The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 30, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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A Kiiln of 44 pustM of thn Amor
lcim Legion am! 93 unllii of I(h
Womon'n Auxiliary wnn inndo during
thn week (iiullni: Marcli 12. Mis
nnurl department of thn Legion toil
with flvo pontii chartered nml Miw
nacUnnotln nml KniisiM roporlyd 12
nml 11 now iiiiIIh, rcHpnctlvoly, of tho
auxiliary, Tlitiro uro now 10,272
Legion pontn anil 2282 units of thn
Wotnun'n Auxlllnry,
Archltoctn from nil parts of tho
country will bo invited to niibmlt
designs nntl plnim fur thn f lR.OOO,
000 Imllann War Memorial build
ing, wlilch will Iioiihii nutloiml lioucl
tiunrtnrn of tint American Legion.
A fiiml of 1100,000 watt Krantml by
tint Iiiillnnu loKlnluturi for prlzuu
nml oxpoiiHOH of tlio contest. Tim
national Institution of architecture
will ttotarmlnu tlio winner of tlio
first prlzo of $50,000.
F. W. Clnlbrnlth Jr., .national
rommandor of tlio American Legion,
him oritnruil thu Hansim department
of that organization to mako u
thorough Investigation of tliu rocont
outraKii at (Irout Bend, Kan., In
which two organizers of thn non-par
tlnau Icuruii worn tarred anil fonth-
iiruil. Although thu nml) of real-
ilimt of that vlofcilty Incluiloil n
number of ox-sorvlco men, thorn wan
no organized nupport from Legion
posln .nccordliiK to pross correspond
ents. Colnnol Onllirnlth ordorer nil
Legion pontn to rutrnln from liitor
foronco with tlio political activities
of the non-partlojii louguo Huvoral
months ago.
Thn Increased cost of rallroud faro
will not trouble thn memberH of Su
perior, Vli pout of tho American
Legion, who will attend tho mut
Legion ntntu convention nl Eau
Ctnlro In box earn "W,o traveled
Franco In alriu door rullmnnii and
wo liollovo that we prefer tho Yan
kee typo of box earn to riding tho
velvet at present prlcon," thn Lo
glonnalren said.
Thn Cnllfomla department of
thn American I.eglon hnn received
coplen of n runnultlon adopted by the
... l I ..t.n MnHniill Cm II...-
nnrdlno. Col., recommending ,,.
quntn opproprlnllonn for tho bu-
reaus caring for disabled veterans.
appropriations to build ond mnlntnln
necessnrv hosnltnln and nnnnaKo of
thn ltogi)M-Cnprer bill lo con-oil- yestordny In Dorrls nltondlng to
date tho government bureau dealljig bunlncss In connection with bin of
with tho nffiilm of ex-service men, f! o.
an Indorsed by tho Iuglun. i Albert Lunger, a prominent ranch-
er fi out tho Oklahomn country, won
uraves or itio wivii wnr romronni
.will tin .ir.iwl.t.xl l. t, k ,..nrli.ra t.V
Kent Voylcs post of ha American
I.nln nl V'llinlirllilnwn Iml. .Til i
rolsn funds for tho undertaking. thoj
Loglonnlrrs will give n bomiuet of.iurnoon 10 transact oumniM.
"nlum." prepared by farmer nrmyi Oeorgo Vochntznr wun a business
cookn belonging to thn post. Kllza
bothtown Legion members arn .ilso
backing n movement to estnhll&b a
public library.
American Legion posts and tho
homo service department of thn It -i
Crosn In Detroit have consolidated
eftnrln under tho nnmoMif tho er-
vlco men's bureau, and will toopor-i
ate In the work of adjusting rlnlms,
hospltnllzatlon, education nnd war'
risk Insurance for cx-sorvlco men. I
A special election will bo held
In Oregnn to upprova or rojoct tho
voternn'n stale bonus bill, proparod
ml backod by tho Oregon depict
ment of tho American Legion.
