PAtllJ TWO TitbiwiMV, MAitrn ai, iihm. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON The Evening Herald Itf 7.MimilAYi.. ITdllor MIED SOULIJ City KUItor Publishod dally oxcopt Sunday, by Tbo Hornld' Publishing Company of Klamnth Palls, at 119 Eighth Stroot. Entered at tho postoftico nt Kla math' Foils,- Ore for transmission through tho malts as socond-cluss matter. MKMIlini OF TUB ASSOCIATF.D 1' The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to tho uso tor republication of all news dlspatclios criulltod to It, or not othorwlso crodltcd In this papor, and also tho local nows pub lisher heroin. TlltinSDAY, SIAUCII t!l, ll21. Huge Fund For State Reclamation (Continued from Page 1)' When Slnnott returned early In November Inst year from Oregon, ho found that In the estimates for re clamation projects for this year, thcro was no provision for any uevr reclamation projocts In Oregon dos plto tho fact lils fight bnd mado pos slblo funds tor tho cntlro reclama tion service and 'ho Immediately started a fight. Gels Senators' Aid. Ha enlisted tho support of Senators McN'ary and Chamberlain and togeth er they had a conference with Secre tary of tho Interior Payne. Ho dccld-1 ed that their contention was correct and that Oregon had not been fairly treated. Tho result was tho follow ing day an additional estimate for $190,004 was submitted by tho direc tor of tho reclamation service to tho committee on Appropriations. This proposition will cnablo tho reclama tion service to moke a general survey at onco and to begin tho Denham Falls dam providing for ono of tho refervolrs for tli'ls project. Ultimate ly this project will call for from $1V 000,000 to $12,000,000 and tho rec lamation of 200,000 acres of fertile Oregon soil. Chairman Slnnott said that In a'ddltton to tho $400,000 tor tho Deschutes project. $467,00 had been provided for the Umatilla pro ject. Provides For Kcservolr. This will in-ovlde," said ChalrAan Slaaott. "for tho beginning of the construction of tho reservoir on Mc ' Kay creek, a tributary of thd Umu- tllla river. It Is expected that this work will cost $225,000. It Is also proposed to build some plpo lines and to line some of tho canals which will cost something like $110,000 ac cording- to the reclamation servlco es tlmates. Tho othor nmounts will bo utilized for tho correction of seepage and for tho oporatlon and malntcn anco of tho project. "Tho largest sum to bo used for Oregon irrigation Is to bo for tho Klamath projoct and the total of $1,' 213,000 will bo utilized In tho coming year. A largo portion of this sum will bo usod for tho replacement of a timber flurao and provides for a canal from Lost river to tho land made tillable by tho evaporation of Tule Lake About 20,000 acres will bo available here. Two hundred and ton thousand dollars Is also to be used for tho, construction of a reser voir, known as tho Horsefly on Miller creolf, tho principal tributary of the Lost river. This reservoir will con serve flood wntof and prcvont further flow In Tule lake, thus accelerating evaporation of tho lako and mako reclamation of tillable land in the lako bed moro rapid. This reservoir will also permit storano of wator for Langell valley. Irrlgablo lands In Langelf valley are found on both sides of Lost river and this reservoir would mako avirllnblo wator for these lands. This new rcsorvolr will sup plement tho work of Irrigation now ,mndo possible by water from Clear lako reservoir already constructed. b Tho bnlanco of tho money will bo us f -ed for constructing n canal system In I. nn Roll vnlley and tho Movolopment of tho System of Intornl canals. Work Under Way "I nut cortnln Hint tho real prog ress of reclamation of lands In Ore gon Is now under way," said Mr. Slnnott, "and 1 feel cortnln that I thero will bo uninterrupted progress. 