The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 02, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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... ..itii
H-muiMV, Ai'iuii 2, luai
....... tlr. II A
- UnniUr oveiiiiini " '
' 00 nrlI.HMl at .1-HKliirul
prllmin '? .,.. A,f(l Mo.
fonti. '" wan "
T',U If I." "nlnic Mm. o..
" T Mia '"H11 McMnhnn
".".'warded hB nM,,UnB PI,,1B
I IB1 ClMk llT Wnr" ,'1'1
" i JllCM ,m,,t "r,U,,r
"S. th doroftlon. f which worn
u,,"h.B"wMrnl out In Ihn
""f fconur. Ml." AHM Hlk-
&!- Mr. J.wl llnr-
iiii M A CallaKhaii. Mr. dol-
Lincoln. Mr- H-rrjr l'ok ana
uf. Wilbur Arnold entnrlalncd at
. 1M- j orel lunehnon yttr--
',,, ,, b.r !"''" "" Whliili
,, b honor of her alalnr. Mr
Up -" u """f0' T
u Arnold' (tur.l ' "
" Uul. lloal.nd. II N MM.
jl8 Kon. Uotlnrlck Hmlih. O
Moklu. K T ll.unrti.ri. Victor
ritatr. na complimented !
Ui( nlihl l hr hitiun at Kl
ni CrtKenl lret". Mr. John Hl
cfti mUrtilnrd charmlnitly for her
utcr, ilr " McMIIUn. rrcnnl
rid.' hv will ln for her hottm
li Wk4 loptorruw Lumheon ami
auk "1" 0" aftarnoon pa.a very
ilrtUBllr Th" KUeata rn MIm
yrttlv ionn Mr. Victor Palmer.
OCii Cbirimu Houilmam, Mu
tni Kllior. Mr K T llaundnra.
Xn Jo Hrctt. Mr. C I' Low. Mlat
rrd Cowrd. Mr. Itoderlck Ktnllli.
Xti John Kndrn. MIm Meta Chan
till, MIm Ainn Dri.coll and Mm
n.rird oartr flven lr Ihn Worn-
n't Avillliry f Ibn American Lo
om In the While Pelican hntrt wu
i roniplcaoua aoclal and financial
IICOU ibnut 110 laitlea bnlnc pre
Kll 7eMy el(ht lablr wcrn u
cjfW, ind a nutnlcr of ladlna wrrn
)ft ho did not flax rard. hut
ids fr flfnMr fntnrtalnnii r
tUrtoalBdrr of an unuaual)r plcaa
lit procrim Thn ladlr tarlrt
sopowd of ML. I'autlnn llond. and
VUi CUta Calkin., Mm A M Mnl-
ij, isd Mlu Mar? I'flnuKnr, and
UUl Dorothy Clllntt. a loUt. coti-
tr.kitM Urxtly to thn rntnrtaln
ot, arid rrirtendm to anrnral rn-
Nftt I'snrb aa rcd. Thn la
lf Ibn (ommltlrn In rharicn w-m
Jfn. L I, Truai, rhalrman. Mlaa
Ctulotta noudrraui. Mr (JnTrtt
V llltrr Mr. Itolmrt Hloan. Mr.
i I Coder, Mr. Uula ItoaKlaild.
"- 0 II Coiard. Mra I'aul Mo
l-rlai and Mr. II I) . Hlnwart
Tti rptlon commute coin
ed of M,. T Camponll. Mr.
'II Oirrrtt Mra KIU McMIIUn.
- wllm OanonK. and ilm. 0
Vib uipflr Th nxl ,,,,(,.
H Iba aailliary "III bo h.i In Ihn
m room of thg Odd Krllowa1 build.
.' Tttraday rrrnlnc. April 6. at
Nri A Colt In Mr. i t a.-
. . " wam'l tHIlMI
i birthday uinnrr Hundny aftnr
'90a la hol"'r of .Mr a A llrll.
11 Jh." mt ,,K,k ,,af" "
" CI Mr. llHIm.n on Moniclalr
., .?' ' ,urnrl""
m of honor Mr ami Mr. A A
j,, " "" r it nod.
.v "", Mr " A McCnrlhy.
-.-. and ,. KD1 ronirU.