Aroused by tho greed of land
lords In Hhrevepflrt. Ln thn local
post of tf?o Amcrlcun Legion has
placed llnolf on record nn opposed
not only to thn hardship placed upon
rentors living In homos nud occupy
ing otflco nnd business buildings
owned by rent hogs, but nn plcdg
Ing Itn nld In seeking a remedy for
tho ovll.
Nobrankn Amarlcun Legion mom-
born nro backing an endowment bill
In tho state legislature, which pro
vides that tho statn buy 12,000,000
worth of Liberty bonds and uso In
terest thoron for sick and disabled
ex-servico men. Tho Nebraska leg
islature has forwarded u resolution
urging tho United Stntos ttonato to
pass tho Fordnoy fivefold bonus bill,
which In hack hy tho Legion.
Cloanlng out collars and build
Ing nummor cottages nro examples
Of temporary Jobs which tho St.
Paul, Minn., employment bureau nml
Womon'n Auxlllnry of tho Amorlcnn
Legion havo obtained for moro than
600 unemployed votorniiB aftor an
appoal had boo nmado to every om
ployor nml housoho;aer In, that city,
Tlio avorngo compenoutlon for tem
porary employment In GO conts nn
.hour. Fnrmom nour (ho Twin Cltlos
are taking ndvnntogo of tho oppor
tunity to obtain ox-sorvlco mon ns
farm ImndH nnd aro paying from
960 n month, with room and board,
Oklahoma boards of county com
missioners aro authorized to loaso,
rent or donato any room In their
control for uso of tho American Le
gion) according to, tho torms of a
bill pasMd by the stato legislature.
More than 1600 new membors
were obtained for tho Amorlcnn Lo
Klonjn Virginia during tho last two
DECLAIMS nudi;lman
Aftnr a Minn hait suffered nn leni:
nml mi much nn I hnvo hu can hurilly
liulp praising tho modlclno that rof
ntnrcH III in to honlth,' 'nnlil M. Ntldol
inati, 441 Ross street, l'ortlnml, who
opera tea nn nuto singe lialwiion Port
land and Vancouver, II. O.
For thn pant nix or novon yonrs I
nuffored torrlbly from n severe enno
of ntomnch trnublo anil my nppntlto
got down to almost nothing. Nearly
everything I nto upset tno, anil thn
Kan nml pnlns In my stomach woulil
ulmont drlvo mo dlstractod, I also
siifforod from constipation nml had
awful hnndnchon. I had rheumatism
In my legn nml foot ho bad I could
nOIUtlH, Col., March 30. I'lann
nro In tho embryo ntngo for u Dor
rln branch of tho Siskiyou county
Clinmhur of Commerce, Business
men of thin locality believe that It
would fontor their Intcrentn unit
provo beneficial for tho eastern por
tion of Siskiyou county to coop
ornto with the county chamber by
organizing locally and working on
various problem of Improvement
and development with concentrated
fo'reo. To thin end, nnveral local
bunlnenn men hnvo nollclted oxprcs-
nlons from others nml a very soils-
factory start hnn bean made toward
tho ultimate renllzutlon of n Dor-
rl brnnch to tho county chamber,
" " '"'P0'1 ,nnl rKnnlzatlon cn
P10 ompllaul In tho near future
J. men M. Allen, prosecuting nt'
tomey for Siskiyou county, spent
C. Mosslck, ono of Mnrdoul'a
merchants, droro up yesterday of-
visitor In Dorrls yestordny after
noon. Ho operates a largo ranch
near Matin.
Mrs. It. II. I'ass rondo n trip to
Klamath Falln yesterdoy by nuto
jniohllo for tlio purpose of securing
dental services.
J. F. Kthurldgo, who recently nc
quired full proprietorship to tho
Jl00 room formerly conducted by
himself and A. K. McCollum, Is hav-
nK n,n front to hln place of hunt-
ness remodeled by the addition of
a porch und now paint.
j. h llalley of the lumbar firm
known nn I'hunogcr &. Ilnllcy, wnn In
Dorrls yesterday on business. Mr,
llalley Is making preparations for
tho beginning of oparation nt his
logging camp and mill near Mac
dool. Schools aro closed this week In
obsorvanco of Easier vacutlon. With
tho first signs ot spring tho young-
stern nro nctlvo with bnsobnll and
other kindred uportn to which tho
youthful mind turns nt this season
of tho ynnr.
leni: pine m:vh
Mr. nnd Mm. C. W. Lowls and
childron npent Sunday afternoon at
tho Enman ranch.
