The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 22, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    0 Rabbits Killed
In Sunday's Drive
noltltlH. I "I Mnrch 23 A,,l"
.2 i"" "wr "orr" ,,,,, m,v
r.l,tfu" AI.MM rrom
. , point in i '" "
lclnt nuiiibMlnc hotweoi. four
a I hiimlwl Alioul four linn-
I I Of U.H l '"f"'1 ""'" """,
;; oun.i,.i n" ,,,,,,;,,"r
i territory I""1' " """"
"Si " ."l-rvl.l.m of Willi
whrg cainc .
nw,i iini,Mimi
Live Like Gavrochc
i Art A Svilr f?on.l
UOUIfi: HlVcil VAM.ICV AIM'f.Kfl
. I'ritcn funnonnlilii People's W'nrn--houo
Comn on down fith Ht.
OIIH'AW). March 22 Tim of
flcn hoy U going Imrk to nrliool
Fourteen, flflmin Alul litonti
olit xlrl ImiiiKruiilHirn r rerritnr-
llIK hlKh trhool Falling wage. In
llm Imtualrlul ami cotuiiinrcltil world
Iteitrr l"'M rlr I at ork on are .ending hoy nnd girl llioitaaml
. m,fr! .irroU Low plhre nrnj t liuu nalitl of tlinm. Into Hum.
.,,irl.reWlllhpl.e.ol. M.ll.n
of,h. prlncip.l !"" Mi"""!!" '"
,Med iiir'"""X
T V (Irshniii. pre.ldenl of I tin
Klinuth I""' l.umlr Company.
k rrlr.l i" "" "'' """
rriB(lfo w,,r, '" ",",,,, l,,n "'"
r Prrprltrjr lo ruioliiK opera-
Dr, Wealrrfeld. l'Mfnor
WANTIJII Work by Innmaliir, com
petent to drive 2, 4, n, r K horo
timm Addrn. 1221 Plnaannl Avn.
Plioru, 322 W 2 1-20
WANTIJI) -Itollnhln to rum fop
innll boy diifliiK diiy Iimulm Her
ald offlm 2li23
WANTKIl lfun'tkritnir No heavy
work, mimll family, modern homo.
lii'J'ilrn tlnrnlij offlm 21-23
flcn. 21-23
KOU HAM-3--C bond f K00,j wor
horses, ami omi 3-yiinr-nld colt
I). W (Jeorgo, on tlio old Ky. Taylor
plnro, Kuno rood. 19-26
room, thny Inft when wnr-envnl-i
salaries lured lliriii nwar
llirrna.n In nrlnin! ,mi r.l.i.. i.. " " H. rnpritMililllllC thn tin
Dm Mnli-it iit.i... ,i...i.,. ,,,.,. '"'I'"!'"'! 'fypiiwrltnr romtmiiy w ,
U.n Ullltrd llt .-. dtirlUK IS202I , , ry . , ,iK ,f ll(ml0,llltr,
U npproiliiiklnly I, too. 00(1 nmr ' Mm Imprornd inodnl No 10 nUo tln
ll 20, nrronllriR lo it mirvny Jul n"w portnldn with n Rtundnrd kny-
roiilicilnl hnrn
rhoolii ni'rvlr", a
liy lli' lxittirl
tiurrnii of thiii
I'Onril ('nil him nt thn I lull Motnl
Anirlcti fdratH,n of t.i.rhi.r. In j KOU HAI.B- ll.rtr-MouiiUln ennnr-
thi Urrn rtn thn urvny nil own thn Inn, Imlli mnln and fflflialrt lnrlllrn
Inrrrami h nvnrnrnil o imr runt I 33r' ',0 4th HI 21-22
OmIi nil hu n rn anion Klaw .allhouich thn flKiirn'for III whln no
itfc rUi rlilloia Hunuay lor inn ran
M dtlie ThM ntlnmnn wnrn ar
.in Ihx llin anil aimr m
f'Ollf.KN.. Mnrch A My Mnll)
Tli r co (Jirmnnn of thin city Holvod
tlmlr hoimln prolilmn In n quenr wny
until tlio city nuthorltlra rnuht thorn
nl It ii fow dnyn no. Thny hnd Inntnll
d thnrnnolri'K Iniildn thn plant flguro
of n homo hearing tho ntntilo of WU
llnm 1 which dtniidd nl thn confln
onco of tho Ithlnn and .Monallo rlrnm.
