, WEDNEBDAV, MARCH .10, 1 0-.il THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON tAH IUX To "Wed Her Teacher . mi I ' !P'f . 'JM i i J . . JJ : : jl "" -.H - ' ... . MHnpr 'lKHSHHHHBBHHHiiiHillllR fli "" -U" Arthur Bean Musical Director ..- j i Yo, OU can't afford poor shoes today they cost too much. So pay a little more and get a pair of Florsheims; get a shoe with style, fit, comfort and character, which costs much less per year. We4can fit both taste and feet with Florsheims. Consider the wear, not the price per pair. K. SUGARMAN "1 AIN'T MAD AT NOUORY" IllUi! Rowing at tke psv CZq iir . .sVTII UI'v' "ory!- TO-DJIY Ethel Clayton I.N' "CROOKED STREETS" Another great drama of Oriental Llfo beneath the cities ot the world. , THURSDAY AND FRIDAY GOUVENEUR MORRIS' CHEAT 8TORV "TRUMPET ISLAND" A VITAfiRAPII SUPER PRODUCTION 100 PEE CENT UNION MONDALE THEATRE Ted Whlto Ed. H. Crawford Manager Chief Operator The Best for the Best THE WORKINGMAN'S THEATRE . TONIGHT 4 BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS AND MOVING PICTURES It you can't laugh don't como. Olo Itunson will suro tlcklo tonight. METROPOLITAN ERRY-MAKERS 1. EUGENE DEBELL "THE IIIjACK DOT FROM TEXAS" 2. IMELDA MONTAGNE SINfiINO "RARDV" AND "TU'PEHAHY" 3. . DEBELL AND BERGEN "AMj IN A LIFE-TIME" 4. JOLLY DICK LONSDALE & CO. "OLE'S IJUHV DAY" "HE WHO LAUOHS, LAUGH. LAUGHS, LAUGH." ALSO 0 KEEL FEATURE WILIAMDESMOND . "AN HONEST MAN" BROKE WITH FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS IN HIS POCKET AND i A RIP ROARING MACK BENNETT COMEDY SOME SHOW I SAY SO WHAT DO YOU SAY SHOW STARTS AT 6:45 SHARP i Tho oxams at Now Trior Hlgn School, Chicago, ought to m a cinch for Miss Dorothy Park. Sho's engaged to Prof. Cecil rtV Boylo of Evanston who as chomtstry toschor. has Imtructod her n such formulas as 1120. 11202 and CO 2 to say nothing ot L-O-V-B. Personal Mention Robert Stcolo. who has boon vis iting his uncle, Sam Ingrham, left for Lou Angeles this morning. A. II. Clough of San Francisco, and A. Newlanda, ot Portland, ottlclals of tho California-Oregon Power coin pan)', nre hero on business. MIm Claudia Spink has acroptcd a position In tho assessor's oftlco mado vacant by tho resignation ot Miss Mablo Lntta, who Is going cast to visit. Mrs. C. W. Portor, of Pine Rldgo. Is In town transacting business. Frank Oboncbnln la In from Illy taking caro of business mattors. Edgar Furbcr, of Midland, Is reg istered at tho Hall hotel. J. M Cook nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. J X Williams, ot Dorrla, aro guests ot tho Hall hotel. Court Hall, agent for tho Packard Six, at Medtord, was hero for a tow hours onrouto to Dairy to transact business, C. W. Nelson, of Worden, was a visitor hero yesterday. Henry Graham who, wltl? his brothor, operates tho big Graham ranch near Algoma, was In town yes torday and today. M. I. DIotcky, of tho La Voguo store, Is expected borne soon ntter n visit to tho La Vogue string of stores In California. L. R. Holbrook, of tho Malln sec tion, took tho train hero this morn ing for San Francisco. E. M. Hammond, ot Merrill, was a passenger to San Francisco this morning. C W. Kllno, local carpontor, has gone to Dunsmulr whero ho will work nt his trado. A. I). Lambert, of the Klamath Dyo Works, haH gono to San Fran cisco on bualncsa. Mrs. E. M. Igl loft for Portland this morning, whoro sho will visit hor motbor. Tho Klamath-IJond stago la now mooting Its paasongora' forllond from this city at Kirk, tho trip by train from thla city to Kirk eliminating about 40 miles of uncomfortable rid ing Frank Soxton, county club loaflor Is visiting tho poultry nnd rabbit clubs of local schools today. Curtis Heldrlck, ot Chlloquln, Is n visitor horo today. J. J. Coylo, travollng passongor ngont of tho Southorn Pacific Is hero loday from Sacramento on ono of his regular business visits. Mrs. J. O. Ooldthwalto and son John Jr., nrrlved from Chlloquln last you ' night to meot Mr. J. Ooldthwalto on tho ovenlng train. NEW TODAY ' o- LOST Shedn. with tothor ropo. Howard. Flndor ploaso notify by Bonding Information as to It where abouts to Dox 1, Horald oftlco. 