W$t lEuettmg Herald . fff Today's Nmv Today Dolt Member of the Associated Press. ;, V,'r.-V... KLAMATH l'AM.8. OHI'.OON, ttlJiMWMV, MH II a.l, I IK! I. piiiei: fivb oknth Klamath's Plea for Lowered Freight Rates Will Be Heard i 5 ULUSL I 'II 111 SHOW n, (Iom of ihr llr.l inn J, btM I" KI.iii.Ui Fall. w. 2 .."' ' ""v"" ",""": L. People '""" '" ""'''" ","",, clock. w " ,,,n """ "'" "r" ,iMiM o m. lull '" !u, nd JiU'Uy M'- ""'" "" Twi PP1" '" ,b" h,"""r '" ''" HMlInt "lib "n ,,,t "' ""'"f'"'" jrt! ProlJl r program com IWjit I ,n" '""' ",u,,r' nu'" W i itlon by Hi" Chamhnr of Obbcccc 'iiri"l. " I'mamim! Hi '" ,onit- M,,"' I" ,,, iu. com oioutui ' "uik i '" ipcBllornt of "in "Pli'ic- l" Ul. of imllal'-.t l.atijt music. n rllSWWlf MColr.1 Tim (lltartrl fn paJM lit ini from "Om pi, Olrgon I'fldo f lb" WmI " tt ()'( MIMt thru aang 1UI Vihtf ll Weal lllu." ul U tK crowd clamnroualy call id .f mother anng llul Mm doc lef (dt lbt be had ilnnn hla duly u declined Ulf lb" ')Urli't a.iiK "Tho Old Otkro llackct rrtpomlinc Hn iifliiw i'b a abort encore Jlsmy lonry added Itulrn ami iJirtl; lo Ihr i-r.loii by a ruupla t Htfr onc ant then I tin ran lire pSlbwl l.rk into corner, ami Utlti Ihr !' ami dancing Iw U Et in body wh could ahakn A bet dilHrd ' 'f'Hnt clear around Q Hi tr(a ncrr lo go before Ul wthe.tr rrtuiund lla dancn entti afirr rch loirrmUtlnn ""Ho dor nd coffer. In quan Cttl that would to ruu.lderri lUralic In a amallnr crowd. Wnro lrwl of it fail aa lllacklo Me fcsild aid bli assistant behind thn iMtlif could ban j them out.. Tlmm mi to rtiplu for llm "mrn bn tod." tb.y rr busy all ho tlmn. WW T lv for tho aulo .how iraMteri, took or'atlon. through U tsmphonr In thank Mm w W ko bed belpcij makn (tin ihiiw IIbc DNni Kltlmr iliruuch tt'lf itttadinrn or tlirourli a.lt M rl'in in rarrrltiR out auto s pltai Kurr Pnon lnlorrtr In ihn jnaellon of tho .how tairra..t llal( it tnlnic Imuirti.oly plra.r.l " Iba rr.ult nf ,hr , BU(, Sd Mlrrr that Ihn way haa PtM for on of Ihn hlKKrat '' h,ld m California or Ocxon. " of tbn bo,t empj ,)0 0f BergdoUs Attempted Captors Sentenced To Jail By Germans MiHI'f'l li..t..ti Mmri, ;i Carl N'iMif ninl rrn HlMiinr Aiiht I" nil ilrti'i llvr. Int.. Ii.'im m iilrt,. : lo prliim for nu llli-ciil nMiiiiiiitliin of niwir" In tii.miMini: ttm urrxat Hint Kliiliiriluti ,,f l)r.inr I'lniflaiHl lloU'l'ill, iinrlnii ilrnft ori.-r. In llirliali, la.l Jmiuury Nnif. hn wna rhnri(.ii with woiliiillnr. yoiini! wiinimi liy flrllii! n roroltnr ilurlnr Ihn atlriiiitn nliilui linn, waa ni lonroil In flflorli month., ami Holm mnr li all rmiiilha Kuttr (inrinntia, Ilflril aa n' iuillina won. annlcnrrit lo frlll fln to ulctrn iD'HIIha I lit prliolllliMil Klamath County's Library Is "Quite Discreditable," Says Carnegie Corporation Head T S isp ue Tim rraaona why Klainalli Kalla houlil I. ml. 1 a ..inin nillr iMiililiriK wna tli.' Iirlin lial aiil.)nt .U uatoit at tho 'liatnlM-r .f . uium. r r furuin lunchron lixlay H.