The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 22, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    TUK8IWY, march as, mat.
SKATTLK, Wash. Mnr 22 - Air
planes noon will bo circling over the
Olympic Peninsula, n vast stretch of J
wild timbered country In the far.
north western corner of Washington.
In an effort to dctermtno accurately '
the dntnngc wrought hy a seventy
minute tornado which on Jnnuary 29. '
cnited what officials say wan the
greatest timber disaster In tho his
tory of tho country
Eight billion feet of lumber was
splintered or crashed to the ground
by the storm, according to estimates
inn do by state officials, government
foresters and lumbermen who visited '
tho Olympic country with Governor
L. F. Hart after the storm. The f In-j
anclal loss, they say, may be estlmat-.
cd at botwocn 1100,000,000 and i
$160000.000. State Land Commis
sioner Carl Savldge, a member of tho
governor's party estimated that 2S
per cent of tho trees on statu hold
Ings had fallen.
Timber remaining on the peninsula
constitutes tho greatest tire menaco
In the United Slates today, Mr. Sav
ldgo declared In a report. Ono cigar
ette stub, be said, might bo enough
to start a tiro that would sweep tho
area. "If tiro comes," he said, "tho
damAgo that has already been done
will be puny and Insignificant beside
that which will result."
Plans for salvaging tho fallen tim
ber and that left standing await the
rosult of tho airplane survey before
completion, Tho federal government
has been asked to provldo a means of i
entry Into the dltsrict and stato off I-1
dais expect that some use will be I
mado of the railroad by the "United '
States Sp'ruco Corporation during tho
war, running from. Fort Angelus on ,
ine eago 01 me siorra area, inio me
Intortor of tho peninsula. Present
plana contemplate giving Governor
Louis F. Hart wide latitude In direct
ing the work of tiro prevention and
opening up roads and trails. Propos
als for burning over the entire area
In tho early spring while brush and
foliage are wet thus removing the
menace of dying undergrowth have
been discussed.
No lives were lost In the storm, al
though a number of the settlers had
almost miraculous escapes. Many
barns and dwellings wero destroyed
and between twenty and thirty fam
ilies rendered homeless. Horses and
cattle were killed. A power plant at
Forks, In the center of the storm
area, was razed, and sis houses In the
Indian village of La Push, near the
Pacific Ocean, were blown away. Set
tlers have taken a measure of com
fort from the statement that any two
of the giant trees uprooted would
more than furnish enough lumber
to replace overy building damaged
by the wind.
Of ISO miles of rangers' trail and
150 miles of telephone line, not a
trace remains. The Olympic highway,
a scenic route, was blocked for miles
by uprooted trees. Roads and trails
wera pbllterated by trees plied many
feet high In tho most open places.
Reports reaching Stat Game Com
missioner L. II. Darwin Indicated
that the destruction of elk, thousands
of which roamed the peninsula, pro
tected by the law, was not as great
as was first, reported. Hundreds of
them, wero imprisoned by fallen trees
blocking their trails, however, Mr
Darwin said, and unless a way Is
found to release them, they may
starvo to death.
Outbursts of Everett True By Condon
KCGIJ Riant ON GoltvC. MtAToR eccs
LCT THS Fesuv-oW Put n Tte (vetV
YSAfc LeAl?NtM3. to CMi- OUT HS
Unit Pitlii I'roin Umli Willi 8mll
Trial IMllo nf OM "St.
Jncotw Oil."
When jour back Is aoro and lamo
Jsd Halts from nuy mllnbln pharmncy
and Inkii.n Inlilcnpoiititilt In a gins
of water liefnrn tirt'itkfntil (or a fnw
ilnys nml ymir kidney will then net
flno This famous salt I" " ''"
tin. acid of ttrnpo and lemon Julco,
combined with llttiln ami h been
used tor gonenttlnn to (lush rloggnd
'kidney and sllumulato litem to ac
tivity .also to netitinllin lli acid in
urllin so It no longer muse Irrita
tion, thus ending bladder disorder
Jnd Hrtlls In ltiipmilvo and can
not liijuru. make n delightful e((or
vtmrmit Ittliln water drink which all
regular moitl enter should lakn now
and then to keep (ho kldnoy clean
or lumlmgo. sciatica or rtiouniullm I ntiil llm blood pure, thereby avoid-
kidney complication
has you stiffened up. don't aurier
(lot n small trial bolllo of old, hon
est "sit Jacobs Oil" at -'Y drug
store, pour a lltlln In )ir hand niul
nib It right on )our selling hack.,
and by tho tlmo you count 60, the
soreness and lameness Is conn
Don't stay crippled This sooth-j
Ing, penetrating oil need to bo used
only unco It takes llu pain right
out and ends tho misery It Is mag j
leal, yet absolutely harmless and
doesn't burn the skin
Nothing olso stops lumbago, scia
tica. bachaMie or rheumatism o
promptly It nnrer disappoints'
Diamond Dye It
Like New Again package ot "Diamond Dyes"
contains simple directions to dye old.
fnded, shabby material whether
wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed
goods, any new, rich, fadeless color.
