The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 30, 1921, Image 1

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Mlft vvmtw
Today's News
Do It
Member of the Associated Press.
nrtnMiiii Ycnr No. noHis.
Reduction of frulKlit rutcN to Kln
tnnth I'd I In lit up tn tho liilnrstnto
commerce commission, reports M. A
CallnKhaii, manager of thn Chamber
of Commorco traffic department,
who returned liittt nlKlit from Hint
Francisco wlmrii lin Intnrvlnweil a
ll u moor of Houttinrii Pacific offlcluW
Ho discovered Hint tlui com anv
on' March 12 fllod u Ijrlof, based on
ovldonco before tho Portlnnd rate
hoarlnR, Jiuiuiiry IK, lust, lit which
Ktmnnth Falls wait nut ropruienli'il,
with tho Interstate lommurcn cum
mission, sotting forth proposals fr
rntit reductions.
Tho reductions proposed by .tlio
rnltrond vary accnrdliiK to el'' hut
thn uvontgo. nuyn Mr Calliighiin, Ik
about 13 per cent. On third and
fourth class rates, which applies to
tho bulk of freight, thn iivorngo cut
In about S3 cents on tho hundred
A rulliiK of tint rommlsslen. m
tabllshlng thn now rntin, may bu ox
poctml In 00 duya, said tho traffic
Proposals nf tho Portland traffic
niuioclntlon nrn considerably groatnr
than thn railway proposals.
Considerable ('durational work
will bn nncpmuiry. ll nppoara, to s
tnbllih' an understanding that Kla
math KulU, a thn second lurKunl
shipping point In OruRuu.-ta entitled
to consideration In uny giineriil rain
llernuao Klamath Falls wim not
represented at tho Portland ImnrliiK
Mr. Callaghnn says, thn local com
plaint ngnlnnt tho Huiitlwrn Pacific
waa dlnnilnnm). and. wliatnvor rate
reduction Klamath Falls got U not
thn result of ltd own nfforta but In
brought about by tho Mar for rate
preforonco between Portland nnd
Ban Francisco. In thn big Ramn
Klamath Falls In simply u pawn.
Local shippers will liuvo oppor
tunity to mnkn their complnlntH to
hondauwrtuni noxt wook when 0
W. I.uco, Rouoral trafflomnniiRor of
tho Southern Paclflr, has promland
to bo In Klamath Kails to Inves
tlRato tho local condition.
Taxes Pouring In;
Three Weeks Grace
Allowed This Year
Deputy Sheriff llort Hawkins with
threo anslatunts have boon oxtromwly
busy nrnklng out tax stutemonUi and
rocolvlne tax money, slnco Monday
mornlnR, and Mr. Hawkins estimates
that thoro will bo no cessation until
after tho fifth of April. Kvory mall
from outlying towns In tho county
brings Us aharo nt chocks In pay
ment of taxos. As usual, pooplo who
havo compartlvely liirgo amounts to
pay, protor to pay one-halt nt this
tlmo, taking ndvantngo of tho pro
vision In tho law which gives thorn a
chanco to uso tho other half of thn
tax money until thn nth of October.
Ordinarily taxes would bocomo de
linquent on April nth, but duo to tho
Inability of tho nhorlff to socuro tho
tax rolls from tho nnoo.Hsor on tlmo
this year, Mr. Hawking said that at
least three wooks Rrnco would bo
WA8HINCITON, Mnrch 30. Tho
hon that did tho cackling may not
hnvo laid tho egg, government farm
exports assort. They ndvlso farmon
to uso trap nests In order to pin tho
cacklor down to fads In tho way of
Ily holding a hon on tho nost until
roloaaod, tho announcement said, it
was posslblo to koop tab on tho good
layers, regordloss of tho fuss' raised
by somo lions on falsa protonsos.
Weather Probabilities
Tho barometric prossuro, as
Indlcatod by tho Cyclovstorma
graph at Underwood's Pharma
cy, has romnlnod almost sta
tionary slnco yesterday noon.
This probably Indicates a con
tlnunnrn of tbo present cloar,
pleasant weather, for anotbor
34 hours at'l'eist.
Forecast for next 24 heurs:
No changoia prosont weather
M' Arthur Invites
Harding to Legion
Meeting In Eugene
Herald WiiaIiIiirIoii lliircau
WASHINGTON, March 30. Con
RroNiumin .McArthur today conforrod
with Prcnldi'tit HiirdltiK nml luvltud
i I in to alti'tid tho annual convention
of thn ntato of Oregon Amorlcan
Legion (onvoutloli to bn hold lit Ktl
gmm July 1 and 2.
