The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 04, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    MOMMY, APItlli i, iai.
The Evening Herald
k .r. MunnAY..
rmso souLK ...
..City Editor
Publlshod dally except Sunday, by
vTho Hornld Publishing Company of
Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth Stroot.
Entered at tho postofflco at Kla
math Palls, Oro., for transmission
through tho malls os socond-class
Tho Associated Press Is oxcluslvoly
entitled to tho uso tor republication
of all news dlspatchos credited to It,
or not othorwlso crodltcd In this
paper, and also tho local nows pub
lisher lioreln.
Letters From
The People
(Ed Nole: Tho Herald nrtlclo
referred to did not stato wages had
been fixed at $3.20 a day, but that
a reduction had been discussed.)
Klamath Palls, Mar. 31, 1921.
Editor Evonlng Herald,
Denr Sir:
In tho Herald of yesterday I rend
with Interest tho statement that
wages this season wcro to bo $3.20
for an eight hour day.
This makes mo ask tho question
and I would llko an answer from
someone through tho columns of
this paper. How can n man sup
port his family, and pay tho prices
asked In tho local stores and by
professional men?
Tho merchants hero want to lccep
tho trntlo at homo. Patronizing a
mall order houso 15 tabco, yet wo
sco men's ordinary shoes In tho
show windows priced from $10 to
$15, whllo In tho March issuo of the
Saturday Evening Post, the Solz. n
splendid shoe, is advertised for only
$0. This Is only one of many simi
lar cases In all lines of merchandise.
Again It costs so much for a hair
cut as It costs In San Francisco for
a balr cut and shave, and SO cents
for a very ordinary picture show.
If you call on a doctor at Ills office
it Is $3, If ho ca)ls at your homo
it Is $&, even If" ho only prescribes
a pill or a doso of "Epsom Salts"
and ho doesn't furnish tho pill or
salts' cltho'r. -"
Labor at $3.20 por day will
hare stood a cut varying from 36 tr
40 per cent and unless merchants
and professional men get wlso and
do likewise I do not think houses
or any kind of real estate will be In
great demand this year, as men will
will have to movo to soma other city
where It costs less to llrb.
Please publish this and help all
working men.
Ono of them,
At the Theaters
Lovely womnn, charming enough
when n creature of tho boudoir and
drawing room, can be still more In
teresting when sho Invades tho pr-
clncts of man and battles with hlni
on his own ground..
This Is shown conclusively In tho
mow Solznlck special, "Tho Woman
God Sent." featuring Zena Keefo and
Joo King, which Is to bo shown at tho
Star Theatre Tuesday.
Tho story Is by Sophlo Ireno Loob,
and was qdaptcd and directed by
Larry Trimble. It is a deep 'drama,
with a touching love current running
through a picturo of Industrial strug
glo and political manipulation.
Lovo, politics, strife, Intrigue,
mystery and a thrilling denouement
all these contrlbuto to make a sit
uation in' which every emotion of tho
audience is played upon and re
sponds. Sho Is a wondor woman, this Mar.
garet Manning, portrayed by Zena
Keefe. Dorn under a cloud, losing hor
mother In hor infancy, not knowing
oven tho namo of her father, sho
overcomes all tho obstacles of pov
erty, projudlce and Ignorunce. She
triumphs over cunning rapacity, bests
Intriguing lobbyist nt Washington,
and wins tho man she lovoa.
Tonight tho Metropolitan Merry
makers, who havo been crowding
tho Mondalo theatre slnco their ar
rival hero a week ago, will appear
for tho last time, und they prom
lee a climax to their engagement
that will bo oqual to anything fi ;
havo presented so far. They In
tend to fill, , return engagement,
and aro going, to give- tholr friends
who attend the show tonight a
good riaBon to remombor them and
to look forward to thplr .comhig.
"Cnrmort tif the Klondike," u pic-
The Office Cat
(Personal Column, Sacramento Dee)
To Whom It May Concern At the
Totrlzzlnl Concert, I, by mistake
tried to get n newspnpor which I
thought got wedged in between our
seats. 1 pulled nnd oven lifted my
chair to get tho paper and then, I, to
my horror, found out thit tho paper
was In tho gentleman's coat pocket,
nnd I tried no longor to get tho same
nnd ho Just then was speaking to a
lady nnd tho concert Intermission
coming to end, 1 forgot to beg pardon
as I ought to havo dono. This Is from
sent number four to seat five, fourth
row, main nlslo. Hopo no ovll
thought of me, ns I meant nouo.