Clydo Harks hnn roturnod from
Chllo whoro ho spont tho winter
on ono of Undo Suiii'h ships. Ho
says Klamath looks pretty good to
htm now.
Mr. nml Mrs. Klgvr, Estrlc, Carl
nnd Audroy Klgor spont Sunday
with Mrs. Klgor'H brother, Dr. Suit
near Merrill.
Tho spelling bco Saturday night
won well attended. This Is tho Inst
ono to tu hold thin nprlng.
Mrs. J, B. Enman, Wnltor, Agnes
nnd Chester Enman, Mr. and Mrs.
S, E, Enman und Konnoth Klgor at
tended Easter bervlcea at Klamath
Falls Sunday.
.MIas Zena Dlllnrd of Merrill spont
thu weok ond with Mr p. Lowls.
Mrs. Ethol Woltflo Is vn tho sick
Luko Walker wnn In this district
a faw days ago looking for bout rat
Toko advantago of my outside ser
vice I havo a cor and Uko to drlvo
It. You need furnlturo and would
Uko to buy It. Call 4MV and I will
send for you; also tako you liomo.
"Tho Furnisher of Happy Ilouion"
Herald eliuttfod ads py "you.
montliB In spfto of unrnvoraiilo ng-
rlcultural and Industrial conditions.
hardly drlvo my car. 1 wan no norv
oiio tho least lit t lo thins would upsot
mo and I wmt Hlniply mlsornblo.
"I kopt hoarlng so much about
Tnnlno that I decided to boo It It
would holp mo and It proved to ho
tho vory thing I needed, for I gained
eleven pounds on thn flrnt two nou-
tlH nml filncn taking two mora I nm
In thn bout of honlth again. My op-.
potllo In fine. I can oat anything I
want without any discomfort after
wurdn, I am no longer worried with
constipation or headaches nml tho
rheumatism linn entirely disappeared.
My wlfo linn alio lnkoi Tunlac with
nplnndld results.
Tanlac In no Id In Klamath Fall-.
hy Htar Drug Co., In Lorolln by James
More. Co., mwl In Merrill by South
ern Orogon Drug Co., at Modoc I'olnt,
K. A. Button & Son, at Dairy, W. E
Hedge Adv.
At the Theaters
Kthel Clayton, tho Paramount
popular ntur will ho at tho Star to
night In her latent nucconn "Crooked
Streets." Thin In ono of tho host op
portunltlen thin groat star has had
to show hor wonderful acting. Tho
story deals with tho Oriental I.lfo
beneath tho nurfaco of tho great
cltloH of tho universe. Thin picture
shown tonight only.
"Trumpot Island" tolls tho story
of Klchnrd Ilcdoll, Evo lo Mcrlncnur
and Vallnsky tho human derelict
lledeU'n metropolitan orgies his
dissipations resulting from a too
bountiful luck and a hopeless lovo
his trip to Trumpet Island to become
n man onco more Eve's fateful
marriage tho nlrplano honeymoon
tho storm tho wreck thu moot-
lug which results In tho strangost,
tho most alluring lovo story over told
from thin point on, sensational
levels aro touched In tho unfolding
of tho story of "Trumpet Island"
which shows ut tho Star thoatro
Thursday and Friday.
You'ro sure to bo ploancd It you
neu tho Mondale's show tonight for It
Includes not ono but four clovor acts.
Last night's porformanco was played
to n crowded house that rocked with
mirth on Jokes were flung at tho
audlcnco so fant that nt times one
could not hear tho artists becauso of
Eugano Dobull makes a particular
ly funny negro nnd bis Jokes aro now
and well aimed.
Imclda Montagno prosonted Govor
al songs In a pleasing volco. This lit
tlo lady was fotchlngly gowned In
bluo, making a quaint nnd charming
picture. With her cloar tones and dis
tinct onunclatlon Miss Montagno was
hoartlly received.
