FRIDAY, MARCH, IS, 1021. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Ann four The Evening Herald R J. MURRAY.. VRRD SOULK ... .. .Kditor ...C?llr Editor Publlshod dally ozeopt Sunday, by Tht Hjerold Publishing Company of Klamath Foils, at 119 Eighth Stroot. fcterod at tho postofflco at Kin nath Foils, Ore, for transmission through, tho mat); i)B spcond-closs Jtoittor. r NEW TODAY LADY WJIO TOOK umbrella at danco, roturn to Club Cafo for C K. 8. Trloby and save trouble. 18-19 WANTED Am starting a night clans In English for Italian and Spnnr Ish boys and need n mnn or woman to assist mo In giving lessons. Not necessary to speak cither of the above languages. Como In and tall; It ovor. Fred taonettl, care- 1C. Sugnrpinn's Btoro. is-io LOST A pair of whlto kid gloves. Phono R14, Mrs. K. S. Honry. 18 WANTED Housokeopor, profornbly mlddto agod woninn, Phono Mrs. Harry Tolford. 18-F-13. 18-21 1 FOR SALE A beautiful homo of ASSOCIATED I 5-rooms, modern, built-in features, MEMUER OK TIIH " PRESS, cement basement, concrete foundu w, A..ioin,i II,... i. ,i.ivk. lions, furnace heated, lot G0xl30 .ntiti. i ,n ih ..... , ..m.Mi..nnn with shndontid fruit trees nnd lawn, i entitled to tho uo for republication i T,,u ,. . ,, .. . .... HOY WANTKR Must be over sixteen years of ago trustworthy pollto. Able to work from 8 a. m. to 12 noon nnd 1 p. .in. to 6 p. m. Must have blcyclo. Apply at Western Union Tel. Co. and ask for tntwngor. 17-18 Fon sale mocks. Phono J. N. Outhrlo. 483-M. of all nows dlspntchos croMltcd to It, ' $r,2G0 with tho best of terms. Tim I I lT " " f ' " contlngont upon tho sale or tho bonds that will bo nuthorlxod for providing necessary funds for financing the proposed Improvement. Tho plnnn speclflcatlona and esti mates of tho city niiglnoor provldo for nnd specify for tho hard surfac ing olthor llltullthlr, Oil Mncadnm or Concrete; and bids nro rospoct fully Invited on each claim of Imrd nurfoclng, In addition to grading, curbing, drnlnngo ami comont sldo walk. Dated at Klamath Falls. March 14th, 1921. A. L. LKAVITT Police Judge of said city. March 14-24 NOTICE OF HEARING OK FINAL ACCOUNT, AMI KOIl DIN CIIAlUli: OK ADMINISTRATOR. or not othorwlso credited In this Taper, and. also tho local nows pub tUhii heroin, r . - ' ' - "WlimSDAY, MARCH 17, 1021. Rynu Realty Co. C12 N. 9th St 1S-19 i FOR RBNT i apartment 413-J -Three room furnished C34 .V Sth St. Phone 1S-19 THE AUTO ASSOCIATION NEEDS YOUR MEMBERSHIP Thcro Is nothing that makes tho world seem brighter to nn .autolst, or rather an auto tourist, and Unit enlarges his fund of confidence In human nature, than totchug his car on to n strange road, nnd to find, staring at htm on every side, plain, comprehensive signs, which tell how far It Is to this place or that plnco. In what direction some other plnco llos, and other things that nn autolst, a stranger In a strange Und, would give the shirt off his back to know, and perhaps help him to avoid a night In an undesirable place, or to direct him to a gasoline oasis, Just when tho gas In his tank Is running precariously low Autotsts place lots f conftdenco in theso signs, nnd bless in fervent terms tho community that Is progressive enough to placo them where he can seo them. That autolst Is going to tell other autolsts about it, and that feeling agutnst traveling hrough parts of the country with which ho Is not well ac quainted' vanishes, and tho community profits thereby. Has this oc curred t.o you, Mr. and Mrs. Citizen? Havo you over stopped to think what effect these things have upon your community, especially In theso days when the auto car Is "the thing"; AND THOSE DKTOUR SHJN8 Yes, and then, have you over traveled through any part of tho country by auto, and suddenly arrived at a placo In the road whero it was