The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 25, 1921, Image 1

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aTlj? 3 unting Iterato
Do It
Today's Newt
Member of the Associated Press.
I'l'loenlli Ywir. No. n7H.
Starting Point of Ef
fective Public Library
Service Is In Com
petent Control. ,
State Librarian Says If
County Court Is Cor
rect, No Library Law
Gelling right down to tho ronl of
tho Klarnnlh county public library
situation, which JntiiuH Bertram,
secretary of thn (,'arneglu corpora
tlon, says It "iiilln discreditable,"
It appears Hint tho rumoily lies In
tho appointment of u library bourd ;
by tho county court.
Thin In tho starting point for do
vnlopmunt of tho library sorvlco to
Include nil thn citizens of Klamath
county. Although It nppcam tlmt
tbu county court hnn had requests
from many nun rem for tho appoint
ment of audi a bourd, It a I no ap
pear that tbny feci that it la op
tional with them to do no.
Tho logal question hinge on tho
Interpretation of a phraxt In miction
31, chapter 367. of the act of 1919,
revising the stutn library lawn,
which says that "libraries already
organized may hav their organii.v
lion changed."
"Muy," the county court holds,
loaves Iho chanRo optional with
them . It cannot ba construed to
moan tlmt they "must" appoint u
library board.
Kllia Cornolln Marvin, stato li
brarian, In a request for un opin
ion from Iho attorney general, ud
mlts that the language of (ho
stututn Is doubtful, but If tho
phronq li taken at Its face value
thon all tho public libraries of the
state that huva appointed boards
since 1919 "are operating and ex
isting under no law at ull, since tbu
last section of tho 1919 law all oth
er library laws woro ropoalod."
In other words, tho stale librar
ian holds that the question Is
broader Uiun tho mere construction
of a slnxlo plirnso In u single sec
tion of tho act. The flnul section
ropeuls all Inconsistent laws. If ull
laws conflicting with tho 1919 law,
which Is designed to creato u systom
of libraries governed by library
boards, aro repealed, It leaves no
law savo tho 1919 law to work un
dor and tho chlof attempt of tho
1919 law Is to creato a uniform li
brary system undor tho control of
library boards.
In passing upon tho mattor At
torney aenoral Van Wlnkto nnrrow
cd his opinion to tho single section
and supports tho county court, but
If ho Is correct It Is obvious tlmt
tho 1919 act, Instead of gaining tho
uniformity It sought, left tho stato
library system In worso condition
than before Its pussugo. Thoro Is
no law left to guldo
That Is tho
view tnui mo siaio nururiun anu nur
supporters tako. '
Tho legal question probably np-
pools llttlo to Klamath county, poo -
plo. Thoy hnvo a publlo library,
stockod with good books, nnd U'b
not working, at least for tho ma-
jority. rnoy wont toss iogm qmu-
bllng und moro "uctlon."
Tho building Is supposed, as n
public llhrnry, to bo opon to tho
publlo olght hours n day, mornings
and nftornpon. In roallty ontrunco
Is posslblo to tho public from 2 to
5 o'clock, afternoons. Only a pro
forrcd minority can got books from
tho building, though It la theoreti
cally posslblo for all to uso tho
reading room privileges during tho
throo hours. '
Hut to tako books out tho Indi
vidual must apply.'lt ho lives In tho
ton n try, to thn school district
branch library. Tho school district
accumulates ordors until a conven
ient tlmo, thon its representative
calls for tho books.
The city resident places an order
with tho city library, which has an
arrangement to got a certain num
ber of books each mouth, Tho uum
faorbor uoonis fluctuatory. Just bo-
Propose to Close
Crescent and Odell
Lakes to Fishing
llond people uro making efforts to
clone fishing In Lake Odell and Lake
Orescent, the Klnmiith County Sports
men's association has been Informed,
by W. II. Ilrock of Crescent, who has
n summar resort at Luko Odell, and
the proposal will be otto of the sub
ject of discussion at tonights asso
ciation meeting nt tho chamber or
commorco rooms. Tho meeting starts
at 8 o'clock.
A committee will probably ho ap
pointed to Investigate the matter
fully. It Is claimed that excessive egg
taking lias so depleted the fish sup
ply In tho two lakes that It Is nncoit
sary to bar anglers nltogether until
tho waters uro restocked.