Thny Knlnud untranrn to thn Imldo
of thn horan hy dlncorfirlnc n looo
roppur pinto on onn of I In lde With-
- Twnnty hnd of Timrlliiif and two
ynnroldn Thn Hivnn Hprlne ranch, '" "'"X '""' Inatnllnd n lnd nnd Inld
loi) Vallny, Kdward Krouor. j In n mipply of n numhnr of raiinii of
19-22 wlnfv nnd worn mnkln Ihrmaolrnn
KOU UHNT Oil HAf.K-Otwd f0; '"-y 'niKh nt hotnn until tho ntithorl-
room Iioum Cnll Mm. Jolly, Mir- li" dlnpommmicd them,
rhnril' (.'oll'Ktlon lluronu 320-W. -
WANTKD Your watch or clock to
ropalr. Ooorro I.. Mrlx, Jnwnlpr.
022 Main Ht 9-23
roil HAI.K lllockn. I'hann IX3-M
J N tJuthrln 1K-2I
Wll.l. I'AY OAHH for n ood ar.
onil hand Kord No rnttlnra. In-
qulrn at 1029 Main Ht 17-23
u. J, -" " ,M)ht-oM hnndlrd imnknlfn, knnp-
tlon I. t.n.rnr 7 6 iir rnt owlnx to' ..i,,, UM ..K j ,, anwd.
llin ilrrlltin In nnirlnncy of thn rural llMurn to llnrald offlrn 2J.-20
rlmol Thn rrauinlillon of luimlxra-!
il,m l. ,M,,.ti.i i. . i.. ..... KOItHAUUiltTltAllKKOIUlAY
,--,---.,-, ,n,nT. ,.M
IMC ' hU '" '"' ,I"",X "'
tottli- on lhlr "r rluU Durrli
ttDdt a cordial wnlconm lo Klam
llh rIta llori for thr.n oPllt
Hi MUff thrill a day of nelto'
Uri. Kmtna llndr:- who ha ax-nt
111 pit tf month with rnlatlvn
laOftlton bi flurnn.1 lo hrr hnmi
lr A A Atkinon. of win inirni i mrrnaint by at nal" aald
Win T Mrl'oy rlialrman of thn lx-t
trr irliiHtl trrrlrn I tit roiitlnund' I
"Immlcrant wmd tln-lr chtldn-n
to rhiMil aa cjulrk thny land I
Thny hw morn avidity for rtlura
I Ion than did thrlr prntrrori In
thn )rar Iwfurn thn war ItUt thn!
I t. In Ui.lVv l'l,.w ... i l K
of thl. Incrnain. llm rnport how.. ' Walkln I'low. nnw. 'l .j.ikn lootlr
Now York and ChlraRo harln hnnn harrow. 1 60 xallou unit lank. 2 ind
formil to n up -tra ijuarlnra call- ,,,,, ' '' Krnnch, 1367 Kaplanadn.
r,l -.tnainrr room." for thn nnwly ''""'"' t0IJ '-2
arrlriyl fornlgn rhlldrnn j t hA!.kTwo tun, tit ixl2.
"Kitlmatn ihow that thn 20,000.-1 Imiulrn llatnnl Apartumnta, Apart-
000 fluurn for thn irnnnl ruMil ! O""11 '" "" floor 21-22
liinliinnrahlp of thn nation mutt li
Koiplttl lUffrrlli from a rrrurrnrn
ef ptctlou lata vt III tmalth, Irft
isdir m"""n '"' '" '"I'' hr
U koprt to ircurn rrlliif and oon
U kick l hli prartlro
gorUI actltlllra of lh pail wiwk
nlmtoitMl Hh a danrn Haturday
iHSlrnt IH"n by llm KnUliU of
pjlMn at 'fi'ir rtuli hall for lh
tjrl of D"f'n and nnarli) toni
With MlM Hailnr from Mar.lorl at
lit f HBO Mr ilrKrnilr at Ihn tlollii
ni Mr (o Ihn drum tnodnrn
Jut In minr l"niu knpt thn danrt r
rtttlllDC unlit thrrn ii rlork In thn
Thn partnnmhlp firm of Kandalt , ln - .
llnnry hai tinon dlaaotvwl hy mutu- ' '' '
ai content
J K UANIlAl.l.