Tho president assured him that ho
would lm ilullKhU'il to nccopl If ron
illtloim would pnrmlt, but both tho
president and tlio congressman ho
llnvu that congress tit III will bn III
Hussion ut that tlmo and that It
would bo Impossible for tho presl
di'iit to roach Oregon on that duto
Tho priiHlduut said hu wui looking
forward to IiIh Pacific coast trip with
much imRornoas and pleasure and
hoped to Hturt Imtiindlatoly aftor ltd
Joiiriimont of roiiRroH.
Mrs. .McArthur accompanied hor
hunlmnd nnd wax presented to tho
primldunt Junt an ho waa leaving.
CoiiRrrssmnn McArthur nuRRonted to
tho president that ho arraiiRu tho
trip nu that ho could roI throo or
four dayH of nnlmon flahltiR In
hoiiio of tlio OrcRon streams, mid
I tho presldnnt said notblnR would
ipluavi lilm bettor
HI DKPKST, March 30. Kormor
UmpiTor Charles of Austria IIunRnry
' mnde a visit horn Monday with tlio
ii'en of taklriR poancsslon of Hun
I Rnrlun thronn, but was unablo to In
I dure llm IlunRurlau Eovornmcnt to
I fall l:i lino with his plan. It was
I learned from excellent sotircea. Ail
! in Ira I Worthy, roRent, otter settlnR
I forth tho constitutional urn! political
objections Induced tho ax-monarch to
promUo to return to Switzerland.
Charles Is reported now to ba nt
BtolnnmanRor, In west Hungary
near tho Austrian frontier.
VIKNNA. March 30. Tho Aus
trian government Is taking ovory
tiocnutlon to provont former Kmpor
or Charles from reontolng tho coun
try from Htelniunnnger.
Another Messenger
Has Narrow Escape
Charles Shoehnn, messenger for
tho Western Union, narrowly es
caped Injury at tbo corner ot Ninth
and Main streets yesterday, when
a car driven by J. S. llatemun
crushed Into him whllo lm was turn
ing thn corner on his bicycle. Doth
woro going In thn sumo direction.
Tho wheel was demolished, but
Shenhuu was unhurt. This accldont
hnppondod nt tho sumo corner where
Lynn Bkllllngtou, another Western
Union mesosngor, was so badly hurt
a couple ot weeks ago.
According to witnesses llatoman
was on tho right side of tho street
und driving slowly.
Bonanza Sewing
Club Has Program
Tho Ilonnnzn Husy Iloo sowing
club held IIh rogulnr mooting Fri
day, Mnrch 18, Aftor tho buslnoss
mooting, tbo following program was
"Story of tho Origin of Cotton,"
Ada Flnckus,
Piano Solo, Mrs. Doll, local loador.
Song. "Orogon, Prldo of tho West,"
by Hlrdlo Hamnkor, Mildred Scott,
I.oola Forrls nnd Mary Scott.
Tho following commlttoo was ap
pointed to soloct somo club sengs:
Loola Forrls, Mlldrod Scott and Loyo
Smith. Instructions on tho noxt les
son woro glvon by tho club loador,
nftor which tho mooting ndjournod
until tho noxt regular mooting, Frl
dny, April 1,
Mrs. Anna Honllne, her Bister,
Mian Clara. Moon; Miss Emily' Mo
shsdp, and Mrsv HbnJIno's llttlo
daugbtor, Helen Frlotas, left for San
Francisco this morning, whoro they
will malco tlioir homo,
T 1
( LONDON, March 30 Fifty por
(Hotia woro killed In yontorday's
I flRhtinR with communists, nayn a
Ilorlln dlaputch.
At Mnnholm tho pollco woro at
tacknd and rnturnod tho flro. At
Dresden tho attempted rioting; was
supprassod. Nlnoty-lwo communists
including womnn, warn arrested
Communlit activity In tho Ithlno
roRlon la Increasing aaya a roport
from DuHKoldurf. Home mines havo
boon ROlzcd by workers.
In tho Jona Rlass manufacturing
dlntrlrt hoiiio success has altondod
tho offorta of tho communlata to
atari a Rcnoral atrlko.