Impos sible to travel, or even to pass without danger to the occupants of your ar, or tho car itself, causing you to turn and retrace your way with something akin to murder in your heart? And when this occurred to you, how many times have you thought that If tho community through which you wcro passing were progressiva enough to havo an auto asso ciation, which In turn would be progressive enough to placo detour signs to guard ngnlnst things like this, how much better It would bo. Ten to one. you havo thought about theso things, and the necessity for organizing automobile associations in every part of the country has been Impressed upon you Indelibly. SECOND AND THIRD TO GOOD ROADS Theso two things are second nnd third only to the Imperative need of good roads, but even good roads, without this assistance to travelers, lose much of thotr desirability. Tho whole thing In a nutsholl Is that the organization and maintenance of an effective automobile association is necessary to the welfare of any community, nnd that Is exactly tho reason why the Klamath County Auto association was organized. It is strictly up to each of us to support this organization, and to becomo members of It if we can. Certainly, any person who owns a car cannot, with consist ency, refuse to enroll as a member. PUT YOUR COUNTY ON T1IK MAP Good roads put the sections they traverse en the autolst's map. The people here want to put Klamath county on tho tourist's map. There are a hundred and ono reasons why It should bo on this map, but sum ming up all these reasons It can be said that the one big reason hero Is that It means much more to the prosperity of everybody who lives In It. Wo have natural resources here but scantily advertised to the outside world. The Influx of tourists and their subsequent return, for they will return if you treat them right, will advertise theso resources wonderfully. Included In theso natural resources Is scenic attractiveness that cannot bo resisted. Think of Crater Lake and other popular places here. Get the roads, get the signs and road maps, and get everything else the auto visitor should have, and you will have done tho biggest thing you ever did for your county. And, remember, this can be accomplished solely through an efficient auto association, end that It takes memberships to nice this association function. Your membership is needed. An active cmapalgn will be started tomorrow morning, and It will bo given quite an Impetus during the auto show of Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Drop into tho show, and leave your application for membership, plus tho necessary five dollars, at tho association's booth, or, If you prefer, trun It In through ono of the several protty girls who will have them for ale during tho show. Show your loyalty to your county, or If you prefer to look at tho matter In a selfish sense, do It to savo yourself tho ex penditure of repair money that will have to be paid If tho present con dition of our roads endure. At any rate, become a member. It will cost you only flvo dollars, and you'll get $500 worth of good from the investment. A lovely Easter (lift would bo ono of tho Rosaries, n pair of Candlenbrn, n Crucifix, n picture or n prayer book from tho CATHOLIC LADIE'3 EX- CllA.Mirc. 1R In tha Matter of the nstnto of IM nn B. Kerns. Deceased In tho county court of Klnmntli county, Oregon. Xotlco Is hereby given thnt It J Mattoon, the administrator of the os- lloimvt" tute of Ednn K. Kerns, deceased, has 17tf 1 rendered his fltuil account and flted o heroin his petition for final sot- ...... .... ....... lllntilAnt final . II. Mm rtn iim.I lliiit Wml. You've got tho money; I've got tho neaMny. thq 13th i day of April. 