The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 21, 1921, Image 1

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Klamath Falls' First Auto Show; Lend Your Aid and Make It Grow
fflcp lEtt ening Herald
Good Roads
Bring Tourists
And Ready Cash
Mart 'Autos
Mean Better
Member of the Associated Press.
wi.miii. rH- if' ' 1,
,,., will. an nlniUllcn that ex-
i.tnnon wl'li
tf.1 elpectallnlta Th" '"' """"
IllnriUr jainnmn mn
lt tiol confined l people
i,m Ibla rli
niti r i "i" ii""'";
toim. and ,ur' "'"'unl,lr con
trlbntloK ii" '"' dlaplayed
pailas lnlrrrl in Km cara and ae
orlM otH'h "'' ltrcll-lr Hs
tujaJ B'l " "J)"t without ro
urtd Ike sdilrnaara. music. lnl"K
ita th upportunlty In got together
tub friends ami nw aequalnlaurea
lalalormal lalkfeata and '"' "th
tU rft! In Itiat carnfren way thai
eoit normal people tlkn
T4 rontraiHeea in charge of llm
iio Jlil lb"' "' " Tn' ' v
tMti) br lb" mntxtlbiipii with which
It rrocrciied ''om '"" '" words of
takeina bj Mayor W. ti. Wlloy In llm
(lo( lhi drat Uar which waa Imr
il4d tbrough n megaphona by Will
T lt who about Inn it rliwk. Clplo
Bllttally lavltad lb" ffnwil 1 vacate
tislbo rooms and lo bn sure In ni
lira Ibe nn day
)l)"r Opetie Htmu,
Major Wller ial wlanly 1'iliinatml
Uhmnr of 'bn crowd, anil hla ad
(mi in ibort Ho alnirk a happy
tote ta bti talk, however, ami a
Ytitr 'lilrM would hava b-u ap-
trKUtrd Hut h prtrrrMl lo pt"
tur abOTit UmlH. and aflir la!. I Tnn rtp-lh ,)f , Vowrll mmotra
lit for about nn mlnutra InlriHju ,(l bfnail wlnnrr from tho af:n
hi nil Hall i'tMidrnl of thn rham Unilty and lrara ihrm In 4il clr
pirofeommrrrB ai bn nrM aiwakir tumataeiai Ttm oldr.1 of thn li
Kr lla.ll likr III i t,fdt-fMor. waaLhlldrrti la a hoy ii f II yrara and
iifj krlff with hi. rrmarka lln toldjih ,ounp.t la a baby In anna All
itolt lk barninny which tirra'M lnf u-r children ar III al tirr...nt
awe Ibt dralrra nf lii clir. tili'.m, MhoopInK couch and llm moth
Urmeay makinc oattbln an aiti)rr la alo ill AcrordinK lo tbo In
iio abxb, JuilKrd b Ihn opnninc tnurh wllh Ihn alluatlnn llm Ixirrav
l!U4str and lhi dndld iIIipUt'ih! family la without financial mrini
of Ctrl oJ arcmaorlni, wai nnn of
U moil portrntlnut prrnt In thn
Hilary of Ihn city Hi alto rvnllml
U flrtt car lha' cmn In Kljmitli
ralh, brogibt In hy Harry iviti. and
t klth b and Mr I'nlli madfi
trtl Irlpi crratlriK qultn a aonaallon j noon rttilalnlna; thn flnn imlnta In
itotf lomo of tbn unlnlllatrd Tim Inifrratod iurtlonira
(ri4ai anjuliiiinn of roada. and thn' Tim mt unl'iun dlapla). wrhn(
lasorusra uf thr roada to tl.ojwaa that of thn Dunham Auto com
COBBillllly wa dlariuand hy Mr I'ati). a Htudnbakpr l.lRht HU Chaa
1111, ho min-ludrd hia addrraa wllh! ala, to which an nlnctrlcally drlrn
mai of applautn equal lo that ac-
tortM Mayor Wiley
(ln.ewl.rfk hMka.
