The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 19, 1921, Image 1

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    """Wily ..
Klamath Falls' First Auto Show; Lend Your Aid and Make It Grow
mt gunning BralU
More 'Autos
Mean Better
Good Roads
Bring Tourists
And Ready Cash
Member of the, Associated Press.
z'j. , . e
FlftwntJi Yroir. No. IJ07H.
A big auto parado, In which every
ear owner In the elly Is nuked (o take
part, will Un hold hnrn tonight at
0:30 to help advertise tho auto ahow
which will open tomorrow afternoon
in the Acme garago on Sixth street.
If permission can be obtained from
the city official, another parade wilt
Immediately precede the opening of
the ibow, and cart In both parade
will earry banner and ilgni that will
herald the arent In glaring term.
The Acme garage I almoit ready
to recelre auto how visitors, In
remarkably abort time the dealer
hare perfected all arrangement, and
when the dimension of the Acme
garage are taken Into tomlderatlon
It U erldont thai tho men entrustod
with the work of getting It ready for
the ahow did not deep nt any time
during the hours they war employed.
Care, reiptendent and Irroilitably
attractlre, hare been Installed In
booth, the ahow room of the garage
baa been converted Into a wall ar
ranged accessory exhibit room, the
band itand baa been placed In posi
tion, tbe danelng floor haa been made
lit for dancing, and In a word every
thing I Jmt about ready to "ahoot."
Of eourse tlnre are a number o(
little detail to be taken care of, but
tbe blgRost part of tin- work ha been
done, and visitors at the ihow are
nsnured that everything norearr
for their Information, convenience).
Japan Will Stand
Firm on Mandate
Declares Minister
TOKIO, March II. Japan will
atand firmly on her mnndato orer
tho Inland of Yap, tho Diet com
mittee wn told today by VUoount
Unhldn, forolgn minister.
Ho laid Hint Jnpau was doing
everything possible to prevent the
pannage In other atatea of the
United States of laws almllar to
those passed by California.
Ten members of the Japanese
house of representative will rlslt
America this summer.
MARCH 1, io2I, ' J-
1 I
llllnm i
H. McCharles, working as n can
penter with, tho Callfornla-Orogon
l'owor company'a construction crow
on the Algoma lino, died euddonly
yesterday afternoon from heart fail
ure. Ha had eaton lunch and was
on his way baok to work. In the
rear of the other muu. Apparently ho
was ororcome with a. hoart solzurn
while climbing a hill end sat down
to rest. He collapsed and dlod with
in a few minutes. Others, missing
him, came hack nnd found the body.
The dead man waa 71 year old.
lie came from Copeo last aummer to
work for the powor company hero.
Ho was severoly hurt In the Houston
liotel botol flro last Sop torn hor ami
had done no work until about n
month ago. Ha was well-known In
Yri'Ua where he formerly llrod.
A dauishter. Mrs. It. U. Tiller r-
and pl.sauru will bo thore. oven to lIdoi al Klrkvlto. Missouri. An
the oitabllshment of a rest room fori other daughter. Mix Mo
ladles and babies. And. thoro will riiarloiruVe. -at Fortune, whero a
D no cnargo lor aamission your
money wont be worth is much a
German currency at this show. It's
This will be Klanuttb Falls' first
auto ahow, and the doa)nrs who are
behind It unanimously, and tho auto
association also, are amloiis to "put
It orer big." It will moan a bigger
and better one noit year, and the In
flux of visitor from other parts of
the county, In the estimation of the
dealers, cannot do nlliorwUa than
benefit everybody In tho city.
The rain and snow of yoslerday
and the day before failed to soften
"Transportation la tho largest
problem In any city or commun
ity," says M. A. Callakban, head
of tho Chamber of Commercu
traffic dopartmont. "You hear of
good roads for autos, for business
and for tourists which Klamath
Kail neods, and which, wo will
get In tlmo, but wo need hotter
freight and passenger iwrvkso and
can got thl qulckor by organized
effects and wo nood. cheaper
frolght and passongcr aorvlco
which Is tho very Ilfo of ovory
"Ily roduclng frolght rates to
Svhat thoy should bo, wo do mors
for tho pooplo In gonornl and
for tho business men of Klamath
White Population of
D.if r r of nt
M UfCCUflU MB 40 1, VOl
1920 Census Shows
WASHINGTON, March 19. Tho
whtoi population of Portland, Oro
Ron, In 1920 was 252.961, tho con
iitti bureau announced today. j
Tho city had 1846 Chinese. 1700
Japanese, 1GS6 Negroes anil 210
Indians, Filipinos and rfihn. I
i-1- '
Following Is a list of men
want roducod frolght rates:
Andonion Ilros., Ilaldwln Hard
Warn company. C. II. Jlrown. J.
