The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 26, 1921, Image 1

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    V.l,y '''bran
i&tyt iEutftttttn iteraili
A Class Ad Will
Do It
Today's Newt
Member of the Associated Press.
KlfKi'iith Vrar N. n07f
An nflurnintli of tho Inst county
electron, during which William Mnn,
nttormty, labored assiduously, vorl.
ferounly, niut It In understood, hopu
fully In hlii owliuhuir, Mr llin nine
tlon of County Judge It II Miintinll
mill Commissioner Murroll Hluirt,
tnntorlntlzud yesterday whim A Hut
tlu, (liruuKh Mr Murx, filed a pr-tl
t Ion with thn rounty court asking
Hint J. V. Mnrliiy ho relieved an
naalntunt In thu illntrlrl uttornoy Thn
IMttlllon mnliitnlim Unit Mr. Mnrloy
In holding two liirrntlvn offices with
thu rnutity, mm an constable of thu
Mnkvlllo illstrlrl, to which position
ho wna iluly elected, ami for which
hn qualified, Inat full, ninl thn othnr
oa "usslnlnnt to thn district ntlor
ricy." hy vlrtun of hi nppolntmitnt
by the county roiirl n short tlmo iiko
The situation tHarin several per
plexing nnglen District Attorney
llrnwnr ruvenlnd nun of thnm thin
morning whim tin repented n state
ment made somo tlmn nan thnt Mr.
Marx, In compensation fur hln ser
vices during Ihn election, rnnflilntitly
nxpocted to rocnlve nn appointment
an assistant to Mr llrnwnr Mr llrow
or, howovnr, wnn ndamunt In hln re
fusal to nrerpt Ihn services of Mr.
Mnrx, nnd It In generally understood
thnt thn county court wnn ititrmnoly
desirous of conferring Mr Mnrx
lllnckstonlnn nhlllly upnn thn district
attorney's nfflrn
Without nllnmpt to plum thn
cnuso, whnthnr thn illnlrlct nttnrnoy's
refusal to hnoil Ihn demnnds of thn
county court despite nn nlleged pre
election understanding-, nn onn glory
goes, or whether thorn has been n
post-election fulling out of Mr. Murx
nnd tho county court over thn failure
of thn court tn mnko Reed In thn
illvlnlon nf ipultn, thu point of thn
sorrowful ntory In thnt Mr Murx
fnllml to I a lid thn coveted plum, nnd
whim Mr Morlny wnn assigned tn
duties In thu dUtrlrt uttornny'n nf
flrn, Mr Mnrx attributed It tn politi
cal Ingratitude nml looked nhout for
n Inntrumont with which tn iivengo
thn wronK Inflicted upon hi in Thin
lnntruinnnt, nnlnnnlhly, wnn discover
ml In thn porsou of Mr. Huttlo, accord
ing tn Dlstrlrt Attornny llrnwnr, who
howover, durllnnil to dlRnlfy Mr
Mnrx'n frlnnd hy thn iininu of In
strument, preferring to cnll him Junl
plnln "tool" Inatcnd
Going further Into Mr. Mnrx' nl
legntl grlovuncen. thu alory In told
thnt Mr. Mnrloy Inul performed noinu
service for Mr Mnrx nnd fulled to
rncnlvn thu Htlpulntnd conipnnantlnn
for thin anrvlru, nnd thla llttln up
plnnsnntnesn udiluil morn funl to thn
flrn. At nny rnln, Mr. Mnrx cluluia
thnt Mr. Mnrloy cannot liolil two luo
rntlvo offlrea, nnd Dlatrlct Attnrnoy
Ilrowur holda thnt thn pnaltlnn which
Mr. Morluy hnlda In not nn nfflcu
within thn moaning of thn cnnatltu
tlonnl provision, iin thn hitter In aim
ply nn nanlatnnt In thu dlatrlct attor
ney's office, nnd rocelvea pnymont for
hla aorvlcoa ua nn omployu only.
