page povn MONDAY, MARCH, 28, 11)21. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON i ! m v (. i NEW TOWN TO BE ERECTED DOHRIS, Col., Mnrch 28 Till valley cnn soon boast of n now town which will ho thoroughly modem ntul up-to-dato In ovory respect with n purely Industrlnl population of near ly n thousand. Tlio new town will ho cnllcd Gnrncr City, receiving Its nnmo from its proximity to Garner Moun- tnln, olght miles south and cast of Ilrny on tho lino of tho California Northwestern railroad, from which rallrond a lino will bo extended to tho llttlo lumber city. Tho now town Is bolng built by tho Weed Lumber company for tho pur pose nf logging n vast tract of timber owned by thorn In that section. Gar ner City will bo equipped with nil tho necessary buildings, Including school houses, n city halt snd other municipal buildings. Tho Inhabitants will consist of the necessary offlco employes and woods men for tho maintenance of n large logging camp. No lumber will bo ww ed at Garner City But tho timber will bo shipped to Weed whoro tho Company's mill is located. Hoy Durbln, who Is Interested In tho K. K, K. storo at Klamath Palls, spent a day hero last wcok nttotuMng to matters of business . Farmers near Dorrls arc actlvo In tho preparation for spring farming. Prom tho standpoint of molsturo tho soil Is In better condition than It has been for flvo years which fact ac counts for wholesalo optimism. Farmers nro going ahead this spring with mora confldcnco nnd on a, larg er scalo than over despite tho depres sion In financial circles. Numerous tractors nro coming Into tho valley with tho result that more ncreage will bo turned and seeded to grains this year than In previous seasons. HOSPITAL HEADY FOR WAR VETERANS APR. IS HELENA, Mont., March 28. Dr. T. D. Tuttle, commander at Fort Harrison hero, has Informed tho United States public health servlco chief that It requisitions nro hon ored prompotly tho rehabilitation hospital at tho post for world war veterans will bo ready for uso by April 15 with 107 beds. Dr. Tut tlo who was formerly secretary of tho Montana state board of health, arrived hero recently to tako cbargo at the hospital. ' OCEAN FLEET WAItSAW, March 5, (Dy Mall). Polish statosmen aro trying to find a way to build up a fleet of merchant vessels to ply tho soven boos. Pushed back from tho salt water when Po land lest her Independence and was partitioned by Prussia, Russia and Austria, tho now republic, by tho treaty of Versailles, was grantod an outlet to tho Ilaltlc. Tho Polish government is aiding tho privato concerns to finance the operation of several vessols plying chlofly between English, French nnd Holland ports. Other firms aro ex tending tho servlco to America. Po land's Ministry of War has Just pur chased four monitors as tho founda tion of tho Vistula fleet. Six torpedo boats, assigned to Poland by the council of ambassadors, forraorly having been a part of Gormnny'a na val forces, aro now undergolni; re pairs in England. A navy bureau of tho Ministry cf Trade and Industry has boon formed by tho Polish government and a na val school Iiub boon established at Tchof, or Tczow (Polish spoiling) on tho Vistula, Just outsldo tho limits of tho freo city of Danzig. Tim course of tho academy Is to bo con ducted along lines of modern Eng lish navtil schools, an English naval mission having spent soma tlmo In Poland assisting tho now government In Inaugurating its program. TRAPS II PANTHERS. LIDDY, Mont., Mnrch 28. Boh Bakkor, local mountain lion catcher and guldo, has brought his season's catch of lions up to 14, all taken alive, Tho last catch wan a female and threo cubs. Bakker sends them to zoos lu various' parts pf tho coun try. i Ministers, It is understood, will bo permitted to buy -wine. Moral, get yourself a minister friend. U WITS Lawn and Garden Seed Mrs. Robert O. Reynolds "I havo actually gained twenty flvo pounds nnd t Just think Tnnlac Is tho grnndest mcdlclno In tho world," Bnld Mrs. Hobort O. Key, nolds, 127 North Denver St., Kansas City, Mo. "For ten long years I sufforod from a very had for mot rhoumntlsm, stomach and nervous troubles. My np- pctlto wns very poor. What llttlo I j (did cat soured on my stomach and I j Buffered tho most sovcro pains In myj dock, nips ami siiouiucrs. .My niou-1 mntlsm was so bad that I