Kroi may kill your whnnU and
rot your pumpkin, or you mnr loan
your Job. hut thn Krou-ry bill will i
knp rlht on Ham younnlf thla J
worry and bo Indnpnndnnt by buying
our llarron-Tancrrd Wbltn leghorn
chirk at 12 60 pr 100. and our 8 !
wnnka old pullnta for July dnllrory
nt 112 00 pnr doinn Thny will bo
laying In Hnptemlmr and May on tho
Job all wlntnr, nnd you'll b handing
your grornr nggi nl 7c r-nch. and ho
will bo oon bo owing you. Ordor
book I filling fat. o ordr early.
!!vnry any tlino nftor April 20.
m.wwooii I'oriniv imiim
Corning. Calif
MAMN. Mnrch 22 Mr Jorry
John' wn cnllnd to Wnlln Walla,
WnhlnKton by tho ncrloii lllnnii of
hnr fnthor II II. Taylor Word rc
rnlvml tntc that Mr Taylor died
before Mr John could get there
It I not known when Mr John'
will return hut her friend hope hn
will not innkn her tny too long
TUIIHDAY, MA I tCII 2a, Itttl.
Hworn Htntnmont nnd Application,
No 011483, to ptirehnao tho HH
HKV4 Hoc. 12, T. 388., H. 11H., Ita
1, I, Hncllnn 7, Townhlp 38. KnnRo
1213, Will. Meridian, nnd tho tlmbor
thoron, undor thr prorlnlona of tho
net of Juno 3, 1878, nnd nets amend
ntory, known n tho "Timber and
Htono Ijiw," nt nuch rnluo n might
ho fixod by nppraliinmont, nnd Ihnt,
puniuant to nuch application, tho
land nnd tlmbor thoroon hayo boon
npprnlftod, foiir-hundrod-twonty-dol-nr
tho tlmbor etlmntod 260M bonril
feet nt II 00 per M. nnd tho Innd
1 1C0 00; thnt nld applicant will of
fer final proof In support of his ap
plication nnd aworn statomont on tho
20th dny of Mny, !D21, boforn Ilort
C. Thomni, V H. Commllonor, nt
Klnmnth Knll, Oregon
Any Demon la nt liberty to nroteat
thto purchnao beforo entry, or Initiate
n contest nt nny tlmo boforo patent
lue, by filing n corroborated affi
davit In thl office, alleging facta
which would dofont thn entry.
Notice will bo pnbllihed for nine
conccntlro week In Tho Kyonlng
Herald, at Kamnth Knll. Oregon.
.vfncK i.vvm.w rnoroHAiit to
.MAKJ-: HTitfnrr nrntovEMHNTfi
Notlrn hereby given that the an- ( nmb , among tm boy and ual mretlng of Ihn land ownnra of
Kltl. wbo ..u.t .r,H ,. take adv.n- KVld -"lib. .111.? thTreUr'y
tagn of high wage In Industry Now at thn eourt houe at Klamath Kail.
thn war Inflation. I gone, thnan Orgnn. on Wndneaday, thn 30th day
youn (Mxipln am .warming l.rk of Mrrr''- 2l-t o'clock p. m..
,,,,, t , . ... .. , . "t which tlmn thero will m elaete.1
Into hill. -hoo to fit the,.el, f..r n .uprrror , ,rro for ,hB tBrm
work ..tbrr than manual labor !of three year, and ueh other hlul-
A greater proportion of rhlldrrn npr '""""""I may legally come
corn dc A pirating mldnlKht np , ,. , .... . bnforo ld meeting
! . , .. . .. . . ,,olu ,hr home, of klllrd and man- ,. Iv., .
til farmihed lr the Udlr o t i , , . ., ., . , V H IleUAl',
ual laborer am reeking higher nd- Hecrnl
r ind Mr
J C Mltrhrll. to
nrallon than ever before dun III thn
furl that both parnita and rhlldreti
19-29 ith Mr and Mr. Harry , KOU HK.NT-3 two-room furnl.hed
XlUttll Mr and Mr. A II MrlMni,, , ,.,".. apartment, hot and cold water.