Many Klamath residents yearly
nro visitors at Crescent nnd Odell
lakes for tho camping and fishing
and thn mattor affects this county
chtsoly. Thn lakes are In this county.
Tho sportsmen's association will
approach tho matter with an open
mind, and In order to get fullest In
formation hopn that all persons hav
ing kuowledgo of the situation, or
who take tiny Interest In It, will at
tend the meeting tonight
WASHINGTON, March 2ft Pres
Idont Harding has personally con
gratulated representatives of tho
pr. ttlng Industry and employes upon
reaching an agreomont Monday, thus
averting a strike. Tho commltteos
wero accompanied to thn Whlto
House hy Secretaries Davis, Wallace,
Hoover, and Samuel (lompors. The
president, In an address, said In
parti "1 want to say that this ad
ministration has nearest lis heart af
al times any righteous helpfulness
It can glvo In avoiding suspension
of Industrial activities. The adtnlnls-1
(ration does not want to Intrudu It-1
self, unduly, but wo always want to
bo careful In tho cnuso of Justice,
and In the harmonizing of labor und
wooimow WU.HO.V ill.
. WASHINGTON'. March 26. Form
er Presldont Wilson sufferod an
acuto attack of Indigestion today.
Physicians woro culled hurriedly, hut
later reported Mr. Wilson had entire
ly recovered.
Arthur Kconan and Frank Works,
nrrestod by Chief of Pollco Wilson
and Sheriff Low on a chargo of
oporatlng a still In a houso on tho
corner of Division nnd Gnrdon streets
lmvn boon released on bonds of 500
ouch, ponding their hearing before
United Statos Commissioner ner: C
Thomas nt ono o'clock tomorrow af
ternoon. John Turner nnd Dave
Turner, of LnngoU'H vnlloy, slgnod
Keenan's bond, and Works' bond was
slgnod hy I). It. Yancoy nnd Mrs. II,
L. Horrlngton.
fnrn election thn limit wns removed
nd lho cm.nty cour. decreed that
n lno ,,ooka nskod for couI(l ,,
tnkon out hy tho clty library for Its
l , otnor w(m,Bt th0 W)raty op.
'oratos. it nppoars undor no system-
nl0 plnn ,mt nccor(nK t0 tho whim
of l0 county cort anii eeomB to 0
political adjunct of tho Hot
Springs courthouse.
Why n public library should ho
consldorod from n political vlow-
pont nt nl, ,g ft problom. Tho Hor-
-(l nnH not yot i0irnod tho "why."
One explanation Is that tho court
foars to pass control from Its hands
to a library board lost thoy (thn
court) loso Home political udvan
tnga In tho courthouso dlBputo.
County Judge Hunnoll, In rocont
conversation with somo of the read-
ors who want access to tho literary
stores of tho building, Is reportod to
huvo said that If tho Carnoglo cor
poration wns not sntlsflod with tho
way tho court was handling tho li
brary they "could tako their li
brary back.' ' i
Short, ha,rp and decisive as Is this
ultimatum, tho Herald, oven at tho
prosont stago of Kb Investigation,
fools certain it is not tho roinedy
that la gonorally doslrod,
n to
Head of Traffic De
partment Will Lay
Complaint of Local
Shippers Before R. R.
M A. Callaghen, head of tho chain
bor of commorco traffic department,
loft this morning for Han Francisco,
to confor with tho Southern Pacific
Zirrr, ,B.;.P"WIW "" tho government
Klamath Falls-Wood branch.
Thn Houthcrn Pacific Iiob promis
ed to lowor local rates within the
next sixty days, but tho slzo of tho
reduction Is undecided.
At tho moating of tho merchants'
bureuu of tho chamber of commorco
Inst night It was decided to send Mr
Callaghnn as tho representative o
tho bureau to lay beforo the rallwn
officials their argument for a sizable
Klamath Falls now pays 40'.
cents more a hundred pounds from
Han Francisco, and Intermediate
points, than Medford. Thn distances
aro practically equal. It Is Mr. Callag
ban's opinion that local shippers are
entitled to at loast 40 H reduction,
and on account of tho lighter grados
between Weed nnd Klamath Falls
than between Weed nnd Mcdford,
should got n greater reduction.
