The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 19, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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I'Anrc two
The Evening Herald
R X MUIlltAY. lMltar
FllKD SOUMJ . .-City IXUtor
, Published dalty .except Sunday, by
The Herald Publishing Company ot
Klamath Falls, ot 119 Eighth Stroot.
Entered at tho postofflco nt Kin
math Falls, Oro., tor transmission
through the malls as second-class
Tho Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to tho use- for republication brdny afternoon, this visit bolng In
01 mi nows aispaicues tinmcu iu .,
or not otherwlso credited In this
paper, and also tho local nows pub
lisher herein.
HATUltOAY, MARCH 10, tl)2l.
Mrs. Fred Cofcr was hostess to tho
Ten Cup club nt her homo Thursday
afternoon, refreshments, needlework,
and gnincs making tho ntternnon pass
very pleasantly tor the thirty mem
bers who wore present.
Dr. Morryman's mother, Mrs. John
Murrymnn, who leaves tho first of
I tho week to reside In Portland. Cards
wore played at three- tnblos, and a
luncheon was served. Those Invited,
boshlcs tho guost of honor, woro Mrs,
I Churlos Wpod Kberloln, Mrs. A. M.
Tho Loyal Women of tho Christian
Chlirch Sunday school unexpectedly
called upon Mrs. K. Dice, nt tho home
ot hor daughter, Mrs. 13. J. Mayor,
Warden, Mrs. W. O. Smith, Mrs. Thos.
Hampton, Mrs. Silas Ohonchnln, Mrs.
B. W. tlowon, Mrs. Davo Campbell,
Mrs. S. T. Summers, Mrs, 0, D. John
son, Mrs. Lewis (lorbor, and Mrs
tho nature of n fnrowell party, as' Krcd Mills.
Mrs. 11 1 co will soon leave for South- Tuesday evening, Miss Maud Hold''
cm California, and about tho first ot ' win entertained nt brldgo for a
April for Nebraska, whero sho will re-J smnll brldgo club ot which sho Is a
main Indoflnltoly. Mrs. Hlco Is al- member, tho husbands ot tho, mom
ways an attondnnt at Sunday school, ! hor i being complimented guests,
and hor cheerful help has como to bo' TLoso present woro Mr. and Airs. G.
(Southern Pacific News Dureau)
Tho gcnoral public of tho Pacific
coast has been slow to form a def
inite, opinion upon tho controrcsry
between tho raldroads and their em
ployes, now being aired boforo tho
railway labor board at Chicago. Tho
pcoplo In tho west havo felt at first
that tho dispute was of no concern
them, but now that, tho testimony
placed boforo tho railway labor
board Is being carried In press dis
patches, tho public Is better ablo to
sco why the railroads wish to ab
rogato the war-tlmo natjonal agree
ments with all railroad employes, In
favor of tho former method by
which each Individual road negotia
ted with Its own men according to
local conditions. Tho statement
has been made that abolition ot the
present agreements would mean a
saving of $600,000,000 In labor
costs without reducing tho wago por
hour. As a result tho progrcs ot
tho controvcry Is being watched with
Increasing Interest.
A case cited boforo tho labor
board as Illustrating the working
of the rules established under., fed
eral contra,', shows that tho rail
road in ono Instance was compelled
to award each man ot a wrecking
crpw 13. hours pay during which no
actual service was performed.
At regular and extra rate the men
received 37 hours pay for ser
vices all performed within 24 hours.
' Of tho 24 hours for which they
received 37 V4 hours pay tho men
were off duty asleop for 11 hours
and were riding and eating for two
hours while receiving pay.
Under a related rule as to wreck
ing crows, claims aro constantly
made by men who do not actually
accompany tho crows, but assert that
according to tho rules tbey should
have dono so, and therefore aro en
'titled to pay.
In a great many Instances it Is
entirely unnecessary for .all room
bers ot tho wrecking crews tojgo to
.rocks, and tho railroads contend
bat they should not bo subject to
claims for wages for work not done
and from men not actually sent to
wrecking service.
