The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 05, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Build Your Own Home
runsoAY, APRtii n, inai.
IT pr addition. This covets an immense area between If you can't begin to build right now, buy a
II jj Oregon avenue and the river clear out to Ship- lot or two, and you'll have them paid for per-
pington. Hundreds of little homes are being haps by the time you are ready to build. That's
built out there. no ftur wnv to cot a start. Own your own
mighty fine places in which to build homes.' Ai Of course there is First addition, and the or- building site, and the building of your home
person likes to build a home where the natural iginal townsite, the latter covering that area will come easy. Lots, and good ones, too, can
resources, the climate, and the growing social from Klamath avenue to High street, and from be bought here on very easy terms. It is to the
advantages warrant it. No place on God's green, the river to Tenth street. While there are- in interest of the property owners to sell them in
earth is perfect, but you will find, in a broad numerable good sites for homes in these addi- this way. It aids development by keeping up the
sense, that this region is as near perfect as any ticm, the latter is the business section building interest, and they know you'll build
normal person should expect to find it. 1 here Taking the city as a whole, there is opportunity some time.
(Contltuicil from lingo 3)
viJ-)-ftjTjnjvvruTjru-rvvvvvvf' a
are numbers or nne Duuaiiig, nome-maKing sec- to secure a building site of any descriptien: Hill-' Now, of course it is all right to talk about
tions all around you. Take this city for instance: ide, hilltops, riverside, lakeside, and sites that building modest little homes at first, but if you
There's the Hillside addition. This addition, He lower but still with fine drainage and oppor- happen to be one of the more fortunate ones who
roughly described, begins on the left side of tunity to develop them into fine residence m-oner- m, build in neenrdnnen with their hlehest build-
Crescent avenue, extends across the railroad ties with verv little work and oxnono. - nk;H'r, , (n nnnrlnn.. nk build iimt
tracks to the Algoma road, and then along the Make it comfortable at first, and add conven- that way. Klamath Falls has grown wonderful
east side of die Hot Springs addition. There are iences as fast as your bank account will permit- ly. It's rather "spread out," but that gives it the
innumerable splendid budding sites there; hill- Lots of people make the mistake of thinking 'appearance of -being, we might say, generally
sides, gentle slopes, and level land. And not too they cannot get along with a modest dwelling, desirable. It's pretty hard to select a site or sec
fa from the industrial districts, either. but they can, and so can you. The fundamental 'tion from among so many good ones ,and that's
How about the Mills addition? Most of this idea is to get a start, and once you get started, , why this city is spread out. It's good all over,
addition lies on rolling land, a great deal of it yoU won't stop, because this experience of build-' that's what it is.
slopes gently toward the lake, itfs close to the re- ing your own home, and nursing it along to the j Street improvements are being made all over
tail part of town, and still not close enough to be fulfilment of your ambitions, to know that it is town. It is not a bit hard to get a lot as close to
bothered by the husde and bustle of one of the yours, is just the "grandest feleing" in the whole these improvements as you wish. Or you can
busiest little cities in creation. This part of town world. It's a whole heap better than owning a go out a little bit farther, and get your improvc
is building remarkably fast, and you can t lot of rent receipts. You can't raise any money on ments later. But, the big idea is that you need a
find a better indication of it s desirability, unless rent receipts, and it's a mortal cinch that if ad- home, you want a home, and you can build one
you get right down there and see it for yourself, versity comes, and you need money, you can ai- here to your satisfaction. And, when making
We have the first and second Hot Springs ways get it if you have a home and other proper- plans to build, don't overlook the fact that there
additions, including Pacific Terrace, where some ty to back you up. You can always sell this pro- are establishments here who can sell you any
of the coziest little homes you ever saw are being perty, too. And, one thing more, don't let the thing in the building line, from lumber to putty,
built. Say, Pacific Terrace is a pretty place, fellow who tells you that interest and taxes nr J plumbing, electrical conveniences, and
These additions are coming, along in great amount to more than rent get under your skin, chit jrs Akc hat. And, then, when your home i
shape. Hundreds of fine little homes every That fellow is a croaker, he's wrong, and it's built, end you want a wife to put in it, you can
where you look. been proved that he is wrong too many times for gei the pi .!c of creation, right in Klamath Falls.
Nichols addition, north of the Central school any normal person to take any stock in his tales. 1 hey don't make them any better any place,
to the cemetery; Ewauna Heights, and River-Own your own home, and beat the rent man. This Aak any of our real estate men about the
side addition, the older part of town, on the oth- is one way in which you can beat the rent man town. Ask the Chamber cf Commerce. You'll
er side of the river. Then there is Buena Vista legitimately. , iget all the informa'dor you wnnt and need.
ider These Facts
When You Plan
Your New House
Tl JMntT it
HEALTH: , All large cities have health ordinances
governing the proper instalations for
plumbing. From .this fact you can un
derstand that plumbing which is not
installed properly is a very great dan
ger to the health of a community. But
with all laws on this subject it is possi
ble to evade the spirit of the law by just
living up to the letter of it. A poorly
, made connection is an unseen foe which
may put a whole family in the hospital
, or even in the grave with typhus or
. some equally deadly disease. Poor
plumbing is the birth place of disease.
You don't have to go to war to be
v " killed Disease killed more people dur-
; . ing the recent war than all the cannons,
bombs, bullets and warships. Fight
disease with good plumbing.
Be sure that your plumbing is not a
General Building Construction Concrete Materials
And let us talk fiver your building troubles with you.
We will gladly give you free estimates and sugges'
tions. We carry a complete line of concrete materials,
including lime, sand, cement, crushed rock, building
blocks, flues and brick. Also, we have complete
equipment for hauling rock, sand and gravel, and shall
be pleased to be at your service.
224 South Sixth Street.
Phone 293