The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 28, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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rAon thiuch
MONDAY, MAItCH, 23, 1031.
CHICAGO, Mnrrh 2H.- I'ooimkf of
fnrmnTfi' Krnln, nltlior on n national
or local Hcnlu, coimtlttiteii lhu out
standing feature of dm niitluriiil co
operating mnrkutlng plan iroponnl
by (lia Coiiinilttoo of Hovimlooti,
Chnlrmnn C. II, (liiMiifnon nnld liuro
explaining Kit detail.
Tim rnmmlllou, whimo full nnrno
In tlio Knrmiirn' (Irnln Marketing
committee of Hotniilniin, I IioIiIIiik
Ntntn mooting thin moiitli propnrn
tnry to n ratification cuiifnr.iiiira In
Chicago April 0. Tim rommlttou roi
ru8oiitn cooporntlvn organization of
farmer Itilortintml In Krnln market
Ing, prominent nmong Ilium tint Am
erican Form llurcnii Federation.
An nn nltnnintlvn to t lit pooling
plnnit, fnrmcrn may noil direct.
"The national pooling plnn rnlli
for pooIltiK Krnln with n central agon
cy, nalllriK liy grndti ntut tlinn dlntrlh
utliiK tlio profit equally to nnrh fon
trllmtor to tlio pool", Mr. (luntitfion
unlit. "Thin would opnrnto to ,;lvn
rnch proilurur the, nvnrnK" prlrn fur
grain of n certain grndo whlrli Im
contributed to tlio pool. It would In
miro tlio producer tlio avoragu prlrn
for tlio year. Pooling produclii In
thin manner linn reached It highest
development nmong tlm Cnllfornln
coopnrntlvo organization.
"Product no pooled pass out of
tlio control of tlm Indlvldiinl produc
er nnd tlm Krnln will l.o noId liy tlm
director of tlm pool nt tlm tlinn tlint
(hoy ilrmn most opportmm
"I'rovlNlon In nlio miidii for n local
pool by member of n single com
inunlty. In both local and nnllonnl
pooli tlio control It centralized and
tlio soiling prlcn nvcragod.
"Tha direct n!o plan nllown fiirm
Tb who no deslro to brim: thulr Krnln
to tlio cooporutlvo idovators nnd sell
on tlm currviit mnrknt iiiotntlon tin
I dona nt tlio present t lino nt priv
ately owned elevator. Further, tlmy
can avail Ihumiolvui of tlm wnrot
hnuiliiK fnrllltlt'R of tlio coopuratlro
elevator nnd terminal and not noil
until wook or month Inter Pro
duror who dispose of their grain In
Oil mnnimr nharo equally In tlm pro
fit of tlio wnrehouiliiK facilities, ex
port corporation and other national ,
co-operntlvn department on the ban
In of the number of buihol which
thoy dellvor to tho olovntor.
"Kor those farmer who do not
wlih to enter n pool or to sell dlruct,
thoro I another nvenun of rcnchlng
tho markot. Ono farmer or several
farmer who hnvo ufflclent Krnln to
mnko up ono or mora carlond. may
conlKn Krnln by tho carlond throiiKh
tho cooperntlvo eluvntor to coopera.
tlve marketing agencies to bo located
nt tho different tormlnnl market,
Rticb a CIiIchko and Mlnnonpoll.
Tho grain would thon bo Bold at mar
ket prlcn upon nrrlvnl. liy bandllng
hi grain In thl manner tho farmer
will pay only tho nctunl overhead
rnut of marketing It.
- - i
"Altogether, wo bolloTO tho now(
plan In ufflclontly brond to nllow tlio j
producer to uno hi own Judgment ,
and mnrket hi own Judgment and!
markot hln products In tho wny thnt
ho consldors best, while, nt tho nnrno
tlmo, ho ha tlio benefit of n comploto
national mnrkotlng mnchlno that linn
no purpoio or oxcuso for existence
but to protoct hln IntoroBt nnd ro
tuni n Inrgor per cent of tho market
vnluu to him without Infringing up
on tho rlghtn of hi conHiimor cus
tomors. Of those threo nltornnllve,
m,.. nintiiml of marketing which
proven moNt satisfactory and moro
nearly return n prlco that will mnko
farming profitable, will bo tho mar
keting mothod Hint will develop nnd
Increnso In popularity.
