The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 02, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    hatuhdav, apiiii. a. 11121
The Evening Herald
MIKIJ 80UI.K ......
..Clljr Killiop
Cal'Ore. Power Co.
Will Better Service
Published dully except Sunday, by
Tho Herald Publishing Company of
Klnmnth Falls, at lie F.lghth Street.
mer to the owner nn Imperfect Imllil
' ing. .
1 "It la tho Minn In building a ptuitu
iv Tim story, like the architect's
At the Doms Plant plan for the meat structure, may be
imperii qnd unite wonderful, but If
IKlttlllS. On I . April : Do-' tho director falls to fill In with the
mands for electric power have be-I proper detail or overlooks some of
; come so great In this community tbnt the smaller things In the story, be
the rnllfornl. Oregon Tower com- will probably present to uie iihhiiui
pany has decided to re-arrange the picture world mi Imperfect photo-
. i i i
""'"',"" J local power nlatlon and Increase Its play
I fnn.icllv bv the addition of three new
Entered at tho. pottottlco at Kla
math Kail. Ore, for
through tho malli as
mnunr. .
I transformers of the olleil cooled var-1 "VMV, MONDALi:
UKMIIIHI OP TUB ASSOCIATED , p"' "clrhlnc eight ton each. The! Sumay Wll bo vaudovlllo day at
I'llKSS. new transformers hno been shipped' , MmR,, theatre. The quality
Tho Associated Press I exclusively ) (rom Pittsburg and are on the f v..u.nllto shown there eer
lUaer herein
riuii ea iu iuo uso .or rpuoiium, oun(, rn(y for tn(,tn1tnt Ion J 0
or not otborwlse credited In this , Thompson. Klamath halls manage!
paper, and also tho local now-a pub- (or the power companjf. accompanied
j h) F It. Kngllsh. auditor In the Kla-'''-'
math office, and Wilson S Wiley.
1 maor of Klamath Kails, were In
Dorrls yesterday.
dpleRatlon of Dorrls business
men are plannlnR on roIiir to Klam
ath Kails noon to confer with mem-
her of the Klamath Auto Assocla
I tlon and Chamber of Commerce re
, latlo to the proposed new highway
pr I connectlnR the Pacific Hlghwa wltb
i Lira
day this week Justifies tho name
vaudeville wk," but' the ottering
Sunday afternoon and evening, ac
cording to the theatre management,
will bo tho supreme effort of the
company. To begin the story, there
will bo an entire change of program
Joll Dick Lonsdale will appear in
Something Different, and De llell
and llorgen. an Inimitable learn, will
present "Still Argufyln " This Is said
to be a hullabaloo The llluslra-
i ted sours of not so long ago,
V II I'arker, of tho Klamath
Development company. I"'1 '" "n"
Kranclsco yitilerdny after taking
care of husliiesa mailers hero.
The Interior of the K HiiRnrinan
windows I belni changed and made
more, attractive. A new line of spring 1
goods Is also 011 dlspbo and the per- ,
ho it who waula to alllro himself In j
modish spring- etching can get
many Ideas by looking over the dls
rpla) In tnese winnows
ship, ,ma.najiimi:nt, cinch,
ath)N. inc., ui:gniu:i hv
tiii: AtT tr in(ihi:sh or
Aimsr ai, una,
Of The Kveulnx llelitld published '
dally at Klamath Kails. Oregon for 1
April I. tUSi.
State of Oregon
County of Klamath, si .
llefore me. a Notary Public In and
for the Slate and county aforesaid,
personally appeared K. J Murray.
who. having been duly sworn accord
Ing to law. deposi aiul sava that be
1. the IMllor of tho livening Herald
and that tho following Is. to thn best
,if hli knnwledco ami bellof. a true
'statement of the ownership, manage
,.... mem. auu 11 a urhj toitii i" m-
UMfc . ..... .. ... .,... ......... 1. 1 1
Kodak Finishing
Films received boforo 6 I', M.
ready thn next day
nt B 1' M,
Aft Prints Mailn nn Tetux
Wo Do Kntftrirliiit
.and everything for thn am.
tour photographer
Castiiiait Autographs and
N. ('.
I'llnw, ntnnya
Star Drug Co.
Fifth and Main Sta.