Tho arguments In thu cnae will
probably ho henrd hoforu thn rounty
court thla afternoon, nnd thnrn la
much apeculntlnn relative to tho
ntnnd tho court will lake, being poli
tically obligated both to Mr. Marx
nnd Mr. Morloy.
Nonogenarian Dead,
At Los Angeles
Mm. Mnry Ann filocklnR, nntlvo
of fiomorHotfllilre. KnRlnnd, nnd a
realdont until recently of White
T.uko dlatrlct, near Merrill, for
about 12 yenre, died laut Woduoa
day, March 23, at Lot) Angoloa, ac
cording to a moaaugo received by her
Krnndaon, It, II. Miacombo, 434
Michigan nvonun.
Tho (locodont llvod with hor
dniiRhter, Mra. Htollu Uarwood, at
Whlto Lnko and wont to I.oa An
goloa with thn Hnrwood family.
1 Mrs. BtocklnK would havo boon
92 yearn old August 12, noxt. Tho
burial took placo at LonR noacb,
WABHINOTON. Mnrci 26. Th
entlro State of Texas was reloaaod
from quarantine for shoop ucabbles
Ball Players Again
Indicted; Five New
Bills Are Returned
(JIIICAtlO, Mnrcli 20. Onn hun
dred nnd forty-four Indlctmontn,
miming IK men, worn returned to
duy hy the county Krnnd Jury ua
thn reault of a aecond Investigation
Into the nllognd throwing of thn
1918 world series to Cincinnati by
thn Chlengo Whltn Hox. Eight nop
iirutn ImllctuicriU worn filed nRnlnat
imrh peraon. Thn in men Indicted
hint fnll were reindicted nnd five
olhnrH, nrcuaeil of tnkliiK purl In nr
rnnglng thn ronaplrury, wnro nnmod.
Thoy wnro Cnrl Zortn nnd Hen
Krnnklyn. of Ht. Louis, lien nnd
t.oiiln Levi, anld to he from Don
Molnea ,iind Dnvld Zolzor, nddroaa
unknown i
WEED, Cnl., Mnrcli 28. Tho new
lumber drying kllna IioIiik Inntnlled
hy llin Wood Lumber company nhould
h rendy for uan very ahorlly after
thn anwmlll atnrta up thla aprlnic.
These kllna dry thu lumber by nn
entirely now prucoaa. Iloforn bolng
plncnd In tho kiln or retort, tho lum
ber In thoroughly atenmed Thon tho
lumber In plnccd In the kiln nnd tho
kiln la filled with bnlllnR water. Thu
lumber In allowed to romnln In thu
holllnR water fur hnlf nn hour nnd
thon tho water la drawn off and tho
lumber allowed to romnln In a vac
uum for n nhort time. Thla procunn
' drawn out nil thu pilch, nap, turpen
tine nnd other undoalrnhlu properties
J from tho lumber. After thn lumber
; In taken'frnm (ho new kllna. It will
lie plnced In tho old kllna, where
nbuul olKhl bourn of Intense boat will
render tho lumbof rendy to be umrk-
Thn mnnnnr In which the company
linn klln-ilrled ta lumber In tho paat
Inn tnken nhout five or alx dnya. Thla
new procean will take about ten
bourn. About 1.C00 feet on hour can
ho passed throuRh tho now kllna.
All purls nf tho kiln urn of very
heavy construction. Tho doora nlono
woIrIi seven tons each, nnd It will
take ton minutes to lower and ralso
them tn allow lumber to ha put In
or tnken out Thn Initnllullon of tho
kllna la more than u $100,000 Job.
Derrick tlmbera for thn Crater
I.aku Oil & (!aa company, bouRht
thrnugh tho Lakeside Lumber com
pany from u Columbia river mill,
nrrlver huru lust nlRht, nnd will he
hmiled Monday to thu alto of tho pro
posed drllllnK operations nhout alx
mllua from Morrlfl. Tho construction
of ono dorrlck will bo begun nt once.