Sacramento, March 31st.
Job Had A Cinch
Job, tho Qood Hooks tells us, had
A million bolls or so;
But Job was fortunate, egad
Ho really didn't know
Just what It Is to suffer;
Ills lot was soft sublime, '
To that of the colyum duffer
Who must wrlto n dally rymo.
Ilrinir It With You
fSlcn lamned In tho Hex Cafo)
Best Placo In Town to Tako Your
Dinnor. '
As tho old darkey said, "A chic
ken am dc mos' usefullcst anlmulo
dero am. Yo' can cat him beforo
ho am bohn an' aftah he am dead."
TIlllKH night
"Thoro ain't n chanco In tho
world for the girl that wears ovor-
slzo stockings," observes Ilogue
Dale, sagely.
"Florida has 54,005 farms," says
a home-seekers pamphlet tho num
ber under water is not given.
Aw Givnn!
Why does an Invisible stocking
attract moro attention thun ono
that can be seen?
My, It seems llko an ago slnco
wo encountered William Jennings
Bryan's namo In tho nows.
Havo you ever noticed how a fol
low growls when ha fills up his car
with gasollno and oil to tako his
sister out for a ride, but how bo
docs that same llttlo thing with a
broad smile when bo's goln' to take
out somebody clso'a sister? '
In tho Now York telephone book,
In prominent type, you rend:
"I want an ambulance!
"I want a policeman!
"I want to report a fire!"
Such is life In Now York.
Now That We've Got It, What Aro
Wo Gonim Do With It?
After weeks and months of wait
ing, Our garago is dono at last!
But It cost moro than wo thought
It would by far;
It's as picturesque as any,
But it cost a pretty penny '
And to build tho thing wo had to
sell our car.
Tho Obstacle
Sho Whllo I appreciate tho
honor of your proposal of marrlago,
circumstances beyond my control
compol mo to decline." '
no What aro thoso circum
stances? She Yours. '
Then and Now
1C21 Indians sold Manhattan Is
land for a keg of whisky.
1921 Citizens want to trado it
back. '
When you're right you can afford
to kcop your tomp'er; when you'ro
wrong you can't afford to lose it.
turo depleting vigorous Klondlko
scenes and telling u virllo Aluskan
story, will bo shown ugaln tonight.
This In a splendid picturo. Of
courso thero will bo a roaring com
edy, too. Tomorrow night thero will
bo a two uct Puntngos vaudovlllo
Offorlng,, and ,noy Stewart will bo
eeen In "Paying His Dobt." It Is
superfluous to say that Managor
Whlto assures tho public that this
show will bo on n par with tho
best of them.
! 67. 615 H POUNDS
I - - itp - m
Declares She Would
Like to Put a Bottle
of Tanlac In The
Hands of Every Sick
Man, Woman and
Child In This Coun
try Never Saw Its
"I nm sixty-seven years of ago, but
In all my experience I havo novor
known n medicine llko Tnnlnc. Think
of It' At my ago to gain twenty five
pi' imls In weight, but thai li Just
whnt I Imvo dono," ?oid Mrs Emma
Rolfonstoln, of No. 357 Webster nvu
nue, Syrncuso, N. Y ,
"If I had It In my power." sho
continued, I would put a ottlo of
Tnnlac In tho homo of eery sick
mini, womnn and child In this coun
try, for I know what this wonderful
medicine would do for thnm. For al
most two years I w nlmou n ncr
out wreck. I did not dnre to leave t'io
houso or cvon-ifti up (own unless my
husband went .vlth mo I wi nirnlt!
to oven cross tho stroot and hud a
feeling of dro.i I I'll of the tlmo.
"My stoctiiM w.n nnd easily
upset. For days nt n tlmo I would go
without solid food. I could not res.t
nt night to do any good and felt
tired and worn out all of tho time.
Somo days I could hardly drag my
self across the room nnd was so weak
nnd miserable I was ready to rlvo up.
"My health Is flno now and I out
anything I want nnd never have n
A carload of hogs was shipped to
Portland, Wednesday, for Immed
iate slaughter. Thoy wero shipped
by J. L. Bcckley of Klamath Falls.