It. C (Wabrck prnaldnnl of lha
Kuaialh totinly auto aaanclallnn.
l"fl Ibe crnwinc Importancn of thn
"loaicbll induatry to Ihn prc.ent
mi ln ln,"'",, nf Mn l,m,r'
Unc.itr Krom thla atraln Mr.
CrwaUfk qcrr.,H , , or)llnl,.
o of lb. m0 Boclatlnn and thn
ruac of tho orK.nliallon.
'erfuluiioni In olhor parla
u,lVonUn,rr 'M'lalnnd Tho
!0n r'C'", Mr "rahnck.
wn la Inilrumental In procurlnu
u i .' W",,, ro"1 tlnt- ,0A P".
nrr Information for Inurlata
llklmt for ib.. county, to loam
J" .bout II. ,c,ourcna, and ,
E7 h Mtw,l)(nT n,l' tho peo.
,.' ,0 onro,h ""n"lvoa a
'"Of "Si, y""r,y m,,m,0hl
kV..c"nc"ul0" of Mr- o""'
i Vlr " tnounlo.1 Ihn
"m ..n'h"'1 ",,,t ,h" Wl
NhWr, .,0nV" ,P"r lM" Th
CLm? ,0 ,m,v" ,n ,,vory
MoS , ' a,""' r'nll.' flmtau.
""rlttr nMneJr' ,0 hni "" "
mb.. . ," r""0-nK voloo,
6IIm thi. i. ,,"nrB,B "f Um 10
k 15. . h,,mor' Mr- ,)o'
llior, hk hlt w,,h n "how
Hon.. . "ortlned. ThU oxcon.
fe 2 1 . !-"lnton car tak.
M, .l;t(,hor8cknrdL6ht
Mi lkt Z "ow "n'tKor'a heol,"
8,81 ko .;: r,,u"" i mi of
"ro kept bu.y u or,,(r.
Head of the Wool
Growers Association
Appointed on . C. C.
WAIlllJNUTON March 31 I'm.i
limit Harding baa itrriiti to nHiit
i V llerouharlh. nf Halt Lake Citf,
ae Ifilnrnlitln COIIiliKirui rtiinmlaalnn
nr Tim Minilliiinit probably will hit
mill iii a ilny nr two, together with
that of former ("iingreaamaii Knch,
of WUironaln llAKMilmrth la prgal
ilnnl of Him National Wool UrownfV
aaanclalldii. aa well aa preeldent (if
llm National Mimlmk aeaorUtioii,
anil la a man of widespread intoreata
lln haa been lliitnraiiil by all Weetnrtl
delegations nirri that of tint atate
of Washington, and haa agreed lo r
rit llm plarr ( iiilntc
Arthur IMgar Vowrll ari-d 17
jrrart iltrl rmlrilay of numonla
al tbn U'arfn Hunt liiMiital aflrr
a ahnrt lllnraa Ilia homo wii at
Til California atrial lln la aur
rlni liy wiituw and -u imall
rhltilrcn Th funrral will bo hold
lumorrti murnlnic at to Jo o'clock
from I tin U'lilllofk iham Tbo
Ho H i: Milam will prrarh lb"
Tho Vowrll family fatiio hrrn from
Toiaa and m-HIihI firat In thn I'lno
Oroio dlatrld Tim dncmlrnt n
rr - mily nraidojml aa a tr.m.trr
st.M'i:i.i (MMivt; iiemi:
WAHHINOTON. March :i Urn
atr Hlanflrld will Iratr Now Cur
land today for Orison
Imlt ai attached, ahowlni; thn rli
Kinn and other mrchaiiUm In motion
llnnnalh Ihn rhaaala waa a larK" mlr
rnr, and almoat i'nry onraon In tho
ahiiw- room atoppod lona; nnouith In
look Into llm mirror and watch tho
lower parla of Ihn cnulnn an I othir
inn'hatilaiii whlln In mutton.
