The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 24, 1921, Image 1

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    vr"lty Li,
oH?? lEtimng Mvmlh
A Class Ad Will
Do It
Today's News
Member of the Associated Press.
I'iftrmiflt Year No. NI77
Debs, Unguarded,
Comes From Prison
To Confer At Capitol
WASHINGTON. March 24 Eu-
Ronn V Debs, nerving 11 pcjson son-
jinnee nl Atlanta for violation of tlio
impionugo law, canii) horo today
nlntm and conferred with Attorney
General Dangliorty rif;arlliiK thu In
vcntlgnllnn of liln rani) ordered by
.President Harding.
n m. l r A T'10 ''"C''0" t Imvn li 1 in come,
brcatest UregOll Appro- n,l thn attorney general, wan
priation In History r"uc1""' """ confnronco with th
Says Chairman Sin
nott of Public Lands.! turned nionu
Dobs not only ruino nlnno but'ro-
Of $2,080,000 to be ex
pended in Oregon
Local Project Will
Receive $1,213,000.
llrrnlil WiimIiIiikIihi llurflnu
WASHINGTON. Murch 24. Thn
fodnrnl ivlMiroprlntlon for reclamutlou
work In Oregon this year In thn
greatest In the history of the statu,
according to Congri'iuuniiti Nlcholaii
Hlnnott, chairman of the house com
mittee on piilillo land.
More thnn $2,000,(100 will bo avail
able for various IrrlRallon pnijoctn at
thn heRlnnliiK of the fiscal year on
July 1, and CunRrosmnan Kt mint t be
lieves that for the next fiscal year
tho appropriation will hn even great
er. OraRon'H greater partlclpntlnn In
the federal reclamation fund Is large
ly dun to the fighting qiintltlcH of tha
chairman of tho puhllc lands com
mittee. Hn hait not only fought for
greater appropriation for Drego-i,
hut for thn whole reclamation Mir-
vlco. He refured to consoul to the
passago of any oil leasing tit It until It
contolnod n provision that 70 per
cent of thn. Rovernrucnt'H sharn re
ceived from pant ull production
should Ixi transferred to thn oil fuud,
and that fi2K per rent should hn
turn oil over to thn Ion fund
from tha government nhnro of nil
future oil development
When thn senate comrnllten agreed
to Mr. Hlnnott's proposition It ended
a long fight that permitted tho puss
ago of thn oil lousing hill, and at
tho sumo time released funds to thn
reclamation service totaling millions
of dollars
(Continued to Page 2)
Admission of defeat by tho coun
ty court In Its hitter battlo for thu
Hot Hprlngs building, was spoiled
linlwoon tho linen of tho Dougnn
Judgment entry an tho circuit
tourt docket today "Satisfied In
Thron warrants wero Issued In
payment by tho county dark today,
tho first for $66,000. This will pay
guarantors of tho Dougan contract
Another Is for $7500. This Is tho
balance between the $66,000 and thn
mount now In the special court
houun fund, Immediately collectlhlo
Tho third warrant lit for approxi
mately $20,200, thn difference be
tween thn sum of the other two and
thn toUl .judgment, $92,674.
Attorneys or Dougan said thn
'120.000 warrant would tin rntlnpl.
JeiL About $11,000, It wuh said, had!
.brim il. verted from tho speclnl court-
victim of rak
-' "''rBFrsiB
l a 2KrB
V'ijHDPi4" - i MH
JmWcIL- L SMmmmmmmamBMmmmWkmHx9mmtmaKlSmmm '
HAIriMOIlK, .Mil.. Mnrch 24.
Jumim Cardinal Ulhbons, archbishop
of llaltliuoro and prlmato of thu
American Catholic church, died at
the urihoplacopul residence today nt
11. .13 ufter n proloriRod lllnnsn'
which chiefly affected hln hoart.
Active service for morn than hnlf
u century In tho IntorcsU of hln
country us well an hln church Is
closed by thn death or Jamen Cardi
nal Ulbbons. At tho celebration, In
1011, of tho 2Cfth anniversary of
his elevation to tho Cardlnalatn, Ills
Ktnlnenco, out of all tho tributes
paid him, expressed himself un most
t)-m,p - fnn vT ;
ClLmA(TKItlHTI(5 I.IPK llrflB' OHtHffc li'ATK OAMh (illllKlNH OK llAlrfIORK, St.
houun fund for other uses, Thls
they will sock to havo roturned and
tho other $9,200, approximately,
1HII bo paid throuRh later lovy for
thn purposo.
