Paa 7 O'Dowd, Auto Editor Evening Herald i J'lf Itt-titli Yivir. No. nt)7a. UhAMATII I'AI.LH, OltlXION' FKfDAV, .MAItC'H, 1H, 4021. I U-zlLHilimillllilUfflLUl x SPS I L-JI SJl ff aSmKV V rv irBfef xPWBIx - H jM 9 b M T All TO IS What part Hill ilin Kliitiiiilh Coun ty Auto nmioclntloii tiikn In tin) Klu mntli unto hIiowT Tluit In ii iiumtloii (hut Iiiii been asked tlmo ntlur tliiiu, mul It In easy to answer. Tho Klu mutli County Auto HKHorliitlon In nut promoting Ilin show, unit tluiruforu In taking nu purl In tliu nrtlvu wtirk, tint It In ltully liitorcsti'il In tlio of fort to mnkii till show, tlio flrNt li tlio liliitory or Houtlieru or tinstorn Oregon, ii conspicuous success, unit It run miffly ho mild Unit nil members of tlio association nrn with tlio show promoters with llinlr inuriil support. Tlio dealers mill tlio members of tlio nnxoclut Inn nro working in lmi moiiy. Tlmy real lio tliul It In ni'io sary to work In huriiiuny If for no other reason thiin to hIidw tlio people on thu outshto that, contrary to u woll founded mill circulated belief, tlio people hero run hnrmonlto In some thing. Juit nt tlio present Hum, tlio Kln lunth County Auto nnsoclatlnii In In thu mlilHt of n miuiihenililp cam paign, mill In oritur to help the kooiI Work iiIoiik. tlio show promoters will establish ii booth which will ho turn fil over to thu association fur tlio purpose of attracting now members. If plan tin nnt uvlarurry uliout n half dozen of Klamath County's fair vit in a I il will ho Impressed Into nor vlco, anil turned lose mnmiK tlio crowds to solicit membership. It will ho everlastingly hard to with tund tlui smiles, wiles, unit guiles, of thniit) Insnlcft. nnd oodles of mem. bcrshlps nrn expected to ho secured through thorn For, the nuto asso ciation surely iici1n Hid money do- ASSOCIATION AFTER MEMBERS Should Not Overlook The Chevrolet Car l.ov AreiiN of tlio While I'ollnin garage wiys ho will occupy position ntliuhiir t nt tho Klamath unto show, nnd will illHplny three Chevrolet mo dels, u V II. sedan, II I'' II. No. ti-pUH-songer toiirlliK. mill n 490 MpiiKscn Kur touring cur. Ho miyH lin In 1 00 por rent Chevrolet nml fuels that ho In representing tho car of tho hour tho modiirato priced, flexible, ceo iininlnil, Chevrolet. Thin rar In not to ho overlooked, milil ho, mill pros poctlvo hiiyorH should consider tho enr seriously from every nnglo be foro Investing In any automobile Will 5e( the Oldsmobile, Too Tho llwiiunn Motorn compnny linn tnken tho iiRoncy for tho OIiIhiiio lilfe, anil will havo several of theno popular ram on hnnil ho fore nuinvi inooiiK M. 8. llor. of tho llwnunn.""1' wlUl ,llc nn, how rompnny. Hnyji Hint Juiit now ho In I Tho Acme BornBo In nn Ideal plnco too Inmy holplmt mnko the auto Hhow.ln which to hold thin hIiow. Com a Iiuko nuicc'nh, hut Hint Jut an aoari'noilloun, well lighted, nnd convon nN tho nhow In ovor ho will have ntly located, nnd owned by public mora tlmo to toll you all nbout tho uplrlted men who havo made Bacrl Oldmnoblli). With tho ficrlppN- "r,, '" "f'lcr lo nnl0 ,uo nUow n llodth Mr. Uster hollove ho han n nuccciui. thin KnrnRc will undoubtod pnlr Hint will bent anything from two l "11''1 wlth m,t0 'lovotoea. from pnlrn to u royal flush, nml he will tho.tlmo tho show opcnN nt 1 o"clock liiito more to nay mum 8unilny nfternoon until It cIonon t 11!! n'i lock Tuendnv nlcht I'ractlc- A clanlflod ad In Tho Herald wilt find what you havo lost. liiK further, tho county needn thu roads, mid tho nuto association In ko- Inc tobo one of the big factors In tho effort to secure them. Thin fact constitutes another reason why thu association needs tho money. At any rule, tho nuto association will bo woll represented nt tho nuto . tern win iinuuuiHuiiiy ou ku(iiuivu Into the fold. HEIDER TRACTORS MAXWELL CARS - CHALMERS CARS AT &AT OUR SHOW ROOMS-. ATTERBURY TRUCkSCOMET CARS HOWIE'S T I MS BRIG T LY IN TH Under tho persuasive leadership of l.loyd llrowimll nnd Will T. Loo, a crew of nutoniohllo men havo huon engaged In running ciitm out of tho Acino garage, plnclni; thorn In other gnnigCH nhout town, and removing everything Hint will not lm needed In tho conduct of tho nuto show, which, liy tho way, promises to bo nn event that will ho distinctly crod Ituhlo to tho city of Klamath Kails, and to tho nuto doulem who havo worked llkn hcavors to mnko the hIiow ull an auto iihow nhould ho. Tho donlorn havo had vory llttlo tlmo In which to mnko plnnn anil carry thorn out, hut order hnn appeared from what seemed to ho cIiuon, und nll'N f ally three day of It thrco ilayn In iwhlch the social features ho neces sary will not bo overlooked. An orchestra, and a hlBh-class I orchestra, too, wilt bo In attondnnco I three hours every afternoon, and four hours every ovcnlnc This will kIvo tho show attendants nn opportunity to dance, and Hobby Ilynn, who will havo charRo of tho dnnclnB, say tho floor, between tho lone aisles of cars, will bo treated ... . --l..l ...... .