Tho car contained 9S porkers.
Two carloads of nlfatfn hay wera
shipped from this placo Wednesday.
Ono carload goes to tho Peppor Cot
t6n Lumber company nt Mucdool,
California. Tho other Is shipped to
Ivan, Oregon.
J. W. Strnw, county brnnd In
spector was u Midland visitor Wed
nesday. L. E. Hockley of Spring Lake was
also n Midland visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. J. W. Jory of this placo nnd
Mrs. John Wordcn, of Shlpplngton,
motored to Klamath Falls, Monday.
Miss Twyla Head, county school
superlntondont and Miss Lydla
Frlcko, county nurse, visited Mid
land school, Thursday. Whllo Miss
Head was examining tho playground
apparatus and Interesting tho older
pupils In a tennis court. Miss
Frlckft gavo tho llttlo folks a in
structive talk on health and examin
ed their physical condition. After
this, accompanied my Miss Knapp,
local teacher, thoy visited tho Mexi
cans of this placo. Miss Head, bo
Ing (julto fluent In Spanish, con
versed with thorn frcoly. Tho Mexi
cans entertained their visitors by
showing them band work and play
ing Mexicans music pn tho grafanoln.
Miss Head and Miss Frlcko found
their visit enoyablo nnd Interest
ing. '
Llttlo Ida Dol Fnttl Is absent from
school on account of Illness. Her
father took hor to Klamath Falls,
Tuosday, to sco an eyo specialist.
Opal Hooper was absont from
school Thursday and Friday on ac
count of Illness. Carmen and Mor
el Kenya aro also absent on account
of Illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvoy Depuy were
Klamath Falls visitors Thursday.
Mr. C. It. Pattorson of this vi
cinity has begun farming his largo
ranch, plowing with his tractor. Ho
says It works splendidly and that
with tho assistance of his horses ho
will get his ranch In a splendid
shape for planting in a short tlmo.
As thero has beon a lot of motsturo
this season, a largo crop Is anticipa
ted. Mr. Pattorson owns almoHt
1000 acres of farm In this vicinity.
II. Lea shot nnd killed a largo
coyota In IiIh chlken houso Thurs
day morning.
Pom erf ul Wireless
George Furbor, who owns a pow
orful radio at bis ranch, has boon
hearing music which was played at
Home, Italy, and conversation that
took placo In Lob Angolos latoly.
Mr. and Mrs. C, II. Pattorson woro
Klamath Falls visitors, Friday.
The Button threshing machine
from MUIor Hill was throshlng Mr.
John Dopuy's grain Friday. It will
nlso thresh Mr, Harvoy Dopuy'a
grain. A lot of grain In this vicinity
Much of ludlgcstlin 1 Iuivj rnntr
slept bettor thnn I do now My rei'iv-
cry Is the talk of our neighborhood
' ns 1 wns generally bellvim 1 could
not Inst but a fow weeki 'oncer 1'hls
grand mcdlclno( has brought me
health and hnppluess and I Just can t
sSy enough In IU prnlse."
Mr. J. Itelfensteln, In commenting
on his wife's statement, snld: ' Yes
her recovery has been a happy ur
prlse to us all. A few weeks, ago I
had no Idea she would be nbl to pull
through, but now sho Is In butter
health than I have enr scon her and
I tho credit Is dun to Tanlac. Wo have
I boon married fifty-two years today
nnd I don't bollevu 1 havo aver seen
her looking any bottor."
was not threshed lnnt fall became
stormy weather set In earlier than
I Tho large hoyH of Midland school
uro fixing ' n tennis court. Thoy
hnvo np alnnst all tho ne'-":ir:
wire nettlnr red havo leveled 'ofi
the ground.
Clint hin- Vfvlj Wi.N
The people uf tula vl'-inlly and
Spring lako met at thu Midland
storo Friday night und went In uuto-
i mobiles to chnrlvarla Mr. and Mrs.
Honry E. Iloycu who wero married
Wednesday, March 30, at Weed. Tho
party left thu storo at 9:30 p. in.,
arriving at Mr. Itoyco's plnco a llt
tlo boforo 10. After making con
siderable nolso for half an hour the
couplo oponcd tho doom of tho
houso to receive thu merrymakers,
After a genorous treat by thu
groom, assisted up his charming
bride, tho party wished thorn much
Joy und a long and happy wedded
Those protent were: Mr. und Mrs.