COLOONK, March 30 Efforts by
J communlaU to cauao a Ronoral
Htrlkn at RollniiRen hnvo failed, aaya
a tuleRram from that city, which In
occupied by IUItlah troopa.
Illotura broko Into public building i
In aoino of tho rural districts mid
robbed Home banks, but woro routod
by tho pollco.
Get Your Dog
Licenses At Once
Chief of Pollco II. B. Wilson an
nounces that dog licenses aro now
duo, nnd advises all dog ownors who
wish to keop their dogs to call at
tho pollen department nnd aocuro
licenses for them. This nppllcs to
nil dogs over two months old. Fur
thermore, said tho chief, license
tngt) must lm ntlachcd to collars and
pls.cod.upou the !q&t; as all -tasless
dogs will ho picked up nnd disposed
of unless their owners coma to thnlr
roscuu. Tho town, said tho chief. Is
oterrun with dogs, nnd If any por
son has n dog which ho or aim
would Ilka to dlsposo of, quick dis
position will bo mudo of It It tho
owner will bring It to tho dog pound
on Houth Second stroet.Or. It unablo
to bring such dogs to tho pound
personally, a telcphono call sent In
to tho pollco department -wilt bring
an officer to any part of tho city,
and thn dog will bo taken cam of
Tho chief Insists that llconsos bo so
cured at onco
CIIICAOO, March 30. Tho de
fectives, who Invostlgatod tho Wall
stroot oxploslon, today startod In
vestigation ot tho oxploslon of tho
Secret flro works factory In which
flight woro klllad yostorday. Tho
Amorlcan Hallway association assign
ed mon to Investlgnto tho shipment
ot explosives to and from tho wholtv
salo notion cstahllshmoat ot Slngor,
Schaffor and company.
Wilson Wiley, Not
The Mayor, Jailed
Wilson Wiley, who Is llko tho ma
yor of this city "in narao only," was
nrrostod at Ilodford's mill noar Chll
oquln yostorday by Sheriff Lloyd
Low, who actod upoji advice from
Rawlins, Wyoming, which charges
htm with wlfo dosortlon. Ha will
remain in Jail horo until extradition
popors arrive
of emzENsmp.
PORTLAND, March 30. Applica
tion for tho cancellation ot tho cltt
zonahlp papors of John L. Ethorldgo
was tiled In tho fodoral court yostor
day by fodoral District Attornoy
Humphreys, who nllogod Ethorldgo
ontorod tho United Stntos undor an
assumed namo and conccalod his
prison rocord.
LONDON, Msreh SO. Cambrldgo
won tho apnual boat race on tho
Thnmcs today from its ago-old rival,
i N
, Ono hundred or moro mnlo rosl
dents or this city aro looking long
ingly toward San Francisco nnd wait
ing anxiously for nows of ono B.
Fox, who enmn hero about tbo 10th
of February, look ordors for cloth
ing nt prices which cortalnly did
"socm wondrous chonp," and do
camped leaving behind him tho as-
surunco that tho clothing ordorfld
would nrrlvo hero by mall or ox
pross within ton days. Whon Mr.
.Fox left tho city, ho took with him
something moro than a bunch of or
dors, for with each order his victims
daposltod from 1R to $30, and In a
fan Instances, according to stories
now told, ho secured oven moro than
that amount from sovnn.l of his
With each order and deposit Mr.
Fox Issued a rccoplt In tho namo of
tho Western Co-Oporatlve Tallo's of
San Francisco. No s'.root addrosn
appeared upon tho lewplts, but fcp
parently this discrepancy was over
looked until after tbo tlmo tho cloth
ing should havo nrrtvod, and tho vic
tims began to look ovor tho receipts
for tho purposo of learning tho quick
est way to got into communication
with tho company. A. Itaddor and
Al Illumonsholn, who resldo at tho
Hot Springs hotel, sent special de
livery letters to tho Western C6
Operatlvo company at San Franclsc,
nnd In duo tlmo tho postofflco sont
them word that no clothing company
of that namo oxlsted In San Fran
cisco. Mr. Dlumonsboln frankly
states that ho believes ho is "hook
od," nnd that thoro ro at least 100
nio'ro men In this city In tho snmo
Mr. Fox Is descrlbod as a roan
about 3I years old, of ovldcnt Jowjsh
extraction, ono hand Incapacitated,
nnd of n sly. oily, demeanor. That ho
is sly Is probbaly Indicated by his
signature "8. Fox." which somo peo
ple say describes him with exactitude
tho Initial standing for tho word sly,
and his chief characteristic of that
foxy llttlo animal, tho fox. At least.
12000, It Is said, wcro garnorod by
Mr. Fox.
Oregon to Get Same
Air Forest Patrol
As Given Last Year
Herald Washington Itureau
WASHINGTON, March 30. Sona
tor McNory today advised States For
estor Eliot thnt Oregon would havo
tho samo nlr patrol servlco nnd pro
tection from tho fodoral government
1 thnt it had lust year, but that tho
I personnel nnd appropriations would
' not permit any extension of tho scr
t vlco.
1 This Information was In rcsponso
' to a lettor from tho stnto forostor,
wherein ho said ho feared thoro
would bo no air protection. Tho war
department Informed Senator Mc-
Nary ot tho abovo focts nnd said that
tho dotalls wcro In tbo hands of tho
gonoral commanding tho 9th army
area at San Francisco.
Sonntor McNnry tolographod him
asking that the full amount ot pro
tection onjoyod by Oregon forosts last
year bo extonded this year.
Tho assombly danco to bo glvon
In Scandinavian hall tonight glvos
promlso ot bolng ono of tbo best
nttondod dances hold hero In months.
Tho word has gone out that tho man
agement has made arrangements for
an ovonlng ot unammoratod ploosuro,
and most ot tho dancors of tho city
havo boon looking forward to it for
days. For roal onjoymont, tbo man
agomont states, you cannot afford to
pass up tho Scandinavian hall to
night. -i
commlttoo of olovon, headed by
Oharlos Q, Dawes, of Chicago, wljo
seVve'd as a Brigadier General In
rranco has ben appointed by Presi
dent Harding to Investigate tho war
risk bureau and tho treatment given
disabled sorvlco men.
Jurv List Drawn V
For Spring Term of
, The Circuit Court
Tho Jury list for tho spring term or
court has boon turned ovor to the,
'sheriff by Judge D. V. Kuykondall,'
'and contains tbo following names:
w. a, j ones, unanes rvcsior, iion-i
ry Iiagby, H. B. Calkins, W. I). Cofor,
J. It. Dixon, C. M. Hamsby, Otto
Heldrlck, II. Nylandor, II. S. Wako-1
field, Clydo Hradloy, Tom Lynch,
John A. Koontz, C. O. Merrill, James
IJIalr, I. 8. Puckctt, J. W. Llndsoy,
and A. M. Sutton. I
Tbo caso of J. Bbaughnossy vs J. C.
Kimball and Jesso Kimball, covorlng
a domand for $1,050 forsorviccs ren
dered, will bo tbo first tried during
this torm. It bos been sot for April
Grand Jnry Called
Tho county grand Jury will also
convene Monday, April 4, to inqulro
into cases awaiting Investigation.
NASSAU, Ind., March 30. Virgil
Dockor, his mother, Mrs. Lydla Dock
er, and two brothors, Fred and Calf
Docker, woro Indicted today, follow-
ing Investigation ot tho death of Lo-'
, roy Ijvott, Virgil Decker, has been
held hero on a murder charge. Ills
relatives wero arreatod lasfnlght and
brought here. Lovott was tho'dou
blo" ot Virgil Deckor, and alleged
to havo boon murdered In an .in
surance plot. , .
Will Confirm Class
And Lecture Tonight
Confirmation will bo admlnlstorcd
to a large class In tho Odd Fellows
' halt tonight by tho Right Rorerond
J Illshop nobort L. Paddock of tho
Episcopal church, dloceso of eastorn
Oregon. Archdeacon Van Wotora will
present tho class. After this cere
mony, uisnop rauuocK win lociurt;.
Following the lecturo, tho bishop,
Archdeacon Van Wators, and tho
nouiy contlrmod communicants will
bo tendorod a reception. The pub
lic Is invited to attond the confirma
tion ritos, tho lecturo, and also the
rccoptlon. Services will begin at
Southom Pacific track and ware
house scales woro checked yostorday
by tho representative ot the Orogon
department ot weights and measures
and found In satisfactory condition
of accuracy, roportod C. C. Miller,
, Southorn Pacific agent today.
i II, II. Frazier, In cbargo ot tbo
water servlco of tho Southern Pa
cific In this district, Is horo Inspect
ing water Installations. Repairs, un-
' dor his supervision, aro underway to
day on tho supply lino for tho local
Block corrals.
