23. 1112 1. The Evening Herald K 3. MURRAY..... Editor KRKI) SOULE City ICdltor Published dolly oxcopt Sunday, by The Harold Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth Stroot. Entered at tho postofflco at Kin math Falls, .Ore, for transmission through tho malls as socond-dass matter. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED TRESS. Tho, Associated Pross Is oxcluslroly entitled to tho uso tor republication of. all news dispatches credited to It, or not otherwise cradltod In this v Paper, and also tho local nows pub I'lUher heroin. FRIDAY, MARCH 2.1, 1021, Judgo D. V. Kuykondnlt has Issued orders for dismissal ot tho follow Ing cases, all of them having been Bottled out ot ceurt: Klamath Stato bank vs. Arthur Clark, ?MniIo -Clark, L. Jacobs, and II. K. Smith, suit to recover on pro missory noted, plaintiff to pay costs. Central Door & Lumber company vs. Chris Manns, to secure payment for building material. Cooper & Son vs. P. I.. Burr and A. T. Schenck. Mnson Khrmnn company vs. P. C. Knight, to secure payment for mer chandise W. 8. Strowbrldgo vs. J. A. Sharp and Goo.'W. Sharp. Ruth E. Truo was awarded a de fault Judgment against her husband, V. II. Truo, tho suit being a case In equity Involving real estate Mr. True could not bo locatod. A dlvorco suit against Mr. True Is pending and the partition ot property will become etfectlvo If the suit prevails. Ei S. Tcrwllllger was awarded judgment for $729.55, with plain tiff's costs of 115.70, against A. J. Hanan, who failed to answer tho summons ot publication. This suit -was filed to recover $650 with inter est, secured by a note delivered In 1919. Mr. Torwllliger's attorney was awarded $100. -, rqr. , Doughty Convicted . Of Toronto Theft TORONTO, Ontario, March 25. John Doughty, arrested at Oregon City, Oregon, last November, and re turned here, has boon convicted of tb6 theft ot $105,000 worth of bonds from Ambroso Small, theatrical mng note, who disappeared over a year ago. SALEM 8TORB FIRE SALEM, Oregon, March 25. Fire yesterday caused $75,000 damago to Katoury Brothers' Mercantile store. STATE DEPARTMENT l.V CHARGE OF IIKR41DOLL CASE .WASHINGTON, March 25. The 'war department has transmitted to the stato department all papers re lating to Orovor C. ifergdoll, draft evador, with a request that they be considered from an international viewpoint. Window Expert Is Retained By Moe's AVjith a view to bringing his show window up to tho high standard to be found in the larger cities. If. N. Moo, owner ot tho Women's Store, Tins- engaged tho services of Gus Samuel, who will occupy tho posi tion of window display and advertis ing manager ot this popular and rap idly growing establishment. Mr. Samuel Is a veteran In bis lino, hav ing been associated with several of tho largo stores In and around tho bay city. It Is his Intontlon to Intro duco tbo latest Ideas in store and window decorating, cxpoctlng to mako this feature of the store's ad vertlslng one of forco and value In addtlon to that placed In Tho Her ald. Germany Must Pay 20 Billions PARIS, March 25. Tho German government has been notlflod by al lied reparations commission that the total amount of twenty billions of gold duo under article 235 of the treaty roust be paid by May 1, or ad ditional penalties will bo Inflicted. Premier Hriand told tho senate that FRIDAY, MARCH CIRCUIT COIIST CIS ON OSS if Germany does not 'pay the treaty I At the Theaters Till: MONIMlii: Tho Mondalo thentro promised tho pooplo of Klamath Falls It wns going to gtvo thorn tho best there Ir in tho show business, and tho show to night will prove It Is doing so. The Metropolitan Merry Makers company Is a standard vaudeville company con sisting of four big vnudovlllo nets. and each and ovory