The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 05, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Tuesday, Arnui n, toui.
Timbcrmen War
On Pine Beetle
(atlautd free rage 1)
est Sorvlco; Col, C. S. Chapman, Port
land, Western Forestry and Conser
vation associatien: Ccorge M. Corn
wall, Portland, publisher "Tlio Tim
bormon"; Professor Donald llntco,
na'y be xalnod from tne dlenlav In K. i Berkoloy, forestry dopartmonl Untr
....... !...... ... i i ! ersltv of Califernia: ChaMts W.
aunrmini winaow. an original i ...... ........, - .
Idea that window, by the way. that Kln&- Weed, forostor for Long-I3ell
reflects much credit upon Mr. Sugar-! Lumber company; Walter 0. West,
man where It Is stated that O. A. C. I Klamath Agency, superintendent of
Investigations havo shown that the ICInmth Im"Bn "oservatlen: James
timber destroyed Inst year In Klam- j A- Howarth. Klamath Ascncy. V. S.
ath and Lake countlos by the beotle. ! Forester; Wm. C. Hodge. California
Is sawed Into lumbor, would build a I Forestry commlttee: Joe Hall, Sis-
board walk four feot wide from Kla- son' supervisor snasii .-Notional -nr-
math Falls to ,New York. I l! Gilbert D. Drown. Lakovlow,
Or to put It another way: In one J "wrrlsor. rrn0nt National Forest;
year. 1.10. the beetle destroyed more , N C' Wh l0' ,rtaVI'"'" ro
,t. i vt .i. . ..- I mont National Forest; Wm. Durbln,
Alturas, Supervisor Modoc National
Cb A M , jra'T 7
Forest; It. II. Rndcllffo. Chlloquln,
Modoc lumber company forcstor; It.
P. Dox, Wood. Long-Dell Lumbor
company forcstor, Frederick Woyer-
timber In Klamath county than wag
lost by fire In tiro year In tire Oro
goa lumber counties.
In the face of theio figure, It I
bvlous that tho timber men must
lakik fkrtlnn Jiml ihtk lm nf l)m nri.
.ent conference I. to form an assorl-1 "e",er' TacomR' Weyerhaeuser
ation strong enough to enlist not oal ! Tlmber C0W
all private Interests but the govern-1 The conference wa arranged by
ent a well. For the government , J F Kimball, local representative
hai done little to control the beetle of the Woyorhacusor Interests and
a public land, and Profossor Cham-! sccrotnry of tho Klamath-Lake coun
berlaln ay hi Investigation have ,los forost flro association, who with
hown that 6T per cent of Klamath ! KIe- tho Weyerhaeuser co;u
nntyt timber I In national forest. Pane's local forester, and a corps of
rater Lake park and the'Indlan ra j assistant staged yostorday' demon
serration, i stratlon, provided transportation and
Klamath tounty I. proud ef it, , bountiful luncheon In the wood.
timber. It I. estimated that on thef u l"UM-u u,i" """"'
ytW . yy. OK7 MAIN
oon blouses Ann mwini duplicated
FAanioNrrnB nAin nets of heal human ilyir
ij0H0f0sm00000t00000m0S0000 I
FOIt 8ALK 1 lOtf x IS Contor
crank AJax Engine. 1 40 HI P.
locomotivo. Type Uoller, both In good !
condition. Inquire Leland Lumbor Co.
Orants Pass, re. 4-9
Will pay cash for Ford Touring
LISTK.V! Lot us toll you how to pay
tho mortgngo off tho cow, to buy n
car, to got n homo, to mako hair
gTow on your baro dome.
HOW? Order now sumo of those tlnn
Ilarron-Tanored whlto leghorn
chicks, per 100; delivery
May G to July 1. 8 weeks old pul
let $12.00 per dozon, dollvorliiK
Juno 1 to August 1.
Al-Ml Corning, Calif
Klamath Indian reservation alone
there I between eight and twelve bil
lion feet of pine timber, sufficient. In
the natural course of thing?, 'o last
from f 0 to 100 years, without natur
al or artificial reforestation.