!-! I n llir"iri ConnectlnR the Taciric lllghwa) Willi " ""- u " ... ... culallom. eic . 01 m siorwnin iiiii
Li! I L lHfLI II Klamath Kails by way of Weed rtrass ' hf"T ,han thoy VM Xo '"' WlU 'bn for the .Ut Iiuh in the;
rill I S Ul rr ll,iJIiT.i,i .,. hL,.mi,ih. " xlv ",,h lmrW n,""- above caption, required by the Act of
' . rnnil ! olnnllftll In lhl Inr.llllV .. .. .. I .. .n.l It....! .linn.
DOItHIS, Cat., April :. Impetus
" ' '"" " I"' .-..., .... . ...... ... .,
..! I -,...l IS.I .. I.,.. I " J" "' " "'
... . .,. 01 t.i - . 1 .. l"01os Dream" Dick Lonsdale, as
threo of the Siskiyou county road su-' , ' . ' ..
, Ole.
was gl en to tho Weed to Klamath 1 lw-rvlsors are also nledgel to support I
V.ll, klnh... Tki.N.Uv .nln ku i. r r C...I ji. .. I.. ..... . I'tlTOS
n.i uiftMnuj .. .; vv...u, .. n jt i, oici. inntriwi iiiniinrr IUI
has been convulslug his audi
nil week, and this time his
net Is destined to make you 1 Align
vaudevjllo day. says Manager Ted
, , 1. . . .... .. . ., . tl wnite. in tno picture, tiara n-
ih-j, iwu iium wum tio iPivnui 1 m mai ne wouiii ua an in ins powrr .
and aided In tho plans by speeches J for the road Mr Steel I, a member "nm " urr,, ln t"r"""'
and suBCMtlon t the county bo.ird of road super- 'ff ,h" -I''" This is an Alas-
A branch chambor of commerce to visors and his support will rlw" """" """ '" "'" ,u T .r "
1 wiior inan 1 iir oi'inirrB r.iMiur
a mass meeting held at Mardlel and
attended by cltlxens from man) sur
rounding communities. Several busl
ine uaiuornia-wrcKUH ionr 10111 1 ... . . ...
,, , . , ... ilyourscf looney It surety will
pany was In Dorr s yesterday and ' , '
when approached on tho subject stat
act as a subsidiary of tho county
chamber was organixed by Masdoel
cltUcos The primary object was to
boost for the highway through this to the cause.
0. II Wcntnor. rcpracntathc of
No I of "Tlui Purpln Itlders,
.k comedy complete thn show
the New York l.lfe Insurance com
mnr from Sacramento, haj b,en In
valloy to Klamath Kalis, but tbo now-, Dorrls tor several days In the Intel ,anu """ wil' "n i . ococ.
ly formed body will devoto Its energy I cts of his company. -
to various othor development onlcr- Oeorge Vochatxer pawisl thruugh j f
prises as well. j Dorrls with his new tractor unroute . I
niung nuKBi-oiiuni oucrcu lor ino io jiaun wnoro no win larm a urri. v j
method of securing funds for tho j tract of Tulo Lake land this year. , Pnry Vhltrlrn. ha trnel his
road construction, the Idea held most . Mr. and Mrs. II J. Hedge have , ., fnHl ou, u tno
logical was to Induce a county ap- I moved to tho Oraham mill west of , for the summer Mr Whitelvno owns
proprlatlon or to raise tho fund, by , Dorrls. ivhero they will spend the' ,,,. ,hr j -- -no w.r or .- "
Personal Mention
Th.. ....... IJ rosini i," mi ivrui. .
...., .... ,,... ..tlirait .if ,1.1m
I iriui-ii ,ll ll, ,.-..'... ... ... .w
1 That the naiurs ami aditressos of
the publisher, editor ami busltinsi
mansgoni are
Pdbllsber Herald Publishing Co.
Klamath Kails, Ore
Kdltor. K J Murray, Klamath
Kails. Ore
lluslness Managers It M Murray.