-crrUr T l. Hun ly r.I'lriK a iiiulllluili' of roaiujii.. all foumloit umii actual ixllll'itla ami n'iorlr, by loglr A t t lillric ol Ihl. klntt. tahl Mr Hlanlny. roulil lx uiri by boy iroula Kir I arnula. Ihr Amnrlran l-cloii atnl any other or canliatlon .tr.Unn.1 to promo' aortal ami hualnraa romjlllnil. Tho rtiamhrr nf rammnrrn room. h aalil. ars u.m) i'i ilay liy ."mi' ofKaBliallnit or ' (tirr. hot thmn roatna roulil Hoi ho riirlri to ullr Itio .nM Ire that a ' rommuitlty hulMIni: ro'ilil A J Vujr. of Ihn chamber of r.Mllliirrrr mnrutltr. rnmlHltlrr aHkr htlrlly aliool Ihn cruath of thr cham)rr of roHilimrrr. iliil urxml Ihr 11 II llr.l aUioM of rarh llirmhcr In Ihn romltiK mmiibrrahli) ramtuilKn which l'r(lnt Ihn ;.th of thla month Thn cbamhrr of rommnrrr uarlnt aanic In thrlr cuitomary nntrrtalnttiK way, ami Ihn laillna quartrl. cotnHia r.l of Mra A M Mrlh). Ml.. (Mara Calklna, Ml.a I'aullnn llomj. ami Mra John l.lnfr.iy. aanx "llnnlrmwr'a Htrraiii.' acrapipaiilril by Mra Krr.l Color Thla waa (wrhapa Ihn mint nn Juyalilo fralurn m thn program I K Hrar. of Karramrtitn. (I l Itnn. of 1'nrllaml. K W I-n. of Ihn Klamath I'liir Maniifarmrliic rom (any. Mr nml Mra Kamurl i: I lol.l nn. and Mlaa Kaiin It Klmtirour.li anil Mr K I' llraily, nurao. worn nllluiunrr.t aa KUrala Mlaa MarKari't Callahun waa prrarnt na a iiioihIhT for llm tint limn Morn than thn iih tint tiumbor of laillra wnrn prrarnl IT) Iliai.KIW TO AI.'IIIT h"w Man NTs TOMomtow Tl tinimnrr. that a mmt. " lUtomnlilln ,rrra w W lomooa mlnK n, 7;30 n ni .? of ''""'WW" room. io lb. icconnl. of thn automo. ik '"d """" ",r ,"'"nlnK E .. . """ ""' Armn " " H..i "' ,h,nK '" lwlhlM Uii :,mC"" f"r ",0 ,,ni, luiilnr.. "Ill romo l,fnr tomorrow ""win,. mM Mr ,, .. 77.. "" Character Is CaUcdSuddcnly Chi.! ,,UMI-""", ,ni" "" 5 :;;;;r:: - MU;!C,,:'0", '"' "" In Klam.Ui '"lo.ll n ftl"1 wn" " ii tti, ' 0' '"" n-.i.ir.nu. I "" Ink. . """ t'Hinr u. IT" ,0ttn n w'" " "U of T 1,ril'""T nml (In, "to,rn,r ,0f"' K,,r'" I'loU ttin, ii" !h c,lro ,,n lnvtahi.il upon lnm!.',,,"lk,,,1,'y' who .. ""n tin win i... .. ... . " nuiruruiy Ml Inn- How i, r"lrl" " rvlvuii by or,ow ... ",nr"1 wll ' l"ll lo "tt.ihm001' "l 2 3ft 0'cl"ek -Ur-hnii w cllllcl ,h0 sisir Nlon, "' oeloiml rain wo.t NO KA.VCi: -IIIMUIIT AT HCA.VIMN.WIAN HAM. Thn manaRnmrnt of thn HrnmUtr avian hall nnnounrn Ihnrn will tin nu ilaliro nt tbn hall lonlKbt National Prosperity Week April 4 to 11 April 4 lo M baa bnnn ant apart for oliaorv.nco by Ihn nation', bual fcnai mo una Nallonnl l'ronprlty fl'oiik. yiml Klumnlli Full" HUT rli.nl. nro ronnlitnrliiR tbn mlnnt f whlrh tliry Mill full In lino with tfin Rimornl proKrum. ' A mnotliiK of llm mi'rrtiitiitn'n bur xnii illacmuMMl thn mulliir yrnlnnlny nfltirnoon without iirrlvliiK ul any ilnflnllo cnnctiialoii Anolhnr niecilin: w bo hold Ihl. uflnriHUMl nt whlrh 'further ilUctuiiloii I. oxpoclod. Tho Kciioral proKrnm for Ihn U'niik Incltitltvt hi'i'dal biiIi'h, vnrlml publicity nioaruri'H nml iipoclnl foil turo. of vurloiiM aorl. to cull to tho littoiulllim of llm pulillc tho fnrt that tho pnrloil of iloproHitlon I. pant nml buitlniiHM Ih roHiniilliK u normal HtllttU, Weather Probabilities i Tint nvrln Kl.irmni!riiiili lit Unilflrwoml. riiarinary him rlnun Btrnillly nlnro S p. in. yoatnr tiny, liiillrntliiK foolur wonthor. Wnathnr nrntuitillltlc. for nnxt 34 hour.: Coolnr with varlalilo 1 wind, and ponsihly .now flur- rln, Tho oliloat coIIpko Ih I'nlvorHlty Collaoo, Oxford) fouiulod lit 10T. 0. "'Ihn iniilrnl lllirnry ahall ho upon dally fur al Irual nlKhl hour, fur frrn InndlriK of hooka to all rlt liriia of Ihl riiuuty uml It ahull Klvn dally frn mall