Dick Lonsdnlo looks and acts like
a real swodo. Ho could got away with
his lino anywhoro.
'An Honest Man," stnrrlng Dill
Dosmond Is a story woll filmed. Tho
bill Is rounded out with a two reol
comody, making a long and Interest
ing show. Tonight the samo bill will
be shown.
J. S. McClollan, proprlator'ot Max'
cash storo on tho Merrill routo, yes
tordny purchased an Oakland tour
ing car from tho II. R. It. garngo. Mr,
McClollan Is nn enthusiastic booster
for tho nuto association.
On an nvorngo a splnstor'a hair
turns gray fivo years sooner than a
mnrrlcd woman's. '
Notlco Is hcroby glvon that a cer
tain mortgago oxocutcd and deliver
ed by A. E, Vowoll, mortgagor, to J,
A. Dewey, mortgagoo, dated tho 7th
day of May 1920, and tilod for record
In tho'Offlco of tho recorder ot tho
County of Klamath, Stoto ot Orogon,
on tho 10th day of May, 1920, nnd
rocordod In Dook 8 on pago 261,
Record ot Mortgages, will bo fore
closed by a salo, bolng a solo of tho
proporty thoroln montloned, tewlt:
1 black mare 4 years old branded
thus "T"; 1 black colt, 1 year old;
1 bay in aro 9 yoars old brandod thus
"O"; 1 black maro 9 years old
branded thus "LL"; 1 Throo Inch
Winona wagon; 1 threo and ono
fourth Inch Rain wagon; 1 Twelve
foot McCormlck hoador; 1 two bot
tom plow; 1 doublo disk plow; 1 sot
chain harness; 1 sot loathor harness;
1 saddlo; at tho front door of
thn .First National Bank ot Mer
rill, Klamath County, Oregon,
at the hour of 3 o'clock p. m., on tho
Uth day of April, 1921. to satisfy
the amount due upon such mortgage
on tho day of. salo.
Dat'd Marcli 26th, 1981.
U h. LOW,
Agent for J. A. Dewey, mortgagee
In said Mortgage named and men
M 30, Apr. 2-4-6 i
STRAYED Ono groy maro to tho
O'Connor Ranch on Midland road,
March 28. 29-31
Toll your troubles In tho Furnlturo
WANTED TO I1UY Ford or Chevro
let or any good light car. No high
rlcad ones Will pay $50.00 cash
and $40 or $50 por month. What
havo you 7 Uox W. O, W. Herald.
FOR SALE R, I. Rooster. Inqulro
1133 Ornnt. Z'Z
Its economy to havo your shoes
ro-mndo. It cuts down old H. C. L,
At tho Ilradley-Evnns'Shoo Co. 29H
1-1920 Chandler Dispatch A-l
mechanical condition.
1,-1918 Dulck Six with 90 day
guarantee now ton paint and C tires.
1-1920 Dodge, h. real buy and
guaranteed. Looks llkd now.
1-1918 Dodge. A real bargain. 5
new tires. Now top. A-l mechanical
Klamnlli Ave at Seventh
I'lionn 170W 20-1
FOR BALE Forty acres oast of Mid
land In direct Una betweon best
surface oil Indications and a propon
ed silo for oil well. Bco R. E. Smith.
FOR SALE by ownor, flvo room
houso and orerythlng. A. Z. Herald.
Anyono knowing thn whoroobouts
of A.'M. Knnpp nnd family, please
notify tho Merchants Collections Ilur
oau. Cth & Main Sta. 29-30
Its oUr business to repair your
nhocn, wo doublo their life.
29-1 Ilradley-Evana Shoo Co.
FOR SALE: 2000 new cedar fenco
posts, 7 foot long, 35c each deliv
ered In or around city. P. O. Rex
582. !931
WANTED Position by young lady
experienced typlst-bookecper. Used
to handling correspondence. Refer
ences. Herald Uox C. 29-30
FOR 8ALB First class hay dorrlck
cheap for quick salo. Sco Stiles
Hros. Ezolls Stock rapch. 29-2
FOR SALE: Range, heater, living
roojp, dining room, kitchen nnd
bodroom furnlturo used but few
months Call Tuesday or Wcdnesdny
from 11 to 5.00 o'clock. J. D. Laugh
ton. Houso 29 Pelican City. 29-30
WANTED TO RENT Ily reliable
pooplo, fumlshod houso or house
keeping rooms. Uox F. S. Herald.
