The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 02, 1921, Image 1

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    Uye lEtummg Mtmlh
Today's News
Do It
Member of the Associated Press.
1. . K
nll. War N. WH.n.
f flf I! MKIVh
II, UI Ui Ulllii-
m kin it. 1 1
Colleague Slays Dean i
Of Syracuse College,
Then Commits Suicide
Ultreit In lh proposed ro-orgnnl-tlon
of In t'ltamber of Cnmmnrrn.
HVItACIIIi:. N V Apr : r
man Wharton, limn of th roller.) t
, limine., admlnlttratlofi aI Hyrncum
I MlvnriiKy. w shot and killed hv
Ifoliiint llnrkwlih, iirtifcMor of fin
aticlal mill lli.uralir,, uiji,r, In t.
cnllngn today, llnrkwlih then lurried
Ihn KUti (in hlllltelf ami ixjuiinlllnd
...-. .u it.- ... aulrliln
. . i .. ,. Mttitinrinn iit tun mil' ........
"iflsCUr lf"- '" '" " ,tr,,, " l"hnrllnr Day xalI lin believed
J' Bffr.l In Hi" lTin f Ih" roti- Wharton illml trrlnic In prevent llerk
ttt tht hsi """' "ItpiI lulu lyw'll 'row committing nulildn. at
iL bond ' directors "l"' ,,,n Hur-i,Uckw',, ''' l'"" ordered diiuilta
Tt fonimrl It tlmpl" In form I nd l Hi" nd nf llm rear ami .
8J pliln In irrtna II provides lor llm unpopular wnb ih .luilmit.
Mnlci of lb llurwu for lrtn of i - -
lir,...r. ThMi. rvic. u, iu B;g Timber Owners
u llurrau will ""nil hnrn thren j Join Beetle War
i. -k .ill nimaln for four wmks '
rnptrlnK tho icrouiid for Ihn drlvnl Lumbermen arn already gathering
L m.tdbrrthlp Thll preparation l totrn for III n m(lllKi li be beld
hnrn on Monday ami Tuesday. 1
which a campaign ajcalfiil llm dr.
Klamath Should Try to Reopen
Rate Case Says Interstate
Commerce Commission Head
in mftrrhli
Ktilit. of publicly ork In llm way
cfilllcln In lb" einwapapnra. clrrul
u Ittltn appointment of commit-
lM, ind .ukkmIIoiu at ii lh"
isoatl of monr l I contributed
,bo4c-' fund "" naluro of which
UtiptilB") 11" M """ r'"' "' "'"
Wrth t(fk lb" wnrk of mrurln
U Bmfll "",
till HBIuilnK to h ilnn lr mmnr
Wf of lbi l'hinibir itlrrclnl by Ihn
nprMtnlillnH of Ihn llurrail Thn
BimUribip fi h hwti ralirJ
fn3 IH U4 " non'' 'IH,, ",,
1)1 U morn iban hn ran affonl. h
sir (oa'flbulp a Irawr amount, hut
Dtt a olf in thn affalra of Ihn
(flialulloa II la nnrrxary to lakn
i fall eifmUirihlp which wilt, of
i mi, coii IJj
At Ut tlnn of thn ilrin thn mrm-
I UnklB pIm(p rotnrt a irrlixl ' '
tilt Jft In nlhrr worilt thn ai I
tllciBt tiff m I'O to thn Chjin I
Ut Hi In Ihrm annual tnttatlmnnlt
tf 131 ffb Thit acrnnmnni Ui-
Man noil anil tolil In ratn of ilnalh
rlktntr motnt away from thn
Aftir thn tlritn for mnmbnrahlp.
lin Ibt llttlrau wilt rrplacn Ihn
Urm rr;rritolatlra with an nrcait
' titr, wboa work will Im in pnipnrly
tojJod the work of rorrpcllr nrxan
tiltj Ibt Chtmtwr Tbla Includra thn
n!ctloa of thn board of director.
