1A I PAU13 I'lVH TENNESSEE TO PRESERVE THE JOHNSON ROM E NAHIIVIM.E, Tiinn , March 25 -A doliipldiitnd little IiiiIIiIIiik t (Ireenovllle, In Eastern Tenni'soo, up. oil tin) front o( which onrn hum: thn ntgui "A. Johnson, Tailor," niul 'which wn tho pluco wliprn Andrew Johnson, thn mini who siicnieded Lincoln nn President of thn United Btnto, began hln business career, probably will ho bought and pre served by tho Htnto of Toiini'snon. A lilll now Is ponding In thn Ten nessee Legislature) providing for thn purchase of thu t ultillnn and Kh maintenance an 11 Htnto rullc Hu pic turn linn adorned Tennessee hlstorlen fur year hut thn C'omijionyonUh ha Im'oii slow to tnku step to prnnorvo thu building. Thn llttlo tnltnr shop stands nt thu corner of Kant Depot it ml College street In thn sleepy llttln town wlmra Johnson, who was horn In Knlolgh, N. 0.. emigrated nt dm ago of eigh teen. HnvInK served hln approntliti ship to a tnllor. Johnson opened hli tint nhop In (Irronvlllo. After n year lin w married to Minn Eliza lie Cardoll to whoso lot It fll to tench liar young husband to write mid un dortako other educational prollmln nrloi as Johimon know only his lat ter whim ha became head of his own homo, having never ntlondeil nchnol n ilny In hln life. Johnson' polltlcnl rumor began nn alderman of Orrctinvllln Ho thun THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, MARCH, 2H, 1021. "OVKIt.NOR TO ATTUNII t'AL. (1, A. It, t'A.UP. STOCKTON, Cnl, Mflrt-li 28 -lov-trnor Wllllmn I), Blenheim him pro iiiIhuiI to iittoiul the li)2 encamp meiit of thn (Jrmiil Army of the Hn pnbllr innmliurH of Cnllfornhi mid Nevada to ho held hern In Mny, Or ganization affiliated with thn (J. A It. will iilmi meet hnrn lit thn nuimj time. Assistant Adjutant (leiiornl 13. I., Hawk of thn (1 A. It who In doltiK much of thn preliminary minunpmunt work Iiiih predicted that Htockton will have thn largest enrnmpmniit nvor held In thn ntiito, SECRETARIES SHORTCaURSE T I. Htnnlny, secretary of the Kin ninth county Chamber of Coimnnrcin In representing thin county nt thn week' short course for necrotnrlen of thn ntntn'N cominnrrlnl bodies, which opens at thn University of OrcRtin to day rlpoclallntn In community IiiiIIiI Iiik ulll address thn gnlhcrliig, which In attended by offlcurn of civic org anltallonn from nil partn of thn ntuto. Among speakers listed nru Dr. W. J lllndley, of Hpokniio, Washington, director of thn Wnslflngton Itetull Merchuntn association; George A. Mansfield, prenldent of thn Htnto org anization of farm hurnnun; (leorgo Quayln, general secretary of thu Btntn Chamber of Coinmerco; Norman F. Coleman, president of the l-oynl I.o- Klon of Logger and Lumbermen; A MINT PLANTING STARTS APRIL S ntuuiHMiii in i ihhmiii aiu inuit i m. scrvod nn mayor, wan elected to thn C l-'luni, general superintendent of lower house of the legislature, then Into senator, afterword to Cungruss, bornma governor of Tennesson sorv In two terniH, United Stule senator, military governor of Tennessee, wan elected an vice pronldnnt of thn Unit ed States and hornmn I'rcnldent upon tho death of Lincoln llln flnnl politi cal office wnn thnt as t'nltod Hlntes Senator from Tennessee. Johnion, while governor of Ten nessee, once resumed hln