The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 21, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    MONDAY, MA11CH SI, l2l.
fi HI m 1 J. i!! PVW aft
Outbursts of Everett True By Condon
S"' Jn
u.-- - ir x-
v- r - . .
Oalll Card, the opera tar. Is
hown hero In her wedding dreis
hhe becaino an American cltlxen
'l her marring at Mtnncaroll to
lu. plants Homer Samuel
The Office Cat
JSSTxVm TW 15 K i V
2?xZSr JS-S ' r ' wimmv!o a
NSiK? YSI5. Pnpcer m
ff1 ! --. a.. -"tJ r.--
XbLIS- AUNT IVei (JOlMO TarV7ar,irv; laewu.
lllro Jtidgo (or ulimlwilon thp
.....ii ....i ininr limn it o clock I
m of tho 38th itny t March. 191 .
at which time, at th counsll cham
ber l tho city hall, nil tro wl
will ho opened ninl iiumldtircil
Niteli ml l'" m'im
iwutled hy certified check im some
1 ,.,.ii,i tmnhlnit institution outial
Ho ft or the mtcn'Brttn nniounl or
! tho proposal, tho i"n ' "'"f"
oil In thn city, iil'i'ii liillurn or tun
aurri'Mdil bidder to Miner n"
tract mill lioml for thn faithful mm
plotlnn of Hi" proposed Improve
meiit In iiccordnrn with tho plana
anil specification therefor The
rlKht to reject any ami all proposal.
In hereby roaor oil The award to
tho stierivi.ful bidder l herehy made
contingent upon tho alo of tho bond,
thai will bo authorUod for providing
noroMary funil for fliiiincltiK Iho
iproponoil ImpniTPinoni
, Tho plana nprclflratlntm nml tl
.nnln of thn rlly oiiKlnnnr prorUo
for ami aporlfy for tho linnl aurfw
Inu ollhor lllliillthlo. Oil Marailam
ir Conrrolo, ami hlila aro rcapoct
fully InMtcit mi oach clana of hard
aurfacliiR In nilillllon to graillnic.
rurltlnR ilrnlnaRn ami com on t ahlo-
rz r -jord
IiirrIdIi klilnoya ami Mop hlaililnr lr- JiiM riampon n nPnn.n .7 "
rltntloii Jail Hulla l liioipmiMvo. with It ami draw .7., ?' Mft tt
Imriulnna nml ninkoa n iliilinlittul of- hair. takluR om, ' , ""? j
fnrvoKCont IHliU wntor drink which Hum, by inornln, . , ,l', M
mllllona of moil nml women ako now Iiit dUaappw ." rf uJ
ami thou. Ilni nvnlilliiK Mrlou hid- pCftol, or , ' " .,rtll,fJ
noy ami blildilor illnoiuoa - AiW fjualltlfMll ,lrk ,r ll41'
" I.. ...... . ,uMj. lLl
DM SAGE TES p:1I87d;
inti mr i I fl I
l'or, o,, ,!
iirkon olMiitlfnllj 'H1 Hnatom
Ha oiiirnl INilor anil ,
l.ulro At Omv
h.h. .
Hnw.ll.. .. JJTT
Aay bmnkitiK , ,. .,,,..
flory. Itrhli.K .r..u ri. '"Vl
fi U
You tctcwT up neceoNTMc kurch
But AtneR litis, 11 Im? H-wt TO unT
AND 2-ov t3l.eAt.
Da'oil a
Hth It'll
t Klamath TbIIk. March proie.1 by tho aditlM
7?rT I1-'
c feim.
mz rk
r-r-K vr i i&a
- - J -TMWlf "t AfW IM t""t'Jt
I'ollco linlK" of iialil 'My
Starch H-J
laul O'Dowil opine that tho ton
early bird catches nothltiK but a
IIU CVow.Iim! lll.
(Metropolitan Macazlno)
Our only dliappolntment aa that
William Wlnklo wired u from hla
country place that ho wa down with
ono of his cyo attack and was In
bed with a doctor and a trained
George Ulrlch say that tho man
with plenty of sand, a wide horlxon,
and a cool head I a summer resort
all to himself.
Johnnie was tery much afraid of
the dark, but his mother had assur
ed blm that the onsets wcru watch
ins over him and he need not fear.
He .suddenly appeared In his nlRht
gown among the guests she was en
tertaining. "Why what's tho matter,
Johnny?' sho asked.