II. Chambers. Central Outfitting
Co., w. C. Davenport, Danner
I'atty Motor Co., Duffy Co., Elec
tric Shop, Kndora & Co., Evans, !
Halln, and Lucas, First National j
bank, C. II. Johnson ,L. Hoagland,
O. M. Hector, J. E. Howie, Hous-i
ton & I'holps, L. N. Haines, Har
Tim i.nrn. ..,.,. ...'. .. I Thoro Is ono class of dcodIq who
I -..- ..u.uu auiiiuui'cii mat mo',. ... .
'Chlneso population had decreased , haV0 T . tho 8,ump ,n rlee" ,n
""ifrom 38G3 In 1910. Uract,caI way practical in fact
illirmirn nin
nnuintn nib
that it is tho gonoral opinion among
them that tho heavy burden of
dobt now being carried will be
wiped out within two years. This
j class is tho sheopmen of this sec
tion. "Dick" Lacoy, one of the
best known of tho sheepmon In
this section and one of those who
was hit tho hardest, Is in the city,
and bo Is not down-hearted nor
down cast. "Tho snoop men," said
Mr. Lacoy today, "ore going to
como out of their difficulties all
DOItltlS. Cal., March 19, Evorv
: Uros., Hlrvl Baking Co.,rfrrl ,s belnE Pai ,ortn br c'Hwns
Publishing Co.. Wnr,. ' of ItoTTla and surrounding vicinity
Hunt hospital. D. A. Konyon. Kln- ! rm.ak U, "; v Sunday, 'r,eht. This year the average sheep-
rauwi i-ncxing un., ll. i", Lewis, C.j ' """ success.
Ii. McWIIllams, L. G. Vnn nollan,Tho con"nlttoo In charge has docldod
' -linston Furnlturo Co., Klamath, "pon n p,cco of 'wrltory near tho
ush crocorv. II. N. Mon. n r "arry Mitchell ranch for tho Sun-
Falls and Klamath county thnu Loronz. E. II. Lawrence, J. T .' dar'M,r'T0- Automobiles and other
any other ont thing that can ls Perkins, J. B. Swnnson. Hiuumil vohlc,c" wl11 lo used to carry drl-
done. It Is a matter In which tkof grocery, VnnIco Hros., Iloborta vors ,rom Uorr, "! thoso who como
nanies, w. II. Hoss, K. Sugar- '" "'"" '""s on tno train to
muu, mat wrus v. wniiman Drug' -..v. v.i ulluu. ttcarir tu.uuu
Kwhole county should bo vitally Jn
"We nro paying too much
freight charges on everything re
ceived at Klamath Falls and the
Southern Pacific company has pro
mised tho traffic dopartmont of
Klamath county chambor of com-
morce a roductlon In frolght ratw
nut how soon wo will got thla re
duction Is up to each and every
man and woman In Klamath Falls
and Klamath county. Each sup
port tbo traffic buroau to ..tho
limit, find out what tbolf foright
rates should bo and bolp get a
raouits navo boon exterminated In
this vicinity during past fow weeks.
Personal Item
Tho billiard hall formorly conduct
ed by Messrs. J. F. Etherldgo nnd
rates, on first, socond, third and!13, A' McCollum on Main street has
Co., F. M. Upp, It. E. Watton
burg, II. J. Winters, West End
grocery, O. A. Wlrtx, "Whlto Pell
can garago.