- uirir a a... . . .. .
.. .V. ,u"n ",rlluy ckn
birthday cnndln. ..raced thv
f tab a ti.- i.....
8td U, f. .. """inaann pro.
I" -;br 'B w,,h ,,,:,,,,,
T" I'ail Malrn. ...... ... . .. .
fcitll. .!.lr.Ull,",, 'V . rloa
''-brnan . 7' W",,ur Jon'-
"I I flit BM
" at iiiibih wnrii
nt r awliiiitiliiK imrly nt tlm Wliltn
I'nllcim holnl Thnraduy nvmilrir. Af
lnr thn "awlnr' tlm purty rpnlrii
In tho ('olllnr honui wlntm u it
nuppnr wna mirvnd
Mlna llntty (Irny nt
ii illnnnr party nt tlm whlin l.n
can lllltnl Tunaday fiTntilni; nr
KUnnta wnrn MUn Vlrlnrln lliilmoiid.
Itohnrt HIkkh, Mr Vna. K Jurma uf
HoURtlill, Trim a
Mlaa Mallln KlmtircniKli. Mian Klltn
bntll Landaky. Ml.a Kllml Cimt, UM,
Mlaa Marlon IManny nlilnrtnlni'd In
thn' IIvIiik room uf tlm Wnr
rnn Hunt hoapllal llaturijay ..r.inlnr
Thn follnwInK wnrn KUcala Mr. and
Mra (Inorxn H llarnhardt. Mra
llolHirta, John l.tinu. Ur and Mm
(J A Maaany, Jlr I,. I) (Jnaa. and
Mr and Mr Krank II Itoblnauii
Thn Kvrnlnr; wna ap.-nt n rnrloua
aoclal ilnralnna, aftnr whlrh mi p.
pnr In two rmjrara waa arid
Mra Will In w ho.t.-.
In tho llrldgn dud Thurnday nftrr
noon at hnr hoinn on Ho Itlmraldil
alrrvnt Thoan prnannt rrt Moa
damna (' K Htonn. W O Htiiltli.
Ilobnri ItlKKa. Mr Vra : Jnp, llf
Marin McMillan and Mlaa Maiidn
Jlaldwln. Thn hlRhrat acurn waa
madn by Mra Meno Aftnr Ihn rami
dainty rfrihmnnt. wrrn arrrnd by
Ihn hoatoaa.
CHIIIHTl.tV CIMMtOII, cornnr Oth
an 'I rinn alrnotn, (',. K. Trlmhln'. pan.
lor. 2107 Wntitiniift Avo I'hono
I.ll!hl alnmt, HuMlaln church
Hnbbntli aclioul nrnry Hnturdiiy
mernliii: nt 10 o'clark.
I'rwirlilriR nt II o'clock by Kran
Kllal f, i:. Wndn
I'rnynr innctllii; nvnry Thurnilnj
ulRlit nt 7 o'clock
l.vnryhody wnlrornn
Tnnih mid Kh, Itnv II J Chnrmy.
pnator, loor. IIIkIi m., I'hono 637-W
i:.m.mam;i:i. iiaitwt.. church
lllnnintli lit
IIIIjIm Ilrli. kiI 10 ii iii
I'rnarhlnic II n m. followed by
communion nnrrlrn Tint hand of
fnllowatilp will Im j;vi)Ii to imw mntll
lra nt thin nnrvlcn t.'nlon invotlnK
I 7 p mi at thn tabiirnarln on
I'liic ntriiit
WAHIIINOTDN. April 2 -Hnnntor
Mlioflrlili; of f'allfuriii.i, nctiiiK in tit
aionai to hopKrnWfra of Ort'i'.on,
XVaaliliicti.n ami California, will
mnku an nffort to hnvn Inclinl.vl in
thn itmnrftniiry tnrlff a doty of 32
crnta on bop. or doubln tlm pnaint
ilutr, Joanph Mi'Nnff. of I'ortland.