"Oh, mamma' aro yon sure tho
angels aro In my room?" "Yes,
dear." answered bis mother. "Are
thoy In my bed, mamma." "Yes, dear,
the angels aro In your bed." "Well.
mamma," cjlcd Johnnie, "they're blt
tlng me."
Father "And what 1 your reason
for aspiring to my daughter"
Young Man "I hare no reason
I'm In loTe."
Xivli Hrpalr An I'nuaI
(Sharon (I'a) Telegraph)
Dr. R. W. Malm, erangollstlc
preacher, will speak this evening In
the United Presbyterian church on
"The Worst Thing In Sharon."
One way to keep out of a scrapo
Is to ralso whisker. .
Some of our soldier boy aro still
In Germany. They're being kept
there to rceclvo the mall sent them
during the war.
Wo understand wo also have nomn
soldiers In Siberia now and thoy
can't be sent homo bocauno nohofly
In the war department knows where
Blborla Is.
Crazy Time
Strike and tho world strikes with
you, work and you workalono; our
souls aro ablazo with a bolshovik
craze, the wildest that ever wan
Groan and there'll bo a chorus,
smllo and you mako no hit; for wo'vo
gro wn long hair and wo preach des
pair and show you a dally fit.
Spond and tho gang will cheor you,
save and you hare no friend; for wn
throw our bucks to birds and duck
and borrow from all who'll lend
Knock and you'll ho a winner,
boost and you'll be a frost: for thu
old sana ways of the pro-war days I
aro now from tho program lost
Strike and the world strikes with
you, work and you work alone, for
we'd rathar yell and raise blue hell
then strlvo for an honest bono. ,
Itant and vou aro a loader, toll
and you aro a nut; 'Twas a hitter
day when wo pullod away from tho
old work day rut.
Walt and there'll bn a blowup,
watch and you'll ce a slump, and
tho fads und of these crazy
times will go tho nation's dumv.
A Pair Trade.
That's a beautiful bus,'
dalesman, all carried away
own c
mere may tx, some little tlilnic that It
needs, but that's to b expected.''
The prospect looked thoughtful,
l'lito ho brightened.
-I tell ou what I'll do," he re
plied. Til buy the llttlu thins jou
mention and jou throw In the cur. Vou
sec, I'te boucht a nocond hand ma
chine ix-foro." Cartoons Magadnr.
QUd She OM.
"How jou can taml your wife"
fprn.lln: her time at . itil an. I uTrnj.-r
tnrctlnCK ImiI in.' If I m.ti' win I'd
tell her oho (lioulil be home doing 1 1.
"I'll bo tin need If you woiil.l. IT ynu
Vne.w what kln.t of a ctxik the l"
lUnloti TraliMTipt.
Get rosults by using clas ad.
i.n -rut: ct nh mrtiT or tiii:
nrTi: or oiii.uo.n rtiu tiij:
tl NTY til KiaMATII.
In the matter of tho ttotate of
Thomas Dorrow Utiles. l)ecaed
Notice I hereby glron that by
tirtuo of an order and docreo of Iho
I County Court of Klamath ouniy.
mado and entered n tho Ind day
'of March 1931. tho undomlRned ad
I mlnislrntru of Iho Kitato of Thomas
i Dorrow Utiles, docrasod. will on and
'after tho tth day of April 1931.
'noil at ir!tato an In tho following d
a. rttiod real rnl.ito. Itunln In Kla
.ninth County. Orogun. tnwlt
Tlu K 33 1-3 fret uf Lot III ami
the W 30 IVrt of l.nt 113 III lllnrk
I 101. Mill- Addition. Klamath 1'alU.
Terms f il enh In hand Hid
dem may lix.o thwlr lUl. wlltt W '
Van Km on. attorney at law. !9
Wllllts llulldllig. Klamath KalU.
OreKon. or with thn undersigned ad
ministratrix at 8an lk. tlrognn
Oatod at Klnmath KalU. Oregon.