Klamath Kail. Ore
2 That th ownrra are K 1 Mur
ray. Klamath Kails. Ore It M Mur
rav. Klamath Kalis. Ore
3 That the known t-imthf Mnrs
mortgagees, and other sncurlty hold 1
era owning or holding I pr-ntor
morn of tout amount of Uind'i n;url
gages, or othr securities arn ,
Klamath State Hank. lOsmath
Kails. Ore
I That the two paragrsrhs ueit
above, giving the nanva of Iho own
ers, stockholders, and security hold
er. If any contain not onlj ibn list .
of stockholders and securltO' hulder
as they appear uix n thn bonk of
the company but also In cni whore
1 thn stockholder or -curlly hohlrr p
ji .,. . ,. j ,.,..,. .. ..... . . , .
uu.iu.uh me loum,. .1 wM uroucu ; summer. r. nooges ocing mpiaycu otl,.,.,. ,,.,. rtlv .,.. .,. h . ...1.-. or In 1.1.V other fl.luclirv
that a delegation of cltlxens from j In tho mill Active operation will ( om mlKnly KI)0(, pMturt, f(ir h 1 rel..ti.m ihe name of the twrsnn or
jiacaooi, uvtiib auu oiner smau start ai me (iranam mill nexi wceK.,llw.v irnrn.irji'nn."'- wnom surn irniiir i
towns In this valley would be aecur- I Rhlnchart Motscbenbacher. broth-. jtr' an(j yittt
cd to attend tho Klamath Kails meet- t or of Clarence Motschenbarher who'.n"r ,1,.,,-h'inr
.. . . ... .. .. . . . . . .1-- -
ing need wcok ni wnicn iimo ino
highway matter will bo discussed.
Another branch body to tbo county
chamber of commerce Is to be organ
ized at Dorrls. This will give tho
eastern portion of Siskiyou county a
preponderance of weight In any mat
operates the Dorrls l.oundry. Is anil h ,..,,.. ,,,,,.,,..
spending a few days here visiting haye bw.n v,t,n. , hf hnm, of .rendition. which , stockholder.
Cushmnn. wih
K J Schnllous.
acting. I glvi'U 1' 'i that thn lit
two loirag'aiM rtntaln tats'nents mn
brarlng affiant's full knowledge and
lIli-r a to the rlrromitanc" aud
!. hi. kuiii.. mA i.iiv i. I. ami security hnlilnrs won 1I11 not an
lm.fh.nh,rl,,r ll, .. KUm'ath 'Vln l u,hl,",n- "on "' Mr n'1 ft-ar upon the books of tho romiitnr
Motscbenbacher lives at Klamath Mn, cushman. left for their borne as trustee, hold stock and .rurllb
"" 1 In Itosfvllle. California yesterday 1 ln capacity other tban thst of a
Work Is progressing nicely on th mn,in Iman tide owner and this affiant ha
Dorrls streets. I'nder the direction of , , ,,.. .... . .. 1 no reason to believe that any other J
tor which affecu local business and j William Dexter, volcanic ash Is being K ',h"n ,'Vm'' ,,,t . H""' r:"'1!10"- "r rf-ir.ilnfi
..... . ,1 I . , . , '., . . , southern Parlrle, left for Albany ha. anv Intnrrst illrect or Indlrrri In
progress as vitality as does te con- : hauled from a hilt nearby and spread
structlon of a highway from Weed
to Klamath Falls eliminating tho
Topsy grade.
S. S. Stiles, dealer for the Dodge ,
Automobile Company at Yrcka, spent
yesterday In Dorrls, having driven
over by way of Grass Lake.
Charles Roberts was a business vis
itor ln Dorrls yesterday. Mr. Rob
era Is Klamath Falls manager for tho
Medford Grocery company.
iui-aicy oiuw wan a panaeiiKer u.i 1
iai mulling s iruin lur niaaiaiu 1
on tho surface.
yesterday morning
thn Mid stock, bonds, or otknr (rrur
At the Theaters
tiii: stau
Kenneth Webb, tbo director of
"Tho Truth About Husbands." the
adaptation of "Tbo Prollgate" from ' rtlu'nod homo yesterday after at
A representative of the Assocla-1 M? lt", ".V "a,P't hr h'?
, , . .... , 5 That the average number o
till Lumber Ilox company of Dor-'mnl. of rach Issue of thhi mihllr
rls was here Wednesday and yeater- tlon soM or dlstrlhiitwl through thn
day to secure help. DuVlng tho visit ' malls or otherwise to paid suhsrMt.