vocational Implements, lie hnd formed n strong the Eugene Wutor llourd. und El tin K Lawrence, dean of thu uni versity hcIiooI of nrchltecttirn. A fenturn of one avcnlliR will bo thn hIiowIiik of tho film Tha Land of llurnt Out Klr," producod hy thn Klnuinlh Chninhnr of Co nunc rep, and a mil of colored hIIiIoi on Wnllo n county mailn up hy tho Chnmhor of Coinmerco there In connection with Ih mo picture". Alfred I'ownrn, In rliurKn of thu vlnual i-onntriictlon nervlcu of thn unlvenlty, will explain tho opportunity for using nllilen and frlHtiflfltilll In flln Tnnniluitiit lrrlnla turn for W. W. IVpper. of H.rlnK-' ",, ln Pwnioilon nnd educntlonnl ........ vum oi v nnniiirrii oi oiiiuierri-. field, a Rtaiioch WIiIr and once n hlackimllh. Doplln their Irreconcl nlilo political creed the pnmonnl re lations of Johnson mid I'uppor weru extremely rordtal. I'eper liecnme JuiUn of the seventh Judlrlnl district In 1854 noil after u visit to Johnson, then governor, set nhout mnktiiR a present to Ills friend, fnshlnnltiR n shovel which ho sent wlj,h a note ex plaining It was lutunJod as a mem ento to a friendship that was proof against alt political differences, Johnson, to show his appreciation of tho token, took up hln scissors and needle nnd mndn n handsome tiA.ivf.r rlnlli rnnl wlileh tut nrisHil i anil sent to Topper It was a splendid pleco of workmnnnhlp, probably tho last of tho kind of work Johnson over did, and exists to this dny, tho prop erly of W. W. Popper of Hprlngflold. Judgn Topper's only surviving son. Tho coat was, mndo about cloven yearn hoforo .Johnson entered tho White House nnd tho movement to pretarvo hi old tailor shop In nrcennvlllo by Leglslatlvo enactment hns revived that story of tho tnllor president. X ' Methodist Church Shows 1920 Gain CIIICAOO, III., March 25. Tho Methodist Kplscopnl Chiirsh mndo n net gain of lDl.&li9 membors In ' 191U-20, and 01,237 In Sundny Hchool onrollment, according to n - statement Issued today by tho Com mittee on Conservation and Advunco, from statistic gathered by Dr. Ollv or.B. Ilakotol of Now York, for tho (lenoral Minutes of tho Church. It raised 100,831 for all purposos; of which tho pastor rocolvod $21,944, 013, tho district superintendents $1, 369,221, tho bishops $314,080, nnd tho rotlrod minister $1,300,409. Now church and pnrsonngo building nnd Improvement took $10,C5R,179. Debts to tho extent of $4,020,790 woro paid. Current oxponses usod, up amounted to $11,210,830, For tho Contonnry nnd bonovolonco Includ ing tho rocolpt of tho two woman's Boclotlos $20,005,727 was provided. Travollng proncher: on trial, 1, 726; offoctlvo, 14,529; suporoumor ary, 642; retired, 3,537; total, 18,: 708; an Incroasa of 147. During tho year 372 dlod and 280 locntod, The total paid for ministerial bup port wns $24,989,323, a gain of $3, 098,199, or 14 per cent. Church membership: Baptisms, 180,561 (Increase 44,627)T children fciptlaed, 163,601 (Increase 29,046); preparatory members received 316, 907 (lncreas'138,490); full mem ber oif roll, 3,948,409 (Increase 162,490): total momborihlp 4,393,- "The short con mo Is doslgneil es pecially for the smaller cities and towns of tho slate," unld Dcnn Ttob bins. "A consldernblo jmrt of tho progrnm Is dnvotcd to tho