1921, Spring Is coming on nnd you hnvo the houso clearing bug. Well, I hnvo got It, too' let's get together. PERKINS Kl'RNITl'RK HOIWI) "The Furnisher of Happy furniture. Let's nwap. PERKINS FURNITURE HOUSE "The Furnisher of H.tppy tinmen" 17tf m Tell your troubles in tho Furniture lino to PKRKJNS "TUB FURNISH Kit OF HAPPY HOMES." 17tf at tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M nt tho county court chtimbcrit In tho Cnurthouso In Klamath Falls, Ore gon, has been duly appointed by said court for hearing of said final ac count nnd objections, It nny, thereto and for hearing of Haiti petition for settlement of said estate and dis charge of said administrator, nt .MTI7.KVKIHP amkkii whicii mnn nnd plnco nny person I I 14 I APrt.1 .m.l Ifr M..I.1 .mjKS-.t Attn .... Timothy O Sullivan, nnhe of lro-BI1, , nfl ln '; ,, land, yesterday filed application form,w cause. .If nny. why snld final I naturalization In tho circuit court. account should not bo approved nnd I allowed and tho (-statu settled nnd tho administrator discharged II. J. MATTOON Administrator. Mar. 1G-22-29 Apr.C-12 t m. Fascinating Footwear Styles for Summer wesp WK INVIT.J your .ractlve styles In Inspection of the new and at JOHN KELLY Footwear which showing for tho spring nnd summer SUMMONS Kqulty No. ISHS IN TIIH CIRCUIT COURT OF TUB STATB- OF OREOON FOR KLA-' MATH COUNTY. ffof Cake& -ike Mother osed-b make! an my ! how oWcbur with 9 ppiqd hot cup of Coffee -md pvre cream Stnto I-and Hoard of Stato of Ore-: gen: Plaintiff, vs. Robet L. Mnlono land Kvn Malone Defondnnts, ' TO ROIJERT L. MALONK. ono of tho abovo named Dofendanta: IN THE NAME OF THE 8TATE OF OREOON: You nro horoby sum I moncd nnd required to appear and answer the complaint fllod against you In tho abovo ontltled suit, with- (I. pia rvunr. ..uu. u uu.u u, ti.u first publication of this Summons In Tho Evening Herald, a nowspapor printed nnd publlshod In Klamath County. Oregon, which snld first data is tho 2Sth day of Fobruary, A. D. ' 1921: And you will take notlco that If you fall to appear and answer, or othcrwlso plead within said time, tho plaintiff, for want thereof, will ap- I ply to tho abovo ontltled court for tho rollof prayed for In Its complaint, ito-wlt: 1 For Judgment against you Robort L. Malone' and against Kvn Malone for and In tho sum of $450.00 with Interest thorcon from tho 12th. day of November, A. D. 1917, at tho rate of six per cont per annum: And ue i of 1921. Tim vnrlejy rf attractive designs was never greater or more pleasing- Tho HeaHiiu's novultles Include stylish sirup effects, graceful Itomnn, open work designs In low ut hIhm'N and lattice work patten ih In Louis heel limits. More conservative styles Include pumps und Oxfords to pluimu the taste of tho most discriminating. For those who desire u corrective hIiiio nnd desire good st)lo as well, wo recommend the LADY WALKEIl. It's n JOHN KELLEY Shoo, nlsn. WATCH FOR A SLIP in Klamath Falls Creamery butter which if pre sented at our office will be cashed for$5.00CASH KLAMATH FALLS CREAMERY Lincoln Market We handle only the very best of Klamath County Meats, and sell at the lowest prices. Our Motto, "Square as Old Abe," is bringing in new custom ers daily. Try us, and we will both be pleased. Lincoln Market "Square as Old Abe" Two Deliveries Daily Phone 511-J Cor. Main and 3rd 7ake Home a Dogen Ihighnute 30t NOTICE INVITING PKOPOHALtt TO MAKK BTHEKT IMPROVEMENTS U'llUmnl.i. W ma1 Inn ( Vlnmnih nmlnt anlfta nt rnnl nrnnnrtv nn a. m.u ui bi ('Ji will, yvi uiiuuiiit nuu i iiittiuvmi vnmM .. ., .....n ... w , w-. wm - for tho further sum of Ono Hundred I County, Oregon. ' ccullen: Dollars as Attorney's fees; And And foreclosing you and tho do- This summons Is publlshod pur- for Its costs and disbursements here- fendant Eva Malone, and all porsoni stiant to an order of tho Hnnorablo In: claiming, or to claim, by through or D. V. Kuykondnll, Judge of tho Clr- And for a decrco foreclosing the under you, or either of you, of all cult Court of tho Stato of Oregon for mortgago given by -you and Era Ma- right, tltlo. Interest, claim, lion or Klamath County, which ordor Is lono to tho plaintiff upon tho fol- oqulty In and to all and every part dated tho 23rd, day of February, A. lowing described premises, to-wlt: ' and parcel of said dosciibod real es- D. 1921, Upon tho SE of the NWtt: The tnto and ordering tho roil property CHARLES J. FBIIOUBON VfM of the NHU an dthe 8B.V4 of abovo described to bo sold by tho Attorney for Plaintiff, Loomls Ilulld- tho NBU of section 19. In Township Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon, Ing; Klamath Falls, Oregon. 41 South, Range 14 East of the. In tho manner provided by law gov-1 Fob 26 Mar. 4-11-18-26 A 1-8 Pursuant to Ordlnanco and order of tho Common Council of tho city ( of Ktamnth Falls, Oregon, notlco i Is hereby given that proposals will oe reecivou oy saiu common council for making tho Improvements de-' signed for Fourth strcot, from Kla-. math avenue to tho southerly lino I of Oak avenue; Fifth street from ! Klamath nvenuo to the southorly lino of Willow avenue; Walnut avo nuo from the northerly lino of Fourth street to tho southerly lino of Sixth St. Oak Ave. from tho northerly lino of Fourth St. to the south- erlr Hro of Seventh strcot, Willow avenue from tho north erly line of Fifth street to the southorly lino of 8lxth stroot. to gether with all Intersections betwteni the respective termini not already Improved. ' Said proposed Improvements to be made In accordance wIMi the plans and specifications of the city engi neer for either of the clash es of Improvement mention ed In said pluns and npeilfloatlons and tbo ordlnanco ordering the mak ing of said nroj)08d Improvement. which said Ordinance ib numbered In 640, and was adopted on the 21st t Uny of February A. D. 1921, nnd by tho mayor approved on tho 23rd day of Februnry, A. D. 1921. The plans and specifications ro ferrod to above are on file with the Police Judge and with the city engl noer of said, city. Tbo contract for making the pro posed Improvements will bo lot In one contract, and the tlmo ln which tl samo Is to bo completed, Is fixed by Bain orainiwco ror Kepi. 1st. 1920, Hlrtu must be fllod with th Vn. Hoc Judge for submission to thn council not later than 8 o'closk p. m. of tho 28th day of March, 1921, at which time, at tho council cham ber In tho city hall, all proposal will bo oponed nnd considered. Each proposal must ba accom panied by a certified chock on some responsible hanking Institution equal to G of tho nggrogato amount or the proposal, tho same to bo forfeit ed to the city, upon falluro of tho succcseful bidder to entor Into eon. tract and bond for tho faithful com pletion of tho propoRod Improve, mont In accordance with thn nlrms and specifications therefor, Tho, right to reject any and all piopoualn Is horoby reserved, Tho award to iu cueuiiui uiauer u norenjr mad HOWM Palace Market In More than Name Only We feel that we would not be justified in using the, "Palace Market," if we did not conduct our market in accordance with all the demand's of sanita tion, and service. We place great stress upon sanita tion, or cleanliness, if you prefer to term it that way, and we feel that our efforts to preserve this cleanliness is thoroughly appreciated by our patrons, the list of whom, grows larger every day. The item of service should not be overlooked we insist that our represen tatives shall be courteous all the time, and that prompt ness in giving this service shall be an ever-present shop feature. OF COURSE OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT )(? Palace Market 1. 1