The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 31, 1921, Image 1

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Wifr r,.
W$v iEimratg Herald
A Class Ad Will
Do It
Today's News
Member of the Associated Press.
Fifteenth Ycnr, No. fiOWl.
VIENNA, Murdi .11. UoporlN ro
colyod by vnrlouH nowspnporn nay that
tlm ox-emperor, Chorion, linn pro
claimed a military dictatorship at
Stolnnmnngnr, nnd Hint General L
liar wan nnld to ho rnnily to march to
Hudopost nt tlm limiil of in, 000
troops nnil by force, If nnronnnry, ro
slorp Chnrlon to tlm thronn.
' LONDON. March 31. An i:x
change Tologrnph dispatch from
Paris snyn Hint It In reported tlin ma
jority of Hiingurlun troop havo rnl
Had to llio standard of tlm fonmir
Hmporor, Charles, anil will march on
Thoro Is no confirmation from oili
er sources that tlm troops will Join
Chorion. Direct advices from Hungary
hnvn not Imllcntuil nupporl for tlm ex
ruler In military circles,
VIENNA, March 31 Republicans
horu oxultantty declare thut Charles'
recent vlnll to Budapest and tlio
fUnco intending hla uttmiipt to ro
gain thn thronn linn danhud any
etianco for tho restoration of tlm
monarchy, either In Hungary or
Monarchist reluctantly admit
that tho restoration of tho ox, em
pcror scorn Impossible.
VIBNNA. March 31. Tlm Welnor
Journal reports 30,000 Jugo Slav
troops arn manned In Vaarandln,
Croatia, with tho Intention of march
ing on Htolnnmnngor and preventing
tho haitorallon of thn Hnpahurgn.
VIENNA, March 31. l)nofllefnlly
reported that Admiral ilorthy, Hun
garian regent, has resigned, but tho
report In not confirmed. It In also
roporto'd Kx-Kmperor Chorion In on
tho way to Iludapunt from tho fron
tier and that thu army ndhorlng to
hli cauno In moving.
Arrested For Theft
At the Bath House
' Harry Fonvlllo, nnld to ho about
22 yearn old, was arrested thin morn
ing hy Patrolman Wynn and Mc
Donald, on u chargo of lorctmcy
brought hy M. A Maun, proprietor
of tho Hot Springs hath house. Fon
vlllo In charged to havi taken noma
clgurn from thn tobacco and soft
drink Bland at tho hath houno,
Tho officers took Konvllln to tho
pollco station nnd detained him un
til a warrant wan nocurod by Mr.
Mann. Tho warrant was sorvod by
Couatablo Morloy.
Pomp and Ceremony
Mark Burial of Patriot
Prelate at Baltimore
BALTIMORE, March? 31. With
nil tho splendor of a ceremony con
turlcH old, Cardinal Jamon Glbbonn
wan burled today. Archbishop John
llotnno, apostolic dolugato nt Wash
Ington, eclabratod tho pontifical ro
rjulem musn. Archbishop Olonnon of
Ht. Louis delivered tho funeral ora
Mrs. E. L. Davln, Hocrotnry of tho
county farm huronu, Is oponlng an
offlco In Hoom 10, Loomls building,
aa public stonogrnphor nnd account
ant. Mm. Davis will proparo In
como tax roports, audit hookn nnd
open now notn of books tor Incomt
Ing firms.
' Engaging In tho privnto buslnoss
venturo will not doprlvo tho farm
buroau of her sorvlcon, but tho sec
retarial work of tho (arm huronu
will bo dono In hor now offlco In
dtead of In tho farm buroau offlco
In tho Bwanson building.
I Among tho visitors from Orogoi
registered recently at tho tbuclsta
Mnformatipn bureau at TampaFloi'
lldawere the following froia'Klija
ath Falls: Charles L. Hoffman, 8r.,
R. E. McCanny, and Mr, and Mrs.
'Wr Pr Johnson and son.
