The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 30, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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avi:m:hi)AY, mahch no, tout
The Evening Herald
K J. MUIUMY. Editor
FIUtD SOULE City Editor
Publlshod dally except 8unday, by
Tb'o Herald Publishing Company of
Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth Stroot.
Hntored'M' the-tostotflco at Kin-
inath FlI,.,ibra,torrtl transmission
thV!?5t yyjraJi'1- ccond-class
mati,y vYLj '
Tho Associated I'foss Is exclusively
entitled to tho uaa for republication
nf all news dlsnatchos credited to It.
or not othorwlso credited In this
paper, and nlso tho local nows pub
lisher heroin. '
The Office Cat
In the Glare of Liberty's Light
-ovx v ; " .-
" A '
ijijiAAAr'fir'vv" "
A Song Of Silence.
I enn not sing tho old songs,
Tho words 1 don't recall;
I've never learned tho now ones
So I cannot sing at all.
I enn not sing tho old songs,
I simply squeal or bawl
So pass me by In sllcnco
As I stand around and "stall"
They Llko I'unljlimont
A Tcrro Hauto (Ind.) man marrlod
another fifteen minutes after being
granted n dlvorco.
Wows Item Now York health authorities and welfare workers charge UMroaunniit. nei
lodequatu accommodations exist at Kills Island, through which 80 per cent o ni' Iramlg
filth. Inadequate
Jut So.
Savo daylight as wo, may, night al
ways arrives in dow time.
Buffalo N'ows.
Tho man who used to spend all his
tlmo perfecting perpetual motion has
a now diversion; to's trying to cross
aeroplanes so they'll lay eggs.
At 7 o'clock tomorrow morning a
short passenger train will start from repairman spent twonty-ono
a cortaln small town In Now England away from his homo station. Ho did
to mnkn a lolsurolv run of sixty his work In four hours. Ho drow for
miles ovor a branch lino to the point tho. trip $23.7Cj Another man con-
' .. . . . .. ....... ...I .! I....... I .AnHl.lH - ..MK
wlicro it joins tno main stem oi wio uuuu m luimniut, u i'uuii
systom. Tho train will roach tho Junu- and twenty hours In all away from
tlon at 10 o'clock. At that point tho his base Tho rules allowed him $2-
cars and tho crow will wait with TG, Yet nnothor workman received
nothing to do until 3 or 4 In tho uf- $"23.08 for repairing a stnndplpo.
tcrnoon, when tho return trip will hnvlng been nbsont from tho homo
start. At 7 tomorrow ovenlng tho stntlon twenty-seven hourt and work-
train will pull Into tho samo terminal j ol one day oven, or olght hours
it left twclvo hours before.
Bert Thomas wants to know what
has becom'e of the old-fashioned man
who used to own two pairs ot trous
ers, both with suspenders.
Many a hero has transformed him
self Into a zero In the course of a
three-minute banquet speech.
One editor wants to know if wom
en aro Inferior to men. To decldo that
question permanently, the editor
should get married.
Wo have Just rccolved a copy of
tho "Compressed Air Magazine" No,
not tho "Congressional Record."
That's tho rellased air magazine
Two Great Period
One of tho happiest periods In a
girl's life Is when sho can say, "I
nm engagod," and one of tho hapv
plest, likewise, for some of them, Is
when they can say, "Well, I got ray
dlvorco today."
Then Ho Took UN Hut and Left
Sho And did you bring mo back
any souvenir?
Ho Yes, hero's a Oerman bullet
that tho doctor took out of my leg.
8he Oh, I wish It had been a Oer
man helmet.
. Hut No Bky-Scnipcr HpeakinR
Second-story mon are In domand at
dinners providing their first stor
ies niako a hit.
Somo Doings On a Street Car.
Dubuquo (Iowa) Nows
Will tho person who took pair ot
pants off Main St. car Friday ploaso
return to thin office?
A woman can nevoriindorstand
why a man will stay up all night with
tils friends and r always bo so anxious
to go homo early when sho has him
out at a little party.
Another caso of exactly tho samo United States. Tho forces of the tlmo
nnturo kept tho employe, away from keepers hnvo been dovoted for almost
homo thirty-two hours; ono-elxtoonth two yearn huro In Now England and
in Ull Oilier Dl'tuuiin ui mu iwuiiiij
to figuring nut how much back pay
the mon nro.onUtled to under the
torms Imposed by Utn railroad admin
istration. On May sn, 11)18, tho director-general
Issuod Ocnoral Order 27
One section provides that tho wage
Increases granted thoreln are. effec
tive an of Jan. 1 preceding- Thus at
tho end of May two years ago the
clerks who keop tho tlmo of tho
thousands of railway workers start
ed on the back pay task.
Thoy aro stilt figuring with nil
their might. Ot courso, tho back duns
Includo tho dlfferonco between the
old wages and tho now nml tho niltll-
ot tho tlmo, or two hours, sufficed to
fix tho car; tho workman "undor tho
rules" got tils expenses and $38.25
for that task.