Ilelow la a list of comoaratlva
fburlh class shipments, from Snn
Frnnolnco and Sacramento to Kla-
son also resides. Tho relative have ,,r?,!'.0rr rato; .
boeu notlflod of tho death and- tbelrj , W" n"d ,)ollcr PM"gor er
tnstroctlons re.afdlmr th. fun.r.l T,co' btter n,bi bet
iur iirisni sorvico ni jviamatn
are being awaited by Cbronor Whit-
125 Ex-Service Men
Enjoyed Smoker
About 12E ex-servle tunn enjoy
ed the Loglon smokor nt, tho Moose
hall last night. Ur.'IL Ii. V. Stow-
art made an explanatory adclross
dealing with government buroaua and
tbo boneflts and aid they aro rIv-
the roads to a harmful extent, and It Ing to ex-service men.
ll possible to reach this city from nny
of the surrounding towns or district
without difficulty. A big crowd I
expected to attond the opening. An
orchestra will be on hand to make
things more lively, and. every feature
not objectionable on Sunday will be
I evidence tomorrow.
Mayor Wilton 8. Wiley will make
the opening address, and freeldent
. B. Halt-of the chamber of com
merce will reepoad. R. 0. aroesheek,
president of the Klamath county au
to association, will also moke an ad
dress, having chosen as 'hi lubjoet,
"Progressive Steps In the Auto Industry."
No definite action toward speed
ing tax collection was taken yes
terday at the conference of tbe
. county court, sheriff and asses
aor, It was reported today. Another
meeting I scheduled thl after
noon. Tho court took a copy of the or
der, levying taxo last ulght, evi
dently to make changes.
Ilequest was made on tbe coun
ty clerk by the eourt that he draw
a new warrant of even date. The
clerk, said today he had not acted
'upon the request, nor woule" uatll
he had seen the changed order of
levy, '
HI attitude Indicated that, In
he absence of showing to tho con
trary, bo considered the original
warrant for tax collection made
mado February 19, sufficient, be
ing In accordance with tho Injunc
tion ordor of Judge Calkins.
' m
WARSAW, March ' 19 News
that the peace treaty betweon Po
land and Soviet Ilussla bad boon
signed reached horo last night.
Doling and wrestllnR bouts fur
nlshod nmusoment. Hilly Huff and
Earl Ilttchle staged a throe round
whirlwind exhibition boxing contest
and Daldy Wehn and Young lyon,
flywolRhts, put up one of their roof-,
raising demonstrations of flstlo
Howard Christy and A. Weitman
grappled In th main wrestling
event, which lasted 30 minutes.
Christy got two of the three falls.
II. Cross won the other wrestling
bout from Walsh.
A mats attack on the near beer,
aanawlchos nnd other viands conclud
ed the evening,
Falls, In order to get tbo busi
ness and tourist travel to which,
vro nro entitled.
"Tho man who Is financially In
terested In Klamath Falls la tbe
man that must look Into tho
freight rates nnd atop taking thine
for granted. Tho freight rates can
bo rcducod If each ono will do
ills or her part.
"Cheapor frolght rates -wrlll
fmako Klamath Falls a blggor and
bettor city to llvo In, roduco tho
cost of living' and havo tnoro
monoy to buy what Is neodod. Aro
you doing your part to roduco tho
freight ratosT"
math tails. Dorrls anil Motlfnr.l
showing tho discrimination against
Klamath Falls. Klamath Falls Is
olgbt miles closor to San Fran
cisco than ModforU but pays 40 i
cents more a hundred first class.
First Socond Tlilrd Fourth
CIU Class Ctts-" CI&SJ
San Francisco to Klamath Falls
12.52 2.19 1.87K H.68J4
San FranclBco to Dorrls
1.62 1.28 1.06?4 .95
Sacramento to Klamath Falls
.37 H 2.07 1.76 1.59
oncrainouio to Dorrls
1.42 1.20 1,10 .89
Portland to Klamnth Falls
2.75 2.52 2.27 1.99
Portlnad fo Dorrls
66 ft 2.33 2.1 1U 1.83
been purchased by tho formor part
Mrs. May Moss, a former resident
of Dorrls, Is hero from her homo In
Vlsalla, Cal., renewing acquaintances
Tho Tabor & Wise parage has se
cured tho services of C. O. Ilorgcr
son as mechanic. Mr. Dorgerson
comes tilg'ily recommended as an nu-
j-tjmoMlefTepalrflinn.-'-tr- ' --a
Mr. and Mrs, George Otto hnvo
opened a now store In the building
formorly occupied by tho Fox Den.