Dut In tho Black Hill of Idaho, in
the 'past ton year, seven billion feet
of pine havo, beon totally wiped out
by the plno beotle.
One new wrinkle was Introduced
Into tho bcetlo fight at yesterday's
discussion by John Miller, of the U.
8. bureau of entomology, who has an
experimentation camp In Madera
onnty, California.
Sir. Miller has found that It' Is
set aeeeseary to fire the fell trees
durlig the summer months to des
troy the beetle, but the natural "ray
ef the sun will do the work If the
tree Is peeled and the bark exposed
to the sun. Dark Is a good heat' con
ductor and when the air temperature
Is between 80 and 90 degrees tho
bark will heat to 115 degrees,
eaougb to kill the beetle colonies.
If this plan will work In Klamath
ounty during the hot mantbs of
Jnly, August and Septembor It means
a blf.aajn in (he fight, for during
those months, it, is not wise to u?e
fire In the forest. Tho conflagration
risk I too great. And those are tho
month when the best work can be
done, because remoto timber areas
that are in accessible in the winter
can bo reachod then.
Should this one Idea alone bo
provon practical In the local fight,
yesterday's demonstration will have
been yery much worth while
Last night the tlmbermen And loc
al business men banquettod at tho
hamber of commerce room The
eentral dish wa rainbow trout from
Klamath river provided by members
f the county eportstren's associa
tion. Mayor Wiley welcomed the beetle
fighting brigade
Practically all tho local timber In
terests wero represented either at
tho demonstration, last night's ban
quet or today's conference, and aro
taking n keen Interest In tho bcotlo
The law passed by the 1U session
of the legislature, providing for dis
tricting tho Infested area on re
quest of CO per cent of the owners
of tho district nnd tho oxtermlnntion
o& tho beetles by pro rnta ones sment
to cover expenses, will become ef
fective In May and Is relied upon as
a strong weapon to enforce eradica
tion measures upon tlmoer specul
ators and others wb.9 have shown
little Interest so far
rAccTpowc c" AHBsPtcJwsi
Clings Wonderfully!
lives the ikln a soft, velvety
sinoothntM and beauty. Accept
able to the most sensitive (kin,
bccauie It Is pure. And delightfully
frigrant perfumrtl with Jontrcl.
the cottly new odor of 30 flower.
Try Face Powder JontecL
Dody or will trade roadter body on. WOMAN WANTED Apply, stating
same. P. O. Dox 1048. 4-C wages. No chlldron. Ulversldn
uoioi, Merrill. ai-e
FOR SALE: Clood ranch In Ilogue
Itlvor Valley. Enquire 128 N. 4th1 CADS FOIt HIIIK Without drivers
St. French Hand Laundry. 4-0 Klamath Fall Auto Co. 224 Main
FOR SALE: Clood paying business.
uox f. F norald omco. 4-9' I KOR SALE Two Kentucky six foot
Dave Llskey, Plaintiff
A. Gautbler and J. Oautbler. De
fendants. To A. Gauthler and J. Gauthler the
above named defendants.
In the Name of the Stat of Ore Ore
eon: '
You are hereby notified that Dave
Llskey the holder of Certificate of
Delinquency numbered 1214
FOR SALE 1920 Ford rontUter
truck body self starter See Mrs
Jolty, Merchants' Collection office
over Sugarman's ut Sixth and Main.
w utiHu -nu itviiiuvn; ai wu I j
single disc drills, with press wheels
ttached. Only usod two wcoks.
I attached
Cheap. Inqulro DoLnp nnd Ilaydnn'
office. 31-13
1-1920 Chnndlcr Dispatch, guaran
teed AM condition.
1-1918 Seven passengei Hudson at a
Uulck Snlra A Srfvlrn Co.
Plume 1TOW 4
LOST on eth St., a light fifth
ehaln, about 9 fet long, ring on
one end and hook on other. Return
to Dunham Auto Company, and re
ceive reward. 4-E
FOR SALE Timber, cheap If taken
soon Addruis "Tlmbor" Herald.
Dargalns In Used Cars
Falls Auto Co. 224 Main.
