NATtmiuv, Ai'iuii a, mat Personal Mention -o II K. Wood, of Portland, In lions on business with tho Chllcotn A Bmlth real estate company. V S. Zimmerman, vlco president of the Zimmerman, Well, llrewn company, machinery merchanta of Portlnnil, la hero transacting busi ness with n number of local con rerna Mr. Zimmerman expects to are mllllnK oporattona In full blaat hero by tho first of May. Farther 'Conger aenuo. C'hnrlea Hall, president of the First National bank, la making prepare llona to moo Into the John Moore 1101111' on Lewis street, Charloa P Hawk, proprietor of Edgowood ranch at Swan like. la doing business In town today Wm K ltrown, of Port Klamath, of tho llrent Meadow a Land company, la In the clt) Mr. and Mm. llert Langonhovol. : arrhed here lnit night from San Francisco, and will rouble at 421 Mm. Langenhovol's j THE FVPNiNr. HFRAin KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 1'IkOII HALE Cheap Practically new I household furniture Am leaving I ' .. -i... .ino 1. U, A i.l X 2 q pi '"" cuy. " ' " "i- " - 3SC NEW TODAY wsm line of wiitelioa and MIk LOST--Small black coin pu ran con-' tainiliK mils ! inner pease m.iii, i ,,.-; .... "U- i,..t received- nt Deii white reiican mooi ';;;;.;, ;lnu Jim(lM Kim, , 1 1.) No high rent a " a Miss llrlntnnll, $f, reward POIt UP.NT Nice, autiny. corner stooping room for Ronlloman 121 Oak Tel 22y.M. 2-f. POH KENT Two-room fiirulahed .apnrlment. alan fiirulahed sleeping ,. I'liiiint 1 1 3 J t!3t N Mb 'l , POU SALE OK THADE Per piano. J' , cor lot 13 lllock 30 -Hot Springs ( iMt (j,, , Hell, with bU big Addition Phone I7SJ as , , ' ... nienl alt will tako ton n daiiRhter. Miss Ollle Humphrey, who haa boon In San Francisco about, tith Street tbreo weeks, came home with Ihein Joo Koeaael. of Dairy, and Mike I Society norlh. mllla will bo In full swing by May 1, alao, he believes. Albert Bailey, who went to col- loco with Paul T. (VDowd of the Herald office not many years ago. Is! Itueek. of Bonanza, wore In town In town on business, and apent a toda on bualneaa. and made an up lonR time today with Mr. O'Dowd I predated call at the Herald off Ice talking oTer old time. They had not met for alx years A WVippler X-ray mnchlne. c f tho j Coolldgo type, aald to be the moat . modern X-ray machlno made, wiiaj Mm. H J Sheets wua hostess os Installod In tho surRlral department Iterday at n farewell party In honor of tho Klamath General hospital to-'of Mr. Sheeta' mother. Mm llyeo. day by G. M. Freed, of the Shaw . who will aoon leave for l.os An Supply company of Portland. Thla Rolea to visit with relative From machlno la larper than any other InJLos Angeles Mm. Byco will go to the city, and brings tho surgical de-1 Lincoln. Nebraaka to reside Noedle partment to a atnadard higher than 'work and praer occupied tho great la afforded by many of tho bout .or part of the afternoon, after which equipped hospitals. 'refreshments wore served The par- Mr. and Mm. C It. Miller and i tlclpanta In tho party wore tho Mcs son. Arthur, of Chlloquln arc spend-1 dniM 0"ott Van Hlper. I. M lnK a fow days In tho city. Fltch A- Carlson. V P. Mason. J Mr. and Mm. K. Ferguson. 212S v- Ooeller. Harry Ulchardson. Ever lteclamatlon street, aro tho parents Griffith. K. 0. Cummlngs. P of an elRht pound girl, born yester- " "ty Ilufl"' Moorc' Mnr5r Mc" .inv.-ifii.monn iCIure. Marjorle GallaRher. II. K Mayer. Miss Kllzu- both McCurdy. and the chlldreu. VI Tlan Sheets, Hilly Qallagher. Huzol A now lino of Hand made "Lucky Wedding" ItltiRa- at Davenport s on whore 370 Stand Sixth Main I'bono Hf. M.vititi.tiii: i.ii'mnni: KOK SAI.K A uunntlt) of Hoods canary grass seed Pmneolled for pasture and hay on ground too wot to grow other grasses Address T K Armstrong. Gaston. Ore 2-1 POSITION WANTED My middle ageil lady In camp, first class cook wIkto can use two ladles Pall at v.