Under present classifications rules
of the shop crafts, such labor wast
as Illustrated In the following case
is reported by tho railroad execu
tives as of constant occurence:
In order to change a nozzle tip
In the front ond ot a locomotlvo it
Is necessary:
To call a bollormaker and his
helper to open tho door, because
(bat Is bollermaker's work;
To call a pipe-man and his help
er to remove the blowor-plpo be-
bauso that Is plpe-mens' work; and.
10 can a macninist and bis help
er to remove the tip, bocauso that
Is tho machinist's work. .
Tho samo three forces must bo
employed to put in the new tip.
Boforo federal control a machinist's
helper or any handy man put In noz
zle tips alone.
It Is by cutting out this dupllca
ton of-labor that the railroads ex
pect to economize.
depended upon when making plans A. Krauso, Mr. and Mrs. William
for charity and kindness. To show Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. K. T. I.uddon,
their lovo for Mrs. nice, tho .women , Mr. and Mrs. It. B. Wright, Mr. and
Tell youT troubles In tho Furniture
The U, 8. navy recruiting station
at Portland, Oregon has recolved
word from the navy department at
Washington, D. P. to start first en
listments again. Only desirable
young men of 18 years of ago or
more are desired, Enlistments will
be for a period of four years only.
Any one Interested is requested to
call at or write to the U. 8. navy re
cruiting station, 2Q6 Dekum build
ing, 3rd and Washington streets,
Portland, Oregon,
presented her with n beautiful ro
membrnnco. Refreshments wcro
served nt tho closo. ot an attornoon
spent In pleasant convocation.
A very cnjbyablo attornoon was
spent by a numbor of ladles at tho
homo of Mrs. A. M. iVordon Wednes
day. Brldgo and refreshments wore
enjoyed. Those present woro tho
Mosdames S. Obcnchaln, 1. W dow
cn, h. Gerbor, J. $. Elliott, Klpp Van
Riper, Thomas Hampton, Henrietta
Mclhaso, and Guy Mnnntng.
Miss Joscphlno Low, of this city,
becamo tho brldo of Mr. Rex W. Mc
Millan, ot Los Angolcs, at n very
pretty wedding In tho First Congre
gational church of San Francisco, on
March 3. Tho Reverend Mr. Jordan,
pastor ot tho church, performed the
ceremony, and John Siemens nnd
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Hosklns were tho
witnesses. Mrs. McMillan was a very
popular member ot tho younger so
cial set here, having been prominent
In musical circles. Sho studied Volco
culture In San Francisco sovoral sea
sons. Recently, sho was employed
by tho First State & Savings bank of
this city. Mr. McMillan Is tho son ot
Mr. and Mrs.-F. W. McMillan, who
reside In Santa Ana, California. After
spending their honeymoon traveling
In Southern California, tho young
couplo returned to Weed, whore they
will reside. Tho best wishes of all
their friends accompany thorn on
their matrimonial Journty through
Tho fund for helping needy ox-
servloo men will bo tho benoflclary
of a card party which will be given
at the White Pelican hotel Wednes
day afternoon, March 30, by the
woman's auxiliary ot tho legion. Each
member ot the auxiliary Is expectod
to Invito enough players for a tablo.
The party will bo. In progress from
2:30 to 4:30.
Tho La Solreo club will bo enter-
talnod by Miss Fay West at her home
on Soventh street tonight. Officers
of tho club will bo olected during the
Tho Art Needlo Work club enjoyed
the hospitality ot Mrs. Ellen Lalso
Plol at her homo at 421 Oak street
last Wednesday attornoon, tho occa
sion bcln a regit. ar meeting ot the
club. As tho meeting was held so
closo to tho 17th ot March, It was
decided to feature it with St. Pat
rick's Day observances, Tho tables
were profusely decorated with sham
rocks and ferns, and sovoral ot the
afternoon's diversions partook of tho
essence of St. Patrick's Day. Mrs.
W. P. McMillan was a guest of tho
club, and tho members present wcro
Mrs. R. E. Wattenburg. Mrs. R. II.
Dunbar, Mrs. George Wlrtz, Mrs. J.
F. Geoller. Mrs. C, M. Ramsay, Mrs.
S. E. Martin, Mrs. Charles Martin,
Mrs. E. 8. Phillips, Mrs. E. P. Law
renco, and the hostess.