March Tth. 1931
Admlnlstn'rli of - Ktao nf
Thoinan Iievrnw fllo decrat
7 1 1 St I AH rtir nt law
Coiiiiuon gardou siiro, browoj Into!
a heavy ton. milphilr and alco
hol afldod. will turn gray. lritakod
and faded hnlr boniltlfully dark amlj
luvurlnlil Mliliig.tho Magn tea and
llnlphtir roctpo at homo, though, I
...mliliiannin Ail nailer wnV ! In cot
. ... ........ - "wm.
ready to mo proparatimi. im- '" i"i"'" "n iulpbt in-L
IMnn of other In "on noRini m nnr. (8 l9M. , "
a IirRO IKiiuo. m .nun irU -Hui anil nrM MOMIoii ,
rot. at itriiR sioroi, nnwn i ram. runpiei
Wyoth's Hnico
Hulphur. ,i,M,r , ,0 .
elallil II,..,.. ... .. "" H
- ' "iior III 1IB -. i
- in,W)Bi
".in ill, ...u
.H., fnt.. t -., .. .
............ nnm riiii i
pound ' thus avolilltiR a lot nl mils
Whllo gray, faded lialr I not iln-'
fill, wn all doilro In retain our
youthful appearand an I attractive
lien lly dnrknulni your hair with
U'vi-lli'a Hann and HUlPllUr Coin-
t'KOYI IV, .-
mnHl in, X.afi. '
tint ho to .u for nlui .! .'
i ..
tlllWi Rill...... .. '"
, "ora mi u,,
should obtain a mall w, .,u."'
pound, no one can toll, hecauin It Hulphur from any on dr,,
doe It so naturally, so ovenly Ynu "" It I'ka -ld trea 44,
Hot Water Each Morning
Puts Roses in Your Cheeks
Pursuant to Ordlnan
of the Common Counc
of Klamath Fall. Oregon
I hereby given that proposals will
be rcclvod by said common council
fnr maVlnr thn lmDrovnment de
signed for Fourth irt. from Kla-J
math avenue to the southerly line
of Oak avenue, Fifth street from
Klamath avenue to the southerly
lino of Willow avenue: Walnut ave
nue from tho northerly lino of Fourth
street to tbo southerly lino of Sixth
St Oak Ave. from tho northerly
lino of Fourth St to tho south
erlr lino of Seventh street.
Willow avenue from the north-
IUt !.. Moat If You J'rrl Hack
ocliy or IILmldrr 1
Meat forms uric arid wilch ei j
cltos and overwork tho kidney In j
their efforts to filter it from Oio
ivilHfn llf.rt.lar At.r ,,f Itifml limit
fV , u ."I,.?.. l,no' flush the kidney, occa.lnnally You
St" 5WSr&Ji must roller them like you relieve
fho rolwctlve termini not already , "" to'li- removing all the acd..
Improved waste and potion, olio you feel a dull
Said proposed Improvements to lMi,mlory In tho Kidney region, sharp
mado in accordance with the plans, pain In tho lurk, or sick headache,
and specifications of the city ongl- dlzzlnen. your slomarh louri. tongue
nour for either of the ela 1 11 coated and when thn weather li 1
es of Improvement mention- had you have rheumatic twinges Tho I
od In said plan and specification urn t enudy. full of seiilment. the)
and tbn ordinance orr.enng the mak-- ha , .,,. , lrrMP,j. obliging'
ng of ald proposed Improvement. " ,,. n.. a...
which .-lid Ordinance is numbered K" .Vp two or ,nrp'' "n" Aut'
a 1A M.I MMat a.lnnla.1 MM lha " I f III lltr llll.lll
nil II1H WIVs Wlllt nun uuu4 " .tO .
.... I.lav of February A D. 1931. and by To neutralize the.o Irritating acid.1
,,Lr nt ThVn. "ui 'coir.e , the mayor approved cm the 23rd day and fluh off thn body', urinous
ulogy of the car. u war . I. Fcbruary( A. 19;i. w,8 Krl a,,oul tnaT minfMnf j,,'
Thn plans and apeclfltatlons re- Halts from any pharmacy; takn a
ferred to abon are on file with the tahtospoonful In a glsn of water bo-
Pollco Judgn and with the city engl- forn breakfast for a few days and '
neer of raid City vour vMnon will then act flnn nml
to lo,ik car l ami ll on' i
n.fti'i - . - psiu; w
li tn rniuv an .mule Mil. iKh mornngifut Inlu ms-i
to riu.h from tb ittrm lh pfrvlixii
lav'i watte "Mir irmro'al..! alxl
oml tniini t',ir it ilotlni into
th lilorxL Jut ai ril. warn II Unni
Vntn lln.J a rrrtain anwoint o In
rumliuttlbln mtrtil m thn form of
libra, m the (! b. illlnk takrp curt.