- 421. Michigan ave 2 Krneat I .t noli anil Anna Dirks H Idowa. roaldenta of tho reservation. ' with tho consent of tho Indian agent wore granted a lleeliao to wed ) lord a) Hand engraving Oth street at Daienort'a on 2 WANTED To borrow $1200, for 1 enr Itesldonco proper!) us soriir- ll X Y care Herald 5-" day afternoon M A -.. unnt In W'n..! hi- ll. WottCnblirg, K J .....,...., .., ..vt,. , ' pthia.s vitiation ' To all who have over been mem bers You aro requested In liloel ul K P Hall. I O O F building. Apr 41h. S p m lliislnesa of Imporlanco i Oil. E It Hl'Nl.OOK. IH-p! 1 P '2 4 FOH SAI.K -M3f Sonom phono I graph, slightly used $76 00 j Also 1200 Ilrunsnlrk phonograph slightly used $140. rash or tonus I wixtkils- ji:wi:i.h .sreiti: 2-4 this morning, and will return tomor row wllh hla car, which he left ihere some limn ago because the roads wore not In good condition. J. I). Lnwton, who has been cm ployed at the Pelican Day Lumber company, left for California points this morning He is seeking n change of environment, and mty not return Miss Loufso Ayecknxftauer. who has been Ylsltlnc with trs. Maurico Ilryan. tcachfr at the Central school, left forSacrsroento this morning. Mrs. A. W, Thomas and sons. L ter and Leon, who have resided here since last September, were passen gers to Portland today, where thoy will make their home Mrs. Henrietta Melhare and maid. Mm. DleU. were passengers to San Francisco this morning. They will be guests at the Stewart hotel whtlo there. Miss Clara Beacb. teacher In the Kcno school, is In town today. Mr. and Mm. C. 0. Kdwards arriv ed here from Medford lost night They will reside here. Mr. Edwards having accepted a position with J. E Enders & Company. Mrs. H. J. Winters Is expected home tomorrow night, after visiting with brothers In Sacramento and Corning. A. E. Hackcraon and LewU Ault returned to thelrhomes at Odessa today after short visits here. Mrs. A. Debec, who spent the win ter In California, arrived hero last night and will remain through tho warmer months. Mr. and Mrs. F .B. Patty and llttlo son, Stewart, left on a motor trip to Portland this morning. They will mix business with pleasure during their trip. Charles Hall, president of the First National Bank left this morn ing for Ban Francisco on a business trip of about ten days. Carlos Blair and Martha Schon chin, both of Modoc Point, were given a license to wed this morning. Mrs. A. K, Hnkanson Is In town from Odessa on a shopping tour. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dalton are vis itors from Malln. John Weeks, of the Dcak ranch. Is in town today buying supplies. J, K. Lowtoq, who Is connected with the Modoc Lumber company, left for Portland today to visit with his many acquaintances there Troy Miller, of tho Modoc Lumber company, took the train for Oakland this morning. FOR SALE Two lots In Fnlrvlo in Ml, Inn Vn Will i!nt Mill' view Richardson. Wllrauth DeLap. Hobby', Klamath Falls and valley from Mason, and Helen Ulchardson. Tho I this site only $300 each Pash Hot neighbors and frlonds of Mrs. Hyco iter look them over before building will raUs her. na'icae was loved by ,AUo nav" ' 'loubl0 l'"" " l''" . . cent avoCan He ou easy terms ovoryono. nn ,,,,,, nx , -, HPrM ofrtro 2 I -- Mrs. E. L. Hcsloy. Mm. Charles Eves tested frr.- U Daven Martin, and Mrs. E. M. Iglo gave a port's on 6th .street 2 surprlso dinner In tho Lorent apart ments Tuosday evening In honor of Mr. and Mm. G C. Lorcnz' altth wedding anniversary. Pink and lavender hyacinths predominated among the docoratlons. Miss Clara Calkins will enter tain the La Soiree nub at her home on Walnut street tonight. Beware of Imitation "ShurcOns" The great success of the "Shiir-On "' eyeglass has rained many Inferior luilta- t lions. You are absolutely suro of the genuine "Hbur-On" when you come to us. Wo sold them first Wo til them best H. J. WINTERS (iiLim'.m: oitipian 70fl MAIN HTHKKT Development Aim j Of Standard Oil Co.j (Continued from Page 1) ' though It ' necessitated tho tearing ! away of largo portions of tho win- dow casings, and entailing a whole t lot of work. Flowers will bl m I In