ordor anrrlro to all 'Itltriia oulaldn lncorioarrd plncra I 'I thr nullity In which bratirh II b'arloa arn malntaltiril " OrrKon tumlanta for (iintrul llhrary wrvlco for lixnl lllirnrlra, liunrlioa and itn ilona utnlor thn "county aid" ay. in in Kliwmilli county ha. a r.inlral ll hrary. atnhll.hrd undnr a contract with tho i'nrtii-r.1.' rorpnrnllon, bona ml in n liulldliir. of ncrllrnt run truilon JuiIko.1 by oulaldn apprnr alirr. aa tiu t frw pnranna hatn had thn prlvllrKn of rrnK thn Inald Why arn not Klamath rounty n ' l.ayrra KrttlnK llm Ix'tirMl of thn rd uiatlonal rrwiurroa of hn llhrary for thrmarlvra and rhlldrrn' Thn minority oho ban rrn Ihn contrtita of Ihn alirtri-a In. Id" thn Imlldlnic aay that tbn book a.Mirt mitlt la wnll rrctrd from thn liter ary and rduc.atlonal vlnwpolnt. and thai thn hooka am numrroua Why am thn majority of rnadnr. and atudrnla In thr ruminunlty dn nlral ncc to Ihl. fund of kliowlrdicr and Information, for ttm malntrn ancn of which rrry rr.ldr.nt of Kla math rounty la dlrnrtly or Indlrurtly paylnr a aliaro' Tho Ifnratd frankly admit, thai II dna not know a crrat dral about Ihn altuatlon. hut mi many pooplo nro .mklnR Information that Thn llrratd iruMi.ra lo dnlvn Into Out matlrr and loam what It la poa.lblo to dlarotrr Sntrral other nRonclr. arn dotllK imio Imro.tlcatlnr. rhlrfly Mlaa rornrlla Martin, at. In librarian, with aonm local at.latanco Thn Carnn Kin corporation alao haa an )" on tllo lluatlon Jainna Ilrriram, icrm-t.-iry of Ihn corporation. In a loltrr lo Mlaa Marvin, datrd January , 1921. .a). ' Thn altuatlon from Ihn atari un til now. aa mvralrd In our rorrca pondnnru. !a iUlto dlarrvdltablr " Hut tin aaya that ho ran officially do little Ilia aURKratrd rcnii'dy ll "lo Krt the rlKht pom on to head a movi'iru-ni to appeal to the public roiiarlrnco ami bollrf In rdiirntlonal proRrr... lo .peak of ttm ranrtity of contract " Tim corilr.rtunl obligation rent, ii Kin thn Klamath county court and It la to tlietu, undouhtcdly. 'Jiat Mr llerlrarn addrnaao hi rnliukn Tbn wholo matter I ao vltut and Ha features am ao varied that It la Impo.alblo to itl.cu.ai It fully In one nrllrlr Ttm purpoan of Ttm llnrald at pri-arnt I to call It to ttm public attention, and later. If poialhln. add h facta aa II poaaraae or I a hi" Cain ' I'ndnr on act of ttm 1019 Ii-rI.-ature, natubllahltiR an nffrrtUn .tat" library ayatcn In place, of ihn m conclllriR non-uniform law a Ix-forn nil. tlntc, ttm county court (or In emu. of an Incorporated city thn com mon council I la nmpownrrd In no IKilnt a public library board of flvn membera. to hold office for ono, two, three, four and flvn yrani. roaicc tlvrly. from tbn flrat day of Janu ary aurrrrdlnR their appolntmrnt Thla board .hall Immediately circa nlin and naaumn full control of tbn public library, enter Into conlracta, purchaar, rnmlvn and arranRo for tho rlculatlnn of hooka amonR acbool. city and branch llbrarle that may Im. i-atabtlahrd AllbouRh thla law ha born In ef fect two yrar. and althoucb It ha boon called to thn attrntlcn of Ihn rounty court by thn ataln librarian nml others number of times, thn county court ha refused Co appoint uch a board. Thn court I. understood to be act In K on aihlcn or It attorney, that the art I nut mandatory, that It any thn court "may" take action