
Ward be compelled to "" restori'
$117,763 to the county that being
the sum in thespoclal new court?
house fund on March 20. 1918, and
states that "the judgment and do
croo ot the supremo court of Ore
gon In tho present suit it Is "null and
void." '
The answor denies that Klamath
county has a defensible title to
block 36, upon which the new
Main street courthouso Is located,
and also denies that Klamath coun
ty was ever dispossessed ot valid
title to block 10 ot the Hot Springs
addition, the site upon which the
Hot Springs courthouse stands.
It Is also alleged In the answer
that the vaults in tho Main street
courthouse aro untlntsbed and un
safo for county rocords, that the
Jail Is incomplete, and that tba old
vaults now being used are moro
unsablo. Farther on, tho answor
claims that tbe Main street build
ing wna not built In nccordanco
with tho plans and provisions of the
contract, and that $60,000 will bo
needed to complete tho building.
Tho history of tbe case, emphasiz
ing .tho alleged perfidy ot former
County Judge Hanks and former
Commissioner McCornack, In which
crookedness Is plainly alleged, Is In
cluded In tbe naswor. Mr. Ward,
It is alleged, went Into court with
"unclean" bands.
According to tho answer, the
county court will, unless restrained,
proceed with tho building of tho
Hot Springs courthouse.
L. J. Masters, residing at 1605
Orogon avonue, was taken into cus
today about 12 o'clock by Sherlfr
Lloyd Low, Chief ot Pollc.0 H. S.
Wilson, nnd Patrolman T. Durham,
and is bolng held to answer to a
rhargo ot operating a still. Accord
ing to tbe otrtcers. Masters admits
ownership ot tho still. Two other men
said to be Implicated with Mastots,
could not be found. Thts still Is
the biggest one eontlscated horo,
tnd the whiskey contained In a ten
gallon kog, two Jugs and ono bot
tle apparently possesses all thn ele
ments ot what 'Is considered "good"
LINCOLN. Nob. Apr. 7. The No-
hrfakabQu of the lesislaijire to
dq passed a law peiulldrsplke prac
tise or christian JHuKe and sub-
Jaetln. that", pradfl to- tho state
quarantine law. The bill now goes to
tho governor
Klamath county must pay J. M.
Dougan tho nnpald warrant ot f 30,
672,47 that ho holds and $1,093
costs, docroes tho supremo court In
a writ ot mandamus against Coun
ty Treasurer Van niper, served
horo today.
It Is allcgod in thn document
that thoro has been diverted from
tbo special courthouso fund since
March 20, 1918, tbe date ot tho
Cougan contract, moro than $25,
100 on goneral tund warrants and
that thoro Is now In tho general
fund somo $26,000 with which the
treasurer Is directed to pay tho un
paid Dougan warrants.
Tbo writ is a lengthy document
and goes fully into tho details of the
transaction whereby It Is allererf
that tho monoy has been diverted
from tbo special courthouso fund.
It states that tho transaction In
Its entirety "amounted to a bor
rowing by tho county."
Treasurer Van Riper Is directed
to pay tho $20,672.47 warrant and
the $1,093 costs bill forthwith, or.
falling to do so, to show cause on
or beforo April 20 In tbo supreme
court at Salem as to whr ha han
Tbe total amount of thn nsinn
Judgment waa $92,874.95, of which
$73,102.48 has been paid.
Proposed Grain Peel
System In Dispute
CHICAGO. Apr. 7. The fight orer
the compulsory pooling of farmers
grain, which began yesterday over
th committee of r tssfc's rawrf'
on a National co-operalrt train
markoting system was.conlilwed to-,,
day on the reconvening of the farm
era' ratification conference. t
Tbo committee of soventeen stood
twelve for optional pooling, four for
compulsory pooling, with one mem
ber a government cmployco not vot
ing. Record Winter Wheat
Crop Is Forecast
fourth largest wheat crop In the
country's history Is forecast by the
department of agriculture, with a
total production for the'- United
States of 631,000,000 bushels. This
Is 44,000,000 bushels' more than
was harvested last year.
WHoopiNQ couair. vicnsi.
Barbara, tho four months old
daughter or Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Ttae,
died early this morning, from an at
tack ot whooping cough. Tho tun
oral will bo hold from Whltlock'a
undertaking parlors this afternoon at
2:30. The Reverend E. P. Lawrence,
ot tho Presbyterian church, will con
duct tho service. This Is tho second
child lost by Mr. and Mrs. Rao with
in two weeks, tho first, their two
year old daughter, succumbing to
whooping cough also.
BAKKnSFIELD, Cal., Apr. 7.
Shcop-shearlng season Is drawing to
a close In Kern county and In a doz
en camps, shoeprsbearora aro hurry
ing to finish tbolr big task ot clip
ping tho 250,000 sheep who are con
tributing to tbo county's wool clip
this spring.
Weather Probabilities
Tho Cyclo-Stormagraph at
Underwood's Pharmacy has
recorded but little change in
tho barometric prosauro since
yesterday's report, although
tho tendency haa been slight
ly downward.
Howovor no marked change
In weather condUons may he
looked for during the next 34,
hours. '
Forecast for next '24 heurs:
Cloudy 'and warmer, followed
by unsettled weather.
romaln permanently,
4 i