Haste Required of
Those Who Want In
On Stock Shipment
Thorn aro moro than enough or-
dorn for a rnrload of dairy Mock
nnd not enough for two enrn, nald
H. II. Thomas, county agent today.
llo urgcH dairymen to hantnn to
plnco ordnrn with tho fnrm hurnau
If thoy donlrn to got part of tho con-
ilgnmont of purohrod nnd grado
ntock thnt will ho Imported. '
Thn farm hurcau'n ardor will ho
plncod thn flrnt of next wook. If
no moro ordnrn nro received ono car
will ho ordorod. If n fnw moro
portions romo In to mnko up tho
nocond car, two cnrloudn will ho
Tho nxocutlvo commllteo of tho
Hoy Hcoutn met yuntordny In tho
chamhor of commerce rooniM and
mndo plana for ncout work during
tho nprlng nnd nummcr. Tho mum
horn at thin mooting worn M. H. Wont,
chairman; W. O. Smith, T. II. Wntv
tnni, Judgn I), V. Kuykendnll, A. C.
Yudoii, nnd Hcout Commissioner
Troop No. 2 will meat In tho cham
hor of enmmorco roomn thin after
noon nt 3 M0 to mnko plans for an
outing on Saturday. K. O. Iloauchnmp
heads thin troop' nn ncoutmnnter, and
Tod Montgomery In hi it nnilntant.
Thn committee for troop No. 4 will
mi'Ot In tho Hlvcrnldo nchoot thin af
ternoon after nchoot hours to com1
ploto Itn enrollment. It. B. Wright
heads thin troop. ,
Two Orchestras to
Keep Dance Moving
The musicians' dnncn which will
bo hold In the Scandinavian hnll to
morrow night will feature a musical
Innovation. Two orchestras will
play, ono at either end of tho hall.
An soon an ono orchestra stops play
ing, another ono will begin, and tho
dancors arn assured of ono continu
ous round of pleanuro. Ilefronhmonts
will ho nerved, gratln. Thin Is tho
flrnt danro to bo given by tho mus
icians; hut other will follow fre
quently during tho season.
Personal Mention
W. p. Iohman, of thn Crater Lake
Oil & (Ian company, camo up from
Merrill thin morning on business.
Everything Is well with tho now com
pany, ho says.
'Mr. and Mrs, H. F. Dunn aro hero
from Algoma.
Mrs. J. Ci Hllyard, of tho Ilcnloy
district, was shopping among locnl
merchants yeatorday.
Mrs. 1'lorco Combs and llttto
daughter, wth Mrs. J, F. Simpson,
who has boon tholr guost for u fow
weeks, loft for Mrs. Simpson's homo
tn Jerome, California, this morning,
and will visit tor somo tlmo.
Mr. nnd Mrn. James Dlshop Fos
ter havo n now olght-pound girl at
their homo, tho stranger arriving
this morning.
Takes Steps For
Peace In Ireland
BELFAST, March 30. Cardinal
Loguo, prlmato of Irolnnd, was In
terviewed Tuesday by Sir William
(louring, ii promlnont rnllrond man',
and thrca other southern Irish un
ionists with tho objoct of opening
ponco negotiation) botwoon tlio Irish
republican purllnmont and tho Bri
tish government.
Burrell Short, Q. J. Hlllyard, nnd
C. W. Mlllor, dlroctors of tho En
torprlso Irrigation district, havo
bcon notified by Judgo Kuykondall
of tho circuit court that a hoarlng
for tho purpooo ot confirming tho
olectlon (or tho Issuance ot addition
al bonds In tho amount of $15,000
(or general expenses will bo hold a't
2 o'clock on tho afternoon of May'
3. Tie. 'election' was hold on March
23,ajjd carried by top heavy ma
jority. This district boglns at the
Enterprise ranch south ot town, and
runs southeast along tho' canal.
0 1 T
WASHINGTON, March 31. Pron
Idunt Hnrdlng In proceeding early In
hln administration to carry out tho
spirit and tho letter ot that section
ot tho Constitution proscribing hln
duties which provides that ha sh.aH,
from tlmo to time, "glvo to tho Con
gress Information of tlm stato of tho
Union and rocommond to their con
sideration Mich measures an ho shall
Judgo necessary and oxpodlont." Al
though Congress Is not In session,
President Harding In In frequent
communication with tho loglslatlvo
branch of thn (lovornment through
conferences with chalrmon and other
ruombora of Important committees.
A tow decades ago when tho busi
ness of tho national government wan
much mora limited In Itn ncopo It
wan sufficient for tho President to
couununlcnto with Congress throug.i
tho formal messages which woro
transmitted nt thn opening of each
session or whllo tho leglslatlvo boi'
les worn In tho midst of tholr work.
