The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 05, 1921, Image 1

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'' 07J;,
Wqv fctttfttmg
A Class Ad Will
Do it
Todays News
Member of the Associated Press.
Iftocntli Vojtr. No. n(lH7.
JtL -L
r r 1V "F P iyBy n!K
0. W. Luce, gonornl truffle matin
Kor of tho Houtlmrn I'nclflc, will
hold a conference with locnl shipper
tills afternoon nt 3 o'clock In tha
chnmljur of commerce room.
Accompnnloil by 0. 12. Hponr, ills
tiftl truffle malinger, Mr. I. urn -tr-rlvod
hiiro hint night, especially to
Invoitlgntn locnl truffle problem's
and confer with chamber of coin
morco representatives and
At tho tlmliormon'H bunqtiot Inst t
nldlit ho inadn u iihort nddri'si In
which hn mild that tho dodslnn of
tho Interstate rammnrci commission,
fixing Klnmnth Fnlln rales, mlKht
hn axpoctod within CO to !I0 ilnyn.
Tho average reduction proiomd
by tho Koulhiirn Pacific In 13 por cvnt
nnd In omn clnsnen It runs in 24 pur
rent, ho mild.
Tim truffle niuniiKr snld hn was
here at tho request of M A. Cnllng
hnn, innnnKer of tho local truffle
hurenu, who, on hln recent visit to
Hnn Francisco put tho en no of tho to-1
rnl pntrmm of tho Southern I'nclflc
hoforo lillii no strongly that hn could j
not hut necodn to tho ploa for u per
uana! Investigation
Tho rntn question will he Kino In
to thoroughly at thin aflnnioon'M
conference, In hopo of reaching noma
definite conclusion that will hn por
inunantly Hntlnfnctory
Kow pooplo realize what an under-current
of oil oxcltmonl thorn In
In Klnmnth. Pooplo uro only begin
nltiR to wnko up to tho panxlbllltlen
of prosperity nnd profit which an oil
utrlko would menu. Thn development
and prospocllng work now going on
moans much to nvory business man,
ovury property ownur nnd ovary
working in nn In Klnmath KnlU.
Thin development In IioIiik flnnn
cod by nomn of tho most level headed,
soundly conservative bunlnewi men
nmoiiK im. Thoso ninn nro not oxclt
nd; they nro not InklnK racklosn
chancen with their money; they nro
not "wlli$ catting"; they moroly woko
up quicker thnn tho rent to tho pos
Hlhllltlnn which nro heforo us, and
they nra taking n chanco with roal
dollars, not no much for the profltn
which may ho mndo from tho oil In
vestments, us for tho Ronornl pros
pcrlty which will follow real nil do
'velopmont. Tho morn welU drilled, tho grout
or probability thnt oil will bo struck
In payliiK quantities. Hvory parson
In Klnmnth County will ho bonoflttcd
f n n oil Htrlko, nnd ovory person
should Rot behind one or mora of
tho locnl compnnloH now boliiK organ
ttod, with ovary dollar which ran
reasonably ho npnrud for tho purpose.
It U not speculation, It Is an Invest
mont In Klnmnth prosperity.
Practically ovoryhody liollovon that
thorn In oil beneath tho Klumnth
Ilnnln, All hopo thnt It may hn struck
thin mi miner by Noma ona, or all, of
tho Companion now nctlvoly onRitRod
In development work, tho Hoonor, tho
bettor; nnd all should show their
faith and hack up their convictions
by Investing locally to tho full ov
tont podslhlo In tho Blocks now being
nfforod by these rompniilos, Tho fust
or tho stock Is sold thn soonor oil
may bo struck nnd tho noonor Iho
possibility of proxporlty and proflta
In Klamath Fulls,
Dr. Wright reportB tho nrrlvn'l of a
ton' pound baby hoy nt tho homo of
Mr,, nnd Mrs. Kd. Vnnnlco, Tho llttlo
follow camo this morning.
Tax money continues to roll Into
tho BhorirCs office, an ostlmoto giv
en out this morning placing tho' ru
celpts nt nbout 110,000 a day.
Another Local Oil
Seeking Company Has
Articles on File
Articles of Incorporation havo boon
filed nt Halom by tho Lost Hlvur Oil
and aaii tompnuy of Klumuth Knlln.
Tho Incorporntorii nro. A. A. Hull
man, 0. A. McCarthy and Dr. F. Ft.