(SeorRo Chnmborlnln today pur
chased n lurRo block of stock, nnd a
number of sninllor blocks, recontly
disposed of, have brouRht stock sulo
of tho compnny to u very sntlsfactory
Kim: ii:i"t (Uiiiii:i.
A few sparks falling upon thn roof
of tho W. C. Unit homo at Second and
Jefferson ntrcota cnllod out tho tiro
dopnrtmont Into yesterday ufternoon,
Thoro was no dnmago. This Is tho
first flro horo In two months, n re
cord which probably ban not boon
surpassod In tho history of tho local
flro department.
Wm. V. II. Chnso, of Ilonnnza,
Oregon roturnod from Marysvlllo,
Cnl., last night, whoro ho has boon
working for tho InBt flvo woeka on
Income tax mntterH. Chaso Is con-
sldorod nn expert on this subject,
having boon omployod tn tho rov
onuo sorvlco from 1006 to 1019.
Ills homo Is now at Bonanza, Ore
gon, whoro ho Ir employed or socrn-
tary of tho Horsefly Irrigation dis
PORTLAND, Mrch 26.-CtttIo
and hogu steady; sheop weak; but
tor two contg lower; egga firm.
A score of brand now roomy little
bungalows, each with ono H by 10
fool room, nnd nn 8 by irt foot screen
porch, will be available for guosla nt
It. ('. Hplnk'a Spring Creek roaort
when tho season opons this year. It
la usually nbout thn first of Mny
when thu rngulnr annual visitors nt
Hplnk'a boRln arriving nnd from then
on tboy comu In tncrnualng droves.
With thu now bungalowa tho report
can caro for CO pnrsons a day with
out crowdlnR.
Mr. Spink during thu winter seas
on ban created a new camp, about
half n tnllo below tho Spink residence
nnd old Idlorcst camp. Tho now slto
Is nt tho Junction of Spring Creok
nnd Williamson river and from. Its
wharf nnglora enn row directly In
tho fluent flshlnR grounds In Oregon
without any portaging.
Whllo tho ostabllsbmant of 20
bunRalowa la very much of a stirt
toward mnklng tho rosort ono of t'e
most attractive enmpa In Oregon, Mr.
Bplnk anya that he has only begun.
Ills lmprovamont program will ho
spread ovor several soanonn.
Doforo tho proaont season oponn,
however, bo will havo the now dining
room and dance floor complotod on
the now camp alto. Tho undergrowth
has been cleared from tho wntor
front, trnos trimmed and thn ground
seeded to groan. An eloctrlc IIrIU
system Is under consideration 13d
will probably bo working thla seas
on. Ilcsldcn the bungalows there will
bo plonty nf tents, for those who pre
for tent dwellings, with board floor
und walls.
"Wn want to make nrery of
visitor frel nt homo." mld Mr. Spink,
"and wo will try to provide nccom
mndntlona thnt will moet tho wnnts
of all "
A Mtock or groceries, gaaollno nnd
other neoda of thu automobile tourlat
will bo carried. Somo of tho bunga
lowa will bo furnished for housokcei
Inc. so that those who deslro to do
their own cooking will find ovory
1 provision for It, evon tf thoy nrrivo In
ennip without nn outfit.
Tho housewife who Is "tlrod of hor,
own cooking", nnd tho city dwellor.
who la seeking country faro, on tho
other hnnd, will bo amply provided
for with thu substantial menu of tho
camp dining room, proptrod In roul
homo ntylo.