"Thl plan, I. In fact, wo bollovo
but tho noxt ordorly top In coopera
Hon that tho farmer hnfo already
undortnkon. Through cooperntlvo olo
vator thoy nro bundling today n
groat doal of tlio grain thoy produce,
but tholr co-oporntlvo offort utops at
tho railroad track. With moro tlinn
6,000 of. thoso cooperntlvo olovntora
In operation tho foundation Is M;
rondy laid for a now national mark
etlng ngoncy."
Klamath Pioneer
Author of Song
Simpson Wllnon of Central I'olns
has composed n song ontltlod "In tho
Days Clono liy", which Is arousing
consldorablo local Interest, says tho
Medford Mall Tribune. Mr. and Mm.
Wilson wore marrlod at Llnkvlllo,
now Klamath Kails, Orogon, July 16.
1867, Thoy wero tho first couplo
manled In tho Klamath land, and
one of the very few who osoapod be
ing murdered by Modoc Indians, who
took, tho war path In November 1872.
Thanks are duo Captain O. CfcAp
plegoto for hlrdlllrenco( which Mr,
Harding's Washington Chu
'"" J I I,. i, ,...,. i, , . , ., ! .
(f'uiilrlliulcil by Irl t'nrtwrlglit)
Tlio Chlloqulii Girl's Hewing Club ,
hn twonty-two momborn, from tho
age of 8 to 15 years, and from tlio
4th to tho 8th grades Inclunlvo. Tlio
mombors nre: Iris Cnrtwrlght, presl
dontj Mary (loldthwnlto, vlco presi
dent; Monn Skocn, socratnry; Meda
Bkoon, (leorgln Hnrrlson, Jcnnotta
Harrison, Lutlo Tibblts, IMnn Kilt
gorald, Harriot Hampson, Ornlla Cor-1
bin, Holcn Krocslng, I-'ltna Curt- j
wrlght, Carol Cnrtwrlght, Ituth War
ren, Hadlo Wright, Nora Ilagwoll, I
Elizabeth Coldthwalto, Claudlno Mil- '
lur, Knthorlno Hurst, Violet Hender
son, Kvclyn Kcntncr, Uortrudo I'ltt.
Our local loader Is Miss Oondnor,
tho Intarmcdlato teacher of tho Cbll
oiiuln school. Wo meet ovory Fri
day afternoon from ono to two
Our club Is ono of tho largest In
Klamath county, but wo wnnt to
inako It tho largest nnd best.
Kvery ono should know how to
sow, hero Is n good placo to learn
Thejo clubs nro being encouraged all
over tho stnto, tho main offlco being
nt Corvallln, Oregon.
Wo want to finish our division,
which Is tho first, this year and tako
tho second noxt year nnd so on until
we hnvo completed the club wirk.
Wo nro trying o got flvo moro
members to Join our club, five boys
In the 8th grade.
When wo hao completed all of
our lessons, wo Intend to havo an
exhibit nnd let tho peoplo sco what
good these cluba do for their children.
have just received a
carload of fine monu
ments and markers, all
new designs. Stop , and
look them over.
Klamath Falls Marble
and Granite Works
1040 Main St
ifei nil
It?: mm
Hot Water
Puts Roses
Hero In Cnlvnry llnptlst Chur-' Washington, D. C, which Presi
dent Harding will attend for tho x four years. Ho worshipped
hero whllo a senator Inset, Or W 8 Abornotby of Kansss City, who
hn accepted a call to preach In tho Calvary church at Washington
temporarily. Hn may be oDorcd tho pcrmanont placo later.
Wllion claims was tlio inennn of Hav
ing their live. This song the compos
i r hopes, wilt meet tho approval of
his mnny friend and In dedicated 4o
hi "faithful wife" Nancy.
VA8HINOTON, 1). C, March 28.