Mr. llollman today tnUl tho com
pany did not caro to divulge ILh plnni
not tho nninoH of others Intoruiitud In
ItH organization. 11 In undoriitood that
II. H. (Irlgsby Ih ono of tho Invasion!.
Tha company, It 1m understood, In
ongnged In securing louses In tho I'oo
Vnlloy country and It In assumed that
thin will ho tlm Hlto of opuratlonn If
limy drill
Thn executive commlttoa of tho
Klnmath county farm bureau will
moot In thn nfflco of County Agent II
II. Thomas tomorrow aftnrnoon, nnd
flnnl arrangements for buying tho
first rnrlond of dnlry rown to ho
shipped Into thin county, with tho im
nlntancn of locnl banks, will bo mado.
Thin car will contain about 30 cowii,
both era don nnd registered. Moat of
thorn wlll'bn llolstnlnn, hut tlWii will
bo a few Jerseys In thn shipment nlso.
Coo. Multnomah, nnd other rncngn'
I'd .'nlry countlcn will ho tho floldi
implored by thn huyor, whoso nsunrn
hnn not ynt boon announced.
Appllcatlonn for theio cown ii"e
hr-rn rocotved principally from tho
Mnrr'll nnd Klnmath FnlU vlrlnllleii,
but mio Imvo been received from
other .i.irtH of tha county, nn liullrv
tlon that thn morn l becoming wlilo
spread. H('lt(MI.IUV IWI.US lltOM
HlRfnrd Von llnrthojsdorf, son of
Mr nnd Mm. It. Von Ilortholsdorf, n
llnrald carrier whllo playing on thn
athletic apparatus at tho Central
school thin morning, foil and frnctur
oil his loft arm In two places. Ho
wun Riven modlcnl nttontlon and Is
reported to bo renting cosily
f Personal Mention
Mr, and Mrs. James II. Moaro, of
Medford, aro hero visiting with old
frlandri. Mr. Moora hud chargo or
tho city water plant during hln resid
ence hero.
Miss Ida Momynr hns rolurnod
from n business visit In San Francis
co. Miss MoiIro Dixon, or Portland, In
Hpondlng u raw duyH horo visiting liar
Hlstor, Mrs. ChurleB I.oomls and rnm
lly. Tho Inst or tho weok Miss Dixon
will ro to Illy to visit her parents.
Mrs. John 1. Davis, ho with her
two chlldron, spent Huiidny visiting
with bur brothor-ln-law, Chnrlen
llumphroy, left this morning ror her
homo In Dunsmulr, Calif.
M. 8. Vldnvor, roprosontlug tho
Famous Pluyars-Laskoy Corporation,
producora or Paramount Pictures, Is
lu tho city on business connoctod
with his company. Paramount Pic
tures, In tn thn city on business con
noctod with his company. Paramount
Plcturos nra hIiowii nt tho Stur Thea
tro nnd havo won tho approval or
tho plcturo pntrons or thin city by
their splondldly high character nnd
freedom from objoctlonnblo fonturos.
Mrs. O. K. Plum, of Mncdool wont
homo yostorduy aftor n day's shop
ping horo.
Miss Oortrudo Drlntunll, teuchor
of tho school at Mncdool, spoilt Sun
duy horo,
Olenn fitlll, who Is horo nsalstlng
In tho chamber of commorco mom
borahlp drlvo, Is n nophow of A. II,
Collins, principal ownor of tho Col
lins building, Mr. Still Is an ox-ser-vlco
man nnd a grnduato of the un
iversity of California.
Hoy W). Snydor loft for Aahlnnd
this morning to visit with his broth
or, B. A, Snydor
Mrs. George Hradloy loft (or Wor
'den today (or a short visit
Mr. and Mrs, J. O. Goldthwaltn
woro passongors to San Francisco
this morning.
Local and visiting tlmbormcn, on
tomoloKlstn of tha state and fodornl
nnrvlco, forestry officials, stato and
national, from California, Oregon and
Idaho nro meeting hero today In tha
final conference of a two days' series
to form an annoclatlon and dotarmlnu
the plan of cumpnlgn by which all
affected Interests can wage tho most
offuctlvo wur against tbo plno buctlo.
Colonel C. S. Chapman, head of tho
Woslorn Foroitry nnd Conservation
bureau, presided at today'n mooting.
All of tho exports present voiced
tliolr Idoan or tho beetle problem
from their different angles. All it
j;reed that It was u prQblom of great
A. J. Jnencko of Portland, In
rhnrgo of Insect control for tho Unit
ed Htnten forest sorvlce, oxlnlncil
that tho Rovornmont had no fund fcr
hootlo control work. Indirectly thcr.
nro appropriations for entomological
Investigation, but no direct levy tn
fight tha bootlo hnn bean rnlnod, al
though tho beetle has boon a known
mennre since 1901.