Thoro will bo plonty of boats and
tacklo for tho nnglor, nnd possibly a
The scenic environment of tho now
camp alto Is admittedly among the
finest In tho stnto. It Is Mr. Spink's
plan to Interfcro with nature as lit
tle as ponalhlo, nnd to koop all tho
attractiveness of tho wlldorneas camp
whllo providing tho conveniences of
Tho noxt step after tho electric
lighting systom will bo wator nnd
sowor Hystoms. Ueforo ho hna com
pleted hla program, Mr. Spink uxpocts
to havo Investod 120,000 In tho new
West Side Road
Gets Needed Repair
Tho road loading west out of tho
city, across tho rlvor, from tho city
limits to tho top of tho hill, a dis
tance of about a quarter of a mile,
is being graded by a crow under tho
supervision of County Itoad Ovoraoer
Tom Dixon, and rosldents of that
vicinity aro olnted over tho prospect
of having a rond ovor which thoy
will bo ahlo to truvol oaslly for the
first tlmo In nbout IB years. The
work will ha complotod within an
other wook.
J. A. Huff, hotter known as "Dil-
ly," Ir In Jail waiting to answer tho
complaint of J. T. Perkins, who ac
cuser him of giving him a chock In
payment for furniture, without hav
ing any funds In the bank. . His
ball was placed at IR00, which h
was unahla to secure. Huff claims
his troublo Is tho result of a mistake
Opposition of tho closing of fishing
In Lakes Odell nnd Crescent, said
to bu advocated by Hond residents,
wan thn majority sentiment express
ed at the Klamath County Sportn
men's association last evening. A
commltleo wnn appointed to Invents
gate and report on thu matter, com
poind of K. It. Olds, II. Y. Huston. C.
P.'Btono, B. M. Chllcoto nnd T. H.
According to Information laid bo
fore tho mooting thn lakes aro not
fished out. Local sportsmen who vis
ited Iako Odell last season had no
difficulty In taking tho limit, and erf
taking oporatlons last year Indicated
no depletion In tho finny population
of tho lake.
It was said that Ilend wan propos
ing tho closing of tho two Klamath
county lakes In order to further local
Interests. Thoy hopo, with Crescent
and Odcll closed, It was said, to di
vert tourists to Elk Lake, which Is
so located that travollng anglers
must outfit tn Bend boforo going In,
and coming out must como through
Bend again. Odell nnd Creacont lakos.
on tho other hand, lay along tho lino
of nend-Klamath Falls travel and
Dend gets but ono chnnco, at tho
most, at tho purso of tho passing
This statement of Dcnd's position
was not accepted as positive but
was moraly offered as an explanation
and for Investigation by thu commlf
teo. Oamo IU'fuKO 1'lanned.
Tho mooting discussed tho crea
tlcn or a doer nnd game refugu In
tho western part of tho county, and
tho proposition of establishing such
n preserve was referred to tho oxo
cutlvo committee for Invoatlgatlon.
Sonvnn for Dltrlii'i
Under n recent law It In compul
sory for all ditch ownors to protect
tho Inlots of Irrigation dltchea with
acrcons to prevent fish from entoring.
and being loft to dlo when Irrigation
coases In tho fall.
Tho government mnln cnnnl has a
screen, although It does not appear
that It ts always In oporntlon hut Lost
Iltvor lacks a screen nt tho diversion
works. Tho association hopes to plant
bans In Iost rlvor this season and It
Is ossontlal that tho fish bo prevent
ed from getting Into tho canal.
Private ditch ownors will bo affect
ed by tho screening law.
Tho man whoso screon patont Is
bolng used gonornlly Is now tn Mod
ford and Informed offlcors of the as
sociation thut ho would bo horo In
about ton days whon tho wholo mat
tor of scroonlng will bo gono Into.
Giinio IkMirtl Coming
It was thought that Juno would bo
a bottor month thon May for tho
promlsod mooting of tho stnto gnmo
commission horo, owing to moro fnv
ornblo wonthor conditions. Prosldont
Nowbort of tho Cnllfornla gnmo com
mission has Informod tho local sports
mon that California will havo a rop
rosontattvo horo for tho mooting.