but not that It "must " Thn atntn librarian hold that thn act I mandatory and ha taken the llitnropretatlon up with thn attorney Koueral Other countle. how.ner. ure for lowlnR thn law and klamnth county alone ha tbn reputation of punulnR a course that ran bn branded a "quite discreditable" to it. rcpilta lie ii for a proRres.lve community whero educational standards count Germany Refuses to Pay Sums Allies Allege to Be Due I'AltlH, March 23 -Oermany. rn plylni: to the r'tcunt ultimatum of the Allied reparation commlaalon, ro tuaed lo jiay a billion rold mark due today, and dliput". ttm cotnml- i alon'a flRiirea. which show a balance of twelve billion mark due May I Ttm (inrman note maintain that thn twenty billion mark, which the treaty provided should he handed ; over by May I I morn than paid 11 I READY TO I T IN F 1 U K t'ortnr, cemint contractor, ha .tartcd tho work of laying a ce nmnt floor In the old Whlto I'cll ran RaraRe bulldlnR on tho east end 'nf Main afreet which will tn nrrif pled by thn Klamath creamery Ttm floor space Is ISO by SS feet Mr Porter eipect. to complete hi haro of thn work in ten day. New partition will be put in and the Interior remodeled for creamery purpo.es. It I expected that II will be ready for occupancy In about lx week.. ' The York Construction and Sup ply company of Seattle ha the con tract for Installing now refrlReratln; murhlnery. and their contract also Include, the partition, which are of peral construction. Tho old refrlReratlnR plant will bo moved to tho new bulldlnR. mean InR practically the doubllnf of tho present rapacity, stated J. J Kur tier, manager of tho creamery, to day Now general equipment will alao in added and when the Installation I complete. Mr. Furbcr my. that it will bo a model one-floor plant, tho best equipped and moit effi cient of It. alto south of Portland. Them will bo four divisions In thn refrlReratlnR section, the but-ter-coollnR room, butter cold .tor nRn room. Ice-cream hardening room and a general cold storage, room. Miss Luycle Stoops Guesses Closest On Bean Jars Contents Mia l.ucyle Stoops. OO Wulnut avenue, gill-used closest to the num ber of bean In tho Jar displayed In the booth of Nelson and Shield, ex port auto mechanic., at Iho auto show Messrs. Nelson and Shield, whoso shop I at Seventh and Klamath aven ue, u an iiilvertl.liiK feature, put on n free guessing contest with an Al mitn autninobllo oiling system as it prim to tho closest Rttenaer. Mont than 1.260 persons voted The low eat Rue, wit. threo bean, thn hlKht'.l r.OO.000,000. Tho Jar actually contained H.43S beans and three liluok-oyed pea. Mis. Sloop." Rite., wn. 1 1,500. The M-cniid neiiro.t guemer wn. (1. West. Klumntlt ri'.orwitlon .uporltv lendent. 14,192. It (). Iml wn third with 1I.7S7. Tho contest win absolutely aiiunre. say. tho promot er. mlitliiR thut the Jur of bean. I. on dl.plny nt tho office of Wl.hard and Wood on lIlKlith .Ireet nml nny person who doe. not tiollovo thorn urn l-T.aS beans nml three pen. In thn Jar 1. nt liberty to count tho content, nny Hum durliiK IiiiIium hnur.t. A.NOTin;n iii:nnii; nv l-WTIIKIl MOIiMIV TOXH1HT Uov. Kntltor Mollny will dollver niiolho rof hi. fnlerestlttK tioriuon. In Sacred Honrt church tonlRht ut 7:30, tioltiK ono of tho Borle. ho hn preach ed during the lrnton .esson. HI. ser mon, have been atlractlnR a Rre-t deal of nttontlon. not only nmonR lueiuherH of llm church, hut nmonR tho.o not afflllnlod with It, At Catholic Church Holy Week Program Following I. tho program for tho remainder of Holy Week at Sacred Heart church- Wednesday, 7.3f p. nt. .Sermon Father J. V. Molloy Thursday, K:30 a. m Procession and depository Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Holy Hour Friday. 