Uul tho work of tho (Jovornmont has
bocomu no extonslvo that Congress Is
practically In constant session and
tho problems that arlso aro so num
erous nnd so complex that thoy can
not bo ndoquatoly handlod In a for
mal and comprohonalvo message.
Although Congross Is now In ro
cess It Is, for all practical purposos,
hard at work, for some of the moro
Important of tho committees nro giv
ing Immodlato and exhaustive study
to probloraa upon which action must
bo taken nt tho spoclat session which
has boon callod to convono In April,
liy means ot this preliminary work
on tho pari -ot commltUtca tho work
ot tho ncnslon Itself Is not only ex
pedited but Is mndo much moro sat
isfactory In results. Dy accumulating
a lnrgo amount of Information nnd
securing tho vlows .of various con
flicting Interests, tho heads of com
mlttoos aro ablo to prosont oarly In
tho session practically nil of tho In
formation thnt will bo needed In de
termining tho host course to pursue.
Hy communicating to tho committees
In an Informal way tho recommenda
tions ho desires to make and tho In
formation ho possesses "of tho stato
of tho Union," President Harding as
slats vory materially In facilitating
tho work of Congross.
Among tho subjocts concerning
which ho has communicated with Im
portant committees nro; roonactment
of tho Pannmn Canal tolls provision
which gavo froo paHsago through tho
Canal of American coastwlso ship
ping; revision of tho Internal Roven
uo laws; co-ordination of tho sevoral
dopartmonts with a vlow to oconomy
and eftlctoncy.
In addition to those subjocts which
hnvn boon discussed with commlttoes
ot both Houses of Congress, tho Pres
ident has conforrod with Senators
concerning foreign rolatlons and ap
pointments subjects which roqulre
tho npproval of tho Sonnto but not
of tho House ot Iloprosontatlvos.
OHEQON Tonight and Friday,
probably showers; warmer tonight.
Shnnnon & Lugoson, proprietors
of tho Klamath Fulls Plumbing &
Heating company, In tho Holms
building on Main Btroot, rocolvod a
largo shipment of flxturos nnd sup
plies yesterday, and nro ready to
tako caro of any buslnoss In tholr
lino. This firm was established
only a short tlmo ago, tho proprie
tors coming horo trom Portland on
tho ndvlco ot wholesalers who said
that this city Is tho best city In tho
stato asldo from Portland. '
Tho Eloctrlc company o( this city
has (Hod suit to (orecloso a lion on
a Lexington car, owned by C. H.
Marple, to secure payment of $70.53
said to bo due (or services porformod
In repairing the car. '
PORTLA'ND, Marehf 31 Cattle
and hogs, weak; snoop steady; eggs
unEottlod; buttor steady.
M, A Callaghnn, manager ot tho
chamber of commerce traffic depart
ment, this afternoon rccolvod n tolo
gram from (1. W. Luco, gonoral traf
fic managor ot tho Southern Pacific,
stating that tho new lumber rates to
castorn point would bo effcctlvo Ap
ril 13.
Tho reductions range from 7 to 12
contn. To St. Paul, Kansas City and
Missouri river points tho now rale Is
G6V& contn; to St. Louis and Chicago
territory, 73 cents, and to Mississip
pi river points south of Cairo, lll'n
ols, C8 contn.
Thn now ruto abolishes tho cent to
cent and one-half differential bo
twoon Klamath Kails and Weed, nnd
reduces tho Dcnd differential.
Tho rates will rcduco tho compotl-
: tho hnndlcnp for westorn lumbormon
in tho mlddlo westorn markets, which
i exists through nearness and bettor
land cheapar transportation facilities
for mills oporatlng In tho southern
plno belt.
Local lumbermen do not goncrally
expect miraculous restoration ot
trade becauao of tho rodurtlon It Is
not largo enough tor that but thoy
wolcomo It as a step in tho right
direction and tho herald ot farther
readjustment as tho railways work
out their own economic problem.