'onfnrri'd with Hymtor Mr.S'nry and
UIit at Ifm Utti'r'a auKR'iatlon Jp
imarnd Ix'fum Conr;riatioan llawl.-y.
hnlinmn of I lie- aubromtnlltnii of ttio
waya and 'nonna comiiiltti'i- on nrrl
nilturnl pr-..uria 8rnator Hhorl
r.( al.o will nak n tariff In tin
mi'r;i n. y i..i a-jri- fur brloy
or IriRrnrilnntri by naklni; nt nny (Iriic
i atom for n bottlo of "Wyoth'a Haico
I nml fhilphur Compound," which dnrk-
nna thn Imlr no nnturnlly, no ovun
ly, Hint nobody can poanlbly toll It
(him biKiu npplli'd You Jil.l ilnmp'-n
'it apotiKii or aoft bruah with It nml
iltuw tlila throiiKh your hnlr, tnUni:
ono nniiill atrnnd at n tlrno Hy morn
IliK tho criiy bnlr dlanpp.iiira, hut
wluit iliillKlita tho Indlua with Wy
clh'a Hni;o ond Ilulphur Compound
la that, licifililea beautifully darken-
If Your ILnck Ifuru or lllnildcr
Itollmra Von, drink Jo(a of
I V'nlr.
P mTUrcnPDCAl rTCTTwr'rrrti
wiv a a aivj vi it.ju luHJ 1 UVK I LKJW
j ; jniiat lo iimilo for tin, wrnror Imllvliliully, It mo iiinkn your now
aprJiiK ault nml enjoy ivmrliic ronlly ilMlncilrn clothlnix Inllorixl
I Ui fit you ix-rftctly nml to rclnln lln oilrrvaiimrtiicaa during lonK
vunatnnt wenr.
Merchant Tailor
r,lH Main HI.
No chancna lll t madn in tin.
column unlnaa thn copy la at Thn i
Kvanlnj' llarald offlco by f. o'clock
Friday arenlntt . I
Klchth and filch. Ilnr lluxh J Mar
Iball. Itor J V Mulloy.
1 a. m. chlldrcu'a anrrlcn, Adulta
aro raqunatM not to atlntid tlila
1 10, high maaa and anrmon
7 J p m . roiary and tmrmdlnion.
llllllhTI.W M'li;.N('r. aoclnty of,
Klamath Kalla hold arrvlrra In lhn(
lunr room of Ibn Library bull. line,
cornnr of Third and Main alrmta
QTary . unday mornlnc at 11 o'clock
Iand n-'ry Wndnraday nnnlnc nt
o'clock i
Thn tiundiy acbool acialon la from
J. 16 to 10 IS nirry Hunday morn
Thn aubjert for tiunday la ( n
roallly " ,
Tho frco rnadlnK room and frrn '
Inndlne library la open from 2 30 to
4.30 on Tuoadaya, Thuradaya and
nilhT IL1ITIHT Cllt'lU'll, cornnr
Waahlnxton and Klulith
Hunday achnol at 10 00 a m,i
prnarhlnK aortic at 11 a m , 11 Y
l U at 10 t m Thn Itnr H, 13
Milam wilt p roach ovnry Hunday
nvrntnx at 7.30 until further notlco
Thn public la cordially Invited
corner Hlilh and I'lnn atrreta Itnr 13
I. Lawrence, mlnlator, 4 37 Third
atrmt. I'hnnn 420.
ra sun
m ni
lrUKKlat H)i I-nillm Am lalng Iln.
rljw iif Sn;n Ten anil
rriiiTriti: nrvinis
Hair that lnra lla color and luitro.
or when It fade, turm gray, dull and
llfoleaa li cauaed by a lack of rul
phur In Ihn hair Our Kmndmotti
or mado up a milium of Hncn Tea
and Kulphur to kenp her locka dark
and beautiful dark nhtda of hair
which la o n'ira'-itte. uio only this
old tlmo recipe
Sowadaya w i;et ihla famoua mix
ture Inil.rovr-I l- ie addition of oth
v- ,., . - J
When your kldneya hurl and your',
back fneU aorn, don't i:t reared nnd I
proceed to load your atotnnch with n
lot of druca that nxcltn the kldneya
and Irrltatn tho cntlro urlnnry tract
Kenp your kldneya olean llkn you
kimp your bowela rlo.m. by fluahmK with n mild, hnrml'-aa unit,
which rnmovea thn body'a urlnoua
wnate- and allmulatna Ilium to tlmlr
normal nitlrlly Thn function of thn
kldneya la to filter thn blood. In 21
bourn thny alratn from It S00 gralna
of acid and waitn, no wo can read
lly undnratand thn vital Importancn
of keeping thn kldneya active.