could not rnlso my hands to comb my hair and my arms hurt mo to my finger tips. I becamo so weal nnd run down that I lost nil my energy and life become almost n burden. I tried many things but notlilnp helped mo. "I had only taken my first bottle of Tnnlac when I noticed my nppotlto wns Improving and I could sleep bet ter at night. I havo taken threo bot-i ties and tho way It has helped mo' and built mo up Is really astonish Ing. t cnn oat nnythlng ntid ovorj' thing without tho slightest disagree able after-effects. I sleep Just flnoj at night nnd nm In better health thnnj I havo been for cnrs. I am glad to glvo this statement, hoping that any! who aro suffering ns I did may ox porlcnco tho samo wonderful results, which I bcllovo they will If they glvo Tnnlac a fair trial." Tanlac Is sold In Klamath Falls by Star Drg Co., In Lorella by James Merc. Co., and In Merrill by South ern Oregon Drug Co., at Modoc Point, E. A. Sutton & Son, at Dairy, W. E. Scdgo. Adv. Bandit Bands Vex Holy Land Police JERUSALEM, March 3. (By Mall) Bandits havo flourished id the Holy Innd as well as In other parts of the world slnco tho beginning of tho war. Tho pollco nro now trying to put an end to their activities. Abdul Hadl Knha, tho notorious outlaw leader, who Is said to have soernl murders to hid own personal credit, was shot nnd killed at Zlchron Jaob recently whlto attempting with several companions to cscapo arrest. Tho Galileo district pollco. In co operation with tho authorities of AJ lun, successfully attacked tho Spcl tan section of Mu do Ira's gang of ban dits at Kafr Abll and captured sever al of them. Mudelrn himself is a fugi tive on the other side of tho Jordan and It is believed that his followers are scattered. OFFICERS ON SNOW SHOES HAVK LONG MAN HUNT DILLINGS, Mont., March 28. A thrilling chase, part of tho tlmo en snow shoes. In tho wilds of tho Upper Gallatin rlvor, has just been 'concluded by A. T. Holmes, deputy gamo warden lioro and Doputy Frank Marshall of Threo Forks. . MMaHMHBHMHBVVnaMHMHMWMMK lalLw.ft' 4- 34 wv4-fcw4-kfra. ' I aA Ktr I nnrlnn t mmm TUer TRDUP,Lt fOU'iC ftltSGB 4lMT PQb-.Ii)tii(:T) .AIMD 'RlGOT CTI 1 IT'S MCRY pLAlH THAT YOUR MIKITY "DOC'S NOT "RON J tAjlTVI nNs SHORT Dl, j, &--:.:; 23- CIGAR all kinds o p E N A L L N I G H T The CENTRAL HOTEL GUY GARRETT, Mgr. Phono 1INMV Steam Heated RATES: Transient $1.00, up Weekly $5.00, up NEWS STAND all the latest news They woro after two oik teeth hunt ors, and whlto they did not succood In taking tho men thoy aro believed to have driven them out of tho country. This section is almost trackless Una with tho snow 40 Inchos doop on tho level, pursuit was slow. Tho wardons say many herds of oik, Horn o of them as high ns ISO head. Deschutes Project Will Be Inspected (Herald WaMilngton Bureau) WASHINGTON, March 28. With In a few weeks Director Davis of tho reclamation servlco will havo on tho grounds the commltteo of Inspection for tho Deschutes Irrigation project for which 400,000 was appropria ted In tho sundry civil bill after Roprosontatlvo Slnnott mado a suc cessful fight. Tho porsonrie! of this commltteo for Inspection and pre liminary survoy Is tentatively as j follews: Colonel Cavanagh, United States engineers, rcproaont tho wa iter power commission; F. F. Hen 'shaf, of tho geological survey, who Isomo yoars ago co-oporatcd with TT ... STAND of tobacco o p E N A L L N I G H T City Englneor Lewis In proparliiK nn ioxbnustlvo roport on this project; ' F. W. Hanna, engineer of tho ro- .clamatlon servlco, and O. C. Henry of Portland, a woll-known engineer Interested In tho Irrigation and ro clamatlon project. Klamatk Lodge No. 137 L O. O. F. Meots Friday night of each weok at I. 0.0. F. hall, 6th and Main strooU I H. H. Oglo N. 0. Chas. Nowman ...................V. 0. 