One of Younger Set ,
Gets Into Print, In
Illustrated Sketch
"Wo havo with us," says tho Volt,
tho California Oregon Power enmr.
nany monthly publication, "Miss
Thompson," and accompanies tho In
traduction with a very artistic photo
graph ot Mis Thompson at tho ago
ot nlno months, adding:
Now thnt tho Company is re
organizing for tho futuro weal
of tho north country, Is thcro
anybody you haven't mot? Tho
staff photographer of The Volt
has supplied us with tho abovo
characteristic study ot Miss
Thompson, ono of tho really re
cent and Influential members of
tho Copco family. Sho Is a m
sldent of Klamath Falls and has
given us n camera pose with hor
coat off to show sho Is an en
thusiastic booster for tho balmy
climato of hor homo city. Sho Is
nt present engaged chlofly In
giving Mr. nnd Mrs. Thompson
ot that city first-hand Instruc
tion In tho seven languages ot
which sho Is tho originator. In
tho accompanying portrait sho is
doplctcd greeting all roaders of
Tho Volt with tho high sign
taught hor by hor Daddy, which
In tho vernacular of tho Jack
Thompson housohold In "DacDo
Da!" W
Carl Luhmann, about 20 years of
ago, was picked up by Patrolman
Tom Durham last night nnd lodged
In tho city Jail, whoro ho will bo hold
ponding examination of his physical
condition. Luhmann, who has been
horo a wook or more, loses control
ot his tacultlos without warning, nnd
(alls to tho ground, sometimes strlk
Ing on his head and Injuring himself.
Ho Is somowbat scratched nnd bruts
cd owing to theso falls. His inenpa
city seldom lasts moro than a couple
of minutes. Chief 'Wilson placed tho
boy In Jail In ordor to nvold sorlous
consoquoncos from thoso falls, nnd
will tnko up tho mattor with tho
county court. Luhmann says that his
parents llvo nt 1597 Trent avonuo,
8an Francisco, and thnt ho enmo horo
to look for work. Ho has no monoy.
Weather Probabilities
Tho Baromotrlc pressure, as
recorded by tho Cyclo-Storma-graph
nt Underwood's Phar
macy, has remained practically
unchanged (or tho last twenty
four hours. This indicates that
present weather conditions aro
llkoly to prevail (or another day,
at lesst
Forecast- (or next 34 hours-
Continued (air and plo'aeant with
light winds.
Oregon Man Heads
New Development
Dep't. of U. 5. C. of C.
WASHINGTON. March 31. W. IJ.
Ilrooklngn ot lirooklngs, Oregon,
head ot tho UroOklngn Lumbor com
pany, has bocn appointed pormonont
managor ot a now department of
tho Chamber of Commorco o( tho
Unltod Statos, to bo known as tho
national resources production de
partment. Tho duties of tho dopartment will
bo to stlmulato and develop tho ex
ploration, survey and utilization ot
all tho natural resources ot tho
Unltod States.
WASHINGTON, March 31. Tho
War Dopartment announced that Carl
Nout and Franz Simmer, Americans
Imprisoned In Germany for an at
tempt to kidnap Grover C. Ilorgdoll,
draft evader, woro released at noon
today. The raloaso was ordered by tho
Borlln foreign offlco. ilrigadlor Gen
eral Allen, commanding at Cobloni,
reported sentences woro remitted,
ponding good behavior. Nout and
Slmmor will probably reach Coblenz
Satisfied With His
Advertising Results
"Wo aro getting great results
from Tho Herald classified adver
tisements. ,Wo havo orders for moro
than G000' chicks .nnd several hun
dred pullets from Klamath" Foils and
vicinity .K-
So sajut ManagercHarrls of the
Maywood Poultry Farm, Corning,
California, In a letter to The Even
ing Herald.
Tho results that ho speaks ot
were obtained In a comparatively
short time, slnco ho started adver
tising March 19, and until recently
tho weather has not been favorable
to tho Importation ot tho young
Box Shook Operator
Back; Sees Small
Change In Market
G, A. Krauso, of the Klamath
Manufacturing company, camo home
lost night after spending about ten
days In San Francisco on company
buslnoss. While In San Francisco, Mr.
Krauso had an opportunity, to study
tho lumbor and box shook situation,
and he finds conditions which havo
prevailed for months aro not much
changod. Tho orango growers havo
ono ot tho largest crops In the his
tory ot tho stato of California, but
freight rates and tho lack ot demand
in tho east Is militating against them.
making the revival of tho shook mar
kot vory gradual.