Itlaa tat i lurllltl tar 1 1 li IriM I it Mat tf a . .. ... ...
iVl.tMVIf 1. II llrran .llendn.1 thnl '" " ""' '"' 5 I nder new flro law
btard.y eight danrn In Itorrl They
KOIt HAM: Nnw 3 room bungalow
on large lot Hmall amount cnh,
balnnro a rent. Itobt. H. Hunt, Col
onial Itoom. 11th and Main Ht
KOIt HAI.K Timber claim. Cheap
for cah. Term If dealred Mr
Nellln Wall 1C10 Crescent Ave
Comparo the now Scrlppt
llooth with othor can of IU
clan lis prlco Is 9IH2.1 hore
KOIt HAI.B Strictly puro blood O
A C. atraln Ilarred Hock eggs for
hatching Phone 339-H or P. O. Ilox
1011 1! II Mcline. 1C-22
Pursuant to Ordinance and order
of the Common Council of tbo city
of Klamath Kails, Oregon, notice
I hereby given that proposals will
be received by aald common coned!
for making thn Improvements de
signed for Kourtb stroet. from Kla
math nvenno to thn southerly linn
of Oak a,venue: Fifth arreot from
Klamath avenue to thn southerly
linn of Willow avenue; Walnut ave
nue trom the northerly linn of Fourth
I stroet to tho southerly line of Sixth
Ht Oak Avo. from thn northerly
lino of Fourth St. to tho aoutb
erlr tlnn of Seventh atraet.
Willow avenue from the north
erly linn of Fifth street to the
southerly linn of Sixth atrrSnt. to
cether with all Intersection! between
the respective termini not already
Hald proponed Improve enta to be
made In accordance with thn plans
and specifications of the city engi
neer for either of the elajw-
le of Improvement mention
ed In said plans and specification
and thn ordinance oraonng the mak
Ing of aald proposed Improvement,
which aald Ordinance -a numbered
640, and was adopted on tho 21st
day of February A D. 1921. and by
vvrf .- l it'"7 " rearunry a u. 1721. ana ny
What OICK People and the mayor approved on the 23rd day
. of February. A. D. 1921.
KOIt HAI.B 1918 llulck Hlx. Now;
top. nowly painted and In good'I t- l-In--. ,. I4.
ndltlon Kwauna Motors Co 17-23 Want in MOme Or HOB
PIIONK 339-R. block wood or haul
ing of any kind II II. Mcl-ane
twrnluic accumulatrd money in fu
turn Mhoollng for Ihn rhlldrrn This
I .howti In Ihn fart that the hear
Irxt proportional gain ha hwn In
high arhooU whern thl age I rrp
"Thn greatest ruh of atlendanrn
ha taird thn already overcrowded
nfhool. lo the limit In large rltle
and In mining and lndutrtal center
rhool. arn over-pupllnl and Under
tUAt.t.S' March 22 Frank Otto- ftracherrd lo thn point where thn
bis, ion of Joieph Ottoman of work dunn I bitterly unfair to the
Slut Vl returned lait Hatlinlay children Thn Inrrrasn In attend
frva Off ion Agricultural College at anrn ba Come at a time when Ihn
4rsi la from Ml Dome In Mr llar
n Appernuti car. finding
Uroidi la terr good condition
Vtltatln MrClellan was an out
(lag ptM.ncer on thn train Mondiy
male' for KUmslh Kail, wheru lie
ill! ;oil inirral day on butltio.i
Ill.TI ll.Vi:i I'llOM o. A. C.
Ik 1 3 Oak Ht
CITY OAUHACtv When you want
garbage remuved call 10K-23.
Contllit Ho was accompanied
li wife
Mr Ottoman has been taking a
BmmU rouran in college and ex
Wtitorontinue with It nett fall Ho
UI tnilp hit headquarter al pre-
Hh hi parent, and will help
urn nit father' plare.