PORTLAND, March 30. Tho pub
lic sorvlco commission ordered tho
Portland gas rato cut tlvo cents a
thousand. Today's order amends
tbo order Issued January 15th, which
tncraasod Portland's gas rato. Tho
rates is equivalent to a reduction
of $100,000 annually In tho com
pany's revenues. They aro based on
tho new oil contract under which tho
company Is enablod to got oil at a
reduction ot 15 conts a barrel.
Dcsslo, tho two-year old daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Rao ot 803
Walnut street, died yesterday aftor
noqu of whooping cough. Tho funeral
will bo held from tbo Wlhitlock chap
el this afternoon at 3:30. The Rever
lentf B. P. Lawrence of the.Presby
1 terltn church wjll have cljars of the
, funeral eorviee. '
Mr. Ra3 is the proprietor of the
uruiur vaiu,
ruwtt iiMirMir
Alleging nogllgonco on the part of
tho California-Oregon Power com
pany, tho London & Scottish Insur
anco corporation has fllod anlt
against tho powor company to col
lect $98,08G.72 this amount of In
surance having boon paid to tbo Oof
maln company, of Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania said' to bo tho owner ot
at least $105,000 worth ot lumbor
consumod by flro whon tbo Kesterson
mill at Wordonburnod on the 17th
of last September.
Tho complaint states that on the
25th of May, 1920, the Germain com
pany owned a largo quantity of lum
ber In tho yard and plant of tbo I.
E. Kestorson Lumbor company at
Ivan Spur, near Worden, about JO
miles south ot this city, and that the
lumber was insured for Its approxi
mate v'oluo; also that tho California
Oregon Powpr company maintained
and operated ovor and across the
plant and yards three oloctrlc wires
with a capacity of 37,000 volts, the
wiroa being strung about 40 feet
from tho ground and Immediately
over tho lumber. Being carelessly
and unsklllfully hung, so tho com
plaint says, ono or moro wires broko
and foil on the lumber, sotting fire
to It. Holding that tho powor com
pany Is entirely responsible, the
London & Scottish Insurance com
pany, asks that it bo reimbursed
In full for tho Insurance paid.
Tho legal trattlo promises to be
sensational, as tho California-Oregon
Powor company Is known to have
'been at work slnco the tire gatbor
ing evidence (o defend" tho suit.
Ono "of tho main contentions of
dofense. It Is nnjlorstood, will be
that tho power company owned a
right of way for Its lines before the
sawmill and yard was established and
that tho mill piled its lumber on the
company's land without permission
and against tbo oxprossed warning of
tho division managers ot the power
company, both at Klamath Falls and
There Are Several
Ways of Spelling
Hotel Clerft Learns
"What's In a namet Well, it alt
depends. E. E. Magee thinks there's
a great doal In tbo spoiling. Mr. Ma
gee spont a couple ot weeks in San
Francisco recently and hob-nobbed
with old fronda.
Ho mot Frank Williams, a former
resident of Klamath Falls, and they
planned an excursion to Sacramen
to. Williams was to call at Mageo'a
hotel next morning and the start
would bo made from tho hostelry.
Williams was there on tho dot and
askod tho clerk it Mageo was in. The
clerk ran bis finger down tho regis
ter and reported no one ot thai name
was registered.
"If ho's hero," ho said, "He's reg
istered undor an assumed namo."
Tho puzzled Williams wont away.
Later ho mot Mageo down town and
upbraided him for registering under
an alias.
Tho local druggist explained that
ho was not n fugltlvo from Justice
nnd huntod tho hotel clerk.
My name's Magoe," ho declaimed,
"M-n-g-o-e. How do you mean I'm not
registered horo?"
A glanco nt tho reglstor and tho
clork was profusely apologizing.
"I olways figured that tho only
way to spell that name," ho said,
"waa by starting M-arO."
Lumbermen Discuss
General Problems
A meeting of lumberman Inter
ested In local and nearby mills and
factorios was held In tho Whlto Peli
can hotel last night, the discussions
contoring around tho general con
dition of the lumbor Industry. Ac
cording to several lumbermen pre
sent, no definite action was taken
pn vany phase of tho business affect
ing the ..general public, etee'pi the
proposed reduction of wigrs -from
j'$'4.50 per dy for common labor, to
'$3.20. This reduction will bo mode
It doYOiopnients warrant Ut
V .