1 do not think that conditions will over rovert to tho'o Indicated In my statement In December to tho com mltteo on appropriations when l mild 'Under those, ostlmntes tho stnto of Idaho will receive $4,205,000, $2, aac.OOO of that relating to tho Am erican falls rcsorvelr: Idnhn has con tributed to tlio reclamation fund ir little over $6,000,000, and has al ready reoihod $33,000,000. Tllo stnto of Montann under theso cstlmntcs ' to receive $2,042,000; It has already received $ir.0OI.000, and has paid Into the reclamation fund $13,000. OtiO. Tho trtnto of Washington will re ceive $'3,133,000; It has already re' eelved $14,000,000 plus and litis paid Into tho reclamation funds $7,000, 000. Tho state of Wyoming under, these estimates Is to recelvo $3,534, 000; the stnto of Wyoming has con tributed to tho reclamation fund theso figures nro nil up to Juno 30, 1919, and aro takon from tho last annual. report $5,897,300, and has re ceived "already $11,339,315.24. Tho Btnto of Oregon under theso esti mates Is to receive $1,680,000, and tho stnto of Oregon has contributed to the reclamation fund $11,165, 112.62, and has had allotted to It, to Juno 30. 1919, $-5,813,912.57. In view of this discrimination It seems to mo that Oregon should rccolve bettor treatment than It Is contem plated to hnvo It reoclvo under theso estimates. Slnco thnt time, of course, $400,000 cstlmato has been had for tho Deschutes project, making a to tal appropriation for Oregon reclam ation, $2,080,000. 1 look for con structive and practical development of reclamotlon projects all through the state of Oregon us rapidly as the funds aro available, and I bollevo now thcro can lo no Interruption becauso tho funds from tho oil leasing bill will nlways supplement tho reclama tion, being repaid from projects to imako sufficient working capital to carry tho vnrlous projects to completion." sjaaaa STAR DRUG CO. Ladies Hand Bags Trusses Undo of real leather. Attractive ityles and colors to match your bow spring uress. rin hum, iinnu :ooled und nuvolty leathers. Prices ratiRo from $2.50 to f 11.00. Fifth and Main Streets Easter Egg Dyes, 5c A Non-Hlild truss positively ro- iiuilnit In pluco whim properly nd- lusted. Tho riiplurn cannot work jut from under pad. Wo linvn ft truss thul will fit you. ) Cold Creams SWMMWMWWMVMWWMWVMyWVWWWWVW'AWA 700 inc. noo nop 80o ...mio two ..two ..Boo SALE WIMj iaST KOH thi: ui:mai.vii:h of wi:i:k Tho miscellaneous salo of goods which 1ms been In progress in tho building formerly occupied as a school, on tho corner of Eighth and High streets, will bo continued all this wcok. Prominent among theso articles Is a variety of rollglous ar ticles. Tea will bo served ovory af ternoon as boforo, and tho ladles In charge say that thoro aro still a nup ber of things for salo that moit any household might bo In need of, and that would fill tho bill nlcoly. Got results "by using class ads. Pond's Cold Cream 40e and .. Daggett & ltamsdells (!5c and Pnlmollvo Cold Cream Cocoa Uuttor