niomlior Is n real artist, t Heading this attraction of four big vnudovlllo nets Is Jolly Dick Lonsdale nnd company In "Ole's Sleepless Night," tho biggest bundle of Swede comedy ocer de livered. Mr. Lonsdale Is vnudovillo's greatest Swedo comedian, and you will laugh at him until your sldos ache. Next conies Dollell & Winters, In "Dlls of Evcrythln " n sure euro for tho blues. Lots of you will rcmonv ber Dclioll, as ho was at tho Mondalo before with his by-word, "abso lutely." Numbor 3 Is Miss Greta V. Ilo'r gon, America's greatest exponent of physical culturo. Miss Bergen I the best dovcloped woman In tho world, having won the championship In Now York. She also holds tho Richard K. Fox medal. Act number 4 features LcGrnnde &. Montague, tho Twin-Six Inugh ma kers. They aro n scream and surely will drive tho blues away, and with 8 reels ot comedy pictures you arc in for a real treat. Two and ono- halt hours of solid laughtor and clean entortnlnmcnt. Wo guarantee this show on a money-back basis, so If you miss seeing It It's your own fault. Admission at prices within tho roach ot all. THE STAR Tho famous western melodrama, "Tho Round Up," has reached the Star theatre for two days commenc ing tonight. By special arrange ment with Joseph M. Schonck. Hos coe Arbuckle, tho hpavywolght com edy star, plays tho rolo ot "Slim" Hoovor, the shorltf. Edmund Day's "Tho Round Vp" has been played with enormous suc cess on tho road for several ycurs and Is familiar to theatro patrons throughout the country. Tho ntory centers around tho love ot Jack Pay son tor Echo Allen, the ranch own er's daughter. Echo Is engaged to Dick 1-ano, who falls Into misadven tures at the hands ot n band of Apaches led by halt-brccd Buck Mc KsVo. In Dick's absence Echo falls In lovo with Jack Payson and mar ries him, believing Dick dead. On tho day ot tho wedding Dick appears at tho Allen ranch. When ho learns of the marlago, ho disappears into tbo desert. Echo sonds Jack after blm to provo sho has not broken faith. Togothor they fight McKce's Apacbos and Jack is rescued in tbo nick of time by U, S. cavalry. How ever, Dick and McKco are both kill ed In the battle. Echo accepts Jack upon bis return. A notable cast supports Mr. Ar buckle, Including Tom Form an In tho role of "Payson," Mabel Julienne Scott as "Echo," Irving Cummlngs, Jano Ackor, Ouy Ollvor, and Wallace Berry. In addition to ploying tho horo's role, Tom Formon also wrote tho sconarlo. Toil rmir trntihlfMi In tho Furniture lino to PERKINS "THE FURNISH ER OF HAPPY HOMES." 17lf TfrRekJIome a. dLatgan, Dougnnuti J 9 wetetetflem right before ffkr eyes! (s) THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON i!nr WIQ HR IIL linu IILILII SN ITS EQUAL SPOKANE MAN HA'H HE 18 HORRY NOW HE DIDN'T TAKE TANLAO LONG AGO. 18 GAINING WEIGHT AND STKENGHTH EVERY DAY. "I'm sixty-seven years old now, and during nil those years I havo never seen n medicine that I consldor In n class with Tunlac," sold Mtko Kunx, ot E. 1011 Iloono Ave., Spoknno, Wash., Mr.' Kunx Is a well-known farmer who has n largo ranch near Wllbor. "1 had stomach trouble ot n mighty bad nnturo nnd, two years ngn. was operated on tot whnt was said to bo ulsers ot tho stomach, and when 1 finally got out of tho hospi tal 1 had no strength, nnd still suf fered n lot ot distress attor eating. Gns formed In such quantities It caused mo no ond ot worry and my heart palpitated terribly. I had frightful pains In my buck, nnd at times had such n'wful weak spells I felt completely oxhnusted. My norves were bady upset nnd I didn't know what it wns to get a good night's sloop. "I kept seolng 'whoro Tnnlnc wns helping so many others I began tak ing It. Well, sir. It Is cortnlnly building mo up nnd I nm gaining In weight nnd strength every day. I'm not norvnus nor sleepless now, nnj I bollevo It I had got hold ot tho med Iclno before I wouldn't hnvo hnd to undergo tho operation. Tnnlnc Is certainly n great mcdlclno, nnd I'm more than glad to toll tho public of It's wondorful merits." Tanlac Is sold In Klamath Falls by Stnr Drg Co.,. In Lorella by James Merc. Co., and In Merrill by Soutn orn Oregon Drug Co., at Modoc Point, E. A. Sutton & Son, at Dairy, W. E 8edgo. Adv.