Thn battery rihlhlla wrnm rpry In
IrrpatliiK. actual demonatratlona hn
Iiik jclaroti In Ihn accnunry room,
wnrr a numhnr of nry attractlvn ri
hlblli, It btilnK oldrnt that lha per
anna who planned Ihn dlaplaya arn
arilala In Ihn hualnnaa.
I'unrh, wth a rral punch In II. and
of era wnrn anrrd all aftornnon and
ovmiliiK Tlila waa a Tory popular
cornur of tho ahoir room
l.ltnraturn prrtalnltiK lo each car
waa thnrn In abundance, and tll !
trrcat ahown In thla lltiiraturo la II
tuatratlvo nf Ihn Inton-al ahowi, by
moat of (ho people In lcnrnltin mnro
ahnOt farorllo miidnla or jinHpncllvo
AmonK Itila lltcratum arn liuic
ilroda of coplna of laal Krlda)'
Kvunlnrc llnrald, thn larRoat million
nvnr puhllahud In IliU city Thla In
nun, tho nulo ahow numhnr. con
lalna a olunni of local niitnniohllo
nnwa, nud local advnrllanm, ho rn
'ciittnUn llm aluo of Ihn auto show
to Hut community, an well am IIio
valun of plncliiK thnlr advortUInK In
nn laaun of oxlrnordlnary circulation,
nro noil rnproHimlod In It
Tho Rlrlu unlrualnd with tho tank
of iilitiilnliiK now iiininlHra for thn
auto iiaHoclutlou, did Koil work all
nfluriinon and nvonliiK-
Tho hhow ronina woro opnu thla
mornlnu, occanlonal vlnllora ilnnt
liluc In and looklnc ovor tho oxhlbllH,
but early thla uftcrnoon tho numbor
of vlaltora lucreuMid, and when tho
orchoatra boBlnn lo play, and other
feature honln to blodtn, iba crowd
Is oxpected to matcrjallio Thin ovon
Inn thoro v1ll U dnnclnK. and ovory
body U Invltud to dauco or look ou -anything
to plouso tho vhltoni
(Hpuclal to Thn llnrald)
liOltltlH. Cal . March 21. In an
ntlnmpt to reallrn thn lona; chnrlahixl
Wei to Klamath Kalla hlithway
throtiKh thla vallny. ronn'-etlna; all
Inrmluala with a aavlfir, of aomn CO
thn prlnilpal poliiLa Ixitwin tho two
mill nvnr Ihn prnaent ruulo via
Tupay. rltltPiia of D'.rrla nail other
mall tnwna aiiuth arn clarnorlnt; for
cooperation on thn part of tho Cali
fornia atatn highway aaaorlatlon, thn
Klamath County Autotnnblln aaaocla
tlnn and rarloua other orcanltatlotn
Kor aovnrul year Ihn preamnt
hlr.hway from Weed lo Klamath
I'alla via Yreka. Ilornhrook, Alter
and Topay haa been ronaldored oh
aolete and an actual detriment to
the llitereala of Klamath and Hllkl
you rounllea In that automohlln tra
vel la dlvertint from thla aectlon In
favr of Mn ford enroute to ("rater
lake and other accnlc polnta It i
rr.uix that tbo logical couran o(
thn hlrhWB) lirlwcen Word nail Kla
math Kalla la atone thn linn of leaat
rewlatancn, and at thn name time.
throuKh territory that la capahln of
auitalnlDK Reed roada during a max
imum period of thn ynar
Owlut; to thn aandy nature of thn
oil covering rn"t of thn propoa!
route rendering road conatructloa
eaiy and Inexpensive, and alan In
the fact that gradni w 111 Imi almoat
a nilnua ijuantlty. Ihoan aupportlng
Ihn movement contend lhal logic can
dlrtaln no other couran for automo
hlln traffic from thn I'acltlc high
) to thn icenlc apota that abound
In Klamath county.