Cold Croam Suillbb's Cold Croam Colgatcs Charmls Croam .............. Violet Dulco Cold Cream, tubes . Itod Fonthor Cold Cream lgrom's Milkweed Crenm $1.20 and Mnurluo Satin Cream Vanishing Creams Pond's Vanishing Cream1 75c and 40c Woodbury's Facial Crenm OOc Velvetlnn Vanishing Crenm ruc Pompolnn Day Cream 'Oo Violet Dulco Vanishing Cream OOc Crome Klcnya TOo Aycrlstocrat Cream Si.oo Mary darden Vanishing Crenm 70c Arllutus Vanishing Cronm OOc Tokalon OrenBcloss Cream -HflC Rouge , Pompolnn llloom no' Hlrd Rougo 30o Sytn Rougo ...BOc Hiker's Liquid Rougo ..... BOc Rougo Dorlno n5c DJerklss Rougo iWc Mavis Rougo - Hc Mary Garden Rougo -70c Rosnllno - 4nc Vedn Rose Rougo 80c Face Powders Carn Notno Faco Powder $2.00 Plvcr's Le Trofle,. Azurea and Floramyo HI. OO llouquct Itamco 9MM Almn Zada Hoc Coty's Faco Powder Sl.oo DJerklss 65c and . -fUMi Pussywillow". - - B.To Pompclnn Hcauty Powder Oc Armnnd's Faco Powdor 50c and $1.00 Threo Flower r - HOc Jnva Rice Powdor .. ........OOc Talcums Colgatcs Talcums Cha-MIng & Florlont Mavis Talcum Pompolnn Fragrance Cara Nomo Lady Mary Mention's Talcum Squlbb's Talcum La liohomo ............... Mnl d' Or ,U.c .........30c noc noo $1.00 40o . . ,:ior 'Mr noo OOP Toilet Creams si3t i M T TALC 1 a onteel Mnurlnn Hand Lotion ... ... Hind's Honoy and Almond Orram nnd Orlentnl Grimm Caiiiellluo Mnurluo Ileullty Liitlmi Dnrmn Viva Holmes Frostllla . . Kanev's Crenm lloxnll Cream of Almonds RuxhII anc $1.35 OOfl $ Mo noo , Ofhi IWo . .. lido nno gives every woman who loves a rare per-. fume, Ihc opportunity to know and enjoy n laic having a wonderful, costly odor at a price unusually low. Take JontccI home with you today JOXTKKIi PRUMUATIOX Toiurr m:i:i Tin:iti: ih a von i:vi:uv Combination Crenm Jonleel Cold Crenm Jonteol Odor Jonteol Knco Powdor Jonteol Rougn Jonteel Lip Stick Jonteel Kyo llrow Ptnril Jonteol Bonp Jonteol Manicure set Jonteol nop nop . nop . . nop. . .. 2.V .T-. $i!no Toilet Cream no Deodorants ' Mum '. nite Odorono 65c and . . jjjjjj Demlor ,,21 Rexall Nlcu J A. I). H. Doodorn " Kvorswoot "' Htdro Powdor Ainollii OOc nnd fl Non-Rtl Volvotlnii Powder n(' Depilatories zip Demlrnclo -' r Nuot - -.......OIHl Phelactlno - 'J Modono l X llazln'rt Powdor -W MaurHiu Dopllatory " . . Delatono . . j- Volvetlna Depilatory Freckle Creams Crenm 1.U0, $1.00 ... ...hhj .no m ..Mo ...7oc ..noc Mutvlnn SiiIIiihiii'h Freckle Cream Koxnll Tun & Frerklo Lotion Mme. Hcussit'ii Frocklo Cream Viilvntlnn y rerUlc Cream Puriilu Frocklo Cream Mo Ollllno, double HtreiiKth ....$1JS0 llerry's Freckle Ointment IWo Mnurlnn Freckle Crenm 80c Soaps Woodbury's KnMitl K'mp Me Siiticura Honp . 'M0 llcslnot Soap t o Packer's Tar Hoap "" I'ashmeni llnunuei oc llntinuot Ha men n,K" llocnlinlln Cnstlle 'Mn Kiiyninu'M Honp -5 (lleun'H Sulphur Soap . . .... 1MH! Jergen's Violet fllyrerlnn aoc Typewriters Hair Nets rmcES do not includi: ukvilnui: tax The $&a!L Store Mail Orders Filled Promptly A Corona Typowrltcr Is so light you can easily lift It with ono hand. Docs tho work of a big machlno. Folds Ilko a book and fits In a caso so that yoa can carry It anywhere Venldn Hair nets como In all colors In both cup and frlngo shape. Mado extra large from human hair. Ono cap In each onvulopo. Sterilized, 15c each. A A A Aft ft Aft A OnOUNII 1KKJ CASK You've got tho monoy; I'vo got the furniture. Let's swap. I'KUKINS FUIl.N'lTUIti: IIOUSIJ "Tho Fnrnlilier