8:30 n. m Mn.. of tho Pre'-Sanctlfled Friday, 7:30 p. m. Station, and Sermon, by Father J. V Molloy Saturday morning services for Holy Saturday will bo in proRre. from 6:30 until S o'clock, when Mass will ho colebrnted. MVIIAItUX Itl'ltlAI. Wll.l. TAKi: l'UCi: AT VHHKA Tim body of II. McChnrlo. who died lu.t week near Algomu, wn. sunt to Yreka. Cullfornln, this morn lug for biirlkl. In nccordnnco with In Htrurllou. of rolnllve.. Jho decedent lived nt Yroka for muny year, be foru coming huro. kkxo iai iu:s KHOM IXTISTINAIi ro.MPiaiNT Harry Um Van Mooter, ngod 9 yount, died yt'stordny nftornoon nt tho homo of his father near Keno. Death wn. ciuuod by nn Intestinal disease. Tho deud hoy leave, n fath er. Hoy I,. Vim Meetor of Keno and mother, Mr.. Thomas Multifield of Klamath Falls, jvtso u brother and slsUsr. Tho funeral will taku place at Merrill tomorrow, tho hour to bo set lator. DIVORCE COMPLAINT. Suit for divorce was tllod in tho circuit court yo.torilny by Archlo Honllno apalnst Giuiim Ilonllno. Personal Mention I. C Van Ilellcn returned last night from a week', business visit In San Francisco and Sacramento. Judge and Mrs. I). V. Kuykendnll returned last night from Eugene. Judge Kuykondal! has been absent for several week, holding court first In Jackson and recently In l.ono county. Ho and Mrs. Kuy kendall woro guest. In Kugeno of his parents. Dr. and Mrs. William Kuykendall. 1-:. S. Henry, contractor. Is -building a new and up-lo-dato oftlco on Spring street, from which his con tracting business will bo handled. Allen Holcomb and Harry Rich ardson left this morning for San Francisco on a brief business visit. l.eo Houston left this morning for a business trip to Weed. Kurnest Wiley and wlfo of Klutnt nth Agency are In tho city on busi ness and pleasure. Mr. und Mr.. II. l. Wehr havo re turned from n pleasure trip In I.cs Angeles and left this morning for their homo at Odessa. J. A. (ioldthwalto of tbn Modoc Lumber company Is In the city on business. J. M. Ileilford and W. C. Thomp son of tho Modoc Lumber company nro In tho city on business. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. (I. Merrill tiro in tho city from their homo In Merrill. Mr. and Mis A. A. LUkey and wlfo are Klamath Falls visitors from tholr homo In Mulln. Chnrlo. R. Miller of Pine Rldgo Is a business visitor In tho city. J. M. llrntton of thin city visited at tho honlo of Mr. und Mr.. George W. Otoy In Dorris ovor Sunday. ' Mra. Lawrenco 1. In town from Chlloquln for a few days. Uolvlo Dlltstrom ot thn Klamath agency underwent a mastoid oper ation yostorday afternoon. Nels Potorson. Mncdoel lumber man, I. visiting la KUmsth Falls for a fetv days. Mr. and Mr.. Rfcode. ot Dorris aro hore for sovoral dy" visit. Mr. and Mrs. 0. V. Humrlck of Portland aro In tho city on a comblu- (sso.r,i pautDOiry 11) HALBM, March 23 Tho Oregon public service, commission