The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, March 18, 1921, Special Auto Show Edition, Image 7

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niiDAY, .majwjii, sb, ttmu
That moro thou 75,000 mon, wom
en, and children out of n total popu
lation of 783,000 nrn dependents, or
fooblo mlndod and nro unahlo cither
to work or fight and arn a constant
drain on tho financed, health and
morality of tho stato In tha startling
roiiult hrotiKht out by a survey con
ducted In Oregon. Moreover, moro
than COO school children out of n
total school enrolled population of
32,500 wero found to bo morn or
lorn mentally deficient, n fact which
Is of much. significance whon It Is
remembered that tho condition of thn
cliltdron of today Is tho bont possi
ble Index to tho condition of tho
community of tomorrow and Indeed
to tho futuro of tho rnco.
Tho figures yleldod by tho Oro
Ron surrey are considerably lower
than tho nvorogo shown by tho draft
' examination, a fact Jhnt indicates,
vWi the opinion of tho U, 8. public
hoaltb sorvlco officers, that they nro
certainly not higher than thoso that
would bo obtained by similar sur
veys In other states. It Is consid
ered greatly to Oregon's credit that
It has been one of tho best states
to reallxo the Importance of tho
problem- and to tako cffoctlvo stops
toward ascertaining tho exact facts
, concerning It,
The survey was nuthorlted by tho
Oregon legislature and was carried
ut by tho University of Oregon In
collaboration with Dr. C. ! Carlisle
of the V 8 public health service.
"Tho making of tho survey," snld
8urgcon (leneral H. H. Cummlng,
"was not an ensy task, for In Ore
gon, as In many other states, com
paratively few of tho type" Involv
ed nro being enred for In Institu
tions. Tho rest uro widely scattered
and wero prnctlcnlly unknown, for
most of thorn arc quiet and do not,
attract attention no do tho Insnno
ami criminal, n w murmuru iitj-
cissary to build an organization to
find thorn nnd report on thorn.
"As thorn was llttlo money to pay
trained workers, Ir, Carlisle enlist
ed voluntoors, largoly among tho
professional classes In ovory part of
thn stato, and, through theso, found
tho pooplo sought and collected data
concerning their behavior present
history, school history, social rela
tions (whethor dopondont, delin
quent, or fooblo-mlnded,) tho cause
of their condition, and so on.
"Tho prevention nnd correction of
montal dofoctlvonoss, "went on tho
surgeon general, "Is ono of tho great
ptiblln health problems of today. It
Worn Into many phases of our
work and ILh Influenco continually
crops out unexpectedly. Kor Instnnco,
recent studies mndo In connection
With tho spread of voncrnl diseases
have shown that feeble mlndodnoss
Is an Important factor In prostitution.
Again, work of tho U. B. public
1 I.I. ...lii In itntinnntlnn will.
. .i . ! Known
Juvenile courts shown Hint a marked w,
proportion of Juvonllo delinquency
Is trnceublo to some degree of men
tnl deficiency In tho offender.
Kor years public health officials
havo concornod thomsolves only
with tha dlsordors of physical hoalth;
but now thoy ara realizing tho slgv
nlflcancn of mentnl health also. Tho
work In Oregon constituted that
first stato-wldo survey which oven
begins to dlscloso tho enormous drain
on n stato caused by montal defects,"
Ono of tha objocts of tho work
was to obtain for tbo pooplo of Ore
gon on Idoa of tho problem that con
fronted them nnd of tho hcovy an
nual loss, both economic and Indus
trial, that It entailed. Another was
to enable tho legislature to devise a
program Hint would stop much of tha
loss, rcstoro health, and bring to
lives of Industrial usefulness many
of thoso now down nnd out, and,
above all, to save hundreds of chil
dren from growing up to lives of
misery "
18, James Luco, mender of shoes,
Is pegging away In his shop hero
with ono oyo on tho nowspapeni for
word of how tho national capital
treats Calvin Coolldgo, his onetime
nssoclato In local politics and now
When Vice-President Coolldgo,
Just boforo departing for Washington
recently, graspod tho cobbler's hand
as tho photographers snapped tholr
camoras ho gave him a distinction
that ho was nskod to explain. "Put
Mr. I.uco down as my guide, phil
osopher and frlond," ho said. And
so tha cobbler Is now . nationally
whon ho roso to a position of state
and national prominence ho still to
colvod tho loyal support of the shoo
mnn. Mr. Luco modestly explaining
that Mr. Coolldgo long sjneo pamod
out his rango of Influonco, admits
that bo may havo been ot somo help
when tho vlco-prosldont was on tho
first rungs of tho political ladder.
The cobblor says that tho only
tlmo ho over crossod Calvin Coolldgo
seomod to mako flrmor tho friend
ship botwoon thorn. Mr. Coolldgo had
soucht the election of a friend as
mayor and asked Mr. Luco as a dolo-
gate to tho party caucus to stand lr
his behalf but tho cobblor, already
bound to tho opposing candldato, ro
fuscd. This ovidonco of loyalty to a
GRASS VALLEY, Cal., March 18.
Gasoline torches are to bo used
In an attack to bo mado soon upon
30 ratios of snow now blocking Is
believed that by honeycombing tho
larger drifts, tho dlsappearanca of
snow will occur earlier In tho spring
than usual. In depth tho snow ranges
from 40 foot In places down to a
fow Inches.
wouiJ) nivenci: pahm hchool
WOODLAND, Cal., March 18.