Whcreaa thn prvaenl road loada
from Wrej to Ilornhrook. thencn
bark to Ager and over thn Topay
grade, making an unnecraiary detour
of aumn t0 mllra through Inrrllory
that la Inareeaalblo during many
monlha of thn year. It la polnte-d
out that numnroua tourlita leavu
their cara at Weed and enter Kla
math county by train rather than
makn thn trip around prrclpltoua
ellffa, and over rocka
Hy thn concerted action uf Slakl
you and Klamath uiuntlea It la
thought that the plana for thla now
highway may le put into action In
thn ii oar future
ator McNary haa had a conferenco
with rrealdenl Hurtling In which ho
urged aa emphatically it a poaalbln tho
Immedlato appolnlmrnt of tho ahlp
plnK board without waiting for thn
cumpletlon of tho wholn mnmherahlp.
Henatnr McNary haa liivn aaatirml
that formiir Senator Chamberlain I
rortaln of appointment, hut that I'm
aldrnt Harding haa bunn waltlnK un
til hn could vecuro for chairman tho
man hn wantnd. Sonator McNary a
aunut 1'roaldnnl Harding that tho
board waa not functioning and that
thn wholn ahlpplng of thn country,
and particularly that, on tho Woat
Coaat, waa aufforlng (rum their pur
alyala of action.
Hcnator McNary called tho alton-
Hon of tho proaldout to tho largo
numtior of ahlpa tied up, tho falluro
of tho ahlppliiK board to function In
connection with ahlpard contract
und clalnw, and tho Ronoral domoral
jxod allunllon In oVory dolnll of tho
ahlppliiK board transactions.
Upper Silesia Votes
For Germany's Rule
llKKMN, March, 21 Oormnuy
won a overwhelming victory In tho
plebiscite In Upper Silesia yentor
ilay to dutermlno tho futuro nation
ality of that roKton, uccordlnK to
tho offlclul relurna.
Two dlMrlcta woro still mlfslns
this morning but tho county khowod
K76.O0O votes for Oormany and
389,000 for Poland. Tho ploblncllo
jsunoral wan without uutoword Incl-'ileutu
HAI.K.M. Ore March 21 - At
lanat four counllca In thn atatn arn
planning (o call apodal nloctlotm In
the near luftint no Ihe rtieatlon of
ladoptlon of Ihn county unit ayntem
of admlnlatratlon and taxation for
nclioot affalra Thn rotintli-a that
havn signified thnlr Intention nf vot
ing on thn meaaurea are Denton.
Kherman. Crook and Umatilla
Tho county unit ayiteni la provid
ed under houan bill No 21 6. cnart
el at tbn recent aeaalon of the r
cntit scaalou of thn leglalaturn Thn
wyatem of admlnlatratlon provided
under thn act la already In operation
In 21 Mate It provides that In
any county In which thn act shall
beepmn effective thern shall bo thriwj
aiara of aehool districts, known aa
ily aehool dlatrlcta town aehool dls
Irlcta and county aehool dlatrlcta
I'rovlalons I rhadn for nlectlon of
iioarda of dlrectora for each of thn
dlatrlcta. each board to barn flvn
members and each district to havn
a auperlntctidcnt nf schools. Thn
county superintendent la donn away
WAHHINtiTON March 21 -An en
tlroly nnw attack on thu validity of
thn prohibition amendment, based
on the requirement that it bn ratified
within aoven years waa madn today
.In tho supreme court In a brief for
J J Dillon of Han 1'ranclico, charged
with tho violation of ihe prohibition
Thn provision was first offered by
I'riiilitnit Harding aa Mnator from
Thn aertion making tho entire pro
hibition amendment lnoicrutlvn tin
lea a ratified within mm en year, thn
brief aaaerts. ajH'clflrally violates
artlclo fleif the constitution, which
glvea Congreea no power lo Impoae a
limit on ratification, "or to other
wise attempt tn control what thn
Jeglature ahull dn '
Thn brief quotes Senator Harding
In offering the provision as having
"clearly stated that his vote for tho
resolution was conditional on this
provision being approved " And
quote Senator llorah as ha'ing rail
ed attention then to thn unconstitu
tionality of Ihe aeclion
WASHINGTON. March 21 Pros
Ident Harding suggested to Chair
man Fordney today that tho houao
waa and moans rommlttco sound
out tho scnatn republicans as to tho
foaalblllty of tho early passage, of
tho emergency tariff protecting
(armors. The committee discussed
tho proposal at length hut reached
no conclusion . Tho president In
dicated ii deslro to avoid an em-
barKO and to limit tho bill to a very
few Items, Including wheat and
Archdeacon Watters
To Conduct Easter
Episcopal Services
For tho first tlmo In tho history of
Klamnth Falls and perhaps of south
ern Oregon, Kplscopnllan sorvlcos
will ho conducted horo Kastor Sun
day wltti n vostod choir Archdeacon
Van Walter of Portland, will con
duct thu Knstcr sorvlro and also n
service on Oood Friday. All sorvlcos
will bo hetd at tho Odd Follows hall'
The archbishop will arrive horo
tho middle of tho week. A futlor pro
gram o( the sorvlcos will be announ
ced later.