Ex-FIro Chlof H. R. Dolancy loft
for Portland this morning whoro ho
will bo omployod by ono of tho big
ger flro protoctlon oqulpmont com
panies. Ho oxpocts to bo asstgnod to
this district as salesman, and In thnt
ovout will como to this city occasion
ally. C. of C, Membership
Workers Coming
Bryco W. Hoaklna chlof publicist
of tho Amorlean City Bureau, with
L. W. DoPuy and Glenn L. Still,
will arrlvo horo tonight to bogln
tholr extensive momborahlp enm-
falgn for tho Klamath county
Chnmbor of Commorco. Mr. Hoa-
kins Is a trained nowspapor man,
and has bad a long and variod ex
perience In publicity work.
ArnbM O, Motschenbseher Is
'i"nn for the basement of a bun
galow, probably of flvo rooms, on a
lot recently purcbasod by him on
North Eleventh streot,
Chiloquin Voters
Unanimously Favor
School Bend Issue
Chiloquin votors yosterday after
noon unanimously ratified tho new
school hond lanun proposal. Twenty
two votes wore cast for tho bond Is
sue and nono against It
Approximately f31,000 will be
raised to construct tho now school.
Architect O. It. Wright of Klamath
Kails has tho contract and has pre
pared preliminary plans for the
I'rcsont school facllltlos at Chilo
quin are said to ho very Inadoquato
and havo drawn prolosla from par
ents and pupils allko.
Local contractors should be given
opportunity to bid on government
work on tho Klamath project, de
clares It. K. Uradbury, director of
tho Klamath Irrigation district, who
sayn that tho force account method
of performing tho work Is wasteful.
Tho money Is raised on tho valu
ation of tho dlatrlct, and realdont
contractors should profit In Its ex
penditure, ho says.
Tho Hcnloy canal work, estimat
ed to cost $85,000, Is now under
way and Mr. flradbury says that hla
observation of tho amount of work
porformod by teamsters hired by the
day, with their teams, makos It ob
vious to him that the district Is not
getting full return on Its labor ox-
Lponso. 1
Bosldos, ho says, past exporlenco
has shown that work done by force
account over runs tho estimated cost.
Ho points out that tho South Branch
fill cost tho district 158.000, when
tho estlmato of government engin
eers was 132,000. Had a contract
been let, ho declares, tho contractor
would havo bad to stay within tho
original contract prlco, which prob
ably would have been close to tho
engineer's ostlmato.
On Eastor Sunday March 27th, all
Protostant churches will hold usual
Easter services at tho hour of morn
ing worship 11 a. m. But at 7:30 In
tho evening will bo tho opening of
tho Bulgln Evangollstlc meetings in
tho big tabornaclo on Pine stroot. bo
tween Seventh and Eighth streets.
Tho largest chorus choir over seen
or heard in Klamath Falls, Is bolng
organliod and drilled for tho meet
ings undor tho direction of Rev. Rob
ert O. Lewis, dlroctor, and Mrs.
1-ewls, pianist. Both of thoso lead
ers aro expert In their lino and pro
nilso not only somo groat chorus
singing for tho pooplo who attend the
meetings, hut also most oxcollent In
struction nnd drill for tho singers.
Both nro tralnod slngors and their
Instruction will bo well worth any
sacrlflco that any singer may havo
to mnko to bo a part of tho chorus. A
full rehearsal Is callod for on Sun
day afternoon at 2:30 p. m. in tho
tabornaclo. Rain or shlno stormy or
clear, let every singer bo thoro In or
der to got tho practlco and Instruc
tion but also the soat thnt will bo
tholrs throughout tho meetings.
Tho sunshtno chorus with Its many
attractions for childron and young
pooplo from 8 to 18, will be orga
nized on Monday afternoon at 4
o'clock In tho tabornaclo. No child
or young porsoti should miss a stnglo
ono of tho meotlngs, on Monday,
Wodnosday or Friday. In tho great
mootlngs hold at Wichita, Kansas,
somo tlmo ago It was countod by
mauy tho greatest thing from an ed
ucational and Inspirational stand
point that had evor como to tho
childron of that city. ,Tho educa
tional forces of the city gave It ovory
encouragement In their powor.