Thu docket entry moans that tha
Main stroot courthouso Is now
bought and paid for, and tho n
slop Is Its occupancy by county of
ficers. Harrison Allen, l'ortlnnd attorney,
and H. A Hoames, Mudford attornoy,
who woro hero In DoiiRan's Intorost,
will leavn tomorrow.
Placing of tha Crator Laka na
tional park hotel and othor con
cessions on n sound footing as tho
first step toward exploiting tho
wonderful attractions of tho placo
as an assat In drawing tourist to
tho park Is tho primary purposo
of II. 11. Van Duzor, prosldont of
tha Portland Chamber of Com
morco nnd chairman of tho gonorat
commlttoo to Investigate Crator
lake. An, organization commlttoo
to accomplish this has been an
nounced by Mr. Van Ducor.
Governor Olcott was elected as
honorary chairman of tho com
mlttoo and Krlo V. Hnusor, chnlr
man. Tho personnel Includes;
Julius Melor, Itodnny Ollsan, U. It.
Wheeler, H. W. Prlco, n. W.
Chllils, Amos llonsnn; Vernon II.
Vowtor of Medford nnd I.osllo Hut
lor of Hood Hlvor. '
Tho decision of Mr. Van Duzor
camo after a conforonco last wock
"with A. I), Dohrmnu, president of
tho company handling tho Yoso
tnlto National park concessions;
Horuco Albright, Yoltowntona Na
tional park superintendent, and
others. Thn Immenso success of
tho hotels nnd othor concessions
thoro an n business proposition and
tholr vnluo In Incroaslue tho pop
ularity of tho parks woro brought
out. t
That a string of national park
hotels, owned by Ropnrato compan
les but working for common Inter
ests and for the public, will be a
natural development with the na
tional movo for good roada and In
tho Incroaslng Interest In the na-
Holy Week Program
At Catholic Church
Following Is tho program for thn
remainder of Holy Wook at Hucrod
Heart church:
( Thursday, 7:30 p. m Holy Hour
iKrlday, 8:30 a. m
Muss of tho Pro-Hanctlflod
Friday. 7:30 p. in. Stations and
Sormons by Fathor J. V. Molloy.
Saturday morning sorvlces for Holy
Saturday will bo In progross from
0:30 until 8 o'clock, when Mass will
bo colobratod.
C, C. Young of Shlpplngton was nn
Intorostod spectator at tho rocant
auto show and as n result has pur
chusod an Oakland Six touring car
through tho agoncy of tho It. II, It.
tlonal playgrounds was consldorod
certain by tho conforoos.
It was estimated that a cpmpany
capitalized nt from $250,000 to
$500,000 will bo noodod to opor
ato tha park concessions and bring
about desired changes nnd I m
provemonts. Tho Interests of A.
L. Parkhurst probably will bo pur
chased and Improvements and addi
tions mado. '
Financing of tha proposition was
not consldorod difficult If tho pro
par oxocutlvo talent could bo oh
tulnod to take rhargo of tho work
and to Insuro tho success of tho
undertaking by providing accom
modations thnt will add to tho na
tural attractions of tho park. Tho
commlttoo will confer at nn early
dato to dotermlno Its policy and tc
work out othor details.
affected bV that from William How
ard Taft, his Intimate friend, and
then president, who sold'
"Through his long and useful life
Cardlnul Gibbons has spared no ef
fort In tho causa of good citizenship
and tho uplifting of his follow
"You hnvo portrayed our sub- precious heirlooms ever bestowed
Joct, not, I fear, ns ho Is. but as ho on mankind down tho ages. It Is
should be," responded tho cardinal tho duty nnd should bo the delight
"One merit only enn I claim, nnd of every citizen to strengthen nnd
that Is nn ardent love for my nntlvo pcrpetuato our governmont by ob
country nnd her political InstUu-.Bervanco of Its lows nnd by tho In
tlons 1 consldor tho republic of.tegrity of tho public llfo."
thu United States ono of tho most! (Continued on Pjiko I'lvo)
Mash and Moonshine
Are Taken In Raid
A still with 160 gallons of corn
mash, and four syrup Jars, and
two milk bottles full of whisky
wero taken from n house at tho
corner of Division ajhd Oardou
streets lust night by Chief of Po
lice II. R. Wilson and Sheriff
Moyd Low, nnd tho occupants of
tho Iioiibo, Frank Works and Ar
thur Koennn arrested. Tho houna
Is owned by Fred Duko.