At tho last congressional sosi'on
application for a J2G.O00 fund was
turned down In committee. All of tha
monoy usod In beetlo control work,
null Mr. Jocntcko, comes from tho
fire control fund. In nennons when
tho flro risk In curtailed, tho bect"o
rightorn mny got ns hlfih n $5,000.
but thoy are never suro or any tlt-A
Orgnnlzntlons ns tho chnmtor of
commorco or n tlmbennen'n nwocln
tlon can help Rrently by working for
it fixed appropriation, ho nald, and
their requo,nls nro llkaly to hovr moro
effect In ConKTtws than tho placo of
tho heads of RiivornmenU , depart
ments. Onco n prooldnnt ror a lieotlo con
trol fund hnn boon established It will
ho onny to yM It rcnowed yonrly.
l'rlor to tho noon adjournment a
commlttoo wiih appointed to drnft
rosolutlonn urging upon conRrens tho
necessity of action. The commlttco
conslsU or Ccorgo 8. Long, Charles
King. V. A. i:illott, James Kvendcn
nnd William C IIoiIro.
At 2 o'clock tho conforonco rocon-
Klnmath county post of tho Amorl
enn Legion will hold Its rogular
monthly mooting In tho city hall to
night. This wilt bo nn open muotln?
nnd nil mombors nro tnvltod to bring
up for discussion nny subject tiny
may think worthy of attention. No do
finite program has been nrrnngud;
It will bo every man's meeting, nnd
nil legion mombors urn .tsked to bo
on hnnd nt 8 o'clock sharp tonlsht.
Tho Women's nuxlllnry will enter
tain tonight In tho dd Follows" hall,
tho procoods to go to tho fund for
disabled sorvico men and their do
pondonts. Tho ladles havo promised
surprises (or this ontortntnmunt, md
thoso surprlsos will constitute th
major pnrt of nn unusuully good pro
gram. All ladles aro Invltod,
i m
Coast Leaguers
Open the Season
BAN FItANC18CO, April fi. Tho
I'nclflc Coast baseball started
tho soason today, Portlaud playing
nt San Frnnclaco, Ookland at Salt
l,n lo; Vornon nt Sacramonto and
Sonttlo nt Lob Angolas.
8ALT LAKE CITY, Apr. G. With
snow railing and two Inches of snow
on tho outfield, tho Salt Iako-Oak-land
gnmo was today pottpono.l,
Jason Charloy, an Indian, was ar
rostod last night on .a charge if
drunkenness, and Is in jail awaiting
OKEGONi Tonight and Wednes
day, fair In West, fnlr and wnrmor
In enat; heavy frost In morning
venod to tako up tbo task or organi
zation. Yostorday tho party, under convoy
of Jack Kimball, secretary of tho
Klamath-Lake Counties Forest Flro
nsoclatlon, spent an Intorostlng day
on the Dovoroaux tract on tho old Al
go in a road, nbout eight mllon north
or tho city.
Two hcctlo Infestod trees wore fell
od, tha bark peeled off and tho hcctlo
gallorlon nnd Insect population ox
posod, Tho ontomologlstB present dis
cussed tho different bootlo genera
that aro actlvo enemies of tha timber
owners In this district.
Of tho genus Dendroclonous, two
kinds aro proscnt, montlculae, or
mountain plno beetle, and brovlcomls,
or western plno bnrk beetle Iloth
types ontcr tha tree nt tho butt, but
tho workings of tho tnontlculno aro
characterized by vertical galleries,
whllo tho other borer works In crlss
cross ovals. Tho brovlcomls Is consid
ered tha more destructive.
Another prevalent genus Is tho Ips,
which attacks tho trees from tho top
and works In tho limbs. Tho Ips tins'
been considered a secondary typo, a
sort or a camp follower of tho Dod
roctonus armies .heretofore, but In
tba oxperlmcntal work of Mr. Kim
ball nnd his assistants, It wan said
yesterday. It has been proven that
tho Ips Is primarily destructive. An
Instance wan cited whom 102 trcet
woro destroyed by tho Ips alono on
ltio ncros noar Swan Lake.
Tho brevtcomls works ontlroly In
yellow pine, experiments havo shown;
tho montlculno tn nil varieties of
Ttnoand tho ipn does most damage
In yellow and sugar plno.
Professor J. W. Chamberlain. O. A.
C. entomologist, has studied tho local
beetlo Infestation exhaustively and Is
authority for tho statement that tho
1919 tlmbor loss caused by beetles In
Klamath county was $250,000; that
the 1920 loss will he approximately
tbo samo and tho 1921 loss will prob
ably run ton por cent moro than tho
preceding year.