A number ot tho friends of Mr. and
Mrs. James J. Davis called upon
thorn at their homo at 1212 Oregon
street yesterday afternoon, and help
ed them to happily obsorvo tho 40th
anniversary of their wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young and son,
Dernsteln, wore tho gueBts of honor
nt a dinner party given Tuesday ovo
nlng, nt tho homo of Mr. and Mrs.
H. Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. M. A.
Callaghan, with tho guests of honor
and tho hosts, comprised. tho party,
Tho Urldgo club was entertalnod
by Miss Maud Baldwin at her homo
on South Rlvorsldo street Thursday
afternoon. Mrs. Oscpr Shlvo wan a
guest, of tho club, and tho mombers
who attended wero Mrs. Don J. Zum
walt, Mrs. Chariot) Y.. Stono, Mrs.
Will Baldwin, Mrs. Clarence Under
wood, Mrs. W, O, Smith, Miss Bald
win, and Miss Marie McMillan. Mrs,
Stono made 'high score.
Mrs. Oeorge H. Morryman enter-
muiou jriuuy miernuun in iiynur oi -
Mrs. Oscar Shlvo, Mr. and Mrs. Clias.
Roberts, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. O. Smith,
nnd Dr. nnd. Mrs.. Morryman. Prizes
woro won by Mrs. It. B. Wright, nnd
Oscar Slilvc. Refreshments was served.
I l
In buying furs It Is difficult to
advlso between coats and wrapt
because they serve quite different
purposes, th latter being alto
gether formal. Illustrated Is a
beautiful mole.-ktn that Is one ot
the most aucccssfuul compromlre
between wrap and coat. It Is In
three sections, each gathered a bit
(o a foundation with a great, very
graceful collar and-largo slooves
that end In a wldo band effoct-
No ono need suffer from slreop
losiness any longor. A dovlco has
been invented which, It Is claimed,
will send tho worst cqse of Insomnia
to the land ot nod In a tow minutes.
Tho medicine, which in uppearance
is rather complicated, consists of n
number of discs which, when tho
starting handlo Is moved, rotato In
opposite directions. All that tho suf
ferer has to do Is to kcop his oyes
on the discs as thoy turn, until af
ter a short jpell ot watching ho grad
ually sinks Into a sound sleep.
In 1901 England wroto for tho
first time tho modern flro, theft nnd
public liability lnsuranco on com,
morclal vohlcles.
LEXINGTON, Ry., March 19.--Diversification
ot crops and cropping
systoms whereby tho south may more
nearly sustain Itself aro necessary,
nccordlng to Dean ThomaM P. Coopor
of tho state college ot ngrtculturo
horo, who rocontly wuh cbosun presi
dent ot tho southorn association of
agricultural workers. Tho fnrmors
also should got n largor percentage
ot 'the vnluo of his crops nnd u credit
systom that -fits agriculture adopted,
ho said.
Tho south, Denit Coopor said is
moro nearly organized under the
county ugqnt system than any othor
part of tho country. A groat dcnl
ot oftoctlvo work has been carried
on, ho said.
Speaking of tho work being at
tempted In tho south, Donn Coopor
"Tho association ot southern agri
cultural workers was organized 21
years ago. Its momborsnip compris
es tho loaders ot agricultural work In
tho agricultural colleges, exporlmont '
stations, extension divisions, com- (
morclal concorns Interested In ngrl- j
cultural progress and agricultural I
representatives ot tho great trnnrt
portatlon systems In tho several I
southern states. J
"Tho object of tho association hni
ben to unify and coordinate agri
cultural offort particularly to bring
about greater coordinate agricultur
al effort particularly to bring about
greater cooperation In tho oxpcrP
montnl and Investigational work In
tho exporlmont stations. Its result
Is tho conservation ot funds thoroby
enlarging tho opportunity for effoc
tlvo work nnd broadening tho field
of activity. Its studies, reports nnd
conferences embrace tho field of ani
mal husbandry, crop dovolopmont and t
tho various economic nspects of II-
minco, marketing nnd tonancy ni ro- I
latcd to tho farm problems of tho '
"Tho, county agent systom ctrrlft '
tho Information dovelopcd by tho ox J
pcrlmenl stations of tho agricultural
colleges and by tho department ot
agriculture to tho farmers of tho
state. Tho south has mora nearly
organized tho agricultural counties
for county agent work thnn any othor
section of tho country. A grout
amount of effective county work had
been carried on through tho county
demonstration agent beforo tho pas
sago of tho Smlth-Lovor act In 1914
and Its conllnualico has resulted In a
great awakening.
