THE EVENING; .HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOI5 vovn WKDNK8IUY, MAltCIt SKI, 1021. HOW MAGAZINE PROVED BELIEF I HVERTIlGi The Office Cat: . NELSON COULD HARDLY How tlio olil story of tlio cackling lion, tlio bashful duck and tlio mar ketable egg was nppllctl by tlio bus noss Btnff of wlmt 1b now ono of tlio grcnt American periodicals, Is tolil by Prodorlck C. Little of Chicago, west ern ndvertlslng mnnagcr of tlio Lit erary Digest. That advertising hna really paid as far as Increased circulation of the Di gest Is concerned was tlio assertion of Mr. Little. He asserted that his firm now expends nnnually 14,000,- 000 for nowspupcr advertising nlono. "A man of great vision," said Mr Iilttlo, "once mado tlio statement that It you liavo n business that you can not ndvertlso then advertise tt for sale. Advertising, to my mind, Is to commerce- what oxygon Is to the blood, In view of tho fact that S4 per cent of tho business failures of 1920 wcro mado by firms that did not ap preciate tho valuo of ndvertlslng. f Advertising Is Nought. "In our Now York offlco flvo years ngo a staff conference was hold to find out why tho prestige and circul ation of tho Literary Digest could not bo Increased. At that tlmo tho circul ation of (he periodical was 350,000. Ono of tho directors pertinently In quired, "What do wo ftell?" "Someono answered 'advertising', and tho director then asked, "Do wa bellcvo In tho valuo of advertising?" "Evoryono concurred In tho bollcf that wo did. " 'All right, then,' was tho direc tor's laconic reply, 'let's buy somo.' "And from that tlmo on wo have bought advertising. Immediately af ter our decision a campaign of news paper ndvortlslng was started and continued with tho result that In ono year wo spent with 400 seloctcd dally papers $4,000,000. Wo havo Increas ed our circulation to 1,300,000, and Indications are that that number will bo swelled to moro than 1,500,000 beforo tho present year is out. Dur ing this tlmo our revenue has In creased moro than 360 per cent. Progress Is Duo to Advertising "And now to Intelligent persons tho Digest Is known as ono of the greatest of publications nnd is better known abroad than any other Ameri can periodical. And It all camo 'about becauso wo had tho courage and vis ion to buy what wo soil advertising, "Wo plan to continue for an inde finite period our grca newspaper ad vertising campaign, for there has never been a year in our history In which It Is so necessary to advertise as In 1921." Mr. Llttlo said that in his opinion consistent advertising of any good product will always brlng'success. PUT ON HIS COAT "ItlllU'MATISM CKKTAINl.Y HAD All! IX ITS CliUTCHKH," S.VYH SlUTTI.i: .MAN TAXLAC UK STOItKH HIM. ' HY JUNIUS VMAAMsAAAMAAMAAMVWM "There isn't any mlstnko nbout It, this Tanlac hasn't nn equal," said C. I A. Nelson, 424 Harrison St., Sonttlo. I Mr. Nelson Is employed by tho city I of Seattlo as nn ncetylono woldor. To I quote his werds: J "I hod trouble with my stomach I nnd sometimes I had awful Bpolla of My Dlftiipliono You arc never Into In the morning Vnll Miivot- t.iyt ntuttnaa til full .-.. ..w.w v. .ir....,o ... ...., !.. I ,.. . ... . . An.l l'v n..v..r kii.m-n vim .. ..I.-.I.. """I.""". "'" ' iiihih iruuoiO wnB or chow; You novor uso slang, wljat Is moro. rluviniitlsni. It certainly hnd mo In Its clutches. My arms, legs nnd shoulders hurt mo so bad I could j hardly stand It. especially In dnmplMorc. Co., nnd In Merrill by Soutn- palna Just travelled around nvy body, first one plnco ami then uuotlicr. Sometimes my buck hurt so I couldn't step over nml straighten up again without suffering torture. I didn't got much sleep, either. "Hut Tniilne drove the rheumatism right out of my nyr-om, put my stomach In apple pie order and miulo mo feel like n new man. I haven't n pain or an neho and have gained ton pounds In weight. I nloop all night without turning over onco nml feet fine In the morning. Tanlnc Is far nnd away tho best medlclno I over heard of. It certainly does the work." Tnnlnc Is sold In Klamath Kails by Star Drg Co., In l.nrolla by James ttWMiW(WWmOKW Hot Water Each Morning Puts Roses in Your Cheeks BWWXWc tr-..