FOR'SALE Small cabin, a big barn
and a good lot, block and n half
from pavomont. Prlco $1400.00.
Largo 3 room plasterci) houso with
bath. Largo lot, flno lawn. Prlco $1,
7C0. Terms.
Alfalfa hay looso or balled.
IUtnl Entiito
(ISO Main Ilmno U70W.
Avoid that cold.
Wo mend tho Rips, nnd patch tho
Holes, build up tho Heels, and savo
your soles.
29-1 At Bradley-Evans Shoo Co.
Spring Is coming on and you havo
tho houso clearing bug. Woll, I havo
got It, too! let's get together.
"Tlio Furnisher of Happy Homes"
LOST 2 tires nnd tiro rack between
Dorrls nnd Keno. Rotjirn to tho
Mecca Peel Hall. Reward. 28-31
TO LEA8E 80 ncro Irrigated farm.
Closo to town, good proposition to
right party. Call at Wlshard & Wood
Rent Estato otflco, next door to Hor
ald office 28-2
I specialize In cleaning car pots and
rugs. Phono 190W. Wm. Lush.
FOR SALE 011 TRADE For fow
days only, flvo pnssongor touring
car stand thorough examination;
good looker. Take old car that will
mako good speedster; balance casn
torms. 1185 Crescent or phono
39S. 2S-2
WANTED Work pruning young
troos, roso bushes, berry bushes,
and caring for lawns. S. Haley. Phone
337W. 28-2
Nu Bone Corsots, mndo to your
measure Guaranteed. Mrs. Roso Ran
dall, 531 Jefferson St. Phono 260J.
WANTED Position In store or mill
commissary. Can take charge ot
buying, managing, bookceplng, type
writing. Answer "W. M." caro Hor
ald. 28-1
If vnu arn looklncr far cood service
step In wo give It at
39-1 ' Bradley Evans Shoo Co.
Out of. the hundred known spec
cs ot mosquitoes thoro Is only ono'
which is really dangerous.
houso and bath, complotoly turn
Ishod, Located at 104 High streot,
on cor. lot CO x 70 ft. Largo front
nnd roar porches, full sot good plumb
ing, pnrt basement, and two cords 16
In. limb wood. All for only $2,500,
Home terms. Phono 99R, after 5 p. m.
or soo R. C. Dnlo. 28-29
FOR SALE Khnkl tent; collapslblo
auto hod with mattress; doublo
thormos lunch set; all Uko now.
Phono 413.1 or call at 634 N. 8th St.
Whllo you wait wo aro novor too
busy to do your shoo repairing. Como
In, wo'll glvo you a quality Job.
29-1 Uradloy-Evans Shoo Co.
'FOR RENT 35 acres In Entorprlso
district near town. E. L. Stephens,
Box 188. K. F. 28-2
Man and wlfo want -work, wlfo an
cook for mill or camp and man for
gonoral work. Address O, II. Horald
office 26-29
now Fordaon tractor. Tolophono
242R, 28-29
FOR SALE Speed wagon, first-class
shapo; bargain. Address Box C. B.
Herald. .28-31
FOR BALK 6 head Of good work
horses and one 3-yr. old colt. D. W.
Oeorgo on tho old Ky Taylor place,
Keno road. 28-2
Wo shlno the abocs freo that aro
ropalrod In our repair Dopt.
29-1 Bradley-Evans Shoo Co.
WANTED Four or fivo boarders In
prlvato boarding houso. 1185 East
St. Phone 240M. 28-30
Man and wlfo want work, wlfo as
cook for mill or camp and man for
goneral work. Addross O. B. Herald
office. 26-1
Isbed house. Box H. Herald office.
FOR SALE 25 tons A-l alfalfa hay.