Or a clearer conception pcrhnps
(Continued to Page 2)
Ono or tho most Interesting and In
structive exhibits over seen In this
city Is that In tho show window or
tho K. Sugnrman store, cornor or
Sixth and Main streots. Much hns
boon said and written nbout tho plno
beetlo, but this exhibit furnished
osular evidence or tho destruction
and mothods of this destroyer of plno
that must arouso tho Interest of tho
peopla or this section.
Tho exhibit Rhows a cross section
or a plno treo that It Is estimated Is
315 yoars old. It was destroyed In
nbout throo months by tho bootlo. A
mnp carries tho Information that an
nually tho heotlos kill onough plno
to build a four-foot board walk from
San Francisco to Now York. In two
glass containers nro u numbor or Uvo
booties. Accompanying theso nro
pieces of bark nnd a slab or plno
showing Just how tho bootlo works
and whnt It Is that produces tho des
truction or tho treo.
In an adjoining window Is an ex
hibit or 40 pounds or trout, caught
within a hair hour's rldo or Klamath
Falls, with tho logend: "Savo tho
tlmbor nnd you will savo nil."
Doth windows aro nttractlng a
groat deal of nttontlon and will do
moro to drlvo homo to tho uvorngo
dtlzon 1ho nocesslty or rorost protec
tion than nny othor ono thing that
has beon dono In this campaign.
Jackson McKlnley, son or Iko Mc
Klnloy, woll known reservation In
dian, was arrested yostorday charged
" Ms wlf with aeetult and, bsttery
His caso will probably come up be
foro Justlco or tho Peace Onghagcn
Algoma Road Closed; '
Modoc Point Stretch ,
To Be Closed April 8
Tho local office of xtato highway '
commission states that tho new high-',
way from Klamath Falls to Algoma j
Is now closed for traffic whllo con
struction Is being completed. Traffic
will follow tho detour signs put on
Main street. Indicating tho route
post tho White Pelican hotel, Ulg
IJnsIn lumbor company and acrois
tho bridge thanco over tho old Fort
Klamath road.
Tho highway from Ilarclay Springs
to Lamm's Mill will bo cloned Friday, ,
April 8th. It Is expected to havo this
section open by July 1st. ,
All notices or road oonstmnt'on '
nnd detours coming from a -ilffnrcnt
sourca than thin office aro not offi
cial, says tho local hlgfnvi. office.
Any Inrormatlon will bo rro!y given
to callers at tho offlco at 1311 Main
n i
L Labor claims, at $5.00 per day.
Two of tho largest Individual moll-rwero allowed, but It was tho opinion
Inga that hnvo boon doposlted In tho0f tne council that common labor, In
Klamath Falls post offlco slnco tho tho future, should bo redu'eod at
days of Liberty Loan and othor war , jca8t t0 tho wages that will bo paid
relief drives wero unloaded thoro to
day from Chamber or Commerce ex
pansion campaign headquarters.
Theso mailings consistod of the first
of a series of circulars to bo used In
acquainting the cltlzonshlp of the
county with tho now movement, nnd,
also Invitations and notices of tho
community conforenco to bo held at
tho tabornaclo Thursday ovcnlng at
8 o'clock. Each mailing approximated
2,000 separata pieces of mall tor do
livery to those porsons whose names
havo been concludod on tho list of
persons who will bo asked to Join
tho Chamber of Commerce. Itls
planned to Include tho name of every
man, woman and business concern in
tho county by tho time tho work Is
A tolegram rccclvod last evening
from Thomas H. need, of tho polltf
cal sclenco department, University or
California nt IJorkoloy. occopted tho
Invitation oxtonded earlier In tho day
by tho Klamath County Chambor or
Commorco to Mr. Heed to como hero
as tho principal speaker (or tho Com-,
munlty Con(erenco. Thoso who have
hoard him talk on chamber of com
morco work aro generous In their
commendation of hta ability.
Glenn M. Still, assistant campaign
manager will talk this ovenlng on tho
campaign plan to tho mombers of the , ordlnnnco to change tbo name Stuk
Womon's Auxiliary of tho American j el iroot to East main street was
Tho servlco fund committee, com
posed o( thirty or moro o( tho repre
sentative buslnoss mon o('tho com
munity, will hold Its first mooting al
tho Chambor of Commerce auditor
ium at 7:30 o'clock this ovenlng.