Wtloa of offlrrrt allotmnnl of thn
MfH tad mtinbnrthlp fumlt. rtc
for Ibt btltncn of thn Ihrrr ynara
tk ckintxr w ham thn ailvlcn
ui latCMllon of Ihn bureau at It
lifcl, it well aa thn Hmrarch
cijirtmtat locatrd in Now Vork
Tit buJttt fund will conaltt of
(oitflballom from IhiMn who do
tot M ibtn to pajr thn 2& inmn
binhlp fro and thmo who will par
aort. it It npoctnd thai thn mini
Ola conlrlbntlont Ihlt yoar will
uioant to nooo for Ihn l.udrn
H0.00O for Ihn inntiihnrahln
'Or thll aonrlcn Ihn llnr-iu will
Ptld U of thn irinmboralilp fno
wiht tint ttkT ,nJ 10r; ror rMeh
two tuccnodlnit ynnra. In m.
" It will bn p.1,1 :o of thn
ll fund
trilrllTn plnn biwlln w m Ui.UKur
an Jldtidar. Ihn party will to
Ihn old llnTnrnaui Irarl ut Ihn Kl
Klamath roail. wlmrn ilntiroyrd llm
lr will hn Iiiimt(i.iI. and liiforma
lion to ln Ufcril at a fomidalloli fur
Ihnlr fnni pal en will 1. ururnd
tlirc I.. Imr. of Ihn Wnynrhanuwr
ri'lllpany. V. If Cm. of Ihn UmK
llnll l.umhor company. U'llllam
Whnnlnr of thn Hoprr-Whirlnr com
pany, and iilhnr inprntnnlallvpa of
blK llintx'r rompatiln'a. will ln hnrn
Jlotnlay nlchl. thn llmtxirmnn w
bangurl at thn chainlwr of commnrcn
Thn Hcatldlnatrlan Koclnly Odin,
with a nuinlwr of Ihnlr frlrndt, mi
))n. a daiirn and a lunrhtwm In
llm Krandlriatlan hall Thurtday
lilehl A rral old-faihlonnd limn
produiiillialrd. and every KUnil hat
trrnclhnnnd hit opinion that thn
(wopln of thll toclrty arn flrit-claa
K II Hull, prnaldnnt of tho Kla
math riutity fhamlmr of Commorcn.
linn roritlvi'd n iriiwdar;" from Clyde
II Altrhlion, of Iho Intnrataln com
Imnrcit rommlMlori. In conriucllnn
(wlth local frnlicht rati-. advUIni:
Klamath to oak a nxiprnlni; of thn
Dnllnltn action on thn tnnltur
walla thn rnaulla of thn vlall of O
V l.ucn. Knrmrnl traffic manoRpr of
Ihn Houthnrn I'aclflc. who hat pro
in I and to I,., hnrn Monday lo talk
with local nhlppi-rn.
Thn Intnrataln cotnmercv cntnmla
alnnnr'a Inlnicraiii. dalnd al Wnahlnc
ton. April I. renda:
Itnaaon Klamath County
Chamtxir of Coinmnrri wan not
aorvnd with notlrn of hnarlnr:
wat that It waa not parly ui
procffxlinna hnforn CommUtlon
Klamath County Complaint wa
hrouitht hy Klamath Cummer
rial Club and llutlnna Mnni.'
Anoclatlon alii) nt'llcn of hrar
InR wat annl hy rriclttnrnd mall
llltbop and llahlnr. attomnya of
rword. for Cornplalnanta. Han
Kranciiro. DnrmnlMr olnron If
cimplalnanla through any acci
dent did not rocolrn nollco or
wrrn not icivnn opportunity for
hnarlni: MlKKntt n thowlnc hi
madn aupportlnK motion to ri
open ram which thould hn aerr
nd upon Houthnrn I'aclflc Com
pany, alio Portland Traffic and
Trantportatlon Attoclatlon Port
land, OrrRon. Itallroad Commit
alon of California. Han r'rancla
co. Medford Cnmmrcla Club.
Mndford. Orexon. and Ban r'rarl
clico Chamber of Commnrcn San
Kranclaco. or their atlornuys of
rncord Plnaan iimlnratand that .
Ill thctn formal proceodlmca hu
for ua n can rncoiilN) only
partle of record
C- of C. Membership
Committees Start
Td llrt of a niinilmp .. ..
BHn war.. hM ..... ;" """"""
IiiiJ "M-anilm, and rnorKwii.
CS?""' ,hn KUm",h
WtMi. CUmhvr Cmiimnreo. Thn
C icnTml,1,P0- '""""" "X J- A
.., i wiaimril, It. K.
