The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 18, 1921, SPECIAL AUTO SHOW EDITION, Image 3

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    f .
O, I. Cowan mill .1, A. (Irimt,
lirniidi iiiniiaKum for tlio Klrintonn
Tim A Hulilior coiuiniiiy, with liuiul
(juiirtorH at Hitrritiiinnto, worn linrn
ji-ntoriliiy loekliu: ovor tlio IiiinIiiohii
fluid, nml cimcluilliiR urrmiRoinnntH
In plum tlmlr itiillro lino with tlio 0.
K. Dlackanilth Shop of 430 South
Hlxth HtriMit. Tulklnic about thu ur
raiiKi'iniiiit toiliiy, Uuvo Knnyon, pro
lirlnliir or tlio 0 K lllui'kiiiiiltli
Hhop, hiiIiI that llii'lr nplomlfil nue
I'tmH iliirliu: llm limt tliri'u ymim hail
IiiiIucimI li 1 tn to takn nvi'F tlic nntlrn
lino, ami that thu dim I In a tiiitnliidl
In that "If Klrimtonn inukuH It, wo
havn It."
"It U ii fact," pxpliilnoil Mr. Kim
yon, "Hint last year wo nold morn
tlri'N pur truck thnn any otlior deni
er In tlio United Htaton. Tlio com
pany ami wo have fluunm to provo
From an nra of nollil tiro huIi'H,
Mr. Konyon wilt launch lil IiuhIuohn
Into ono lit which pnqumatlcn will
lio nl von tlio mimn ImiiotiiH, and n
ho will handto Klroutono oxrlimlvo
ly, ho will ho mi n I) lml to kIvo tli'um
tlio attention tlioy denervo. Thin
lino Included tiros nml tutin for
uutiM or truck In nil thu d If for mi t
m a ken, rnrdN, fulirlca, non-nklilN nnd
clear down tlio lino.
Tlilt lino cnrrloii a lone lint of
tiro nrcoHHirles, too.
Cnnoral lilnnkniiilthlriK U what tlio
O. 1C lllnckftnilth Shop ndvortlnoN,
nml liicliiiloN tho hcnvloiit forglnc,
rcpnlrliiK of IokkIiik iulpmuut, nnd
In fact Oil nhnp doc not linlk at
nliy work In thin lino that comoi Its
wny. Cold Ktool nnd Iron, nml af
filiated mittorlnln, nro nlwnyn on
hnnd, iiIiiii n fairly complete lino
of ntiti) Nprlni;. Ifo wilt Increaan
tho Uttor lino.
Tho liimlnoim outlook here lonkti
lilnlriK nnd rnitUfnctory to Mr. Kon
yon, nnd ho In placing Kreat Btoro In
tho opportunity to mnko another na
tionwide record In (ho unto of pneu
matic, Jtiat nil ho did with tho solid
tlroit Inst year,
rnrnAY, march, is, imi.
mmitary to ItH worth nn n motor enr,
or for tho edification of tho nliow
itttondantN. H'h Just tho nort of car,
Mr. McWIIIIaiim, to mnko any hand
Inml It.
miyfi MoWllllmiiM, to niiikn nny hand
you could know how well nml how
nirofiiily tho now I'nckanl Six Ih
tiiudo, It Ih hullt hy tho hiiiiio mo.
turo nml oxporloncoil oriniilintkm
that In hulldliiK tho l'ncknrd Twin
Six, nnd that for 20 yonrit him made
Packard cam Invompnrahly flnn. You
cnu liny this I'nrlinrt! now at It's now
low prlco or $3400, horo. Thin vory
moilornto flKiiro In only tho IiokIii
nliiR f ItH oconomy, for Itn cohIh of
operation aro aluiOHt
low. I nhall hi)' Kind to explain thin
honutlful car In detail when you drop
In to hod It at tho auto hIiiiw."
Tha Reason.
"1 wax told your hrothcr wim a man
nl much polish." ,
"Ilo In. Ilo upset Ihe luittlo or It
nil over hlmsi'lf this morning."
If you nro looking for romothlng
ndvortlso for It In tho classlflod col
umns of The Hornld.
N. W. Yoiiub, Hecrotnry of tho firm
of J, II (Inrrott & Hon, Ih ono of
tho nuto show's most enthusiastic
liooelorH, Mr, Young has not boon
a resident nf thin rllv vnrv Innv. lull
Incredibly h1 ,, r,,())r ,ocome,i m,UOii with
tho husliicsH spirit provnlunt horo.
Ah ho expresses It ho In "clear up to
his oyohrown In activity." IlclnR thus
Imbued with this spirit, Mr. Young,
with his partners, Mr. (larrctt, sen
ior, mid Mr. (inrrott, Junior, bnvo
arranged to occupy two booths at tho
auto hIiow In ono of those booths
will bo a 10-18 two-plow Cnno trac
tor Mr. Young bollovos, nftor In
vestlcatlni; conditions, that thcro
nro moro Cnso tractors In tho stnto
than thnro nro nil other tractors
toRothor. Tho Cnso tractor Is mndo
In two InrRor nlze, but tho two-plow
tractor Is tho logical ono to uso In
this region, tho company hollores,
ami ho It will bo tho ono to bn ex
hibited, Klrst of nil, this tractor burns kor
osonn, N'oodlcRs to point out tho
economy of burning this fuol, Hut
tho four-cyllndorod vortical motor,
tho standardized typo used In tho nu
(omotlvo Industry, placed crosswise
In this tractor, Is, porhnpn, Us out
standing nflsot. This gives a direct
bolt drive from tho crankshaft, nnd
also an all-spur gear transmission.