the boxes soon, and then Miss j Hannon's demands will be vindicated. Uptown, at the corner of Sixth and Klamath, is the service static n. in cbargo of Mcrlo Houston. This Is the company's only station In this vicinity, and In accordance with the company's policy, It Is a model of neatness and efficiency, and certain ly a station which will not cause the people of tho city to close their oes when looking at It or talking about It. "We'ro for Klamath Falls and i Klamath County, and want to be In on anything that will tend to make, things bigger and bettor In this vr clnlty." So said Mr. Wright, assistant I to Mr. Hallwcll, and It la not ueces- , sary to say that Mr. Wright voiced Mr. Hallwell's sentiments when be ' said the words. And. therefore. tln Standard Oil station at the corner of Sixth and Spring streets must br considered one of the Institutions that are Injecting the Jazz In Klani- ath Falls and Klamath county as thoy trip down tho road toward that , prosperity that shall bo theirs by vlr- tuo of tho possession of all the nut-1 ural resources needed to make prosperity permanent. i howing at the OTIC e s. TsVS PHOTOPyy- o TO-DHY ! TRUMPET ISLAND" GOL'VKItNKUIl MOIUIL4 This Vltagraph Super Special Is an unusually good production and the kind that everyone enjoys COMEDY -WHO'S YOL'll OflOCKIl SUNDAY "The Truth About Husbands" A FIHST NATIONAL SPECIAL PIIODPPTION Women will all see this picture Tho Men Tho High grade, watch work by ex perts "Honest Work, at Hom-at Prices" My Motto Davenport's; "Hm 6th atreet watch maker and diamond setter " 2 , White Pelican Hotel ELECTRIC GRILL SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER Puree Chicken Homo-mudo Noodlcii Colory en liranch Kino Ollvtw Pineapple Salad-Mayonnaise Chciken Fricassee with Dumplings. Baked Ham Spinach. Candled Sweet Potatoes. String IloanH. Cream Mashed Potatoes. Ice Cream Cake Apple Plo Cheese Cafe Nolr Table D'Hote Dinners Week Days $1.25 10O I'KIt CENT UNION MONDALE THEATRE Arthur Boan Tod White Ed F Crawford Musical Director Manager Cnlef Operator The Best for the Best THE WORKINGMAN'S THEATRE ANOTHER GREAT SHOW VAUDEVILLE SUNDAY VAUDEVILLE Entire Change of Program 4 Vaudeville Acts and Big Feature Picture 1 JOLLY DICK LONSDALE "HOMirrillVi DII'PI.IILST" 2 DE BELL AND BERGEN " AIWIPI'VIN" 3 IMELDA MONTAGNE "ILLPhTltATKD HONGS" 4 OLE'S DREAM" "MOIli: LAl'GIIK THAN ISVKIl" And tho big feature with Beautiful CLAKA WILLIAMS "CARMEN OF THE KLONDIKE A bigger and bettor picture of Aluskn then the Hjiolloru. AND v EPISODE NO, 4 OF THE "PUHI'LE HIDEHH" i -ALSO A GOOD COMEDY Show starts Sunday at 1 o'clock sharp. Como eurly, remombor last Sunday It was hard to get a heat on account of the crowd, TONIGHT Four acta of vaudeville and tho beautiful Irish picture "In Blum, berl&nd" and n good comedy. Show startH at 6.4C, rijETsHSwi LADIES PURE SILK HOSE. You may find silh hose chm. where for $2.50 a pair, but they won't have the Weight, the qual' ity and the lustrous appearance the Luxtte fare otlh Nose have. We have the above hose in the two new shades of grey cloud and camel, also tn black, brown, and white. Fancy black, and brown $Uk Luxitc hose at $2.00 a pair. if TTfo2 uihou -vmmmMiMmf'i rrr Three Essentials- The most important item in buil construction is LUMBER AND M WORK. The three essential things to conii arc: THE QUALITY OF THE MATERU THE PRICE YOU PAY AND THE SERVICE YOU GET WE GUARANTEE the quality grade of every item we sell. If its not n we make it right. Ask any of ourhundrec satisfied customers. OUR PRICES arc always reason You can always make substantial saving! buying from us. Get our prices on complete requirements. IN SERVICE we make "on time liveries of every item. Avoid the annoy and expense of waits and delays oy w advantage of the service we give. INSIST ON MADE IN KLAMAX FALLS PRODUCTS. Buy from the live ones. Lakeside Lumber 0 Owned and Operated by Klamath Business Men uvxAAiririrMVViririi''''i m a "iijiiiivvvvnrYijvvvvvvvsrH-u-u-j