Tho mnrlim corps wnn tho flret
branch of tho sorvlco to lift tho
temporary ban on recruiting, when
It was announced today that appli
cants without provlous sorvlco would
bo accepted. Kor lhu past two
months recruiting fur tlio corps has
beerf limited to reenllsted marltiQ
only. '
Major Gonoral Lojouno directs re
cruiting officers to accept men for
olthor thrco or four years, tho two
year enlistment period being nbol-Ishcd-
Physical, moral nnd mental
standards nro to bept a high ns pos
sible nnd no mnn who Is luM tlinn
20 yearn old, C5 Inches In lfolght,
nnd weigh lesn than 130 pounds I
to bo accepted. Tho total strength
of tho mnrluo corps, when genoral
rocrultlng censed Inst January, wn
approximately 22,000. It Is now
sllghty under that flguro
Advertising brings efficiency.
iii;ai)V rou on husit.
nUMO.NTO.V, 'Alta, March
Senators May Name
Land Office Agents
(Herald WnslilnKton llurcnii)
WASHINGTON, March 28. Secre
tary of Interior Fall has called upon
various United States senators to
recommend for nppolntmcnt candi
dates for tho various land offices
throughout tho country- In tho past
mnny of thoso appointments wero
mndo Jointly by congressmen nnd
To look one's beil and feet one's best
Is to enjoy an Inside bath each morning
10 nuin irom tno system tne previous
dsv's wastf. sour fermentation and noi
sonous toxins before It Is absorbed into
the blood. Just as coal, when it burns,
kaves behind a certain amount of In
coratuitlblo material In tiro form of
aibes, so the food and drink taken each
day leave In the alimentary organs a
certain amount or indigestible material.
Tho Itoyal Canadian Mounted 1'oHc, .,, but lh. ycar apparcntly: 'SL
aro making preparations for tho nr- tuo maUor , t0 bo ,oft ,,,. wl
rhal of tho Dominion government's ,, ,lUt ,t j, CXpected they w
mnnninm. iiiil it i nxneciea inev win
nvlptcrs at I'enco Illvor And tho In-J, .,. wllh lho ,onl:rc..onnl delo-
nusuratlon of tho proposed aorlalsor-;Knton ,JCforo 8UbmUng nfttncB.
vlco to tho north. Tho Intentions ofi , 0rcBon nml 0 wcatcrn states
tho federal authorities as previously jthoro nro n numbcr ot candidates
announced, nro to put n fleet of soa-,for cach of thcs0 offIcci) am, tho rI.
plnnes Into usu between I'eaco Itlver Ta)ry , moro or Icss Mtcn,0.
nun .iiiicnuniio river poiius. uovi;rii-i
inont geologists, surveyors and other'
field workers will !o transported In
this way, i
Somo of tho pollco buildings nt1
I'eaco Itlvor aro bolng ronovatcd and
put In ordor a living quarter for
tho air men, of whom about twenty
tire expected. Workshop accommoda
tions will nlso bo provided. It U un
derstood that tho planes nro now
awaiting shipment from Ottawn and
thnt tho sorvlco will begin early In
tho spring.
Although nomlnatod for county
coroner In tho primary last summer,
Dr. Stephen A. Whlnory of Grand
ltnplds, Mich., was not nwaro of tho
fnct until cjulto recently, when ho
was advised to fllo his campaign ox
penso nccount.
Tell now To Get Quick HcUcf
from Head-Colds. It's Splendid!
blood through the very duct which 'are
intended to suck In only nourishment to
sustain u( boor.
If you want to seo tho glow of healthy
bloom in your cheeks, to seo your skin
get clearer and emirer, you are told to
drink crcry morning upon arising, a
glass of hot water with a teairoonful
of limestone phosphate in it, which is a
harmlem means of washing the waste
material and toxins from the stomach,
liver, kidneys and bowels, thus cleana
ing, shortening and purifying the entire
alimentary tract, before putting moro
food into the stomach.
Girls and women with sallow skins,
liver spot, pimples or pallid complex
ion, also thwe who wake up with a
coated tomnie. bad taste, nsstr breath.
other who aro lmthered with headaches,
bilious spells, acid stomach or constipa
tion should begin this pboiphatcd not
water drinking and me assured of very
Dronounced results In one or two week.
A quarter pound of limestone phos-
Chato cost very littlo at the drug store
ut is sufficient to demonstrate that luit
as soap and hot water cleanse, purifies
and freshens the skin on tho outside, so
hot water and limestone phosphate act
on the Inside orirans. We must always
consider that Internal sanitation la vast
ly more important than outside cleanli
ness, because the skin pores do sot ab
sorb Impurities into tho blood, whilo tho
bowel poras) do.
