The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 22, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Evening Herald
mm) 80in.u
... lMltor
-City Killiur
Published dKltr except Bunday, by
tThe Iforald Publishing Company of
Klamath Falls, nt 119 Eighth Street.
Entered at tho postotflco nt Kin
math Falls, Ore., tor transmission !
through tbo tnalli as second-class
!. -
At the Theaters
WASHINGTON. March 32 -Million
of dollars nml promises of till
Hon aro represented In tho great
lido of low nulls which In beginning
Published and Ready
For Distribution
"Oregon. Pride of the West." tho
new state book written by Krod K.
Fleet and sot to mulc by Frank II.
Itoblnfion. I Just oft the press Tho
none la published by tho Interstate
Music company ot Chicago and Klam
ath Falls.
The teut: was sung recently at tho
chamber ot commerce forum hero
and created quite a furore. Tho words
There's an empire of pep In this land
of tho free.
Where old mother Nature has smiled
with nice.
.Where waves of prosperity spray o'er
the shores
And splash thru tho windows and
Whoro breoxos aro cocktails that
thrill one llko wine,
Where tho "kick" In tho air puts a
jerk In the splno.
Where they deal out one Joy, for oach
breath that is spent.
Our Oregon, Stato of Content.
Oh. Oregon. Oregon, wldo Is your
Our hearts aro wound round cv'ry
curve In your name.
Wo call you not golden, that flavor's
too dry.
For tfio big Juicy applo of Undo
Sam's eyo,
Oh. Oregon, Oregon, peppered with
Flower ot tho Nation and Pride of
tho West
We boast ot each tree that cllmbi
upwards so high
Our love Is as true an the blue of
your sky.
The bells peal out clearer and sweet
as they ring,
The song birds boost Oregon on as
they sing,
The mountain streams bubble with
pride as they race.
The trout swim an Oregon pace.
There's an Oregon Jump In the heels
ot the hare.
The gods rushto answer an Oregon
And tho xlp Is upheld In tho Oregon
Ily that wonderful Oregon smile.
liKMJiiai or thk arsociatkd
Itlf Lt3U
Tho Associated Press Is exclusively f I"""- " ,h l,nl,' Sl,',!, v""Ti tho uto for republication of Claims ns one of tho results of tho
'of all new dispatches cre'dlted to It. I world war Tho court won oxprosslv
'" J ?l SV,dll?wf Ti"f J 'M!i created lo determine legal controxor-
painjr, huu mou iuu ui, hub. i-mm-i
Usher herein. Me between private rltticii nud tin-).
i fcUTl'.lllIl.'.ll.
TVKSDAY, MARCH US. I tJ 1 . Tho Attorney ticneral sn (ho
- ... ) amount of war claim I enormous
V. C C ! n ,hnl Indications nro tho Influx
" i-v.ta i of ruses bus nnlr hoeun Action iition
claims Involving approximately l2t.
000.000 have already boon filed Tho
ultimate ngrogalo of claims. It Is
estimated, will reach between two
and three billion dollars Tho person
nel of the Department of Justice
having charge of the dofonso of these
actions has been doubled to enable It
to copo with the flood ot now lltlgit
These war claims aro brought Into
tho court by plaintiffs having claims
against all departments of tho gov
ernment. Thn War Department has
claims Involving approximately $.'.
000.000.000. Tho llureau of Inter
nal Hovenuo now tins ponding claims
for refunds and rebates aggregating
$6,'.0. 000.000. Tho Shipping Hoard
has cancellations of contracts Involv
ing over IS50.000.000 Claims for
patent Infringement arc estimated by
the Attorney ticneral at 1 100. 000.
000. Tho Railroad Administration
has differences with tho railroads
amounting to approximately ITfio.
000,000. There arc also claims proportion
ately largo In amount arising from
tho Housing Corporation, tin- War
Hlsk llureau. and tho Food and Fuel I
Administrations, and It Is known that
there Is a largo amount of other
claims of miscellaneous character
which have not yet boon filed
In preparation for tho dlsposlM.n
ot this new business the Court "f
Claims has so cleared Its dockets that
not only pending suits but actions
based upon these war claims are re
ceiving Immediate attention and ill
cases arc disposed of as rapidly as
they aro presented. Ono of the first
and most Important cases, affecting
claims estimated at 1 100.000.000,
was begun on May 15, 1920. Judg
ment was rendered Juno 23, 1920,
and an appeal was argued In tho V.
S. Supremo Court on January 7th.
"Tho volumo of Important adjud
ications in tho Court ot Claims dur
ing tho past fiscal year," says tho I
Attorney General, "If equalled, has
certainly n!or been exceeded Smro
tho original act of February 21. 1SGG
providing a forum In which citizens
of tbo United States might hava their
claims against tho Government nd '
Judleated, tho duties ot tho Court
of Claims havo steadily Increased un
der legislation enacted from time to
time enlarging Its scope, until today
It Is recognized that Its Importance'
Is not exceeded by any other tribunal '
Every concclvablo Issuo between the '
citizens and their sovereign fount'ed !