LONDON, March 31. Coal ml
nors began leaving tho pits In var
ious districts today, following tho
union's decision to call a strike at
midnight bocauso of failure to set
tlo tho minors' wago domands. The
government announces It will rigidly
ration coal for export.
twuntv-sevkn'get dkgheks
gene March 31, Without caps and
gowns, without speeches and flowers,
quietly and unobstruslvoly, twenty-
Boven young men and women wore
grantod dogreos by tho Board ot Ro
gontB of tho University of Oregon last
Thursday. Eleven rocolvod tho do
greo ot bachelor of arts, six tha do
groo of master ot arts, two tho degree
ot bacholor ot sclonco in education,
and three tho dogrca of bachelor of
buslnoss administration.
Bishop Robert L. Paddock and
Archdeacon George Van Waters, who
officiated at the confirmation ot a
class from tut, Zaplccopal church in
too Odd rcuowa nsujaet nigni. ion
(or theirhomes thls'tnorrilpg, BUhop,
Paddock .lives in Hoed. River, and
Archdeacon Van" Waters lives In
Dlshop and Ilahlor, San Francisco
rato attorn oys, retained by the old
Klamath Falls Commercial club and
Iluslness Men's association, rofuso
to accopt responsibility (or the do
feult ot Klamath Falls In tho rato
hoarlng at Portland, January 18,
Tho statement was mado horo
that "Dlshop and Dahler did not
notify any ono In Klamath Falls ot
tho hearing, but callod upon tha
Chamber ot Commerce for $800 on
account, which tho prcsont Chambor
of Commerce naturally, rofusod to
Having a different Impression of
tho mattor, The Herald wired tho
San Francisco attorneys, who re
ply that they did notify tho Cham
bor ot Commorco on January 14.
last, of tho hoarlng, and asked (or
$250 (or oxpeuses. Tho full text o(
tholr explanation ts:
Itclatlvo to tho notification to
Klamath Falls Interests ot the Port
land rato hearing held on January
18th, wo wired tho Klamath Falls
Chamber of Commerco on January
Hth as followai
Tho Interstate commorco
commission bearing will ba at
Portland, Tuesday, January
18th, your organization being
complainant (or lower (rolght
rates on tho Klamath branch.
If you desire us to handlo the
mattor wire $250 as expenses
of onr attorney and witness and
ndvlso names of your witnesses.
Immodlato answer necessary.
No reply was received to this
wire, nor have we since received ac
knowledgment of any', description.
.We held an IritcrtUtia commerce at'
forney and traffic export In readl-
tness to mako 'tho trip and present
tho caso, but their failure to re
spond caused us to believe that Kla-
wnath Falls had abandoned Interest.
FOR S73.000
Tho California-Oregon Power
company has been mado tho defend
ant in another big damage -suit, as
tho result of the fire of last Septem
ber which doitr pyed. the I. E. Koster
son mill neat Worden. Thia suit was
filed by tho lj E. Keatorson Milt com
pany and several Insuranco compan
ies, the total amount ot tho suit
being $157,175.J3.
According to tho complaint, I. E.
Keatorson Insured bis mill and lum
bor for $89,350, and was paid $83.
628.59 when tho Insuranco was ad
Justed. Tho total valuo of tho prop
erty destroyed, tho complaint states,
was $157,175.13, and he claims
damagos for tho difference In these
amounts', or $73,546.64. The Insur
anco companies pray for tho remain
der of tho hugo sum mentioned in the
Negllgonco by tho powor company,
in stringing Its lines, Is tho basts ot
the complaint, It being alleged that
dofectlvo wires fell upon lumber,
piles causing tho tire.
A ono-reol film on tho Olympic
games at Antwerp has been rocelvod
from Now York by tho extension div
ision of tho University ot Oregon and
Is now ready (or loan to tho schools
o( tho stato.
Jacobs Supervisor
Of Drainage Dis't.
At a moating ot tho land owners
of tho Klamath Drainage district
held In this city ypstorday. L. Ja
cobs was olectod supervisor to servo
throe years. C. R. DoLap was elect-
od secretary-treasurer for ono year.
M. Motschenbacber continues In bis
position as president, and R. C,
superman as supervisor.
business1 was transacted."
No other
Mr. Jacobs, takes .the pise on the
board previously held' by.P, L. Fou.n.-
tain. '