Their Block consists principally of
ladles shoes and other articles of fe
metiino attire.
F. C. High, who recently suffer
ed a broken log, Is reported conval
escent at tho Dorrls hospital!
Operation at tho Dorrls Lumber
& Ilox company plant has been ro-
man did not spend flOO whore
last year they spent a thousand aad
wool and sheep will have to go a
whole lot lower than they bavo it
wo don't pull out all right.
"I know of one sheepman who
last year spent ovor $7000 for bay
who this year paid out loss than
$300 and there aro many such men
In tho business.. It looked bad for
us at tho beginning, but wo looked
around and back and Just decidod
to mako both ends meet and wa
bavo done it, with a little to spare."
Accompanying Mr. Lacoy from
Merrill was John Horllhy, anotbor
sheepman of that section. They ex
pect to return this evening. They
stated that Dennis O'Connor reports
splendid lambing record this
year, amounting to 100 per cent,
Indicating that thla year U to bo a
record 'breakor.
fltlft.A.1 .f,.. n laa. .,... ...- .
, u..m utivi tun uaja suBiieasion.
San Francisco to Klamath Falls. Mr. J. D. Williams, resident managor.
- 1.87 1.68 looks forward to a prosperous season.
San Francisco to Medford I Wnltor WlsoudnnKor. salesman for
2.11 1.80 1.49 1.32 tbo Medford Orocory company, Is In
Medford Is 444 miles from San Dorrls today sollcltlnc ordern for iii
Francisco, and Klamath Falls Is company.
gone -TOJACirjyforriuJE '
Marshall Hooper, 'vfeo president
ot the First State and Savings
bank, left today for Jacksonville,
where ho la summoned as a wit
ness In tho bank cases. As as
sistant bank examiner Mr. Hoop
er was connected with the investi
gation ot tbe dofunct bank's af
fairs. Ho will bo away all next
miles from 8un Francisco.
Jesse Malley, who formerly con
ducted the Jewel cafe hore, Is on I1I1
way to Hilt, California, Just across
the line, with a team and wagon.
From Hilt Mr. 13 a Hoy will go to kla
homoatoad noarby, -whoro ho vlll
mako his rosldenco and comply with
all that Uncle Sam domands ot his
homesteaders, Mrs. I! alloy will re
main hore until about the first of
April, when sho, also, will go to tho
homestead to resldo.
DELFAST, March 19. A groat
ambush by Irish republican soldiers
near Klnsdalo this morning resulted
In tho killing ot six ot tho crown
troops and tho wounding ot flvo oth
ers, Tho attackers aufforod hoary
casualties. Tho battlo Is stilt In
The Catholic Ladles aala closed
today after two days of consecu
tive sucoes. Many were present
at this afternoon's food sal and
It was estimated that a neat sum
would be realized from tho two
day's receipts. Doth aftornooa
teas were well patronized.
Weatfter Probabilities
Tlw CyclcyStorraagrnph at...,
Underwood's Pharmacy has
reglstorod a rising burome'fflo
prossuro for tho last 24 hours,
and the probabilities aro that
tomorrow will be clear and
Forecast for next 24 heurs:
Fair weather, with brisk
winds, which will diminish.
Diamond Battery
Sales Manager
Will Be At Show
II. A. Aalam, of San Francisco,
sales managor for tho Philadelphia
Diamond Grid battery, for which the
Electric Shop has tho local agoncy,
will be ouo ot tho most Interested
visitors at tho auto show, and will
holp demonstrate (ho otflcloncy ot
this battory. Ho will, oach afternoon,
Ive educational talks on stortiKO
Wtorlos, and will toll particularly
about the army typo of battery. Mr.
Aslam will cover his subjoct thor
oughly, and has tho roputatlon of a
man who Is able to explain the in
trlcaclos in a way that romovos any
thing that savors of mystery. Ills
talks will bo plain and practical.
Tuesday noon at tho Ilox cafo, Mr.
Aslam will bo tho host at a luncheon
for all of tho Philadelphia Diamond
Grid agents In this territory.
OREGON Tonight and SUudAy,
fair; light to heavy frost in early
run LiifiDrinbui
Telejfrnjii WuMiIiikIoii lliirc.uu
WA8IHNQTO.V, 1). C, March 19.