It Is rather mi unli)tio revelry of
song and comedy entitled "Comedy
Surprises", in which Violet Mnllory
ami u omiK assistant who portrays
a country wise guy tin tho Moiulitle
vaudeville program tonight Miss
Mitllory Is a protean artist of ability
as Is shown through her soornl song
numbers, particularly "Tho Irish
Scrub Womitn", with Its accompany
ing' stories Is ono of tho most laugh
able acts In vaudeville and It till
Teol blue or sad see this act nml It
will tlrlvo all our troubles away
It Is tho general concensus of oplu
ion that Wllllnm S. Hurt Is one of
tho most popular screen stars In
flluidom. Ho Is conceded to bo the
greatest delineator of Western bad
man character that has eor boon
bioui'.ht before the public The charm
of Mr Hart's character Hat Ion of the
Western bad man Is lit tho natural
way his personality adapts Itself t
tho part ho attempts to deplr In
"Tho llandlt and tho Preacher at
tho Mondalo tonight, the second of
thn super-features to bo released by
W. It Productions Compsli) Mr
Hart Is the typical bad man nut
bad that tho latent good qualities n
tho man predominate
'emotional nrtlsto As tho daughter
who gives herself UP to n ioo..
mnrrlago In order lo wipe out "
itlieloitt debt tit her mother's. MIm
llninmorsloln Is said to present a
clnuaclorHatlon thai will Immediate
ly enlist tho sympathies of the o-1
The SoUnlok forces have given the
production it presentation which for
lavish splendor and iirusitr senium.
Is said to bo urprtaod by anv other
production dealing with a modern
A fierce bnltle of fisticuffs over it.
pretty girl In an opium den In Hliitim
In I Is only t tin of the exrllltiK opts
odes In Crooked Streets." he '
advonturtv milium o starring I'.lliel
Cl.tvton wbli h will he "" ,,,tt l IM'
Star theatre Wedln"dti
Tell our trouble- " 'be Furniture
"Tho Daughter Pays." a novel that
created a sensation on two continents
when It was first published, forms
the plot of Klalno Hammorstoln's I at
est Seltnlck picture, which Is tin
nounced as tho principal attra.tlon
at tho Htur theatre tonight
Tho adaptation of Mrs llalllo He
nolds' story provides Miss Hammer
stein with n role that allows full pint
for her remarkable capabilities as an
Spring Is coming on and vou have
the house clearing bug Well. I havo
got It. too' lets get together
"Tlio Furnisher of Itnpii) Home"
tacc Ii'owdehI EMrJ.
WJmfWiCtm H jW T
Clings Wonderfully)
The exception
ally fine flavor of
Hilvilln never
varies It's
still better, it
always pleases
lvrt tl.r i Via . vj. . ,.
imsillllKM kiwi Uiuly, Ac
Ids la the uuHi trntltW iH
Ucsum ll It pviir AmldtlljMfun,
f(.nt ixifuintd tl, i,
the totly nrw i.l4 u( j6 fl,,
Tiy I'm Pudf JoulttL
Stop Rheumatism
With Red Pepper
Ilheumatlsm, lumbago, neuritis,,
backache stiff neck, soro muscles,'
trains, aching Joints. When you In three minutes, it wirrai thn!
iorn spouthrnugh and through Froes
thn blood circulation, breaks up the
aro suffering so you can hardly get congestion and pain Is gone
around, Just try "Hod Pepper Hub"
and you will havo the quickest rollef
Nothing has such concentrated,
penetrating beat as red peppers In
stant relief. Just as soon as you apply
Red Popper Hub you feel tho tingling
lli.wl. IfI l.n,t. M.a.l. I
from red poppers, costs little at any
drug store (let a Jar at once Atmoat ,
Initanl relief await you I'm It for'
colds In chest No matter what you
have ute.l for pa'n or congestion.
don't fall to try lt-t Pepper Hub
It Can't Be Done!
It Was Done
1!..) u"d I" r there was no other lirrsd lit
in.ilUer um-il t make That was trun IIAKK
HITK put on lh market IIAKKItl. ' nvt'Sl
AND IKKIIITK MimiOlM did the l.ttslriet. bJ loitj
otl cn get loaf of bma.J Hseistnc that ttlirtosi,
Istiinr appetlilng flavor hrretnfnrn finirnl onlr in tr4
IllttdB at boron This breid Is sold rxrluiltrlr St 1st
Hex Cafe and The Matte It U also sMcd .ittlciHel; Is
Tho Hex Cafo
upon contract, express or Implied, Is
presented to that court, and In addi
tion under tho so-called Dent Act of
March 2, 1919, agreements entered
Into during tho war of an Informal
nature may bo brought to tho Court
It Is always gratifying to learn
of tbo success of former Klamath
residents. Relatives and friends of
Mamie Uoyd Wagner have been nd
vised that sbo wlll.leavo shortly for
Now York to study under tho fa
mous vocal teachers of tbo city
which has now tho distinction ot be
ing the world's musical center.