A corps of ushers undor tho lead
ership of Bort C. Thomas Is bolng
organized to handlo the big crowds
so that all who como can be seated
quickly and without confusion.
OREGON Ton!gh( and Sunday,
fair; light to heavy frosts In mom
PORTLAND. March 26. Tho
Orator Lnko dovolopmont comralttoo
held a mooting hero yosterday aftor
noon and further discussed plans for
taking over the concession! at Crater
Lake national park, with a view to
their greater dovolopmont.
Tho committee wilt hold Its noxt
meeting at Medford within throe
weeks, at a dato to bo announced lat
er. Tho committee Is composod of Eric
V. Housor, R. W. Chllds and R. W.
Prlco of Portland and Vernon H.
Vawtora, William F. Isaacs and
(3corgo T. Collins of Medford.
Governor Olcott, honorary chair
man of the goneral development
committee was not present at yester
day's mcotlng and R. W. Chllds acted
as chairman.
Resides the Medford and Portland
men named on the special committee,
thoro woro proaont yesterday Julius
L. Meier, L. R. Wheeler and Rodney
L. Ollsan of Portland; Leslie Butter
of Hood Rlvor; W. D. B. Dodson,
secretary of tho Portland chambor ct
commorco, and Sidney Vincent, pub
licity dlroctor of tbo chambor.
Ed Note Apparently Medford has
been playing very practical politics,
whllo Klamath haa boon Idly stand
ing by . As tho rosult Klamath, the
county In which Crator Lake ,ls lo
cated, wilt havo no voice In the
dispensing of tho $250,000 tt ts
proposed to ralso for tho dovolop
rnont.v Portland .and Medford di
vide the memberships In- tho direct
ing committee and thegre-i t
suit is bound to TjO the sfiarlng of ad
vantages 'from' attracted tourist
travel between Portland and Med
ford. Klamath takes tho "leavings"
Vhero It Is rightfully entltlod to tho
pick of advantages.
It Is fair to add that this Is, not
tho view taken by T. L. Stanley., soc
rotary of tho Chamber of Commerce,
who today told a Herald representa
tive that tt was tho program of tho
chamber to lot Medford and Port
land do tho work of making the
park attractlvo and Klamath could
not, on account of Its geographical
position, escape from receiving tho
benefits of tho Increase tourist
travel. Klamath, savod from work
ing on tho fund-raising project,
would devote Its energy to botter
Ing highways and when the tourist
tide turns thlthorward would reap
tho roward.
Recall Against Head
Of Public Service
Commission Starts
PORTLAND. March 26. Peti
tions for tho recall of Public Sor
vcto Commissioner Fred A. Williams
wero put In circulation today. The
rocall commlttoo announcod a rally
would bo hold In tbo Portland audi
torium, AJrlt 20. They oxpocted
delegations from cities whero the
rocall movemont has been endorsed.
Williams Is tho only mombor sub
ject to recall, as the others have
not been in office six months under
tholr present terms.
Edgar Johnson, arrested yester
day for driving a motor truck with
out a license, cntored a ploa of
guilty beforo Justlco of the Peace
Gaghagen late yesterday, and was
fined $1.00 and costs. It develop
ed that Johnson had mado applica
tion for a license, but that it was
withhold temporarily due to a mis
understanding regarding tho cost.
Chief of Pollco Wilson has Issued
instructions to Martin Brothers,
proprietors of tho O. K. bam on
Sixth stroot. that they will bo given
two weeks wltbln which to cloan up
the barn corrals, and to placo tbo
entire premises In a sanitary con
dition. Groat heaps of refuse have
1 been lying--in the barn yards, ..and
the place, It Is' said. In an ud'ms-
.ttary condition. Fly-tight debris
contalnora have bcon demanded
, through the ordor.