BKATTI.K. April : Tho watera
around Point U'llton wrrn inarched
today for tracea of thn ten peraona
who arn mtaalnc from thn atraincr
(loornor. which aauk ynatnrday
mornlnx An official Inquiry la In
TOKIO, April : Anil bolahnWka
jeilerday attnmplrd to alnlo Vladf
Votlock. hut failed after Ihn Japan
pin Karrlion ordered thn ImlllKerenll
to ceaaa flKhtlnit. taya an official report
IIKHI.IN, April !. Twenty of a
party of f00 communlila went kill
ed, ami CO wounded today hy police.
In lUpprenlnr. an outbreak near
JOHN lltmitOl'OIIS
u. h u. ... ;" " "
l8N A i' ..""" ,v wMKnrmnii
Uikuf'.M K,",n '""'"'iiriiil tho
''."'"KthrouKi, ih., II.. r
lorm ,lo inakn rnrmln th.i n
" II ttB . " "
comi. ,.7ni r,'"'l"" of Klamath
oo;, ; '".::,!,,,i'i,' ni tuny a.
i'no.i.. ",0 ,m 'il"t which
l . -- " iljurnn nt ii ..
I (or f- iu piinuon hy u
j Of four lypi.t.
B,et h '""" wr" HChmlulPd
ocn. '"luuriorn thin aftor-
Th Min i
rtoimtyfl lul,va-lnR tho city
K fun7. """"burnliliw un.l HUr.
k of a. .r",,ln,,H '""rliiK tho
PWhrih.', .' '"' ,rov,,'M 'r din.
W wliiVJ ',. "" ro,m,y- Klnmnth
frlcts. Th ' lao,, "tn 'our ll.
k) ," "I" lo bo din.
Ph ...-" ".?': d,Mr,c,B
r in .: . u a iivieion mnlor
kmiiaiidnn m of "vo men
Me ,..7:: ono wman cnotaln. ami
fiiini win ,,.,. : .:;:"
U'KHT PAIIK. N. V. April 2
Hlmpln funeral anrlcia worn hold
today for John llurrniiRha, Ihn fa
mnuii nnturalltt llnnry Kord, Tlinin
aa Kdlion, and other frlnndn lit
Innilml . PnaaaRiii from acrlpturo.
and' from Word t worth Kmrraon, nnd
Whitman wont read.
Tho Chamber of Commorcn placet
tho rntpontlblllty upon tho old com
mercial club nnd tho bualnnaa incn'a
aaitoclatlon thn flrnt defunct nnd Itn
mnmbiirahlp mnrK'd Into tho prnnent
Chnmber fo Commorcn; thn accond
hardly functlonlnc. nnd alnca nb-aurbi-d
by thn Chamber of Conum-rco
na tho merchant bureau '
lllthop and Ilnhlor, Hnn PruncUco
rato attornnya' rntnlned by tho bual
neaii incn'a aanoclatlon, atntn that
they notified thn commercial club
of tho hcarlni; nnd ntknd to ha In
ttructed whuthnr or not to nttond
Tliny naked 1250 expennn money.
Thn hearlnR wna on January 18
t Portland Thn lllthop k llahlnr
' Krnm wna tent on January H
ii-i Itt receipt, nay Secretary Htnn
I'y. of thn Chamber of Commerce,
n mnotlnie of thn attoclatlon waa
' called In thn Chamber of Commerce
rooma nnd thn matter dlncuaimd
There wna difficulty lo recalling who
lllthop At Ilahler were When their
claim of $800 for prior aervlcoa
camn up It waa decided that their
aerrlce to far had brought no re
mit and thn meeting turned down
thnlr offor, and Ita attnehed demand
for S2&0 expento fund.