Resolutions urging separation of tho
University of California Tarm at Da
Advertising pays. Try It and see,
What tho vlco-prosldent meant won
moro or less woll-known to North
ampton folk. Tho story goes back
to tho days whon Calvin Coolldgo
was a sophomoro at Amherst col
logo. With shoes to bo ropalrcd be
sought Luco'n shop on Gothic street
In this city and then remained to
listen to tho cobbler's homely eomr
monts on topics ot tho day.
Tho student found tho shoo makor's
philosophy so engaging that during
tho remainder of his cotlego course
he wont frequently to seo hlra. As a
lawyer later young Coolldgo openod
offices horo and whllo ho waited for
clients, continued his acquaintance
with tho cobbler. Throughout bis
career In tbo politics of tho city and
stato, Mr. Coolldgo dropped In nt
tho shoo shop from tlmo to tlmo to
oxchango Idea with his friend and
hnvo tho benefit of tho Inttor's point
ed political observations.
Tho youthful Coollflgo took nway
lessons from tho cobblor counsellor;
Coolldgo tho candidate received the
benoflt of bis Influenco which ws
consldernblo In city politics, nAd
The Chandler Six Is Justly famoM
for Its marvelous motor. This state
ment Is borno out by flguros takes
from tho books of tha socrotary of
stato, and compllod by M. O. Wllklnn,
manager of tha automobile doaksra
association, tho figures belug glvoa
id by tho Volo county board of "re"'"'uu " '"" """"
trado'boro recently. Tho nitf'" "J IZ ""
declared tho farm would prosper If,"' " """" ,n ", T.r rnnt
It woro handled separately by men " " f "' "J
... ... i . mi i.i. .t, n,i. ' over tho previous year. Tho Chand
"Intimately familiar with tho needs J t
vis, near hero, from tho unlvorslty
plror alloglanco sorved to heighten propor nt Ilorkoley, Cal., woro pass-
their mutual respect.
Tho shoo makor, n natlvo of Ire
land, carao to Northampton, 40 years
ago at tbo ago of 22. Ho has been
at his last In tho samo shop for 30
years. A family of eight children,
soven of whom nro now living has
mndo domands on his earning ability.
Flvo aro girls; one Is a stonographor,
two aro teachers, a fourth who was
formerly a toachor Is now marrlod
nnd ono Is a clerk. Of tho two boys
ono Is a graduate of Holy Cross col
lege, and tbo othor Is a student In
tho Northampton commercial college.
and requirements of the agricultural
Interests of tho state,
VICTOIUA, D. C Mareh 18.
Records of war work In tho waters
off the British Isles, Including par
ticipation In tho battlo of Heligoland
night, tbo first naval battlo of tho
war, aro on tho log ot tho cruiser
Aarurn, which, with tho destroyers
Patriot and Patricia, recently camo
to Victoria from Kngland to form
tho nucleus of Canada's now Pa
cific fleet. Tho vessel was com
pleted for sea In tho first week of
tho war.
VIBALIA, Cal March 18. Quan
tity must bo abandoned for quality
In peach production this year, Vernon
Campbell, manager of a cooporatlvo
canning company, recently advised
Tularo county orchardlsts. Approxi
mately 3,000,000 cans of peaches
from Inst year's crop remain In ware
houses unsold, Mr. Campell said. Bet
ter fruit Is neoded to meet tho com
ing emergency, ho declared. Many
smaller canneries nro not expected to
open this summer.
B. W. Stanford, of Farmorvllle,
Texas, dug a sweet potato weighing
moro' than 10 pounds.
ler Incrcaso for tho samo porlod and
In tho samo territory was B2.C per
cent. Incidentally, It is stated that
thn Increasn In Chandler sales has
, boen In the samo proportion In all
territories where It to handled,
Tbo Chandler Una has attalnod It
position In tho nutomobllo Indusry
largely by Its devotion for sevotf
years to tbo one Chandler motor,
bringing It by refinement to a stata
of approximate perrection., ma
Chandler has reached this posttloa
partly, too, by tho constant fairness
of tho Chandler prlco policy, which
has always been, and Is strikingly so
today, a subject of comment on the
part of tho trade and tho public
Tbo Chandler Six is handled by
tho Central garage at 420 KUmatk
avenue, and will be shown at tha
Klamath auto show.
Oregon high schools paid J 1500 for
sheepskin covers of diplomas of
We have always carried a good line of ranges, but t
our stock is now more complete than ever before. We
have a range and a price to meet every requirement.
-u-i i.i
I fin jjWti
iiiiiiB atH H KHF pjki H
HP... 17BJW
Fairbanks-Morse "Z" Farm frgiaes
Big reductions In prices have just been announced on "7?
engines. Remember that one or more of these engines on
yoor farm will lighten your labor and Help you get more;
work done.
The manufacturers have accepted their loss we hare ac
cepted ours. You've been waiting for just this opportunity,
to buy at lower prices. Now you can do it.
Come in soon and let us show you the "Z" and prove the
quality, design and workmanship, which convinced a lot of
cur farmer friends in this community that it is the onq farm,
engine to buy.
Wo aro also headquarters for Irrigation Plants, Pumps,
Wntor Supply Systems, both electric driven and gas-engine
Estimates given on completo installations.
Our shop is fully equipped for sheet metal .work,
plumbing, heating and all kinds ot plpo work.
We Have a Complete
Stock of
General Mill Supplies
Steam Supplies
Pipe Fittings
Plumbing Fixtures H
' Gutters H
Valley Tin I
Down Spouts H
Sheet Iron H
Sheet Copper H
Klamath Falls
G. C. Lorenz
123 North Sixth