12 men were sccure.1. and they sill"" '',t,,n ,h" ,U, months nrncedng
,., ,. m 1 . . (the date shown above Is '0I
left for Dorrls yesterday j , j mi-iuiw
J McCoy, of tho Went Mercan- Sworn o and sntMCrlit hnf. rr mn
tllo k t.urabe rcompany of Weed.
tbo pen of Arthur Wing Pincro. per "-""'" ' ousiness in this city
sonally supervised by Whitman Hen "
for Klamath n''11 nna 'Cieasea oy ,sjociatcu r irsi ,
Falls where ho will spend a few days National and which will bo soon at ,
visiting his daugbcr. Mrs. George ,ho S'" Theatre Sunday had some
Interesting observations to make
when recently seen. '
His first thought Is of the worth
of tho story and tho quality of Its (
direction. Modestly depreciating his
GIUNTKI) DIVOIICK ON own ability and discussing the art of
GROUND OP CKl'KITY. j making a screen drama that meets '
this 1st diiy of April lo
'Mv commission expires Auut 'lb
isrsrMisrir.r.i . . I
The Rex Cafe
Crab Cocktail
Hli Ollvn
Kplt.l llMll
Combination HaUd
ChlkeQ a la ItejQa ggUp
Choice of
Chicken ea l'lllr rluptemn
Chicken Prlcai. with Dumplings
Veal Ptllel llmi, Tunis to Rjqrr
Prsehatadn Puneli
Masked I'otstoe Slesi
Choltn of -
VaUltla lee Cream A-.
Cabinet Pudding Vanilla Saurn
Tt4 Coffee Milk
t sorolitt
r -tsi
mill' -t tht bit ut( it I
alrr mils li Xctnil
lt Iwilti,
A (illlH.SD HOG (UMi: ! A
I high r ..i
You n got Cie tnunr. I'vo got the rixtilly 1.., 1.
turn (iirr if swan ... ...
pkhkism ,t iimti in: itotmr. I"""' '"; "I'JZ
TIm, Furnisher ..f ll,.py 11.....- ,r" n' -' " W
tltf.lakrn to thn ) iptxt
. 1.1' - - L--S
Haydon. Mr. Stow, who lives at Wat
sonvlllo, California, has been visit
ing here with his daughter, Mrs.
William Hagelstcln.
critical taste. Mr. Wobb said ' Nat
Mario Cowan, aged 25 years, was urally, a product. r must have a good
granted a divorce from Ransom story If he Is sotting out to make a
Cowcn yesterday, by Judgo D. V. good plctuie. Tho story is thn foun-
Kuykcndall.'on the grounds of cruel- datlon and framework of tho strur
ty. Tho couple, Indians, were married turo the director Is to build Hut If
In 1916, and have ono child. Test I- tbo director goes ahead and builds
mony showed that thn husband was tbo structure but leaves out a win
In tho habit of beating his wife with (low hero and a door there, falls to
straps, stojo wood, his foot and his corapleto tho cornice, or neglects to
fist. Tho suit was not contested provido locks for tho doors, bo turns
"Serves You Right"
o 1
The best equipped,
most sanitary and mod
ern restaurant in South
ern Oregon.
We have our own
refrigeration plant. In
pection invited.
125 So. 6th St.
xk r 'li.'P mi' 'i
1 EStSLa2'"'"5''
C Ji'j WlaWaCpHth. L"c ,ntc f oyurr umms
Connolly Bros.
912 Main Street
Oak floors aro often found In such roilly surroundings that
fow Imagine how little thoy cost. Very fnw peoplo reallxo how
much they can get for their money by laying -lnch Oak floors
over old floors.
Tho dlstlnctlvo modern and artistic appearance of a homo as
well as Its health and comfort, will , KreBty Increased by 'tho
uso of Oak flooring. Oak flooring Is rich and cheerful ( color
and Imparts an nlr of eleganco and refinement to a homo. '
For pormanontly artistic floors wo recommend !.ong-Uoll Fork
ed Leaf Oak Flooring. It Is uniform as to color and toxturo per
fect as to manufacturo aud Is of auporlor quullty. it romar'kobly
smooth surfaco Is unsurpassed, and It makes an Ideal foundation
for a beautiful Interior.
Lot us know tho slzo of tho rooms you wish to floor. You will
bo surprised and pleased at tho flgurts wo can fuon y on
-IncU Long-Hell Forked Loaf Oak Flooring.
Big Basin Lumber Company
Telephone 107 s Mnln ,
Phone 402-W
iHkVLbbbbbESst I
. .1.1. Itl
Wo aro awaiting tho nnrlval ol our AutoTop
cut Auto.Top maker, who Is an expert of many V"" Apr Ji-
mis department w bo, at your servira on "'"" ,nii n"
Wa will K .I.J . l.l. ..... .ull.tnfl Oil Oil tOP
.. w .,,,. I1l alun tu iiirinnii uii bum."." --