- JilllllllllllllllllllllllllllmMk !jgMjC;fev J C!v'V niLBBBBBBBVvLVKItVntAl illllfl r y SBBBBBBBBBy. . -r. '. ,, WHs, i n iT f f - "C Your custumo Is slmplo nnd nulct. Your color is always tlio same: , wcntor- uKorcU agony every orn Oregon Drug Co.. at Modoc l'olnt. And I'm seldom Impelled by tho lmo m " " "as allj B. A. Sutton & Son. at Dairy. W. K I could do to put on my cont. Tho8odgo. Adv. Bend Bricklayers And Carpenters Cut Wage Scale A Dollor words you've misspelled To heap malcdlcks on your name. Yet 1 feel that thcro's soihothlng I'm missing; My llfo seems peculiarly bare In spito of tho foot that your every , ... . . IIHND. March 23. Following tho Is performed without fixing your , M, by , brlekaym. nloni tho carpenters local, has roducod r.. ,.. ,..-., ...... ' ,h0 BCnl from 8 Any. The rur .... uuU ,, duu. ., a c,u nn0uncci, by tho Drcklaycn, m., or' , ; !was from $10 to $9 n day. Tho now our motives nro amperes nnd volts; 'earponlcr8. icheduc carrylnB b our memory's wax. If you drop It It ,,g maJorl()., wn8 volllntnrlIy mnilo cracks. . for tho purposo of "getting things And your posture's dependent on Btrted" In Bend, bolts. I '- MM 10 8E So I think I'll rccalt Miss Ima I'ippcn To sit at tho desk at my right. Her eyes aro qulto blue And I think lit hand you To tho clerk sbo went out with last night! , Now York City's first flro chief wns paid sixty dollars a yonr for his services. NT JTU.S.C.0FC. "Then. I'd cut his buttons I'leaso get mo a goat." off. W. O. Smith says that Just be causo two young pooplo happon to llko tho snmo phonograph records It doesn't necessarily moan thoy wore mado for each other." Wo ofton wondor what tho Prud ential Lite Insurance company (Adv.) would havo dono if tho (lor mans had succeeded in blowing up Gibraltar. In Tlio Salem Asylum We Don't Hollow This "What's tho matter with tho fol- "Nowadays," says - critical so-1 low up on tho ladder who Is twiddling clologlcal periodical, "offlco girls aro h' fingers?" N T T PLANE 1 E SAN JUAN DEL SUR, Nicaragua, March 6, (Dy Mall) Ther.o are oven yet In remote parts of tho world who never oven heard of an airplane. Some of theso people llvo in tho little 'Nlcaraguan villogo of Olganto, whoro the naval plane NC-6 was forced down by a hurri cano whito on its flight from San Diego, Cal to Panama along with about a dozen other planes In Janu ary. They thought tho NC-C was a hugo bird, an albatross, which had come In search for some unfortun ato mariner who had offended it and thoy hid in tho woods for sev eral hours. I Near tho llttlo covo where tho NC-6 camo down aro two ranches. After Tho Associated Press corrcs . pondont had found tho missing NC-6 he visited ono of theso ranch es and asked the woman if thoy had seen tho piano arrive. Ono of them replled: "Mlo Dlos, I should think so. At tho sight of the horrible thing skipping ovor tho white caps, with out flapping its wings, and spitting flro from both sides of Its body and roaring llko 20,000 bulls wo all took to tho timber whoro wo remained for about four hours. Wo only came out when we Bay a foreign gentleman passing near whoro wa wcro hiding." Tho women added that beforo tho great war, when sailing ships used to visit the Nlcaraguan coast to load mahogany and cedar, the cap tains had told them of a wondtrful bird cnllod the albatross that was on Inhabitant of the southern seas putting everything they own on thoir backs." That would surely make 'cm look funny from tho front, wouldn't you say? Wo have just sent In our Incomo tax blanks to tho treasury depart ment. Our Incomo Itself last year was more or lesj of a bjank. I(c WnnU A Goat T. L. Stanley had returned from loflge and was talking about tho goat. Which reminded his llttlo boy, Dwlght: "Papa, get mo a goat," tho youngs ter said. "Oh, no. A goat would horn you," remarked father. "I'd cut his horn off," "He'd butt you." "Why, ho wont craxy ovor button ing his wire's waists." "And why is ho up on tho ladder?" "Ho