of Huppy Iloinen" 17tf What Sick People and Prospective Mothers ( Want in Home or Hos pital: Safe, Sano, Prompt, Proper Pro fessional caro and results at mint-' mum cost,. (Colloctlvo moaning,! Preventive Surgery) Surgical cases, bolong in a Surgical hospital. Most others con bo efficiently and moro economically cared for at home. DR. CRAVER Allopathic Medicine and Burger 7th and Main fits. Phono liflO-W. Klamath Falls Herald classified ads pay you. Comparo tho new Scrlppa Dooth with other cars of its class. Its prico is $182.1 horo. mVAU.VA JIOTOIW CO. In Scotland a magplo seen near n dwelling Is botloved to portend death to ono of tho Inmates. OLD STANDBY, FOR ACHES AND PAINS Any man or woman who kecpa Sloan's handy will tell you Hint s.imo thing ESPECIALLY those frequently attacked by rheumatic twinges, A counter-irritant, Sloan's Lini ment scatters tlio congestion and pene traits vilhout tublmi to the afflicted part.econ relieving the ache ami pain. Kept handy ami used everywhere for reducing and finally eliminating tho rains and aches of lumbaco. neuralgia. 1 muscle strain, joint stUTncti, sprains, bruiics. and tlio remits ol exposure. You just kno-u from Its stimulating. 1 healthy o-lor that it will do you good I l Sloan's Liniment is sold by all drug Cuts Jic, lK, 51.-W. Slbct Linimeirt tftC fPanisl wrwrrn WATCH FOR A SLIP in Klamath Falls Creamery butter which if pre- sented at our office will be cashed for$5.00CASH KLAMATH FALLS CREAMERY ODD FELLOWS! ATTENTION Wanted, 150 Odd Fellows at Odd Fel lows Hall .at 7:30 Friday evening, March 25. If there are any visitors in town they will be welcome to come and swell the num ber. There'll be something Doing! H. H. OGLE, N. G. gtWOOD Wo will guaranteo a cord of our 16 Inch Dry Slab Wood to produco as much boat as a cord of limb or body wood. Tho prlco Is much Icsb. $7.00 CORD Wo havo plenty of DLOCK-WOOD and aro making quick deliveries. O. Peyton & Co. WOOD TO BURN lono-Beix C ll'J A f3Eilfjr--ya- " ow "v (U" iomucm OAK FLOORS OVER OLD FLOORS Oak floors nro oftun found In such costly mirroundlnga that fow Imnglno how llltlo they cost. Very few paoplo rcnllzn how much thoy can got for their monoy by laying -lucli Oak floora over old floors. Tlio dlstlnctlvo modorn and nrtlutlc appoaranco of a home, ns well us Its hcnlth and comfort, will bo greatly increased by tho uso of Oak flooring, Oak flooring Is ricli and chcorful In color, and Imparts un nlr of oleganco and roflnoment to a homo. For permanently artistic floors wo recommond Long-noil Fork nd Lent Ouk Flooring. It Is uniform as to color and taxturo, por fui.t oh to mnnufacturo nnd Is of' nuporlnr quality. Its ronmrkably 111109th nurfnro Is unsurpassed, and It makes an Ideal foundation tor a beautiful Interior. Lot us know tho slzo ofthe rooms you wish to floor, You will bo surprised and ptoasod at tho figures wo can quoto you on -lnch Long-Doll Forked Loaf Oak Flooring. Big Basin Lumber Company rrlephono 107 Mulu nnd Spring HtreeU i ' ) ! J ' ) ,.! ) ) ,) ) ) II- ) 1 . ) ) ! 1 !' 1 I I- ) ) ) ) ' I . If 1 I . 1 ) I I I -I I - I I II I I - II I I' II- I I II II II II ' I I w " i g i X li I 4. 1 A. I J I ?! '1 ?l ' V, 1 . 41 ' l l 1 ' ' 41 ' 4 1 2i 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 ii ii 11 11 t OSCAR PEYTON 419 Main St. WILIiARD PEYTOX Phone 535 lio 1'; (ail lo read he Herald Classified Ada. t. .aj m. M m. m m. lttmm(gwvt1ivjyjyjV .