Whllo Mrs. Wagner has not lived
In Klamath Falls for about six
years, sbo was ralsod In this city
and no matter whero her musical
career may tako her, nho will al
ways bo a Klamath proudct. In re
pent years she has been In San
Francisco wbero eho has studied
wltb some ot tho best known vocal
Instructors, Including Wm. Shakes
pparo ot London and II. I). Pasmoro
of flan Francisco and formerly of
Dorlln .
Mrs. Wagner, or Mamlo Doyd, as
sho is bettor known to nil of tbo
oldor residents of Klamath, Bang
and "rccltod" for tho public from
childhood. Sho was ono of Mrs.
Don J. Zumwalt's pupils and as a
Iilgb school gril was always a favor
ite with Klamath audiences. If tho I well as all of tho other old RongHt
statements ot nor teachers may now (that sho used to sing for tho odl--bo
accepted ot tholr full value, aspiration of Klamath frlonds when
well aB the warmth with which she sho lived here.
of Claims for award of fair and Just
compensation. Tho small porcontago,
of tho decisions of tbo Court of
Claims rovcrscd by tho Supreme
Court of tho United States tnstlflc
to tho character of tho decisions ren '
dcrcd." .
Among tho claims already tiled In i
tho court aro 100,000,000 for ship-'
ping; $20,000,000 for railroad ro
qulsitlon, 2C,000,000 for patent In-1
frlngment; 12,200,000 for aircraft I
engines and guns; 12,000,000 for
transportation of troops and sup-1
I plies; and 2,rj00,000 In suits com
menced hy tho packing comixinlos. '
nor hus tho volco and tho Individual-
ity essential to a Hucccssful artistic
careor. .
Unllko many coloratura voices, I
Mrs. Wagnor'a volco Is good all tho
way down. Adcllnn I'uttl onco said
"Many can sing coloratura hut how
many can nlng 'Suwaneo River'?"'
However ,thoKo who havo hoard
Mrs. Wagnor will vouch for It tlin
sho can sing "flwnuneo River," oh
Wo will guarantee a cord of our 11 In-h Dry Hlab
Wood to produce as much heat as a cord of limb or
body wood Tho price Is much less
$7.00 CORD
Wo have plenty -f lll.OCK WOOD and are making
quick deliveries
O. Peyton & Co.
Phone 535
419 Main St.
Twixt the Devil and the Sea
has been received by audiences In
recent years, there is ovory likeli
hood that she is to measure up to
full expectations of ber old Klamath
admirers. It has been generously
Mid by both Mr. Pasmoro and Mr.
Shakespeare, as well as by others
competent to Judge, that Mrs. Wag-
Mrs. Wagner Is tho daughtor of
Dr. and Mrs. 12. J. Doyd. It Is
Hkoly that sho will como hern for a
short visit beforo lo.iving for tho i
Atlantic roast. Should sbo come
here, it is probahlo that arrango-j
ments will ho in ado to havo Kla
math people hoar hor In concert
)HbsssI kbv ijslBKi' LsBssw'swr sHHCkvrBB " ft Sv )Lam UfkW
t ' :M4UMM
O.k floors am often found In such rHy surrounding
few Imaglnn how llttln thny rost Vory few people rM"
mtich they can gut for tholr money by laying S Inch 0
over old floors
Tho distinctive modern and itrllntle appearance of a n0",'lU
wull as Its health and ram Mr t, will bo grimily Inrresifd i tj
iiso of Oak fh.orlng. Oak flooring Is rlrh and thvf'M
and li.iparts an nlr of ologanro nud reflnnmont to a liomo
. . ii.ti Fork
For porii.annntly artistic floors wo recommend '"" r.
ml Onk I'lonrltig. It Is uniform on to color and ,rl1 'ik
feet as to iiiniiufarturn and Ih of superior quality "s r ' tM
oolh rtrf.iro Is tiiisiirpassnd, and It makes an Id""
for a linatitlfiil Interior. ...
Let us know tho mI.i of thn rooms you wish n "oor ca
bo surprised nii'l plonited nt thn figures wo can nuoto
-lncli l.oiii!-llnll Forkud l.oaf Oak Flooring-
Big Basin Lumber Company
Main mill Hprlnjf "
releplmiio 1117
iA Herald Class Ad Will Sel