Mining Congress
Opens, Portland
PORTLAND, April 5. Pioneers o(
tho mining Industry o( tho West, men
whoso names havo boen linked with
tho development o( (amoua mlnos
woro among tho hundreds who were
horo today for tho opening of tho
third International mining conven
tion, which will romnln In sosslon
until Frldny night. Problems connoct
od with tho commercial dovolopmont
of mining will ho considered, and tho
program has bocn arranged to give
tho delegates tho bonettt or talks
by mon who have bad years or ex
perience in mining In tho western
states, nritlih Columbia nnd Alaska.
Following the oponlng program at
tho auditorium this aftornoon thoro
was to bo n session tonight at tho
chamber of commorco. This bureau
of mines was to display motion pic
Mr. and Mrs. Itox Itonnor, who
havo boon in San Francisco soverul
months, arrived hero from San Fran
cisco last night, and aro again at
homo In thol rresldenco at 701 North
Elovonth stroot. Whllo In Sau Franr
Cisco, Mr. Hennor Improved his time
by taking a course in electrical Ig
nition, a branch o( tho electrical bun
ines (or which ha hat. always evinced
a strong aptitude. The TJonnors oy
1 that thoy enjoyed ovory minute of
their visit.
Tho monl Intorostlng dovolopmont
at last night's mcotlng of tho city
council was tho rofusal or tho coun
cil, through tho Instrumentality or
Councllmen Bogardun.' Vollmer's and
McCollum'B votos. to turn down
chof of PoIlco Wilson's salary claim
for a m0nth and a bair. and to ro-
cnt i.. determination tn rnduen thn
wages or Patrolmon Durham and Mc
Donald to $3.00 a day. These salary
claims woro O: K.'d by Mayor Wiley.
Thero was an unusually long list
or claims, all of them with tbo ex
ceptions mentioned abovo, and one
by tho Houston & Pholps grocery
company being allowed. Tho latter
claim boro no O. K. It was remarked
by'tho councllmen that tho number
of requisitions, for material was larg'
or than In previous months, thus In
dicating a deslro to conform more
closely to tbo law.
by mills and other employers. This
will probably bo about $3.60 a day,
and next month's claims will un
doubtedly be paid on some such
Tho hid of the Warren Construc
tion company (or tho paving of tho
city hall unit at $2.98 per square
yard was rejectod, and the clerk was
Instructed to re-advertise (or bids.
Fred Grennon, who has had tho
contract (or the hauling away of city
garbage, asked to bo relieved of his
contract, and rocommonded that his
successors, whoever they may bo, be '
fclven a"Ionr Hmcfcfofll&ct 'rfeat'v
they might luVa lUijfhanc to
buy a dumping ground "and par tor
It (rom the prococd.Vour year- ,
would not bo too long, Mr. Grennon
said. Thero was talk of the city buy
ing a garbage Incinerator, but this
wait considered a matter (or (uture
consideration, and tho (Inal dlsposl-
J ton of tno garbage question was laid
ovcr for investigation
Ordinances providing (or stand
pipes, (Iro escapes, and hose In hotels
nnd rooming houses, (or cement
doors, and (Iro walls extending three
feit above roofs of garages, and (Ire
cxlingulrhcrs and sand barrels (or
tiro protection In these garages, were
iald OTer for moro deliberation. An
i . .
passed to its second reading.
Building permits as follows were
gran ted:
G. II. Wright, addition to Emma
black, between Fourth and Fifth on
Main; Al Melbase, owner.
Mrs. Etta Moore, to change sign
nt 536 Moln street,
C. If. Underwood, six room bunga
low on Seventh street, approximate
cost $6,009.
E. A. Lawrence, to hang sign at
629 Main street.
K. I. Hammond, to build ono story
stono and brick addition to 58 Main
street, in original town, cost $2,000.
Cathleen Dewan, to build one
room addition and put on new roof at
1436 Wllford avenuo, cost $300.
Gordon Qulmby, to build addition
to house at 637 Tenth street, rort
$400 to $500.
A. A. Amoss. residence 'villi (all
bnsemont block 74, lot 1, FIrBt ad
dition, cost $1,000.
Sunday Rabbit Drive
At Miller Island
Tho inhabitants of Miller Island
and n (ow others,. hold a rabbit drlvo
Sunday, attempting to drlvo tho rab
bits Into tho water. Aftor chasing tho
rabbits (or sovoral hours, about two
hundred woro klllod. Not many ol
tho rabbits camo out as the weather
waB so stormy. Thoro will be anothor
drive soon.
Tho (ollowlng woro present: Mr.
and Mrs. George Furbor, Edger Fur
ber. Mr. Hooper and sons. Ora and
John and daughter, 11a, Mr. A. M.
MJllM. Mr Victor Gol. Ky Rove
(rom Klamath Falls, Mr,' Helbert
Largarth, Mrs. Largarth and Lillian
I Knapp.