THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON TUP-SHAY, MAIK'II ', IIWI. T rj NEW TODAY Personal Mcnt . Hku o o KOIl 8AM-2 OK TttADB I'rncucnlly now Kordson Tractor. Tel. 24211. KOK HAM J Oooil fertilizer $1.00 per lond delivered Tel 24211. 21 KOIl HUNT Nice ntul rlran, 3 room furnished apartment B24 High 21-23 KAHM KOIl KKNT Near town. Ap ply P C Carloon. Ilox 1ST.. K K. 22-2S WANTBO Two fnrm horses for nbout 3 weeks, to do plowing tor their fowl. Will tnko good care of them. Seo Parker, Farmers Ware house. S'-'-St? KOIl SAl.H CHHAP 10 x 12 shack. ell fixed up for bachelor' quar ters. Call at 6 p. m rear of laVotdo Lbr. Co. 22 KOIl SA1.K I 6ft Monitor drill. 1 6 ft. McComtlck reaper. K C llcchiloldt. Ilonanzn. Ore 22-2S KOR SALK OH THAUK 2 40 acres good wheat land In western Kan sas, very low or trade for Klamath Falls Improved property or Klamath land. Syd Kvans. 22 Mrs Charles Chltlwoml was nmoun the Merrill visitor who took In the nnto show yesturdny Miss Mary Walker, of the II N Moe store. U confined to her home with Illness. Mm O I.. llroii and Mm Ida1 Urlmes nn visiting Mm Orb t'nnip hell of Pine (Irmo today , N U W'oodhouso. of Merrill, who Is registered at the Hull hotel. Is ( attending to business nnd taking In the night of the auto show. (leorge Watt returned hut night from a Wslt to San Francisco . Mrs. Oeorge Walton, f Merrill ' was a visitor here estordi) 1. M llraluenl. n repreentathe of the Aetna Insurance eompun. I here on business with Janie Irls- coll, local Insurance wizard K M Iturton. a lumhermaii of Algomn, Is In the city on business today. 1). M ltlrd. tho auto accessory man. who calls Oil co hli home. I In town principally to take In the auto show. Incidental!), he I making tin , rounds of the accessory men C 1). Oodion. who In IntereMed In the lumber business In Algotua I hero today, registering at the While Pelican hotel. Mr nnd Mr Matt Kngan. of Al gomn. reached here last night on ' krtl- . ... t.n.. ..ft... n ,..( lll In California. I O. K. Spear, of Sacramento. I , Heard over the telephone Hollo Mr Smith? Meet me down Iho New Home restaurant for sup per. I told John I was not going to cook supper any moro. Can't buy It a cheap as the Now Home put It out and say, cooking' I believe thoy Invented cooking and the meat thoy serve I asked them where they got It and. they said from the Lincoln market and of course It fresh everv. . i...i... . ,..,... ...i,.. meal. Enough said. I'll be then- ' "" bu.lmwf. a representatlto . oi me irnuic iieparwueiii oi ine i KOR RENT 4 room furnished j Southern Pacific. I r,Jv".J"i..SarKent Ave Inqulro i MlM olln, Jarvls. of ltooburg. I 512 North 9th. 22 1 ... . , . . , nrrhed here yesterday to take a post- KOR SAUK 480 acrv grazing land tlon a bookkeeper with the Amer- on Upper Klamath Marsh, partly lean National bank Mist Jarvls fenced, good barn 50 x 50 and cor formerly was employed by the Don- rails, deep well, also running water . ... , ...... , through nlacc Will nrlrr. rich, tlv " National bank of Hosehurg "" ------ '-- ,. ..-. .... . (ilovhh M JF r n,:,'hwi:aii (Viitomorl in- JR T F M,," new n,,,, II Million jtf rjFF l l lt V " J'"1 rrTl' km ciot en. r Sr r r H B ,m BS91 Bl- g t - r 'KBjB S 1 lr R A NA V.V Svl' ' tv); jot : owner. Lock box No 31. Merrill. 22-25 Ore. KOR SALE Kordson tractor with extension rlnu and two bottom gang plow. Only $550. Some terms. Might trado for touring car. roadster or Klamath Palls nronerlr. Cliilrntn ft Smith. 633 Main St. 22-24 J operation Edward Dickey Is rere from Al . goma. Mr. and Mr. D. M. Hall. f ln- geU'a valley, are In town for a brief visit. Physicians have decided that an will not be necessary In Have, you a clean warm room? Wo ' havo two for rent 350 3th St. 22 the case of l.ynn Skllllngton. West- Your Easter Costume Has Arrived Eloquent of fashion's newest nnd most bevvitchinK modes may be pUr. chased here nt lowest price. Timely arrival of special purchases made on our New York buying trip, received just one day late for our opening, but just in time for Easter. The variety of ultra-modish model at prices which will not be duplicated in Kla math Falls, and will bear out the wide spread reputation of Moe'i as the drcs ihop in which to make your spring purchaici. Every article guaranteed as represented. No trou ble to show goods. Wc do not urge you to buy until ready. wife jvy ft F' ft 1 7 c;..y ,.-. KOUND A pleco of whlto lawn Owner call at Herald office 22 ii i KOR SAM-: Paying buslneM. right man snap New nnd second hand goods. Must sell owing to other bust ness. Sco Dick, cor 6th and Klamath avenue. 