There waa no clear undoratandlne
of thn matter, aald Mr. Stanley, nnd
thn hutlnnaa men'a anoclatlon took
thn Kuldlnc hand. The Chamber of
Commerce mndo no effort to take
up tho matter further, Thla wna
due, tald Mr. Stanley, to Inck of
Information nnd hecnuao organlra
tlon waa In thn tranaltory ataRO
Tho Chamber of Commerco orgnnlxa.
tlon wan not complete, a program
had not been manned out and tho
In Ihn Ilnrald'a underatandlnK all organization waa then conaldortne
of the foregoing la mnro admlttloa , th.i formation of a traffic eparlment
that Ihn Chamlwr of Commerce to handle railway anrvlco problems,
mado a acrlout. omlatlon when It I Tho Herald cannot but bclloro
ntnrlooked thn Portland hearing nnd'thnt aa tho active, functioning civic
that Ihn community mutt wall alx 'organization of tho community, tho
monthi or a year to get n further j Chamber of Commerce, na successor
hearing. If the plea for a reopen-i of the commercial club, ahould have
Ing la madn nnd granted i taken atlon of Its own Initiative
In effect. M A Callaghan. man- lllthop nnd Ilahler claim thoro
agor of Ihn Chamber of Commerco wna. nnd la. owing them $800 for
traffic department. Hated that tra' nervier lo the old commercial club
tlmony waa In. ratea lubmtlted to i nnd thero nppenrn to have been n
thn Interttnln commerco commit-1 dctlro to have no further dealings
alon a ruling, and Klnmnth'a only
remedy. If dlttatlifled. was to call
for n rehearing nnd nil Its attend
ant red lnM The telegram from
Mr Altchlton merely confirms Mr.
In overlooking tho Portland rato
hearing. Klnmnth county shippers
nro plnced In a position whoro thoy
Construction Closes '
Old Fort Klamath
rrnnfr A nn -. '
Starting Mondny, and whllo con
atructlon of tho now highway Is un
der way. thn Port Klnmnth road wilt 1
bo closed botween Ilnrtlott Springs
nnd Umnia mill, It waa announced
today by thn Klamnth coun'y auto-'
tnobllo nmoclntlon.
Thin meant that to rc.ich Fort
Klamnth from Klamath Palis travel
om must take the went aide of tho
lako road, or mutt go via Dalrr nnd
Chllonuln Tho west side loutn Is
Adhering closoly to the policy of
tho Standard Oil company tho coun
try over, tho Iocs) standard oil sub
station hero, under tho energetic
supervision of O. A. Hallwell, Is
13 miles longer than the road to boi "" "ng '" ousiness agon
closed. Hi ngnlnst I miles. The , c1m thal T heIplnit t0 kMp thl8
Dnlry-Chlloouln routo Is lnoger. !" or ' ! nse, this
Tho no whlghway grade goea on n ' n.Utrlcl- '" th Tan ot '" "rch
higher level than the olri rond t i r ""WW" thl f"1 mklnf h
MoHnr nnlm ..n.i .,.ji.. nn '. vv" oi mo nawon turn irom mo
nbovn will Mnew ihn i.i u.i,.,. belief that tho enst Is paramount In
Tho new rond la expected to ho open
nbout July 1.
Thero Is talk of operating a ferry
from Ilnrtlcf Springs to Unn'n
mill to bridge tho gap during con
struction. ai
Well-Known Ladies
all things that are worth while, nnd
to believe that the west is best. In
other words, tho Standard Oil com
pany's policy Is a policy of advance
ment w-hcrover It docs business, nnd
the iron bound Instructions Issued
to Its agents and mansgors Is that
"while In Rome, tbey shsll do what
the Romnns do." Thus it Is that
Starting New Firma A "1iwii- special agent or tho
auiuuaru wu cumpany nerc, is
Miss Clara II Calkins and Miss
Molllo 8 Oonelson, both well known
young ladles, have opened an Insur
ance agency Thn firm will bo known
ns thn Cnlklns-Donelson Inturanco
Agency, and will have an office In
tho Winters' building aa soon as It
Is fitted up. Temporarily the office
Is located In the First State and
Savings bank.
noth members of tho firm have
hnd sevcrnl yenra' experlenco In the
Insurance, business, nnd with the
element of personal popularity In
their favor should mako a success
of tho business venture.
hi: k.clhki from jcrv
II. Nylnnder. one of the up-and-coming
farmers living between here
nnd Merrill, was In town this morn
ing on business, nnd took occasion
to look up Judge Kuykendnll with a
view to getting excused from Jury
during the term which begins next
Monday Mr. Nylnnder Is now- In tho
working In harmony with tho In
terests that aro seeking to advance
tho prosperity of this section, and he
can always bo found willing to lend
a helping hnnd whenever co-operation
Is needed, and this sub-station
has realty como to bo looked
upon an a local Institution, regard
loss of Its affiliated Interests
throughout the length and breadth
of the nation.