Iluy no other dro
Inn serious
- M --- mm-m '
In Nostril To
Apply Cream In NoUll
l)pcn Up Air Passage.
uiu iirwriRisi now Antil. . I.. '
your nostrils, , ,nnn J,r '
overy air passngo of Uln hl "' ' "hj
and heal llm nvollan., th
oil iiieinbrann, km,u , " '
-r my. cream ,lnli;7.
.-very cold and -nUrrl, JZ
t"""1 ","KI"" ,l Just nZ hu
What relief Vour Hogged
nostrils open right up. the air pass i
age nf your head am eer and you
can breathe freely No more hawking,
snuffling, mucous discharge, head
ache, dryness- no struggling (or
breath at night, your cold r catarrh
Is gone ,
Don't slay stuffed up' (let a small
bottln of I'.ly' Cream Halm from I
OF pjpisi
SLOAN'S l.uilmf7tTs I .
fur Wyrai,. 'o,Uv i.T1 !
ll one ansntr- mJ., m U
suits. vn Pnxlutti t.
Avrtl tdlloul rulhinr U a .
to the atllictcl Mn&&.fnrin,l,ruuutkii?,n'l
swains, ami uthcr cite nut i. r
tl.e ir.ult o( t..u,,. rfe'''
nusalnea. skin ,',4.n rf ,C'?
Ui a Urge U,, lj.
iimlril. Y.Hir .Uata7t !? J
slie-05c,70e,J iu. m
When Mltnl With Mutliur
Hrlnsr Dark-Ills llnnullful
Lustra At Dnm
Spruce and Hemlock.
It Is not difficult to distinguish be
tween fcpruce and hemlock In tho
forest, when one learns to notice the
following peints: The spruce has stiff
pointed leaves (or short needles), Its
hark scales are never bright red. and
the cones smaller than those of the
pines hang down on the branches.
Tho hemlock, on tho other hand, has
soft flat needles, often two-ranked,
that Is, growing on two sides of tho
stem, so that tho sprig has a flat
tened nppearanco; hemlock bark
scales look red, when broken off, and
tho dainty little cones stand erect on
their branches, falling apart soon
after ripening, so that no old cones
long remain on or under tho trees
where they grew. Lumber from the
two trees ruuy be distinguished by re
membering thnt flint of the spruce Is
while In color, while hemlock wood
retains Us faint reddish tint.
A trout lays a thousand eggs for
each jMund of uor weight. Uut hardly
three In a hundred hatch out, for tho
rest ot the Inhabitants of tho stream
are waiting to devour them.
8A.V FRANCISCO, Mar. 22. Hev
enty (i Just the age of Independence,
JUNEAU. Alaska. Mar 22 Alas
ka paper pulp Is as of ' fine a grade
of pulp as ever came to San Francis
co," according to a cablegram ('. W
Callahan, California paper company '
official sent to Juneau recently when
ho received samples of tho first pulp
manufactured In tho territory.
Manufacture ot pulp In Alaska Is
expected to becomo nn Industry i
which soon will rival fishing and
mining In the north. Ono mill, al
ready operating on thu Spcel Itlvor..
south of here, sent. the first ship
ments to thu outside recently, .nd
other plants are being planned. The
thousands of acres ot timber and tho
great undeveloped water power sup
ply will be used to develop tho Indus
try. Samples sent to Mr. Callahan were
front the first day's run at tho Speol
plant, whlck is bwned by tho Alaska
Pulp and Paper Co. Tho plant has In
creased Its output until It Is now pro
ducing an avcrago ot flvo ton qf
pulp a day. The pulp Is shaped di
rect from the mill to Seattle About
thirty men aro working at tho plant.
In addition to the loggers getting out
the timber-
Another plant Is being planned for
Humpback Day, on tho mainland
near Wrangell, Alaska. Application
for a waterpowcr permit for Hump
back has been mado to the govern
ment by the Alaska Development and
Mineral Company, which. It Is un
derstood, 1s a subsidiary organization
of tho Kennncott Copper Corporation,
a Guggenheim company.
IIKIIKKLKV. rat; Mar 22 Num
orlcally. tho University of California , makes or mar the fnco
Gray hair, however handsome, de
notes advancing age Wo all know
the advantages of a youthful appear
ance Your hair Is your charm It
When It
Dr. David Starr Jordan, chancellor
and former president ot Stanford
University declared In n talk hero re
cently. A. mnn of seventy Is Just In
bis prime, ho declared.
Dr. Jordan, who has Just celebrat
ed his seventieth birthday, said tho
greatest need of a man of sorenty
Is a wife.
loads the thirty largest universities
In tho United States and probably In
thu world tn full tlmo regular enroll
ment and probably In the total num
ber of persons Instructed, according
to figures rccolved horo from Ray
mond Walters of I.ehlgh University,
secretary ot tho Amorlcan Associa
tion of Colleglato Registrars.