Spring Is coming on and you havo
the houso clearing bug. Well, I havo
git It. toot Let'n get togother.
"Tlio I'timShrr of Happy IlouirV'
Demountable wheels In stork for.
Ford nnd I'hovrolut cars Klamnth
Falls Auto Co 224 Main 31-9 '
FOR SALES 2 houses on pavement.
both new and furnished complete
8 room with bath, hot and cold wat
er. Will take auto up to $800 as part -
payment. Cheap for quick sale. Phono Reliable married couplu po cIilM
44U. '-G ren want furnished houso In cool
locality. .Migm iiuy. uox niuu, nur-
Turner' Battn are now open
Come and get well. Langell Valtey
on the 26th day of February 1921 I""'' "
by the Tax Collector of the County of alley.
Turner's Daths for Uheumatlsm.
Issued i Lumbago, Neuritis, stomach troubles
any other troubles. Langetl
for tho
FOR SALE Setting eggs. Darred
Rocks, O. A. C. Stock. 11.00 per
sotting of 12. The Merrill Creamery.
furniture cepartinent of my busli
nes. Wilt glvo good doal to right
party. Htorn 25x50 foot on Main.
A good ctiancn. to get n woll oh
tabllshpd. going business at a
reasonnbfo prlco. W. IL Ross, 90ft
Main Stroot. l-tf
DRESSMAKING First class work
guaranteed. Mrs. Joffenon. No. 2
Main St. 24-7
Klamath, Stato of Oregon
amount of Six and 82-100 Dollars,
the same being tho amount then duo
and delinquent for taxes for tho year
1916 togethor with penalty. Interest
nnd costs thoroon upon tho real prop
erty assessed to you, of which vou nro
the owner as appears of record, situ
atod In said County and Stnto, and
particularly boundod and described
l luuuwi, iir. - " " -.-.. r.w. m,,.TPn T.. hn. llnn 1
Northeast Quarter (SBh of the' ueniieman prerorrea close to bu- ""' "'" "-" -.
Southwest Quarter (3W.i)4of sec- ' entr-Phono 72R. 4,7' ! lleirYn',?9llI2Jlii,ertr "" '"
tlon 25. township 38 South, Range 10 I "y x" Y car "8ra"'' -
East of the Willamette Meridian. WANTED Experienced book koep- .,,,, , ,,., ,n,, . ,,...
Tou are further notified that said er. Mallory Garage. 4-6 .u8Prln It coming on and jou se
Dava Llskey has paid taxes on said ; : 1-1 ?.""."-. " i" ".r" .1"' ,",'
premises for prior or subsequent " ONLT Two nice, comfortable "" ""a S, ,J 1, ,7 ',m,..
WANTED All round woman, for
Fronch Hand Laundry. 123 N. 4th
St. 4-
FOR RUNT Furnished bedroom I
FOR RENT Nlco, sunny, corner
sleeping room for gontloman. 421
jOak. Tel. 229M. 2-5
bwle Industry, the foundation
Klaaaath County's prosperity.
Among the speakers were George
If. Cornwall, editor of the Tlmber-
yeaa. with the rntn of Interest on
said amounts as follews:
Year's Date Tax Amount
Tax Paid Receipt Ne.
as conserrers qf ltlS Feb. 28 1921 7843 $5.40 1
1919 Feb 26 1931 7279 8.26
Bald A. Gauthler and J. Gauthler
as the owners of the leejl title of the
abnVA ripntrlhr1 nrnnnTtT mm ihm aam
appears of record, and" each of the '
EN ONLf Two nice, comfortable "J, .!,',, ??.L ,,.,1 S
sleeping rooms two blocks from ;, J,1'11,1. 'Nf! T .
ln street. Call 317 N. Eth. 4-0 T,, "lshor of Hnppj
Hnppy Home"
It Can't Be Done!
It Was Done
Tliov tued to say there was no other .bread llkn
mm In r 11 e to mako. That was trim beforo HAKE
RITE wa put on th market. IIAKERITE OVENH
AND IIAKERITE METHODS did tho huc'nrr nnd today
)ou ran gut n loaf of bread possessing that dollclous.
lusting, appetising flnvor lieretnfnro found only In bread
maun at homo This Id end la Mild exclusively at the
Rex Cifu nnd The Jlalie. It Is also served exclusively In
Tfio Rex Cafb.
.1 -
Practical painting, gliding, bronz
ing. enuiiiollnK. kaUumlnllii:, wall
paper cleaning and gonural contracting.
Phono 1S3
525 Oak St.
Take advaniago of my ouulda sor
vlco. 1 have n rur and Ilka to drlvo
It You iioimI furnliuro nnd would
!!!(., In hnv It. rail 41-W nnd I will
I send for you; also tako you homo.
"Tlio I'lirnlshiT of Happy HoiiuV
saan: tv. E. Lamm, of tha Lamm other persons above named are here
Lumber eempany: O. W Luce by further notified that Dave Llskey
freight and traffic manager of the County and State aforesaid for a de
Southern Pacific; Profossor Donald cree foreclosing the lien against the
Bruce of th University of Callfor- Property above described, and men
ala. department of forestry, and tlond '" saId certificate. Anrf you
,,,. . In wi--...M.,. .- are hereby summoned to appear with
George 8. Long, vice-president and ,n tixiy daya aftftr th8 fI,t puuICa.
manager, of the Weyerhaeuser Lum- tion of this summons, exclusive of the
bar eompany. dy of said first publication, and do-
Mr. Long expressed the belief that ' fm1 thla BCtlon r Pr the amount
Klamath rnii wnnM ii. .. iue as above shown, together with
Klamath Falls would eventually be-jcost, nnil nccrue,i jntercst and ,n
ome a metropolis, and backed theicaco of your failure to do o, a do
tatement with fluent and forceful cree will be rendered foreclosing the
log that made his address one of i1!"",0' Bald taxM and eosts against
h mot outtiniHn- iiv. nt l,llne ,and and premises above named,
most outstanding ta ks of the Thlg BUmmons j published by ord-
evening. This city, he said, derived ,er of the Honorable D. V. Kuyken
about 60 percent more benefit from I dull. Judge of the Circuit Court of
WAVTirn llinnf inn I....1 K. ..!,'
to pasture at 65 cents por head per' , Mr' e?; A- 1no"1' lv,',, M b,K
month. John B. Hanan, Merrill, Oro. Stevens Salient alx will tako you. any
4.1 t where. Stand Sixth & Main. Vhono
I '370. 2t-C
FOR RENT or will let on shares.' : : TT
50 to 100 acres rood farmlmt land' Carpets and ruga cleaned to your
ahmit s mlim from tnirn nt ih. Rn. ! satisfaction Wm. Lush. Phono
- -" ---.-- - " --. AAn,
terprlse ranch. Land under new En
ternrlse Irrigation district ditch
For Information call 263J. 4-9TCAHS FOR HIRE
Jumbering operations than other
large lumber centers, because the
lumber produced here was adaptable
for such a variety of general pur
pose;, which alone gives Klamath
Falls Immense advantage.
Speaking off transportation, Mr.
Long said that after experience with
many of the largo railroads of the
nation, he believed that the Southern
Faelfio gives the best service of any
road In the United Spates.
Visitors who are taking part In the
bettle war council are: Oeorsti 3.
Loag, of Taeoma, vlee-presiden; and
teneral manager of Weyerhaouser
Timber company; Professor W J.
Chamberlain, Corvallls, Oregon Agri
cultural College entomelogist: J. E.
Pattenten, Ashland, U. S. Bureau of
Eatomolftgy; John M. filler, San
Franclsco,U. S, Iuroau of Entomol
yp', Ton S!vondn,"CoExiP 4' Mi-no,
IdAhi. U' 8- Jkiw&u of utQuolpey;
F. A. tlUOtt, Salem, Stte Forester;
E. J. Kberly, Salem, assist, state for
ester; A, J, Jucnocke, Portland, In
charge of Insect control for U. H. Fop-
the State of Oregon for the Countv
of Klnmnth a.nd said order was mnde
and dated this 28th day of March
1921 and the date of the first publi
cation of this summons In the 29th
day of March 1921.