relation of tho Chamber of Co in mo re o nnd the meeting. V. A. Held, chnlruinn of tho Mnrshfleld Chnmhor of Cont merce, will glvn n demonstration how a board of director meeting should bo held. day hero, going homo this morning. Mr. L. K. Wado, who tenchon school at Word on, left for thnt plnco this morning after spending Raster Sunday hero. 988 (Increaso 191,959). Donths, 50, 183 (docrensa 22,583). Sunday schools j number of schools 35,871 '(Increase 451); cfflcora and teachers, 392100 (decrease 1,099); enrollment, 4,414,472 Increaso 91,-237). ON BIG TRACT Two carload of mint root for Plantltu; on tho Caledonia Marsh will nrrlvo tonight from tho Wlllninottn vnlloy. It I Just ono year ago to day Hinco tho flrt car of mint root for demonstration work wan brought In from tho Wlllnmntto vnlloy mint fields by tho l'jiclflc Const Mint company. Tho result woro so sntl factory that tho I'aclflo Coast Mint company and tho Klamath Mint com pany, owners of tho 4000 aero tract on thn Caledonia marsh, aro now on gnged In mint production on a whole Halo scale. Kvorythlng I In rondlnes for starting with spring planting about April 5th, nnd all told It I oxpoct- vd thnt nt Innst 500 acres will bo In mint on this tract hy May 16th. In addition, over 500 ncren will bo flood ed to grnln. Although Jt hnn been n rathor wot season for marsh lands, thoro I practlcnlly no wntor on tho Pacific Const Mint company' tract at this tlmo, nnd work will start n good deal cnrllcr this year. To facilitate dnln oarllor this year. To facilitate drain ago tho compnny Instnlled a largo pump on March 1st, for handling any surplus water. Tho Cnlodonla mnrsh will bo tho scene or nomo Interesting work this year, for those who aro unfnmlllnr with tho mint growing Industry, and already a largo number of people from the Wlllnmntto volley havo ilef Inltely stated that they woro coming hero to view tho mint land with tho oxpoctatlon of making somo perman ent Invostmonts. Nole: A crow of between 15 and 20 men will bo employed regularly In mint work 'starting April 1st, nnd whon wo havo reached tho maximum production on tho Caledonia tract, It I expected that It will require a forco of from 75 to 80 to properly linmllo this work. Two largo distilleries aro now bolng manufactured for handling this yonr'H crop. TO SERVE 3 YEARS JS8 wlS -Jt vJL Meat jH '' lsSSwmSSSSSSSSmnk ! smssssSiiii AAAAAAAAAAiMAAMMS FATHKIl DOMINIC Father Dominic of Dublin, haplaln to tho late Lord Mayor MncSwIncy, was sentenced to flvo years In Jail by a court-martial tin a chargo of possessing sedi tious literature Two year wcro remitted O- Merrill Flume Job Let to W. D. Miller Tho United States Reclamation sorvlco hns awardod n contract to W. D. Miller for tho delivery of 2500 yards of crushed rock, which will bo used In tho construction cf tho government Irrigation flu mo this sldo of Merrill. Thu W, I). Miller company has also begun tho construction of a con croto half-basomont under tho Wool worth Htoro In tho Wllllts block. This work will lo finished about Wednes day, and tho construction crow will Immediately transfer It nctlvltles to tho Scandinavian Hall under which a full concrete basement will bo built. WEATHER RECORD Horonftor Tho Herald will publish tho mean and maximum tempora turos and precipitation rocord as tak on by tho U. S. Hoclamatlon sorvlco tntlon. Publication wilt cover the day previous to the papor'i Issuo, up lo o o'clock or tno day, A Miller, engineer for the Southern Pacific, loft for Portland today on baslness. Pro Max. Mln. clpltatlon Mar 1 60 35 Jar 2 .. 