Hates from Portland and Intor
modlnto points aro proportionately
high and tho extra charges, declares
Mr. Callaghan, aro costing Klamath
resldonts thousands of dollars year
ly. Tho matter, of conrso, affects
every readout of Iho county, as the
freight charge Is' figured in tho sell
ing prlro of every Imported commod
ity and every ronsumrr In tho high
rate xonc eventually bear? his share
ProBporlty week, which will bo ob
served nationally from April 4th to
9th Incluslvo, has boon doferrod loc
ally until April I8th, and will contin
ue until April 25th. his was docldod
at a mooting of tho Merchants' Ilui
ontt of tho Klamath county chambor
of commorco hold In tho chamber of
commorco rooms lust night. IT, N.
Moo, vlco chairman of tho buroau,
prosldod In tho absonco of Chairman
C. I. Hoberts, who Is ill at his homo.
A rosprcsontatlvo number of mom
bore woro prosont.
Prosperity wook, according to tho
decision of tho meeting last night,
will bo a weok of ontortalnmont and
not n wook during which attempts
will bo mudo to coorco pooplo Into
buying. It will bo conducted along
tho linos of tho rocont auto show
held Itoro, whoro comparative prices,
appoarnncos, and qualities woro
shown, and which gavo both dealers
and pooplo lntorestod in autos an op
portunity to bocomo hotter acquaint
ed with each othor. This wook Is ex
pected to bo holpful In encouraging
n bottor outlook on tho financial
situation. Tho first part of tho wook
will bo dovotod to an effort to stim
ulate Intorost In tho hardware and
building llncB, and during tho lattor
part of tho wook, tho othor mer
chants will havo tholr Inning.
Frod Houston, O. M. Hoctor, and
rr. N. Moo woro soloctod as tho ad
vertising commlttoo, nnd tho enter-
tnlnmont foaturoa will bo taken euro
of by M. A. Callaghan, Frod Floot,
Jnck Furbor, and K. H. Hall. B. W.
Vannlco, J. T. Porklns, H. P. Lowls.
P. 8. Popo, and Will Baldwin com
poso tho financial commlttoo.
Froo dlnnors, froo movios, nnd
many othor things will bo providod
for the ontortalnmont of visitors and
local people, and tho program will
bo announced within a few days.
m "
W, H, Lamm, of tho Lamm Lumber
company, of Modoc Point, U hore on
buslnosa today,
Twenty-five Hundred
Armed Workers
Routed By Police;
Machine Guns Used.
(Ily Associated Pross.)
LONDAN. March 2C Although
the situation arising from tho com
munist outbreak In Oormany Is
still dangerous, tho communists aro
forces, according to a Horlln roport,
At Klslobon, whoro a desporato bat
tlo was fought yestorday botweon
2000 pollco and 2600 workmen.
Tho report says stato pollco fi
nally drovo out tho communists,
who havo entronched thomsolvcs In
the neighborhood hills and nro ill
cctlng muchlno guns flro on tho
pollen strongholds. Troops arn
narchlng on Klslobon. Thero wns
no roptitlon of tho dlsordors at
Hamburg today.
LONDON, .March 25. Commun
ist disorders in Central Germany aro
Increasing and largo sections of In
dustrial regions aro actually In In
surgents' hands, says a dispatch.
Hulldlngs havo boon damaged by
dynamite In various towns In Sax
ony. At Mansfield prisons woro opened
and prlsonors rolcasod. Complete
anarchy Is reportod at Hcstadt,
whero banks woro rnldod and tho
population floolng In a panic. Over
SO communists and pollco nro report
od to havo been killed at Hamburg
last night In fighting at Holllngon
slcst field. Tho messago adds that
fighting is continuing at Hntaburg
whom tho pollco wero defeated, and
ut Stelnwardor Island also after a
florco battle
KISLKHUN, Germany, .March 2C.
9:30 a. m Fighting botween
communists and tho pollco for tho
possession of Klslobon was extend
ed this morning to a half-milo front
In tho western section of tho town.
with positions of advantage chang
ing hands frequently. Tho com
munist army of 2S00 was rolntorcod
by armed peasants and villagers.