Sonntor. Stnnflold and Ilopresonta
Uvo Hawloy of Oregon woro partici
pants In tbo conference In tho Whlto
Houso oftlcos Thursday whon Sona-
tor Smoot prcsonted to Prcsldont
Harding tho doslro of tho western
wool mon that Immodlato embargo
on further Import of wool bo enacted
at tho oponlng of tbe extra session ot
President Hngonbarth of the Na
tional Wool association, was ulso
present nnd conflrmod tho figures
submlttod that n million pounds ot
wool Is now coming Into this country
from nbroad nnd that thoro Is now
on hand, not counting tho now clips
about roady for markot, two years'
supply ot wool.
As tho Unltod States normally pro
duces 5 Oper cent of tho wool con
sumed, somo Idoa of tho amount ot
forolgn wool now In tho Unltod Sta'os
can bo galnod.
Not only do tho wool growers of
tho country face wiping out, but tho
banks of tho wool districts nre com-
polled to carry frozen loans on wool
with, no rollof In Bight.
President Harding was sympathetic
and, apparently will opprqvo such a
move, especially as an emergency
tariff dqes not now seem to be on
tho slate for oarly enactment.
Wool and other sUplos may be
protoctod In tho dumping bill con
templated, bu tho wool embargo as
An Interesting nnd cducatlvo pro
gram was rendered by tho local lit
erary socloty Wednesday evening at
tho Knights of Pythias hall. A do
bato on tho question ot labor versus
capital occupied most of tho evening
with tho dofendors of labor rccei
Ing tbo decision ot tbe Judges!
Uonry N. Deal, a farmor from tho
' Oklahoma district, was a visitor in
Dorrls yostorday.
E. E. Drownoll was In town from
his farm In tho Oklahoma country
yesterday attondlng to business.
Rum Preserves
Hotel Man's Body
TUSCAL003A, Ala., March 19.
Tho oldon days whon rum was con
sldorod tho v'ory perfection of em
balming fluid were brought forci
bly to mind horo recontly with tho
falling Into decay ot the vault or
mausoleum of Charles II. Patterson
and his wlfo.
Patterson, n highly rospectod hotol
proprietor, died In 1847 nnd hls'wlfa
In 1867. Both bodies wero enclosod
In leaden caskota filled with rum
and hormltlcally sealed before being
placed Into the vault, which was
built on the top ot tho ground.
Although tho ravages ot thofelo-
PORTLAND. March 19. Iteduo.
cd lumber rates east will be ottec
tlce March 31, was announced to
American business concerns and In
dividuals who mall foreign letter
without sufficient postage, thereby
causing the recipients to pay a pen
alty doublo the amount duo before
thoy may receive tho mall, aro of
fered u remedy by tho postofflco de
partment to provent such negligence.
Complaints reaching the depart
ment of commerce through American
concular representatives say foreign
business roncorns and Individuals
greatly resent having to "buy" their
American mall and those have re
sulted In efforts to prevent tho prac
tice. ,
Postmasters bavo been notified
that all mall dostlnod abroad and
which bears printed, written or
stamped notation readings "Dispatch
only It postage Is fully prepaid"
or similar direction, shall, If under-
ments had obliterated tho brick
walls of tho vault tbo enskots woro paid, bo returnod to senders for at
lounn 10 do in a porfect atnto of pro- fixing the additional postage stamps
Embalmera say thero is no doubt
that the bodies of the Pattersons ro
maln'perfoctly presorved.
lol Boyd, ot Enterprise, Oregon,
Mas presented, to tho president today
by Senator MoNary, who requested
his appointment as minister to
----"- r.riiTMS"V"iir i"iririnn imr
a soparato and independent measu'rA
Is assured,
required. On such Insufficiently
paid postage mall postmasters are au
thorized to accept tho postago stamps
'originally affixed to mall matter at
their face value when tho piece of
mall again Is presented for mailing.
The postofflco department bellov-
es tbo return ot such mall to tbe
senders will tend to check practice.
1 , -
Tho launch Floyd C, from Seattle,
was solzed hero today with 300 eas
es of llauor aboard. ,
' Uat. tan
9 ..&ai