Prior to 1913, this sub-station was
managed on a commission basts.
Cuad Daggett, Fred Shallock, and
others making splendid records In
managerial capacities. Gradually lo
cal business Increased, and It bo
camo advisable to establish a special
agent here, and J. K. Hosklns, now
proprietor of tho Variety store, was
appointed. The automobllo business
continued to grow, trucks and trac
tors became more numerous, other
buslnesss employing engines sprang
up, and of courso the business of tho
local station grew with them. Last
year, the plant, already out of tho
Infant class, was completely over
hauled and remodeled. Four largo
with Iho allegedly high-priced firm,
but why not havo retained a locnl
attorney? It may bo truo such a
reprrsentatlvo would hnvo been
poorly prepared at such short notice
to hnvo nrgued Klamath's case, hut
Klamnth nt least would hnvo hnd a'
In tho matter of credentials. It
mutt accept for thn lime being, nt might ho argued that tho lommer
lentt. such voluntary rnto reduction jclal club was non-cxlstcni nnd tho
ns It offered. A representntlvo at tho Chamber of Commerco wns not n
Portland hearing would havo muunt , parly of record to tho complaint. Hut
rendjuttment of rntes butnd on Kin-j tho business men's association was
IliaillK rigntlUI demnllds. Thn atlM iiIIva nml ll wmil.l nt.r..r Ihi.l
nn arrangement between tho associa
tion nnd tho chamber would have
midst of his spring plowing, and like
thn rest of his farmer neighbors 'storago tanks holding refined pro-
finds It hard to give his attention to ducts receive carload after carload
an thing else at this time. Ha was lot Pearl and Red Crown oil from
ono of the Ingersoll jury, and also tho mammoth refinery at Rich-
set In other cases, and feels that mond, California. Knglno distillate.
him this time. Ho will plant about 40
acres of grain, but hay will be his
biggest crop. Seeding should begin
about tho 25th ot this month, says
Mr. Nylander.
of tho war, will soon be at tho dis
posal of the public here in any quan
tity desired. Zeroleno oils and
greases, for tractors and trucks.
Calol oil, the steam lubricant for
mills and factories, aro always In
store In tho local warehouse. Tt
are the products that the Standard
Oil company tolls tho word are the
District Attorney C. C Hrowcr's very best, nad there Is an unusually
chances arn thnt a showing could
havo been mil do that would result
ed In a larger reduction than Is vol-1 boon possible, by which a represent
untarlly proposed. Jntlvo's exponscs could hnvo boon
Whether or not thoro would havo provided, Innsmuch us in this frolght
been n fnvornblo difference. It np- rate hearing county of Klnmnth had
clear thoro wns nn overnight. ninny thousands of dc
dollurs at stako
Tho Women's Relief Corps will
meet Mondny afternoon nt 2 30 In
tho wiwt hall of tho Odd Follows'
building. All miimJiors nro riMiunttod
In ho preiwnt.
nt lontt four workers. Thn four divi
sion majors uro:V. K. Hooliorn, It ('
Ornoiihock, A. M. Collier nnd Prod A.
linker. Tho mnjnrn mot nt tho Itox
enfn nt lunrhoan today und went over
Iho pluu for tholr ork with Director
U. W. Dopuy,
Monday Iho campaign publicity
committor, will meet to mnp out tho
work- of nn Intonnlvo publicity pro
gram. A mooting of tho women Is to Im
hold at headquarter Mondny after
noon at :i o'rlook to huar u talk hy
Mr. Dopuy. A call for thla mooting
Is bolng ncnt out by Mrs. S, llonry.
president of tho Women's Auxiliary
of tho Chamber of Commerco,
A thought aurvoy of the students
of tho Hih school will bn conductod
Monday nftornoon nt 1 o'clook by Mr.
Dopuy asilitod by Principal It, K.