All gears lnv this transmission nro
of cut steel nnd hardened, nnd run
In n hath or oil
Tho Cnso will do flold anil station
ary work with oounl facility. It Is
designed for either. J. II. (inrrott &
Son havo had tho agency only a
short time, and havo not had tho
opportunity to push Its sale, hut they
nro going to make a rent beginning
Cypress Trie Ages Old,
A cypress tree, exhumed from n
small nsplinlt pit In southern Califor
nia, tins Intely been Identified by the
curntor of a Los Angeles museum ns
n relic of the Pleistocene or (Uncial
ngo. As such It was contemporary
with thu mnstodon, tho snber-tooth
tiger mid the glnnt ground sloth. Tho
find Is considered tho more remark
able, because no living specimens of
the cypress nro to he found In the
vicinity. Tho tree Is In nn excellent
stnto of preservation, too, thanks to
the action of the enveloping tnr. Tho
hnrk Is Intact In mnny spots, nnd Is
unchanged except fo'r tho discoloration
Incident to long contnet with tho bitu
minous tnntter of tho pit. The tree
lacks Its roots nnd smaller branches,
but two of, the larger are still to be
Herald classified nds pay yon.
nt tho nuto show, nnd Invito farmers
nnd others to look over their exhibit,
nnd then to talk It over to their
hoart's content.
Auy Ecn 8hco Is tho Chinese
brldo nnd Locong Puoy. World
War .vol. It tho groom In ft Chi
neo wedding In San Kranclsco
Thay were betrothed by their
fathers when they wero babies
In tliU rase prearranged betrothal
workrd cut alt right. They fcl'
In lovo afterwards
Tho building of macadam roads
has been abandoned In Maryland.
The Packard Light Six, tho mag
nlflclrnt car for which C I. McWII
Hams, 36 Main trmt, rocontly so
curad tho ngoncy for Klamath and
I.nko counties, will bo tjiown at tho
auto show Mr McWllllnms says
that It can ho soon Just In tho roar
of tho bund stand, nnd that when
you look It over you will not bo Hiiro
whether tho band Is playing compll-
On January 21st, the Paigo,
Daytona Model, 6-66 broke
every stock car record for speed
when it covered a measured mile
in 35.01 seconds a speed of
102.8 miles an hour.
Today, therefore, Paige stands
as the unquestioned stock car
champion of the World. And,
what is even more, the entire line
of Paige 6-66 models is revealed
as the most important engi
neering development of the age.
Take one demonstration in any
6-66 model and judge it for
That is all we ask. I t'tknfl 1 1 1 m rtlll'll'ri'll HI t'-1J fi Ul'tl
. rii.r. . i ). .?;.!., iiii'nt
t C1Ji-'4h.,'..Ij Jtioit 1. Utt'tit
,(' vw. ,,,n, i Aii, fn i,'.
ntlil, ! Iitkf!i,l iki ffffi
lnk,'i"itj fni Urttt Ct'fl i fruit
"All It's Kami) Implies"
My Bank
II'm not lmt you corn, It's wliat
you bavo Hint makrx you.
Many of our customers speak of the KLAMATH
STATE BANK as "MY BANK." We pledge the same
loyalty and friendship when we say "OUR CUS
TOMERS." Make Our Bank Your Bank
You never know the power for good a few dollars
can work until you get in the habit of seeing them writ
ten opposite your name in a Bank Book.
Of course we cannot fall in with every proposition
that is put up to us, b.ut this we can do, AND WE DO
IT, give careful consideration to every request, not
forgetting that it's our business to further your interests
whenever possible. '
We believe you will like our way of doing things.
Htnrt your dollars our way)
H'h surprising how fast they
4 ! 4-44444-44--..t44.t-.t.tt4.t.
v t
We have just received a
shipment of very fine pleated
V wool skirts of the newest spring
hy )) models, which we ar offering
'i " . -
$9.25 to $16.95
See our stock of latest pat
tern Ginghams at 23 C anc
25c a yard.
.Real values are shown in
our children's Gingham Dresses
at from
$1.65 to $2.45
Very good quality Ladies' white hose, while they
last, 25c Pair.
Brandenburg's Dry Goods Store
423 Main Street
"Where the Women Shop"
off, o LLsxl
WW m raa?
v f
If you will spare us fifteen
minutes, at any time during
the Auto Show, we will show
you in that brief period that
the Oakland Sensible Six car
embodies a measure of combined
efficiency and low cost that is with
out rival in any other automobile in
the world. Visit our display and, let
us demonstrate the Oakland to you.
OjnCirMJ95,Rol.trM395,Kour Door SJi 1 2065, Coop. SCt