At tho Kaater morning service the
mombors of thn Masonic ordor and
Kulghta Tomplur will attend lu a
Klamath Bridge
Bids Up to Road
Commission Apr. 5
llula for approximately 31 miles '
t paving and 85 rnllcs of grading
and graveling will bo opened by the
ainiii highway commission at Its
meeting In Portland April B.
Klamath county bridge bids will
t rccolvnd at follows Mrldge on,
tin. Klamath Palls-Lakcvlcv high-,
way, onn hrldgn ovro tho Altamnnt
canal, one overhead croaslng of tho
Htrahorn railway near Dairy,
(iradlng and gravollng- will he
iwi. j ii. lu'ia. 111111117. ..IWIll.rui ,
I'nlon and Wallowa counties Tho
paving Is all Pacific highway work'
In Douglas. Joanphlne and hannl
Knur young men. accused of hur-J
glarlilng Ihn Qolgley camp store on)
thn McCormlck ranch Friday night.
taking a quantity of groceries and
other supplies, wnrn arrested by
Sheriff Lloyd Low yesterday and nro
now In Jail here awaiting their
hearing before Justice of tho Pcaco
(laghagen Tbn men. Chris Raw.
K M Oentry, C W Oontry. and W
(I McCarthy, were found camping
in tho brush along thn sldo of the
lake near tbo Qulgloy camp. They
are said to bv residents of Kugcnc,
nr vicinity .and rango In ago from
18 to 23 yeara The two Gentry's
arn cx-scrvico mon.
Tho men admitted thulr guilt to
tho ahorlff. Thoy wcro broko and
hungry, and evidently tailored they
would be In bolter circumstances In
jail than In the woods trying to
evado tho authorities. When arrest
ed, they looked like bandits, re
volvers being strapped around them.
and their general makeups carrying
out the appearanco so well-known
in motion pictures.
Tho many friends of Mrs Ilirhard
Shore Smith were saddened at tho
announcement of her death, which
was recuUed hero Sunday Her death
occurred In the Chase Diet Sanltar
turn, lxs Angeles, Friday, In which
Institution sho had been a patient
for several wicks. The remain will
bo taken to her homo In Kugone,
where tho funeral will bo held to
morrow The deceased was the daughter of
thn lato Thomas Hendricks, tho pion
eer banker of Kugene, and had a
wide circle of friends throughout the
state, for the Hendricks home was
tho social center of man) of tho stu
dents attending the university. About
twelve years ago sho married Klch
ard Shore. Smith of this city and
came here to mako her home. Her
charming personality and cheerful
disposition quickly won for her the
affectionate regard of everyone who
met her. After a few yeara residence
horo Mr and Mrs. Smith went to Ku
gone to make their home, and have
lived thore over since. Tho deceased
Is survived by her husband, little
daughter, her mother and ono sister
Well Known Young
Couple Married
A very pretty homo woddlng was
solemnized last Saturday evening at
thu rostdenco of Mr. and Mrs. K. K.