thinks ho has tho contract for buttoning tho waist of tho Statuo of Llborty." Weil , Tho young lady was taking tho church census, and a tall young man with a clerical appoaranco had Just rcquostod hor to step Insldo, ns thoy had sickness In tho houso and ho didn't llko to leavo tho door ajar. Influenza provallod In tho neighbor I hood, and tho young lady was cau I tlous. "It Isn't anything contagious, I hopo?" flho queried suspiciously. Tho young Indy "flu." Alex Slovens says a storego hat tory has a camel beaten 40 was, but and thoy supposed this bird had ovou a battory will die It you novor como after, somo offending sailor. glvo It a drink. Senntor Charles McNnry nnd II. 1) Mortenscn will represent the Kla math county Chnmbur of Commerco at tho ninth annual meeting of the United States Chamber of Commerce nt Atlantic City, April 27-29, Socrn tnry 8tanloy of tho local organiza tion announced today. 8onator McNary Is national coun selor for tho local chamber. Mr. Mortenscn oxpocts to bo In Atlantic City lato In April, nnd In tho event ho Is thorn has promlsod to repre sent tho local chamber. Tho thumo for discussion nt the national mooting la "In the public Intorost moro business methods In government; less government man agement of business, a slogan with which a good ninny citizens who have wearied of government control will bo In hoarty accord. AH of tho questions to bo brought boforo tho meeting will bo approach ed as they rolato to tho general sub ject. Speakers will Include) govern ment officials and loading business mon In many linns of finance, com morco and Industry. Much of tho work of tho conven tion will bo dono as horetoforo In group sessions. Groups represent ing tho major divisions of business will tnko up, first problomt pe culiar to tho Industries or Interests within tho group, ami second ma jor problems common to all busi ness, which will Includo tho ques tion of tho tariff nnd that of tarnation. To look one's Wt nnd fret one's Ix-sl I to enjoy nn Inililo batli ench morning ... .,...!. I ... , ,L- .. ..!... i( mien irinn me pnitiii mv i,nivui ilsj's wsste, our fermentations nd pol sonons toxlnn More It l nlitlieil into the blood. .Tint ns real, when it burns, leaves Milml n eertsln amount f ln comlmitlbln material In tlio form ol nubes. so the f'nul nml drink taken eneli day leave hi the alimentary organ n certain amount or iniiigeMiiiin mntrriai. which If not eliminated, form toxlnn nml wlnona which nrn then nicked into the blood through the very duct which are Intended to micK In only mmrlniimciit ( uittaln tho If you wnnt U iwo the glow of healthy bloom In your cWk, lo eo your kln get clearer nnd clearer, you are tnM to drink ovrry morning upon nrltlng, a gla of hot water with a teatpoonful of ltmcutone phosphate in it, which I a liarratcM menna of wnnhing the wool.' mnt.'rial and toxlna from the atomach, liter, kidneys and IxnteU, tliua clenna Ing, awevteniritf and purifying the rntlrc sllmrnlary tract. More putting more too. I Into tlio stomiu-h. OlrN and women with mIIdw akin, llwr epotn, plmplca or pallid complex ion, nlxi thiMe who wake up with a routed tonime. bad tojlr. niutv breath. other w!m aro Imthetrtl with headache, billon upellt, neM atumaeh or crimina tion ahotiM Ih-(-Iii till phntphatcd not water drinking and are minted ol very pronounced rntult In one or two wcrko. A iiuarter iHiund of llmrntone phot- phatn cent very little nt the drug atre but la ulllelent to ilemnnntrate that hut a neap nml hot water rteanam, purlfle and fri-then the kln nn the outll(f, so lint water nad limestone ihniihat act on the Inatile organ. We mutt alway ronddrr that Internal puliation la vast ly more linrtant than out'lde cleanll net. UvaiKo the ekin liore do Hot aJi- oorb Impurilli- Into tlio blool, whllo tho bowel porra do. Women wIm ilenlre to rnhane liio htuty of their roinpletlon ahoiild Juai try this for n week and notlro reiulti. BABY LIKES CHURCH Italians In tho sovonteenth century ascribed tho origin of Influenza to certain stars which had an ovlt Influence. DOINGS OF .THE