Harvey Depuy, Mr. nnd Mrs. Homer
Depuy, Mr. and Mrs. John Depuy,
and sons Elza and Oro Merlin, Mr.
and Mrs. C. II. Anderson und son,
Mr. and Mrs. Clydo Hanson, L. D.
Young, Chns. Shulmlre, CIiuh. Pot
tor, A. M. .Miller, John and Orr
Hooper, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. E. Schroln
or, Frank Owens, .Mrs. Emma Hoycc,
Miss Mary Shulmlre, Miss Ila Hoop
ru and Miss Lillian Knapp.
gone, April 4. Ono of tho blggast
occasions during thu spring nt the
University of Oregon, wilt bo tho fo'r
mnl turning over to tho stato und to
tho public of tho Woman's Building,
which Is declared to bo tho most com
plete building of Its kind In tho Unit
ed States. Qvcr a hundred thousand
dollars towards Its construction was
contributed by Oregon cltlzcnu and
the rest wan npproprlated by tho leg
islature, Tho cxorclsos In connection
with Its formal opening will bu hold
Muy 7. Thoro will bo a program both
forenoon and aftornoon and In the
ovonlng thoro will bo a concert by
tho Symphony Orchestra of Portland
A largo number of guests from all
over tho stato will be present.
HHADFOHD, Eng.. March i4. (Ily
Mull). Efforts by" United States
tradorn to autlclpato the proposed
tariff on wool nnd wool products has
boomed tho trado of Bradford with
Tho vuluo oft wool oxportcd from
Bradford to tho ''United States dur
ing tho month of Fobruury was 284,
243 pounds no compared with 59,
OOO.pounds, In January.
Tho widow of James J. Hill, "tho
emplro bulldor of tho West," has re
cently added to hor long list of lion
ofactlons by distributing half a mil
lion dollars among educational and
charitable institutions in St. Paul.
Klamath Falls, Ore.
April 4, 1921.
Mr. Business Man:
Have you seen our new Work
Organizers? Their use save much
time which is now used in office rou
tine. Unlike the old fashion files
these "work organizers" lie flat on
the desk and arc so arranged that
the finding of papers of current use .
is very simple.
They are very inexpensive and
can be had in several sizes.
By the Stationery Man.
KMI'OIUA Knn . April 4 -Tim
vacant lot, the buy mow nnd the old
swimming hole will find real com
petition next summer In the curri
culum of the summer Heboid of tho
Kuiinas Stato Normal school hero.
"To go to school In thrt woods; to
assign ono's own Ic'sons; to gain
first hand Information In local mllln.
t',:irdH and steres: to bo Instrurt-
i ,1 in - -rnft. and to swim III n
i.iudi'rn pool i ! week" Is the
Any It'll proMiuitiM of tills newly d
vised cour?i of study rends. Cl.uii'n1,
for both boys and K rls nro to lie
Tho plan n looted by Dr. II t!.
Lull, director uf t m-hi-i irn'n'-.c
In to Imvo the pupils tue tr u t
various Industries In the city ami
Into tho counlry tu gather material
and mnko observations. Tho Infor
mation thus gained will furnish
largely tho basis of Investigation and
study In tho rlnm room on tho othor
days of thu week.
On each trip tho students will bo
under tho direction of a supervising
teacher, ncrompanlcd by one or iwli
competent scout lenders nnd student
teacher. Iteturnlng from n hlko tho
children will enjoy n jilungo In tho
school nutntnrlum.
Tho observations and iiuistlonr.
ralsoil on each trip will bo correlated
on tho following day end arruiigud
under tho proper subjects for study.
Thcso propositions may ronulro geo
graphy, urlthmotlc. zoology, nt or
nny other combination of common i
branches for their solution, It wns
Tho scout lHidorn will bo obtained
from tho physical training depart
ment of tho normal, nnd must bo
computent to glvo Instruction In scout
cruft or girl rump flm loro.
Tho novo curriculum was design
ed by Miss Jonnlo Williams, u nor1
mnl instructor, In response to tin'
requost of many parents that it course
bo formed to interest children from
six to' thlrtoen years old during tho
summer vacation months.