All process and papers In this pro
ceeding may be served upon the un
dersigned residing within the State
of Oregon at the address hereafter
Attorney for Plaintiff
Address 206 Odd Fellows' Building,
Klamnth Fnlli, Oregon.
M 29. A 5-12-19-26 M. 1-10
Klamath Chapter No. 35, R. A.
M will meet In regular convoca
tion at 7 o'clock Tuesday evening
April 6, 1921, In the Masonic half.
Visiting companions welcome.
By order of E. H. P.
4-6 J. E. DRATTON, Secy.
cor. lot 13 Dlock SO Hot Springs
Addition. Phone 478J. 8-8
Without drlvors
Klamath Falls Auto Co. 224 Main
St. 31-9
WANTED Girl for housework. Ap
ply 304 North 9th St. 30-9
CITY OAUI!AOE-i-Whon you wnot
garbage romoved call 10F-23.
FOR SALE Illocki Phone 483M.
J. N. Guthrie. 26-8
Toll your troubles In the Furnliuro
Courthouse In Klamath Falls, Ore
gon, has been duly appointed by said
court for hearing of said final ac
count and objections, If any, theroto
and for hearing of said petition for
settlement of said estate and dlsi
charge of said administrator, at
which time and placo any person
Interested In said estato may appear '
ana rue his exception In writing and
show cnue, if any, why said final
account should not be approved and
allowed and tho estato sottlod and
the administrator discharged..
, Administrator.
Mar. 15-22-29 Apr.5-12
Rest Nevada nwcot clover nnd
alfnlfa, 10c, F. O. II. i'allon.
Hy parcel post.
In the Mattor of the Estate of Ed
na E. Kerns, Deceased. '
In the county court of Klamath
county, Oregon.
Notlco Is horebv irlven that II. J.
Mattoon, tho administrator of tho es-
iato of Edna E. Koris, deceased, has
rendered aifi final aecoufl nnd filed
herein his ncittion for final set
tlement and discharge; and that Wed
nesday, tno 13th day or April, 1921,
nt the hour of 10 o'clock A, M at
the county court chambers In the
Leaves City TxAnafer offJkg at
Hsoo A. 'W- dally
WEATmm raTwrrrroa
What Sick People and
Prospective Mother
Want in Home or Hespital:
Safe, .Sana, Prompt, Proper Pro-'
fosslonal cars and rosults at mini
mum cost.. (Colloctlvo moaning,
Preventlvo Surgory) Surgical casos
belong In a Surgical hospital. Most
others can be efficiently and more
economically cared for at home.
Allopathic Medicine and Surgery
7tli and Slain tit.
Phono C80-W. Klamath Falls
J"TJk . .
.JfcfciJfcttA .--
rue tv.viA av cujAurr iomiich
s, p&i - vc
sT. ,111 ifiWS5VRX.-r."
Oak floors nro often found In such costly surroundings that
few iiuaglno how llttlo thoy cost. Very fow peoplo roallzo how
much thoy can got for their monoy by lnylng -Incli Oak floors
ovor old floors.
Tho diutliictlvo modern nnd nrtlstlo appauranco of a homo, nt
woll ns Its health and comfort, will bo greatly Increased by tho
tuu of Oalc flooring, Onlc flooring 1b rich and cboorful In color,
and Imparts an air of olcgunco add refinement to a homo.
For permanently nrtlstlo floorn wo rocommond Long-Doll Fork
ed Lout Oak Flooring. It Is uniform as to color and toxturo, por
ted an to manufacturo and Is of supgrlor quality, Kh romorkobly
smooth -surfiice Is unsurpassed, and It makes an Ideal foundation
for a bcnutlful Interior.
Let us know tho lzo of tho rooms you wish to floor. You will
ho tmrprlsed and pleased at tlio figurss wo can auoto you on
-lnch Long-Doll Forkod Loaf Oalc Flooring.
Big Basin Lumber "Company
Jrelcphono 107 "Main, and Spring HtreoU