-! ...1.11. lll (u n dici;iui iJiuyuiuiiim nutm n, I mnko tho floor a dnnclnB paradise, THE AUTO SHOW E and thero will bo no reason why ov- ory dnncor In tho city, or In tliojM,d Is that thcro 1(1 0nK lo ,o n county If, It Is possible to get horo nrlaK0 of IaBog n,ls year, nnd tho ior mo snow, snouiu not get uis " of tcrpslchorcan ploasuro At tho meeting of denlors hold In tho Chamber of Commorco rooms last night,' an ontortalnmcnt com mittee, was appointed and given positive Instruction to sccuro a few good vocalists, who will rogalo tho patrons df tho show with, songs at regular Intervals. Tho committee promised to return 'with their shlleds or upon thorn,' and that means that thcro will bo somo good vocal selections. Tho show rooms will bo decorat ed, too. Kvcrcrecna will Drodoml- nate. but there will ho flags and er decorative effect, that will lift i..u DMiumuw m i ii '"""'acme garago, win do ai a premium , ......... i... .... ii i,. . iT.; uuu.u uiuiiiui; in... uu "1QS skookum looking hall when thoy iot through with It, tho decorating commltteo sa;s. Tho show promoters havo also madi) nrrnnKemcnts to supply thoMng Immediate sales. It Is being big crowds with frco lunches, cold j held solely for the purposo of gtv lunches, If tho days nro warm, and InB prospective buyers an opportun ist lunches If tho days nro cold.iity to comparo tho different cars. Thoy olways work with a system, you know. Tho accessory and parts exhibit. room will bo awuy p In front up . .. - wnero mo Acme garage nas oeou displaying Its Hudson, Hayncs, Es sox and Ilco cars. Thcro will bo quite n diversity of things displayed there. It would tako too much a, ono J car, Woei spaco to tell you what they are Hero, hut thoy have been outlined In oth or plnces In this Issue, and tho vlco Is to read the paper thoroughly GARAGE Paiges Won't Be Here Until April The Imperial bomko Is disappoint-1 ed In not being nblo fo havo ono of ( the classy Paiges to exhibit at tho , I auto show, but promises to havoj I somo on hand In tho garngo during I'tho first part of April. Ono thing, Mr. McCollum. of tho Imporlal man who pacCn his ordor enrly Is tho mnn who Is going to bo number ed among tho fortunate. "And, the I'algo now offered to tho public Is a beauty. It's bettor than be foro, and that's tho highest pralso I can give It," said Mr. McCollum. - and get this Information. At any rato. tho dealers say that you will mnko a mlstako It you overlook the accessory display room. Somo firms will display two cars, somo three, and tho Acme wilt dis play four of thorn, but thcro will bo .nmn firm, whn will havo to bo oth-jCOntent with only ono space, for Bpaco, roadless of tho size of tho . .......-- t i IBT BS CXIUDUOrn UfO tUlltUlllCU. ti,0 proprietors of tho show wish to havo tho people who attend un- dorstand that tho show Is not going ;to bo hold for tho purposo of mnk- und to mako up their preferences at their leisure To bo suro, these shows aro always expected to pro- imoto sales, but Immedlato sales aro ' - - , nannnlnl ui bhuh Come and enjoy yourself, Is tho Invltutlon Blvcn to everybody. Thero will bo no chargo for admission, no ono will be houndod into buying a and If every patron of. tho show oes not have a good time It will ad-'hot bo tho fault of the show pro 'motors. ' TOGETAROL EYE OPENER Tho K. K. K. storo Is going to ho decidedly In tho swim when tho auto show opens up, as thoy will have a booth showing everything tho sensi ble motorist should wear. This In eludes everything a man or woman driver should wear from tho top of his or her head clear to tho ground, ami somo of tho things thoy don't wear but which come In mighty han dy to all motorists. Fred Houston. of tho K. K. K. storo, said that th display would bo a "go-Bettor," and as Fred has a "go-gottlng" reputa tion ho ought to know tho meaning of tho term. It's a nlcklo to a court houso that tho display will bo an eyo-openor as woll as a go-getter, and )f anyonQ Js ,ooklnf. for nn ore-pcn . .. . . .,, "" "' " - "" "" "' .W' 1 Ing up the K. K. K. storo exhibit. Luthe Batteries and Bosch Magnetos Lutho batteries and Dosch mag netos will bo exhibited by tho Heed Auto Supply company at tho auto show. "Tho Luthe .battery," said Captain Heed of this company," Is made In different sizes and types, and has features possessed by no Oliv er battery. As for the Hosch mag netos, they are known tho wide world ovor. We know wo havo un excelled mechanism and scrvlco In these Instruments, and certainly take ftirlde in exhibiting thea." TM will occupy a booth In the accessory room. I