On Now England roads nlso occur
' red these cases: A'few months ago a
This train crow conductor, bag-
gagemaster and brakemnn will-ac
tually have worked Mx hours
tionnl amounts as'osscd for overtime.
,Thlng3 llko this abound not only and tho tlniekeoporg nro enmeshed
In Now England, but all over the In n great web of rules nntrintorpro
land. Ileforo tho Unltod States labor tatlons trying to flguro out how tho
The I hoard In Chicago some days ago a ovortlmo Is to bo reckoned. Tho
"spread of their day" will have been
twolvo hours. But for making that man traveled to an outside tormlnal
Doc. Powell says that evory onco
In a while you see a follow with an
$8,000 touring car who tho week be
fore Was borrowing money to pay his
houso rent.
120 mile turnaround run ovcry day
out Sunday, or twenty-six times n
month In February only twenty
four times they each will receive
.Why l"ay Is So Ilig
It works out this way: "Under tho
rules" thero exists In tho railway
passengor servico a monthly guaran
tee that gives thcao men a thirty-day
month no matter how many days they
may actually bo on duty. Specifically
tho rule Is based upon sorao clauses
In an artlclo In "Supplement 25" to
"General Order 27." Theso omployos
are entitled to a wago ot $7 a day.
Their guarantco ot a thirty-day
month brings thorn a minimum of
$210. But their twelve-hour "spread"
adds In overtime enough to mako tho
wage for each working day $'8.75.
For their twenty-six working days
therefore they must hnvo $227.50.
But there Is a dlfferenco ot four
days between tho actual working
tlmo and tho thirty-day month of tho
guarantee. Add In then four times $7
for those days and you reach the
grand total of $255.50.
This is not un Isolated, and It is
an actual, caso. AH of tho New Eng
land roads havo such branch linos,
somo of them longer than slx'ty miles,
others shorter, upon which tho rules
operata procisoly In tho mannor des
cribed. In tho instance cltod that
train crow In tho present month of
February will rccolvo $2C2 each for
making that run twonty-four tlmos.
Over $10 an Hour.
Somo wooks ago a railway repair
man mnde a trip ovor his lino at ti.
road's cxpenso on an assignment to
repair a motor car. Ho spont sovoral
hours on tho traln( fixed tho car,
and took another train hack home.
In all ho was away from his homo sta
tlon twenty-seven hours, of which
throo hours, or one ninth of tho tlmo,
were spont in actual labor. His pay
envelope contained $32.73 as his due
'""dor tho rules" for that Job.
Western line presented this case: A
slept thoro, did some labor, and trav
eled back. Ho claimed, "undor the
rules," timo-and-a-half and double
time for orcrtlmo for tho porlod ot
his absenco from his homo station.
He actually worked ono hour; the
icompany paid him $34.84.
Theso 'sums nro collootej under
tho "agreement between tho United
States railroad administration and '
the railway omployos' department ot
tho American Federation ot Labor."
Mrs. Junius' opinion that n hus
band is an animal who knows that 50
cents won't buy a dolIarl6vworti of
cigars, but Imagines that $10 worth
of groceries ought to be bought for I pound In tho wholesalo price of sug'
Wo Told Ours, But Ho's Hard of
Boston Olobo)
Don't forget to tell your grocer
about that reduction of a cent a
whoio problem Is nbout as complicat
ed as tho Versailles treaty.
Thoro nro llfty-sovcn kinds ofen
glno sorvlco wnges, fourtcon kind of
train service rates, and fivo kinds of
passenger train service rates and It
Is said to bo possjblo for ono man to
got all five "under tho rules " Hie
old boards of adjustment wont out
of existence when tho roads came
back to private ownorshlp, but their
decisions remain In otfoet. Hoard No,
3 mndo 1051 decisions, noard No. 1!
mndo 2039 decisions, Hoard No. 1 i
Kulo G ot this agreement reads thus: tnado 2276 In nil 63C0 decisions.
"All ovortlmo outside of bulletin Are theso decisions harmonious, all
hours, up to and Including tho six-! fitting together? They aro not. Lator
tecnth hour of servico In any one1 do?lsbi.s conflict With earlier ones,
twonty-four hour porlod, computed
from tho starting tlmo of tho cm
ployo's regular shift, shall bo paid
for at tho rato of tlmn-and-a-halt and
thereafter nt tho rato for doublo
tlmo, up to tho starting tlmo for tho
omphjyo's regular shift." '
lllff Job to Calculate.
Tho computation of ovortlmo and
of back pay has como to bo a colossal
Job In every railroad offlco In tho
some decisions conflict with orders
I ot tho dlrccton-gonoral, somo with
the wngo awards, and in romu In
stances decisions on the samo ques
tion do not Jlbo. No wondor tho time
keepers thus fnr hnvo flgure.d for
I two year. Thoy nro required "as
! promptly us possible to atcortaln tho
I A l I- . .. 1 It.....
aui'Juni. uuu in unci iy " m
"must cnmp'uto tho pamont duo om
ployos separately from tho rogulnr
Falls Creamery butter which if pre
sented at our office will be cashed
- for$5.00CAsa '
Gentlemen $1.10 Ladies Free
monthly piiymcnlH" In order that tho
employes "may know tho axnet
amount of thnno buck piiyimmtif."
liiciiu.iUteiH'li'M In Utile
Olio mono Illustration of the coudl
tloiiH that afflict tho roads today.