Abovo tho roar of battlo could be
heard tho calls of encouragement
from both sides and tho crlos of tho
wounded lying whero thoy fell.
Income Tax Brings
In 675 Millions
WASHINGTON, March 25. Tho
Incomo and profit taxes collections
for March 15th Installment is esti
malod at six hundred and sovonty
flvo millions. On this basis tho total
rovonuo from this sourco for thn
year ending Juno 30 would aggre
gate 13,050.000,000, which Is fully
up to treasury expectations.
Chris now, K. M. Gontry, W. G,
McCarthy, nnd C. W. Gontry, tho
young men arrested for burglarizing
tho Qulgley camp atoro a wook ago,
pleadod guilty boforo Justice of the
Poace Gaghagon yostorday, and each
wero sentenced to 30 days In Jail.
Tho Judgo modified tho sontencos
with the proviso that In tho ovont
that any ono, or all of them, could
socuro work boforo tho o.xplrntlon of
tholr sontonces thoy would bo parol
Tho Hollman & Kelly realty firm
was dissolved today by mutual con
sont of the partnors, G. A. nollman
and J. H. Kolloy, It was announcod.
Mr. Dollman will bo associated hore
after with A. A. Bellman & com
pany, whllo Mr. Kolloy will keop tho
offlco nt tho Whlto Pelican hotol
and also havo chargo of tho Crater
Lake Oil and Gas company's office
at 622 Main streot.
Edgar Johnson was arrested atlV"' won? "" ! . ' T!
tho Instance of W. L. Campbell,
Mat. motor vehicle inspector, yes -
terday,- (or driving without a
conso. Ho was released on 25 ball.
and will bo brought bofore Justice
of tho Poaco Gnghagon tomorrow,
Crater Lake to Open
July 1st Announces
Interior Department
WASHINGTON, March 25. Ora
tor Lake park, Oregon, will open
July 1 and closo Septombor 30 this
year, according to nnnounccjnont of
dates of opening and closing of na
tional parks mado by tho depart
ment of Interior. Hotols, and camps
will bo open to accommodato visi
tors on tho oponing dato upon
which also tho first scheduled mo
tor tours will ba operated.
POnTLAND, March 25. Plans
for financing concessions at Crater
lako national park and Improving
accommodations thoro will ho taken
up today at u conference of a com
mlttoo from tho Portland Chamber
of Commerca with representatives of
tho Medford Chamber of Coramcrco
to bo held hore. Plans for orga
nizing a company to tako over pre
sent concessions in tho park and for
Improving tho transportation fa
cilities will bo considered. '
It Is hoped to link tho park up
with other natural attractions In
that district with a vlow to provid
ing an itinerary of sovoral days'fn
tourists. (Medford surely Is right
on tho Job.)
Tho nulgln tabornaclo, tho build
ing of which began yestorday morn
ing, is now Just about complete. Tho
roof Is on and covered with building
paper, windows havo boon put in,
and bonches, nowly made; aro in
placo. Tho latter havo been placed so
that tho congregation will sit slight
ly uphill, and so they will necessarily
havo to look up to Evangelist Bulr
gin, who will deliver htVthunrWrbolU
against tho sinful world from an cle?
vntlon in tho extromo end of the
building. Stoves havo been sat up,
and Frod Fleet Is sprinkling a gener
ous covering of shavings and sawdust
over tho carthern floor. A forco of
about fifteen man were working this
morning. This unusually large build'
lng has caused much comment from
pcopio who havo not learned Its pur
pose, and apparently tho whole city
Is waiting for the Hov. K. J. Hulgln
to make his appearanco. Ho Is now In
Portland, whoro his son Is 111 with ap
pendicitis, but If tho latter's condl
tlon does not become alarming will
bo on schedulo tlmo Sunday night.
Tho dinner, today, will bo sorved
by tho ladles of the First Baptist and
L'mmanucl Haptlst churches, and
ovory man who can possibly give
somo of his tlmo during closing hours
of construction is requested to do so,
and to onjoy tho excollent dinner.