- HAN 18 PLACED ON CLARA IIAMO.V FILMS PORTLAND, March 25. Tho Oregon motion picture Tcaguo hns adopted resolutions against exhibit Ing Clara Homon pictures. NO MORE CHEAP TALK Tboy say talk Is choap, but Al D, Short, manager of tho Whlto Pelican, leading botol ot South Central Ore gon, doesn't bellovo It, for ho has believed for a long tlmo that tele phone talk was plenty high, and ho camo to Portland to say ho doesn't feel llko making talk any doaror, and to mcot with other hotol men ot tho stato to tako action against the pro posed ralso in telephone ratos. Journal. - FURITURE BUYERS Take advantago of my outsldo ser vice. I have a car and liko to drlvo It. You need furniture and would llko to buy It. Call 41-W and I will send for you; also take you homo. PERKINH FURNITURE HOUSE "The Furnisher of Happy Homes" Advertising pays. Try It and see. WATCH FOR A SLIP in Klamath Falls Creamery butter which if pre sented at our office will be cashed for $5.00 CASH KLAMATH FALLS CREAMERY Benefits Are Mutual DURING that 'como-oasy, go-easy' porlod nftwr tho war ovnrybody secmod to find Ills bank account growing In splto of high living and taxes. The 'other fellow's' prosperity brought YOU prosperity. And so Is it truo whon you buy homo products. Helping other folks' First National Bank accounts growr makes YOURS grow. &ie First National Bank zatUctxdjJ) ' ' FEATURING FOR EASTER WEEK OF EXCEPTION- ALLY OOOD VALUE A SPECIAL LINE OK HATS AT $7.50 tq $10.95 I ODD FELLOWS! ATTENTION Wanted, 150 Odd Fellows at Odd Fel lows Hall at 7:30 Friday evening, March 25. If there are any visitors in town they will be welcome to come and swell the num ber. There'll be something Doing! H. H. OGLE, N. G. Got results by using class ads. RIDE IN THE NEW HUKIPPH-HOOTH EWAU.VA MOTOR8 CO. Scrlpps-llooth Master Truck m'MMeBi: What Sick People and Prospective Mothers Want in Home or Hos Hes pital: Sato, Sano, Prompt, Propor Pro 'fesslonal raru and results at mini mum cost.. (Colloctlro moaning, Preventive Surgery) Surgical cases belong in a Surgical hospital. Most others can bo efficiently and more economically cared for at homo. DR. CRAVER Allopathic Medicine nnd Surgery 7th nnd Main HI. Phono 2.H0-W. Klamath Fall I SUMMONS Equity No. 12(15 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE I STATE OF OREGON FOR KLA MATH COUNTY. Stato Land Hoard of Stato ot Ore gon' Plaintiff, vs. Robort L. Mnlono nnd Evn Mnlono Defendants, TO ROIIERT L. MALONB. ono of tho nbovn named Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby sum moned nnd required to nppear and nnswor tho complaint fllod against you In Uio nbovo entltlod suit, with in six weeks from tho dato 0 tho first publication or this Summits in Tho Evening Horald, a nowijltpor printed and published In Klamath County, Oregon, which said first dato Is thn 25th, , day ot Fobruary. A- D. i 1921: I And you will take notlco that If you fall to appear nnd answer, or ' otherwlso plead within said time, the plaintiff, for want thoroof, will ap ply to tho abovo entltlod court for tho rollof prayed for In Its complaint, to-wif . I For Judgment against you Robert L. Malone and against Eva Mslono for and In tho sum ot $450.00 with fez?i iiSHlilttliP HrLL" nfjj'i W$j s ill jjJisJggEa?'