In his statistics ot registration of
thirty American universities for 1020
Mr. Walters gave fjrst placo to Cali
fornia with a registration of full
tlmo regular students of 11,071, a
grand total of resident students of
1G,379 and a final sum total of all
pcroon Instructed of 38.901 persons
Columbia Unlvorslty, Now York, was
given second placo with 8,188 full
tlmo students.
Figures used by Mr Waltcri were
based on enrollment data to Novom-l
1it 1, 1920. only James Satton. re
corder of thu faculties here, said lat-,
or figures havo brought tho total
number of regular students horo to
12.315 persons.
Mr. Walters said California was
first In enrollment In liberal arts
and In number of women students. In i
tho total of men students It Is third.. Flush Your Kidneys Orrajtlomnlly
being oiccednd by Harvard and Mich- If Yoa IVii .Meat Regularly
Igan, and In Its law school It Is
fourth In size. Jho California summer i No man or woman who eats meat
school Is the second largest In the regularly can makn a mistake hy
country. ' tlushlng the kidneys occasionally,
' SSVH A wnll.knnwn atillmrltv II.
fades, turns gray, and looks streak-
eil lust a few sppllratlnns ot Hage
Tea and Hutphur enhances l ap
pearand a huO'l.' dfnld
tlnn'l itav rrjr1 1..-W rnunr1
Either prepare thu recipe at boron j
or get from any drug store a botth
of "W)eth's Kage and Hutphur Com- j
pound." which I merely the old
tlmo reclpo Impro ! by the addl-'
Hon of other Ingredients Thou
sand nf folk recommend this ready-to-usa
preparation, because It dark
ens the hair beautifully, beside, no
ono can poMtbty tell, a It darkens
so naturally and evenly You moisten ,
a sponge or soft brush with it, draw-:
Ing thl through tho hair, taking on
small strand at a time, llr morning
tho gray hair disappears, after an
other application or two Its natural
color Is restored, nnd It becomes
thick, glossy ahd lustrous, and you
appear year younger Adv
Kill That Cold With
ColJt, Coui!i9
T tMI llullW.. !.r . r
)ll u; . '
Oilpp In i diy
QiilnliM l-i I'Jl lim '- n 5-cl l!m .!
I.U - No Opll l-i IllSi's.
, t .' I' ! ! .'Tltw'- I ll( fill MI
i .! ' . . I
I t.v."..
UK tlll4
till .t4 !
-Vafesis U t-MI JuKit
i r Tt
ti 4f" . r- i
1 nc utner fellow t
Bank Account
PERU A I'M you think palronlilng home Industry bene
fits someone else morn than It doe YOU' Uut. oa tl
other hand who should hatn consideration wtirn 111
other fellow' do tho buying?
Everything which builds up good business here in Khv
itath Palls contributes It share tn the prosperity of
sveryhody in this community
S7? First National Bank
i forms uric acid whlcji clogs the. kid-1'
noy pores so tney slugglsniy filter
.or strain only part of the waste and
i poisons from tho blood, then vou ceti
FAIRUANKS, Alusko. Mar. 22. sick. Nearly all rheumatism, head-'
Interior Alaska soon will bo using, ache, liver trouble, nervousness,!
exclusively, homo grown and homo constipation, dizziness, sleeplessness,!
ground grain, a flour mill having , "'adder disorders como from slug
been established hero. Wheat fromcUh Nd"".
tho sovoral forms In tho Tanonn Val-1 , Ti?" moim"nl J"'1' '' 'lull ehn
ley will bo brought to tho mill anUli" ! 10k' "T '," T ""). bUM"'
tho flour w, bo sold at inland PQ,nt 1' J" tSSurTS
Horald classified ads pay you.
sago or intended by a seusntlon of
scalding, get about four ounce of
Spring Hats Will Be Small and Bright
Hero aro threa of tho prettiest and most practical of tho new spring hats. .All colorn nr
bright, moro brilliant, oven, than during proccd-ng oprings. Jado green, coppor andhl o now "sSn
aot glow" aro among tho most popular shodea. Tho first hat. a flowerod turban, Is olabornto ciioukI
for wear with afternoon frocks as well as suit. It is mado of shaded goraulum blossoms, with a row
or two of tho straw braid of which the hat Is mado showing next the face. Tho next two hats are
designed along strictly utility lines. Tho ono with with tho brim Is mado of taffeta, tho under side ?.
,DS,B I0''-010'6? W. A perky Uttlo bpw pf tho silk at tho back adds much to tl Is haUs amSr nei.'
while tho wreath' of tiny bright red cborrleo and their ieatfs softens tho lino about tho ' n
draped utraw-cioth touuo Is relieved wUU unattached crlcs and leavoa of velvet"
Falls Creamery butter which if pre
sented at our office will be cashed
"Try It Out Yourself"
' says the Good Judge o
And you will find how
much moro satisfaction
little of this Rcul Tobacco
gives you than you ever
got from a big chew of tho
ordinary kind.
Tho good, rich, real to
bacco tust6 liifits ho Ions
you don't need a frcslt
chew nearly as often. o
it costs you less.
Any man who uses the
Rcul Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
Put up In two itylct
W-B CUT io a long fine-cut tobacco
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco