The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 24, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    PAOH TllltlCH
rnCR9 iav, MAncn ai.ioai.
Style Shop
707 Main St
. Phone 341 W
A smart Miss Manhattan
Tweed Suit Spe-
dal at $29.75
A large collection of, Ves
tees xand Ouimpes have just
Tour oil comimnloH, onch at thorn
offlcorod by substantial local tiuttt
ness ninn, havo filed nrtlchm of In
corporation In Mil county, nmt throo
aro proceeding with tlmlr ptnnn to
boKln drilling nn soon an It In pos
nlblo to bring drilling rigs to tliti
conos of tliulr proponed operations.
Only ono of tlio four companion,
tho Klamath Oil company, ban bo
gun Actual drilling operations, ami
moat local people nro famlllur with
tbo itory or bow, under tbo mnnngo
mont of Null Campbell, tbln company
drilled l.HOS foot, nnd then discon
tinued drilling to await tbo arrival or
casing from tbo emit. Mr. Campbnll
feels cortaln Unit tbo Indlrntlonn
present when drllllnK wns discontin
ued will Immediately prorodo tbo
arrival or n gusher, nnd a row root
moro, bo tblnkn, will rotonso oil In
paying (juantlllo.
Tbli In tbo company In which Cap
tain J. W, Siemens, and IM and
Oeorgo llloumlugcnmp nro Intnrustod,
nd It might add to tbo faith roposod
In thin county an n futuro oil-producing
district to repeat n Htatoinont
rnsdo by Ed Illoomlngcnmp.
"As you aro nwnro," said Mr.
Dloomlngcnmp, In n lottor to tbo Crn-
tcr Lake Oil & (Inn company, "I am
a boavy Investor nnd ntockholdnr In
tho Klnmntb Oil company Our woll
li now down approximately 1C00 root.
Tho Indlcntlonn 'or oil were rood
from tho start, nnd progressively bol
ter. At about SCO fool wo found all
showing, nnd at 1360 foot wo found
further oil nliowlnK. At 1BG0 foot wo
found oil In quantity, samples of
which woro taken nnd nnnlyzod. Wo
continued to drill, but nn gas Indi
cation riovolopud, on advlro, wo
thought It host to ntop at 1G90 feet
and nwnlt tho arrival or rosing. Our
well I full of wator, which must bo
cunil off, a ilnw proceeding. I am
confident that oil will bo round In
paying quantity In tho Klnmatb val
ley, nnd ibo mrn numornun tho prow
pnetlng opnrntlona, tho belter for nil
Tli In ntntcmont by Mr. Illnomliig
camp boars weight for ho Is ono of
thin county's mont rnpulnblo men nnd
would think twlco before counten
ancing tho activities of men who woro
not substantial, and who woro -working
on a "bluo sky" project.
Surface Indlrntlonn must bo accept
d ai tbo first Indlcntlonn or tbo ex
Utonco of oil. Thono Indication! nro
horn, unmlMakahly. Experienced nil
mon havo recognized them. Moro
than that, oil bnn actually boon taken
from tho Klamath Oil company'n woll
on tho Jay Manning rnnch. Tbo same
Indication found thoro nro found In
tho other districts In which tho tliron
other companion will drill. Ho, urguo,
tho ofricern and ntockholdom or thono
compnnlon, It In obvious flint oil la
hern. In tho words or tho prespectus:
"Thoro In no coclc-siiro nclontlflr
theory nn to oil. It In found, usually,
according to nurfneo Indications. You
should not buy oil ntock unions you
can afford to 'klai your money good
bye," nnd luffor no rogrot or finan
cial dotrlmont. Hut, If you Imvo tho
money to nparn, and buy nto-k. nnd
oil In quantity In found, you will
profit onormously. If a dry boln In
the result, yoummall Investment will
not bronk you."
Thl Is tho expressed nontlmont of
tho Crater I.ako Oil nnd Ons com
pany nnd tho Northorn California Oil
company, Tho Umpire Oil & Oog com
pany, has an yet no stock for nalo.
Tbo Klamnth OH company has offer
ed no Block at nny tlmo.
Tbo wholo story, condonBOd, Is that
this county though unprovon hns all
tbo nppoarancoa of n future oil field,
nnd tho roputnblo mon, who Imvo In
Teatod tbolr money In theso rompnii
lea bellovo that tbolr Investment will
bo returned many-fold. Thoy oxpoct
to profit with tholr follow ntock
holders, nnd tho wholo district to
profit proportionately,
bi'hino lakk nnirriNOH
Mr. and Mrs. WJUInm Choyne q
Unded tho auto show Bundny
Arthur Schrolnor Is hauling bay
to Midland this wcok.
Mr. nnd Hart Dawson visited with
Mr. and Mrs, doorgo Wllllnmi Sun
day, Kenneth Stewart Is sick thin wcok
with tonsllllls,
LONDON, March C (Ily Mall)
Ilonowod attention ban Just boon
called to tho romantic, ntory ot tho
groat Industrial development In
Houtb Wnlon, a Innd ot romnnco In
Industry, by tbo building or u now
7,000,000 pound "on town" nonr
tlwanonoa with homes for a popu
lation ot 1 COO workers.
Tbo slto or tbo now ontnrprlso for
tho refining or oil brought thoro
tram tho I'ornlnn guir Is Hkowon,
botwoon Nonth nnd Hwnnsoa wboro
vast oil ruflnorloit Imvo boon con
Thoro within n boundary wall 1G
miles In clcumforoncn n groat oil
company tins built n now town In
cluding Moron, enntoonn, n poslof-
flee nnd, In fact, almost every ad
junct ror tbo comfort nnd ronvon-
lonco or tbo workers nnd tbolr fam
ilies who aro to Inbnblt tbo placo.
Tho undertaking In described as.
among tbo largast and most nmbl-
tlous nvor known oven In South
Wnlos wboro tbo groat advances In
Industry havo yielded moro fortunon
tbnn In any other part ot tbo United
Tbo town nprnng Into oxlstonco
an It by n mnglclnn'n wnnd on nn
nrld wnsto, lying In a hollow banln
nurroundod by nmall hills. It Is
nbout 400 ncres In extent and nbout
flvn milts from Hwnnsoa. Toworlng
tanks each cnpablo of holding 1.
000,000 gatlonn of oil, now rear
tholr heads nbovo tho vlllaga and at
Hwanson great docks and reservoirs
havo linen constructed to rocolvo tho
ships with their oil rrom tho I'or
nlnn fields and other oll-boarlng re
gions of tbo Near Knst. An . re
ceived, tho nil will bo pumped
through plpen from Hwansnn through
the now refining town and nflor re
finement will bo returned ovor tho
snmn route to Swansea ror world
wide distribution. '
This Inaugurate nn Industry in
South Wales which It In predicted
will ndd now wealth to Hint nlready
I proaporoun region.
The oddest of nil tbo queer rents
OB tha King ot England's rent-book
Is tho ono which roqulres the tonnnts
ot certnln lands near Dover to hold
the King's bend -when he In sea-sick.
As King Oeorgo In a sailor king,
and ban travollod farther, by thouv
ands ot alias, than any other mon
arch on rteorrf, it Is not likely that
ho will call ou anybody to pay this
curious rent,
Tbo first minion to bo east In ono
pic -e wiiN mndo by an English Iron-,
ma tor In 1(143.
Tiirsunnt to Ordlnnnrn nnd order
of thn Common Council of tbo city
or Klnmntb Kails, Oregon, notlco
Is hero by given thnt proposals will
bn received by said common council
ror making tho Improvements do
signed ror Fourth stroot. rrom Kla
math avenue to tho southorly lino
or Oak nvenuo; Fifth street from
Klamnth nvenuo to tbo southerly
lino ot Willow nvenuo; Walnut nve
nuo trnm the northerly lino or Kourtb
ntroet to tho southorly lino or Sixth
Bt. Oak Ave rrom tho northerly
lino or Fourth St. to tbo south
erly llho or SnYonth stroot,
Willow nvenuo rrom tho north
erly linn or Fifth stroot to tbo
southorly linn of Sixth stroot, to
gether with nil Intersections between
tho respective termini not already
Said proposed Improvements to bn
mndo In neenrdnnen with thn pinna
nnd specifications or tbo city engi
neer ror either or tho clash
es ot Improvement mention
ed In snld plnns and specifications
nnd tbo ordlnnnro ordering tbo mak
ing or snld proposed Improvomont,
which said Ordlnnnco is numbered
r40, nnd was adopted on tho 21st
dny ot February A. D. 1921, and by
tbo mnyor npproved on tbo 23rd dny
ot Fobrunry, A. I). 1921.
Ttho plnns and specifications re
ferred to nbovo nro on fllo with tbo
I'nllcn Judge nnd with tbo city engi
neer or nnld city.
Tho contract ror making thn pro
posed tmprovomontn will bo lot In ono
contrnct, nnd the tlmo lu which tbo
same Is to bo complatod. Is tlxcd by
snld ordlnnnco ror Sopt. 1st. 1920.
lllils must bo fllod with tbo Po
llco Judgo for submission to tbo
council not inter thnn 8 o'clock p.
m. ot tbo 28th dny ot Mnrcb, 1921,
nt which tlmo, nt tho counoll cham
ber In tho city hall, all proposals
will bo openod nnd ronsldarod.