! ' MiL OAK FLOORS OVER OLD FLOORS Oak floors nro otton found In such costly surroundings that fow imaglno how llttlo they cost. Very fow pooplo roifllzo how much they enn got for tholr monoy by laying -lnch Oak floors ovor.old flooia. t Thn distinctive modern and artistic appoaranco of a homo, as ucll ns its health and comfort, will bo greatly incronsod by tho uso of Oak flooring. Oak flooring Is rich and choorful In color, and Imparts an air of ologanco and roflnomont to a homo. For permanently artistic floors wo recommend Long-Bell Fork ed Leaf Oak Flooring. It Is uniform as to color and torture, per foct as to manufacture and Is of superior quality. Its remarkably smooth surfaco Is unsurpassed, and It makos aju ideal foundation for a beautiful Intorlor. Lot us know tho bIzo of tho roomH you wish to floor. You will bo surprised and ploasod at tbo figures we can quoto you on -Inch Long-Bell Forked Loaf Oak Flooring. Big Basin Lumber Company I'AOH TWO Avoid The "Flu" In cnsoH of "flu" tlmro Is n gtmorol Infliction with loenl nyinptom as In grippe. Often there are olhor local InrertliiiiH with mtxod classes of lino lorln. It In prolmbln tluil lliemt vnrlous forms of bacteria are constantly pros out In llio nasal nunrutlons, but do nut cause trouhlu until Urn locnl general rnnlslnnrtt In In hoiiio way lowered. A good rule to folhrw Is to spray tho noso nnd throat with Klenio Liq uid Antiseptic used III n good atom. Iter night nnd morning to keop Inn nasal pimimitoi and tho throat In a healthy condition. Strict obedlonco to tile laws of hygiene, will almost In variably prevent Influenza. Exposure and Chilling Frequently the Cause Thin Is usually dun to tho fact that tho nerves controlling tho circulation tiro over sensitive Tho result Is ft break In thn powor of resistance. Tho bacteria prosoni In tho noso and throat bocomo nctlvo and serious Ill ness results, unlosn prompt action Is taken. If a cold Is not treated when thn first symtoms show themselves, It will frequently develop Into more serious complications, It does not liny nnyma to tako n chance when relief can bo oaslly ond quickly oh tnlnod. (let of us a box of Roxall laxative Aspirin (U. D. Co.) Cold Tablets to day. Tako them according to direc tions thn moment tint first symptomit. appear nnd you will obtain real n lief. Wo guarantee them. STAR DRUG, CO. Klmimtli l-'nlU Oregon Interest thereon from tho 13th. dM of Novombor, A. D. 1917, at tha rnlo of six per cent per annum: And for the further sum of One Hundred Dollnrs nn Attorney's tons; And for Its costs ond disbursement here in: And for ft doereo foreclosing tho mortgago given by you and Evn Ma loeo to tho plnlntlff upon tho fol lowing doscrlbnd premises, to-wlt: Upon tho SEU of tho NWU: The W4 of tho NBU an dtho BKVi of tho NEW of section 10, In Township II South. Ranee H Fist ot tha Wlllamettn Morodlsn, in Klamath County, Oregon, And foreclosing you nnd the dc fendnnt Evn Mnlono, nnd all persons claiming, or to clnlm, by through or under you, or either of you, of all rlgll. tlttt, Interest, claim, lien or equity In and to all nnd every part nnd parrel of snld described real es tate and onWIng tho real property nbovo described to bo sold by tho Sheriff of Klamath Conrity, Oregon, In tho mnnnor provided by low gov erning sates ot real property on El El El ocuteon: This summons is published pur suant to nn ordor of tho Honorable D. V. Kuykendall, Judge ot the Cir cuit Court of tho Stato ot Oregon for Klnmath County, which . order U dated tho 23rd. day of Fobruary, A. I). 1021. CHARLES J KEROUSON Attorney for Plaintiff, Loorots Build ing: Klamath Falls, Oregon. Fob 26 Mar. 4-11-18-26 A 1-8 lono-Reix 4 n KLAMATH FALLJ OREGON will bo applied to tho full limit. ti'jfljy fclepliono 107 Main nnd Spring Street V?.