C. E. Trlnk. Merrill routo. 28-1
Plow, will be sold by tho Sheriff
on Thursday, March 31, at 2 p. m.,
King & Woodard blacksmith shop.
6th & W'llow, Klamath Falls. Good
condition. May bo seen at King &
Woodard shop. Or will sell at prlvato
salo. Seo W. A. WIeat, attorney for
plaintiff. 20-30
FOR RENT 2-two room apartments
and 1 ono room apartment Also
3 sleeping rooms. 812 Oak St. 26-28
FOR SALE 1 6ft. Monitor drill, 1
6 ft. McCormlck reaper. F. C.
Bochdoldt, Bonanza, Ore. 22-28
FOR SALE Blocks Phono 483M.
J. N. Guthrie. 26-8
Well dresaod pooplo are never run
i down at tho heels and thoy always
stand upon good solos. It they get
them fixed at
29-1 Bradleyi-Erans Shoe store.
Spring la coming on and you have
tho houso cloarlng bug. Well. I havo
git It, too! Let's get together.
Tho Furnisher of Happy Hornet"
DRESSMAKING First claas work
guaranteed. Mrs. Jefferson, No. 2
Main St. 24-7
CHEAP FOR CASH A 5 pnssonger
Cbalmors; good as new. Soo Roy
Durbln, K. K. K. store 24-30
L'OST An alabaster rosary Ploase
return to Horald ortlce. 26-31
FOR RENT 3 rooms, unfurnished,
hot and cold water, bath. $10
month. No children. Also harness,
chains, etc. for sale. 738 California
stieet. 24-31
Notice Is hereby given that the an
nual nicotine ot the larfd owners of
the Klamath Pralnago District will
bo held at tho office ot tho secretary
at tho court houso at Klamath Falls,
Orogon, on Wednesday, the 30th day
of March, 1921, at 2 o'clock p. Hi
nt which ttmo thoro will bo elocted
ono supervisor to sorve tor tho term
ot threo years, and such other busi
ness transacted as may legally come
boforo said mooting.
C. U. DoLAP.
CITY OARBAGE When you want
garbago removed call 10F-23,
Frost may kill your wheat and
rot your pumpkins, or you may lose
your Job, but the grocery bill will
kep right on. Save yourself this
worry nnd bo Independent by buying
our Barron-Tancred White Leghorn
chicks at $12.50 per 100, and our 8
weeks old pullets tor July dellvory
at $13.00 por dozon. Thoy will be
laying In September and stay on tho
Job all winter, and you'll be handing
your grocor eggs at 7c each, and ho
will be soon bo owing you, Order
book Is filling fast,' so ordor early.
Dellvory any time after April 20.
Corning, Calif.
3-1 0-6-1
A procoea for the production ot
alcohol and yeast from soaweed has
been patented in England.
HONOLULU, . II., Fob. 26. Corres
pondence of Tho Associated Proas)
During tho past ton yonrs Insurance
business In tho torrltory of Hawaii
grow from $1,321,469 to $3,602,726
In nnnual premiums, according; to tho
roport submitted to tho legislature
by Dolbort E. Metzger, torrltorlal
NEW YORK, March 30. Owlnf
to the lack of export and domoatlc
domand, flvo big copper mining com
panies In tho wont, including the
Annconada havo announcod suspen
sion. HAVE
7th and Main
Best Nevada sweet clover and
alfalfa, 16c, F. O. B. Fallon.
Dy parcel post.
;; Is the time to get
out your Spring
;; clothes anc have
:: them cleaned and
;; pressed.
j Free Delivery
D.&M. Cleaning
t Otflco Oth mid Main Phone 30
J Works S3 Commercial St.
What Sick People and
Prospective Molfors
Want in Home or Hos Hes
pital: Safe, Sane, Prompt, Proper Pro
fessional care and results at mini
mum cost.. (Collective meaning,
Preventive Surgery) Surgical casea
belong In a Surgical hospital. Moat
others can be efficiently and mora
economically cared for at horn.
AUopathlo Medicine aad Burger
7th and Mala Sta.
Phone 280-W. Klamath Fall