(Kill an) m w itS u!lv A M,
llitpf -wrt i i14 tjair1
Inn. ! lh- o ! of ,i4
oMlnl l.,nfii I '! mtj Vfn.i,
iithrt ai l,'""l ItkWtU'K
blllmii ipflli al itiiiichcrntiil.
turn ilimiU l-tfin s"
day !- in ll liBintary uijlm a watr dnaling -l iirolitJ
p.rtun imuunt nf in.lirlll,l inttrtllt.' nrulwunfrd ! .! o.f cf
which It ant fllminit'd, faint tntln ixt
tailMitii which are tli'ii iurVr Into K
iiV4 lliough Itwi trry duU wlilth ale
InUnilrd to Mirk in only rxiorli&ui'nt t"
uitaln the loly
1 j mi want to the glow nf healthy
Llutn In ymir rlarrki. ! - yor kla
ftt rlrarrr and rrirr Km are Will to
drink rrrry mrmnir upon afluntf, t
glut f water wt a t't'xitilul
of llnvtnno phphte in it whlJi li
karmleM ttvmni nl waihln; wle
mi tc fill and t"iini f"i lh ilotnarh,
lllrr, kldnry and l.mrlt. Ihui rl'ana
ing, iwerUnin,; 'ul purifying the entire
. I . !
A nnirtrr I- jlul f lliiW yi
phitnrr.lit I.M. i twryiti
(ml ti .uflVirM 1 LmoetlMU tilth
ai map ant hot witi !, ft'1
rvl finhrni tt. .1 tm lKeJjiJv
hnl watrr .id I rotM fVfi! M
- k. 1 .l.l. mni UV Bill iNl.l
r.iiMrr tint in "" mII.UUk
y mm ltaftBt lliac!iiM"
ni l-rli U a.a r,1"1.V.,T lmpuf.l.r..0tuUfcV'J.U'U4
fiitn d' , ,
iuty of iKeir fnrUi
trr th 1 for a . 11 "-
Thn contract for making the pro
posed Improvcmentn will bo let In onn
bladder disorders dliappear This fa-
contract and thn time In which the " "" "" lh W of
same Is to be completed. Is fixed by KfP" nd lemon Jutm. combined
said ordinance for fiopt 1st 1920 w"h lltlila, and ha been used for
Hid must bn filed with the Pf- generation, tn elnnn and stimulate
Bloodhounds Hunt Sinn tfein Raiders
"There onct was two cats from Kil
kenny. '
Kach thought that was onu cat too
So they semtc hud and they fit,
And thoy growled and thoy bit,
'Till, oxreptln' thoir nails,
And tbo tips of tbolr tails,
What was left of them catg wasn't
Doc Johnson says that by clore
observation, be has found that It Is
easy to be a real philosopher If you
don't havo u personal intureHt In tho
thing that Is going wrong.
, . ' i - . -awa a a i mm m ! a. i i, mimmimm.
Falls Creamery butter which if pre
sented at our office will be caihcd
fm $5.00 CASa
nnM nntrnn a rOl CC
IZZt BUAIa rrt,
Fancy Yellow Newtowns, per box
Fancy Winesaps, per box ..
Extra Ben Davis, per box
Spilzcnburgs, per box
Sun Kist Oranges, per dozen
Almonds, per pound
Brazil Nuts, per pound . -
Rinnnnn nn n-tiin1
Maailiw. ,i,i luuaiva , .v
5Z4 Main Street
1 .25
' .30
" .15
Ilrltlsh oincrs In Ireland ard using bloodhound to track down' Sinn Fata raldtjri Id Irtland
how Tl." picture shown the dogs getting tho went from a hat dropped by a 8lnn Fetnor In a raid
un llrlllsu troops . s .
( --.H.i...-
Carry Liability
Insurance Against
Auto Accidents
.....,.. inn
wo enn wrlli) yon a policy that win i'n" , -.on, or ?'";,
a:o by riuiHon of imy ilnninijo ynu mny do to i'"' tbt v
by jour itutomolilln or truck Tho rhargo i "" '
cunnot ufford to ho wlihoitt thla form of protection
a;ii;. r..:ki:.. w"
"'llllO UUI1UIII)$( r-
...i .B'
.. Wmrt4-H