Mageo. whon Miss Norma Propst be
camo tho brldo of Ronald K, Jef
tors,, son of Mrs. Mageo.
Rov, E. P. Lawrenco read the
beautiful ring coromony In the pre
sence of a fow relatives and friends.
Mrs, Joffers Is a graduate of thn
local high pchool and la employed
by the Western Union company Tho
groom Is a mechanic and has lived
In Klamath Falls about ton yoars.
Dvtli arc popular young peoplo
with hosts of friends to wUh them
much hnpplnosB.
N 1
1 1 1 1 a a mi 1 1 n 1 1
Anumtri oil
Another oil prospecting corpora
tion was formerly launched Sat
urday ovenlng when stockholdor.n of
tho Northern California OH com
pany, which haa been In oxlstnnc
for ssveral months, organlxed and
otoctod offlcnra.
K D Johnson Is president of thn
company; It. C. Oroesbeck, vlcc
prcaldenl; It H. Dunbar, sacrelary,
and O. D llurke, treasurer. Tha dl
rectora arn Capt. J. W. filoaaams,
Karl Whit lock and W. C. Lehman.
Tho Northern California Oil
company and the Crater Lake Oil
and Oaa company, rcconlly started,
hare thn aupport In common of lo
cal Investors and will carry on their
buslneaa more or less In common.
W C. Lehman la managor of
both companies and when active op
erations start will have an office In
Merrill and thn Northern California
wilt drill about alx miles south of
Merrill on thn Churchill lands,
whoro thoy havo a leaae of 1000
Derrick timbers for tho Crater
Lake's rig ara hero and tho North
ern California timbers aro ordered.
Tho derricks will bo erected colncl-
dently by an experienced Califor
nia contractor.
It. C. Grocabeck. attorney for the
Northern California company baa In
structions to file application with
the state corporation commissioner
for tbo sale of stock, Tbo company
la capitalized for $100,001.
Two Arrested In
a Booze Raid; Still
And Mash Seiststd
Ob, Wulllo brewed a peck of maut.
And Tammas cam to bide a wee.
But Henry Wilson cam along
And klcklt all their plans agley.
Somo 75 gallons of mash, ten gal
lons of homo-browed liquor and the
distilling outfit wcru soiled Saturday
night when Chief of Police Wilson
and Patrolman Durham raided Wil
liam Carroll's homo at 39 .Main
street and arrested Carroll and
Thomas Capner. who said ho waa a
visitor. Tho still waa In operation
on top the kitchen stove when tbey
entered, thu police said. Carroll Is a
married man. He Is employed off
and on in local restaurants.
The chief searched the house In
which the stllf was found after Pa
trolman Tom Durham bad failed to
secure a search warrant from District
Attorney llrpwor. Tho chief's Infor
mation regarding- tho exlstcnco of a
still was so positive that ho felt jus
tified In his procedure. Entering the
house, he Informed Carroll that ho
had positive Information relative to
the still, and Carroll, without at
tempting subterfuge or evasion, con
ducted the two police to tho kitchen,
where the still was In operation.
Carroll and Capner will be glvon
a hearing before United States Com
missioner ilert Thomas, at an oarly
Spokesman for the puckers emploos
today presented their side of the ills
puto over wagea and working condi
tions at a conference with Secretary
Davis. ThU preceded a joint confer
ence at which Secretary Hoover of
tbo department of commerce, and se
cretary Wallace of tho department of
agriculture, sat with the labor aocro
LONDON. March il. Austin
Chamberlain, chancellor of tho ex1-
chequer, was elected leader of tho
unionist party In tho house of com
mons succoodlng Androw.jjonar I-aw
who retired last wcok.
WILLIAMSON. Va., March 31.
Sidney Hatfield and fifteen other
Mutowan residents, tried for killing
Albert C. Felts, private detective In
a mrum battle at Matewan, last May,
were acquitted by a jury today,
t i