10. D, Manguo ......... .............Secy. W. D. Cofar . ................Treas. ENCAMrMFNT J. H. Houston ... ...........C. P. II. V. nrown ..... ...............8. W. L. J. McCluro Scribe 1 H. J. Mayer ...Treasurer EX-SERVICE MEN, ATTENTION! Klamath Post No. 8, Amorlcan Legion meets at tho City Hall on tho first and third Tuesdays of each month. Kx-scrvlco men are Invited to at tond tho meetings. I For membership cards or Informa tion ox-sorvlco men aro rcquestod to soo or wrlto tho following efficers: J. II. Cnrnaban, Commander. Roy N. Fouch, Post Adjutant. For rollof of employment soo or wrlto the Chairman of Tho Rollof and Employment Commlttoo, Francis Olds, caro Lakcsldo Lumber com pany. MINERAL BATHS Dr. Maud Ingersoll Rawle Chiropractic Physician First National Bank Building Entrance, Room AHIHiAND, OREGON laatroctloaa la Piano Flaying by Expert of Many Year' Experience. MRS. OSBOBN Apt. 9, HelBU Apj. Klamath Falls Plumb ing & Heating Co. 1178 MAIN ST. PHONE 54IMV Murphey's 10 LESSONS " CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Im)Ih 0. llrldges Ovor First Stale and Savings Hank Quito 105 Phono 102-J G. E. WASHBURN Contractor and Builder Construction Work of nny kind. No Job too largo or too small. Estimates furnished freo of chnrgo. PHONIC ii:l7-J I WILL Tnko out tVlliirn or Fill In I)ta CON MURPHY 1S17 Mortimer St. Let Your GLASS troubles be Mine C E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet l Making Phone 477W I Eleventh and Pine HUUbL MUV1INU Having bought the moving outfit of True & 1 Failing, we are now prepared to move ! houses or other heavy larticlejs. Washburn & Houston PHONE 100-H Household Furniture aOODS OF ALL KINDS OUIl PRICKS ItiailT Wo Buy, Sell nnd Kxchango. Cor. Sixth unil Klnmatb Avo, rick's .m oo. . PAINTING Practical painting, gliding, brum Ing, onnmullng, knlsomlnlng, wall paper cleaning uud gcnurul ion trnctlng. II. ft TUTHILL Phono 183 &2S Oak St NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Dud In Our Suds" PHONE 154 Corner Main and Conger Klamath Dye Works Phone 408 OUR CLEANING, PHK8HINO AN1 RF.PAim.NO WILL MAKE VOCH cumim LOOK LIKE NEW HATS ItKIILOUKKU Goods Called for and Delivered 431 Main Street Klaiuntb Fall. IKT US DO YOUR COLLECTING A number of business houses aro saving tho tlmo of tliolr bookkeepers nnd Individual collectors by letting us colloct tliolr monthly bills. It Is tho modorn mothod. It cuts down your overhead. Got your bills ready nnd wo will do tlio rest, MRS. T. II. JOLLY ..Olh and Main Ovor Sugnrman'e storo. Phono 320W Klamath Falls Cyclery Wo aro horo to sorve you, and aim to sorvo you right, Motorcycloi and DIcyclos. Parts and Aoessorlos, Tiros and Tubes, that will stand your Inspection, as wo carry the boat In our line. Repair shop In connection with Harloy-Davldson Borvlce. Phono 273 1010 Main St. Klamath PalU O. E, IIISMARK PELICAN HAY DUS Faro 26c each way Loaves Itez Cafo Loaves Pollcan City 7:46 a. m. 8:00 a. to. 12:45 p. m. 1:00 p, m. 6:00 p. m. . 5:30 p. m. Iteckard Rent Servlco Phouo 77 26-tt BEAUTY PARLOR Shampooing, marcellng, massag ing, manicuring. For appointments, phono 306, Whlto Pollcan Hotel. Seed Store DR. & A. MASSEY Fourth nd Pine OU. In Warren Hunt Hospital Oft. Phono 407 Ros. Phone IIM DR. T. C. CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND HCRGBOW I. O. O. V. RalldlBg Phono MO Reildenco White Pelleaa HoUl Residence Phone I. DR. L. L. TRUAX WAItllKN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Phone, 41)7 Night Phone, MM MrfWMArfAAi WWMMMWWWI uiucd uuuu in n hub Aim Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Surgeon Whlto Uulldlni t mamain mil uniun ! DR. F. R GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 821 I. 0. 0. F. Templo E.D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND HURGBOR Phone 17W 17R Rooms 1 aa4 While Ilolldlac L. D. Gass, M. D. KYK, EAR, NOME AND THROAT GLASSES FURNISHED Wnrren Hunt Hospital Phone 407 Rix. Whlto Pellrnii Hold. Phono B r lAWWWWWNWXMWWWWW ww DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Witecanrer rnoNK iM Dr. P. M. Noel PIIONH Over Uaderwoo! cats am .M. '.- .iisMiWH UR. C. A. RAMIIO Dentist L O. O. P. Balldfaf, PHONE 61 FRED WESTERFELD DKNTIHT Phone 4S4W. X-IUy Laboratoty Loorak Dldg., Klamath rail CHIROPRACTORS DRS. MALLETT AND MALLETT OFFICE OVER UNDERWOOD'S Phone 080-J. Seventh A Kate r . . .. in J. O. CLEGHORN CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Phono 102J 133 S. Rlvorsldo SAW MILL ENGINEERING A CONSTRUCTION CO. Designer and builder of mod ern saw mills, plnnlog ntUIs a4 Ikji planta. Dredging. Pile driving. Phone 406-W Office Corner Spring and Oak Near S. I. Depot Excavating Teaming Let us mako you a price on dig ging that basement, or other ex cavating you contemplate. We also do team work of ovory description. Phone 426-J PHONE 87 124 So. Sixth St H ,;