DUFFS BY ALMAN After the Waiter Had Served the Food ITT VS PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tell How To Open C!okcI Noi trlls and I Jid Ilcad-ColiU, You fool fine In n few moment. Your cold In head or catarrh will bn gonn. Your clogged noalrlls will open. Tim air pnssnges of your head will rlenr and you cm brcitho free ly. No morodullnoss, hnadachu; no hnwklng, snuffing, mucous dlchnrKn or dryneas; no struggling for bcalh nt night, uluht. Toll your druggist you wnnt a smnll bnitlu of lily's Croitn lUlm. j Apply n llttlo of this fragrant, anti septic cronm in your nostrils, let It ponotrato through every air paaiago of tlio .bond; sootlt nnd hoal the swollen, Inflamed mucotii membrauo,' nnd relief comes Itiilnntly It la Juat what oveey cold and sluffnd-tip nnd mlsorablo. catarrh sufferer needs, Don't stay WEAK, WEARY WOMEN i TOM. I JUST BOUGHT A NEW HAT! V T' -v , ISN'T IT A PEACH? I'M JUST CRAZWf f I M AWFULLV HUNGW about rr! it'sstrictlw a J ( tom- how far. cam ) ittermjiat! V l S0? r x CasM "it looks allright! .iBrff T qM ( SUPPOSE WEIL HAVETO r V LIKE" M ', fe 1 j&p!?' STAW DOWN To PINNER. FL03H TONIGHTy W( OH! look;tcm! THERE'S II J , '" x ( A WOMAM OVEBTTiEREl ) . ICAMYBW! A U.TH A HAT, JUST "yT V ,VE W W ) s---VVJHAT POVOUCAlfe -vs- ' ' VI (GO AHEAD AND , ll jdfcw t EAT SOVB. DlWWEe! . If Who said a baby can't boliavo In church! Hero's ono who can and does "Tlio Salvation Army Baby." Sho'u Victoria lloith Demarcst (that's hrr mother's namo.too,) and she's only tix monthr. rjil. Tho baby is a great granddaughter of Ooneral Wil liam Dooth, founder of tho Sal vation Army, and tho mother h a traveling ovangollrt. Hlio takes Virginia to her meetings and pull bor in a chair in tho pulpit. WEATHER RECORD Ii'nrii tlio Ciium of Dally Worn nnd IllOIII. ; When tho back nches and throbs, i When housework Is torture, ; When night brings no rest nor sleep, When urinary disorders set In, Wonien's lot Is n woary ono, Donn'a Kidney I'llls nro for weak kidneys. Hnvo proved thoir worth In Klam ath Tails. This Is ono Klamath Kails wom an's tcHtlmony. Mrs. Dora llrutoy, 911 Upham St., says: "I know tho vnluo of Doan's Kldnoy I'llls and can't sny too much for them. My kidneys wro weak nnd I had such pains across my back thnt I could hardly do iny housowork. I beenmu run down and tlrml easily, especially mornings, After I took cold tlin trnulili, unit nlun.,., w,.H and tho action of my kidneys was 0 Irregular. Doan's soon stopped tho lillAlri.nliji At,.. 4 II I . xuiniiviiu, iimi until worn out reeling ' left nml my kldnoya acted regularly." O I'rlco 00c, at nil duulors. Don't Hnrnnflrr Tlin llnriinl will niilillnh simply UBk for u klilnnv out the mean and maximum tempera- ! m"'"'bi,"!,,I"uj', i,''I o snmo that turos nnd precipitation record ns talc . M frZ.r !".', ' m ,';o,Ilt"-M1"""n .... .I.- II a . . , ' - ' uu vy mu i .i. jwuciuuiuiiuu nurvicu tatlon, Publication will covor tho day previous to tho papor's Issue, up to 6 o'clock of tho day. lro-clpltatlon Mar 1 .... Tar 2 ...v Mar 3 .... Mur .... Mar C .... Mar C .... Mar 7 .. Mar 8 Mar O.a., .far. 10 Mar. 11...., Mar 12 Mar 13 Mar 14 Mar IB Mar 17 Mar 17 Mar 18 Mar 10 Mar 20 Mar 21 Mar 22 Max. SO C8 C5 02 no HI r.'i r.2 cs en n7 n 18 49 -18 01 r.7 40 , 43 47 42 , 46 Mln. 35 34 35 40 38 34 27 29 20 37 32 21 30 33 37 39 30 31 20 28 32 30 11 3n 02 17 02 24 01 03 Hornld classified ads pay you, SULPHUR SOOTHE ITCHING HI N Tlio Flntt Applied! Ion Makes Hkln Chi1 nml OMiifortjiMo, If you uro sufforlng from oczoma or somo other torturing, ombarrnss Int? skin troublo you mny quickly bo rid of It by using Montho-Sulphur, declares n nolod skin spoclnllst. This sulphur preparation, hocauso of Its germ destroying properties, seldom fnllu to quickly subduo Itch- ,lng, oven of flory oczonin. Tho first application mnkos tho skin cool and comfortable ltuoh nnd blotchos nro hoalod right up. Montho-Sulphur Is applied llko any pleasant cold croam ' and Is perfectly harmless, You can obtain a small Jnr from nny good druggist. udv. Qet rosulta by using class ndi,