Drink Iota of wntor you can't
drink too much; nlao rM from any
lihnrinaclal about four ouncua of Jad
intta, take a tnbleapoonful In a Rlaia
' ntor lnfori! breakfaat ech morn
for a few da)a and your kldneyi
II act flnn Tula fnmoui aalta la
ado from thn nelil of crape and
nion Juice, combltmd with llthln,
md haa benn uaod for eonerntlona
What Sick People and
Prospective Mothers
Want in Home or Hos
pital :
Bafe, Bano, Prompt, Proper Pro
foaalonat earo and reiulU at mini
mum coat?. (Collective, meaning.
Prorentlvo Surgery) Burslcat cae
belong In a Surgical hotpltal. Moat
others can bo efficiently and more
economically cared for at homo.
Falls Creamery butter which if pre
sented at our office will be cashed
for $5.00 CASH
Take advantaicn of my oiltalde aor
vlrn I hnvn a car and llkn to drhn
II You noed furniture and would
llkn In buy It Call 41-W and I will
aond for you, nlao lakn you homo
I'KUKINH I't'llMTI hi: ihu'hi:
"Tlm Funilklirr of Happy lliumV 'lllti HI., nenr Main.
iti:i:i auto supply
Phono 1H-J
" Uur. ,. ."".. Kl,r"8 Wflfl
'. Mr. v ' '"' ,rnnk A,-
k. MrT r. W.ttr"' HI.I.
"'"Mwln m, ur,loclf' Mr"
'" " h. Miimyor.
'..ndM,: ....
;t. Orern """Jftn'n KMillo. of
lb, hom n,n'W"ro ',,nnor ,"","
'H,i M,r""-" Mr..W.A.
' '"""day ovenltlR.
r. m, ..
' ll Xtr ",,r,, BmU "VO
' Wijoi y C0untrp' Mr. and
n.Y,pn.!h",r Wfty hc""o
" th 1,1: 1',"". and aro
"'P In their auto.
Wr. , "
r r..rr1:n,Chr,M Colllor. of
"wrwoa -mi ,:...:; .",,BB
By Machinery
Lot 1110 paint or nprny your llama, Konco, .Collars,
HoufcOM, (JarnKOH, WandunmoB, ltoofa, any lareo Hurfnccu.
I am prepared to do while waahlnR, cold water palnl
lug and nil pulntltiK- '
I can savn you money. At least lot mo figure on your
Job. '
Shop Cor. Ninth and Klamath Phone 284-R
Allopathic Medietas and Sarger
Till and Sfam fit.
Phono 2JUMV. KlantaUi Fall a
Heat Nerada awin't clotvr and
alfalfa 16c. X O II Fallon,
lly parcel poal
a 13 oiunsjci.i, kallon.
.aaMlBVkvv aaBa.
6HP... 17&0O
Fairbanks-Morse "Z" Farm Enfincs
Hie reductions In prices have just been announced on "Z
engines. Remember that one or more of these engines on
your farm .will lighten your labor and help 70a get more
.work done.
The manufacturers have accepted their loss we have ac
cepted ours. You've been waiting for Just this opportunity
to buy at lower prices. Now you can do it.
Come in soon and let us show you the "Z" and prove the
quality, design and workmanship, which convinced a lot of
our farmer friends in this community that it is the one farm
engine to buy.
123 N. 6th St. Klamath Falls
rT-- . ' .
UmUci Clly Tninsfrr nfflou nt
N:00 A. M. ibilly
piiwt thip sunday apit. 3
vvi:atiii:h PKUMITTIXO
- " r ,i,i, """-"r i, i i Jaii.rfiinj'ipfr'iiriifiijnjijo
' . Inn o rtad 1 he Herald Classified Ad
Wholesome and Pure viKa!aWaflalP99B.'--k
II GHT enough for invalids, V flHlSHQr::
j yet Olympic Wheat Hearts PP5yif!3jX ;;:v
arc sufficiently nutritious jtHEHLfllSaflk--k
uori 11IKKH