31-1 IJAROAIN IN UBED OARS. 1918 Chovrolot, now tiros all around, $450.00. Ford Hug. four passonger, first class shapo, $400.00. 1918-7 l'iiBscngor Studobaker. fine condition, now tiros, spot light, $000. 00. 1918 Ford touring car, Just over hauled. $375.00. R. It. R. OARAGE. 31 WANTED Girl for housework. Ap ply 304 North 9th St. 30-9 FOR SALE Now Zealand Rod rab bits. Call at Seoborn'a barn, corner Sixth and Spring Sts. 30-1 FOR RENT Sleeping room, one block from Whlto Pelican hotel. Inqulro 1154 Pine St. 30-2 I spoclullto in cleaning carputs and rugs Phono 990W. Wm. Lush. 30 LOST On Shlpplngton road or cloao In around town, top bracket carrier for Dodge Car. Coo's Auto Sorvlce. Phono 1C8 629 Mnln. 30-31 MERCHANTS Itt'ltl.Wl' WILL HOLD AlEiniNO TONKIIIT' The regular meeting of tho mer chants bureau will lie hold tonight at 7 30 o'clock nt tho I'linmlior of Com merce room. Mattera of Importance are to tie discussed and n full at tondnnce Is desired. I ME SALE i Modern six room homo, full busu ment, three blocks from Mnln, nice lawn, flowers, garden, garage. Prlco $4200. $1500 cash, bnl. por month. Parks, 521 Main FOR RALE Dandy llttlo 2 room houao on pavo haa $700 worth ot furniture, $300 cash, rest easy. Parka, 521, Main. For quick anlos list your house and lot with Parks, Inqulro Union Taxi. YOU WIN. " Ily Colling. IUI.T. UNION TA.VI CO. ft'.! I Mnln. 30 HOWARD & GRIMES AUTO STAGE KLAMATH I'll.LS TO AH1I LAND AND .MEIII'Oltl) U-njp f'lly Tninfw offlro nt H:oo A. M. (Lilly FIRST TIlir-St'NRAY APR. .1 WEATIIKH PER.MirriNO I'MIIII IH DVIVfl NATCHEZ. Miss.. March 30 Lloutonant Coney, thn transconti nental uvlator hurt In a fall hero a fow dnya ago, la reported to bo near doath, . Advertising pays. Try it and soo. AT Army Goods Store AT THEIR NEW LOCATION MAIN and SEVENTH Full line of work and outing clothing and supplies including army shoes, riding breeches, overalls, knap sacks, underwear, army shirts, blankets, tents, cots, etc. We also have a large stock of ladies' camping and outing wear. We especially call your attention to the line of ladies' high top shoes, riding breeches and camp shirts. B A C O N We still have a limited supply of fine army bacon in 12 pounds cans at $2.50 Per Can The Army WEISS' & Why We Measure Every Foot It happons frequently ttint women Mom n trlflo nimoyod to son tin mnnsuro their fool hi) rnrufully. Ha.vnn'1 they Juat told uh tho alto tdmn thoy tvoar? Why should wo wnnt to mousuro tlio foot? Tho truth la Hint no shoo-flttnr can bo mi r (i unlnss tho. foot, la mniiHurnd and In thin shop ivn wnnt ovoryono lo got tho Im'hI fit possible. Thoro are nlno other ronaona for tint enro wo tuku. DlfferonL lnala rouulro dif ferent Hltna to fit Iho aaino foot. And what Ih Htlll mono intorojitlng toot chnngo lu alto. So, to lio until In .-: Iinportnnt a nmttor nH fitting feet, wo nan enro. Moaaurlng ever)oue'N fuel and Jthuti tilting with pro per aire ahoe la our Idon to atioo aorvlco a n It ahnulil lie cirrl(l out. It la tho kind of aervlro that liulll thla shop's roputn t lou our regular customers wouldn't havu It nny other wioy. SrW WEATHER RKI-ORT. OltiaiON Tonight nnd Thursday, fair; heavy frost In early morning. Advertising brings otflcleney. DANCE! TONIGHT AT Scandinavian Hall (mmI MtiNlr THE Goods Store ROSENTHAL o N . IH Oond Tfmn mil