This happened on a Western road.
It might hnvo hiippenoil In New Eng
land, for I ho saint) ruin binds nil tho
ronilH. Tho lint ot roiulH runs right
through tlui alphabet from tho Ala
bama & Vlcksliurg to tho Zanosvlllo
A Western, It often happens Hint
when u Now England Una wants to
know how tho rules Interpret tho caso
of a Maine machinist, or n Now
Hampshire blacksmith, or a Massa
chusetts sheet metal worker, they
find tho rule In Home decision In an
Oregon, or an Arizona or a Minne
sota case. l,ocut conditions, "like tho
flowora that bloom In tho spring,"
"hnvo nothing to do with tho chbo."
Personal Mention
Douglas E. Cadtiian, representing
a San FmiiclNCo electric supply
house, Is hern visiting the local
ngency, the Electric Shop. On hln
previous visit ho Installed (ho elec
tric ranges In thu new Evans upurt
imiutH. Tho Union Taxi company reports
Unit oiiu of their cars inado a trip
over thu old Fort Klamnth raiiit
yesterday, tho first car ovor tho
road this Hoanoii. With the oxcop
tlon of wanhoiitH tho road was In
fair condition.
Tim French Government benefits
it a rati) or $G0,nui) a day as Its
.lure of the profits of one popular
r.Mllblillg CUNHIO,
You have a Cold
I'tirchiiso it hex of ltexnll I.axutlvo
Aspirin (U. 1). Co. ) Cold Til blots, taka
a few doneii mid note tho results.
Jteud tho money back guarantee that
Is on nvory box. You will bo con
vlticed thai, no man, wo'man, or child
enn afford to lake chalices and neg
lect a cold when such un offoctlvo
remedy t lint acts so thoroughly,
quickly mid naturally without dis
comfort Is so easily obtained nt a
Hlllll.ll cost.
Then put the question nquaroly to
yourself. Why tnku a clianco of bo
Irg without this iipletidld combina
tion when you ran keep a box handy
and ready to meet any emergency?
IF YOU COIK11I you will find
Itijxall Cherry llnrk Compound
t'niigh Syrup very soothing and heal-Inj-
to tho Irritated mucous mom
hm ties; It relieves soroness and aids
yoti In throwing off the phlegm.
Your Chest Is Sore
Your client mid lungs nro soro and ,
reel tight. Thin condition Is benefi
cially treated with Huxatl Bronchial
Halve, applied directly to the chest,
placing a hot flannel ovor It and loav
III); It on omit night. One or two thor
ough applications does tho work. You
will savo yourself suffering, tlmo and
money by keeping theso remedies In
your rnnllelnn chest and using when
first symptoms of a rold appear.
(lot of us a box of thoso Cold Tab
lets todny. Take thorn according to
directions the moment tho first symp
toms appear nml you will obtain rosl
'Wo guarantee thorn.
Ttf 'fJiVCrtfA Starr
Klntiuilh I'iilli
Tok. that limn.
n.ssand monotony
out of vty-Uy
A bolllo nf DuX
MONTK CuMuiion
thu ubl will
you do It. V'
Servo it with c2
use It In cooUngl '
Its r.d-rlp. to- kwU
into flavor adds ipJRan.
its! to almost any 1twfJWt
oth.r food. jy AaSr
That wo know what Is best
I in thu Optical Profession
,- has liijen well Illustrated in
tho history of "Shur-ons."
Wn originally Introduced
tliU latit popular stylo of
eyeglass to that glass wear
ing public of this county?
They looked odd In those
days, luit the prevailing
style then looks odd now.
You nro sure of ganutno
Hhiir-ons when you coma to
Special tiiuchlnes nro now design
ed f' r testing tho alertness and oth
er abilities of telephone operntors.
t i
v2& lfrte- TllPr
Oak floors nro ofton found In such costly surroundings that
few Imnglno how llttio thoy cost. Vory fow pooplo roallzo how
much thoy run got for their monoy by laying -lnch Oak floors
over old florrn. .
The d'fltlnctlvo modern and artistic appearanco of a homo, as
veil n.i Un health and comfort, will bo greatly tncraasod by the
una or Oak flooring. Oak flooring Is rich and choorful in color,
and Impurta an air of ologanco nnd roflnomont to a home.
For permanently artltitlc floors wo rocommond Long-Bell Fork
ed Leaf Oak Flooring. It Is uniform as to color and toxturo, per
foct as to manufacture and Is of suporlor quality. Its romarkably
smooth surfuco Is unsurpassed, and it makes an Ideal foundation
for a baautltul Intorlor. '
You will
you on
Lot us know tho slzo of tho rooms you wish to floor,
bo surprised nnd pleased at tho figures wo can quoto
s-lncli Long-Bell Forked Loaf Oak Flooring.
Big Basin Lumber Company
Telephone 107
Main nnd Spring Street
to. ur ovor in wow York,