Evoryono who has signed up for
tho big chorus for tho tabernacle
nicotines Is urged to bo at the Pros
bytorlan church nt 7:30 tonight for
tho rehearsal under the director, tho
Hov. Mr. Lowls. Othors who can car
ry a tuno and who aro willing to Join
tho chorus aro asked to roport to
tho Hov. K. P. Lawrcnco or Mrs. John
Llntcsty or to bo present at the
abovo hour.
Rose Croix Knights
Hold Convocation
Local Chaptor, No. 2, Knights
Hoso Croix, of tho Ancient and Ac
cepted Scottish nito of Frco Masonry,
hold Its annual mystic banquet, with
tho coromony of tho extinguishing of
tho candlos, observed each Maundy
Thursday in tho Masonic hall last
night. Most of the mombors of tho
chaptor woro present. Archdeacon
Van Wntors, of tho Episcopal church,
who Is hero to hold Eastor services,
gavo a very interesting locturo.
Tho banquet was sorved by tho
ladles of tho Christian church, and
was all that could bo doslrod.
Frad H. Noll of Ashland, who Is
hero representing tho Oregon-Mon-
t a m n ll a J flaa SAmnsnH kim ma
.? "" ""u X "f lu"T"'" "
i s . "UUVW"
! Cr8ek cv . LewUton field,
li-IT, "!, 7"? ,T "ft
,s cJ8,mod 'or h, f old 'hat J,'8
producing tho highest grade olr In
tho United States.
Reduction of Freight
Charge on Lumber Is
Forerunner of Gener
al Cut In Tariffs.
Stagnation of Trade, If
Not Relieved, Would
Force Entire Real
ignment of Business.
Herald Washington Rarnn
cealed behind tho voluntary reduc
tion or cqunlltatlon on lumbor rates
from tho Pacific Northwest by way
of Omaha, from 72 H cents to 6H
conts on lumber, or consocutlvo re
duction at lower river crossings ani
tho effect of reducing the lumber
rate from tho Pacific Northwest to
Chicago from 80 conts to 73 cents,
is a now tandoncy In railroad rates.
This action was taken voluntarily by
a number of traffic men, represent
ing railroads, togother with the In
terstate commorco commission.
It moans an Increased movemont
of lumbor and lumber products from
the Northwest productlng sections to
tho consuming centers of tho East
and reflects a breaking down from
the horizontal Incrcaso In railroad
rates, which, In many cases, has been
almost prohibitive and which has
largely stagnated business, especially
from Pacific Coast points.
A leading traffic export the other
daj, in polntla out this new ten
dcnJn.rtitiJfrartlWluthat .
In his opinion. If the present railroad
rates aro to be maintained without
softening or adjustment downward,
It would mean a complete rearrange
ment of tho manufacturing and con
suming centers.
Hoover Sees Peril
Secretary Hoover In a conference
with nowspaper men tho other day,
said that the logical conclusion from
railroad rates which prohibited the
natural and Increasing movement of
freight according to the demand,
was that tho Inevitable result would
be realignment or rezonlng, which ,
(Continued to Page 3)
Auto Association
.Back of Klamath
Falls-Weed Highway
Tho Improvement of the Klamath
Falls-Weed road, with a view to
making an all-year road to Califor
nia will bo recommended to the
Klamath County Auto association by
the executive, committee of the as
sociation at its noxt meeting. This
decision was reached by tho com
mlttoo at a mooting hold yoster
day, and as the people of Dorrls and
other places of the road havo ex
pressed n, desire to co-operate In
tho project, tho chanco to constru-
a pormanont road, following the
railroad from hero to Weed, seems
to bo very good.
C. J. Bergman, representing tho
Chicago Lumber company, and A.
E, Johnson, of the Ocean Lumber
company of San Francisco, left for
the latter city yesterday after spend
ing sovoral days here looking over
tho lumborlng situation. Mr. Berg
man naif Mr. Johnson were tho first
roprosontatvles of tho blggor lum
bor companies seen here this sea
Weather Probabilities
Tho Barometric pressuro of
tho Cyclo-Stormograph at Un
derwoods Pharmacy has been
slowly falling slnco olovon
o'clock last night, and at 10
O'clock today a sharp drop was
again registered Indicating a
continuation of the high winds
for the nrt few hours.'
Weather Probabilities for tho
noxt 24 liours, cloudy and warm
er followed by 'unsettled weather.