Tho muslrlniiH dunce, held In tho
Scandinavian hall Inst night, wuh u
big success. Tho two orchestrus In
nttendanco kopt tho big crowd In
motion, nnd ovory dancer enjoyed
tho novelty with zest.
i,os.s si-rr at 9.10,000
now offices on tho second floor of the
now Mnln street court house are be
ing given a coat of paint of light
colored tint, and new linoleum la be
ing laid upon the floors. Mr. Ilrower
will probably occupy thn rooms by
tho time tho grand jury meets noxt
week, and tho now quarters, clean,
light, nnd sanitary will facilitate his
work to an appreciable extent.
Defunct Bank Head
Will Plead Guilty
Lumber for Iho open air dancing
pavilion which will bo conducted by
Hurt McDonald on tho Johnson prop
erty on Klnmnth Avenue between
Seventh nnd Highlit streets, Is now
lining hauled to tho site, nnd work
on It will ho started tho first of uoxt
wool;. Dances will bo glvon at lontst
twico a week.
PARIS, April 2. Oreok forces
wore driven from Esklshehr by a
Turkish counter attack early thl
week, and are retiring says a Con
atnntlnoplo dispatch. Tho Turkish
cavalry Is said lo bo puraulng tho
KUQKNK, April 2 Thlrty-flvo
automobile nnd ono airplane worn
lentro)od la ji garage firo hern early
today. Tho loss Is $50,000. Severn!
families on tho upper floor had nar
row oHcnpes.
MANILLA. April 2. Flro des
troyed 3000 homos, making 15,000
people, homoloss In tho nntlvo' quar
ter, yestorday. Tho Iosh Is estima
ted at $3,000,000. American sailors
cheered iih thoy marched Into tho
burning district to fight tho tlamos.
PARIS, April 2. Ex-Emporor
Charles, blookod In as effort to re
gain the Hungarian throne, will be
eucorted back to Switzerland by al
lied officers, the French forelgu of.
flco ndvliea,
big stock on hand hero now. W. L.
Wright, who chaporonod tho Hornld
man on a trip of Inspection yester
day, avers that It Is necessary to
keep a largo stock, as this station
serves an Immenso territory, from
Crator lako on tho north, to Dor
rls on tho south, from Worden on
tho west, to Illy on the east. At
that, said Mr. Wright, the big stock
on hand will not last long, and more
products, covering tho whole line,
will bo recolved soon. Fact, Is,
thoro Is always ono consignment
coming, whllo tho prior ono is going.
I An ouico nnu garage aro among
MEDFORD. April 2. W. II
Johnson, former head of tho Jack
sonville bank. Indicted following tho'th ,.... ...,,,.., , ,h ,,,
wrevK ui wmi inauiuiion. win p.ean RIght now a competont gardener la
guilty as soon as ho recovers from
busy tearing np about ten foot ot
Weather Probabilities
.. ... .....ucuia. u m.ornoy grav, ,,. tno fenco near thf) ,.
announced today. Ho said Johnson flc0i ,, g p,anUng that ,paco to
had grown weary of strife. Johnson Snagta dalgcl)i lho orf,cla, t,owor
has boon the state's chief witness of tho clty 0, Klamnth FaBt Thls
in tho bank cbbcs. ,. ,.. ,. ,,, . .. .
a juoi uuutuui IIIUBIiaMUU UI ma
way tho company works in harmony
with local efforts It Is not much to
bo sure, but It's a splendid Illus
tration of tho spirit tho company
and its employes possoss. Tho com
pany demands that overythlng con
nected with tho station shall bo
"kopt up." That means, washing,
painting, boautifylng, and In genoral
making an ondeavor to make the
stations thlugs of boauty, and pos
sibly, "Joys forover." Thoughts pf
boauty must have been In tho mind
of Miss Bornardlne Hannon, the
company's very efficient clerk,
when she insisted, during the re-
I cent rtsodelinr period, that wis
idov boxes for flowers should be
built Into the office building, oven
Tho baromotric pressure, as
recorded by tho Cyclo-Storma-graph
at Undorwood'n Phar
macy, contlnuos tho downward
movement, mentioned yostorday
In our report. Howovor tho fall
hus been vory slow, and whllo a
change will follow if tho down
ward courso contlnuos, wo may
havo a pleasant day tomorrow.
Forecast for noxt 24 heurs:
Cloudy continued warm, fol
lowed by unottlod weather.
OREOON Sunday, fair; coldor In
tho Interior; light to heavy frost lu
the morning,
(Continued on Page 8)
j i
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