Tho dato of their honrlng has
not yet been fixed by United States
Commissioner Thomas.
Word was received this morning
by N. J. Chapman of the marrlngo of
his Hon, Fred D. Chapman and Miss
Francos Dames, of T.ieoimi, nt Yreku,
California, yesterday. Tho telegram
announced tho culmination of n ro
manco that budded sovcral years ago
In tho north.
Tho bridegroom Is well known
here. For tho past eight cars ho
Fans Seeking to
' Organize Baseball
Club At Dorris
DIAMOND IjAKK MATTKU. mndo froquont trips to -Islt his fath
er nnd last August camo hero to re
Nete: Medford seems to havo
guarded her Interest by securing an
appointment on tho commlttoo,
while Klamath Falls wau asloop ut
the switch, I
ASHLAND, Mnrch 24. Tho Initial
meeting of tho Sconlc Preservation
association of Jackson county was
held recently.,
(Superintendent Sparrow of Crator
Luka National park nnd ForcBt Su
pervisor Ilankln Indulgod in a friend
ly dobato on tho advisability of an
noxlng Diamond lako to tho Crator
Lake park.
Spurrow stated thut tho nnuoxlng
of Diamond lako would keop tho
tourist two more days In Oregon,
Ilankln arugod that as Diamond
Lake Is n national forest, It will not
ho disfigured nnd thnt It Is neoded
for it cattlo raugn. Tourists have tho
prlvllego at camping thoro, ho point
oil out.
'William Carroll and Thomas Cup
nor woro arralgnod boforo Unltod
Stntes Commissioner Itort Thomas
this morning on n cliargo of operat
ing a still at 39 Main stroot. Both
sldo tnklng n position with tho Klam
ath Hardware company. Tho romnnco
contlnuod to flourish nnd recently." summor.
tho brldo-to-bo started from Tacomn.
She was mot at Montngua by Mr.
Chapman nnd tho marriage at Yrokn
Many frlonds will welcomo homo
tho nowlywods with hearty congratu
lations nt a wedding supper tonight
at tho Rex cafo, u surprise to the
young couplo thnt Is balng proparod
by Judgo Chapman.
Tho bridegroom was n momhor of
tho aviation corps during tho wnr
nnd was ono of five flyers chosen
from tho Texas training field for
service In Franco. Just ni they woro
nbotit to sail thn armistice was signed.
I DOItltlS, Cal., March 24. With
I tho approach of spring comes the
thought of baseball and kindred
sports. So n fow ambitious leaders
havo been soliciting support from
Dorris morchants and business mon
during tho week preliminary to or
ganizing n club and scheduling games
with Klamath Falls, Dray, Weed and
othor towns of Northern California
nnd Southern Oregon.
II. O Ooff. resident manager of
tho Associated Lumber and Uox Com
pany plnnt horo, Is tho spokesman for
n Dorris ball club. Mr. Goff has play
ed ball extonslvely and understands
tho game. Ho Is bncklng tho club to
tho oxtont of offering Jobs In the fac
tory to men who can play ball nnd
will como hero nnd Join tho club this
HELENA, Mont. March 24. lto
cont raldB on liquor dealers hero
woro at tho oxpouso of nn unknown
crusador who sent tho county trens-
mon waived examination, and woro uror $2,000 in tho mall, with tho re-
bound over to await tho grand Jury b quest that it bo so usod.
nr'Ion. i Two detectives from another state
.1. It. Ellff, who maintains that bo (wore broucht to Helena with the
was not Identified with the distilling
operations, being a roomor ut tho
houao In which tho still was found,
will bo given a bearing on -April 4.