I. willing to it In conference nt Klamath Fall with the representative of thn business Interests thero and with rolatlvo to tho readjustment of freight rate, affecting Klamath rounty, Fred A. William., chairman thn California railroad commission of tho Oregon commission, said to day. Ho recalled, however, that Kla math Fall, failed to .end a repre sentative to tho rato hearing In Portland January 18, .last. Had such representative been present at thn Portland hearing, Williams said, matters might have been simplified. Ho was commenting on tho re port that the Klamath county Cham ber of Commerce will In tho near fu turo call Into conference at Kla math Fall, the service commission, of California and Oregon, and tho declaration that each commission bad referred Klamath county cltl xens to the other commission when they appealed for help. "I am not censuring Klamath Falls people because they failed to appear at the Portland bearing ot tho inter state commerce commission," said Williams, "but had they been pre sent matters doubtless would havo been simplified. They were notified ot tho hearing. "The Portland bearing roferred to by William, related to cases against the Southern Pacific brought by tho Portland traffic association, Med ford commercial club and Klamath business men's association. The hear ing involved freight rates In north ern California, north ot Redding, especially on tho Southern Pacific's Klamath Falls branch. The case was first heard In 1917, and subse quently an order was Issued setting It for reahrlng In January of this year. All case, wero consolidated at tho recent hearing. No order resulting from this hearing has yet been Issued. "The Oregon commission will very .readily and willingly go Into tho sit uation with tho Klamath Falls commercial club and business Inter est. If tho conference can be ar rangement with the California com mission, and make recommenda tions to the Interstate commerco commission," said Chairman Wil liam, today. "Probably the railroad company vbould bo Invited to send represent atives to tho conference for then It might be posslblo to Iron out tho difficulties, not taken up at Port land hearing. To make tho solu tion permanent tho adjustment must be strictly on an Interstate basis." Sportsmen Will Meet Friday Evening The Klamath County Sportsmen's association will meet Friday even ing at tho chamber ot commerce rooms. Matters that havo accumulat ed during tho month will bo discuss ed and a full attendance Is requested as several Important questions aro among the ovonlng's business. The secretary has received word that If woather and road conditions aro favorable, tho stato gamo com mission will hold Its May meeting In Klamath Fulls. It conditions am not favorablo then It will moot hore later In tho summer. U. S. Russ Relations, Being Considered WASHINGTON, March 23. Early consideration Is to bo given tho re lations between tho United States and soviet Russia, tho stato dopart-. munt Indicated. ' Certain modifications of tho Wilson administration rulings aro under consideration, and somo aro already made. i..i.i.i. MMVi iM od huslnoss and pleasure trip. Mr. Humrlck represents the 0111 Piston Ring company and they came to at tend tho auto show and visit with frleuds, nmeng whom aro Mr. and Mju. J 12. Dratton,