68 34 Mar 3 ........ 65 35 Mar 4 02 40 11 Mar 6 50 38 35 Mar C , 48 34 Mnr 7 ' SO 27 Mar 8 52 29 Mar 9... 58 26 tnr. 10 55 37 Mar. 11 5.7 32 Mar J 2 54 .24 Mar 13 48 3G 02 Mar 14 49 32 Mar 16 48 37 Mar 17 . ' 61 39 17 Mar 17. 67 36 02 Mar 18 40 31 24 Mar 19 43 26 01 Mar 20 47 28 Mar 21 42 32 03 Mar 32 4G 30 Mar 23 40 27 Mar 24 51 34 Mar 25 45 29 Mar 20 22 Mar 27 26 Aftor spending a few days horo on business and pleasure combined, George Mosorvo loft for his homo In LcQrando this morning. . DOINGS OF THE DUFFS" BY ALMAN Another Way to Make 'Em Shorter VM TOW AND HELEN IN515T THAT ' D0 Xm HI TTagiCL MM AS wmi bp W) CUTAMV MORE OPF TMe BOTTOM 1M W i?l?U., fl5 WClL BE feJ; WX OPTHI5 DPeas BUT IBElltVEIT , ($, Jl I ' DEAD AS OUT OF DATE )fAi: ',' 'N could de a urue shortcr! 'Pim li 1 V NOWADAYS! Ity piqjA all JsL&Ldkw I inifl S WELL. I 5EE VOU CUT ") w-v--jtttttqavt.' ' JL I THIHK TMI5 WILL WORK! 1 VOUB DPC5S 5H0BTEI2 )r7rrriZr , T ' ' I OUT ALL RIGHT AND TWEV )W$ W SPITE OP WHAT! f ' gfff.Wj ,T lW4 CLASSIFIEDADVEkTISEMENTS 0 MAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAAAAMMAMAAAMMAAAMMAAAWWWWWWWWWWWV WANTED MISCELLANEOUS DULL TIlACTOIt nnd Two-Gang Plow, will bo sold by tho Sheriff on Thursday, March 31, at 2 p. in,, King ft Woodard blncksmlth shop, Cth & Willow, Klamath Kails. Good condition. Mny bo seen at King & Woodard shop. Or will soil at prlvnto salo. Boa W. A. Wlost, attorney for plaintiff. 20-30 KOIt HUNT 2-two room apartmonl nnd 1 ono room npnrtmont Also 3 sleeping rooms. 812 Oak St. 26-28 LOST An alabaster rosary Please return to Herald office. 26-31 FOn IlENT 3 rooms, unfurnlshod, hot and cold wator, bath, $10 month. No children. Also harness, chains, otc. for salo. 738 California stioct. 24-31 FOR 8ALB 60 ton of A-l timothy alfalfa hay, 3 mile from town. Boo Stiles Dros. at Kzell Ranch. 23-28 FARM FOR RENT-Near town. Ap ply P. C. Carlson. Uox 186, K. F. 22-28 : ; ; ., 'FOR BALE 480 ncros grazing land Man and wlfo want work, wife as; on Upper Klnmoth Mnrsh, partly cook for ml I or camp nnd man for focod( sood ,)arn co x G0 an(, . general work. Addross O. U. Herald ra)g( dnop wo)I n)g0 runnng; WBtor offlco- 29ml j through ploco. Will prlco right. Dy . 'lownor. Lock bor No 31, Merrill, Ore. FOR HAI.K 1 Oft. Monitor drill, 1 1 22-28 6 ft. McCormlck rcapor. F. n Hcchdoldt, Ilonanin, Ore. 22-28 NOTICP FOR SALE-Rango. heater, living I nllN.ot'c ' "? Ben that the an- room, dining room, kitchen nnd K?1,""?; tt "nLMT.M bedroom furniture used but fow I L1l(,5VIam5 I?,'naB ,?l,,tr,ct ,wl months. Cnll Sunday 11 to 5 o'clock ? ft h J?1r.f'ca,0JL11'1" s,e,cr12tar3r or Monday ovonlng-J. II. Laughton. J nC0Urt,5T 5l JC,.,i!nBi5.f J1"' House 29. I'ollcan City. 26-28 0froMan' hon ,W2 j I??? wS-l0? t FOR SALE Block Phono 483M.if hl ItLmli' . r v nuihrin ?c.n nt which tlmo there will bo elected j. .n. outnno. Z6 -s ono gnporT,SOI. t0 gorvo for th8 na FOR RENT Sleeping room, ono I ' A""0 e0"i " u'hlt.Iif r ?u'- block from Whim Pnllean Hotel. , V".' """:""" "'"' "" 1154 Pine. 25-27 Spring Is coming on and you havo tho houso clearing bug. Well, I havo git It, toot Let's get togothor. PKRKINH FURNITURE HOL'H!' "Tlio Furnisher of Happy Homes" WANTED Blcyclo, must bo cheap for cash, nnd In good condition. E. T. Luddon, Tol. 300. 