Each proposal must bo accom
panied by n cortlflod check on somo
rosponslbln banking Institution oqunl
to 5 ot tho oggrngato amount of
tho proposal, tho snmo In bo forfeit
ed to thn city, upon falluro or tho
successful bidder to ontor Into con
trnct nnd bond for tho faithful com
pletion ot tbo proposod Improve
ment In nccordanco with tho plnns
nnd speclflcntlonn tbororor. Tho
right to rojoct any nnd all proponols
In hereby rosor od. Tho nwnrd to
tho nuccossrul bidder Is horeby mndo
contingent upon tho salo nt the bonds
thnt will bn authorized for providing
nocossary funds for financing 4bo
proposed Improvomont,
Tho plnns spoeiricntlonn nnd est!
mntes ot tho city onglnoor provldo
for nnd specify for tho surfac
ing olthor nitullthlC, Oil Macadam
or Concrete; nnd bids nro respect
fully Invited on ench clnss of hard
surfacing. In addition to grading,
curbing, drainage and content side-,
n-.ll I
Dated at Klamath Falls. March
14th, 1921, A. I. LEAVITT
Police Judgo ot snld city.
TUarch 14-24
Eastertide is Apparel time, and Milady's thoughts are centered on wh at is newest and
smartest. Whether it is a coat, a suit or a dress our ensemble is complete with .Eastertide
Apparel and accessories.
Easter Suits
J Where youthfulness and character prevails Tricotines,
V Poiret Twill, Gabardine, Velour Check, and Smart Tweeds
Styles Pony, Ripple, Eton Blouse, or Semi-tailored.
$29.50, $35.00 to $95.00.
Easter Wraps
Graceful Cape, Dolman or Wrappy wrap styles,
in Velours,Bolivia, Andrea, Tricotine, English
Polo, Coverts.
$29.50, $35.00 to $89.50.
Easter Frocks
Whether it be for street, business or dressy wear, you will find just what you want here
in materials of Canton Crepe, Taffeta, Crepe:de-Chine, Mignonette, Tricotine, Twill
Ge0rgette H u.-.ttar.UmJ
$19.75, $25.00, $35.00 lo $89.50
Easter Millinery
Choosing a new Hat for Easter from the Andross-GIover Shop should prove a pleasurable
bxperience in every way.
$5.95 to $25.00. .
Andross-GIover Style Shop
I) Lift Right Off Lff
I without Pain IQJJ
Maglcl Drop a llttlo "Froozono"
on an aching corn, Instantly that
corn stops hurting, thon shortly you
lift It right off with tlngors. Doosn't
hurt a bit.
Your druggist sella a tiny bottlo
of "Krooiono" for a tow conts, suf
ficient to.romovo avery hard corn,
soft corn or corn botwoon tho toos,
nnd callusos.
Diamond Dye It
Like New Again
Each paclcago of "Diamond Dyes"
contains slmplo directions to dyo old,
faded, shabby materials wbothor
wool, silk, llnon, cotton, or mixed
goods, nny now, rich, fadoloss color.
Iluy no other dyo.
Tbo oil plpollnos now In oporntton
In Amorlca nro sufficient In length to
glrdla tbo globo nt tbo equator.
& Lunch I
bdkect fojusf- fhe
JHe way
fheyre semwi
It Can't Be Done!
It Was Done
They used to say thoro was no other bread Ilko
mother used to mako. That was true before DAKE
H1TB was put on tho market. BAKEIUTB OVENS
AND DAKEIUTE METHODS did the business and today
you can got a loaf ot bread possessing that dollclous,
lasting, appotlzlng flavor horotofora round only In bread
mndo at homo. This broad Is sold exclusively at tbo
Rex Cafo and The Maize. It Is also sorved exclusively In
Tho Rex Cafo.
11th St., near Miilu. riiauo 208
must bo mndo for tho wearer individually. Let mo mako your now
! ! spring suit nnd enjoy wearing really distinctive clothing tailored
; to tit you perfectly nnd to retain Its extra-smartness during long
constant wear.
Merchant Tailor
518 Muin St. '
M. .. .t. .. .1L -. .. A -- J. .- -- -L . .. SL .. .1 Jt. - ... ,L ... . -
Neither Teptllen nor wild beasts are
half as terrible to mankind as In
sects. Lions never kept oxplorors out
ot any country, but thoro is in Col
ombia a river rich in gold which can
not bo exploited because of the mos
quitoes, Persons who go there aro
blinded, poisoned, and presently die