NAU.V. March 22 A 1 Jlll.nn.
tlftk at the M.lln Mercantlln
U fUaalng 0 morn l,. family hero
"m AihUtid a oon a ho can rent
1 IUtl rnldence
M' Jlllion prophe.l.,,1 that many
Mo from Att.UtuI will coin,, to
" mi year He tatea that tin
Hia th
hern only
rountry. although h has
onn week.
wi:iiiii:ii oupi,i;.
MAI.I.V, Marc, 22. -A "charivari"
l n'1 Mr" A,,,orl rayin
....;' rTr"K nt U A. Koglo
ono mllo west of hero Tho
v.ij . "'" i oero inn
" nu be,.,, know,, n Ml. My;i
Pill. 1 m""'"l In Klamath
Jr.! Hun'll,y T,, rW"itnom
j,,.. " " rnnc miles anuthennt of
r. in,! j, vr)r yto1 )(i(iwn I)irii)f
' " f,l In tho nuvy.
n bond's Won By
Heaviest Maiorltv
'n County History
5 Son.1 "'' ::-T" h0BV,'"a
fc"S .t.e . V'"" nml Ur",mt ""
elect. ",Vr ,n oo district
MthI "'" Kla""' county
j"oi uisirlct. Thorn
Bend Stage Line
Road to Bend now open, stages leave at
7 a. m. from
109 N. 6th Street, near Main Phone 513
Safe. Sane, Prompt, Proper Pro
fessional care and results at mini
mum cost.. (Collective moaning,
Mothers I Thn plans and specif leatlona re-
icrma 10 ntxjre are on uie witn inn
Pollen Judge and with the city engi
neer of said city
The contract for making the pro
posed Improvements will be tet In onn
contract, and thn tlmn In whloh the
aamn Is to be completed. I fixed by
said ordinance for Sept. 1st. 1910.
nids must be tiled with the Fo
llco Judge for submission to thn
council not later than I o clock p.
I other can bo efficiently and mora
economically cared for at homn.
Allopathic Medietas stnd So pry
7tb and Mam fits.
) Phono 280-W,
number of teachers I decreasing
and when thn building of chool
lis. Mopped. Authorities agree that
Ihn brat work can be done In chool
when Ihrrn I onn teacher for every ' ' " . ,tttM.(i. ... 44aii.Vaa
2b pupils ami yei tno nveragn tor.
thn K6 largeal American cltle I
over 34 pupil, per teacher, Phlla-
mu.t !o mndn for llm u rarer Individually. IC me make tour nmv .
delphla having 48. Chicago 44. HI.; ,Vrlnit lt and enjoy wrarlnjc really dUtlncilvn rlntlilnc tnllortNl ',',
Ixiul and MlUaukrn' 10. New
IVnrk 39. 1 Angelr 37, Newark
38, liattlmore 3C nnd Ivitrolt 36.
The.o average will grow much'
higher fur lh lnrnnn In nuitilMT '
of pupils cannot Im matrhed by
building now propotnd "
... FimiTiriTi r-,' J.--
' I Co a,K of my 0"",''1" Mr
Si Yo need r?.r n.m, ka ,0 drlvfi
2?slokMl Canii11?.,"1"1 wou,a
'or ,ou. ' i.M. V!w nml w'
7UU nlo tako you homo.
worn 126 vote rast, of which 95
favored bonding nnd 30 wnro op-'
Conildernhln oppoltlon had I icon
In iivldetico but recently, owing to
fear of lnmncd hue, and It was
an ugmoaliln nurprlin to tho hlgtil
hirhool pramotera to find thl op-,
poult Ion so grently reduced Tim!
fear of toslhln failure hnd spurred
all friend of education on lo win
the iiliirtlon, and tho result was
grntlrylng. '
Tho Klamnth Knlln KveuliiK Her
ald lielpeil win support to tho rnuno
by Riving spnrn nnd promlueucn to
nnwn which would I'xplnlu tho uuod
nnd low rot of tho school A form
letter wan nlso sent out by tho high
school hoard, nxplnlnltiK thing'
Mnlln wna u lively plitco Hnturdny
nflnrnoon. Tho pnrcenliigo of iimll
fled voters who showed their in
tnri'st hy voting wna over 90 per
emit, nnd tho doclshn voto aliould
bo ii giinrnnleo of huccosh for tho
now nrlinol,
' Work will nlart on tho actual con
struction or tho building within n!
fow wcoks, It Is nxpected.