-.:ney nnd in the course of several
weeks they secured evidonco on
which a score or alleged illicit liquor
dealers woro arrested.
rouit couxr.its or state
Tho four Comoro and center of tho
stato woro represented In Portland
recontly whon tho hotelmcn's asso
ciation mot. Emit Mohor of Medford,
represented tho southwest corner;
Hud Whltmon of Astoria, represent
ed tho northwest cornor; Mrs. L. L.
ltogors of Enterprise, represented tho
northeast cornor, and Al Short of
Klamath Falls looked after tho other
corner. From tho center of tho stato
the very hoart of Youbetcherland,
camo W. C lilrdsell. Not on6 of theso
hotel peoplo folt glndly toward tho
now tolophouo rates, Mrs. ltogors was
formerly In tho hotel business at
Condon. Orogontnn,
Railroad Commission
Statement Shows
Lost Opportunity For
A Rate Reduction.
Road Will Cut Rates
On Branch In 60
Days, Says Callag.
han; Time to Act.
Klamath Falls ovldontly slipped a
cog In falling to send a representa
tive to tho January rata hearing at
Portland, according to tho statomont
of Chairman Williams of tho Oregon
railroad commission, published In
yesterday's Herald.
Commenting on the Williams
statement this morning M.A. Callag
nun, head of tho chamber of com
morco traffic bureau, said that an
othor oportunlty would bo overlook
ed If stops were not taken to Influ
ence tho amount of reduction In tho
coming cut that Js to bo mado by tho
Southern Pacific on tho local branch.
"I havo a letter from O. W. Luce,
gcnoral traffic manager of tho
Southern Pacific," said Mr. Callag
han," stating tho company will re
duco Klamath Falls rates within
from'30 to (0 days.
"So far so good, but It the size of
tho cut Is left to voluntary railway
action, It Is llkoly not to bo as aUablo
l.f concerted eff0jjjxede by
focal .'merchants .'tis show tht tho
branch Is entitled to a big cut. Wo
aro now paylng-40H cent jnorqthan
Medford from Sen Franclsco,wlth'
lighter grades. I feel wo are entitled
to at loast that reduction, and on ac
count of tho llgbtor haul, I think we
should get more. I am not going to
set an arbitrary figure now, but sup
pose tho railroad makes a 25 cont cut
voluntarily. Tho reduction once
mado lg not llkoly to bo quickly
changed and tho community will go
on paying out thousands of unneces
sary dollnrs each year.
"I feel that wo should have a
representative In San Francisco right
now to lay arguments betoro tho
railway officials, but sentiment
among tho local shippers seems to
shoor away from ho expense
"A few hundred dollars spent now,
In my opinion, would result In tho
saving of thousands."
Mr, Callagnan said that tho quick
est results would bo gained by acting
with tho Southern Pacific, which ad
mits that local ratos are too high,
rather than through a commission
conforenco. Red tapo would clog tho
latter method he said and a decision
lowering rates might bo held up six
Mrs. E. G. Davis, East Main and
Eborloln streets, Is tho second f(ndor
of the five dollar coupon concealed
In a roll of Klamath creamery but
ter. The butteT ee jmrennsed at the 'sy.
Houston and Phelps grocery Another j
five dollar slip will be forthcoming
noxt week, say a 3. J, Furber, cream
ery manager.
Portland Asking
All State to Get
Into Phone Fight
PORTLAND, Mnrch 24. Every
city and town council and nil coun
ty courts throughout tho state of
Oregon will bo Invited to Join with
tho city of Portland, financially
or otherwise In Its attempt to so
euro a rohearlng of the tolephono
rato case. '
Governor Olcott will be request
ed by tho city council of Port
land to instruct the attorney-general
to glvo assistance In the ef
fort to gain a rehearing, such as
sistant to bo on behalf of tho cit
izens throughout tho state.
In addition, tho city council of
Portland has Instructed City At
tornoy Grant to wire to tho Inter
state eommerco commission to fur
nish ono of Its rato oxperts to aid
Orogon In this fight.
Determined Fight to Bo Made
Mayor Baker and mombers of tho
city council are determined to
tight for a rehearing of the tele
phone case with all possible ener-
OREGON Tonight and, Friday, oc
casional rain.