Sayv Cheap Labor
May Doom Whites
LONDON, March IB (Ily Moll).
IJonn Ligo, a well-known clorlc
known ns tlin gloomy Dunn, predicts
that cheap labor may seal tho doom
of tho whlto raco. Ho declared In nil
address that the Japanese had tntnp
nted u labor system no bottor thun
Hint of England 100 yours ago. Un
der n rcrlmn of ponce, free trado and
unrestricted emigration tho ctlorod
raco would outwork, undnrllve, nnd .
oventually cx'crmlnnto tho whites. I
Tho abolition of war and tho os-!
tnblishuiont oi a loaguo to secure
Justlco and equality of treatment fori
nil nutlnns, would seal tho doom of
tho whltu laborer, ho prophesied.
Tho Dean wns of tho opinion that
tho Brlthih social order wns on thu
vorgo of bankruptcy and as condi
tions becamo morn favorabln 1o on
torprlso capital and IiuhIuchh ability
would bo transferred to tho economi
cally strong countries.
In some Portugese towns tho
stroot numborlng of houses often In-'
eludes tho groundfloor windows as'
Woll ns tho door. Thus n small
houso may occupy thrco mimbori.
What Sick People and '.
P r o p ective Mothr .
Want in Home or Hot- -pital:
Safo, Sane, Prompt, Proper Pro
fessional euro and results at mini
mum cost.. (Colloctlvo moaning.
Preventive Surgery) Surgical cases
belong In a Surgical huspltal. Most
others can bo offlclontly and mor
economically cared for at hone.
Allopathic Medicine nnd Burgeryr
7tli Mid Main Hi.
Phono SHO-W. Klamath Falls
Tho far mum In tho district uro
putting lit full days In tho field,
rni.u artivltliM uro moro extensive .
IUbii ami tho work Is program
If; i .e.i'llh promising bumper crop .
to tin I'.-.rwcl season.
i . I. Ilollltln Is erecting n cheese
fuotory In u Lection with his dnlry
business. Tin J Iv a promising de
mand for this product in tho local
market. .
Mr. mid Mrs. Neesu woro Friday
afternoon visitors at the Bolton
home, this week.
Mr. Sexton und Mrs. Short xdirfltad
thu Plevna school last Mnnifur
conlicctlon with the club' projnctt
work. Tho boys responded imlltualns
tlcully to the culf club project nnd!
tho girls nro signing up fur cooking..
Thu parents of tho pupils urn giving;
strong support.
Hcnnt potatoes wtro n prominent1
feature of tho noon hour nt school!
last Friday. This Impromptu picnic
wns Immensely enjoyed. Tho potatoes'
actually did ronst. and whllo thero
wus no butlor thorn was plenty of!
peppor nnd salt.
.Ml os Klttln Puckctt nnd Mlnj
Knthryu Beach were In town shopp
ing tho last of tho week.
MIsh Volda Puckctt who Is In
town 111 with typhoid Is reported
to bo doing ulnoly.
Miss Wlnjfred McCormlck return
ed to her school nt Spencer Crick
Prontlcn, Mnnlny, nnd Vernon
Puckutt spent Easter nt homo.
Mr. nnd Mrs, C. E. Burton havo
been detained whlto visiting at Mr.
Burton's homo In Minnesota by tho
Illness of their little daughter who
Is very III with scarlet fovor.
gene, April 4 -The total enroll
ment In (ho Unlvorslty of Orogon
slnco Juno in, 1020, Is 4,108, accord
ing to n roport of thu registrar In
which ho gives tho statistics bonrlng
on student enrollment mid degrees
conferred. Tho numbor enrolled In
tho schools and departments nt Ru
gono, oxcluslvo of spoclnl ntudonts In
tho school of music, Is 1,842, n gain
of 0 por cent ovor tho numbor onroll
oil nt tho snmo tlmo Inst year. Tho
enrollment In the Medical School In
Portland Is 132, In tho Portland ox
toiiHlou classos 8 IB, In tho corrospon
donco study department 682, In tho
uummor torms MO nnd special stud
onts In llin school of music 91, bring
ing tho total to 4108.
A total number of 200 dogroeB
woro conforred during tho ncadomlo
yonr, an Incronsa of 2C por cont ovor
any provlous year.