MIsh Twyln lloml, founty school i
uporlntondmit, nnd C. J. Poruuson,
export bond ntlornoy woro on hand
to settle any questions and sen that
pvorytlilng wna legal nnd proper
Morris U, Johnson, deputy nssos-
fuir, nlsu wim horo, unci placed inntty
nuw nuinoH on tho tux rou ror ju-i.
In fit you prrfrrtl)' Mild to ntnln IU eitra-MiiarLnrnn during long )
romtant ttrar.
Merchant Tailor
AtH Mnln Ht.
"Serves You Right"
Come in and inspect our new
refrigeration plant. It is abso
lutely the most sanitary and best
for keeping meat. Steaks and
chops, taste so much better when
kept in this way.
We are headquarters for good
The Club Cafe
Proventlvo Surgery) Surgical casem. of tho 2gtb day of March, 1111,
belong; In a Surcleal hoaplUI. Mott J1 wnKn"m' "'" ehm-
ber In tho dtr hall, all nroDoaala
will ba opened and considered.
Each proposal must be accom
panied by a certified check on some
responsible banking Institution equal
to 5 of tho aggregate amount of
the proposal, the same to be forfeit
ed to thn city, upon failure of the
successful bidder to enter Into eon
tract and bond for thn faithful com
pletion of the proposed tmprovtr-
KUmath Fallal ment ,n fo''attncOowlth the plan
uuu .inbiiiuiuuui lucroiur. lap
I right to reject any and all proposals
i Is hereby rer ed. The award to
, tho aucceasful bidder Is hereby made
contingent upon the sale of the bonda
I that will be authorlxed for providing
necessary funds for financing the
proDOsed Improvement.
The plana specifications and esti
mates of tho city engineer provide
for and specify for the bard surfac
ing either nitullthle. Oil Macadam
or Cencrete: and bids are reanect-
i fully Invited on each class of hard
surfacing. In addition to grading,
J curbing, drainage and cement side-
Dated at Klamath Falls. March
14th. 1921. A. L. LKAYrrT
Police Judge of catd city.
March 14-34
fried in fresh
cre&mery tHtfkr
And a cup of
Good Coffee
with real
'Don't fail to read the Herald Classified Ads.
Take Home e Dcgen
ni:iUTOlF.NT OF TIIK txtkiuor
U. S. Land Office at Lake lew, Ore
gon March 4, 1031. Xot Coal Lund
Notice Is hereby given that Roy
F. Durbln whoso post-office address
la caro K. K. K. Store, Klamnth
Falls, Oregon, did, ou tho 36th day
of Juno, 1920, file lu this office
In the Matter of the Estate of Kd
na V.. Kerns, Deceaaod,
In thn county court of Klamath
county, Oregon.
Notice Is hereby given that H. J.
Mattoon, tho administrator of the es
tate of Kdna K. Kerns, deceasod, has
rendered bis final account and filed
heroin his petition for final set
tlement and discharge; nnd that Wed
nesday, tho 13th day of April, 1931,
at the hour of 10 o'clock A M at
the county court chambers In the
Courthouse ln Klamath Falls, Ore
gon, has been duly appointed by aald
court for hearing of said final ac-
'count and objections. It any, thereto
.and for hoarlng of said petition tor
'settlement of snld estate and dls
'cbargo of said administrator, at
which time and place any porson
Interested ln said estato may appear
nnd tile his exception In writing and
show causo, It any, why said final
account should not he approved and
allowed nnd tho ontato settled and
tho administrator discharged.
Mar. 15-22.29 Apr.5-13
To whom It may concorn,
Notlco la hereby given that all par
ties owing or having bills against, tho
firm of Roborta & Swindler on ac
count of work or supplies furnished
on tho construction of tbo Post Road
being built from Poo Valley to Bo
nanza must bo O KM by both of said
contractors, and all receipts for
moneys rocelved by said firm must
be signed hy both atild contractors.
. 8-lC-afr29-8-12.