"Programs of diversification for
farming, soil building, live stock pro
duction and bettor living conditions!
on tho farm havo given an Inpotus to
a bettor agricultural wealth. War
Kodak Finishing
Films rocolvod before f P. M,
ready tho noxt day '
nt 5 P. M,
All Prints Mndo on Volnx
Wo 1K( ICiilnrglnit
arid everything for the am-
tour photographor
liuxtiiiftn Autographs unit
N. O.
Star Drug Co.
Fifth and Main Sts.
If the Wood Dealer
Sold Service
Do do not sell current; wo sell service. That sounds odd
doesn't It7 -
Well, nuppoHo tlio wood dealer sold iiervlro Instead of wood, ho
would tend to jour furnurr and jour rnnge, lake nny the iwhea
nnd clean tho flues. You would buy so murli hrnt.
Now joii buy m murli Unlit, nttliougli you pay ncronllnj; to the
current jim roiiMiini'. Hut tho servlro In perforated wou jou by this
rompnr))- nt tin) subatnlliiim nnd power phuitN.
That l Hlmt wo want to (jlvo jou efficiency service It Is tho
aim of tliU roinpnny to hnvo none but satisfied customers. No
matter what It In, If you havo n Rrloviyire, or nro dissatisfied nbont
jour bill or do not understand our rate", plenso como and seo
us or vrlto u nbout It.
If'jou lino any HiiKKrMlons to nmltc, we will glady nvnll our
sclvr of them as our iilm It constantly In liuprovo 6ur service to
you nt taut as tho dcwlopmrut of science nnd human ability permit.
Caliiornia-Oregon Power
conditions with tho accompanying
high prices and demands affected
cropping systoms until too much at
tention was given to tho monoy
cropa, such as cotton and tobacco,
Present markot conditions, with their
accompanying tragedies of loss, In
creased Indebtedness and greatly Im
paired buying power of tho farmer,
again point out tho nocosslty of the
maintenance of diversification and of
cropping systems by which tho south
may moro nearly sustain Itself and
thd Importance of the continued do
volopment ot tho llvostock Industry."
French cooking Is not what It used
to ibo, complain many visitors to
Franco. It Is becoming mora and
moro difficult to find apprentices
for tho pastry trade.
New Home Restaurant
323 MAIN ST.
Say if your wife can't cook, don't get a
divorce. Come down to New Home and get
a real dinner.
Special Sunday Dinners
Chicken and Everything
Keep the Home Fires Burning
Hi:i:i AUTO HUPl'LY CO., I
lltli Ht., near Main. Phono SDH-J
1 (TirzL
tV7 fresh
creamery bvfkr
And a cup of
Good Coffee
with real.
Horoaftor Tho Ilornld will publish
tho moan and maximum temuura-
jtures and proclpjtallon rocord as tak
en uy iuu u. n. iiuciuniniiun service
tatlon. Publication will covor the
day previous to tho papor's Issuo, up
to C o'clock ot tho day.
I Mar 1 ....
Mar 2 ...
, Mar 3 ....
Mar 4 ....
Mar 5 ....
Mar 3 ....
Mar 7 ....
Mar 8 ....
Mar 9....
.tar. 10....
Mnr. 11....
Mar 12....
Mar 13....
Mar 1 1....
Mar in....
Mar 17....
Mur 17...
Mar 18. ..
bvtfhnufs 30 f
DprhiK In coming on am you have
tho house cloarlng bug. Well, I have
got It, (oo lot's got together,
"I'lio PtirjiUlicr of Hniipy IfonuV
. 17tf
Taitfs enemy
-111 say it is!
J7DEH yeo wnt oobt eom
fortlnc rlUf from tat
'lUrnti" Pln. um ttloan'a
liniment. JtdocthJobwlth
out Ulnlnr, rubblnr. bandtg
Inc. UMmbforrhanmatlun,
ninnbrla. achea and cslns.
prtlnsand stnlu, btckaCho,
CMS. . Bwr
lsM; At ail I