22-23 WANTED Olrl to help with house I work 2 day each week 7 I Wal- ' nut. 22 KOR SAI.K Auto car, now and sec ond-hand tire. Wo carry Just what you want All trading stock what have you Seo Dick cor 6th nnd Klamath aenun 22 23 . ii 100 I'KH CENT UNION MONDALE THEATRE Arthur Bean Ted Whlto Ed H. Crawford Musical Director Manager Chlvf Operator The Best for the Best THE WORKINGMAN'S THEATRE VAUDEVILE TONIGHT VAUDEVILLE A REAL IRISH ACT VIOLET MALLORY AND CO. A COMEDY SURPRISE "THE IRISH SCRUB WOMAN" ' Comedy singing, talking and dancing that's a scream. Every Irish man, woman and child should seo this act PICTURES Wm Hart Production Co presents. WM. H. HART IN "THE BANDIT AND THE PREACHER" With all lufr cast. Including Robert Edeson. Produced by Tho. H. Ince. Tho most sensational and realistic fight in this plcturo ever screened. ALSO A two rco MACK BENNETT Comedy that's a scream Two Shows C-30 8.30 Don't miss this show Winsome Fashions in Poiret Twill, Taffeta, Satin and Canton Crepes. Styles include straight lines, full skirted, Sherred Basque and over-skirt. Ba lero Model, Ruffled Skirt Redingate, Sashed or Belted. Priced the lowest $13.75 $65.00 NEW EASTER TOGS FOR INFANTS AND CHILDREN lfeferS9gag n -II few Frocks and Gowns, Suits of Distinction, Coats and Wraps. orn Union messenger recently In Jured In a collision between his bl cycle and an aulomoblln Skllllng ton' chnsces for recovery aro con sidered good Miss Allen Miller, who Is attend ing high school In Ilarkeley. Calif, Is hern to spend a week's vacation with her father, J J. Miller, who Is agent for tho Southern Pacific company. Wins From Bonanza Hoopers TTTTTJYTvrTT7,iiVTrf' - nowing at the photo pl m -fifiAtrr TO-DUY Elaine Hammerstein IN THE DAUGHTER PAYS" Tho story of a man who wanted to make a girl pay for tho KoIIIch of her Mother. I t , t' ' X Merrill i The Ilonanza high school girls j'und boys basket ball teams went to Jxlcifeat In games with the Merrill J high school teams Krlday on the , Merrill couri. i no scores stood girls 6-15 and boys 1315 Merrill i high school ndmltted tho first de feat of tho season In games at Do- ' nanzn Krlday tho Sth , the scores I being: girls 6-13 nnd hoys 7-53. Tho T unuvonoly matched teams wcro duo to a misunderstanding between the two schools as to size and weight of tho players. Tho regular Mor- I rill high school teams played Krlday jwhlrh resulted In clone and well mulched games. roRUM MKKTI.VU i ! Tho regular weekly Chamber of Commerce forum will bo hold In tho t banquet room of tho Chamber of Commerce tomorrow at 12-15, nnd Secretary Hlunloy nnnnunrns that a I subject vital to ovory member will lm discussed. Tho customary musl- cal nnd vocal ontiirtnlninniit will hn , enjoyed, and nvury setit lit the bun- iiul tublo Is uxpocted to hu occupied :S SWPa it J4th EPISODi: OK "THE LOST CITY" WEDNESDAY ETHEL CLAYTON IN "CROOKED STREETS" A STORV OP THE ORIENT Weather Probabilities Tho Cyclo-Stormagrnph nt Underwood's Phurmacy has showed no change In tho last 24 hours, Indicating a continu ation of tho Htorm porlod. Weather probabilities for next 24 hours, cloudy and warmer ollowed by unsettled wnathor. a noo oabe You've got the money; I've got the furniture. Let's swap. I'KHKINH FUnNJTUHK IIOUHH "Tlie Funiliher of Iiipy Hume" 17tf Do You Know the Facts About Building Costs? Do you know THAT LUMBER and building ma terials are down? Have you talked TO US LATELY about building? Do you know how reasonably you can make needed repairs, build your new HOME, OR REMODEL your old one? Better get in TOUCH WITH THE situation at once. The big building program that was expected in 1920 failed to develop. The manufacturers were caught with too large stocks, and were forced to TURN THEM OVER at almost cost. We can show you a SUBSTANTIAL saving on every item in our line. But it's only fair to tell you this condition may be only temporary. The country is short more than a million homes. Our own city is short 250 homes. When people begin to do this long delayed building, demand will increase rapidly, creating another short age of materials, AND PRICES will advance again. If you are planning to build, or repair, come in and let us give you figures. Then when we show you the ac tual savings over last year's prices and show you how favorably present costs compare with THOSE OF 1914, make your own decision. Get in touch with us today. Build now and use MADE IN KLAMATH FALLS PRODUCTS .. LAKESIDE LUMBER CO. Owned and Operated by Klamath Falls Business Men