Women who desire lo enhance tlio
beauty of their complexion should just
try this for a week and notice results.
Got a small bottlo of fly's Cream
Ilalm from your druggist now. Ap
ply a little of this fragrant, nntlsop
tic, healing cream In your nostrils.
It penotrates through every air pas
sago ot tho head, soothes tho In
flamed or swollen mucous mom
brano and relief comes Instantly.
It's Just flno. Don't stay stuffed
up with n cold or nasty cntarrh Ito
llof comes so quickly. adv.
soro, water scalds and you aro
obliged to seek relief two or throe,
times during tho night.
Sago Ten nnd Sulphur Turns,
Gruy, KndcHl Hair Dark
nnd Glossy (
Almost ovoryono knows that Sagoi
Tea and Sulphur, proporly com
pounded, brings back tho natural col
or and lustro to tho hair when faded,
streaked or gray. Years ego tho only
wny to got this mltxuro was to
Tho high quality of succom that
frillnwa nHvnvHalnn In th Ma Iff All
column of Tho Herald 1. da. to th. ' ,k " "1 hmo' wU,cl1 ,s mu"'
Intelligent Of Its readers. Kou-adova wo 'atmnlv nik at nnv
Any breaking out ot tho skin, even
fiery, Itching eczema, can be quickly
overcomo by applying a littlo Men-
.drug storo for "Wyeth's Sago and ( tho-Sulphur, says n noted skin spec-
Sulphur Compound." You VIU get I lallst. Decauso ot Its gorm destroy
a largo bottlo ot this old-tlmo roclpe I ng proportlcs, this sulphur propara-
Improved by tho addition ot other
Ingredients, at very littlo cost. Ev
erybody uses this preparation now,
because no ono can possibly toll that
you darkened your hair, ns It does
it so naturally nnd ovenly. You
dampon a spongo or soft brush with
It and draw this through your hair,
taking ono small strand nt a time;
liy mornlngtho gray hair disappears,
and niter nnothor application or two,
your hair becomesc beautifully
dark, thick and glossy and you look
years youngor. Adv.
Bays Ilacluiclio Is Sln You
Ilccn Katlng too Much
Wbon you awako up with bacbacho
and dull misery In tho kldnoy roglou
It .generally means you havo boon
eating too much meat, says a woll
known authority. Meat forms uric
acid which overworks tho klduoys
in their effort to filter It from tho
blood and thoy become sort of par
alyzed nnd loggy.,When your kidneys
got sluggish and clog you must
rollove them, like you rc,llovo your
bowels; removing oil tho body's
urinous waste, elso you havo back
ache, dizzy spells; your stomach
sours, tongue la coated, and when
the woather is bad you have rhouiaa-
tlo twinges. Tho urlno Is cloudy,
full of sediment, channels otton get
tlon Instantly brings ease from skin
Irritation, soothes and hoals tho
oczomn right up and leaves the skin
cloar and smooth.
It seldom falls to rcllovo tho tor
ment and disfigurement. Sufforers
from skin trouble should got a lit
tlo Jar (it Montho-Sulphur from any
good drucgUt nnd usa it Itko a cold
cream. Adv.
In the mattor ot the Ustate
Thomas Dovrow Stiles, Deceased.
Notice Is horeby given that by
virtue ot an ordor nnd docreo of tho
County Court of 'Klamath County,
mndo and entered on tho 2nd day
ot March, 1921, tho undersigned ad
ministratrix of tho Estato ot Thomas
Dovrow Stiles, deceased, will on and
aftor tho 4th day ot April, 1921,
soil at prlvato salo tho following do
scribed ronl estate, situate in Kla
math County, Oregon, tewlt:
Tho R. 33 1-3 foot of Lot 411 and
tho W. 30 feet ot Lot 413, in niock
101, Mills Addition, Klamath Falls,
Torms ot salo cash In hand. Did
ders may leave their bids with W. C.
Van Emon, attorney nt law, 209
Wllllts Dullding, Klamath Falls,
Oregon, or with tho undersigned ad
ministratrix at SWan Lake, Oregon.
Datod at Klamath Falls, Orogon,
March 7tb, 1921.
Administratrix of tho Estate of
Thomas Devrow Stiles, deceas
ed. . , " "
7.H-21-28-4 Attorney at law.