25-27 DHES8MAKINO First class work guaranteed. Mrs. Jefferson, No. 2 Main St. 24-7 WANTED Oood ranch hand for tho season, for sale, loo hoad or beforo said mooting. C. R. DoLAP, Socretary. 19-20 FOR BALE Timber claim. Cheap for cash. Torms 4f desired. Mrs. Nolllo Wall. 1610 Crescent Are. 17-28 ' CITY OARBAOE When you want garbage removed call 10F-23. Frost may kill your whoat ani rot your pumpkins, or you may lose your job, but tho grocery bill will kcip right on. Saro yourself this worry and bo Independent "by buying our Barron-Tnncred Whlto Leghorn stock cattlo. Inqulro of II. J. Tick-, chicks at I12.B0 nor too. anTonr ft nor. Phono Lnngell Vnlloy, Oro. week old pullot for July delivery 2-28 I at $12.00 por dozen." They will be ..,. n ... T7 ! ,nJ,'nB In Septombor and stay on tho CHEAP FOR CASH A 5 passenger) Job nU wlnt0r. and you'll be handing -""-" - -- "-' . juur Krocer ckks ai ic cacn. ana no Durbln, K. K. K. store. 24-30 will bo soon bo owing you. Order book Is filling fast, so order earlr. FOR SALE Singer sowing machine, I Dollvery any time after April 20. late model, In excellent condition .JIAYWOOD POULTRY FARM at a bargain prlco, Inqulro 232 So. J Corning, Calif. Sixth. 24-27 13-10-6-1 2arar fiiedin fresh creamery byfkr Good Coffee with rear Pure Cream 5c . HONEY Best Nevada awcet clover and alfalfa, 16c, F. O. B. 'Fallon. By parcel post. A. E. ORINNELL FALLON, NEV. 7ake Home d De?en mi en n Tho Rev. E, J. Bulgln, evangelist, opened his month's sorles of revival moetlngs last night, his audlonco fill ing tho Pine atroet taborlraclo. Tho ronllty of resurrection was tho themo of tho sermon. Tho ovangollst presented his argument forcefully, with an lntersporsal of nnocdoto that scorned to ploaso tho audlonco as they responded with laughter and applause. Tho "great choir, advertised to con tain 350 voices, under the direction of the Rev. Robert Lewis, showed, in woll blended vocV etfocts, tho good result of th week's training. This week, t trad announced, Is "Church Week" at the tabernacl. Tonight Is Presbyterian night; to morrow, Christian night; Wednesday, NOW ;; Is the time to get " :: " :: -out -yout -Spring:: :: - ; clothes and have ' ' them cleaned and ',', t pressed. Free Delivery D. & M. Cleaning Company Offlco Cth and Main Phono SO Work 23 Commercial St. Methodist night, and Thursday night Baptist night. A spocial 'sec tion of scats will bo roserved for tho different congregations on tholr spe cial nights. Kitts Mill Will Start Next Week The Kltts Bawmlll, near Dairy,' will start about April 1st, W. IT. Kltti announces, with virtually a full crew. The mill employs about 25 men. This is the fourth season of the mill's op eration. "Wljlle the market Is dull at pre sent," said Mr. Kltts, "we have a quantityof legs: on, band to n-ork up and I look tor., a revival of buying within a few weeks' that will keep ui going steadily all season."